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Jun 18, 2021 8:28 AM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- Damn, they went all out in this series' finale. All action and no bullshit. Back Arrow wanted to prove himself to just about anyone and he's come a long way. Not a bad ending tb, kinda predictable but it is what it is. If anything, Back Arrow really capitalized on the whole sci-fi mech warfare themes in the end. |
Jun 18, 2021 8:28 AM
The finale fight to finish both Rudolph and his assistant Dissonanza off at the same time of proclaiming that "God's desire is Lingalind's destruction" (that is more like Rudolph's line), this is proving more difficult than most. That makes the situation even much worse when the dark Back Arrow clone decides to wreak even more havoc. The whole of God's realm is space lols, and it lies even beyond further than "beyond the wall". A baby creaated in its form of the Conviction cycle, of its ctiizens to sustain the Baby God, yea...but I would rather understand it as a system first and foremost. What a surprise to see Princess Fine's alter ego and Zetsu Daidan working together in spirit alongside the other Lutoh, Rekka and Granedger Briheight warriors to exterminate the Arbitrator Rudolph and Dissonanza for good with all that Conviction. But at the end of the day, it's God (or the Liu Bei lookalike) that they have to surpass, by wack or by wreck, to stop the world's destruction as the basis of the world that's literally on life support. All have certainly reached God's realm in space to find out about the premonition that Shu Bu made all the way back in Episode 1. The baby God that has been sleeping for 2000 years, this system is a complex one, but Shu will be able to solve it like the Zhuge Liang genius he is to take care of the baby God for eternity in interstellar space with Granedger. EHHH a decent finale, certainly the worst mecha show that both Goro Taniguchi and Kazuki Nakashima has ever done. And it's here that I pull my life support on this idiotic show. |
KANLen09Jun 18, 2021 10:22 AM
Jun 18, 2021 8:29 AM
Wow, the narrator / final boss doing the narration as the character was a good direction. Truth about the world... a baby? Destroy just because they go against to be the source of the baby. Evil princess and the old king?! Final boss getting rid by god, who allowing them to enter the system, so that destroy (took one month) cancelled. It became a space travel anime (the title of this ep. revealing at the end)? BTW, Sugita-san's character's eyes looking evil from being excited about the unknown makes me lol somehow. |
I ♥ Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!! |
Jun 18, 2021 9:46 AM
Wow, what can I say is that it definitely looked like a final battle xD but the end with the baby delivering mission could totally do a possible sequel for it... well I don't hope for a 2nd season though, I can't say I liked this anime.. :/ |
Jun 18, 2021 9:59 AM
Ehhhhhhhh...major ass-pulling on both sides (ofcourse dead ones are coming back to defeat the EEEEEEEVIIIIL), pointless explanations that don't have any impact (besides - we already knew that God needs Energy and how it's collected). Still no explanation on who and why was sending Rakuhos, which just helped humanity to become stronger. And then they disconnect a Child (God) from life support to bring it to his home planet, despite the fact that his ancestors was running from it, and that Mystic Illnes (probably) was a reason of their Space Trip. Again, how's that child supposed to survive? Imagine Ex-Arm done by this production team, instead of...whatever Back Arrow tried to be. |
Jun 18, 2021 10:00 AM
I still feel the vast majority of the story was mediocre, but this finale was pretty hype. Definitely set up a season 2. Idk how many episodes or where they’d go from there, but it’s coming for sure. I enjoyed the ride and did like the characters a lot in this show, but considering the staff behind it I expected more. |
Jun 18, 2021 10:01 AM
Action packed finale and it ended on a happy note which is fine. Pretty meh anime overall, didn't like it that much. |
Jun 18, 2021 10:04 AM
I really love the ending. I feel that Japanese anime has too many "killing God" narration that I thought Back Arrow will end with that note. Which they doesn't and that tearing me up. Man, can only say I love this show. |
Jun 18, 2021 10:08 AM
Damn talk about throwing everything but the kitchen sink. Great finale loved the dead cameo's and the fact that the final boss was the narrator. Not to mention Rudoplh and disonanza being used to save the world they were trying to destroy. and at he hands of the two he had been setting up to go to war with each other. But if earth was the homeworld does that mean arrow and the others are all tiny people to us? Also Shu when learning all that new stuff is awesome he's like a knowledge vampire. and I love how Bit went from being the comic relief to the most powerful force. Very much enjoyed this show (first anime that held my interest from start to finish in a long time) Not holding out hope for sequel series but the door is clearly left open Also Kind of wonder what a united Lingalind would look like |
Jun 18, 2021 10:09 AM
Not Gurren Lagann but it compensates by putting its own twist to the story. I prefer to go beyond a little bit and see how Arrow and Shu arrive on Earth. Will human on Earth look giant to them (just like the baby god) or about the same size? Some good things: full of hot guys interacting with each other, minimal hetero romance Some bad things: high death rate, though I'm quite confused if we should take the alive/death status of life-supporting system seriously, it looks reversible to me. Final verdict: I ship Mob X Kai |
Jun 18, 2021 10:18 AM
So if I've got this right the whole time they've been living in one small portion of a system designed to keep a giant space baby, the last that survived a pandemic which may have been covid for all we know, alive and they had so damn much conviction that the system itself thought they would kill the baby and tried to get rid of them. THAT was the entire plot for this show. Wow. Whelp, you know, if it were any other show I might be surprised, but at this point no explanation would have surprised me. And in a way it's a perfect microcosm for the show as a whole. It's both hilariously stupid and hilariously awesome. Ridiculous, absurd, over the top. That's what Back Arrow as a whole was. And everytime something nonsensical happened, which was frequent, they always had an explanation. Mind you it was always just in-universe technobabble hand-waiving, but explanation nonetheless. Conviction particles this, bind warpers that. Even the show itself knew what it was doing by the end as it had those two generals speak for the audience about how confusing the hand-waving was. Now on paper, this is not a great way to present a series. It's not usually an example of great writing. But as I've said from the start, sometimes a clusterfuck, which is really what Back Arrow was, can be fun. Objectively speaking this was not a great series, but you know what? It was a fun one. It was entertaining in its nonsense. I was never once bored by Back Arrow's 24 episodes of over-the-top antics. And you know what? That's an accomplishment in and of itself. So I'll give it a solid 6/10. Bring on Arrow's crew bringing the giant space baby back to Earth! I'd watch it, because.....why the hell not? XD EDIT: Oh, and because I just realized it, as it turns out this show ended up being my 850th completed anime entry on here so...huzzah for me. XD |
animefan8800Jun 18, 2021 10:30 AM
Jun 18, 2021 10:47 AM
basically they are all computer data then that is inside a super computer life support system like The Matrix eh but they are just supporting the life of a baby for 2000 years, eternal youth much? maybe Shu can program and engineer a 3D printer for them using the all powerful super computer to mind upload their computer data to a real 3D world body somehow at least the NPC life support system is now gone and the baby decided to go back home to earth as propose by Arrow and company lol the God is a Baby wanting to go back home reminds of that popular english song What If God Was One Of Us so how can they kill God that is just a Baby crying to go back home? in the end we never know what the conviction of Arrow is so i guess he really does not have one since his behavior is shape by everyone around him as simple as that the only conviction you need is the will to live welp the animation is so bad this past few final episodes so im gonna lower my score a bit because of that i also like the concept of a multiverse within a computer simulation |
degAug 13, 2021 4:05 PM
Jun 18, 2021 11:09 AM
Wow its a new take on the birth of Superman. Nicely done. |
Jun 18, 2021 11:36 AM
Episode makes exactly 0 sense: 1. why would you sacrifice humans you recreated for one human baby instead of using them to repopulate? 2. why would they head back to earth? I assume the reason the ancestors left is because it was destroyed? They should instead go to the original destination? 3. no explanation on what conviction particles are and why a human needs them to survive 4. no answer to who or what BA is Shitty senseless ending. They had a great plot device but had no idea how to end it animefan8800 said: So if I've got this right the whole time they've been living in one small portion of a system designed to keep a giant space baby, the last that survived a pandemic which may have been covid for all we know, alive and they had so damn much conviction that the system itself thought they would kill the baby and tried to get rid of them. THAT was the entire plot for this show. Wow. Whelp, you know, if it were any other show I might be surprised, but at this point no explanation would have surprised me. And in a way it's a perfect microcosm for the show as a whole. It's both hilariously stupid and hilariously awesome. Ridiculous, absurd, over the top. That's what Back Arrow as a whole was. And everytime something nonsensical happened, which was frequent, they always had an explanation. Mind you it was always just in-universe technobabble hand-waiving, but explanation nonetheless. Conviction particles this, bind warpers that. Even the show itself knew what it was doing by the end as it had those two generals speak for the audience about how confusing the hand-waving was. Now on paper, this is not a great way to present a series. It's not usually an example of great writing. But as I've said from the start, sometimes a clusterfuck, which is really what Back Arrow was, can be fun. Objectively speaking this was not a great series, but you know what? It was a fun one. It was entertaining in its nonsense. I was never once bored by Back Arrow's 24 episodes of over-the-top antics. And you know what? That's an accomplishment in and of itself. So I'll give it a solid 6/10. Bring on Arrow's crew bringing the giant space baby back to Earth! I'd watch it, because.....why the hell not? XD EDIT: Oh, and because I just realized it, as it turns out this show ended up being my 850th completed anime entry on here so...huzzah for me. XD It was really fun, just waited a bit more from the end episode. And is clear they had no idea where they were going |
Jun 18, 2021 11:43 AM
Holy shit, this made me think of the Gurrann Lagann final battle. Same energy for sure, albeit not quite as epic. I wasn't really on board during the first few episodes, but then it somehow clicked and I ended up having a blast with this series. It's flamboyant rule of cool nonsense done right. 7,5/10 |
One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron |
Jun 18, 2021 11:48 AM
nightcrawlercyp said: It was really fun, just waited a bit more from the end episode. And is clear they had no idea where they were going I would argue they resolved everything that required a concrete answer, so it's hard for me to agree with this claim. The remaining questions about the setting are, in a sense, more trivia than an actual urgent necessity. Having said so, I do realize they left a couple of loose ends for future expansion, which may likely never happen for very obvious reasons, but I am not opposed to shows that end on a note of letting part of the story continue, especially if the main conflicts are already concluded. Which they did manage to accomplish here, so I'm satisfied with this as a resolution. |
Jun 18, 2021 11:52 AM
GolbeztheGreat said: You mean their resolution made sense to you? You do not feel it was a copout? nightcrawlercyp said: It was really fun, just waited a bit more from the end episode. And is clear they had no idea where they were going I would argue they resolved everything that required a concrete answer, so it's hard for me to agree with this claim. The remaining questions about the setting are, in a sense, more trivia than an actual urgent necessity. Having said so, I do realize they left a couple of loose ends for future expansion, which may likely never happen for very obvious reasons, but I am not opposed to shows that end on a note of letting part of the story continue, especially if the main conflicts are already concluded. Which they did manage to accomplish here, so I'm satisfied with this as a resolution. |
Jun 18, 2021 11:56 AM
Like, was there are a lot of very stupid things in this finale? Yea they were. Were there a lot of things not explained. Yea they were. Was it a fun finale? I would say so. I have said before, and will say it again, the best part of the show is the action and that was mostly the entire episode so it did satisfy me. Also, after the terrible art the other episodes had, this episode looked quite decent, some honestly great effects. All in all i do think the lastest episodes, besides the art, were overall better, do i think they were good enough for me to give the show a 6? I actually dont think so, so i will most likely give a 5. Im very disappointed in the staff, especially nakashima, but oh well, you cant always win. |
Jun 18, 2021 12:00 PM
I had this show rated a 5 and even debated dropping it - but I don't like dropping shows and my motto is to not drop a show ever. This last arc, when Rudolph came into the picture and had a bigger role, I liked the show more. The ending seems like a setup to a potential sequel. Overall giving it a 6/10 |
#FreePalestine 🇵🇸 |
Jun 18, 2021 12:12 PM
Was weird trip that ended weirder and stranger than i expected. And I hope that this series wont come back ever. |
Jun 18, 2021 12:27 PM
Not the Ending I was expecting but still pretty good. And Lmao this Anime gave the phrase “So God created man in his own image" a whole other meaning, since the ring system was made from Humans on their own image to preserve the life of a single survivor. |
Jun 18, 2021 12:29 PM
nightcrawlercyp said: Episode makes exactly 0 sense: 1. why would you sacrifice humans you recreated for one human baby instead of using them to repopulate? 2. why would they head back to earth? I assume the reason the ancestors left is because it was destroyed? They should instead go to the original destination? 3. no explanation on what conviction particles are and why a human needs them to survive 4. no answer to who or what BA is Shitty senseless ending. They had a great plot device but had no idea how to end it animefan8800 said: So if I've got this right the whole time they've been living in one small portion of a system designed to keep a giant space baby, the last that survived a pandemic which may have been covid for all we know, alive and they had so damn much conviction that the system itself thought they would kill the baby and tried to get rid of them. THAT was the entire plot for this show. Wow. Whelp, you know, if it were any other show I might be surprised, but at this point no explanation would have surprised me. And in a way it's a perfect microcosm for the show as a whole. It's both hilariously stupid and hilariously awesome. Ridiculous, absurd, over the top. That's what Back Arrow as a whole was. And everytime something nonsensical happened, which was frequent, they always had an explanation. Mind you it was always just in-universe technobabble hand-waiving, but explanation nonetheless. Conviction particles this, bind warpers that. Even the show itself knew what it was doing by the end as it had those two generals speak for the audience about how confusing the hand-waving was. Now on paper, this is not a great way to present a series. It's not usually an example of great writing. But as I've said from the start, sometimes a clusterfuck, which is really what Back Arrow was, can be fun. Objectively speaking this was not a great series, but you know what? It was a fun one. It was entertaining in its nonsense. I was never once bored by Back Arrow's 24 episodes of over-the-top antics. And you know what? That's an accomplishment in and of itself. So I'll give it a solid 6/10. Bring on Arrow's crew bringing the giant space baby back to Earth! I'd watch it, because.....why the hell not? XD EDIT: Oh, and because I just realized it, as it turns out this show ended up being my 850th completed anime entry on here so...huzzah for me. XD It was really fun, just waited a bit more from the end episode. And is clear they had no idea where they were going 1. They were clearly not human in the literal sense, more like small "whos" from a Dr Seuss book. 2. It was never stated why they left earth. 3. This is not to be taken literally. We understand what it does and that's more than enough. Conviction particles seem to be an allegory to human survival instincts bringing further accumulation of knowledge about the world around them, which results in changing their perspectives and beliefs due to a deeper knowledge and understanding of it - a theme that was present throughout the entire series and further magnified (and honestly, becomes pretty obvious) in this final episode. 4. Don't know if serious. They clearly had an idea of where they were going... |
HatulJun 18, 2021 1:21 PM
Jun 18, 2021 1:19 PM
It's been meh from start to the end. There were a few good episodes but that's it I guess. I didn't enjoy it |
Jun 18, 2021 1:25 PM
Well that certainly was an ending |
Jun 18, 2021 1:59 PM
Bit of a weird twist at the end there, not sure if I like it. Have to mull it over a bit. Mostly wish it was a little more conclusive, but eh, the journey to it was an absolute blast. Episode itself was great to give us a bit of Emperor and Evil Fine, arguably the show's best characters. Tempted to recommend the show to people who also enjoyed Cells at work. Biggest disappointment was the lack of significant development of the main "heroines". They pretty much did jack shit. Back Arrow himself was also a bit flat. But it was still a fun ride, and I'm glad to have watched it. |
Current Events Thread Topics... Not even once. |
Jun 18, 2021 2:18 PM
2nd season would be nice yeah. But the end felt good. Also I liked most of the chars and the plot. (Even though it was slow and I would have loved to see more of the background stuff - which could be used in a possible season 2.) 8/10 from me he he. "masaka, masaka, masaka" "heika heika" ... those were fun lol. And Shu's face when intrigued. Really cool episode. |
Jun 18, 2021 4:18 PM
well after that finale i'm now seeing this show as both an interesting take on 'world sized computers' and 'simulation theory'. take Jupiter and turn it into a computer. program it to create multiple simulations of reality for 'certain reasons'. would any of the 'people' in those realities ever realize... "Hey I'm ones and zeroes in a Game like 'Sim City'!" ??? when those 'people' realized what 'reality' was, would they get pissed off and do something about it? also, would those 'people' becoming completely self-aware be random chance? merely a compiled series of errors due to any system created by 'man' being inherently imperfect. or was Lingalind becoming 'self-aware' PART of the Baby's Life Support System ORIGINAL design? here's a stretch of the show's ideas as i see them. take basic system design, you KISS... Keep It Simple Stupid. each 'unit' on a Lind would generate conviction particles to support the Baby's life. why make them self-aware like the people of Lingalind? why make them humanoid at all? if a 'slime' can generate conviction why make it any more advanced of a life-form? perhaps a certain level of evolutionary advancement is required to generate the maximum amount of conviction particles for that individual 'unit' lifespan. well if the System was ONLY meant to support the Baby's life... then preventing ANY rebellion by any Lind would be easiest by keeping them as simple minded and primitive as possible by inherent design. does a cow seriously get uppity when we kill it for leather and meat etc? do chickens take up machine-guns to overthrow the farmer? also, why all the huge Rudolph destroys the world and sending Back Arrow etc? if your Lind gets frisky, push. the. delete. button. if you want to harvest the whole Lind at once because it is too smart, give it natural disasters so big that nothing can live through it. suck all the air out of the place and smother everything. volcanoes. earthquakes. diseases. all those intricate plots and causing wars and providing giant flying fortresses and whatnot... was it just one BIGGER plot by the Baby's Life Support System to TEST a 'malignant Lind' somehow? also, the show forgot to answer the questions... Are they taking the Baby home WITH the System and all the Linds or are they flying him home in a lone ship across the sea of stars? if they're flying solo, where's the System located and will the 'away team' heading to Earth come back? well that's enough hypothesizing. i liked the show, i hope there's a movie or something that covers taking the Baby home to Earth and whatnot. |
Jun 18, 2021 8:53 PM
Holy fucking shit, this was crazy wild shit that I wanted for the ending and it delivered lmao, what a fucking ride. That intro was pretty cool, the usual Lingalind stuff transitioning to the pawn of God. So, let me get this straight, they're all like some computer data or AI that provides life support for Baby God who is from Earth and now our computer datas are now gonna bring back Baby God to Earth, holy shit give me that sequel lmao. Evil Fine and Zetsu returning was fucking hype and that symphony of no way's was beautiful lmao. Rudolph's voice actor is really amazing, he nails those God complex characters like Zamasu. Disonanza honestly looks cute without the mask ngl, and respect to Rudolph at least for accepting his demise with grace. Shu out here living his best life though, I really hope we get a continuation, it really seemed like that ending was a setup lmao. 7/10 It started off rough at the beginning, but it really got so much better as it went along. |
Jun 18, 2021 10:18 PM
that Baby should really be a very important human like a Prince of Planet Earth (assumed by Ren) since i find it so stupid to sustain the Babys life for 2000 years when they can perfectly computer simulate humans so it can just mind upload the remaining survivors mind to The Matrix too like that Baby can artificially grow into adult without worries if that is the case and just maybe use 3D printing technology for them to print 3D human bodies on demand or maybe that is the thing they do not have 3D printing technology yet like shown in Expelled From Paradise anime movie Arrow meanwhile must have been a bug or glitching part of the security system (or like the external Anti-Body) of that God Baby the God Baby maybe needs convictions in order for it to sustain its will to live because i do not see any reason for convictions to be like natural food especially baby food lol so the Baby might be getting food on some replicator like from Star Trek via dextrose or something this show is another take on the Simulation Hypothesis especially what is Base Reality |
Jun 19, 2021 12:59 AM
astounding and breath-taking! Shuu just made and interstellar warp drive so that they can go to other tree connected worlds/realm...nice! impressive feat! 5/5. 8/10. |
Jun 19, 2021 1:58 AM
Hatul said: nightcrawlercyp said: Episode makes exactly 0 sense: 1. why would you sacrifice humans you recreated for one human baby instead of using them to repopulate? 2. why would they head back to earth? I assume the reason the ancestors left is because it was destroyed? They should instead go to the original destination? 3. no explanation on what conviction particles are and why a human needs them to survive 4. no answer to who or what BA is Shitty senseless ending. They had a great plot device but had no idea how to end it animefan8800 said: So if I've got this right the whole time they've been living in one small portion of a system designed to keep a giant space baby, the last that survived a pandemic which may have been covid for all we know, alive and they had so damn much conviction that the system itself thought they would kill the baby and tried to get rid of them. THAT was the entire plot for this show. Wow. Whelp, you know, if it were any other show I might be surprised, but at this point no explanation would have surprised me. And in a way it's a perfect microcosm for the show as a whole. It's both hilariously stupid and hilariously awesome. Ridiculous, absurd, over the top. That's what Back Arrow as a whole was. And everytime something nonsensical happened, which was frequent, they always had an explanation. Mind you it was always just in-universe technobabble hand-waiving, but explanation nonetheless. Conviction particles this, bind warpers that. Even the show itself knew what it was doing by the end as it had those two generals speak for the audience about how confusing the hand-waving was. Now on paper, this is not a great way to present a series. It's not usually an example of great writing. But as I've said from the start, sometimes a clusterfuck, which is really what Back Arrow was, can be fun. Objectively speaking this was not a great series, but you know what? It was a fun one. It was entertaining in its nonsense. I was never once bored by Back Arrow's 24 episodes of over-the-top antics. And you know what? That's an accomplishment in and of itself. So I'll give it a solid 6/10. Bring on Arrow's crew bringing the giant space baby back to Earth! I'd watch it, because.....why the hell not? XD EDIT: Oh, and because I just realized it, as it turns out this show ended up being my 850th completed anime entry on here so...huzzah for me. XD It was really fun, just waited a bit more from the end episode. And is clear they had no idea where they were going 1. They were clearly not human in the literal sense, more like small "whos" from a Dr Seuss book. 2. It was never stated why they left earth. 3. This is not to be taken literally. We understand what it does and that's more than enough. Conviction particles seem to be an allegory to human survival instincts bringing further accumulation of knowledge about the world around them, which results in changing their perspectives and beliefs due to a deeper knowledge and understanding of it - a theme that was present throughout the entire series and further magnified (and honestly, becomes pretty obvious) in this final episode. 4. Don't know if serious. They clearly had an idea of where they were going... 1. Who says they were not human? about dr seuss he was an evil evil man I do not want to discuss 2. yes , but you would generally not live somewhere things are good and if things were good the ones that thought of preserving that baby would have thought of returning 3. convinction particles are literally deus ex machina. could have been something good akin to akudama drive but nope. 4. Very serious. Black Arrow is left a mistery until the end. Yes the system claims to be a program to delete certain Lind but it makes little to no sense to be just that. |
Jun 19, 2021 2:03 AM
Idk guys, this is truly beyond my imagination. The truth of their god really beyond the wall. So, do you know how its end? The baby, trusted them. Its just that. Maybe it can be bring some deep description of why its happening. Conviction matter? Efforts matter? Whatever. They successfully convinced the god, and, yeah, its over. Fuckin Fine alter ego and Zetsu even alive for a moment to keep Arrow and the others able to survive. In the end, yeah, its about their conviction. Its strong enough to bring down the baby into trusting them to the unknown possibilities of your damn home, Earth. The god has been defeated by a mere trust. Good shit conclusion. Then, as ridiculous as Shu ability, whose already beyond the god power. They managed to maintain a good space voyage, whatever it can happened in the first place, to finally end the show for good. Clap clap! In the end, idk man, its straight to strange. Its had a good moments. But once again its still hold some strange feeling. So, if anyone can get rid of those strange feeling i ever feels until now, i assure you can appreciate this show more than me. As for myself, its fine, like a princess Fine.... |
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here. I'm level |
Jun 19, 2021 2:57 AM
hi its a good anime any knows if have manga or novel? |
Jun 19, 2021 1:50 PM
This was an original anime rather than an adaptation, so there are no novels or manga available. |
Jun 19, 2021 2:49 PM
nightcrawlercyp said: Episode makes exactly 0 sense: 1. why would you sacrifice humans you recreated for one human baby instead of using them to repopulate? 2. why would they head back to earth? I assume the reason the ancestors left is because it was destroyed? They should instead go to the original destination? 3. no explanation on what conviction particles are and why a human needs them to survive 4. no answer to who or what BA is Shitty senseless ending. They had a great plot device but had no idea how to end it animefan8800 said: So if I've got this right the whole time they've been living in one small portion of a system designed to keep a giant space baby, the last that survived a pandemic which may have been covid for all we know, alive and they had so damn much conviction that the system itself thought they would kill the baby and tried to get rid of them. THAT was the entire plot for this show. Wow. Whelp, you know, if it were any other show I might be surprised, but at this point no explanation would have surprised me. And in a way it's a perfect microcosm for the show as a whole. It's both hilariously stupid and hilariously awesome. Ridiculous, absurd, over the top. That's what Back Arrow as a whole was. And everytime something nonsensical happened, which was frequent, they always had an explanation. Mind you it was always just in-universe technobabble hand-waiving, but explanation nonetheless. Conviction particles this, bind warpers that. Even the show itself knew what it was doing by the end as it had those two generals speak for the audience about how confusing the hand-waving was. Now on paper, this is not a great way to present a series. It's not usually an example of great writing. But as I've said from the start, sometimes a clusterfuck, which is really what Back Arrow was, can be fun. Objectively speaking this was not a great series, but you know what? It was a fun one. It was entertaining in its nonsense. I was never once bored by Back Arrow's 24 episodes of over-the-top antics. And you know what? That's an accomplishment in and of itself. So I'll give it a solid 6/10. Bring on Arrow's crew bringing the giant space baby back to Earth! I'd watch it, because.....why the hell not? XD EDIT: Oh, and because I just realized it, as it turns out this show ended up being my 850th completed anime entry on here so...huzzah for me. XD It was really fun, just waited a bit more from the end episode. And is clear they had no idea where they were going It made perfect sense. Sorry that you're intellectually incapable of understanding it because you're trying too hard to be intellectual. Who says they were not human? about dr seuss he was an evil evil man I do not want to discuss Oof. When I said you were intellectually incapable, I didn't realize you were THIS intellectually incapable. OOF. |
Jun 20, 2021 3:52 AM
I loved this show right up until the end. Things really ramp up with each passing episode as you learn more about the world and the characters living within it. The characters? So many epic lines were spoken, mostly during battle, where the theme of conviction really shines through. The mystery of something bigger lurking just in the background, that being the purpose of the world wall was something else that kept me wondering and eagerly awaiting the next episode, and the conclusion didn't disappoint. I love shows with imagination, and this one had it in spades. |
Jun 20, 2021 6:19 PM
Its now episode 23 and its really good! and the last episode as well.. u can certainly rewind what had happened, and can tell that arrow certainly had come a very long way in the short time he was on lingalind.. that has certainly pulled everyone up to this point, where they are now fighting in the gods realm, where they also learned the truth about the system that governs all other worlds or linds.. meanwhile, zetsu and dark fine has actually returned as data! To aid with the battle against rudolf, all thanks to him destroying epitaph mount! The conviction particles must be a form of advanced nano tech, which responds to will.. u will know what i mean maybe later.. anyways, i rate the anime a 10 of 10, 10 for both story and art.. :) |
Jun 24, 2021 5:48 PM
Hahaha. I'm not exactly sure if that reveal is a stroke of genius or just stupid as hell. That kind of sums up the show in general. Oh, well. It was a fun ride for what it was. Show was worth watching for Zetsu and Princess Fine. |
Jun 25, 2021 4:50 PM
What an epic battle ending. Wow! That was a feast! This series is way up there along with Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Another hidden jewel to my collection. |
Jun 27, 2021 3:23 AM
Great character design. Nice deviation from standard mecha designs. Took a hard left turn right off a bridge in the last batch of episodes but, hey, it's still better than Evangelion. |
Controversial opinions toku>anime SnK was always overrated and the ending is unparalleled trash One Piece is a masterpiece MHA is the best superhero comic on the market Rush is the greatest rock band of all time |
Aug 1, 2021 10:50 AM
Aug 7, 2021 2:28 PM
Liked the ending, poor baby was lost and sleeping 2000 years. I will finish the story in my head - the baby is successfully returned to Earth. At time show felt weak, but last episode was really good. |
Aug 18, 2021 7:46 PM
It tried a lot and didn't succeed at much, except maybe being somewhat fun to watch. Using your brain to while watching this is definitely not recommended, as most stuff either doesn't make sense or is pulled out of nowhere. There's a lot better stuff to check out instead of this show, too. |
Tomislavr7Aug 18, 2021 7:49 PM
Aug 19, 2021 1:16 PM
Wild. I was entertained from start to the finish. Show had great energy and very simple but very likeable characters. Emperor Zetsu rules! Would 11/10 follow him to the ends of the world. I appreciate the honesty of this. It never pretended to be something it's not. It always knew it was dumb energetic journey. I wish the ending was more conclusive and also developed some character relationships more but it's okay. Wish for second season or some other sort of continuation in the future but I doubt it's likely. |
Oct 15, 2021 1:23 PM
It's kinda predictable ending and it's also what dafuq ending to me lol like.. what?? Going to earth? Bruh.. Underated anime of the season for sure and those fight are good |
Oct 27, 2021 2:32 PM
The first 7 episodes were very boring and then eventually it became good dragging the score lower for me. 6/10 |
Go watch Gintama boyo/grill My discord server for gaming and anime/manga: |
Dec 11, 2021 1:32 AM
To some it is predictable, I don't know why but probably since they've read similar ones. But for me, this is a great series to have. Unexpected and fun to watch until the end. Zetsu and Fine's wild ego as data helped those still in Lingalind, that was a blast! We are now in need of a sequel or perhaps a movie to properly end the story. This is a hidden gem indeed. 8/10, it will be 9 if we got a sequel (It won't be 10 since there's so many lackluster moments and bad animation). But overall, I loved it and I enjoyed the ride. |
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it, is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service. |
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