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The Betrayal Knows My Name
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Sep 19, 2010 9:18 AM

Sep 2009
Epic episode, I have nothing bad to say about it.

Luka was just badass...and so was Reiga.....Hopefully, the animators will consider a second season for this show....Dammit, I wanna see more of Reiga, Cadenza, Luka and Luze!
Sep 19, 2010 9:33 AM

Jun 2009
where did ya found it
Sep 19, 2010 9:40 AM
Sep 19, 2010 9:44 AM

Jun 2009
thx but it doesnt work
Sep 19, 2010 9:45 AM

Mar 2008
Meh. Well it's over now.
Sep 19, 2010 9:52 AM

Sep 2009
Kannei said:
thx but it doesnt work
it opens up just fine for me
Sep 19, 2010 9:59 AM

May 2010
Alright, I am disappointed by the ending, unless there is a second season. Reiga was not defeated at all, neither Cadenza or Elegy, we got nothing about Yuki - Luka's past and most of the episode was some time between the Zweilts.

I expected a better episode, it had less action.

But there was nothing at the end saying there will be a second season... Oh well, I hope they will announce one later.
Sep 19, 2010 10:10 AM

Aug 2010

and I like Luka more and more
Sep 19, 2010 10:12 AM

Apr 2007
Wow, the disappointment is overwhelming. They did not resolve one thing. Not one. And that proposed "final battle" they were building so hard towards last episode was just thrown out the window. Worse yet, even after 24 episodes we don't get to know anything about Yuki's girl life and how exactly it ended and all that. DISAPPOINTMENT I CANT EVEN HANDLE

That ending gets a 1, but because I don't rate shows solely off the ending and I actually did enjoy the action scenes a lot, I'll give it a 7 :/ If we had halves it would have been a 6 and a 1/2
Sep 19, 2010 10:25 AM

Jun 2008
Sarukah said:
Wow, the disappointment is overwhelming. They did not resolve one thing. Not one.

Agree. This was really crappy. Everyone compares X tv to this, which was an anime with an original ending too, but for god´s sake, there is no possible comparison, X tv had a SUPERB End comparing to this. What a disappointment.

Too bad because it had a lot of potential.

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Sep 19, 2010 10:26 AM

Aug 2010
I found myself crying several times during this eiposde... it was awesome,
and we got a little Luka x Yuki fanservice!! WOOO!

And who else was happy Hyde died? I mean seriously, Cadenza, Eledgy Reiga and Luze were all badasses but Hyde was... well... not a badass lol

I'm really hoping for a second season, I mean there was a little foreshadowing for one so that makes me happy... :)
I'm very glad I watched this anime... one of my favorites...
"참 많은 파도가친다.앞으로 여행할길은 너무멀고길지만 멈추면안돼.. 멈춘순간 어른이 되어가는 길을 포기하는 나락으로 떨어진다. 어른이되어가는 경험은 이제부터 시작이지만 아직어리고 젊다는 최고의무기로 아직 눈앞에 보이지않는 더넓은 세상을 밟고싶다."
Sep 19, 2010 10:27 AM
Feb 2009
Yuki_Giou said:
Alright, I am disappointed by the ending, unless there is a second season. Reiga was not defeated at all, neither Cadenza or Elegy, we got nothing about Yuki - Luka's past and most of the episode was some time between the Zweilts.

I expected a better episode, it had less action.

But there was nothing at the end saying there will be a second season... Oh well, I hope they will announce one later.

there must be a second season, or a continue in the manga :O
didn't liked much this episode, shounen-ai yeh right @_@
if they have enough money and strengh I'm pretty sure they'll do another season
cause almost nothing happened with reiga yet and yuki didn't got his memories.
Sep 19, 2010 10:40 AM

Sep 2009
well it ended with an open ending, so the chances we'll get a second season are pretty high.
Sep 19, 2010 10:54 AM
Jul 2010
Inarius said:
well it ended with an open ending, so the chances we'll get a second season are pretty high.

I really hope we will get a second season. Indeed, the ending is too open ended so hopefully they plan to make a second season. Yuki still not regained his memories. what happened to her in the past, how did she die? What will be the end of the battle?

I love the part where Yuki showed his light and Luka came to stop him. That was awesome.
And of course Luka is so awesome as always. Even if the ending is not satisfying, this anime is worth watching - just to see Luka's awesomeness and Kanata's hotness in his uniform. I really like Takashiro's outfit in this episode. I guess that's his official outfit like that of Kanata.

I also love the scene where Luca swore to Yuki again. Really ... we need season 2 to learn more about those two's past, the past battle, and a conclusion!
Sep 19, 2010 11:01 AM

May 2010
The website I watched 24 at said next sunday there is abother episode!?!!?
Is this true!?!? I thought it was only 24....
its at
anyone know anything!?!?!?!?!?
I want more Luka♥
Sep 19, 2010 11:04 AM

Jun 2007
It's definitely been set up for a second season. <3

Sep 19, 2010 11:31 AM

Jan 2010
They build up the final battle so much it was quite dissappointing that it didnt really happen. The episode was good though and overall it was a very good series. Definately worth an 8/10 from me.

Also, I smell a possible second season some time in the future.

I am proud to have Clannad as the only thing on my dropped list.
Sep 19, 2010 11:34 AM

Jul 2010
OMG o.O What the hell happened at the end of the fight? One moment Yuki and Luka held hands (toooo sweet <3 fangirl moment ^^) and the next moment Yuki is in a room? I mean, what happened?! Did Reiga decide not to attack them and go back to his mansion? Where are Cadenza/Elegy/Luze? What did Yuki meant with that he had to end eveyrhing even if he had to face Reiga? (I was like; he's gonna commit suicide?! o.O NOEZ, don't leave Luka! xd).. Well, the second part was too sweet with Tsukumo/Toko/Hotsuma/Shusei, Tsukumo was so kawaii as chibi with the icecream and the food (lol, "I'll give you this so please stop flirting with Toko-chan" Kawaii!) but Luka kneeling for Yuki was..... priceless *fangirl eyes*. I was waiting for "Yes, my Lord/Yes, your Highnes" but guess I'm too much Kuroshitsuji fan hehe xd I réally hope they'll announce something about a second season and that the site (gogoanime) is right, so that there'll be an episode 25 next week? Maybe it's gonna be 26?... *please please please, if they don't make a season 2 at least give us 2 extra episodes* _O_ (bows xd)

Need moooooore LukaxYuki (I wanna know what happened the previous fight, at episode.. 7 or something -when Yuki's in the twilight mansion for the first time- Toko and.. Tachibana (if I'm right) talk about the fact they didn't told Yuki everything and Toko is worried if he's gonna remember what happened) arrgh! I wanna know so badly too! And the past of Yuki and Luka, how they met, when they made a contract and how it come so that ónly Yuki died in the previous battle.. I mean the rest of the Giou Clan knows what happened so they made it out alive, right? o.O Burning desire to know what happened xd

Btw, when Luka was walking to Yuki... It was// way too cute! but indeed, no way it can end like this, right? :'( So hurry up, find some sponsors and go, make a second season!
Sep 19, 2010 12:05 PM

Dec 2007
Boring ending =/
Sep 19, 2010 12:13 PM
Jul 2010
This should have a second season becuase the ending was very open..
I love the episode it was so sweet <33

I'm disappointed though, unless they make another season.

Does anyone know if I can buy the English manga online?
Sep 19, 2010 12:40 PM

May 2010
ah they could've done more w/the felt like there's more to come =.='
overall, it was a nice happy ending but i was expecting more action since they introduced luka's brother, luze, in the last episode. but i guess they wanted to end it on a good note ^^'
well, i hope they make a second season that continues and concludes the long lasting fight w/reiga >,<
Sep 19, 2010 12:49 PM
Jul 2010
I'm so happy they use my favorite OST "Eternity" for the final battle.
I need more Luka! I can never get enough of him.
Sep 19, 2010 12:51 PM

May 2009
Fabulous. I'll eagerly await the second season.
Sep 19, 2010 1:04 PM

Aug 2009
another season



this ep was great but not nearly enough, DAMN IT

Sep 19, 2010 1:28 PM

Sep 2009
irmina said:
I need more Luka! I can never get enough of him.

Shiiru said:
I'd watch another 10 seasons just for a kiss

Luka x Yuki

That's it xD

I agree 100%... ^^
Sep 19, 2010 1:36 PM

Oct 2009
...where is the kiss?

I really want a second season. I'll die a million times if that happens.

Sep 19, 2010 1:43 PM
Jul 2010
Me too! I'd watch whatever so I can see them kiss *.*
Sep 19, 2010 2:26 PM

Aug 2008
this is a good end for a first season ..if there is no season2 then this end is a catastrophe .... i'm not the whiny kind but is it too much to ask for anime with a decent end now a days ?!!!!!!
unicornaSep 19, 2010 2:38 PM
click me plz
Sep 19, 2010 2:38 PM

Aug 2009
-Vid said:
Last ep 1/5. Overall 3/10. Glad this garbage is over.
You must be seriously thick if you watched 24 episodes of a series you thought sucked...

Highlight of the series: Ono DaisukeHotsuma arguing with Kamiya HiroshiKuroto Just love OnoD and HiroC interaction <3

At first I was a bit skeptical about this series but I ended up really enjoying it.
I can understand if people who aren't within the target audience don't like it, but, well, they should just GTFO xD
頭脳は子供、見た目は大人! ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
Sep 19, 2010 3:18 PM

Sep 2009
Shiiru said:
I'd watch another 10 seasons just for a kiss

Seriously zero kiss scenes T__T
HotsumaXKuroto moment was cute.

-Enjoyed the hot boys
-Could watch Luca forever
-Hated the main lead character (Yuki Boy).
-Disliked the ending,Sodom's human form, less action episodes and pissed off for not revealing Yuki's past..which was something that I was looking forward from the very 1st episode.
- 6/10 7/10 for Luka, twin brother theme and steamy Takashiro fanservice XD

TakashiroXReiga (long haired version)---> my favorite pairing so far.
Sep 19, 2010 3:24 PM

Sep 2009
NorikoW said:
Does anyone know if I can buy the English manga online?

why buy, when you can read online?
Sep 19, 2010 3:31 PM

Apr 2008
It was an okay series and the final battle was pretty lame, I give the series as a whole 7/10. The endings with all the characters bonding was pretty cute, the scenes with Shusei and Hotsuma especially...those two are my favorite characters.
SevenSep 19, 2010 3:36 PM
Sep 19, 2010 3:38 PM

Aug 2010
Pheefa said:
-Vid said:
Last ep 1/5. Overall 3/10. Glad this garbage is over.
You must be seriously thick if you watched 24 episodes of a series you thought sucked...

LOL @pheefa you spoke my mind...
if you really hated it so much as to rate it at a three... why the hell did you watch all 24 episodes?!

Ha... sometimes people are so crazy even I can't understand them... *sigh*
"참 많은 파도가친다.앞으로 여행할길은 너무멀고길지만 멈추면안돼.. 멈춘순간 어른이 되어가는 길을 포기하는 나락으로 떨어진다. 어른이되어가는 경험은 이제부터 시작이지만 아직어리고 젊다는 최고의무기로 아직 눈앞에 보이지않는 더넓은 세상을 밟고싶다."
Sep 19, 2010 3:41 PM

Aug 2008
Dropped down to a 3/10. The show was a steady 5 until about 6 epiosodes ago, and honestly, I feel like I'm being nice with the three, because what actually happened? All this did was introduce an average of maybe a character an episode, totter around shounen-ai while showing nothing remotely fanserviecy, and tease fights that end with bright lights and Yuki in a bed the next morning. This show was totally aimless, and I don't get how anyone could be satisfied with what they saw.
Sep 19, 2010 4:13 PM

Nov 2008
What? That's it?! Eh...
Sep 19, 2010 4:24 PM

Dec 2008
Umm...WTH kind of ending was that?!?!? Where was the knock down drag out final battle? There better be a season 2!!!
Sep 19, 2010 4:40 PM

Aug 2007

I have a few reasons:
1. it's illegal
2. to support your local / the mangamarket
3. to support the manga-ka
4. to prevent publishers from getting so pissed they go and force online reading pages such as to colse down, because people read more and more online and buy less manga

I don't buy every manga I've read, but I buy those I like, even if I've already read them online. If you really like the manga, you can as well buy it.
Just as a note.

As for the Anime:

3/10 for me, too. The Anime was getting worse and worse until the end and the last episode seriously sucked. The fight was bad, the final part was disappointing and 60% of the episode were completely useless.

Thanks for being finished. Even if they make a second season, I'm not that much of a masochist to watch it.
I'm done with this. Over and out.
Sep 19, 2010 5:04 PM

Sep 2007
That ending was so blah and stuff that my rating for it dropped 3 levels because of the ending alone.

If this DOESN'T get a 2nd season eventually...I will RAGE for it wasting my time

well at the very least the art/animation style was cool enough that it wasn't a total waste of time......though still disappointing...
Sep 19, 2010 5:05 PM

Sep 2008
kennikitty said:

I have a few reasons:
1. it's illegal
2. to support your local / the mangamarket
3. to support the manga-ka
4. to prevent publishers from getting so pissed they go and force online reading pages such as to colse down, because people read more and more online and buy less manga

I don't buy every manga I've read, but I buy those I like, even if I've already read them online. If you really like the manga, you can as well buy it.
Just as a note.

I agree with you about buying manga, but as I can see you live in Germany where manga is more popular than in Poland. Unfortunately, all of my favourite manga I have to read online. It will be a miracle if some of them will be published in Polish. ^^ But if I can, I but some, but even with that I just can't but everything. And well, I must admit that without reading manga online I wouldn't have bought any of the manga I now own. ^^ Better know what I buy.

As for the episode - and here I thought some kind of battle will come, but no - 'great' Yuki unleashes his power and everyone runs away and we have a happy ending with nothing unsolved. I thought that if they are going for an original ending they will end it somehow and not leave it open like that. We are back to where we were before this 'final battle' (I feel like I watched a second Pandora Hearts, seriously...).

As for the rest of the episode - pure fanservice. I didn't mind it that much. Some Hotsuma/Shuusei (yay the scene from chapter 37, so sad they didn't show how Hotsuma was on top of Shuusei ;P), Tsukumo/Shuusei so sweet. So sad there wasn't any Senshiorou/Kuroto fanservice - if they were giving so much of it they could include all pairings. Don't care much about Luka/Yuki - compared to manga Yuki is so much more annoying here. Luka is less likable for me here too.
Sep 19, 2010 6:15 PM

Mar 2010
I was like "what that was the last episode i didnt notice"

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Sep 19, 2010 6:42 PM

May 2009
Rasco said:
I was like "what that was the last episode i didnt notice"

^this, when the ED finished and there was no preview i came here to update my list and notice this was the last ep... talk about inconclusive.

Quite a disapointing finale, i was hoping for it to do better, if they had at least showed more of the backstory i'd give this a higher score, but having most of it in the shadows i cant give it more than a 6/10 (rather low for me, my avrage is 8) If i liked BL maybe id give it a higher score (all than fanservice should have pleased the fangirls), but im not into that stuff (i just dont mind it as long as its just sub-text ~w~). I mostly started this series since it looked like a Vampire Knight rip-off :P and it started really good but then onwards story-wise it wasnt fullfilling. IF there is a second season and we get some explantions... then that might improve it but as it is now its just a so-so series.
Sep 19, 2010 6:51 PM

May 2010

I really loved the ending. :)
I do want a season 2 to fix the plotholes, like with Luka and Yuki's past, Reiga and the three others, but overall, I really enjoyed it.

Just not enough Senshiro/Kuroto in this episode.
But epic Hotsuma/Shusei and great great comedy with Tsukumo.

love is such a strange thing
but with you, it doesn't matter

Sep 19, 2010 6:52 PM

Dec 2008
Somehow the ending to this series insinuates a need for a second season to be produced. That is the only hope I have for this series to be at least a little successful...

Quite a disappointing finale, it was. Too many holes that needed to be filled as nothing was truly resolved when all was said and done. Perhaps it is one of those animes where the adaptation from the manga is loose and fans will have to rely on the manga in order to weave a proper understanding of the story's plotline. This season should've left an interesting cliffhanger to keep fans anticipating in the end of it all, but alas. I dare admit that the characters did leave a bit of an effect on me, and I do look forward to seeing them again in their animated forms. I will only hope for the best.
~ SilentMuse, At Your Service. ~
Sep 19, 2010 7:15 PM

Aug 2010
hoshikuzu728 said:
I found myself crying several times during this eiposde... it was awesome,
and we got a little Luka x Yuki fanservice!! WOOO!

And who else was happy Hyde died? I mean seriously, Cadenza, Eledgy Reiga and Luze were all badasses but Hyde was... well... not a badass lol

I'm really hoping for a second season, I mean there was a little foreshadowing for one so that makes me happy... :)
I'm very glad I watched this anime... one of my favorites...

This exactly :D

[T.C.O] | [C.C.O]
Sep 19, 2010 7:29 PM

Dec 2009
Hotsuma: "I'll take full responsibility!"
lol, nice HotsumaXShusei scene, but it seemed like they were trying to squeeze a whole season's worth of humor into the 5 minutes. It makes me want to read the manga to see if it is funny....

....and we never got the whole story about Yuki and Luka's past.... However, I'm still not sure I really care about that history. That history would involve the female-Yuki, who seems like a totally different person to me. It would feel like Luka is cheating with some random woman...

Luka and boy-Yuki can always make new memories.
Yes, maybe I should read the manga....
Sep 19, 2010 7:34 PM

Nov 2007
tsubasaloverSep 19, 2010 11:38 PM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Sep 20, 2010 12:06 AM

Aug 2010
This episode was so anti-climatic it's shameful. The previous episode had set it up to make it seem like an awesome all out battle was about to begin and then.. nothing really happened. Yuki started glowing and chased off the Duras, Takeshiro didn't do much but glow red and then everybody had a little "bonding" moment towards the end. What happened to defeating Reiga? What about Yuki's memories? Luka has a twin brother?! And what is Reiga's true plan?

I'll be highly disappointed if they don't make a second season. There was way too much left unresolved and unexplained in my opinion. I mean it's still a very good show, I enjoyed watching and there was lots of eye candy ^^
Sep 20, 2010 12:41 AM

Mar 2010
What kind of ice cream is blue??

The episode was nice..Not good for a last one, though.It looked kinda rushed, didn't give any explanations and if there isn't a 2nd season the series have failed for me.It started in a way and ended in a whole different way..Perhaps they should decide whether they want it more in the adventure category or in the shounen-ai category because trying to make both clearly didn't work.Do they want the fights and the bad versus good thing or do they want to focus on yuki and luka and their relationship,past and future??
For me the plot had so many holes that it looks like emmental cheese..So let's hope for a 2nd season soon..
Sep 20, 2010 1:11 AM

Jun 2008
ok Uragiri's manga is one of my all time favs so i really dont want the anime to end like this >_>
before my rating was 10 but now i'm gonna give it 9 since the ending was just so very dunno how to describe it really but it was a pure disappointment for me -_-
i will give it 10 only in case there be more seasons to it cause if they intend to leave it on one season only that means only screwing my fav manga nd in that case even 9 would be so much for it -_____-"
Sep 20, 2010 2:40 AM

Aug 2010
Ummm? kitsch?

i can't find a better word to describe how I lol-ed at this- how ever did i manage to keep watching?
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