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Sep 14, 2010 9:33 AM
Sep 2009
I esteemed that it will be some recap of the TV series but it's completely new work, everything is different! And it's a lot better than TV series, it's not overloaded with endless battles and symbolism becomes more clear. Good movie, I'm going to rewatch it.
Nov 1, 2010 9:57 AM

May 2009
Touga ;__;

And Akio w.t.f. xD
Nov 15, 2010 5:56 PM

Aug 2009

Loved it
頭脳は子供、見た目は大人! ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
Dec 7, 2010 8:03 PM

May 2009
Holy crap, that was actually a very good movie!

At first I hesitatet, after all, movie-retellings of an anime (or anything episodical) tend to be rushed and deformed. But this one is great! "Completly new work", als gohdan said. I loved the original, but this is also wonderfull.

The chase-scene at the end was great! At first I was like "Wait, wat?", but it became so intense, I didn't care that Utena is a transformer. Wakaba as a car was pretty funny. :D

The architecture was stunning.

And I loved that the "shadow-girls" became a bigger role than in the series (kind of). They were my favorites in the anime.

In conclusion, I cant belive this is ranked below 1000. Iimo, it's as great and mind-blowing as the original.
Apr 6, 2011 7:53 AM

Feb 2011
Loved the movie. That part with touga and utena was sad, especially when she said "Thank you touga, you really were my prince" and then sunlight garden plays in the end. Man that gets me everytime.

and seriously what the hell akio.

jury was even more pretty than she was in the series. Same with anthy. And anthy actually has a mind of her own in the movie.

awesome movie and definitely one of my favorites.
May 11, 2011 2:46 AM

Aug 2010
Not quite as good as the series but pretty damn close, the visuals were lovely and the character designs were even more stunning. I mean how pretty was Anthy?

Utena literally becoming Anthy's vehicle to freedom, nice.

Also I like how Touga was a full blown good guy in this.
fuck everything and rumble
Aug 25, 2011 10:37 AM

Jan 2011
as expected, the animation quality is much higher than the series and the buildings look really good

using the same voices also add familarity, but i think Akio's voice is diff

the best thing is the fullfillment of a Utena and Anthy ending :)
Sep 17, 2011 9:33 AM

Mar 2009
klaymore said:
using the same voices also add familarity, but i think Akio's voice is diff

It's a different voice actor, but it didn't matter because

I did (not) understand most of this movie. Still, it was good, so it gets a 7/10.
Sep 17, 2011 4:14 PM

Jul 2010
can.....someone explain to me what the hell went on in the last 30 min. Cuz I sure as hell didnt.
How to Watch Naruto Without Filler (Complete):
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Sep 19, 2011 4:57 AM

Mar 2009
zansabarshadow said:
can.....someone explain to me what the hell went on in the last 30 min. Cuz I sure as hell didnt.

Oct 21, 2011 11:22 AM
May 2009
Arrnea said:
zansabarshadow said:
can.....someone explain to me what the hell went on in the last 30 min. Cuz I sure as hell didnt.

I lol'd.

Taking this movie literally would mean getting it as a complete nonsense, but I don't believe anyone did it. The symbolism was easy to get, the surreality was explained...
I loved this movie, perhaps even more than the TV series. Mind-blowing.
Nov 20, 2011 12:55 PM

May 2009
zansabarshadow said:
can.....someone explain to me what the hell went on in the last 30 min. Cuz I sure as hell didnt.

Nov 22, 2011 7:27 PM

Jun 2008
The description on this site calls this movie a loose retelling

Utena turns into a car

Nov 30, 2011 12:30 AM

Sep 2008
I ಠ_ಠ'd when Utena turned into a car.
Touga was very touching in the movie too.
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Jan 9, 2012 11:47 PM

Jul 2011
Wow Himemiya looked way better in this movie than she did in the TV series, she was also almost a completely different character here too (much better than her creepy (creepier I guess you could say) personality in the TV series). Anyway really great movie and the symbolism was much easier to understand here than it was in the TV series. I could explain to someone what this movie's message was much easier than I could the series. I also wonder how much different this movie's message is from the TV series, because I have one idea of what the movies saying while I have several for the TV series.

Awesome movie though, makes me wish they would do a "rebuild of Utena" as they are doing with Eva haha if only.
Jan 16, 2012 6:37 PM

Jun 2008
Utena's hair bothers me, the wavey part is weird. And Anthy... wow, she's like a totally different character personality-wise, a lot more upfront and not so emotionless. Design-wise, I think I prefer the old Anthy though (just like how I like TV Utena's design)

I'm surprised Shiori got such a big role in it, while Nanami only appeared as a cow (lol). And Akio only got a tiny part and not being the manipulative bastard he was.

I've heard about the car scene, but it's still wtf actually seeing it. The metaphor of escaping the dream world of Ohtori into the real world is a lot more clear in the movie than in the TV series. But with limited time, the TV series was way better at constructing the relationships between the characters of course.
Feb 26, 2012 5:55 PM

Jun 2009
Am I the only one who can't watch the elevator scene with Utena and Touga because my heart is too weak for it? I mean, I had already been spoiled somewhere on the internet what the scene implied, but it's still pulled off in such a way that I still feel damp-eyed whenever I watch it...

I also love the little shoutouts to the TV series... elevator/Mikage arc, Wakaba's friend who's probably Tetsuya, Touga's role being reminiscent of Ruka and Dios, etc...
Mar 11, 2012 8:49 AM

Jan 2010
Apr 12, 2012 12:13 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
This film (like the entire Utena series) is truly original. I've seldom seem something with that level of attention to art in anime. And it was more explicit with the meaning of "Revolution" than the series in my book.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jun 2, 2012 6:02 AM
Apr 2010
That was dumb.
The legal age of consent in Japan is 13, so shota is totally legal in Japan. In some western countries shota might be considered child porn.
Sep 5, 2012 7:19 PM
Mar 2011
I think it just solidified the somewhat ambiguous end of the anime into a full-blown good ending. Granted, the anime already hinted at it, but this tops it off quite satisfyingly.

I'm sure someone out there has already analyzed the movie to heaven and back, but there were several parts I enjoyed a lot in the midst of all the surrealism. The Wakaba jeep and the tidbit about friendship was cute, but it also served to emphasize that friends cannot help you past your self-imposed limitations--the castle that represented illusions was something Anthy and Utena had to face and break through themselves.

It was really nice how the actions and little details surrounding the student council characters in the movie recalled their motivations from the anime.

The Touga bit went a little over my head, unfortunately. It was interesting how they took the anecdote that Juri tells in the anime about the boy who drowns and cast it on Touga, but I think I might need to mull over this and possibly rewatch at a later date to glean insight on that meaning.
Dec 29, 2012 10:49 AM

Jan 2010
Mar 22, 2013 11:02 PM

Feb 2013
Alright, I don't know if anyone will ever read this, but:

I have this little theory that in the Utena movie, Anthy and Utena were two facets of the same person, someone who either went into a coma or died before the start of the movie. Their "returning to the outside world" where they "were born" was really either a) awakening in a hospital or b) reincarnating.

It is also possible in the reincarnation case that they are separate people, but are soul mates destined to eternally meet in the limbo between lives. Only once they find and accept each other can they return to the world.

Anyway that's been on my mind for a while--I absolutely adore this movie and the messages it has for society.
Mar 25, 2013 2:30 PM

Nov 2011
That was weird. Decent companion for the show, I guess, since it frames things a little differently and makes stuff from the show more clear in retrospect, but I got so used to the characters and style of the show that the differences were a bit jarring.
Apr 6, 2013 11:03 PM

Aug 2011
This is one of my favorite movies ever! How Ikuhara wrapped up such a visually stunning, engaging, surreal coming of age story in 90 minutes just blows my mind :D

That being said, it saddens me that a lot of people don't like it, and that it's rated so low on the site. If anyone watches this movie and really has no idea what the hell happened, which I know is many, feel free to message me, lol. I've answered a lot of questions about it to friends of mine who watched it and I love seeing them come to appreciate it for what it does. :)
Aug 16, 2013 6:57 PM

Dec 2008
I was really feeling this until key characters started turning into cars. Um...WTH?!

Slutty Anthy was a nice twist. However, a drunk and frenzied Akio falling off the balcony was HILARIOUS!! I'm still LMAO over that.

Sent with Mal Updater
Sep 29, 2013 2:13 PM

Aug 2012
Who? What? When? Why?
May 16, 2014 5:08 AM

Jan 2013
I've been hesitant for a long time whether to watch a 90 min retelling of one of my fav series ever. Now that I've finally watched it, I feel it stands out quite well on its own. This movie literally blows any confusing surrealist movie I've ever watched. Breathtaking art and animation, beautiful soundtrack and without a doubt, the most WTF last 30 mins of anything I've watched so far.
Kagami_Hiiragi said:
Idc if you think its weird, I have a life and friends and an income of money.

Jun 11, 2014 1:26 PM

Aug 2013
This is some heavy analysis surrealist stuff. I've watched the TV Show to its completion and now I've seen the movie. There are definitely positives and negatives to both of them, but I will say that both of them are quite good. Someone stated earlier that the movie and tv show kind of have a circular relationship in that they both fill in minor gaps in each other and make it better all around. I would have to agree with this. Themes/Symbolisms in the movie are much more explicit and obvious than in the TV show, but I feel like they become harder to understand if you haven't seen the character arcs from the TV show.

Also, character differences were quite strange, but I suppose it's another facet of the character that wasn't present in the TV show. Shiori had quite a larger role in this and she was chasing UtenaxAnthy, so was she trying to escape Ohtori too?
Jul 14, 2014 8:07 PM
Jun 2013
I think I liked this more then the actual series. Maybe I just liked the characters more or something.
Anyway, I just kind of accept that Utena changed into a car. It seems to me that it is a cool visual way to show that Anthy used Utena to reach the outside world. What my question is: what did it mean that Anthy and Utena were 'returning to the outside world'? Through out the series I interpreted the school as being childhood and the outside world as adulthood. Did Anthy and Utena somehow return to childhood? Perhaps because they were traumatized by something. I guess I could see that...
Jul 30, 2014 8:40 PM

Jan 2013
1. Utena with s-s-short hair!
2. Anthy and Utena's kiss
3. Anthy and Utena's almost first time!
4. Anthy and Utena's second kiss.....

Guys, I'll gonna rewatch this movie, it's like what I always expected from Shoujo Kakumei Utena since the very beginning of the series. Lol.
Sep 7, 2014 4:39 PM
Jan 2013
>that physical contact
>the car chase
>anthy's superior form
>that happy ending

This just proves that movies are better than TV shows.

Solid 10/10 movie. I wish there was more to see, but I suppose that's about it.
Sep 19, 2014 2:17 AM

Aug 2011
ahhh Akio's voice lol

Quite trippy there at the end but the visuals were pretty great the backgrounds especially.

I couldn't help feeling like this entre movie was just an excuse to draw naked together with both of their long flowing hair. Though that was probably the most glorious 'escape' they could ever wish for.

This also made me pity and despise Shiori but mostly despise.
Nov 2, 2014 8:31 PM

Jan 2013
Short hair Utena is all I needed.
Please understand.
Nov 8, 2014 2:29 PM

Oct 2009
lmao @ ppl who take this movie super literally. That's not how symbolism works.
Dec 16, 2014 10:18 PM

Sep 2014
Needed more Nanami!

Loved the artwork and surreal backgrounds. I read somewhere that some of the artists working on this film now work for SHAFT, and it's easy to see the resemblance in Bakemonogatari and Madoka.

Anthy looked GREAT, much better than her TV counterpart. I was really surprised by the Touga bit, it was sweet/heartbreaking. I understood this movie's message easier than the TV series. Like them both equally though.

Loved the yuri ending. :P
Jan 25, 2015 12:42 PM

Jul 2014
I guess in the end, Utena deflowered the Rose Bride.
Feb 25, 2015 10:50 AM

Nov 2013
I haven't felt this satisfied with a movie for a long time. The visuals were beautiful and hearing the opening in the climax scene was just hnngh.


This movie cleared a lot things for me. I need to rewatch the main series some day but I think I understand somewhat the symbolism behind this series and it makes the original show much much better than it already is.

I probably need to lay down for a moment.
Mar 25, 2015 12:20 AM
Feb 2015
This movie has made me become a Touga/Utena shipper. I know that it has a yuri ending, but yes, I still ship them.
May 8, 2015 2:35 PM
Aug 2009
I am probably to stupid but that last part was completely crazy for me.
Oct 10, 2015 1:59 PM

Jul 2014
Meh, the series was better.

Nov 22, 2015 9:59 AM

Jun 2015
Lives up to the series, I even liked the alternative setting best. While Utena's show drags towards the middle with the repetitiveness of for instance the Black Rose arc, the film condensed it all in a 90-minute successful experience.
Jan 21, 2016 8:02 PM
Jul 2018
I didn't like the movie nearly as much as the series for various reasons, but I did like that in this Touga was an actual good guy. I feel like the characters (especially and specifically the males) are extremely flawed overall in the series, and this was a nice change.
Mar 23, 2016 11:26 AM

Feb 2016
I have this theory... and THAT is how you get people to immediately stop reading your comment. :P

Joking aside though, I always had the impression that the movie wasn't a retelling of the series, but rather a finale to it. Keeping in mind that works of art are subject to interpretation, I will now elaborate on an idea that I've never quite been able to shake out of my head.

*SPOILERS for the movie AND the series below*

In the last episode of the series, Utena awakens Anthy's true self and then "vanishes", leaving Anthy behind. Anthy then takes it upon herself to leave the academy, shrugging off her powerless brother, and going on a search for Utena. I think the movie is where Anthy finds Utena.

I think after the events of the last episode, Utena became trapped in a similar prison as Anthy had been throughout the series. She is stuck in an altered version of the academy (after all, what is "the academy", if not a vast towering infrastructure meant for keeping people in line to a set of arbitrary rules). While there, Utena is lost in her own mind, haunted by the ghosts of her memories, forgetting herself and what she did for Anthy, forgetting what she is truly capable of.

Anthy is more aggressively pursuing Utena, because she is NOT actually held by the academy's spell anymore. She is truly herself, and remembers what has happened before. She also knows the kind of trap Utena is stuck in now. Anthy knows she has to play through the "game", go through the motions to get Utena to remember herself on her own. That has always been a theme of the series: others can aid you, but ultimately you must find the strength to save yourself. That's why Anthy still does what she does. She has to remind Utena of who she is.

That's also why the side characters can't recall past events. The academy makes you forget. Until they find the will to leave, they will be forever doomed to repeat their actions.

In the movie, Anthy's brother is more frail and small of stature. This is because he's already been defeated. The confrontation at the end is his last struggling gasp to try to bring Anthy under his control again. In the end, of course, Anthy and Utena plow through the illusions and escape together into adulthood, into a world without the BS arbitrary rules to bind them, where they can make their own path together under the stars in the real sky.
Apr 6, 2016 11:27 AM

Oct 2014
Shiori explodes, that's all I needed outta this.
RainyRai said:

>not appreciating how much of a cunt Asuka is
How disgusting tbh
Apr 6, 2016 7:06 PM

Jan 2015
Rex_Ivan said:
I have this theory... and THAT is how you get people to immediately stop reading your comment. :P

Joking aside though, I always had the impression that the movie wasn't a retelling of the series, but rather a finale to it. Keeping in mind that works of art are subject to interpretation, I will now elaborate on an idea that I've never quite been able to shake out of my head.

*SPOILERS for the movie AND the series below*

In the last episode of the series, Utena awakens Anthy's true self and then "vanishes", leaving Anthy behind. Anthy then takes it upon herself to leave the academy, shrugging off her powerless brother, and going on a search for Utena. I think the movie is where Anthy finds Utena.

I think after the events of the last episode, Utena became trapped in a similar prison as Anthy had been throughout the series. She is stuck in an altered version of the academy (after all, what is "the academy", if not a vast towering infrastructure meant for keeping people in line to a set of arbitrary rules). While there, Utena is lost in her own mind, haunted by the ghosts of her memories, forgetting herself and what she did for Anthy, forgetting what she is truly capable of.

Anthy is more aggressively pursuing Utena, because she is NOT actually held by the academy's spell anymore. She is truly herself, and remembers what has happened before. She also knows the kind of trap Utena is stuck in now. Anthy knows she has to play through the "game", go through the motions to get Utena to remember herself on her own. That has always been a theme of the series: others can aid you, but ultimately you must find the strength to save yourself. That's why Anthy still does what she does. She has to remind Utena of who she is.

That's also why the side characters can't recall past events. The academy makes you forget. Until they find the will to leave, they will be forever doomed to repeat their actions.

In the movie, Anthy's brother is more frail and small of stature. This is because he's already been defeated. The confrontation at the end is his last struggling gasp to try to bring Anthy under his control again. In the end, of course, Anthy and Utena plow through the illusions and escape together into adulthood, into a world without the BS arbitrary rules to bind them, where they can make their own path together under the stars in the real sky.

Huh, you know that's actually a theory that kind of works for me. I know people will say that's not what the movie was intended to be, but if you watch it with that in mind... well some of the stuff is much less confusing.

I've read a couple of reviews that state you have to watch this movie at least three times for it to sink in, and that's likely what I'll have to do. I for the life of me could not wrap my head around the symbolism, and I felt that the story line was a little bit jumpy in areas. I will say that the animation and visuals are really beautiful though, I especially like the redesign of Juri. Over all I had an okay time with this, but I think it will be better the second time around, and maybe also after watching the TV series again.
Jul 23, 2016 7:09 PM

Apr 2016
Rex_Ivan said:
I have this theory... and THAT is how you get people to immediately stop reading your comment. :P

Joking aside though, I always had the impression that the movie wasn't a retelling of the series, but rather a finale to it. Keeping in mind that works of art are subject to interpretation, I will now elaborate on an idea that I've never quite been able to shake out of my head.

*SPOILERS for the movie AND the series below*

In the last episode of the series, Utena awakens Anthy's true self and then "vanishes", leaving Anthy behind. Anthy then takes it upon herself to leave the academy, shrugging off her powerless brother, and going on a search for Utena. I think the movie is where Anthy finds Utena.

I think after the events of the last episode, Utena became trapped in a similar prison as Anthy had been throughout the series. She is stuck in an altered version of the academy (after all, what is "the academy", if not a vast towering infrastructure meant for keeping people in line to a set of arbitrary rules). While there, Utena is lost in her own mind, haunted by the ghosts of her memories, forgetting herself and what she did for Anthy, forgetting what she is truly capable of.

Anthy is more aggressively pursuing Utena, because she is NOT actually held by the academy's spell anymore. She is truly herself, and remembers what has happened before. She also knows the kind of trap Utena is stuck in now. Anthy knows she has to play through the "game", go through the motions to get Utena to remember herself on her own. That has always been a theme of the series: others can aid you, but ultimately you must find the strength to save yourself. That's why Anthy still does what she does. She has to remind Utena of who she is.

That's also why the side characters can't recall past events. The academy makes you forget. Until they find the will to leave, they will be forever doomed to repeat their actions.

In the movie, Anthy's brother is more frail and small of stature. This is because he's already been defeated. The confrontation at the end is his last struggling gasp to try to bring Anthy under his control again. In the end, of course, Anthy and Utena plow through the illusions and escape together into adulthood, into a world without the BS arbitrary rules to bind them, where they can make their own path together under the stars in the real sky.

I thought the same thing. The movie is about Anthy finding and leaving with Utena. Woo-hoo happy ending. Fuck it, we all like happy endings!

But I was just worried their long flowing hair would get caught in the tire as they roar off into the sunset.
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May 8, 2017 7:35 PM

Dec 2016
Rex_Ivan said:
I have this theory... and THAT is how you get people to immediately stop reading your comment. :P

Joking aside though, I always had the impression that the movie wasn't a retelling of the series, but rather a finale to it. Keeping in mind that works of art are subject to interpretation, I will now elaborate on an idea that I've never quite been able to shake out of my head.

*SPOILERS for the movie AND the series below*

In the last episode of the series, Utena awakens Anthy's true self and then "vanishes", leaving Anthy behind. Anthy then takes it upon herself to leave the academy, shrugging off her powerless brother, and going on a search for Utena. I think the movie is where Anthy finds Utena.

I think after the events of the last episode, Utena became trapped in a similar prison as Anthy had been throughout the series. She is stuck in an altered version of the academy (after all, what is "the academy", if not a vast towering infrastructure meant for keeping people in line to a set of arbitrary rules). While there, Utena is lost in her own mind, haunted by the ghosts of her memories, forgetting herself and what she did for Anthy, forgetting what she is truly capable of.

Anthy is more aggressively pursuing Utena, because she is NOT actually held by the academy's spell anymore. She is truly herself, and remembers what has happened before. She also knows the kind of trap Utena is stuck in now. Anthy knows she has to play through the "game", go through the motions to get Utena to remember herself on her own. That has always been a theme of the series: others can aid you, but ultimately you must find the strength to save yourself. That's why Anthy still does what she does. She has to remind Utena of who she is.

That's also why the side characters can't recall past events. The academy makes you forget. Until they find the will to leave, they will be forever doomed to repeat their actions.

In the movie, Anthy's brother is more frail and small of stature. This is because he's already been defeated. The confrontation at the end is his last struggling gasp to try to bring Anthy under his control again. In the end, of course, Anthy and Utena plow through the illusions and escape together into adulthood, into a world without the BS arbitrary rules to bind them, where they can make their own path together under the stars in the real sky.

I thought of this too. It actually makes a lot of sense (and this is hard for Utena xD) and makes the movie waaay better for me
CilhaMay 8, 2017 7:51 PM
Jun 2, 2017 6:03 PM

Apr 2012
was willing to roll with this for a bit; some things were working, others weren't, but c'mon, getting sucked into a magical carwash and becoming a spangly transformer is laughably bad writing

*if that's trying to sell some deep symbolism i am not willing to buy*
Jul 21, 2017 9:58 PM

Nov 2011
Cilha said:
Rex_Ivan said:
I have this theory... and THAT is how you get people to immediately stop reading your comment. :P

Joking aside though, I always had the impression that the movie wasn't a retelling of the series, but rather a finale to it. Keeping in mind that works of art are subject to interpretation, I will now elaborate on an idea that I've never quite been able to shake out of my head.

*SPOILERS for the movie AND the series below*

In the last episode of the series, Utena awakens Anthy's true self and then "vanishes", leaving Anthy behind. Anthy then takes it upon herself to leave the academy, shrugging off her powerless brother, and going on a search for Utena. I think the movie is where Anthy finds Utena.

I think after the events of the last episode, Utena became trapped in a similar prison as Anthy had been throughout the series. She is stuck in an altered version of the academy (after all, what is "the academy", if not a vast towering infrastructure meant for keeping people in line to a set of arbitrary rules). While there, Utena is lost in her own mind, haunted by the ghosts of her memories, forgetting herself and what she did for Anthy, forgetting what she is truly capable of.

Anthy is more aggressively pursuing Utena, because she is NOT actually held by the academy's spell anymore. She is truly herself, and remembers what has happened before. She also knows the kind of trap Utena is stuck in now. Anthy knows she has to play through the "game", go through the motions to get Utena to remember herself on her own. That has always been a theme of the series: others can aid you, but ultimately you must find the strength to save yourself. That's why Anthy still does what she does. She has to remind Utena of who she is.

That's also why the side characters can't recall past events. The academy makes you forget. Until they find the will to leave, they will be forever doomed to repeat their actions.

In the movie, Anthy's brother is more frail and small of stature. This is because he's already been defeated. The confrontation at the end is his last struggling gasp to try to bring Anthy under his control again. In the end, of course, Anthy and Utena plow through the illusions and escape together into adulthood, into a world without the BS arbitrary rules to bind them, where they can make their own path together under the stars in the real sky.

I thought of this too. It actually makes a lot of sense (and this is hard for Utena xD) and makes the movie waaay better for me

This is what I thought as well!

Though when I was 13 I bought the movie (this was 16 years ago) on DVD and had only seen like the first 10 episodes or so. I considered Utena to be one of my favorites despite only having seen the first few episodes, read the manga (which is vastly different from the anime), and seen the movie. Thus, the movie made NO SENSE to me at the time. When I was around 18-19 I FINALLY watched the whole series, and as soon as I finished the series I just turned around in my chair and thought "I UNDERSTAND THE MOVIE NOW OH MY DIOS".

I always tell people that the movie is a sequel of sorts to the series. It's definitely something that should NEVER EVER EVER be watched UNLESS you have completed the series, otherwise it just seems like yuri transformers.

Also, can we cheer about the fact that the movie FINALLY HAS A SHOUJO AI TAG? FINALLY? IT ONLY TOOK MAL HOW MANY YEARS?!
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