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May 25, 2008 1:00 AM
Feb 2008
I don't know why but I'm not eagerly awaiting the sub anymore. Maybe it's just getting old...
May 25, 2008 1:43 AM

Jul 2007
So, ep 8

P.S. pointless thread starting mania starts yet again >_> starting ep thread without info about it should be considered spam.
May 25, 2008 4:27 AM

Feb 2008
1 million Zero costumes! HAHA, great table turning!

Seems like the next episode was postponed due to the earthquake in China. They are now quickly revising the content.
May 25, 2008 6:27 AM
Sep 2006
dtshyk said:
1 million Zero costumes! HAHA, great table turning!

Seems like the next episode was postponed due to the earthquake in China. They are now quickly revising the content.

woah is that true?
May 25, 2008 7:41 AM
Nov 2007
Some are saying that the decision to cut the ep 9 broadcast was taken before the earthquake and has nothing to do with it, but there's no real evidence either way.

But yes, it's true that it has been cut. I will be replaced by some kind of live variety show thing filmed at a cross-dressing maid cafe in Akihabara.
May 25, 2008 8:02 AM

Feb 2008
lecor said:
dtshyk said:
1 million Zero costumes! HAHA, great table turning!

Seems like the next episode was postponed due to the earthquake in China. They are now quickly revising the content.

woah is that true?

Maybe wrong, or there are multiple reasons for this. They are thinking to move the airing time back to after midnight because of the low rating of the TV program (too much fan-services to watch this in the living room at 5 Sunday afternoon!). Anyway, the episode 9 will be aired the second next week. So don't worry!
May 25, 2008 8:13 AM
Nov 2007
dtshyk said:
Maybe wrong, or there are multiple reasons for this. They are thinking to move the airing time back to after midnight because of the low rating of the TV program (too much fan-services to watch this in the living room at 5 Sunday afternoon!). Anyway, the episode 9 will be aired the second next week. So don't worry!

Nothing has been announced about any plans for moving the broadcast slot. However, lots of people are suspecting it might happen, not because of any fan service, but because ratings are simply too low for a primetime show.
May 25, 2008 8:32 AM

Dec 2007
dtshyk said:
lecor said:
dtshyk said:
1 million Zero costumes! HAHA, great table turning!

Seems like the next episode was postponed due to the earthquake in China. They are now quickly revising the content.

woah is that true?

Maybe wrong, or there are multiple reasons for this. They are thinking to move the airing time back to after midnight because of the low rating of the TV program (too much fan-services to watch this in the living room at 5 Sunday afternoon!). Anyway, the episode 9 will be aired the second next week. So don't worry!

Really??? Code geass Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 has a low rating???! Never knew that...
May 25, 2008 8:36 AM

May 2008
Well played Zero, gives more meaning to the last episode now.

As to the delay of episode 9;

It has absolutely nothing to do with ratings, that is all bull.

There’s no new episode next week. It appears instead to be some Akiba special featuring comedian Arino Shinya, idol Natsukawa Jun, comedy duo Sandwichman, comedy duo America Zarigani, and new voice actress Miyake Hitomi (who is making her debut voicing a character named Meeya I. Hillmick that is supposedly going to start appearing in episode 12).

On the plus side... Jun Natsukawa - only my #1 J-Idol <3333333333

Anyway read the damn thread
BlackDeathMay 25, 2008 8:39 AM
You can't spell slaughter without laughter!
May 25, 2008 8:41 AM
Nov 2007
mazen said:
Really??? Code geass Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 has a low rating???! Never knew that...

Yes. More here:
May 25, 2008 9:58 AM

Aug 2007
Villette is now in cahoots with Lulu? Since when?-_-.

Also Lulu just owned Suzu. Hard. Though I did get confused at some parts...

Eh..ok episode.
May 25, 2008 10:13 AM

Feb 2008
This episode wasn't as good as I first thought it would be, but it was still enjoyable.
Oh, and I really liked the Cecile fanservice =P

Sucks we have to wait 2 weeks for the next episode =/
May 25, 2008 11:03 AM

Nov 2007
The many Zeros was a very WTF? inducing moment. Those Black Knights can sure change clothes fast! The Villetta x Ougi moments were love, though. And I really liked Zero revealing his identity to Sayoko at the end. It shows how much he trusts her; after all, she's cared for Nunnally too (both as her maid, and as a friend, I think).

Also, it was sweet to see that there are those who still believe in Euphie despite her official status as the massacre princess.

[avatar from Tales of the Abyss]
May 25, 2008 11:17 AM

Jul 2007
Darkreaper70 said:
Villette is now in cahoots with Lulu? Since when?-_-.

Also Lulu just owned Suzu. Hard. Though I did get confused at some parts...

She is "in cahoots" with him, since the episode where he started blackmailing her abnout ohgi >_>
May 25, 2008 11:18 AM

Jan 2008
Well, for me it was the best non-action episode so far. Nice idea to exile almost whole nation. Also, some good broadening of Suzaku's personality for those who can only feel hate for him : P

"There is a road in the hearts of all of us, hidden and seldom traveled,
which leads to an unknown, secret place."
May 25, 2008 11:56 AM

Aug 2007
Great episode, if the rumors about episode 9 being delayed are true it will really be hard waiting for it to air. I still don't understand how the black knights are getting all of their resources- producing 1 million zero suites would be a massive and expensive undertaking.
May 25, 2008 12:31 PM
May 2008
I'm not quite sure I can wait for two weeks. At least it is not a big cliffie like last week, but still! I love CG and don't understand the low quotes at all.
And I just read the titles up to episode twelve. Especially twelve sounds interesting.

Senna said:
And I really liked Zero revealing his identity to Sayoko at the end. It shows how much he trusts her; after all, she's cared for Nunnally too (both as her maid, and as a friend, I think).

I loved that scene as well and Sayoko's smile was just great. But I wonder how many more people are going to know about Lelouch being Zero. I kinda hope for Todo (I love that guy) because he knew him beforehand. And I suspect that Kaguya has an inkling as to who he is.

Darkreaper70 said:
Villette is now in cahoots with Lulu? Since when?-_-.

Since CC has told him about Villeta's affair with Ogi, cute couple that they are. Lelouch shamelessly uses this to blackmail her.

So what about Li Xingke coughing up blood. Terminally ill? Hopefully there will be a bit more about him in the next episode(s).

Aw, I just can't wait!
May 25, 2008 1:42 PM

Jun 2007
I'm spartacus!

xD Pretty good twist, still kinda silly though.
May 25, 2008 2:27 PM

Aug 2007

Lulu really thought this one out. 1 million zeros wtf?
May 25, 2008 2:29 PM

Mar 2008
The Ep in a nutshell:




May 25, 2008 2:46 PM
Dec 2007
Hmmm pretty strange episode, I didn't like the plot so I'm waiting the next one (in two weeks) to see what's really going on.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
May 25, 2008 2:46 PM

Apr 2008
Wow! One miilion Zero!! It is kind of a joke to me, but I enjoyed it!
I wonder where they will go then? to Chinese Federation?
May 25, 2008 3:15 PM

Jun 2007
I loved this ep! Lulu owned 'Zaku...bad. =D
Haha 'Zaku. Though, I do feel my hate for 'Zaku is lessening. NO~

I wonder who put the other Euphemia candle thing in the water.
'Twas probably Cornelia if she's alive. Also, I hope my Xingke doesn't die. He's too hot. <3
May 25, 2008 3:28 PM

Feb 2008
LOL 1,000,000 Zeros 0_0
Lelouch Owned Suzu hard!! ^_^
Take that Suzu, you suck hahaha
May 25, 2008 3:30 PM

Nov 2007
Ok what? All one million of those Japanese had zero suits? -_-
Good strategy but pretty ridiculous lol.

Well, we'll see how this goes on.
May 25, 2008 3:41 PM
May 2008
Incredible. I liked this episode for its big (yet expensive) surprise and the Suzaku/Lelouch interaction. We haven't such good interaction between those two since R1, really.
May 25, 2008 3:44 PM

Jan 2008
awesome episode :3
To much Suzaku though XD
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May 25, 2008 3:50 PM

Jul 2007
Can anyone explain me detailed what he meant by being exiled from the country? What happens or what priveligdes you get while being Exiled out of a country?

I just don't get that part very well where Zero asking them for the exile deal thingy in private chat...
May 25, 2008 4:12 PM

Sep 2007
A brilliant plan by Zero there. They all got exiled, meaning they can't return to Britannia. And since it's a legal predicament, if the Britannians did shoot, they would just be breaking the law. If the Japanese had just attempted to run away, they'd be considered fugitives and hunted down as criminals by the Britannians. Zero used Britannia's own laws against them.
May 25, 2008 4:19 PM

Jul 2007
So Zero used their own law against them so the Japanese can escape 'peacefully'? Or moving to somewhere without being hunted down? But moving to where?

Still abit confused :(
May 25, 2008 4:25 PM

Sep 2007
They all went to the Chinese Federation. If they had ran away, Britannia could've ordered the Chinese Federation to stand aside since they're Britannian fugitives and the Chinese Feds can't do anything about it. Since Britannia had legally exiled them, they can't just go arrest them for running away. The Chinese Federation can also provide legal protection now that they're considered exiles.
May 25, 2008 4:36 PM

Oct 2007
they seriously need to stop with the pointless fanservice.
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May 25, 2008 4:38 PM

Apr 2007
interesting indeed, good episode overall.

May 25, 2008 5:05 PM

Dec 2007
The 1 million zeros own !!!!
May 25, 2008 5:05 PM

Apr 2008
Very V for Vendetta.

Good non-combat episode.
May 25, 2008 5:07 PM

Apr 2008
I just had a thought.....what if a japanese person honestly wanted to go into the new SAZ only to be hopelessly confused by everyone changing into zero costumes around him? That would have been hilarious heh.
May 25, 2008 5:08 PM

Sep 2007
Nice episode, it seems that Suzaku would forgive him if he would explain everything to him at this point...let's hope this won't happen :P

May 25, 2008 5:11 PM

Aug 2007
Sutiivu said:
Very V for Vendetta.

I thought the same thing. I saw the costume change coming but I didn't expect it to be the reason for exile though.
May 25, 2008 5:19 PM

Mar 2008
hah, my first thought was 'im spartacus!'. Brilliant manuevering as usual by Lelouch, and im beginning to hate Suzaku slightly less. The Ohgi and Viletta interaction was a bit touching, and i cant wait to see where its going, since its really departing from the first season.

also, they lampshaded all the fanservice Code Geass has been doing with Cecile, which made me laugh
May 25, 2008 5:23 PM

Mar 2008
BladerJC said:
LOL 1,000,000 Zeros 0_0
Lelouch Owned Suzu hard!! ^_^
Take that Suzu, you suck hahaha

Yeah! that's all ^^
May 25, 2008 5:25 PM

Mar 2008
I think Zero and the Black Knights are going to take a break from fighting for now. I'm sure he is waiting for the Chinese Federation to make a move, before he does, against Britannia.
May 25, 2008 5:36 PM
Nov 2007
Yeah, this sure is V for Vendetta meets 4chan in anime form. I suppose this means Zero has given up on Britannia and is instead focusing on Project Chanology.
May 25, 2008 5:41 PM

Nov 2007
yay got to see Diethard again finally. boo on a 2 week wait. slightly better than last weeks but still a notch below normal. if lelouch is gone to china though, surely they'd notice and viletta and rolo would be in trouble breaking the promise? so does Lelouch return by himself?

I think Lelouch lit the other candle for Euphemia, I don't think we'll see or hear anything about Cornelia for a while still. It seemed odd Suzaku just let them kill the guy that attacked him. It's about time he started to think about why Zero killed Euphy, instead of just SUZAKU KILL.
May 25, 2008 5:44 PM

Jul 2007
When I saw all those Zeros, the first thing that came to me was V for Vendetta since they all disguised themselves. But the dog with the Zero mask just pure lulz.

Am I the only one that thought the way Cecile was so...uh dressed up see Zero completely out of left field or what.
Mononoke Caramell Dansen
May 25, 2008 5:54 PM

Oct 2007
exile4ever said:
When I saw all those Zeros, the first thing that came to me was V for Vendetta since they all disguised themselves.

That's exactly what I thought. ^_^

Well this episode turned out to be a great non-action one and and some points I wasn't sure where this all was heading but it had a great resolution. Great to see all the characters again and we finally see what Nina's been up to. Loved the Kagura & Cecile fanservice... much better than the Viletta fanservice a couple episodes ago. I wonder if Viletta x Ougi will become official (>_<)?
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May 25, 2008 5:57 PM

Oct 2007
Senna said:
The many Zeros was a very WTF? inducing moment. Those Black Knights can sure change clothes fast! The Villetta x Ougi moments were love, though. And I really liked Zero revealing his identity to Sayoko at the end. It shows how much he trusts her; after all, she's cared for Nunnally too (both as her maid, and as a friend, I think).

Agreed :P
May 25, 2008 6:08 PM

Jan 2008
exile4ever said:
When I saw all those Zeros, the first thing that came to me was V for Vendetta since they all disguised themselves. But the dog with the Zero mask just pure lulz.

That movie was definitely the first thing that came to my mind as well, it was a pretty clever move for Lelouch. I didn't find the episode that good, well at least not the first half...
May 25, 2008 6:16 PM

Dec 2007
ragnaroks said:
Can anyone explain me detailed what he meant by being exiled from the country? What happens or what priveligdes you get while being Exiled out of a country?

I just don't get that part very well where Zero asking them for the exile deal thingy in private chat...

ragnaroks said:
So Zero used their own law against them so the Japanese can escape 'peacefully'? Or moving to somewhere without being hunted down? But moving to where?

Still abit confused :(

From the top:
Exile is considered a form of punishment. It's really little more than saying "leave and don't come back." Someone in exile is simply thrown out and forbidden to return, or at least guaranteed severe punishment if he or she does. The points to exiling someone are that 1) said individual can no longer directly influence people at home, 2) no issues with detaining and attempted rescues/escapes, and 3) said individual is quietly gotten rid of without execution or imprisonment, thus preventing him/her from becoming a martyr.
This form of punishment is most commonly used against political dissidents, especially those with high popularity.

The trick Zero pulled hits on multiple levels. First, if they attack or arrest even one "Zero," they kill any and all credibility they have - not just with the Japanese, but with other nations and factions within Britannia as well. On the grander scale, it would especially play havoc with the peace that was just brokered with France. Second, they would be violating their own law. Finally, related to that, they'd be creating martyrs, which is the very thing an exile sentence is trying to prevent.

As to where they're going, everything points to China.
May 25, 2008 6:24 PM

Nov 2007
one million people with one million outfits? Where did that come from? How did Zero communicate his plans to his people??? Not well explained....
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
May 25, 2008 6:28 PM

Apr 2008
wakka9ca said:
one million people with one million outfits? Where did that come from? How did Zero communicate his plans to his people??? Not well explained....

It just helps to leave your common sense on the door mat before watching Code Geass. Absolutely nothing falls within the realm of reality. Just accept that this guy is amazing and can pull battle plans and a million Zero suits out of his ass.
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