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King's Game
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Dec 21, 2017 5:00 PM

Feb 2017
Well I have to say I'd give it a 10/10 for entertaining and amusing me every single week.

lol if they make a S2 of this I will cry laughing. Will the show just continue until the end of humanity (like the King's Game itself)?
'I love you because you're you. I'm happy that you're whole. I don't care if there are sides of you that I don't know, or don't like. If that's who you are, that's fine. As long as you're whole, that's enough for me.'-Kouko Kaga
Dec 21, 2017 5:30 PM

Dec 2010
I can't believe @Stark700 actually joining the hate train. This anime is just that bad. I honestly think it started reasonably well, for at most 2 episodes, but the rest is utter trash.
Sacrificing sleep and sanity for more anime-induced dopamine.
Dec 21, 2017 5:31 PM

Mar 2015
Terrible ending, terrible anime, I really disliked this anime >.> don't know why I kept watching this show...

Dec 21, 2017 5:50 PM

Dec 2010
Haha, this is Ousama the Convienient Game.

The convienient world where are no parents, no police, no teachers, nobody else just highschool kids that running through the streets and then dying in weird way. Not even once were they interrupted by anyone, not even once was there anyone by them. But of course, there is a chainsaw. What if there is a rapist? Or just a burglar? That would be interesting, but no. It is just chainsaw. Working, nice, clean chainsaw. Yeah!

Last moments of Natsuko were cringeworthy. WTF, this was worse than Twillight.

How awful this Ryou guy was, he should rip Natsuko.

I kind of liked the ending with Riona in the ocean. Too bad all the rest were shit.

Was kind of entertaining but in the worst possible way. It is like watching people doing really stupid thing or watching someone with down syndrome. You may laugh but then you feel like shit.

The premise was quite good. OH, but the stupid virus and stupid characters killed it. They should went with the flow and reveal that it is not some virus but maybe some God playing with people lives checking how they will react, and so. Or Natsuko is just an evil spirit and so. But no, virus.

GoldenDevilGamer said:

2/10, only because 1/10 ratings should be reserved for stuff like Mars of Destruction.

As much as I respect your opinion I have to disagree. MoD was done by some amateurs just some advertisment for game. It was made with low budget, bad VA, and cheap staff. This on the other hand...
Dec 21, 2017 6:04 PM
Apr 2016
This show is the biggest steaming pile of shit I've ever watched.

Nothing makes sense in this, the characters are retarded, animation is bad, the virus is fucking stupid, the orders are probably given by some edgelord emo kid, and they can't even die sensibly. The only nice thing was the OP song.

It is so bad, it made me laugh from pure WTF but still, Natsuko is fucking mental so there is no way she could be redeemed from her bullshit "kill those you love to not make them suffer" especially when she was just killing them all for no reason. If she even did like the MC, then why was she so bent on pushing him through the mud all the time? With her logic she should have just killed him outright straight away.

Also, why did they even need to cut everyone up this episode? You could probably just cut maybe 2 people max and stick them together, as the order said you only need enough to make a doll. And then they just ignored how they could just maybe retrieve the body of those who had died and cut them up too, as they are still technically part of the class.

1/10 Ryou putting a hat on decapitated body.
Phosphophyllite is best gem
Dec 21, 2017 6:12 PM

Jun 2015
What a trashy ending. I am very excited for the second season, hopefully it'll be as hilariously bad as this one.
Dec 21, 2017 6:43 PM

Apr 2014
This show was so fuckkng bad, it wasn't even the fun type of bad either. Props For using a good OP and ED tho.
Dec 21, 2017 6:59 PM

Jan 2011
Can't wait for season 2.
Dec 21, 2017 7:22 PM

Aug 2007
TahZin said:
minimiau said:
12 f*cking episodes and they didn't discovered who is behind the game. Well, at least they recolect all letters and discovered the mystery behind them. So now what?

What do you mean they didn't discovered!?! They did. It's a stupid real life virus that became a computer virus, then it became a hybrid of real+computer virus and now it's fucking up everything left and right.

I said that because I was expecting a human, not a virus. If I remembered well they discovered this at the middle.
Dec 21, 2017 7:23 PM

Jun 2016
I actually feel Natsuko so much haha. At least she was better than Nobuaki with his ''work together have faith and we all survive'' shit during the entire series.
The anime was surprisingly enjoyable though considering how bad it was.

Surprised they have the balls to make a s2 however!
Dec 21, 2017 7:24 PM

Apr 2013
One of the worst anime I have ever seen...
Dec 21, 2017 7:24 PM

Feb 2010
I'm not kidding when I say the "To be continued" made me laugh my ass off. No, I'm not going to watch another season. Fuck that shit. This one was godawful enough. I'm just gonna stay away from a second season like the plague. Fuck. This. Anime.
AL19Dec 21, 2017 7:45 PM
Dec 21, 2017 7:26 PM
May 2015
Honestly this episode was over the top. I honest to god think whoever was behind this last episode need to be imprisoned. How pathetic can you be to even make such garbage?

I honestly think the creators deserve to be penalized. This was honest to god the WORST anime - if not the WORST series/film/etc I have seen in my life.
Dec 21, 2017 7:26 PM
Jul 2017
I had this show hovering at a 2/10 "Horrible" for a good long while, but good god damn that last episode easily upped the crisis level to "Appalling" (I completely lost it at "TO BE CONTINUED????"). It's very rare I get to see something so abysmal, so I've actually really enjoyed the ride.
Dec 21, 2017 7:29 PM

Aug 2012
that "To be continued" at the end is the best horror this season. scared the shit out of me.

someone else always have what you want, but it usually means nothing to them...
Dec 21, 2017 7:55 PM
Jul 2018
OMG. This episode! The entire series!

Well... what a waste of potential. And a disgrace to the manga. They ruined it!

Also, I think this means there's gonna be a season 2. And I'm assuming it's gonna be about when all high school students in Japan are participating in the King's Game? ...kinda makes no sense considering all the characters just died literally a few minutes ago in the episode so how does the virus continue?
Dec 21, 2017 7:57 PM
Jul 2018
I seriously got a boner.
When Natsuko confessed that she actually had feelings for the MC, and would prefer to kill him, instead of having someone else kill him, I seriously got a boner.


I find Natsuko's ideology interesting, but there was literally no builduip to her redemption. It's just revealed out of nowhere.
And holy shit, you are right; why didn't they just use the bodies of the students that already died?
removed-userDec 21, 2017 8:14 PM
Dec 21, 2017 7:59 PM
Jul 2018
Probably the worst show I've ever seen.
I like to stretch my imagination and give a lot of passes to shows but it is so ridiculous. Where the hell did that chainsaw come from? Why did the kid knock out Nobuaki? "Cos he is insane." oh. ok. Why didn't he just kill Natsuko with the chainsaw? "Cos he is insane." Oh. Ok.

Also the worst redemption piece in all of history. She tried to kill Nobuaki several times and not because of love. I am cringing up into myself as I write this. She even walks off into the sunset with all the friends. Why though?

As bad as it was, I have no explanation why, but I would still take a peek at season 2. Just to see how bad it is. 3/10 real bad.
Dec 21, 2017 8:05 PM
Dec 2017
horrivel pessimo final 1/10
Dec 21, 2017 8:14 PM
Jul 2017
Wait wait, "to be continued" ? What the hell ? I hope that will never happen or i'll be super pissed that this kind of show can get a sequel while there are shit tons of show out there that deserve a sequel.
Dec 21, 2017 8:32 PM

Sep 2010
So basically Riona killed herself for nothing?
Dec 21, 2017 8:32 PM
Jan 2016
Pretty sure the reason why there's a new season is because one of the three are actually still alive in a hospital, remember that life monitor thing used in hospitals during the opening. My guess is that riona got saved but is in a coma or something after going into the water.

Regardless the virus becoming an internet meme. If they died in the water doesnt that mean the virus would become waterborne and affect more people?

meh i mean i liked the prequel manga and I hoped there would be a lot more to it than this but hopefully season 2 isn't as stupid.
Dec 21, 2017 8:34 PM

Dec 2015
To be continued...


... ...


Good joke, please tell me another.

ffs, what a compendium of nonsense
Dec 21, 2017 9:03 PM
Jun 2017
Well congrats for riona for winning the Kings game. Sad to say to end the king's game she also need to die and so it happen...

*ohh but in the ending scene of the show, a new kings game appear and say TO BE CONTINUED!!! meaning it has a second season!!! Yeah!!!
Dec 21, 2017 9:07 PM

Jun 2016
BroskiKyoujin said:
So basically Riona killed herself for nothing?

Nah, it wasn't for nothing bro, now she can join Nobuaki in his harem heaven. Well worth it.
Dec 21, 2017 9:30 PM
Apr 2016
Zelev said:
MyKamiList said:

So the internet is the main carrier of the virus, which means it's all the same whether there is a survivor or not, and that debunks the whole point of the "dying message", unless I am missing something that is.

Damn, this is one of those rare shows that the more I think, the more I ironically enjoy it.

But the village in which the virus originated, they used letters. So even if you get rid of technology you're still dead.

yep that village 30 years the virus got accidentally released by natsuko(not honda,she is different,she was good character and chiemi's dads love interest)
if they remove the technology the virus will spread though human beings
Dec 21, 2017 9:42 PM

Oct 2012
While I agree that this was a bad show (the writing and logic is truly terrible) I have to admit that I didn't mind watching it week after week. I might even suffer through the second season. It's too bad it wasn't better because the premise is actually a pretty cool (although not entirely original) idea.
Dec 21, 2017 9:48 PM

Jan 2015
So Nobuaki still blabbering about stopping this game forever, while Natsuko with continuing the game and live. That is until Natsuko got chainsawed in the back and dead or so what Ryona thought and then "confessed" about her real feeling about Nobuaki.
So the message from this Anime is... It's okay to kill each other as long it's come from the "King" and for the name of "Obedience". Heaven is your reward. :)
[url=]convert gambar online
Dec 21, 2017 10:13 PM

Mar 2009
AsT5 said:
Zelev said:

But the village in which the virus originated, they used letters. So even if you get rid of technology you're still dead.

yep that village 30 years the virus got accidentally released by natsuko(not honda,she is different,she was good character and chiemi's dads love interest)
if they remove the technology the virus will spread though human beings

The Natsuko 30 previously... Yes, her name WAS Honda. That's a big thing for what there is of the story that makes sense.
And others have been mentioning her name was Honda.... So its not like it hasn't been commented on.

So, yeah.... That's why the fact that the first Natsuko's last name was Honda, is important.

If there really is a season 2- I'll probably watch it.
Because curiosity killed the cat.

=^ . ^=
windeen-windyDec 21, 2017 10:23 PM
Dec 21, 2017 10:30 PM

Apr 2015
Oh yeah, we survived guys... damn...

the ending was bad... and everyone dies... nice
Ryouu at it again... lol
and why there's a chainsaw laying around in the abandoned house?? and in good condition too...

tbh I want Riona to be alive but the reason for her to live is gone so... *insert "i guess i'll die" meme here*

also, i want to see Natsuko's 1st ousama game though, that would be interesting...

"to be continued" oh god that was scarier than the whole anime...
Dec 21, 2017 10:56 PM

Feb 2014
This was so bad. Good meme tho
Dec 21, 2017 11:05 PM

Mar 2017
dafuq was that ending?
An admin's dickhead Soul banned me from MAL t('v't)
Dec 21, 2017 11:21 PM
Apr 2016
windeen-windy said:
AsT5 said:

yep that village 30 years the virus got accidentally released by natsuko(not honda,she is different,she was good character and chiemi's dads love interest)
if they remove the technology the virus will spread though human beings

The Natsuko 30 previously... Yes, her name WAS Honda. That's a big thing for what there is of the story that makes sense.
And others have been mentioning her name was Honda.... So its not like it hasn't been commented on.

So, yeah.... That's why the fact that the first Natsuko's last name was Honda, is important.

If there really is a season 2- I'll probably watch it.
Because curiosity killed the cat.

=^ . ^=

i don't think first natuko(30 years one had the same honda last name it was different i guess )

Everything I Know About Ousama game

Don't read this if you don't want to be spoiled.

Let's start at the origin first.

A. Ou-sama Game - Kigen (King's Game: Origin)
30 years ago in the remote Yonaki Village. This is where it all started and the participants are all the villagers (30-31 people I think)

Main Characters:
- Honda Kazunari
- Natsuko (I'm not sure if her last name was revealed or I forgot her last name.)

B. Ou-sama Game (King's Game)
One day, all of the students in Nobuaki's class received their first message from someone calling themselves the "King", in which was written a baffling command. They thought it was a prank but later found it was true that they will be punished (e.g death) if they don't follow the order.

The life-threatening "Game" has now begun for the 32 students of the first year's B Class.

Main Character:
- Kanazawa Nobuaki
- Honda Chiemi

A. On Ousama Game, it was revealed the name of her mother was Honda Natsuko but on Ousama Game Kigen, it was narrated on the ending that the name of Kazunari's wife is Takao Rie.

About the Ousama Virus in the modern day.

C. Ou-sama Game: Rinjou (King's Game: Spiral)
This is a side story for Ou-sama Shuukyoku.

Many years after Ou-sama Shuukyouku. Two teenager girls went to an old school to try and investigate the King's Game that killed 30 students in high school. They found out a notebook written by

Honda Natsuko
detailing the events that happened on the Ousama Game on that school.

Main Characters

Honda Natsuko
Kentaro (Not sure what his last name), also the one Natsuko loves.

What happened to Ou-sama Rinjou?

D. Ou-sama Game: Shuukyoku (King's Game: Extreme)
Nobuaki transferred on a new school and met all the new classmates. He later found out that a new Ou-sama Game is starting.

Main Character:
Honda Natsuko
Kanazawa Nobuaki
Riona Matsumoto

F. Ou-sama Game: Metsubo (King's Game Annihilation)
All high school students in Japan must participate in the Ou-sama Game. Participants from Hiroshima prefecture must move to Okayama Prefecture

Main Character:
Tomohisa (not sure about his last name)
Tomoka (not sure about her last name)

(No details in the ending since I can't read the novel)

Some info we know:

G. Ou-sama Game: Shin'en (King's Game Abyss)
32 Students from Japan, Korean and Taiwan who gathered in an isolated island in Taiwan for training. Then suddenly, new Ou-sama game command has been issued and the new hell game starts.

Main Characters:
Akio Sakamoto
Komatsuzaki Mika
Dec 21, 2017 11:30 PM

Jun 2017
I hope that since everyone died supposedly, I think. That the new season will just be them actually being able to beat the game otherwise, otherwise it's just a waste of time watching these new people play the game and all die without any of the story progressing. Don't get me wrong here I do like watching these types of horror mystery animes, but don't make the next season just a group of people dying without progressing the over arcing plot. I'm just here to watch why and how this whole thing started and how they can stop it.
Dec 21, 2017 11:40 PM
Apr 2011
Expertly done. Cannot possibly make an ending more underwhelming. That’s the point of the series, right?
Dec 22, 2017 12:16 AM

May 2015
Natsuko is the hero we need, but don't deserve. I love how she just casually walks out of the screen and...

And they all died happily ever after...


Until then, off to find some Natsuko and Riona doujins...
TarotistFeb 10, 2018 8:39 PM
Dec 22, 2017 12:47 AM

Mar 2009
Under spoilers to save space:

Yes, its Honda. The manga not counted: I have seen 1 or 2 other users mention that fact in this forum.
Read the manga about the village.
I did. It's in English. It is from the manga that I got that info!
Believe me or not. I read all volumes of that manga about the village.

That was the reason for the start of this disaster of a story. I've read that manga and the one about Nobuaki's first class.
Dec 22, 2017 12:51 AM
Apr 2016
windeen-windy said:

Yes, its Honda. The manga not counted: I have seen 1 or 2 other users mention that fact in this forum.
Read the manga about the village.
I did. It's in English. It is from the manga that I got that info!
Believe me or not. I read all volumes of that manga about the village.
They were first cousins.
They were both "Honda" and in love with each other.
That was the reason for the start of this disaster of a story. I've read that manga and the one about Nobuaki's first class.

now this shit is so much confusing
I have also heard about the honda cousins and there love
but I didn't find the original source to read

where can I read the manga the honda one(also tell me the name of the manga)
I have read all the others(tell me the source site)?
Dec 22, 2017 12:56 AM

Mar 2009
Tarotist said:
Natsuko is the hero we need, but don't deserve. I love how she just casually walks out of the screen and...






And they all died happily ever after...


Until then, off to find some Natsuko and Riona doujins...

LOL. Yeah, I liked that too.
I was wondering what sort of random murder tool she'd find when she just wandered happily off screen.
Did not expect a weak-ass chainsaw though.

How the hell old is that thing?

Still wondering how Nobuaki was able to talk still after getting his throat cut open.

And still wondering how Natsuko was able to walk, talk or breath after getting it in the back like that.
Even if it was weak, it had to have damaged the spine and nervous system.
Dec 22, 2017 1:02 AM

Mar 2009
AsT5 said:
windeen-windy said:

Yes, its Honda. The manga not counted: I have seen 1 or 2 other users mention that fact in this forum.
Read the manga about the village.
I did. It's in English. It is from the manga that I got that info!
Believe me or not. I read all volumes of that manga about the village.
They were first cousins.
They were both "Honda" and in love with each other.
That was the reason for the start of this disaster of a story. I've read that manga and the one about Nobuaki's first class.

now this shit is so much confusing
I have also heard about the honda cousins and there love
but I didn't find the original source to read

where can I read the manga the honda one(also tell me the name of the manga)
I have read all the others(tell me the source site)?
AsT5 said:
windeen-windy said:

Yes, its Honda. The manga not counted: I have seen 1 or 2 other users mention that fact in this forum.
Read the manga about the village.
I did. It's in English. It is from the manga that I got that info!
Believe me or not. I read all volumes of that manga about the village.
They were first cousins.
They were both "Honda" and in love with each other.
That was the reason for the start of this disaster of a story. I've read that manga and the one about Nobuaki's first class.

now this shit is so much confusing
I have also heard about the honda cousins and there love
but I didn't find the original source to read

where can I read the manga the honda one(also tell me the name of the manga)
I have read all the others(tell me the source site)?

Can't list sites that have stuff on the net illegally here.

It's name though: Ousama Game: Kigen
I can pm you the info on where I read it, if you want.
Dec 22, 2017 2:44 AM

Mar 2013
Man, I figured most of the stuff without reading the manga and came to my conclusion. They gave out several hints on where it started and t he two offspring daughters. There are predecessor who play the same game until they somehow alter it to apply from village to ms/hs students. There probably more than 1 game simultaneous occurred in the village which explained the ending clip. This is how you watch mystery anime meh.
Good job to those help explaining to confused peep. Meh this community need to serious stop picking up a genre they aren't familiar with, ran salt on it and ask the same questions over and over.
You think this is the worst, ain't your list just limited. Pick more series then you know what's more worst. If you even mention "from this season", i will say wth is "pengu in the city" and its high ranking. The community ranking aren't credible anymore.
MALoween✟Mansion (2024) Candy Basket 🎃:
Dec 22, 2017 4:49 AM

Oct 2017
The show was fine for me until that ending, I was so disappointed that all that build up led to nothing. On that note I will be checking out season 2 and hopefully they will learn from this and at least try to fix some of their mistakes. Too bad RionaxNobuaki never happened
Dec 22, 2017 4:51 AM

Dec 2014
well a depressing start to a depressing end.....I was like even when everyone died it still continues
Dec 22, 2017 5:03 AM

Mar 2015
FROM : King
TO : MyAnimeList
SUB : King's Game

This is the King's Game.
All members of this website will participate.
The King's orders are absolute.
*Withdrawal from the game midway is not allowed.

All of you must watch the second season of King's Game The Animation.
Failure to do so will result in punishment.

- END -

PS. 10/10 Trainwreck of the Year.

Even if the future awaiting me is so bright that it's blinding,
If I'm to face it alone, there's no real meaning in it.. ♫♫

Dec 22, 2017 5:47 AM
Dec 2017
I thought that the ending for ousuma game was happy because he went to heaven where all the characters who died in the king game were and met his girlfriend chiemi as well as roana that was left she killed herself and went to heaven as well
Dec 22, 2017 6:15 AM
Jul 2017
So Natsuko was really in love with nobuaki from the very beginning to the end,I taught it was phoney. Very sad 😅, I wish I could see more love between this two.
My review 5/10
Dec 22, 2017 6:18 AM

Oct 2017
fuck that i liked it and my friend liked it too

looking forward to season 2
Dec 22, 2017 6:32 AM

Sep 2016
Didn't expect the dude to die. Dayumn that's a legit plot twist. Lol.

10/10 series. It's legendary because it's among the worst anime I've ever watched in my whole life that it actually impresses me enough to watch till the end.
Dec 22, 2017 7:27 AM

Oct 2017
Alexander_panda said:
So Natsuko was really in love with nobuaki from the very beginning to the end,I taught it was phoney. Very sad 😅, I wish I could see more love between this two.
My review 5/10

Seriously you buy in that stupid last minute love story?

Btw why so many people give it a 5 or even a 10 for this?
Guess this thing really appeal to edgy teenagers afterall cuz apparently the original source sold pretty well among teenagers.
Dec 22, 2017 7:44 AM

Jun 2016
The series does continue with the light novels, but if they adapt something then I really hope they adapt the prequel because Michiko is the best character in the entire series. Plus it's better written with characters that actually understand their situation.

This show least I finished it.

thepath said:
A lot of haters here are just judging anime based how well written the story and how much plot holes or because some character act stupidly in some situation. Those haters start analyzing the this anime as if it is Shakespeare story book or some kind of scientific journal. I don't take anime too seriously. Character in anime does not always have to act the same way that people expect in real life

For me this show is just a pure enjoyment. It entertaining (for me) to watch fictional people suffer and try hard to survive. It does not matter if the story is weak and poorly written when I'm enjoying it. I'm on episode 11 when I wrote this review, and last few episodes were the best in my opinion so far

I enjoy death games too, but with this game do you think anyone outside of Natsuko tried to survive? Everyone else seemed almost apathetic when it came to the game and went with the flow. Ria, Natsuko, even that girl who jumped out of the school window in the flashback all tried to survive. Everyone else...I don't know if I can truly say the same for them.

Many of those who gave it 1/10 or 2/10 watched it until the last episode which makes me suspect that many of these haters don't genuinely believe that anime deserve such a low score. I mean why watch something that you think deserve such low score until the end ?! If I rate something 1/10 then that thing has to be so boring that I could not watch it at all

I gave it a 3, but I watched it until the end because this story wasn't adapted in manga. As someone who has read the original and prequel, I wanted to see how this version would fare. Unfortunately, it didn't really do a good job. I kind of wish they adapted the prequel, because the characters actually act like people stuck in a death game and it's better written.

It is also worth to mention that this show is noting like Mayoiga. Mayoiga is children version of Ousama Game. If you found Mayoiga boring like me then does not mean Ousama Game is same. Ousama game is real dark/horror show with people slaughtered in every place unlike Mayoiga "

Mayoiga is a campy fun fest that isn't a death game. It's a show that doesn't take itself seriously, so I enjoyed it a lot more than I enjoyed Ousama Game. The two are not really relateable though, if anything I would say Battle Royale would be a better comparison or even Magical Girl Raising Project. And even then, both of those shows had characters who understand that people had to die in order for others to survive. It was nothing like the Ousama Game. The virus doesn't even make sense.

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