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Sep 15, 2007 2:18 PM

Jun 2007
Yay, I was right. Time skip but it was only a year into the future.

Yamato and Suzuka are having their wedding and we get to see their Daughter "Fuuka". Yamato and Suzuka plan to have a second kid.

More info on the chapter can be found here

I'm a bit happy that we get to meet the new daughter and see how everyone (their friends) have evolved a bit since the last time they met. I suppose this ending was a good choice. Props to Seo and cant wait till his new work this Sping time.
Sep 16, 2007 3:58 PM

Aug 2007
ok so its time for the time skip well that was inevitable I guess. but this seems like it will be a nice ending but nothing special.

I hope his next work is good I will be waiting for it to come out in the spring too.

That was a nice chap all in all just wish it was a little further in the future I guess I would like to see if there kid became a great athlete too.
animemark35Sep 19, 2007 12:35 PM
Sep 19, 2007 3:32 PM
Jun 2007
*wipes off manly tears*

That was rather unexpected. I thought that the ending was gonna be boring but I found it to be rather satisfying. I was expecting the friction between Miki and Hattori to have been gone by now.

Sep 19, 2007 3:53 PM

Jun 2007
ya I wanted to see Miki hook up with Yasharob in the end (sp?) :/. Yamato and Suzuka really do make a good couple. I love how she finally told Yamato how much he means to her (I can't live without you).

The ending was good I give it a 6 out of 10.
Sep 19, 2007 10:25 PM

Aug 2007
man the spring is too long for me to wait I will loose interest by then I wish it was starting in like january I think I could wait that long.

ya i wish they would have hooked up too but this manga never really told us about side characters so i guess it is to be expected.
Jun 3, 2008 11:04 AM

Apr 2008
I was a little unsatisfied couse sport thread has not been finished.
Ending was very nice and warm though
Jun 3, 2008 5:17 PM

Jun 2007
Seo's (suzuka's creator) new work that's about to come out apparently is not related to Suzuka at all. It's another romance manga about a guy and two girls that apparently like him. I'm not sure of all the specifics yet since hes still finishing up the manuscript but I figured id make a post anyway. Screen shots can be seen on his blog.
Jan 10, 2009 8:13 AM

Nov 2008
Why in the world did the author choose to end this whole manga with pregnancy and failure!? What utter trash. This manga went from good sports drama to silly low class garbage.

Jan 10, 2009 10:18 AM
Jun 2007
arimakenshin said:
Why in the world did the author choose to end this whole manga with pregnancy and failure!? What utter trash. This manga went from good sports drama to silly low class garbage.


wow, harsh score. I know the ending (or the last couple of chapters for that matter) were a little underwhelming, disappointing even, but 3 out of 10. Heh, whatever floats your boat man.

Jan 10, 2009 11:37 AM

Nov 2008
Avarice said:
arimakenshin said:
Why in the world did the author choose to end this whole manga with pregnancy and failure!? What utter trash. This manga went from good sports drama to silly low class garbage.


wow, harsh score. I know the ending (or the last couple of chapters for that matter) were a little underwhelming, disappointing even, but 3 out of 10. Heh, whatever floats your boat man.


This manga had so much potential in the beginning and the second half was basically an insult to any reader's intelligence. Talented sprinters become teenage parents... What market are they trying to capture with the last two trashy volumes. Suzuka basically acted like she had no intelligence unlike the first three quarters of the manga.

3/10 ---> 4 points docked off for plot change and 3 points docked off for making me regret reading this manga.
Jan 18, 2009 4:00 AM
Oct 2008
I love Suzuka very much. I dont read manga often but after i had watched anime i had to read it no matter what. Hm, ending was so suprising. Everything shows that Akitsuki is very mature at the end of whole serie.

Hm, ending is screwed up ? Everyone expected that Akitsuki would beat Arima someday, it would be to easy to predict. I hope Kouji Seo will write a continuation - 'Suzuka and Akitsuki return to field' or something like that. I hope the gossip about anime sequel is not just gossip but true :>
Feb 4, 2009 8:21 PM
Dec 2008
First of I'd like to say that chapter 166 was a great ending to the series, or I suppose as good an ending as the series could receive following the previous chapters, it tied off a lot of the lose ends that readers would have been left with had there not been a time skip so that was good. I don't think it left any room for a sequel in the least so I wouldn't recommend any one get their hopes up, it's very rare to see a manga about a married couple with a child..
arimakenshin said:

This manga had so much potential in the beginning and the second half was basically an insult to any reader's intelligence. Talented sprinters become teenage parents... What market are they trying to capture with the last two trashy volumes. Suzuka basically acted like she had no intelligence unlike the first three quarters of the manga.

3/10 ---> 4 points docked off for plot change and 3 points docked off for making me regret reading this manga.

Actually the beginning, at least to me was kind of painful to read. It was like watching emotionally unstable teenagers be....Emotionally unstable, but not on the same level as other mangas their reactions and everything just seemed to childish, I'd compare their relationship in the first couple of volumes to that of two 7 years olds in 15 year old bodies that think they're in love.

If you read the manga then you should very well know that neither of them was ever truly inspired to do track and field for them selves, Suzuka did it at first because of the kid that died and then Yamato's compliment inspired her to do better. Yamato did track and field because of Suzuka, so the fact that they were able to abandon their sports careers isn't all that shocking to me.

Of course every one to their own, I really enjoyed reading the later half of this manga. My only few complaints are that; when Suzuka went to America the mangaka just did a few chapters and then he did a time skip, I would've enjoyed to see Yamato get into a whole new relationship with one of the girls and to see him live his life without Suzuka. The other complaint being that I felt that the last 10 chapters or so were too rushed, the pregnancy thing really did surprise me and I can't really say it's the ending I was hoping for but it's an ending none the less and since I suppose I would rather something like that than your average predictable ending.

Oh and I'd love it if any one could recommend a manga to read that resembles Suzuka/Love Hina/Ichigo 100%, preferably something with a bunch of chapters since one shots leave me feeling empty on the inside...
Feb 6, 2009 7:08 AM

Nov 2008
Vicis said:
... it's very rare to see a manga about a married couple with a child..

You'll be quite surprised as you keep reading more and more manga series that it's not that unusual. It''s a cliche almost.

Oh and I'd love it if any one could recommend a manga to read that resembles Suzuka/Love Hina/Ichigo 100%, preferably something with a bunch of chapters since one shots leave me feeling empty on the inside...

I hate those manga series because all the girls are basically walking zombies since they only act as dolls or put onto a pedestal regardless of how intelligent they are.

You might like .... I''s
Feb 6, 2009 10:50 AM
Jun 2007
Vicis said:
Oh and I'd love it if any one could recommend a manga to read that resembles Suzuka/Love Hina/Ichigo 100%, preferably something with a bunch of chapters since one shots leave me feeling empty on the inside...

hmm, recommendations? You might want to check out Kimi no Iru Machi (A Town Where you Live). Its a new manga by Kouji Seo, the very same guy who authored Suzuka, that started last Spring. and I have to say, it has been a great start for the manga so far, probably even better than the first couple of arcs in Suzuka.
Apr 11, 2009 7:50 PM

Sep 2008
le sigh! finally finished this manga, I've had it on hold for the longest time but i found some free time to finish it and I really loved it.
"It's because you exist.. That I'm here right now.."
May 24, 2009 10:04 AM
Oct 2007
Truly a great manga. It has taken a spot in my favorites. :D
Jun 7, 2009 10:48 PM
Apr 2008
I actually liked the moment Akitsuki talks with Suzuka's father. Since he did basically rob him of his dreams for her daughter. That horny fucker...akitsuki.

ZealouzJun 7, 2009 10:51 PM
Jul 20, 2009 10:13 AM
Mar 2009
Kind of sucks that both of them can't concentrate on track anymore and that Yamato will never be able to defeat Arima now, but it looks like Suzuka was finally able to express her true feelings.
I bet Yasunobu and Miki would make a great couple =P
Great manga and I hope to read more of the author's work.
Aug 2, 2009 4:50 PM

Oct 2008
Try Cross-game or touch.

it has sports and romance and pretty much light-hearted.

and in suzuka the sport factor was emant to be kept minimum since it isnt a major genre in the manga/anime
Aug 9, 2009 9:28 PM

Jul 2009
I finished this manga in half a day aproximately 14's a great manga..even though you might think i don't have anything to do..

Well the ending is kind a bitter but not a bad ending..just a word of advice..if you are a healthy teenager with a good future please use condom..and turn on the light

Well for the first arc i Hated Suzuka a looott..i think in the end Suzuka will regret not accepted Yamato's love..but the story goes, and yamato deserve has a lot of development..i Hate Honoka alottt

Well from promising athlete into a parents it's quite shocking...i hope there is another continuation but not Suzuka or Yamato...perhaps their Children Fuko..i want to see how she grows..i mean a Perfectionist and Careless parents will make a good combination..
Aug 24, 2009 3:37 PM
Jan 2009
the last few chaps/volumes made me loose a bit of interest, but I guess that's its own redeeming point for me..

In the end, it was complete, no loose ends. Realistic. It didn't leave me with a "OH MY GOD! Please make more!! What in the 7TH CIRCLE OF HELL am I gonna do with my LIFE now?!?" sort of vibe

True that I would have wished for other things to happen. But this is ok too I guess..

Good Read!! 8/10
Sep 12, 2009 7:55 AM

Jun 2009
Go Dad! "All I ever wished was for her to be happy" *crying*

Haha Honoka

Suzuka: "But even so you kept chasing after me" well well Yamato was really persistent

Kobayakawa's face haha representing in the 100m and 200m

the ending was not bad but.. it should not be like that
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Oct 10, 2009 3:14 AM

Nov 2007
So glad that it was a happy ending ^^" they ended this manga beautifully you could feel the raw emotion put into each and every chapter I never felt bored reading this it was just so good and watching the path they took you can appreciate how happy they are now =] definitely worth reading loved this manga a lot.
Oct 21, 2009 5:53 AM

May 2009
I really liked how this ended - happily with a wedding! And I'm glad that Yamato and Suzuka ended up together and that they chose to get married and have the baby! :)

Now... My thoughts of Suzuka.. I liked it and it was a very good manga, but, it took me a really long time to get into it. I didn't like the characters at first - Asahina was a moody bitch for the most part. I didn't like her at all at first, but when she got back from America, she had changed and I ended up liking her a lot.

I guess it was around that time that I really started enjoying the manga - when Suzuka went to America. Before that, it was quite uneventful and not much happened, except them getting into fights all the time and Yamato failing club activites.
I also felt that most characters had too little character development. It felt like Honoka and Yui were almost completely forgotten during the later parts of the manga, and I would have loved to get to know Hashiba better. She had far too few appearences in my opinion, and it was never something important.
The manga I read online had some really bad scanlations and translations for the most part, which made it even harder for me to start liking it.

But I really enjoyed the last 50 chapters or so.
stAtic91Oct 21, 2009 5:56 AM
Nov 7, 2009 6:41 PM

Apr 2009
I'll just keep it short,
I haven't read a lot of manga but I can easily say that Suzuka is the best manga I've read thus far.
Nov 19, 2009 2:00 PM

Feb 2008
it was a fun read
Mar 28, 2010 1:31 AM

Dec 2009
Salazar said:
it was a fun read
likewise 10/10
Apr 2, 2010 4:23 PM

Jan 2010
After finally finishing this manga, I agree with all that Suzuka was indeed a fun read.

However, I feel that I need to vent out my frustrations about the conclusion. The ending was nice and all, but it doesn't feel right after reading the majority of the manga! Up until chapter 155, this manga was a definite 9/10 for me, but it's now dropped to 8 and almost 7/10. The artwork and characters were excellent, and the relationship between the main couple was going smoothly, but then the author decided to create the pregnancy.
Reasons why this fails:
1) It makes Asahina going to the USA to improve at high-jumping totally pointless as she can't compete anymore
2) Yamato can't fulfil his promise to be no.1 sprinter in Japan and can't compete with his big rival Arima (plus, he got a condom from Yasunobu and SHOULD HAVE USED IT!)
3) Instead of pregnancy it would have been better to show the two go on to university to realize their great potentials as athletes (would have been cool to see what their uni life was like, new friends, new rivals, etc) before getting married and having kids
4) The whole sports aspect of the manga developed from chapter 1-155 has essentially been wiped out in an instant (for me, the track and field aspect made Suzuka and Yamato much more interesting as characters)

The only good thing is that perhaps after their daughter grows a bit older, Suzuka and Yamato could both continue doing athletics together for a bit (at end of manga they are still only about 19-20 years old so quite possible?)

Anyway, this is just my own opinion and reflects the massive disappointment that I feel. The manga seemed to have settled for a very normal ending rather than in style.
Apr 11, 2010 3:46 AM

Dec 2008
Well I personally liked this manga quite a lot, many things went like I expected and stuff, honestly I didn't even thought once that this manga was going to really concentrate to sports.
After all Yamato wasn't never really interested about sports and things more like circulated around everyones feelings and Yamatos huge crush towards Asahina. Only real surprise to me was the fact of sudden ending, it kinda gave me sort of feeling of boredom or lack of motivation, like author just didn't want to do it anymore, eventhough he could have extended it "easily" about 40-60 more chapters.
Maybe all ideas towards plot dried up and he desided to hurry the end?

It really left university and some other features totally unused, but nevertheless, it was great romance series and last chapter left behind really comfortable feeling.
Next project to me is to read Kimi no Iru Machi. ^^
Apr 16, 2010 9:13 PM

Jun 2007
Maethril said:
Well I personally liked this manga quite a lot, many things went like I expected and stuff, honestly I didn't even thought once that this manga was going to really concentrate to sports.
After all Yamato wasn't never really interested about sports and things more like circulated around everyones feelings and Yamatos huge crush towards Asahina. Only real surprise to me was the fact of sudden ending, it kinda gave me sort of feeling of boredom or lack of motivation, like author just didn't want to do it anymore, eventhough he could have extended it "easily" about 40-60 more chapters.
Maybe all ideas towards plot dried up and he desided to hurry the end?

It really left university and some other features totally unused, but nevertheless, it was great romance series and last chapter left behind really comfortable feeling.
Next project to me is to read Kimi no Iru Machi. ^^

The mangaka, at the time when this was still being created, made a few posts about his lack of motivation to continuing Suzuka on his private blog. He wanted to move on to new things but understood the series couldn't be left open ended.

I agree, if he had more motivation he could have easily continued the series on past the marriage.
Apr 17, 2010 2:34 PM

Dec 2008
DeathfireD said:
Maethril said:
Well I personally liked this manga quite a lot, many things went like I expected and stuff, honestly I didn't even thought once that this manga was going to really concentrate to sports.
After all Yamato wasn't never really interested about sports and things more like circulated around everyones feelings and Yamatos huge crush towards Asahina. Only real surprise to me was the fact of sudden ending, it kinda gave me sort of feeling of boredom or lack of motivation, like author just didn't want to do it anymore, eventhough he could have extended it "easily" about 40-60 more chapters.
Maybe all ideas towards plot dried up and he desided to hurry the end?

It really left university and some other features totally unused, but nevertheless, it was great romance series and last chapter left behind really comfortable feeling.
Next project to me is to read Kimi no Iru Machi. ^^

The mangaka, at the time when this was still being created, made a few posts about his lack of motivation to continuing Suzuka on his private blog. He wanted to move on to new things but understood the series couldn't be left open ended.

I agree, if he had more motivation he could have easily continued the series on past the marriage.

Hmmh, honestly I would have prefered open end, coz after some time (maybe years though) he might get new motivation to end it properly.
But what is done is done, most importantly... I enjoyed it so not going to whine about small things like this. ^^

And thanks for background information.
Apr 27, 2010 3:20 AM

Apr 2010
Well it was pretty terrible for the most part, but improved drastically towards the end when the characters actually developed properly. The ending was ok.
Jul 14, 2010 1:48 PM

Jun 2010
I see a lot of sad faces and stiff but...

This is really the end I love and always hope for. MAN!
I was hoping that it would never end but I can't be happier about the end!
Nice Pic:

Apr 19, 2011 1:54 PM
Jul 2018
one of the worst mangas i ever read

removed-userFeb 10, 2014 5:43 PM
May 30, 2011 5:30 PM
Feb 2011

The beginning of this series almost completely turned me off. I fought through it hoping to be rewarded, and i was not. i lost all patience with this manga with 40 chapters to go. The thing i hated most? Suzuka herself. Did it seem to anyone else that she didnt hardly develop at ALL in the course of the manga? The minor characters Honoka and that childhood friend he confessed to on the bridge's stories and relationships with Akitsuki were all wrapped up nicely, but Suzuka just pissed me off. She was a bitch for no reason to Akitsuki the WHOLE manga. there were times when Akitsuki was apologizing when he did nothing wrong when i wouldve smacked her across the face.

the sports manga potential this manga started with wouldve made it good. i wouldve loved to see more of Arima, and if suzuka actually developed to become kinder and less of a bitch, this couldve been great. but since not, it was a waste of my time.
Jun 18, 2011 4:43 PM

Jul 2008
I've just red it and the ending left me with bitter sweet filing. I would love to see them all compete in athletics and Yamato win against Arima. They've could have been good rivals. Never the less this kind of ending is also ok. Did author really planned this kind of ending way back when Yamato gave Suzuka charm for less painful pregnancy ? ^.-
I would gave this manga 7/10 just because they were excellent athletes but they never made their carriers. :\

But the thing that surprised me the most is that Suzuka and Kimi no Iru Machi are both made by same author because after reading latest chapter of Kimi no Iru Machi i was scanning through the list of romance manga and randomly chose Suzuka to read. ^^
Jun 24, 2011 11:05 AM

May 2007
Suzuka, a story about teen pregnancy ending unreasonably well. =p

That said, I found the manga to be much more enjoyable than the anime. It did seem like the author threw in the pregnancy thing just to wrap things up more quickly though.
Aug 26, 2011 10:41 PM
Jul 2018
A very good read. I admit that a good chunk of the manga was frustrating, but the ending really made up for it.
Dec 25, 2011 6:07 PM
Sep 2011
Ok, its my turn...I cannot rate this manga...mainly because the story did not give me what I wanted.. I don't know what everyone is talking about but
Suzuka was an asshole to the point that I thought Yamato was a poor representation of a guy. Why would he want a girl who constantly argues, puts him down, cries, pretty much she was NOT worth the trouble....I'm going to tell everyone how this manga should of ended....It SHOULD OF ENDED WITH: Yamato and Miki! I wanted them together so fucking bad its not even funny! She supported him so many fucking times when he was depressed, down and out...and she liked him. I kept hoping somehow just SOMEHOW they would of got together but no....he doesn't even see the girl thats been helping him all this itme that way. Her personality was like my PERFECT that may be why I'm upset. But I mean COME ON! She was ALWAYS looking out for him...even helping him train at times with his track....and times when Suzuka didn't show up...Miki was there! Yet their relationship goes NOWHERE! I'm sorry but I would of never fell in love with Suzuka...he had to go through too much shit just to end up with her, I mean I would of even chosen Yui over Suzuka! Suzuka was just so fucking ungreatful too many times for me to like her character at all. If only I could of jumped in Yamato's place it would of been a Miki ending. Her character is actually one I wouldn't regret getting pregnant but if I accidentally got Suzuka pregnant I would of been like...I'll get a child support, but we are NOT getting married...To much damn stress! Anyway I think after all that I can rate this manga. I personally give it a 4/10. I fucking HATED Suzuka...only a idiot of a guy would fall for a girl with that sort of personality.

This is coming from a guy who loves Tsundere and Yondere type characters but she to me was not a Tsundere...I didn't think anything she did was cute unlike the Usual Tsundere they usually say mean things but end up acting cute..right after or nice when their alone with the guy they like. Suzuka would act like an ass and ungrateful for days and days at a time even weeks, and still not show anything that made me think she was worth it. I'm happy I finished took me 1 day or so to get through it but it seemed like weeks! Yamato and Miki all the way!!!!
Apr 9, 2012 11:26 PM

Dec 2010
This was an awesome read, really really enjoyed it; if it wasn't for school i would have finished this in one day, it got me that hooked XD, it felt real; i know that some may disagree since manga is manga and in the end how real can it get; but the feelings at the very least felt real; it pulled you in, and in the end when everyone was happy with their happily ever after it felt great; as a read it was really enjoyable. I like the fact that they didn't get their perfect futures, because it adds to realistic aspect that you have to give up things in life for what you want; it was the sacrifice they made; so that last part with him and the kid after watching the track on the TV was a nice touch because it was pretty much saying he didn't need it anymore; that he had all he ever wanted, and so did she; YamatoxSuzuka! Great manga :D

Also this moment

Really was a awesome way to end it :D
Jun 3, 2012 3:08 PM

Nov 2011
Excellent manga :) glad I picked this up. And congradulations Yamato-kun and Suzuka-chan ^_^ you are officially a couple and your days ahead will never be the same again

Side note: Fuka is one cute little cookie
Jun 13, 2012 11:54 PM

Jan 2012
arimakenshin said:
Why in the world did the author choose to end this whole manga with pregnancy and failure!? What utter trash. This manga went from good sports drama to silly low class garbage.


While I don't think it bothered me enough to give the whole series a 3/10, I kinda agree with this. Everything regarding track and Suzuka/Akitsuki's dream of being the best were just tossed aside. It feels like half of the first 150 chapters suddenly didn't even mean anything anymore. I do like how this series ended after the plot twist though, even though everything was completely predictable. (Abortions never happen in any kind of media meant to have a happy ending..)

The ending was satisfying enough though and I enjoyed the series throughout. 9/10
Sep 13, 2012 5:31 AM

Mar 2012
Loved every single page of this manga, maybe because i didn't read many of this kind... Just didn't like the setting, and the beginning, which resemble a lot Love Hina, but everything after it, i loved the romance, the true love... so realistic, especially the ending. This is the true happiness.

Dec 19, 2012 10:51 AM

Aug 2012
oh wow, i never thought that the manga would end like this. I actually don't wanna compare it to any other similar manga such as Ichigo100% and I"s (which are some of the best manga i've ever read), while they all kinda focus on the theme of pursuing each other dreams, i noticed that Suzuka is quite different in providing the conclusion. I don't think it's a bad thing, i actually love it!


p.s :

i wished Hattori and Miki end up together though :p and i really happy to see that Yui appeared again.

btw, Honoka is my fav character of this manga and i'm rooting for her all the time, i kinda shocked (and super sad T_T ) when she told Yamato that she already have a bf >_< overall, i think her character development is better than any other characters in this manga.
ChoroshiDec 19, 2012 11:59 PM

and still waiting patiently for a 3rd season of Spice & Wolf :'|
Feb 3, 2013 8:51 AM

Jan 2013
Best Romance Manga EVER .Period.

And i have read alot of them ALOT, nothing comes close to this

Masterpiece 10/10
Mar 24, 2013 1:13 PM

Jun 2012
Just finished this. I originally watched the anime which got me interested in it, but it ended weirdly. I'm glad I chose to read the manga, the anime ended far too soon for anyone to get a good idea on what the whole story is like.

I greatly enjoyed it, and I'd say something about it being "the best manga I've ever read", but this is the only manga I've ever read, so I can't really say much about it.

I wish they didn't skip time so much in the last few volumes. Starting with Asahina studying abroad, time would occasionally skip whole months or sometimes even an entire year. It kind of felt like the author was losing interest in it and was wanting to speed everything up to finish it faster.

I'd give it a 9/10.
Some parts of this post may be exaggerated.
Oct 16, 2013 7:35 PM

Oct 2011
So it ended with a happy end. I started with Kimi no Iru Machi, so Suzuka wasn't the first manga I've read by that author and I can say even though KnIM had several flaws, it still had good improvements after he did Suzuka.

Suzuka started of as something completely different as what it ended. They were both the most promising first years and in the end they achieved nothing out of it. I know Suzuka would have done it without the pregnancy but I'm kind of disappointed in Yamato. After hearing "I'm gonna be first (in the interhigh and later even in Japan)" I really expected some results, but in the end: nothing. His best result was 3rd place in the interhigh and then even without his biggest rival Arima. And we didn't even get to see it. ~.~

And for the first 140 chapters (something around that..) Yamato was completely stupid, unreliable and just a good-for-nothing main char. He could change his feelings for the girls like it was nothing (after Suzuka's first rejection..). Oh Honoka is so cute, now I love her. Ok I don't love her. Two years later, oh Honoka reeeeeeally is cute, I should confess to her that I love her. Blabla.

And it's too bad that Suzuka x Yamato could only be said to be a real couple for like 30 chapters (out of 166, when they loved each other almost from the first chapter ~.~).

The bonus chapter that was coupled with KnIM was nice, too. Though Yamato was pretty pathetic again for the most part, but seeing Fuuka grown up and Yamato and Suzuka lovey-dovey was nice. After all, Yamato didn't get any results in the 100m sprints (though he was in selection for the Olympics, wasn't he?), compared to Arima and now-even-I-forgot-his-name-like-almost-everyone-in-the-manga-did who were shown to be at the Olympics.
What I like is that hey got a happy ending and a nice relationship with a cute daughter. It had it's many flaws and those are always easier to tell than the good points so I may refrain from listing them, but overall I did enjoy the manga. Otherwise I wouldn't have read it all in only 4 days.
Oct 24, 2013 9:45 PM

May 2013
love this but i cannot give it a 10 well -1 for that stupid pregnant before college...

and be real without any graduation, it is very hard to find a job with a decent pay enough to raise a child,

felt it was unreasonable, anime ending was way better :P

Dec 18, 2013 9:08 AM
Oct 2012
loliterna said:
u mad ondemand?

yeh u mad phaggot

Those feels when he still managed to quote your post

RIP in peace your credibility
Jan 13, 2014 11:59 PM

Oct 2013
such wow. such manga
"Urushibara Ruka. The mannerisms and voice of a woman... No... More feminine than any woman. But he's a guy. Taller than Mayuri, but so very thin... But he's a guy. Looks great in a miko outfit... But he's a guy. It's already twilight And yet, it's so hot. The cicadas are crying. But... He's a guy."
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