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Jan 22, 8:00 AM

Nov 2011
I thought more police would get involved in a case about graves being vandalized. Takao doesn't fit this type but she's the main character and hired to do the job.

The mystery aside, it almost seems like Takao is less interested than usual.
Jan 22, 8:00 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
I'm glad this show is back. No more delays, ok? :3

"Spontaneous Human Combustion." Kinda misleading title.

Well, a pretty decent episode. We got another "curse." Good job from our genius doctor again.

Anyway, this case isn't over just yet.

SerafosJan 22, 12:22 PM
Jan 22, 10:31 AM

Jul 2016
Watching Kotori flex his karate will probably never get old but him not having to actually land a hit on the guy to mentally subdue him is a straight power move.

Never really thought about the necessary procedures for hospitalizing someone who doesn't consent to it themselves. That was cool to learn about.
FarCriticalJan 22, 3:56 PM
Jan 22, 10:39 AM
Sep 2015
I feel like this episode should be titled "the curse from the past" instead of "Spontaneous human combustion" which should be used for the next episode. The matchbox is probably the culprit anyway.
Jan 22, 10:45 AM

Mar 2021
So happy this show is back, Takao really does know her stuff but most of all i love how she will stop at nothing to make sure the patient is treated.
Jan 22, 11:14 AM

Feb 2019
Let’s gooo we’re finally back. Missed seeing Takao solve cases. Hopefully the staff had some nice time off to give the production the attention it needs.

Spontaneous human combustion? Close enough, welcome back fire force

I hate seeing soft mfs like Kotori when they showed up to the Ashiya estate. Why would you apologise to Ashiya after he committed assault and pushed Takao down!?? Demonstrating his karate wasn’t enough, he should’ve knocked that bum out. Just like his namesake, the latest Ashiya is a real piece of work.

So we solved the first curse case medically, S/O to Takao’s former supervisor for helping out, but the spontaneous combustion is still a mystery. I don’t think this show is gonna go down the supernatural route but it really does beg the question of wtf is going on. How are they gonna scientifically explain the delay and activation of people burning up .. this is the most interesting case yet imo. that cliffhanger is horrifying, what an awful way to go out
Marinate1016Jan 22, 12:53 PM
Jan 22, 11:30 AM
Mar 2024
well, i don't expect Aphotechary's Diary has a rival like this anime. and what a cliffhanger
Jan 22, 11:50 AM

Feb 2012
"you reap what you sow" to the oxygenated professor with an ashtray full of used cigarettes.

The Ashiya heir is a right jerk pushing Takao like that. But Kotori's karate had him on the floor.
I was expecting fungus of some kind. It was a gamble going in there without facemasks or gloves though, even if Takao knew the two people who did get "cursed" had pre-existing conditions and Kuramoto didn't.
Having found fungal samples with a microscope, Takao tries to convince Ikari to go to a hospital but cannot get him out and needs to employ Takanashi's karate skills, again. Even though Sumida hates Takao, she uses her psych credentials to authorize involuntary hospitalization of Ikari.

A cliffhanger, what's the mystery behind the spontaneous combustion? As simple as the electric heater they showed us or is that a red herring?

The family knows people get "cursed" but do they know the secret behind it? Have they deliberately kept the tomb unclean?
Fortress_MaximusJan 23, 2:30 PM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Jan 22, 11:53 AM

Jan 2013
As soon as they mention an old grave I knew the cause would be fungus because it's always fungus with careless tomb raiding.

I don't want to sound pretentious, but I expected this series to be a little more smarter. I may have some general knowledge on some topics but I'm more on the stupid side. If stupid me can figure out the cause this instantly then it's not me who is too clever for figuring it out, it's this story that doesn't try too hard to make us think of all available possibilities

With that said...

I don't know how this curse factors into the spontaneous combustion.
Jan 22, 11:54 AM

Jun 2015
Human combustion huh. I think its univesal that when people of like minded interests get together that there would always be someone that gets lost. Its unfortunate but the nature of archaeology means that disturbing ancient ruins and being cursed as a result is pretty high. Creating a field lab inside the tomb was pretty cool though. Fungus infection in lieu of a curse though was an interesting one. Im glad that Sumida also saw sense as well. Looks like this case is far from being over.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 22, 1:37 PM

Jun 2016
I realize it's a convention, but masks and gloves, what's the joke? Then the heroine talks about infections, then works with her bare hands. The only one who really deserves attention in this episode is Takanashi, with his martial art.
Jan 22, 1:42 PM

Jul 2022
Who would have thought that opening a tomb that has been sealed for years and unprotected could affect your health? I would never have imagined fungus in a damp, dark place!

Sarcasm aside, it seems I wasn't the only one to suspect fungus. However, these last two episodes didn't have as much mystery as the first one. While I don't want Takao to get involved with criminal mysteries, I feel like something is missing. It's also funny that the last two episodes were due to people's negligence. The previous one was because the psychiatrist diagnosed suicide when it was epilepsy, and this one because historians inspected an unprotected grave; not to mention the person who refused medical attention thinking she was cursed. I am skeptical about these things and have nothing against those who hold such beliefs, but to endanger your life or someone else's life because of it is another thing. Nevertheless, it seems that Enzo Ashiya's "curse" continues with what happened to Kuramoto.
Jan 22, 2:06 PM

Mar 2021
so this case is all about graves and a supposed curse lol it's wild

takao is showing her detective skills again even though she's not as interested as before huh

the family drama combined with scientific mystery really hooks me in too

there's this "resuscitated serial killer" manga popping up wonder if it's a hint for future episodes

fungus instead of an actual curse makes for an intriguing twist
Jan 22, 2:55 PM

Jul 2021
ShiroAlex said:
I realize it's a convention, but masks and gloves, what's the joke? Then the heroine talks about infections, then works with her bare hands.

YES! I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

You're scraping suspicious samples off a dead body, in a cave that was sealed off for centuries!

Also, why do you need to examine them under a microscope inside the cave???

The first thing I've thought of was some kind of spores or toxin, since one guy had respiratory problems and the other guy seemed to be having hallucinations (that one turned out to be not quite true). I can't believe these doctors didn't take any precautions at a location that they know for a fact causes health issues.

Also, if my spouse locked himself in a room and clearly sounded like he was in pain or having some sort of mental breakdown, for weeks, I would call the police without anyone telling me to...
Jan 22, 4:06 PM

Aug 2020
another great episode

i'm loving it more and more

this new case is interesting about the curse...
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just have a look, you won't regret it...

Link below:
Jan 22, 4:26 PM
May 2017
Another very good episode! Welcome back, Dr. Takao -- I missed you. This episode made me remember the curse of Pharaoh Tutankhamun.
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Jan 22, 4:50 PM
Nov 2023
Episode aside, as it’s been discussed well already, but Is Takao actually who Taiga Aisaka became after leaving school? Don’t know why she changed her name tho.
Jan 22, 4:54 PM
Jul 2024
Slightly more interesting than last week's case. But why only tie the title to the curse like that at the very end & not have it do much with the actual episode?
Jan 22, 6:06 PM

Sep 2020
I understand why the high spirited university researchers entered the burial cave in their casual clothes, however I'm actually puzzled as to why doctors like Takao and Kotori didn't wear hazmat suits or protective clothes before scooping up samples from inside the coffin, corpse and cavern.

Let's see what will happen next week in part two of this case.
Jan 22, 6:08 PM
Apr 2020
I kind alike the way they show hints but everyone around are so dumb
Jan 22, 7:58 PM

Nov 2016
So ep4 and 5 titles should probably be switched around for the BD. They seem to fit better that way.

I was pretty hyped for this episode because of the premise but it seems like this one was barely the setup. The case itself this episode with the fungal infection being mistaken with a curse because of the history of the place they got infected at was also interesting though.

I'm fully expecting a "WRONG, GAS LEAK" moment next episode but the most logical explanation is the electrical heater malfunctioning.

Without Love, the truth cannot be seen.
Jan 22, 8:08 PM
Apr 2024
wow, what a cliffhanger, so the lady was burnt alive? how is that possible. Can't wait to find out in the next ep.
Jan 22, 8:46 PM
Feb 2024
I was quite confused when the episode opened on the spontaneous human combustion, then went off to focus on something else for the rest of the episode only to end on the same spontaneous human combustion. It's a shame that lady caught fire, she seemed rather nice and now she's probably dead but still, I'm not sure they needed to show it twice.
Jan 22, 11:02 PM

Jun 2012
Another mystery for Dr. Takao to solve, this time about a curse, but as mysteries are not always what they seem, the cause of the curse was a fungus. What an incredible episode, and this is turning out to be one of the best of this season!
Jan 22, 11:05 PM

Jun 2012
Another mystery for Dr. Takao to solve, this time about a curse, but as mysteries are not always what they seem, the cause of the curse was a fungus. What an incredible episode, and this is turning out to be one of the best of this season!
Jan 23, 2:47 AM

Jan 2018
This episode reminds me of something: curse of the pharaohs!
𓀀 𓀁 𓀂 𓀃 𓀄 𓀅 𓀆 𓀇 𓀈 𓀉 𓀊 𓀋 𓀌 𓀍 𓀎 𓀏 𓀐 𓀑 𓀒 𓀓 𓀔 𓀕 𓀖 𓀗 𓀘 𓀙 𓀚 𓀛 𓀜 𓀝 𓀞 𓀟 𓀠 𓀡 𓀢 𓀣 𓀤 𓀥 𓀦 𓀧 𓀨 𓀩 𓀪 𓀫 𓀬 𓀭 𓀮 𓀯 𓀰 𓀱 𓀲 𓀳 𓀴 𓀵 𓀶 𓀷 𓀸 𓀹 𓀺 𓀻 𓀼 𓀽 𓀾 𓀿 𓁀 𓁁 𓁂 𓁃 𓁄 𓁅 𓁆 𓁇 𓁈 𓁉 𓁊 𓁋 𓁌 𓁍 𓁎 𓁏 𓁐 𓁑 𓀄 𓀅 𓀆
sezbian lex
Jan 23, 3:30 AM

Apr 2024
Another cliffhanger episode, unexpected and awesome.
Jan 23, 5:08 AM

Mar 2008
I actually called this one early I figured there was some sort of infection and if antibiotics dont work on the old guy it must be a fungal infection making him cough and mold because hallucinations in the other guy. I didnt call out what fungi though since I didn't know beforehand and felt too many kinds to pick from. Cryptococcosis really only infects the immunocompromised and it can indeed cause hallucinations so it actually was necessary to add the extra symptoms.

I never heard of moon face before. That's a shitty side effect of long term use of corticosteroids. It's an alteration of fat deposits. At least it is slowly reversible.

The way the subs translated the condition of the old guy I think was done wrong. Instead of using the name myotic pneumonia they maybe should have translated it as aspergillosis because the genus of mold wasnt named, which is aspergillus. Though maybe it wasnt used because an explanation of the condition was not given either and mycotic pneumonia you can understand what it is easier without looking up.

Now for next episode. Im glad i have time to show off lol Err not sure how it is going to be presented so I will go both ways. Ive had a decent success rate so be warned if you read this ahead of time. This will be left behind to prove i called it out
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Jan 23, 6:47 AM

Aug 2018
I'd still like it if Takanashi, or really anyone, would interact more with the case instead of leaving everything to Takao but these last two cases have been much more reasonable in their solution
Jan 23, 9:53 AM

Jun 2019
I did heavily suspect something fungal and a fungal infection being the culprit as soon as they brought up and showed that dark dank stone tomb (the one I then realized was what was being shown in the preview at the end of last episode) that I figured was riddled with old mold colonies, but I didn't know if it would be something airborne or in the water, dirt and soil, a black mold variant or one of the many different over a million and a half plus species out there or whatever figure it's last been estimated at. Don't even know at this stage how many have been individually officially identified and named/classified.

I appreciated the weaving in of Japanese history and folklore such as the disputed historical records of the roles of those onmyouji in the Heian or early medieval period, as well as their willingness to travel offsite and get their hands dirty to get to the root of the matter in these investigations, and wouldn't mind more of that down the line, but I also miss and wish in the coming episodes that they could spend more time at the hospital addressing cases actually brought there, whether emergency department ones or not.
WatchTillTandavaJan 23, 9:58 AM
Jan 23, 10:46 AM
Jan 2023
Curses, well that certainly made for an interesting one. I figured out very early on in the episode that it would probably be some sort of infection, but I didn't quite get the fungal/mold part. Ancient pathogens are always pretty interesting, usually they are just a preevolved version of what we have today, so with modern science, definitely treatable. I think we're gonna see more of this irl too, given the ice that is melting.

The karate definitely came in handy again, some seriously impressive stuff. And a good look into medical law too, with the involuntary hospitalization.

I wonder what is up with the flames though, both in the intro and outro, it was the same scene. Maybe that's the real curse. Perhaps spontaneous combustion? Just throwing a guess out there.

But yeah really enjoying this so far, these episodes just go soooo quick!
Jan 23, 10:55 AM

Jul 2021
GokaiKing said:
I'm fully expecting a "WRONG, GAS LEAK" moment next episode but the most logical explanation is the electrical heater malfunctioning.

I almost think they'll pull a "she's not actually on fire, she's hallucinating that she's on fire"...

That would keep it a "medical" mystery, but I'd feel baited and very disappointed.
Jan 23, 12:06 PM
Dec 2016
& then legend continues
Jan 23, 12:53 PM
Oct 2024
"If the rumors are real, you'll be the first to be cursed" love this line, I got a good laugh out of it.

I also love how Kotori is always there to defend Ameku's honor and kick some ass when someone gets too rough with her. I hope they explore their backstory more.

I thought the younger Ashiya would've had something to do with the curse, but we didn't see him again. Maybe we will see him next episode since that seems to be a continuation of this one. Or maybe the curse is an overarching storyline for the season.

Another good episode!
Jan 23, 1:02 PM
Feb 2024
Reply to traed
I actually called this one early I figured there was some sort of infection and if antibiotics dont work on the old guy it must be a fungal infection making him cough and mold because hallucinations in the other guy. I didnt call out what fungi though since I didn't know beforehand and felt too many kinds to pick from. Cryptococcosis really only infects the immunocompromised and it can indeed cause hallucinations so it actually was necessary to add the extra symptoms.

I never heard of moon face before. That's a shitty side effect of long term use of corticosteroids. It's an alteration of fat deposits. At least it is slowly reversible.

The way the subs translated the condition of the old guy I think was done wrong. Instead of using the name myotic pneumonia they maybe should have translated it as aspergillosis because the genus of mold wasnt named, which is aspergillus. Though maybe it wasnt used because an explanation of the condition was not given either and mycotic pneumonia you can understand what it is easier without looking up.

Now for next episode. Im glad i have time to show off lol Err not sure how it is going to be presented so I will go both ways. Ive had a decent success rate so be warned if you read this ahead of time. This will be left behind to prove i called it out
@traed My own personal theory for the spontaneous human combustion is
Jan 23, 4:44 PM
Jul 2021
OMG, I've read about similar case few months ago on Quora. Poor girl who fell ill with fungal meningitis in prison. She screamed non stop from pain for few weeks and everybody, including prison medics thought she simulates the illnes. Despite she was in prison because she took her older sister drive licence and she drives with it when she was caught (nobody was hurt by her), prison guardians treat her as full criminal, not stupid youngster. She almost dies and has side effects to this day.

I'm curious how spontaneous combustion will be explained. I like this episode.
StarpuddingJan 23, 4:49 PM
Jan 23, 4:57 PM
Jul 2021
Reply to Avvenirista
I understand why the high spirited university researchers entered the burial cave in their casual clothes, however I'm actually puzzled as to why doctors like Takao and Kotori didn't wear hazmat suits or protective clothes before scooping up samples from inside the coffin, corpse and cavern.

Let's see what will happen next week in part two of this case.
@Avvenirista At last they should have FFP masks.
Jan 23, 5:01 PM
Jul 2021
Reply to Narizor
Who would have thought that opening a tomb that has been sealed for years and unprotected could affect your health? I would never have imagined fungus in a damp, dark place!

Sarcasm aside, it seems I wasn't the only one to suspect fungus. However, these last two episodes didn't have as much mystery as the first one. While I don't want Takao to get involved with criminal mysteries, I feel like something is missing. It's also funny that the last two episodes were due to people's negligence. The previous one was because the psychiatrist diagnosed suicide when it was epilepsy, and this one because historians inspected an unprotected grave; not to mention the person who refused medical attention thinking she was cursed. I am skeptical about these things and have nothing against those who hold such beliefs, but to endanger your life or someone else's life because of it is another thing. Nevertheless, it seems that Enzo Ashiya's "curse" continues with what happened to Kuramoto.
@Narizor I like this episode but also feel something is missing. It's off balance. But maybe next part will be more criminal, young head of ancient criminal family is promising as a suspect.
Jan 23, 6:50 PM

Jul 2008
Reply to traed
I actually called this one early I figured there was some sort of infection and if antibiotics dont work on the old guy it must be a fungal infection making him cough and mold because hallucinations in the other guy. I didnt call out what fungi though since I didn't know beforehand and felt too many kinds to pick from. Cryptococcosis really only infects the immunocompromised and it can indeed cause hallucinations so it actually was necessary to add the extra symptoms.

I never heard of moon face before. That's a shitty side effect of long term use of corticosteroids. It's an alteration of fat deposits. At least it is slowly reversible.

The way the subs translated the condition of the old guy I think was done wrong. Instead of using the name myotic pneumonia they maybe should have translated it as aspergillosis because the genus of mold wasnt named, which is aspergillus. Though maybe it wasnt used because an explanation of the condition was not given either and mycotic pneumonia you can understand what it is easier without looking up.

Now for next episode. Im glad i have time to show off lol Err not sure how it is going to be presented so I will go both ways. Ive had a decent success rate so be warned if you read this ahead of time. This will be left behind to prove i called it out
@traed I actually called the Crypto as the culprit as soon as they reached the tomb. though, how she saw it without proper staining is beyond me (it also looks a little different too, but no one ever gets the lab work right)
My signature was eaten by an imitation kumahachi.
Jan 24, 2:06 AM

Jun 2019
Forgot to mention, that thank the gods I've never had meningitis of any variant, but I have absolutely no doubt in this world that any disease which can cause neurological symptoms and specifically central nervous system damage - lasting or even permanent, resulting loss or negative alteration/induced deficits of the senses which can induce positive symptoms like hallucinations, could without question be mistaken by the afflicted as an ancient dead magic practitioner's curse.

Who knows what ghastly sights or sounds that poor man may have been experiencing in his head. If this were a horror series and not a Mystery + Slice of Life and up to now fairly tame medical drama, then perhaps it would have been shown to us.
Jan 24, 8:50 PM

Jan 2008
What was that Ashiya's guy's problem? Seems to have a huge chip on his shoulder.

Doing science in a tomb is pretty hardcore. But probably what was necessary since they couldn't bring the whole mummified body to a lab, so they brought the lab to the tomb.

My first thought was a pathogen like smallpox or something. So it was cryptococcal meningitis, a fungus infection attacking the brain and brain stem. That must be what Dr. Takao suspected after hearing that he was on immunosuppressants.

But when the Professor Ikari guy was literally dying on the floor, I just couldn't help but wonder why no one was calling for an ambulance while Dr. Takao was explaining, but I suppose they still needed the psych doctor's approval in the end.

That really sucks for Aoi, the Assistant Professor drying from burning to death. What a horrible way to go. The mystery of the "curse" continues with spontaneous combustion.
Jan 24, 8:55 PM
Jan 2022
Avvenirista said:
I understand why the high spirited university researchers entered the burial cave in their casual clothes, however I'm actually puzzled as to why doctors like Takao and Kotori didn't wear hazmat suits or protective clothes before scooping up samples from inside the coffin, corpse and cavern.

Let's see what will happen next week in part two of this case.

yeah I was expecting more caution there. but I guess if she already knew the symptoms and had a strong idea of what the specific fungus was, and that they'd not be at risk of being symptomatic, it's at best "fine"?
Jan 25, 1:16 PM

Jan 2022
Antibiotics obviously don't work on fungal infections

Who would've thought an old fart (weak immune system) and someone on immunosuppressants would get the most sick! That explains why healthy and younger ppl aren't wearing hazmat suits or face coverings. There's an incredibly low chance of them getting sick.
As a wise man once said, "No one hates anime more than anime fans"

Jan 25, 3:30 PM

Sep 2023
Reply to cooldogmom
Antibiotics obviously don't work on fungal infections

Who would've thought an old fart (weak immune system) and someone on immunosuppressants would get the most sick! That explains why healthy and younger ppl aren't wearing hazmat suits or face coverings. There's an incredibly low chance of them getting sick.
@cooldogmom I expected the old man to be more susceptible to illness because of how many cigarettes he had smoked. When they talked about what could have caused it, my first thought was that it might be the stench of a corpse, but when they added that it was damp there, I immediately thought of a fungus
Jan 26, 9:29 AM

Aug 2016
Reply to phantomfandom
I feel like this episode should be titled "the curse from the past" instead of "Spontaneous human combustion" which should be used for the next episode. The matchbox is probably the culprit anyway.
@phantomfandom Damn you ruined it for me, you are right. First professor smoking hard was red herring, he was infected as well but that box of matches before episode ended has probably something to do with it.
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Jan 28, 12:59 PM
Nov 2024
güzel bölümdü
Jan 29, 1:12 AM

Aug 2007
This episode reminded me of why I should never like a character and hope to see more of them.

The diagnosis/mystery for this seemed mostly obvious, as was the case for episode 3. But, the introduction of the titular spontaneous combustion does make me wonder exactly how things will develop from here. Assuming there's a culprit this time around, I only hope they're dealt with swiftly (would honestly love to see Takanashi use some of his skills to smack someone around XD).

Overall, I'm enjoying the show for what it is. Not expecting a ton, but could always be pleasantly surprised. Would like to see more hospital-centric drama surrounding Takao's family.
Jan 29, 3:10 PM
Aug 2021
Aw...Man, I Really Liked That Character, It Was Cool 😔
Jan 30, 8:16 AM
Nov 2022
I didn't understand much of the lore but it still entertained me xd
Jan 30, 12:15 PM

Jun 2012
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