Middle aged anime enjoyer. Married with kids.
Tired of watching the same cliched tropes being used to death.
Most anime is derivative, trash, and/or boring, so I usually only watch a handful of anime each season.
I tend to review something if I feel strongly about the series and/or my rating is different than the consensus.
9s and 10s are for an excellent series that sticks with me long after viewing it. Good/interesting enough for me to consider worthwhile to reread/rewatch any time.
7s and 8s are for a series that was good to very good, but one that I will only occasionally consider worth rereading/rewatching.
5s and 6s are for a series that was average or a little above average. Almost no shot I revisit it.
3s and 4s are for a series that was bad to really bad. Maybe I stuck with it because it had potential, was highly regarded, or I watched it when I was young and barely cared about the quality of the show, but it has too many flaws for me to rate the series higher.
1s and 2s are for a series that I ask myself why I even wasted my time on it.