Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki (light novel)
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Mar 26, 2024 7:17 PM
I personally think Season 1 was better than Season 2. Season 2 did have good character progression but was also a bit boring at times. They dragged out the Erika arc a bit too much. The drama in it was alright for what it was, but I feel they could have shortened it if need be. Then there's the Kikuchi play arc, which was also meh. The interaction between the characters felt really bland and I feel like even though the show is trying to get kikuchi and tomozaki together, it failed to do so at times.The chemistry shown between Tomozaki and Mimimi was also much better.This is a small thing but I found it quite annoying when they used quarter of the episode to show the short play which didn't add any significance and too for what ? I think 2 episodes... |
Mar 26, 2024 8:36 PM
I liked season two but the Erika drama overstayed its welcome and the love triangle has limited the interactions with the rest of the cast after that, which leaves this season weaker than season one. I have noticed I seem to be in the minority that prefers Kikuchi and Tomozaki to Tomozaki and Mimimi so I am happy with the direction the show is almost certainly going at this point. |
Mar 26, 2024 10:02 PM
season 2 is almost end but i think it's pretty boring compared to s1 |
Mar 26, 2024 10:16 PM
i personally don't like this kind of show but somehow got hooked to this. so won't say didn't liked it. it was decent enough to enjoy. |
Mar 26, 2024 11:46 PM
Mar 27, 2024 1:01 AM
I kinda liked it because it was a bit less focused on Fumiya than first season was while giving other ways Fumiya could have been had he followed anyone else than Aoi and so we could see more of Fuuka and Hanabi letting us know the characters a bit more than in first season. I would maybe only regret there is like nearly 0 bond between the Erika drama and what follows with Fuuka giving the feeling they started the Erika drama only to develop Hanabi without any consequences for what happens next while they always wanted to tell Fuuka's story making me feel that the Erika drama was merely some kind of filler. (I loved the Erika drama as itself, though) |
Mar 27, 2024 2:13 AM
Saphhh said: I personally think Season 1 was better than Season 2. Season 2 did have good character progression but was also a bit boring at times. They dragged out the Erika arc a bit too much. The drama in it was alright for what it was, but I feel they could have shortened it if need be. Then there's the Kikuchi play arc, which was also meh. The interaction between the characters felt really bland and I feel like even though the show is trying to get kikuchi and tomozaki together, it failed to do so at times.The chemistry shown between Tomozaki and Mimimi was also much better.This is a small thing but I found it quite annoying when they used quarter of the episode to show the short play which didn't add any significance and too for what ? I think 2 episodes... Agree! To me, the play part was boring, with all the changes to the script... Season 1 was better! |
Mar 27, 2024 4:52 AM
i liked it but it it became intresting for me only when mimimi confessed and in the last episode i saw that now i got another anime where my favourite gal dosent win so i guess this season just kept my streak going... |
Mar 27, 2024 4:55 AM
I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who thought season two was boring |
Mar 27, 2024 5:06 AM
When I finished the first season, I was expecting the second season to be more of the same: Tomozaki continuing to learn social skills from Aoi, but with more opportunities for conflict between them when Tomozaki's own goals don't line up with Aoi's goals of turning him into generic Chad. But the stories of Erika's arc and the preparations for the culture festival made it so that Tomozaki's development, as well as Aoi and her missions, took a back seat. Instead we got a lot of drama and development for the old side characters, which I enjoyed, but not everyone will. |
MALoween 2024 Candy: |
Mar 27, 2024 7:31 AM
i liked it but it was a bit inferior to season 1. i'm hoping we get a season 3 someday, i want more kikuchi x tomozaki screentime but now in romantic context. |
The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama. Feeling half happy, half sad. Kawaii waifus and precious best girls <3333 |
Mar 27, 2024 7:38 AM
Im a Mimimi fan but that isnt the reason Ive not liked the 2nd half of this season (the first half was pretty decent). I dislike it because not only does the best girl lose he gets with THEE most boring fucking npc tier character. I already know how it goes in the LN but its still obnoxiously boring that its a pain to sit through. Not because my pick didnt win but because Tomozaki picks and therefore the narrative focusses on the most none character character in the show. Fuuka segements are all REALLY dull and are just meaningless exposition. The play bits eat up loads of screentime and are barely worth watching even on 2x (her story is alright but its still a slog to watch) and interactions with her also like this. She is a blandly written character and thus her taking up so much screentime causes my opinion of the show to nosedive. Theres be cope responses along the lines of 'oh but her segments are deep', or projections like 'she's just shy/introverted, do you think all shy people are boring characters?' etc. She is NOT particularly any deeper than the rest of the show beyond it being hamfisted/not subtle about it (which is why its both boring and annoying to watch) when the plot/narrative demands it. She is not developed at all beyond going in circles. Heck her negative traits in later points in the LN barely even make her an interesting character but its at least something. Here she and she basically alone ruins what is a good story (in all its media formats). You could cut her out of the show and it would be better. Or replace her if she's that cruicial to the intended direction of the narrative but fuck me as she is now she is a boring soulless npc character that needs revisions just like her play. she isnt a flawed meek character by smart writing/intention. She's simply just bad. |
Mar 27, 2024 8:04 AM
I'm salty about him not picking mimmimi. though I saw it coming. |
Mar 27, 2024 11:45 AM
I totally agree with this one. The ending is kinda rushed or im just dumb who didn't understand the meaning behind their words |
Mar 27, 2024 11:56 AM
I need a S3 to see the development of Tomozaki and Kikuchi's relationship |
Mar 27, 2024 12:00 PM
Why do I feel disappointed at the ending of this season? Maybe I expect too much. I enjoyed the season 1 & season 2 except ep.13. |
Mar 27, 2024 12:42 PM
I think there will be another season, since Aoi hinted that that not all relations ship stand together, and that they are not married yet. so i still think Aoi and Tomozaki will end up together in the coming season(s) |
Mar 27, 2024 1:45 PM
the conversations about emotions and motives throughout the season felt forced. i watched the series gave it a 6. it was subtle as a sledge hammer and assumed the audience was too stupid to undersrand the characters |
Mar 27, 2024 2:02 PM
I will be perfectly honest. Season 2 is shit. I even liked The Dreaming Boy is a Realist more than this even if that anime is already shit, because at least the girl is cute. Oh wait, I'm just a simp lol. |
Mar 27, 2024 2:22 PM
too much skippable stuff, they could probably throw away 40% and that would only make the season better |
Am I a good person? No. But do I try to be better every single day? Also no |
Mar 27, 2024 2:34 PM
I remember the time when Kato first got annoyed and pulled my heartstrings. Ah yes, good anime, few and far in between. |
Mar 27, 2024 3:24 PM
S1 was better S2 started off boring with the Tama bully arc that dragged on for too many episodes Once we got to the play and mimimi confessing it picked up. But sadly he picked the wrong girl 😭💙 |
Mar 27, 2024 5:09 PM
Until the end I hoped that it would finish like in the spin off “Mimimi Wants to shine” 😭😭😭😭😭 Anyone knows at which novel the second season arrived? |
Mar 27, 2024 5:12 PM
Season 2 was shit honestly S1 was way better |
Mar 27, 2024 5:13 PM
BioticKhajiit said: Im a Mimimi fan but that isnt the reason Ive not liked the 2nd half of this season (the first half was pretty decent). I dislike it because not only does the best girl lose he gets with THEE most boring fucking npc tier character. I already know how it goes in the LN but its still obnoxiously boring that its a pain to sit through. Not because my pick didnt win but because Tomozaki picks and therefore the narrative focusses on the most none character character in the show. Fuuka segements are all REALLY dull and are just meaningless exposition. The play bits eat up loads of screentime and are barely worth watching even on 2x (her story is alright but its still a slog to watch) and interactions with her also like this. She is a blandly written character and thus her taking up so much screentime causes my opinion of the show to nosedive. Theres be cope responses along the lines of 'oh but her segments are deep', or projections like 'she's just shy/introverted, do you think all shy people are boring characters?' etc. She is NOT particularly any deeper than the rest of the show beyond it being hamfisted/not subtle about it (which is why its both boring and annoying to watch) when the plot/narrative demands it. She is not developed at all beyond going in circles. Heck her negative traits in later points in the LN barely even make her an interesting character but its at least something. Here she and she basically alone ruins what is a good story (in all its media formats). You could cut her out of the show and it would be better. Or replace her if she's that cruicial to the intended direction of the narrative but fuck me as she is now she is a boring soulless npc character that needs revisions just like her play. she isnt a flawed meek character by smart writing/intention. She's simply just bad. You said everything. What a king 🫡 |
Mar 27, 2024 5:44 PM
Mar 27, 2024 5:50 PM
I honestly hate the ending part... in my own opinion only because i want Nanami to be chosen.. cuz look over Nanami's past, she's always the second best because she can't win against Aoi.. I was just thinking about, why don't make her win this time? i know being second is already good but, being first in one thing would mean the world to her. the story is great, and i do like Kikuchi but. it just feels like it's so wrong.. This is just my own opinion though, but i'm really disappointed with the Ending.. I feel sorry for Minami Nanami even though she forced herself to make Tomozaki confess to Kikuchi to the Library.. It probably hurts her so much making her favorite person confess to the girl that Tomozaki likes. She's not selfish at all and gave up the chance that she almost have knowing Tomozaki already assumed that he's been turned down already. she could have win if she didn't forced Tomozaki to go meet up with Kikuchi at the library.. |
Mar 27, 2024 6:00 PM
Reply to JeffKaneki123
I honestly hate the ending part... in my own opinion only because i want Nanami to be chosen.. cuz look over Nanami's past, she's always the second best because she can't win against Aoi.. I was just thinking about, why don't make her win this time? i know being second is already good but, being first in one thing would mean the world to her. the story is great, and i do like Kikuchi but. it just feels like it's so wrong.. This is just my own opinion though, but i'm really disappointed with the Ending.. I feel sorry for Minami Nanami even though she forced herself to make Tomozaki confess to Kikuchi to the Library.. It probably hurts her so much making her favorite person confess to the girl that Tomozaki likes. She's not selfish at all and gave up the chance that she almost have knowing Tomozaki already assumed that he's been turned down already. she could have win if she didn't forced Tomozaki to go meet up with Kikuchi at the library..
@JeffKaneki123 I feel ya. It''s also part of what makes Mimimi best girl, putting her friend first before herself. Fits her character. All I will say for you and everybody else upset about Mimimi losing is that if Aoi ends up being endgame it will be 100X worse for her to lose Tomozaki to Aoi than losing him to Fuuka right now. She likes him now, but how much more will it hurt after she has been dating Tomozaki for a while to lose him to her rival that she always comes in 2nd place to? I'm not saying that IS what will happen, but I suspected Aoi was endgame after season 1. I figured she was building him up for herself. Just something for folks to consider if they are upset about Mimimi losing right now. |
Mar 27, 2024 6:00 PM
I think s1 was better and also best girl mimimi didn't win so I'm bummed out |
Mar 27, 2024 6:01 PM
I agree with you. 4 episodes of Erika and Hanabi were too much. Kikuchi arc was boring for me, it was dragged 'till the end. Funny how Kikuchi didn't even see Mimimi as rival, instead kept dragging Aoi. Author decided that Mimimi should stay number 2 in everything she does, no matter how much effort she puts. I don't know what to expect if they adapt more, probably side characters romances and MC and Fuuka dating, and I'm not interested in any of it. I would only be interested in adaptation of spin off Mimimi route. |
Mar 27, 2024 6:11 PM
Seansy said: @JeffKaneki123 I feel ya. It''s also part of what makes Mimimi best girl, putting her friend first before herself. Fits her character. All I will say for you and everybody else upset about Mimimi losing is that if Aoi ends up being endgame it will be 100X worse for her to lose Tomozaki to Aoi than losing him to Fuuka right now. She likes him now, but how much more will it hurt after she has been dating Tomozaki for a while to lose him to her rival that she always comes in 2nd place to? I'm not saying that IS what will happen, but I suspected Aoi was endgame after season 1. I figured she was building him up for herself. Just something for folks to consider if they are upset about Mimimi losing right now. You have a point though. It'll be 100x worse if Aoi will be chosen in the end, knowing she's the one who's behind Tomozaki's changes. It'll probably wreck Minami's heart thinking she always lose against Aoi.. I just wish that Minami would win this time but, the author of the anime just let the girl who have a small screen time win. If only i could make my own anime and make the ending that i want for Minami.. many fans would be happy with it knowing how Minami is the best girl in the entire season.. well, tbh Minami is the reason why i even watched this anime in the first place. I just saw her anywhere on TikTok and made me interested in this anime that won't even give me the ending that i want. Her energetic personality is just Godly!! She's probably the only character who made the anime more Interesting than the other characters in my own opinion. Mimimi is just the best and deserves the ending that she truly deserve!! |
Mar 27, 2024 6:18 PM
I thought it was very good, the beginning was a bit turbulent, as they had to rush, but overall it was very good. The first season was the simplest part. Since the protagonist had many obvious things that he should improve. The second season is more complex, since to develop the protagonist and his friends things had to be much deeper. I saw complaints about Erika's arc as if they hadn't seen or ignored all the evolution that Tomozaki had during that arc. He got along much better with his friends, and for the first time, he started leading a group. He also discovered someone who wanted to change, but in circumstances completely different from his. Tama's entire evolution was incredible. And this arc also shows group dynamics, often seen even on the internet. We saw another side of hinami, and that she might be even scarier than we thought. The festival arc focused on the love triangle, but it's much more than that. At this point another person is shown who wants to change, but the answer this time is completely different. Not everyone needs to change, everyone is different. It was incredible how the anime worked with different perspectives on what it means to change. The part of the play was phenomenal for those who pay attention and don't just want something quick and impactful(tiktok). It showed Kikuchi's entire worldview and how it changed as she interacted with Tomozaki. Mimimi became particularly adorable in this arc, I really liked her. She tried her best and had a lot of courage. It was extremely painful to see that she was once again not going to get what she wanted, but she is strong. Anyway, as I mentioned, it is a more complex season and goes much deeper than the first, which is precisely why many may not like it. It also doesn't focus that much on romance and the favorite was rejected. I think such an interesting and well-written show deserved much more, but it can't be helped. |
Mar 27, 2024 6:18 PM
Reply to JeffKaneki123
Seansy said:
@JeffKaneki123 I feel ya. It''s also part of what makes Mimimi best girl, putting her friend first before herself. Fits her character.
All I will say for you and everybody else upset about Mimimi losing is that if Aoi ends up being endgame it will be 100X worse for her to lose Tomozaki to Aoi than losing him to Fuuka right now. She likes him now, but how much more will it hurt after she has been dating Tomozaki for a while to lose him to her rival that she always comes in 2nd place to? I'm not saying that IS what will happen, but I suspected Aoi was endgame after season 1. I figured she was building him up for herself.
Just something for folks to consider if they are upset about Mimimi losing right now.
@JeffKaneki123 I feel ya. It''s also part of what makes Mimimi best girl, putting her friend first before herself. Fits her character.
All I will say for you and everybody else upset about Mimimi losing is that if Aoi ends up being endgame it will be 100X worse for her to lose Tomozaki to Aoi than losing him to Fuuka right now. She likes him now, but how much more will it hurt after she has been dating Tomozaki for a while to lose him to her rival that she always comes in 2nd place to? I'm not saying that IS what will happen, but I suspected Aoi was endgame after season 1. I figured she was building him up for herself.
Just something for folks to consider if they are upset about Mimimi losing right now.
You have a point though. It'll be 100x worse if Aoi will be chosen in the end, knowing she's the one who's behind Tomozaki's changes. It'll probably wreck Minami's heart thinking she always lose against Aoi.. I just wish that Minami would win this time but, the author of the anime just let the girl who have a small screen time win. If only i could make my own anime and make the ending that i want for Minami.. many fans would be happy with it knowing how Minami is the best girl in the entire season.. well, tbh Minami is the reason why i even watched this anime in the first place. I just saw her anywhere on TikTok and made me interested in this anime that won't even give me the ending that i want. Her energetic personality is just Godly!! She's probably the only character who made the anime more Interesting than the other characters in my own opinion. Mimimi is just the best and deserves the ending that she truly deserve!!
@JeffKaneki123 She has her own spinoff manga "Minami Nanami wants to shine". I don't know if it will ever be animated, but she is Tomozaki's primary love interest in it. It is from her perspective and is an alternate universe story where she quits track and doesn't compete in the student council president race to do modeling instead in an attempt to shine. |
Mar 27, 2024 6:25 PM
Reply to MaouHero
I thought it was very good, the beginning was a bit turbulent, as they had to rush, but overall it was very good.
The first season was the simplest part. Since the protagonist had many obvious things that he should improve.
The second season is more complex, since to develop the protagonist and his friends things had to be much deeper.
I saw complaints about Erika's arc as if they hadn't seen or ignored all the evolution that Tomozaki had during that arc. He got along much better with his friends, and for the first time, he started leading a group. He also discovered someone who wanted to change, but in circumstances completely different from his. Tama's entire evolution was incredible. And this arc also shows group dynamics, often seen even on the internet. We saw another side of hinami, and that she might be even scarier than we thought.
The festival arc focused on the love triangle, but it's much more than that.
At this point another person is shown who wants to change, but the answer this time is completely different. Not everyone needs to change, everyone is different. It was incredible how the anime worked with different perspectives on what it means to change.
The part of the play was phenomenal for those who pay attention and don't just want something quick and impactful(tiktok). It showed Kikuchi's entire worldview and how it changed as she interacted with Tomozaki.
Mimimi became particularly adorable in this arc, I really liked her. She tried her best and had a lot of courage. It was extremely painful to see that she was once again not going to get what she wanted, but she is strong.
Anyway, as I mentioned, it is a more complex season and goes much deeper than the first, which is precisely why many may not like it. It also doesn't focus that much on romance and the favorite was rejected. I think such an interesting and well-written show deserved much more, but it can't be helped.
The first season was the simplest part. Since the protagonist had many obvious things that he should improve.
The second season is more complex, since to develop the protagonist and his friends things had to be much deeper.
I saw complaints about Erika's arc as if they hadn't seen or ignored all the evolution that Tomozaki had during that arc. He got along much better with his friends, and for the first time, he started leading a group. He also discovered someone who wanted to change, but in circumstances completely different from his. Tama's entire evolution was incredible. And this arc also shows group dynamics, often seen even on the internet. We saw another side of hinami, and that she might be even scarier than we thought.
The festival arc focused on the love triangle, but it's much more than that.
At this point another person is shown who wants to change, but the answer this time is completely different. Not everyone needs to change, everyone is different. It was incredible how the anime worked with different perspectives on what it means to change.
The part of the play was phenomenal for those who pay attention and don't just want something quick and impactful(tiktok). It showed Kikuchi's entire worldview and how it changed as she interacted with Tomozaki.
Mimimi became particularly adorable in this arc, I really liked her. She tried her best and had a lot of courage. It was extremely painful to see that she was once again not going to get what she wanted, but she is strong.
Anyway, as I mentioned, it is a more complex season and goes much deeper than the first, which is precisely why many may not like it. It also doesn't focus that much on romance and the favorite was rejected. I think such an interesting and well-written show deserved much more, but it can't be helped.
@MaouHero I'm glad to find someone else that appreciated all of that stuff like I did. This series is so much more than just another romcom to fight about waifu wars over. I hope more people appreciate the depth to it going forward as it goes even deeper into psychological issues if it gets a 3rd season... |
Mar 27, 2024 6:25 PM
Seansy said: @JeffKaneki123 She has her own spinoff manga "Minami Nanami wants to shine". I don't know if it will ever be animated, but she is Tomozaki's primary love interest in it. It is from her perspective and is an alternate universe story where she quits track and doesn't compete in the student council president race to do modeling instead in an attempt to shine. I heard about it just minutes ago after finishing watching the anime. i was just searching about the Minami(because i was just so interested in her story) and "Minami Nanami wants to shine" just pop up out of nowhere. that's where i got more interested to watch but sadly it's only Manga at the moment.. what site is the best when reading Manga though? (She's the only reason why i got interested in reading manga even though i'm too lazy when reading anything) i know a few websites for reading manga but advertising are everywhere!! That's why i want to hear from you guys about websites that is good for reading Manga. (Or app if possible) |
Mar 27, 2024 6:27 PM
Reply to BioticKhajiit
Im a Mimimi fan but that isnt the reason Ive not liked the 2nd half of this season (the first half was pretty decent).
I dislike it because not only does the best girl lose he gets with THEE most boring fucking npc tier character. I already know how it goes in the LN but its still obnoxiously boring that its a pain to sit through. Not because my pick didnt win but because Tomozaki picks and therefore the narrative focusses on the most none character character in the show. Fuuka segements are all REALLY dull and are just meaningless exposition. The play bits eat up loads of screentime and are barely worth watching even on 2x (her story is alright but its still a slog to watch) and interactions with her also like this. She is a blandly written character and thus her taking up so much screentime causes my opinion of the show to nosedive.
Theres be cope responses along the lines of 'oh but her segments are deep', or projections like 'she's just shy/introverted, do you think all shy people are boring characters?' etc. She is NOT particularly any deeper than the rest of the show beyond it being hamfisted/not subtle about it (which is why its both boring and annoying to watch) when the plot/narrative demands it. She is not developed at all beyond going in circles. Heck her negative traits in later points in the LN barely even make her an interesting character but its at least something. Here she and she basically alone ruins what is a good story (in all its media formats).
You could cut her out of the show and it would be better. Or replace her if she's that cruicial to the intended direction of the narrative but fuck me as she is now she is a boring soulless npc character that needs revisions just like her play. she isnt a flawed meek character by smart writing/intention. She's simply just bad.
I dislike it because not only does the best girl lose he gets with THEE most boring fucking npc tier character. I already know how it goes in the LN but its still obnoxiously boring that its a pain to sit through. Not because my pick didnt win but because Tomozaki picks and therefore the narrative focusses on the most none character character in the show. Fuuka segements are all REALLY dull and are just meaningless exposition. The play bits eat up loads of screentime and are barely worth watching even on 2x (her story is alright but its still a slog to watch) and interactions with her also like this. She is a blandly written character and thus her taking up so much screentime causes my opinion of the show to nosedive.
Theres be cope responses along the lines of 'oh but her segments are deep', or projections like 'she's just shy/introverted, do you think all shy people are boring characters?' etc. She is NOT particularly any deeper than the rest of the show beyond it being hamfisted/not subtle about it (which is why its both boring and annoying to watch) when the plot/narrative demands it. She is not developed at all beyond going in circles. Heck her negative traits in later points in the LN barely even make her an interesting character but its at least something. Here she and she basically alone ruins what is a good story (in all its media formats).
You could cut her out of the show and it would be better. Or replace her if she's that cruicial to the intended direction of the narrative but fuck me as she is now she is a boring soulless npc character that needs revisions just like her play. she isnt a flawed meek character by smart writing/intention. She's simply just bad.
@BioticKhajiit Tomozaki is only who he is because of Kikuchi. She played a crucial role in his entire evolution, as she was the one who showed that it was okay for him to change. She is also "a person who wants to change", but of a different type from Tomozaki and Tama, her perspective is completely different from them. She is a lost and purposeless teenager, the most common thing nowadays. Honestly, I like Mimimi more, but it makes perfect sense for Tomozaki to choose her. She's always the guiding light for Tomozaki when he doesn't know what to do or feels lost. It's been like this since the first season. |
Mar 27, 2024 6:37 PM
Reply to JeffKaneki123
Seansy said:
@JeffKaneki123 She has her own spinoff manga "Minami Nanami wants to shine". I don't know if it will ever be animated, but she is Tomozaki's primary love interest in it. It is from her perspective and is an alternate universe story where she quits track and doesn't compete in the student council president race to do modeling instead in an attempt to shine.
@JeffKaneki123 She has her own spinoff manga "Minami Nanami wants to shine". I don't know if it will ever be animated, but she is Tomozaki's primary love interest in it. It is from her perspective and is an alternate universe story where she quits track and doesn't compete in the student council president race to do modeling instead in an attempt to shine.
I heard about it just minutes ago after finishing watching the anime. i was just searching about the Minami(because i was just so interested in her story) and "Minami Nanami wants to shine" just pop up out of nowhere. that's where i got more interested to watch but sadly it's only Manga at the moment.. what site is the best when reading Manga though? (She's the only reason why i got interested in reading manga even though i'm too lazy when reading anything) i know a few websites for reading manga but advertising are everywhere!! That's why i want to hear from you guys about websites that is good for reading Manga. (Or app if possible)
@JeffKaneki123 You can buy them on most book sites like google books, bookwalker, etc. |
Mar 27, 2024 7:03 PM
Reply to Seansy
I'm glad to find someone else that appreciated all of that stuff like I did. This series is so much more than just another romcom to fight about waifu wars over. I hope more people appreciate the depth to it going forward as it goes even deeper into psychological issues if it gets a 3rd season...
I'm glad to find someone else that appreciated all of that stuff like I did. This series is so much more than just another romcom to fight about waifu wars over. I hope more people appreciate the depth to it going forward as it goes even deeper into psychological issues if it gets a 3rd season...
@Seansy Exactly. It's much more about development and social dynamics than romance, but it seems like a lot of people don't understand that yet. So for these people, anything that doesn't involve romance is useless and meaningless. I also really hope there is a third season. And if possible, I would like a better studio. |
Mar 27, 2024 7:10 PM
Reply to MaouHero
@Seansy Exactly. It's much more about development and social dynamics than romance, but it seems like a lot of people don't understand that yet.
So for these people, anything that doesn't involve romance is useless and meaningless.
I also really hope there is a third season. And if possible, I would like a better studio.
So for these people, anything that doesn't involve romance is useless and meaningless.
I also really hope there is a third season. And if possible, I would like a better studio.
@MaouHero The author knew what would happen lol. Props for him for sticking with the narratively correct choice in spite of fan disapproval. |
Mar 27, 2024 7:15 PM
conpared to season 1, for some reason i did not care for this season at all. it weird |
Mar 28, 2024 12:07 AM
Trash lmao. Started off fine, but holy fucking shit every time white hair girl was on screen I couldn't stay awake. I thought surely it was just build up and contrast since every other girl in the show is a better character. Nope. They dead ass made the MC hook up with the most boring bitch in the show. I would have settled with rejecting both girls, but to reject the far superior girl just to get with melatonin-chan? In what reality bro. How about writing a novel that gives you a personality instead? |
Mar 28, 2024 2:53 AM
DELVIERO-A-A45 said: I need a S3 to see the development of Tomozaki and Kikuchi's relationship Noooo we want him with mimimiiiiii she was here since the beginning |
Mar 28, 2024 10:18 AM
Reply to MaouHero
@BioticKhajiit Tomozaki is only who he is because of Kikuchi. She played a crucial role in his entire evolution, as she was the one who showed that it was okay for him to change.
She is also "a person who wants to change", but of a different type from Tomozaki and Tama, her perspective is completely different from them. She is a lost and purposeless teenager, the most common thing nowadays.
Honestly, I like Mimimi more, but it makes perfect sense for Tomozaki to choose her. She's always the guiding light for Tomozaki when he doesn't know what to do or feels lost. It's been like this since the first season.
She is also "a person who wants to change", but of a different type from Tomozaki and Tama, her perspective is completely different from them. She is a lost and purposeless teenager, the most common thing nowadays.
Honestly, I like Mimimi more, but it makes perfect sense for Tomozaki to choose her. She's always the guiding light for Tomozaki when he doesn't know what to do or feels lost. It's been like this since the first season.
@MaouHero >Tomozaki is who he is due to Kikuchi First this is cope as you can apply it to most of the characters he's had more than trivial interactiosn with and its laughable if you compare it to Both Aoi who actually molds him actively, and his passive growth by hanging out with Mimimi. He becomes more normal via this even before S2 started hamfisting strained on the nose dialogues with Fuuka. Its badly written. Her wanting to change is irrelevant and doesnt mean she is a well written character because 'muh she has deep trait bro'. This also doesnt mean she is good with Tomozaki (seriously the chemistry is terrible and them gettign together there as its purposefully written that way / the plot demands it occur). The 'muh most common type of teenager' part is again meaningless in this discussion and doesnt make her a well written or interesting character. Tropes, descriptions, personality traits DO NOT inherently make a character actually interesting or useful to the narrative. She isnt a guiding light at all. She's literally a mouthpiece (and arguably self insert for the writer) for the author to hamfist some deep concept discussion when they either cba to write it another way / be subtle. You could have any other character will this role and Aoi arguably does. Fuuka is there purely to at best make him do introspection (again this DOES NOT make her valuable as a character). More to the point. Its just a fucking bore that is painful to both watch and read. She isnt even interesting when she's havign her minor character moments and her play eats up far too much screentime to hamfist the SAME FUCKING messages again and again with minor differences to make some deep point. Its just fucking shit. Its not about Mimimi losing, its about her losing to a none character. Heck he could just reject Mimimi and itd be more interesting (even if stupidly written). Hence when Id applaud the author if they have Fuuka and Tomozaki break up for him to go for either Mimimi or Aoi. The later of the two actually being something interesting and both being actually well written characters than a shitty narrative theme mouthpiece. |
Mar 28, 2024 10:25 AM
Reply to Seansy
The author knew what would happen lol. Props for him for sticking with the narratively correct choice in spite of fan disapproval.
The author knew what would happen lol. Props for him for sticking with the narratively correct choice in spite of fan disapproval.
@Seansy Them sticking to their guns whilst admirable does not mean the decision isnt fucking terrible. Its not even interesting in a devisive manner and as most people here have shown (and elsewhere on the internet) that its not enjoyable to read or watch. It doesnt even have a good moral or take on the theme its attempting to invoke compared to the rest of the show/LN etc which does these things rather well. |
Mar 28, 2024 10:32 AM
Reply to MaouHero
@Seansy Exactly. It's much more about development and social dynamics than romance, but it seems like a lot of people don't understand that yet.
So for these people, anything that doesn't involve romance is useless and meaningless.
I also really hope there is a third season. And if possible, I would like a better studio.
So for these people, anything that doesn't involve romance is useless and meaningless.
I also really hope there is a third season. And if possible, I would like a better studio.
@MaouHero Your argument is basically 'oh but this pick has deeper themes, therefore its good' which is pure BS. First its not even a well written or thought out take on the very developments and social dynamics its trying to comment on in this arc. Its 90% boring exposition with a soulless npc character acting as the mouthpiece. Its also trying to be subtle when its just not which makes it all the more obnoxious to have to sit through. You claiming people dont like it outside of the romance is projection. People do like the other aspects of this show/LN. They DONT like badly written parts which is basically what almost all arcs or scenes with Fuuka being important are. Youre projecting the idea that anyone who disagrees doesnt understand when they almost certainly do but simply recognise how badly written it is and dont find it interesting. Deep themes etc. dont inherently make something better quality wise. Nor do they make it interesting. |
Mar 28, 2024 11:24 AM
Reply to BioticKhajiit
>Tomozaki is who he is due to Kikuchi
First this is cope as you can apply it to most of the characters he's had more than trivial interactiosn with and its laughable if you compare it to Both Aoi who actually molds him actively, and his passive growth by hanging out with Mimimi. He becomes more normal via this even before S2 started hamfisting strained on the nose dialogues with Fuuka. Its badly written.
Her wanting to change is irrelevant and doesnt mean she is a well written character because 'muh she has deep trait bro'. This also doesnt mean she is good with Tomozaki (seriously the chemistry is terrible and them gettign together there as its purposefully written that way / the plot demands it occur). The 'muh most common type of teenager' part is again meaningless in this discussion and doesnt make her a well written or interesting character. Tropes, descriptions, personality traits DO NOT inherently make a character actually interesting or useful to the narrative.
She isnt a guiding light at all. She's literally a mouthpiece (and arguably self insert for the writer) for the author to hamfist some deep concept discussion when they either cba to write it another way / be subtle. You could have any other character will this role and Aoi arguably does. Fuuka is there purely to at best make him do introspection (again this DOES NOT make her valuable as a character).
More to the point. Its just a fucking bore that is painful to both watch and read. She isnt even interesting when she's havign her minor character moments and her play eats up far too much screentime to hamfist the SAME FUCKING messages again and again with minor differences to make some deep point. Its just fucking shit. Its not about Mimimi losing, its about her losing to a none character. Heck he could just reject Mimimi and itd be more interesting (even if stupidly written). Hence when Id applaud the author if they have Fuuka and Tomozaki break up for him to go for either Mimimi or Aoi. The later of the two actually being something interesting and both being actually well written characters than a shitty narrative theme mouthpiece.
>Tomozaki is who he is due to Kikuchi
First this is cope as you can apply it to most of the characters he's had more than trivial interactiosn with and its laughable if you compare it to Both Aoi who actually molds him actively, and his passive growth by hanging out with Mimimi. He becomes more normal via this even before S2 started hamfisting strained on the nose dialogues with Fuuka. Its badly written.
Her wanting to change is irrelevant and doesnt mean she is a well written character because 'muh she has deep trait bro'. This also doesnt mean she is good with Tomozaki (seriously the chemistry is terrible and them gettign together there as its purposefully written that way / the plot demands it occur). The 'muh most common type of teenager' part is again meaningless in this discussion and doesnt make her a well written or interesting character. Tropes, descriptions, personality traits DO NOT inherently make a character actually interesting or useful to the narrative.
She isnt a guiding light at all. She's literally a mouthpiece (and arguably self insert for the writer) for the author to hamfist some deep concept discussion when they either cba to write it another way / be subtle. You could have any other character will this role and Aoi arguably does. Fuuka is there purely to at best make him do introspection (again this DOES NOT make her valuable as a character).
More to the point. Its just a fucking bore that is painful to both watch and read. She isnt even interesting when she's havign her minor character moments and her play eats up far too much screentime to hamfist the SAME FUCKING messages again and again with minor differences to make some deep point. Its just fucking shit. Its not about Mimimi losing, its about her losing to a none character. Heck he could just reject Mimimi and itd be more interesting (even if stupidly written). Hence when Id applaud the author if they have Fuuka and Tomozaki break up for him to go for either Mimimi or Aoi. The later of the two actually being something interesting and both being actually well written characters than a shitty narrative theme mouthpiece.
@BioticKhajiit Apart from Hinami, no other character besides Kikuchi had as much influence on Tomozaki. Mimimi doesn't even come close. This is evident because his biggest evolution in S1 was due to Kikuchi. And that was just to refute you saying that she should be cut and the show show would be better. Is her wanting to change irrelevant? Did you watch the same thing as me? One of the main points of this arc is that not everyone needs to change, Tomozaki realizing this was a big development for him. I have no idea what "an interesting character" is for you and I honestly don't care, but to say she's not an important character is to deny reality. She has always been Tomozaki's guiding light: She made him feel comfortable being himself, without worrying so much about the rules taught by Aoi. She was the one who made him reconcile with Aoi when he wanted to give up everything, etc. The only girl with whom Tomozaki has had a romantic relationship since the beginning is Kikuchi, unlike Mimimi who only happened in this second season (or volumes 6 and 7). It was obvious who he would choose. I've seen that you're a Kikuchi hater and I honestly don't care. I also don't pretend to understand what you find "interesting" or "well written." |
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