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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- (light novel)
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Jul 15, 2020 11:25 AM

May 2020
Firstly, where are the villagers? Why haven't they returned?

Next, from the foreshadowing in Frozen Bonds OVA on Petelguese.

Then Beatrice having some connection to Puck (both are great spirits and Beatrice is fond of Puck and calls him "nee-chan" in S1). And then Beatrice seemingly having some connection to Petelgeuse. My worst fears are coming true. Definitely something shady is going on between these people. And they've hidden it from Emilia (or she doesn't remember).

Moreover, from the Frozen Bonds OVA, I figured out (by comparing the VAs) that:

and now WHERE IS PUCK ??! The last episode he was like "Counting on you to take care of Lia" and then vanished.

And probably its just me, but Emilia collapsed when Subaru snatched the crystal from her?! And Subaru got teleported to a pink-haired elf. And then he meets Echidna shortly afterwards. Why do I feel like it was Emilia who was supposed to meet Echidna? But Subaru snatched away the crystal so instead he went there. Like, Emilia mentioned about wanting to meet other elf just a few seconds before she collapsed, and then we see AN ELF. Moreover, while sending them off Frederica says something along "will Emilia-sama be able to overcome the sanctuary? We can only just pray" while looking at the letter handed by Roswaal.

Damn. I have a very bad feeling about all this.

And BTW, all the witches (except Satella) are supposed to be dead right? It was mentioned in S1 that Satella murdered all other witches. So how is Echidna still here? Did Subaru teleport into the past? or that mysterious building sent him into the past by some kind of time travel similar to RBD.

Lots of questions. Can't wait for the next Episode.
Jul 15, 2020 11:25 AM

Mar 2018
NovaLord said:
That conversation between Beako and Subaru was something else. Beako looks genuinely hurt that Betelguese is dead, wonder what all that's about.

So far the second season has been slow, I get its set up but still I hope next episode answers a lot of questions.
inb4 it just triples the questions
imo the pace of this episode was rather fast, well it's obvious they where gonna change the scenes up a bit, but they completely skipped through - (not really spoilers, since ep2 is here, still just playing it safe)

Jul 15, 2020 11:26 AM

Jan 2014
It's been a while since I read this part in the WN but I am just surprised about the way they decided to adapt this, and cant say I like it yet, but we shall see next couple of episodes before making any statements.
Jul 15, 2020 11:27 AM
Feb 2020
Garfield? XD Well close enough lol
Jul 15, 2020 11:28 AM

Aug 2018
I can't believe the protector of the forest was Garfield all along. I guess things have gone south ever since John didn't give him the lasagna.

Memes aside this was a good episode. I feel almost certain that there is going to be some connection between Fredrica and the Sin of Gluttony, what with them both being the only characters with spiked teeth.
I really hope we get answers to Subaru's return by death power.
"Who needs drugs when you got cute anime girls?"
-Sun Tzu
Jul 15, 2020 11:29 AM

Jun 2020
AmoDesenioXines said:
dredoque said:
The episode was very cool but again, the quality drop is super evident.

Did it really drop all that much? I remember when I watched the first episode that I was really surprised about how they kept the same quality after 4 years, maybe it's just me?
The new OP though is visually better than the other openings

I don't mind the visuals, although I do feel it's the same as prior season but in the end, the story is still good

Jul 15, 2020 11:31 AM

Jul 2014
I feel like there's two very distinct threads to this episode worth discussing, the first of which being Beatrice. Beyond the fact that she's a Great Spirit - which should have been pretty obvious in hindsight - there's some interesting things implied in her conversation with Subaru: it seems as if she has (or once had) close ties to the Witch's Cult, enough so to have an affectionate nickname of sort for Betelgeuse, to know about this "Witch's Factor" thing and to be distinctly upset about his death and angry at Subaru for causing it.
I'd assume that the Witch's Factor is the power(s) the Sins earned from the Witch (Betelgeuse's Unseen Hands, in this instance), but that feels obvious enough to be stated now, rather than being left unanswered; the fact that Beatrice doesn't say what the WF is suggests to me that there's more to it than that, and that Subaru has made some sort of mistake in killing Betelgeuse.

Then there's this whole Sanctuary business. Based on Frederica's comment after Subaru and Emilia's departure, it's reasonably clear that Roswaal planned this to at least some degree, staying in the Sanctuary to force Emilia to go there to see him as part of a trial of some sort; we can also infer that this is likely why Puck is refusing to appear, so as not to interfere in the trial (and given his comment to Subaru last week, he obviously was in on the plan).
So what I find myself wondering, given the implications about Beatrice's links to the Witch's Cult, is if Roswaal has similar links and is enacting another "Ordeal" like what Betelgeuse was doing. Now, I don't think he's in the Cult or anything himself, but he was already an unusual and somewhat suspicious character and his conspicuous absence during Betelgeuse's ordeal - and his sudden appearance to save Rem and Ram from the Cult in the past - just raised more questions even before all of this.

Oh, there's also Echidna at the end there. I thought that Satella was the only witch in this world - based on what Beatrice told Subaru about her in season 1 - so for there to also be a "Witch of Greed" is somewhat confusing, especially when we just met Greed's Sin Archbishop last week. Well, I'm sure more will be explained next week on that front.

OP is great as well, particularly in terms of the visuals and their potential implications.
AtavisticJul 15, 2020 11:35 AM
Jul 15, 2020 11:32 AM

Jan 2020
Curious to see who that pink haired elf loli is. I think that was her hugging Subaru in the OP so she must be important. OP 2 is still by far the best though.
Jul 15, 2020 11:42 AM
Aug 2018
NovaLord said:
That conversation between Beako and Subaru was something else. Beako looks genuinely hurt that Betelguese is dead, wonder what all that's about.

So far the second season has been slow, I get its set up but still I hope next episode answers a lot of questions.
inb4 it just triples the questions

This episode was pretty much all foreshadowing (small details you'll enjoy more if you re-watch after finishing the season) and buildup. You'll have to wait for some time to get answers (depending on the question, could be till the end of cour2 for few big answers). This season will answer many questions raised so far (in season 1 and this episode). But then it will also further raise more mysteries for future seasons to answers.

Tanzhu said:
imo the pace of this episode was rather fast, well it's obvious they where gonna change the scenes up a bit, but they completely skipped through - (not really spoilers, since ep2 is here, still just playing it safe)

Anlex said:
It's been a while since I read this part in the WN but I am just surprised about the way they decided to adapt this, and cant say I like it yet, but we shall see next couple of episodes before making any statements.

The anime adapts the Light Novels. WN is just a rough online draft and LNs are the canon published thing. The LN version of Arc4 is a lot more compressed and polished as the author removed/modified some unnecessary, redundant or bulky stuff from the WN. So things play out in a slightly different way (few things moved and modified here and there). Though the important stuff remains pretty much the same (order might be different).
Jul 15, 2020 11:44 AM

Nov 2016
Not really surprised that Bea has a connection to the cult.

Frederica is another cutie that was introduced and holy, brutal cliffhanger with Echidna.

Good episode, I'm totally back in the groove.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 15, 2020 11:46 AM
May 2020
I wonder what fresh hell Subaru is going to explore this season. Can't wait
Jul 15, 2020 11:48 AM

Jul 2014
I still can't believe I'm watching the second season of Re Zero, watching this is pure bliss.

"As important to me as you are". Of course she is, so you better save her. That said, I like to see more of Emilia, she's really cute and I think it's important that she has more screen time.

2 new maids. Frederica, who I remember seeing in the Rem and Ram flashback from the first season. Nice to get to know her better, she's hot... and a half beast, interesting.

Petra is way too cute, I love her interactions with Subaru. That double handkerchief xD

So Beatrice knew Petelguese... what. We also learned that there's more than one witch huh. Well, Echidna enters the game and she's voiced by Maya Sakamoto, great!

Jul 15, 2020 11:50 AM

May 2019
So, Garfield guy was introduced already?

So as the BEST SHIP of this season.

( ͡° ͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜` ͡°) ha~

Rob7Jul 15, 2020 11:53 AM
Jul 15, 2020 11:51 AM
Jul 2019
Oh so Frederica and Petra, I guess for the mean time they're Ram and Rem's replacements
Jul 15, 2020 12:00 PM

Jul 2014
BexoCat said:
Next, from the foreshadowing in Frozen Bonds OVA on Petelguese.
For anime-only this might seem like foreshadowing but for LN readers it was a follow-up to the events of arc 4.

BexoCat said:
Lots of questions. Can't wait for the next Episode.
Some of your question will be answered soon, other later, but all in all many questions will be answered this season (probably not all of them).

Anlex said:
It's been a while since I read this part in the WN but I am just surprised about the way they decided to adapt this, and cant say I like it yet, but we shall see next couple of episodes before making any statements.
From my perspective it followed the LN pretty closely.
Jul 15, 2020 12:02 PM
Aug 2018
Atavistic said:
I feel like there's two very distinct threads to this episode worth discussing, the first of which being Beatrice. Beyond the fact that she's a Great Spirit - which should have been pretty obvious in hindsight - there's some interesting things implied in her conversation with Subaru: it seems as if she has (or once had) close ties to the Witch's Cult, enough so to have an affectionate nickname of sort for Betelgeuse, to know about this "Witch's Factor" thing and to be distinctly upset about his death and angry at Subaru for causing it.
I'd assume that the Witch's Factor is the power(s) the Sins earned from the Witch (Betelgeuse's Unseen Hands, in this instance), but that feels obvious enough to be stated now, rather than being left unanswered; the fact that Beatrice doesn't say what the WF is suggests to me that there's more to it than that, and that Subaru has made some sort of mistake in killing Betelgeuse.

Then there's this whole Sanctuary business. Based on Frederica's comment after Subaru and Emilia's departure, it's reasonably clear that Roswaal planned this to at least some degree, staying in the Sanctuary to force Emilia to go there to see him as part of a trial of some sort; we can also infer that this is likely why Puck is refusing to appear, so as not to interfere in the trial (and given his comment to Subaru last week, he obviously was in on the plan).
So what I find myself wondering, given the implications about Beatrice's links to the Witch's Cult, is if Roswaal has similar links and is enacting another "Ordeal" like what Betelgeuse was doing. Now, I don't think he's in the Cult or anything himself, but he was already an unusual and somewhat suspicious character and his conspicuous absence during Betelgeuse's ordeal - and his sudden appearance to save Rem and Ram from the Cult in the past - just raised more questions even before all of this.

Awesome. Your analysis is pretty good (I'm not confirming or rejecting anything to avoid spoiling anything). But it looks like you're really paying attention to small details thrown in here and there (which otherwise many people miss/overlook). Moreover, it is good to see that you remember small events & details from Season 1.

Oh, there's also Echidna at the end there. I thought that Satella was the only witch in this world - based on what Beatrice told Subaru about her in season 1

Bingo, pretty close. Though, in that conversation, Beatrice did mention that there were seven witches, but that the other six were devoured (murdered?) by Satella. Here is the screenshot of the conversation (Ep8 of Season 1) you mentioned:-

Here Beatrice is speaking about Satella.
Jul 15, 2020 12:05 PM
Dec 2015
I have a question why petra is working as maid?
Nc episode so many new characters 4/5
Jul 15, 2020 12:09 PM
Jun 2016
BexoCat said:
Firstly, where are the villagers? Why haven't they returned?

Next, from the foreshadowing in Frozen Bonds OVA on Petelguese.

Then Beatrice having some connection to Puck (both are great spirits and Beatrice is fond of Puck and calls him "nee-chan" in S1). And then Beatrice seemingly having some connection to Petelgeuse. My worst fears are coming true. Definitely something shady is going on between these people. And they've hidden it from Emilia (or she doesn't remember).

Moreover, from the Frozen Bonds OVA, I figured out (by comparing the VAs) that:

and now WHERE IS PUCK ??! The last episode he was like "Counting on you to take care of Lia" and then vanished.

And probably its just me, but Emilia collapsed when Subaru snatched the crystal from her?! And Subaru got teleported to a pink-haired elf. And then he meets Echidna shortly afterwards. Why do I feel like it was Emilia who was supposed to meet Echidna? But Subaru snatched away the crystal so instead he went there. Like, Emilia mentioned about wanting to meet other elf just a few seconds before she collapsed, and then we see AN ELF. Moreover, while sending them off Frederica says something along "will Emilia-sama be able to overcome the sanctuary? We can only just pray" while looking at the letter handed by Roswaal.

Damn. I have a very bad feeling about all this.

And BTW, all the witches (except Satella) are supposed to be dead right? It was mentioned in S1 that Satella murdered all other witches. So how is Echidna still here? Did Subaru teleport into the past? or that mysterious building sent him into the past by some kind of time travel similar to RBD.

Lots of questions. Can't wait for the next Episode.

I totally forgot about that bit in the OVA, I’m not sure if it was actually him or just similar clothing, we were shown
Jul 15, 2020 12:10 PM

Jul 2014
Atavistic said:
Oh, there's also Echidna at the end there. I thought that Satella was the only witch in this world - based on what Beatrice told Subaru about her in season 1 - so for there to also be a "Witch of Greed" is somewhat confusing, especially when we just met Greed's Sin Archbishop last week. Well, I'm sure more will be explained next week on that front.
It shouldn't be that confusing. There were seven Witches in the world and Satella devoured the other six. Why Subaru is able to meet one that is supposed to be dead is another question.

SkyLETV said:
We also learned that there's more than one witch huh.
I don't understand why people are so surprised. It was mentioned in the first season that there were seven Witches and that Satella devoured the other six.

@rakp333 already posted the relevant screenshot from season 1 :)
mozgowJul 15, 2020 12:17 PM
Jul 15, 2020 12:14 PM
Oct 2016
I'm just an anime follower so someone please tell me why are there two sins of greed. one in the first episode and now echidna. no spoilers please
Jul 15, 2020 12:15 PM

Apr 2016
I've found these first two episodes to be boring as hell. Seriously, I was falling asleep. I enjoyed a bit the first series, but just with these first episodes this second series is losing all my interest. Let’s see.
Jul 15, 2020 12:15 PM

May 2019
KapitanDulay said:
I have a question why petra is working as maid?
Nc episode so many new characters 4/5

Because in Lugunica the exploitation of child labour is not only legal, but is also encouraged

...and because the our dear skilfull yandere maid Rem was erased from the world except by her veggie body, so Ram was leaving the Mansion a complete mess, then they hired the girl to help Fred, since it is hard to replace Rem.
Jul 15, 2020 12:17 PM
Dec 2015
Rob7 said:
KapitanDulay said:
I have a question why petra is working as maid?
Nc episode so many new characters 4/5

Because in Lugunica the exploitation of child labour is not only legal, but is also encouraged

...and because the our dear skilfull yandere maid Rem was erased from the world except by her veggie body, so Ram was leaving the Mansion a complete mess, then they hired the girl to help Fred, since it is hard to replace Rem.

Okay thanks for the info
Jul 15, 2020 12:20 PM

Jun 2014
I thought we were going to have to wait yet another week for the OP lol but thankfully they played it at the end, with visuals too. I like it, hopefully we get to hear it more than just 3 more times this season xD

Mostly a set up episode as Emilia and Subaru make their way toward the Sanctuary, but of course it wouldn't be ReZero without some suspense at the end. I'm interested in seeing this new development with this witch that appeared, as well as seeing where Emilia is at now that she and Subaru got separated.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Jul 15, 2020 12:23 PM

Mar 2019
Another fine episode . She's finally here

Jul 15, 2020 12:27 PM
Jan 2018
HectorBlaze said:
I've found these first two episodes to be boring as hell. Seriously, I was falling asleep. I enjoyed a bit the first series, but just with these first episodes this second series is losing all my interest. Let’s see.

A fitting review of someone who loves sword art online
Jul 15, 2020 12:29 PM
Jun 2016
Couple other things I want to get off my chest from Season 1...

Why did the Ulgarm attack the Archbishop of Sloth and why did they and the White Whale also attack Subaru when they’re obviously favored by the witch and the mabeasts are created by the witch? Why do they get angry when Subaru increases the Witch’s scent, while the Cult respects it and refers to it as love? Unless they were created by different witches and mabeasts created by one witch attack those who are favored by another.

When Petelgeuse said there was a vacancy in the Archbishops ranks, he said that they only totaled 6, when there should be 7 deadly sins. Does Satella not get an Archbishop? Why? And if there’s such a thing as vacancies and filling them, doesn’t that mean Sloth now has a vacancy and we could see a new Archbishop of Sloth later when it is filled?

Shouldn’t the Archbishop of Gluttony also have the same powers as his pet, the White Whale? So he should be able to also drive people mad with his scream and divide himself. If he can divide himself, that makes two Archbishops who can somehow have more bodies than one (Sloth with his possession and Gluttony with his division).

Also, since I‘ve learned to not believe in deaths in anime all that much, even the ones in the past, couldn’t Theresia van Astrea still be alive? If she is still remembered, she hasn’t been completely eliminated, she hasn’t lost her name, maybe just her memories and so she’s never been able to find her way back to Wilhelm. Or she could’ve just been killed without the Elimination bit at all. But I want to believe in the former theory.

I’m just putting thoughts out there because I’ve been holding onto some of them for a few years now. I don’t need answers.
Jul 15, 2020 12:32 PM
Aug 2018
HectorBlaze said:
I've found these first two episodes to be boring as hell. Seriously, I was falling asleep. I enjoyed a bit the first series, but just with these first episodes this second series is losing all my interest. Let’s see.

This season is going to be heavy on dialogues/conversations, unlike the 1st season which was a bit more action-focused.

So you'll have to pay attention (and remember conversations/dialogues/remarks) as they'll have deeper meanings and foreshadowing.
Jul 15, 2020 12:35 PM

Oct 2017
man was really about to throw the blue crystal necklace thing out the window bruh
Jul 15, 2020 12:36 PM

Oct 2017
cchigu said:
Pretty decent episode, content-wise.

Honestly, the characters and the dialogues are irking me way too much for my liking. I don't remember ReZero being this bad in dialogue writing in the first season, even the last week's episode also had bad dialogues but the last 5 minutes of the episode made me look the other way. I hope this doesn't weaken my experience.


its always been like that tbh, ive grown used to it though remembering how much this man has been through
Jul 15, 2020 12:38 PM

May 2019
BexoCat said:
Firstly, where are the villagers? Why haven't they returned?

Next, from the foreshadowing in Frozen Bonds OVA on Petelguese.

Then Beatrice having some connection to Puck (both are great spirits and Beatrice is fond of Puck and calls him "nee-chan" in S1). And then Beatrice seemingly having some connection to Petelgeuse. My worst fears are coming true. Definitely something shady is going on between these people. And they've hidden it from Emilia (or she doesn't remember).

Moreover, from the Frozen Bonds OVA, I figured out (by comparing the VAs) that:

and now WHERE IS PUCK ??! The last episode he was like "Counting on you to take care of Lia" and then vanished.

And probably its just me, but Emilia collapsed when Subaru snatched the crystal from her?! And Subaru got teleported to a pink-haired elf. And then he meets Echidna shortly afterwards. Why do I feel like it was Emilia who was supposed to meet Echidna? But Subaru snatched away the crystal so instead he went there. Like, Emilia mentioned about wanting to meet other elf just a few seconds before she collapsed, and then we see AN ELF. Moreover, while sending them off Frederica says something along "will Emilia-sama be able to overcome the sanctuary? We can only just pray" while looking at the letter handed by Roswaal.

Damn. I have a very bad feeling about all this.

And BTW, all the witches (except Satella) are supposed to be dead right? It was mentioned in S1 that Satella murdered all other witches. So how is Echidna still here? Did Subaru teleport into the past? or that mysterious building sent him into the past by some kind of time travel similar to RBD.

Lots of questions. Can't wait for the next Episode.

THIS is the healthy theorizing discussion purely based on attention to details of previous seasons and canon specials!

I miss this so much in anime based on dam* novels.

You try to discuss something in inocence, and then came the avalanche of...

And nothing above from that text was spoiler, since you are just reuniting given evidences.

Btw, time to rewatch Frozen Bonds!

Rob7Jul 15, 2020 12:51 PM
Jul 15, 2020 12:39 PM

Jul 2014
BexoCat said:
Moreover, from the Frozen Bonds OVA, I figured out (by comparing the VAs) that:
One more thing I might add here. It might not have been as surprising as it were if they had not skipped some content from arc 3
Jul 15, 2020 12:39 PM

Jul 2019
NoktoH said:
I enjoyed this a lot more than the first episode, and I'm not even sure why. The new op looks pretty good.

I felt the same way about it. Maybe it is because the plot is starting to kick in and we are getting first bits of information. Episode 1 showed the characters at their weakest, so seeing them somewhat cheery again was nice.

One more thing regarding Frederica. If she had been in the mansion during the first few arcs, Subaru would have never had to suffer as he did. Quick to the point, executes order diligently and I sense she is a valid fighter. I have big hopes for her.

Jul 15, 2020 12:42 PM

Nov 2015

i literally screamed for about 1m30s. The episode was good, Beako seemed to know something so important that it still keeps me from liking her, SHE SHOULD JUST TELL THOSE IMPORTANT THINGS AAAAAAAAA

Jul 15, 2020 12:47 PM

Jul 2014
fullofregrets09 said:
Why did the Ulgarm attack the Archbishop of Sloth and why did they and the White Whale also attack Subaru when they’re obviously favored by the witch and the mabeasts are created by the witch? Why do they get angry when Subaru increases the Witch’s scent, while the Cult respects it and refers to it as love? Unless they were created by different witches and mabeasts created by one witch attack those who are favored by another.
You will get an answer to that in this season :)

fullofregrets09 said:
When Petelgeuse said there was a vacancy in the Archbishops ranks, he said that they only totaled 6, when there should be 7 deadly sins. Does Satella not get an Archbishop? Why?
The vacant position was for Pride. There is an IF story where Subaru became the Sin Archbishop of Pride.
Jul 15, 2020 12:47 PM

Apr 2016
AmoDesenioXines said:
HectorBlaze said:
I've found these first two episodes to be boring as hell. Seriously, I was falling asleep. I enjoyed a bit the first series, but just with these first episodes this second series is losing all my interest. Let’s see.

A fitting review of someone who loves sword art online

With a short comment like that you were able to show how much childish you are. Grow up and learn how to not disrespect yourself. Come on man.
Jul 15, 2020 12:47 PM

May 2020
mozgow said:
BexoCat said:
Moreover, from the Frozen Bonds OVA, I figured out (by comparing the VAs) that:
One more thing I might add here. It might not have been as surprising as it were if they had not skipped some content from arc 3

Ah, yes. I remember reading that in the LN. Ok so now it's pretty much clear that its HER.
And that raises a few more questions:

Jul 15, 2020 12:51 PM
Jan 2018
HectorBlaze said:
AmoDesenioXines said:

A fitting review of someone who loves sword art online

With a short comment like that you were able to show how much childish you are. Grow up and learn how to not disrespect yourself. Come on man.

Chill dude, no need to get all personal
Jul 15, 2020 12:54 PM

Apr 2016
AmoDesenioXines said:
HectorBlaze said:

With a short comment like that you were able to show how much childish you are. Grow up and learn how to not disrespect yourself. Come on man.

Chill dude, no need to get all personal

Nothing personal, you can take it as an advice. It’s embarrassing for the entire community to read such stupid things.
Jul 15, 2020 12:56 PM

Jul 2014
BexoCat said:
mozgow said:
One more thing I might add here. It might not have been as surprising as it were if they had not skipped some content from arc 3

Ah, yes. I remember reading that in the LN. Ok so now it's pretty much clear that its HER.
And that raises a few more questions:

I've read the LN so I know the answers but it seems you haven't (yet?), so you will have to wait for the anime to show it.
Jul 15, 2020 12:58 PM
Jan 2018
HectorBlaze said:
AmoDesenioXines said:

Chill dude, no need to get all personal

Nothing personal, you can take it as an advice. It’s embarrassing for the entire community to read such stupid things.

Aight aight sorry for insulting your beloved sword art online, didn't know it could trigger you that much.
Fr tho sorry, it was just a joke. No need to get all serious over a comment
Jul 15, 2020 12:59 PM

May 2012
That Oping is straight heat!

I really liked this, then again i don't mind the slow pace world building so it didn't bore me. I wonder if Beatrice has connections with the other archbishops or was just Sloth someone she knew. You can tell she was hurt after hearing about his death.

Happy to see Emilia get more screen time. Hard to be best girl when you barley shown, but it looks like she passed out so i guess that's out the widow. New maids Petra (She so adorable) and Frederica. Hope we get to see more of them.

Echidna, the Witch of Greed. I'm not sure why, but I like her. Then again I like crazy. I wonder what see is about. Forgot how great Re:zero cliff hangers are lol.

Jul 15, 2020 12:59 PM

May 2020
Atavistic said:

so for there to also be a "Witch of Greed" is somewhat confusing, especially when we just met Greed's Sin Archbishop last week.

fullofregrets09 said:

When Petelgeuse said there was a vacancy in the Archbishops ranks, he said that they only totaled 6, when there should be 7 deadly sins. Does Satella not get an Archbishop? Why?

These are my speculations (they could be wrong):-

There is no Archbishop of Envy. Because Satella is still alive. So there are 6 Archbishops.
The six witches (including Echidna, but excluding Satella) are supposedly dead (they were consumed by Satella) and then probably Satella created the witch cult and passed on some fraction of the powers to these Archbishops. So these Archbishops all work for Satella, I guess. But maybe now she has forgotten about them hence she rejects Petelgeuse in Season 1 saying "You're not the one". Or maybe she later realized "these Archbishops are useless" so she moved on to PLAN B (in this case Subaru) and gave up on the other Archbishops. Maybe Subaru's "return by death" is the Authority of Envy (similar to "unseen hands" being Authority of Slot, and "memory erase" being Authority of Gluttony).
Jul 15, 2020 1:00 PM
Apr 2018
I should've rewatched the first season before starting this one. I now realize I don't remember shit. Neother of the mention of Frederica nor the story about the 6 witches
Jul 15, 2020 1:01 PM

Apr 2016
AmoDesenioXines said:
HectorBlaze said:

Nothing personal, you can take it as an advice. It’s embarrassing for the entire community to read such stupid things.

Aight aight sorry for insulting your beloved sword art online, didn't know it could trigger you that much.
Fr tho sorry, it was just a joke. No need to get all serious over a comment

Another childish comments man. What let you think I can care even a bit about what you think or say about Sword Art Online? So, there's nothing more to say between the two of us. We're going OT too much.
Jul 15, 2020 1:03 PM

May 2020
mozgow said:
I've read the LN so I know the answers but it seems you haven't (yet?), so you will have to wait for the anime to show it.

I've only read the first 9 volumes (i.e until Episode 1 of Season 2). I want to first watch the anime before picking the LN. As the LN is a lot richer in content, but the anime is more enjoyable to watch.

But yeah from your response I can infer that these points get addressed. I'll wait.
Jul 15, 2020 1:06 PM
May 2018
Echidna is finally introduced... Beatrice referred to as Great Spirit and she knew Petelgeuse? All the hype leading up to season 2 has so far definitely been worth, i hope this series continues this well :)
Jul 15, 2020 1:06 PM

May 2020
SaiDrew said:
I should've rewatched the first season before starting this one. I now realize I don't remember shit. Neother of the mention of Frederica nor the story about the 6 witches

I would highly suggest you re-watch. lol. There are TONS of small hidden details in S1. And I've heard many stuff will connect in Season 2.

It will take 10 hrs of a binge to finish the Season 1 (I'd suggest watching the Director's cut version, it packs the season into 13 episodes of 46mins making it easier to binge)
Jul 15, 2020 1:11 PM

Jun 2015
After watching loads of crap shows tonight I got to this one. Life probably put me in a bad mood but this story shook me out of it and I now want to know more! Next week please!!
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Jul 15, 2020 1:16 PM

Mar 2017
Wait.... whaaaa?! There's more than one witch and this witch of Greed also looks like Emilia. What the hell is going on?! Why did only Subaru end up with the witch?! And then there's the fact that Betty knows Petelgeuse... how?! Lastly, what did Roswaal tell Frederica in the letter? So many questions 😣
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