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Sword Art Online (light novel)
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Dec 6, 2014 1:37 PM

Sep 2012
Not crying.
Not yet.
Dec 6, 2014 1:40 PM

Mar 2014
Argh so many feels :(. Poor Yuuki.
Dec 6, 2014 1:46 PM

Mar 2011
Caleb8980 said:
TazmanianFrog said:
I guess hospitals don't check to see if blood is contaminated before giving it to people anymore. :P The feels were real this episode.

Well even if so there always exists a chance that the contamination is undetected for various reasons, e. g. that the virus wasn't fully developed yet and the body of the donor had no time to produce antibodies against it.

As the tests search for such antibodies there exists a real chance to get infected (but don't worry, in most countries the chance is extremely low (1 of 3 millions or even lower); still it's not unheard of even in fully developed countries)

That's not even the problem. It happens.
Dec 6, 2014 1:46 PM
Feb 2014
The adaptation of this has been brilliant so far. The feels has gotten to me.
Dec 6, 2014 2:05 PM
Aug 2014
A really tragic episode this week. Never thought there would be a subject like aids in an anime and then the feels. Great episode!!
Dec 6, 2014 2:15 PM

Mar 2011
Also, people using "cheap" "forced" and this kind of words, please define what you mean by this. Because if we stick by the original meaning of the words, there is a big problems here. A very big one.

Or maybe people think that things like that cannot happen IRL and our world is like in MLP, therefore it is forced. Must be nice to be able to deny everything that is too scary, and it sure is easy to write about something serious if the moment you do it you get this.

Also, actual arguments would be nice, because Yuuki was already one of the most popular characters BEFORE this part........ So saying that it is a trick out of nowhere sounds a bit like nonsense. So now you cannot use a terminal diseae or something because people will think that you are just trying to cheat with them? What the heck? What's the next stop, saying that people having them irl should shut up or they're just asking for sympathy?
The whole theme of this arc is "people are dying and want to left something in this world, virtual or not". you'll have an hard time doing this if everything was sugar and rainbows.

Criticizing is fine, but it's even better when "arguments" aren't something without any basis, or worse, a buzzword.
That's one thing that is quite wonderful in the anime community since a while, when you look at people, especially goddamn elitists, you'd think that everyone is a genius at writing and know everything about good/bad litterature/writing and what it is.
Nope, most of the time, something you don't like != bad writing, sorry, just watch the last thread and you'll have a pretty good example of how this isn't always the show's fault. And just because you fail to get something other do (getting something can mean being touched here), it doesn't mean that you are right and know everything about what "writing" is and it's just forced drama and others are idiots. God.
The damn "bad wriging" thing is so much of a buzzword that I'm pretty sure I haven't seen any forum not using it at some point. If it was coming with actual arguments, sure, but "bad writing" itself isn't an argument when you cannot explain the details, meaning and the why.

Also, by the way, it's not even only about Yuuki. SAO was ALWAYS about the uses and the consequences VR can have on society. And the medicuboid is all about this in this arc (Yuuki is an extension), medical uses. But I guess if it isn't action, it shouldn't be in the serie.
willardhwrightDec 6, 2014 2:19 PM
Dec 6, 2014 2:15 PM
Jan 2014
I knew what was coming. I thought I was gonna be hitted with a car but it was a train insteed, I've shed some tears durning this episode and yet the arc isnt finished yet... Reading is really diffrent then watching actual emotions, thats why it got me so good while i knew what was coming. The last 2 episodes will be even worse...

I hope SAO 3 end of 2015 to be aired!
Dec 6, 2014 2:18 PM

Nov 2007
willardhwright said:

Also, by the way, it's not even only about Yuuki. SAO was ALWAYS about the uses and the consequences VR can have on society. And the medicuboid is all about this in this arc (Yuuki is an extension), medical uses. But I guess if it isn't action, it shouldn't be in the serie.


SAO was about blurring real life and virtual life to the exteme
GGO touched upon the application of VR for therapeutic effects (Sinon)
Mother Rozario was about the application of VR for medical purposes
The next arc is about the application of VR for advanced AI research
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Dec 6, 2014 2:19 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
I feel very bad for Asuna. In the real world she has to deal with her mom who can't agree with Asuna's future, and then she's also suffering from not being able to see Yuuki.

Kirito comes to the rescue and gives Asuna the place where Yuuki is. He probably had Yui do a background check on Yuuki or he probably found out on his own. Nice to see Yui watching Kirito at school via that robot thing.

How does the hospital give blood that is infected. Did they not check it beforehand?

Dec 6, 2014 2:21 PM

Mar 2011
wakka9ca said:
willardhwright said:

Also, by the way, it's not even only about Yuuki. SAO was ALWAYS about the uses and the consequences VR can have on society. And the medicuboid is all about this in this arc (Yuuki is an extension), medical uses. But I guess if it isn't action, it shouldn't be in the serie.


SAO was about blurring real life and virtual life to the exteme
GGO touched upon the application of VR for therapeutic effects (Sinon)
Mother Rozario was about the application of VR for medical purposes
The next arc is about the application of VR for advanced AI research

I can't wait to see what people will say about alicization. If they are somplaining about this like that for MR, I'm pretty sure the haters will be really funny later

Also true, I forgot that blurring reality and virtual life is quite an accurate description of the point of the serie too, questioning reality and "what is real", period. Yui being the embodiment of this since S1.
Dec 6, 2014 2:25 PM
Apr 2014
y123y said:
Akame ga Online

Pls. Mother's Rosario has much more feels than Akame ga Kill as a whole.

And this isn't even SAO's last form... i meant, Alicization has some nice feels too. - anime | manga | reviews
Dec 6, 2014 2:26 PM

Nov 2012
Well next episode gonna be sad ;_____;
Dec 6, 2014 2:27 PM

Oct 2008
y123y said:
InsertPriestHere said:

I recall him mentioning she was born in 2011.
Or was that not in the episode after all and I'm already confusing the LN and anime?

What I mean is, when Asuka went to the hospital, she told one of the nurses at the register that she was looking for a patient around age 15. How could Asuna have possibly known her age?

She guessed her age based on her appearance in ALO. Is it that hard to figure out? Lol, you make it sound so odd, when it just takes a tiny bit of logic.

Anyways, ah this episode. Hits you in the feels, and it's not over yet.
Dec 6, 2014 2:38 PM
Jan 2012
I knew this episode was coming from the light novel and I have to say the feels hit me like a water balloon
Dec 6, 2014 2:44 PM

Jun 2013
'cause i feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel

Dec 6, 2014 2:49 PM

Jun 2014
AIDs from a blood transfusion? I thought this was a first world country.
Dec 6, 2014 3:01 PM

Mar 2012
Chabe said:
AIDs from a blood transfusion? I thought this was a first world country.

Would you look at that? An armchair doctor.

There are multiple reasons for HIV to remain undetected in blood transfusions. Medicine is not perfect, after all. Not even in a first world country.
(Also known on other places as Hiss13)

All hail the adorable chess master!
Dec 6, 2014 3:03 PM
Jul 2018
Chabe said:
AIDs from a blood transfusion? I thought this was a first world country.
Mistakes happen. Just because its first world doesn't mean it's going to be free of problems. Like how some docotors diagnose cancer when there really isn't any (yes this is a thing) or some surgeries end up with tools being accidentally left inside the body.
Dec 6, 2014 3:04 PM
Feb 2014
Chabe said:
AIDs from a blood transfusion? I thought this was a first world country.

To quote what I wrote way back on the first page:

Caleb8980 said:
TazmanianFrog said:
I guess hospitals don't check to see if blood is contaminated before giving it to people anymore. :P The feels were real this episode.

Well even if so there always exists a chance that the contamination is undetected for various reasons, e. g. that the virus wasn't fully developed yet and the body of the donor had no time to produce antibodies against it.

As the tests search for such antibodies there exists a real chance to get infected (but don't worry, in most countries the chance is extremely low (1 of 3 millions or even lower); still it's not unheard of even in fully developed countries)

Also just 40 years back in the 70s till mid of 80s there were huge incidents all over the world where thousands of people became infected from bad blood transfusions, even in first world countries.
Dec 6, 2014 3:08 PM

Mar 2011
CreationBreaker said:
Chabe said:
AIDs from a blood transfusion? I thought this was a first world country.

Would you look at that? An armchair doctor.

There are multiple reasons for HIV to remain undetected in blood transfusions. Medicine is not perfect, after all. Not even in a first world country.

...Well, as I said in the page before, . Even if it's a bit old, I think we still weren't a third world country either. It happens. It shouldn't, but, yeah.
Dec 6, 2014 3:10 PM

Jun 2014
CreationBreaker said:
Chabe said:
AIDs from a blood transfusion? I thought this was a first world country.

Would you look at that? An armchair doctor.

There are multiple reasons for HIV to remain undetected in blood transfusions. Medicine is not perfect, after all. Not even in a first world country.

The chance of getting HIV from a blood transfusion (UK) is 1 in 6.5 million and there hasn't been a case of someone developing a viral infection from a blood transfusion since 2005. It's so incredibly unlikely that I find it a silly plot point. It's like having someone being killed by lightning, in fact, you're more likely to be struck by lightning than get HIV from a blood transfusion.
Dec 6, 2014 3:19 PM
Mar 2012
You're more highly likely to get struck by lightning than getting trapped in Sword Art Online too.

Well anyways, an abridged version of what the novel says:
Dec 6, 2014 3:19 PM
Feb 2014
Chabe said:
CreationBreaker said:

Would you look at that? An armchair doctor.

There are multiple reasons for HIV to remain undetected in blood transfusions. Medicine is not perfect, after all. Not even in a first world country.

The chance of getting HIV from a blood transfusion (UK) is 1 in 6.5 million and there hasn't been a case of someone developing a viral infection from a blood transfusion since 2005. It's so incredibly unlikely that I find it a silly plot point. It's like having someone being killed by lightning, in fact, you're more likely to be struck by lightning than get HIV from a blood transfusion.

Here from 2008 in the USA and how many of those cases never come to light?

In the end if it was a slow viral infection it can happen months after the transfusion and to trace it back then takes much time and effort.
Dec 6, 2014 3:20 PM
Sep 2014
why are we here discussing the merits of Yuuki's disease?

it's an anime afterall....
Dec 6, 2014 3:21 PM

May 2011
Chabe said:
AIDs from a blood transfusion? I thought this was a first world country.

You need to read this post please. It explains it as it was in the novel. The spoilers is from the light novel that takes place at the same point as this episode. So you're fine to read it. It's mainly complimentary reading to enhance the anime story. It's mainly and detailed explanation of why Yuuki's family could and did get infected from the doctor.

Ty, LastChapter for the post.

LastChapter said:
They actually dumbified the conversation a lot so I took an excerpt of it from the novel. I removed pretty much everything other than the conversation itself (like how they were in an elevator rather than in a private business room) so this isn't actually the full text. They also go in much greater detail about the Medicuboid but I'm sure the anime watchers don't care about that:

Edit: Added excerpt about Yuuki's past which gives more details about her childhood such as the bullying and her degeneration:

I've Google HIV and blood transfusions. And yes, there is still a minimal risk of being infected from a transfusion. But the odds are similar to being hit by lightning or winning the lottery.

Sadly, Yuuki and her family won that lottery.

I pretty feel it's safe to just come out and say that Yuuki is going to be Asuna's "Sachi" moment. It's pretty much why Kirito was adamant about asking Asuna if she wanted to see Yuuki before he gave her the information. He probably already knew what Yuuki was dealing with by shear logic.

Why Asuna couldn't join the guild is simple now. Sleeping Knights are all terminally ill patients stuck in Mecuboid chambers bidding their time until their illness takes them.
CirrisDec 6, 2014 4:28 PM
Dec 6, 2014 3:22 PM
Mar 2012
rdtx2013 said:
why are we here discussing the merits of Yuuki's disease?

it's an anime afterall....

In a previous thread we were relating political philosophy to SAO technology, I'm not surprised about any new topic springing up anymore.
Dec 6, 2014 3:25 PM

Jun 2014
Caleb8980 said: from 2008 in the USA and how many of those cases never come to light?

In the end if it was a slow viral infection it can happens months after the transfusion and to trace it back then takes much time and effort.

Well the USA has a subpar medical system then. Even with the odds reported there, you're still more likely to be struck by lightning, which still makes it a stupid plotpoint in my eyes.

LastChapter said:
You're more highly likely to get struck by lightning than getting trapped in Sword Art Online too.

Seriously? What an asinine comment.

LastChapter said:
Well anyways, an abridged version of what the novel says:

1 in 100,000? That's ridiculous and if it's true for Japan then they certainly do not have a first world medical system.
Dec 6, 2014 3:27 PM

Jul 2014
I loved this episode, even though I wasn't a big fan of the talky episodes in GGO. I'm glad that Asuna got to meet Yuuki, but sad that Yuuki and the Sleeping Knights is disbanding for the reason that they are.
This episode hits you right in the emotion sack.
Dec 6, 2014 3:31 PM

Jan 2013
That was such a sad episode ;_;
Poor Yuki-san and the others..

Dec 6, 2014 3:35 PM
Mar 2012
Nothing is flawless in real life, even if the chances are less than being struck by lightning, that doesn't mean the chances are still zero. It still can happen. In a fictional series, you can write whatever you want. Chances in real life situations do not apply in fictional works. It's like saying this fictional character has 1 in 6.5 million chances of getting HIV. They don't. The writer is in control of the script, and can make their characters win the lottery as many times as they want.

Chabe said:
LastChapter said:
You're more highly likely to get struck by lightning than getting trapped in Sword Art Online too.

Seriously? What an asinine comment.

LOL thanks for the humor.
Dec 6, 2014 3:39 PM

Sep 2010
This was really sad, can't believe it. T.T
Dec 6, 2014 3:42 PM
Jul 2013
The struggle for the new episode begins... :'(
Why was this so sentimental? T_T
If I knew this was going to be like this I would've... I would've... ;(
Dec 6, 2014 3:43 PM

Jul 2012
Good episode. That was really sad for Yuuki and the others.
Tom's Hardware graphics veteran++ (Legacy)
i7 6700K@4.0 GHz, ASUS Z170 PRO GAMING, RTX 2080, G. Skill RipJaws V 3200MHz 16GB,
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Dec 6, 2014 3:43 PM

Jul 2014
Great episode. 5/5
Dec 6, 2014 3:44 PM

Dec 2009
Yeah, definitely one of the best episodes for SAO. Tugging at the heartstrings. :')

The opening hurts even more now. :(
Dec 6, 2014 3:49 PM

May 2013
Chabe said:
CreationBreaker said:

Would you look at that? An armchair doctor.

There are multiple reasons for HIV to remain undetected in blood transfusions. Medicine is not perfect, after all. Not even in a first world country.

The chance of getting HIV from a blood transfusion (UK) is 1 in 6.5 million and there hasn't been a case of someone developing a viral infection from a blood transfusion since 2005. It's so incredibly unlikely that I find it a silly plot point. It's like having someone being killed by lightning, in fact, you're more likely to be struck by lightning than get HIV from a blood transfusion.
Oh yeah, and everything else in this show or other shows are SO likely to happen.
Dec 6, 2014 3:49 PM

Feb 2013
This series just didn't know where to stop this week. It just had to go and deliver the most needlessly sad background story when "she's dying of AIDS" would've sufficed. Why should I care about Yuuki's family if the only thing I know about them is that they're dead?
And how is this going to tie in with Asuna's struggles?
Dec 6, 2014 3:50 PM

Apr 2012
wow by far my favorite arc of this show

Dec 6, 2014 3:52 PM
Feb 2012
Chabe said:

LastChapter said:
You're more highly likely to get struck by lightning than getting trapped in Sword Art Online too.

Seriously? What an asinine comment.

Actually it's the very essence of what you are failing to understand...
Would you be happier if the one that was infected with HIV was a 60 year male not interested in VR and therefore not part of the plot? There you have it.

Now, change it into a newborn girl and her family just to make it something you can tell a story about.

The thing is, someone from time to time WILL get infected with HIV because of a blood transfusion. Then, why not a little girl called Yuuki?
Dec 6, 2014 3:52 PM

Apr 2012
Chabe said:
CreationBreaker said:

Would you look at that? An armchair doctor.

There are multiple reasons for HIV to remain undetected in blood transfusions. Medicine is not perfect, after all. Not even in a first world country.

The chance of getting HIV from a blood transfusion (UK) is 1 in 6.5 million and there hasn't been a case of someone developing a viral infection from a blood transfusion since 2005. It's so incredibly unlikely that I find it a silly plot point. It's like having someone being killed by lightning, in fact, you're more likely to be struck by lightning than get HIV from a blood transfusion.

so it is still plausible
what's your point?

Dec 6, 2014 3:53 PM
Mar 2013
willardhwright said:
Also, people using "cheap" "forced" and this kind of words, please define what you mean by this. Because if we stick by the original meaning of the words, there is a big problems here. A very big one.

Or maybe people think that things like that cannot happen IRL and our world is like in MLP, therefore it is forced. Must be nice to be able to deny everything that is too scary, and it sure is easy to write about something serious if the moment you do it you get this.

Also, actual arguments would be nice, because Yuuki was already one of the most popular characters BEFORE this part........ So saying that it is a trick out of nowhere sounds a bit like nonsense. So now you cannot use a terminal diseae or something because people will think that you are just trying to cheat with them? What the heck? What's the next stop, saying that people having them irl should shut up or they're just asking for sympathy?...The whole theme of this arc is "people are dying and want to left something in this world, virtual or not". you'll have an hard time doing this if everything was sugar and rainbows.

I said before that I actually liked Yuuki, mostly because of her attitude, but I've seen a lot of people say they don't feel attached to her, and I can see why. All she has is quirks, and not an actual character. And when I say "cheat", I mean "cheat". The story wants you to sympathize with her, and instead of actually giving her a character, they slapped the whole "Everyone Has AIDS" sticker on there to garner false sympathy. It reminds me a lot of "The Fault In Our Stars", where you have two unlikable and bland characters that you would never root for, but because they have cancer, you are automatically like them.

From the get go, Sword Art Online has had trouble when it comes to storytelling. It's main protagonist has absolutely zero flaws, it tackles the whole "trapped in a game" very poorly, and seems to think that "rape" is a good motivation for every single villain. I don't hate SAO, but I don't find it all that good. That's why I liked the Mother's Rosario arc: the show stopped taking itself seriously (except for this episode). When it tries to be dramatic or "meaningful", it falls flat on its face because it's just not all that deep.

And, I really hate it when stories use terminal illness to garner unearned sympathy because of my own medical history. I was born with heart problems, I got a transplant two years ago, and I know exactly what it feels like to be "terminal". Yes, sick kids are a reality, and I wouldn't mind it in this instance it it felt sincere and genuine when it comes to the story. Instead, it's used for false sympathy (as I've said a number of times), but to bring back this whole "wanting to live in a virtual world BS".
Dec 6, 2014 3:53 PM

Mar 2011
gedata said:
This series just didn't know where to stop this week. It just had to go and deliver the most needlessly sad background story when "she's dying of AIDS" would've sufficed. Why should I care about Yuuki's family if the only thing I know about them is that they're dead?

Because it means that's she's now ALL alone except for Asuna and her VR friends, that are the only people she knows? It' not like if one of the main theme in SAO was "VR is just as real as reality.
Dec 6, 2014 3:56 PM
Jul 2018
willardhwright said:
gedata said:
This series just didn't know where to stop this week. It just had to go and deliver the most needlessly sad background story when "she's dying of AIDS" would've sufficed. Why should I care about Yuuki's family if the only thing I know about them is that they're dead?

Because it means that's she's now ALL alone except for Asuna and her VR friends, that are the only people she knows? It' not like if one of the main theme in SAO was "VR is just as real as reality.

Sadly A-1 didn't animate, Yuuki's back story. Like the novels left a better impact on me than anime. Not saying I hated this episode. Just saying it could have been better.
Dec 6, 2014 4:05 PM

Apr 2012
Virtual Reality therapy for the critically ill is a pretty cool idea especially for those who are bed ridden or have some debilitating disability.

Dec 6, 2014 4:07 PM
Jul 2018
tummer said:
willardhwright said:
Also, people using "cheap" "forced" and this kind of words, please define what you mean by this. Because if we stick by the original meaning of the words, there is a big problems here. A very big one.

Or maybe people think that things like that cannot happen IRL and our world is like in MLP, therefore it is forced. Must be nice to be able to deny everything that is too scary, and it sure is easy to write about something serious if the moment you do it you get this.

Also, actual arguments would be nice, because Yuuki was already one of the most popular characters BEFORE this part........ So saying that it is a trick out of nowhere sounds a bit like nonsense. So now you cannot use a terminal diseae or something because people will think that you are just trying to cheat with them? What the heck? What's the next stop, saying that people having them irl should shut up or they're just asking for sympathy?...The whole theme of this arc is "people are dying and want to left something in this world, virtual or not". you'll have an hard time doing this if everything was sugar and rainbows.

I said before that I actually liked Yuuki, mostly because of her attitude, but I've seen a lot of people say they don't feel attached to her, and I can see why. All she has is quirks, and not an actual character. And when I say "cheat", I mean "cheat". The story wants you to sympathize with her, and instead of actually giving her a character, they slapped the whole "Everyone Has AIDS" sticker on there to garner false sympathy. It reminds me a lot of "The Fault In Our Stars", where you have two unlikable and bland characters that you would never root for, but because they have cancer, you are automatically like them.

From the get go, Sword Art Online has had trouble when it comes to storytelling. It's main protagonist has absolutely zero flaws, it tackles the whole "trapped in a game" very poorly, and seems to think that "rape" is a good motivation for every single villain. I don't hate SAO, but I don't find it all that good. That's why I liked the Mother's Rosario arc: the show stopped taking itself seriously (except for this episode). When it tries to be dramatic or "meaningful", it falls flat on its face because it's just not all that deep.

And, I really hate it when stories use terminal illness to garner unearned sympathy because of my own medical history. I was born with heart problems, I got a transplant two years ago, and I know exactly what it feels like to be "terminal". Yes, sick kids are a reality, and I wouldn't mind it in this instance it it felt sincere and genuine when it comes to the story. Instead, it's used for false sympathy (as I've said a number of times), but to bring back this whole "wanting to live in a virtual world BS".

You did not read the LN. I can tell from that first statement you didn't. You only watched the shitty anime adaptation.
Dec 6, 2014 4:09 PM
Feb 2012
Zeally said:
Virtual Reality therapy for the critically ill is a pretty cool idea especially for those who are bed ridden or have some debilitating disability.

It is indeed. And it has a very wide range of applications. Unfortunately I think we are pretty far from a real VR technology...
Dec 6, 2014 4:10 PM

May 2012
well, I guess I didn't feel this turn of events was very shocking, or added depth to the show, in my honest opinion (common tearjerker). I'm just a guy who's just entertained by it, in the most shallow way though (as in, I watched the first season so...).
Now we know vaguely what Kirito told yuuki before he was defeated by her, and maybe why he was defeated by her.
until next week
Dec 6, 2014 4:10 PM
Nov 2013
Woah wtf, AIDS? Poor Yuuki, I did not expect that at all. Seeing skinny she was in the hospital bed hit me so hard, especially when Asuna started to cry. I wonder if she'll go Asuna's school for her last few moments of life..

Good episode. This episode was actually a very strong one. Makes me want bump my score up a bit.
Dec 6, 2014 4:11 PM
Apr 2014
tummer said:
From the get go, Sword Art Online has had trouble when it comes to storytelling. It's main protagonist has absolutely zero flaws.

I stopped reading here. - anime | manga | reviews
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