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Jan 24, 2013 8:21 AM

Nov 2011

Oh wow, the beginning..and that scene at the street. Damn. Nice episode if you ask me. Shit got real in the latter half. I also liked the music of this episode :>

Shougo being a boss once again this time as well. 5/5.
Jan 24, 2013 8:21 AM

Nov 2007
Helmet that copy the scan data from nearest people to prevent from sensing criminal status. A shut-in it seems.

That bad guy (Sakurai-san's character) hates Psycho-Pass system and can fight, it seems.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jan 24, 2013 8:23 AM

Nov 2009
Shougo can fight? Great xD.
Jan 24, 2013 8:42 AM
Jan 2013
wow, the show is getting better and better!

and WT, those people just standing there and doing nothing,or even worse, taking video of it....
and that robot thing just kept repeating that her stress level was going up and needed treatment while the guy was..

and wow, Kougami has a super high CC

and Akane doesn't smile anymore .....

akihimesamaJan 24, 2013 8:53 AM
Jan 24, 2013 8:54 AM

Jul 2010
Dat helmet.

Poor woman getting the beat down.
Jan 24, 2013 9:00 AM

Nov 2009
It won't be an exaggeration to say that episode was the best s$x ever xD.
Jan 24, 2013 9:30 AM

Jan 2013
That's some brutal action ;__; Though similar to what happens in reality, I mean all those people just watching and taking vids.

Can't get over how awesome Makishima is.
Jan 24, 2013 9:41 AM
Dec 2012
LOL@the crowd passively observing the murder.

The episode was thrilling from the beginning to the end. The mini robots made me miss Tachikoma of Ghost in the Shell.
eminagnamJan 24, 2013 9:48 AM
Jan 24, 2013 9:43 AM
Sep 2011
Glad the finalized second OP kept the artstlye that was used for the first, I would even say that it surpassed it despite the somewhat stale song.

If it hasn't been evident before, the latest episode has made it clear how the citizens have become so accustomed to the system that they wouldn't be able to survive without it. That such a blatantly suspicious person could walk around without causing distrust from passerbies says it all.
In this regard Makishima is right about the citicens having turned into mindless cheeps, who abide the rules of the system without questioning it, while submitting themselves to a carefree life freed of responsibility.
Jan 24, 2013 10:02 AM

Aug 2012
Woah, that was AMAZING. I'm so in love with Makishima! <3
Jan 24, 2013 10:07 AM
Dec 2012
Unimpressed said:
If it hasn't been evident before, the latest episode has made it clear how the citizens have become so accustomed to the system that they wouldn't be able to survive without it. That such a blatantly suspicious person could walk around without causing distrust from passerbies says it all.
In this regard Makishima is right about the citicens having turned into mindless cheeps, who abide the rules of the system without questioning it, while submitting themselves to a carefree life freed of responsibility.

Indeed. Perhaps I would've been also like them if I had been there. Kinda scared of myself.
Jan 24, 2013 10:12 AM
Jan 2013
It was very exciting episode! I can't predict what's gonna happen in the end in this anime and can't wait next episode.

Sybil System is so sucky and useless. Dominator is useless too. I don't understand why this system is employed. I didn't know Makishima is such a strong guy! I'm happy to see a new OP movie.

I think Psycho-pass is one of the BEST anime ever and don' t understand why it isn't so much popular (at least in Japan)!
Jan 24, 2013 10:49 AM

Aug 2011
I've barely got words for this episode. It was so perfect. I just.

(Did the animation improve since the last episode? It's always had great animation but If felt like this week it was better)

The OP animation was great. And so was the ED. IDK EGOIST JUST ALKDFJASKLDF.

I completely agree with Makishima. It's scary how those citizens were just watching, with such nonchalant expressions on their faces (although I'm aware it's because of the fact that they're so used to not being suspicious or scared of anyone, due to the 'godly' Sybil System). It's scarier how this sort of stuff actually HAPPENS in real life, and no one does anything about it.
Jan 24, 2013 10:52 AM

Sep 2012
I'm quite impressed. Great Episode.
Jan 24, 2013 11:04 AM

Feb 2012
Great ep.

I know it's kind of messed up, but I agree with Makishima's methods lol.

I know I wouldn't want to live in a world that's controlled by computers where everything you do is already decided for you.

The fact that everyone just looked on as that chick was getting beat to death just shows how wrong the system is. Everyone just lives like sheep as Makishima said.

With that said, he's obviously going to get caught and die but hopefully in the end the system gets changed.
Jan 24, 2013 11:09 AM

Feb 2010
Wow. Disturbing and awesome episode.

This show is a GREAT social commentary on society, and what we could become...
Jan 24, 2013 11:23 AM

Nov 2009
Just to mention that i've seen videos where people are just staring and passing by the street when something bad happens. So, yes, it was a commentary.
Jan 24, 2013 11:51 AM

Feb 2012
Should've arrested the bystanders.

And wow, 282?
Jan 24, 2013 12:03 PM

Jan 2013
The beginning was crazylike, and the chase scene was awesome ^^
Jan 24, 2013 12:12 PM

Jun 2009
Okay wooooooooow that guy is so creepy killing people with stationary. that gotta hurt;(

BUT once again amazing episode. I wonder what Shogo wants with the.. stuff he got from the robots? LOL
Jan 24, 2013 12:17 PM

Jun 2012
Wow the deaths this week were brutal even more so than the mid season finale with Shogo Makishima. Another piece of the puzzle is thrown out there with the mysterious person Shogo is in contact with and the stuff he stole. What he said at the end I agree with his end goal but the way of getting there is horribly flawed. It's true that Sibyl creates a fake sense of order and safety, but the way of trying to change society he has to be evil himself to expose the flaws of the system. As we've seen though, he has no problem with it which still at the moment makes him the antagonist.

Another thing that got brought up which I can see playing into the factor is the surprise that Kogami's Psycho Pass got even higher. I assume the limit you need to be a "normal" citizen is X< 300 because they said he was close to becoming a criminal at 282. At the end of the series I'm predicting that Kogami's PP will get high as a result of his colleagues dying then fighting Shogo in the finale as we've seen in episode 1

Edit: Just rewatched the beginning of episode 1 and the guys with masks were there too : O Piquing my curiousity even more!
HybridMBLJan 24, 2013 1:32 PM
Jan 24, 2013 12:31 PM

Aug 2011
Fuck this is so good.

Scissors/pens/baseball bats all ruined for me now.
Those attacks were brutal.

I was raging because the people were just standing there recording footage.

The new OP animation is so pretty. Loving it!!
Jan 24, 2013 12:35 PM

Aug 2011
Wow, Makishima knows some ka-ra-tay!

This episode was one of the best yet. I'm completely blown away by every little thing. The OP animation actually really impressed me as well. Holy moly, this was amazing.
Jan 24, 2013 12:40 PM

Oct 2012
Damn that was pretty good.

Makashima seems more like a good guy now. His motive is clear and he just doesn't want to cause random crimes.

The way he kicked ass at the end with those thugs was pretty awesome.

Cant wait for the next episode.

I wonder what they will do with those helmets? Maybe distribute them to people?
Jan 24, 2013 12:41 PM

Nov 2009
Hybridbloodszak said:
I'm predicting that Kogami's PP will get high as a result of his colleagues dying then fighting Shogo in the finale as we've seen in episode 1

I think this can happen eariler in the series.

Isn't this foreshadowing? o.O ;_;.
Jan 24, 2013 12:47 PM

May 2010
So who want to see a magic trick? Boom hold these scissors kinda laugh at that part, cuz it reminded me of the joker, but that other death? no one help and just watched as a woman was beaten to all shit, there system is flawed to all shit. live stock indeed
Jan 24, 2013 12:49 PM

Dec 2011
Ooh. An invention to surpass cymatic scans.
Glad that it all wrapped up in the end of this episode.

I hope we can go on a manhunt of Makishima soon enough.
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Jan 24, 2013 1:01 PM

Jan 2012
Those helmets were pretty cool. And the crimes were rather crazy. Great episode like always.

Jan 24, 2013 1:03 PM

Jan 2013
Hybridbloodszak said:
Wow the deaths this week were brutal even more so than the mid season finale with Shogo Makishima. Another piece of the puzzle is thrown out there with the mysterious person Shogo is in contact with and the stuff he stole.
His contact sounded like Choe Guseong imo. Seems like he is Makashima's second in command or something.
Jan 24, 2013 1:22 PM
Oct 2010
Damn this ep was messed up.
Jan 24, 2013 1:45 PM

Nov 2011
Man that was an epic episode.
Brutal murders, bystanders just watching as a woman gets killed and once again the Sibyl system proven to be useless.

Kogami's PP is getting ridiculously high, but apparently it was only that high for the time-being because he wanted to kill the guy. Still really high nonetheless.
Then Makishima really just lays it out with those thugs! Once again kills a guy brutally by sticking the bat in his mouth and just forcing it through his throat.... Ouch.

Simply awesome.
Touch me, you filthy casual~
Jan 24, 2013 1:46 PM

Feb 2008
Much better than previous episodes. It reminded me of the potential that the first episode showed before it devolved into pretentious quoting and trite themes. I actually loved this episode, though, especially since the show seems to have direction now. Hopefully it can keep to this level of quality until the end, because it may end up being something neat if that is the case.
Jan 24, 2013 2:02 PM
Jun 2012
What I learned from this ep:
scissors relieve stress
Jan 24, 2013 2:17 PM
Oct 2012
Rarely has animated violence shocked me to such degree. This has to be the most brutally surreal episode I've ever seen.

By the way, is it just me or was that pharmacy attack in the start carried out by a Senjougahara copycat?
Jan 24, 2013 2:19 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Those two murders in the beginning. Ouch. And that woman who was being slapped around. Seriously, these people are ruthless...and shame on you bystanders. This is classic example of bystander effect and pluralistic ignorance. I almost thought it was also diffusion of responsibility but it's not because those bystanders completely didn't think about how the woman needed help. Seriously? I get that these people trust the Sibyl System and all, but how does violence not freak anyone out. It's not even the matter of desensitization, because people in this society do get freaked out by bloody stuff (like that lady in the first episode)...

Makishima said some good shit. And although I agree with him about people living like livestock, I still hate him because WTF you can't just go around killing innocent people, or to overlook the killing of innocent people.
Jan 24, 2013 2:21 PM

Feb 2012
Veronin said:
Much better than previous episodes. It reminded me of the potential that the first episode showed before it devolved into pretentious quoting and trite themes. I actually loved this episode, though, especially since the show seems to have direction now. Hopefully it can keep to this level of quality until the end, because it may end up being something neat if that is the case.

Why do you call out this episode, in particular?
Jan 24, 2013 2:31 PM

Sep 2012
Brutal crimes, awesome episode.

Why is Shion Karanomori not in the OP or ED animations along with the others?
She is part of the team.
Jan 24, 2013 2:39 PM

Feb 2010
All those people seeing that woman being killed... just like that... seemed exaggerated to me, Masaoka said he lived before the sybil system so it's no THAT old, and some people in the scene looked old.

The way makishima killed the last guy... ouch
Jan 24, 2013 2:46 PM

Sep 2012
Quite an intense episode we had this week.
Sibyl and humans are useless
Jan 24, 2013 2:47 PM

Jul 2011
Actually the crime in the street reminds of the Bystander effect, but the absolute trust Psycho-Pass society puts in Sybil system makes it more intense. Just a guess.

NotAPieceOfPie said:
Brutal crimes, awesome episode.

Why is Shion Karanomori not in the OP or ED animations along with the others?
She is part of the team.

I've been wondering this for a while.
Why do I have the feeling she might die in the future?

"Like this too we met in a dirty and ugly world; Thank you for this miracle."
Jan 24, 2013 2:51 PM

Feb 2010
Mary_Vanucchi said:

NotAPieceOfPie said:
Brutal crimes, awesome episode.

Why is Shion Karanomori not in the OP or ED animations along with the others?
She is part of the team.

I've been wondering this for a while.
Why do I have the feeling she might die in the future?

She's actually in the OP, but just a brief moment at the start.
Jan 24, 2013 2:51 PM

Dec 2009
NotAPieceOfPie said:

Why is Shion Karanomori not in the OP or ED animations along with the others?
She is part of the team.

But she is. At the beginning when all of them are standing in line on the roof (?) - she's the last one (Akane being the first). And she's in the "naked" part of the ED as well, the one on the left.
Jan 24, 2013 2:54 PM

Jul 2011
Vanisher said:

She's actually in the OP, but just a brief moment at the start.

Colleen said:

But she is. At the beginning when all of them are standing in line on the roof (?) - she's the last one (Akane being the first). And she's in the "naked" part of the ED as well, the one on the left.

Oops, didn't notice that.

"Like this too we met in a dirty and ugly world; Thank you for this miracle."
Jan 24, 2013 3:01 PM

May 2010
great episode.
Jan 24, 2013 3:02 PM

Nov 2012
Hybridbloodszak said:
Wow the deaths this week were brutal even more so than the mid season finale with Shogo Makishima. Another piece of the puzzle is thrown out there with the mysterious person Shogo is in contact with and the stuff he stole. What he said at the end I agree with his end goal but the way of getting there is horribly flawed. It's true that Sibyl creates a fake sense of order and safety, but the way of trying to change society he has to be evil himself to expose the flaws of the system. As we've seen though, he has no problem with it which still at the moment makes him the antagonist.

Another thing that got brought up which I can see playing into the factor is the surprise that Kogami's Psycho Pass got even higher. I assume the limit you need to be a "normal" citizen is X< 300 because they said he was close to becoming a criminal at 282. At the end of the series I'm predicting that Kogami's PP will get high as a result of his colleagues dying then fighting Shogo in the finale as we've seen in episode 1

Edit: Just rewatched the beginning of episode 1 and the guys with masks were there too : O Piquing my curiousity even more!

good observation there.

shinezu said:
Hybridbloodszak said:
Wow the deaths this week were brutal even more so than the mid season finale with Shogo Makishima. Another piece of the puzzle is thrown out there with the mysterious person Shogo is in contact with and the stuff he stole.
His contact sounded like Choe Guseong imo. Seems like he is Makashima's second in command or something.

it was Gu-sang definitely
FerrasJan 24, 2013 3:19 PM
Jan 24, 2013 3:09 PM

Oct 2012
It was a good episode but it really annoyed me when they just stood there and let that women get murdered, I didn't feel the explanation was enough.
Jan 24, 2013 3:19 PM

Sep 2012
Mary_Vanucchi said:
Vanisher said:

She's actually in the OP, but just a brief moment at the start.

Colleen said:

But she is. At the beginning when all of them are standing in line on the roof (?) - she's the last one (Akane being the first). And she's in the "naked" part of the ED as well, the one on the left.

Oops, didn't notice that.

Time to get my eyes checked.
Jan 24, 2013 3:23 PM

Jun 2010
Amazing. Every episode is better and better. I love how they question everything about that dystopic world they live in, which is not that far from the reality we live in. Science is approaching to techniques to control behaviour, know crime coefficients (do we born being evil or not?), etcétera. I just love how the show manages to question this and makes us think even further in the series, not only watch but analyze. For me, it has a score of 10 already and it will only decrease if the end is very bad, which i hope won't happen.

Waiting for more!!

Sent with Mal Updater
Jan 24, 2013 3:24 PM

Nov 2009
I have no problem saying that this was by far the best and my favorite episode of the series so far~! It was so freaking brutal and gory! This anime just keeps getting better and better.
Jan 24, 2013 3:50 PM

Dec 2010
I shall never see the baseball bat the same way 0.0
but srsly thou Akane and Shougo is right imo, the citizens are so accustomed to the SS that they dont know how to judge things for themselves. The girl beaten to death didnt even think of running away! While i was screaming here how dodgy he looked...
Best show ever thumbs up! 5/5
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