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Apr 6, 2008 7:20 AM

Jul 2007
Awesome anime overall.. but..

- many flaws in the story
- many things left to explain
- mamiina's death was way too sad and retarded
- the development in the last few eps sucked, they should have wiped the other 2 races out
Sep 12, 2008 8:54 PM
May 2008
yes, a good anime. i felt sad for mamiina's death. actually, she can ran away. or just hald on a bit...T.T ai... can't help.

Paraietta choose to be a girl make me felt happy as i think she understand that even she is a girl she still can protect Neviril. and in the ending, she look nice and pretty with women looking.^^

for Morinas, she is most "lucky" i think, as she meet her Mr.Right, Wapourif. ha..

Morinas and Alti, finally solve their heart feeling already. and became sister relation again.

do Limone and Dominura go to the others "space" again? Dominura said is she start the world where she teach the people using Simoun and make the world full of war. but, Limone answer if Simoun did't appear then they won't meet each others.
yes, i agree with Limone as we won't know what will happen in future but we can appreciate now.

Yun is a mysterious question. as why she replace Onashia? emm... maybe she have unknown power or lot.

Rodoreamon tiring her hair with Mamiina hair style. and put their photo on her table, ha... touch. even someone no here but, she will forever in heart and can't replace.

wow...handsome, Anubituf and Guragief. is pity that why they're not couple.+.+

in the ending, the music start, then Aaeru and Neviril dancing in the hall make me felt confuse as i don't there were true-they came back and really dancing in there with their "forever young girl" looking or is the memory of Floe? but, in previous ep. er... if i'm not mistaken they never dancing together. thus, i think that they really came back at that moment with still girl looking even their friends all became adult already.

ah... this end ep. leave a lots questions... and let us guess...
Sep 13, 2008 6:10 AM

Jun 2008
Just saw the post above, and have to comment xD

The thing that annoyed me the most is that ending without closure.
I mean, I don't think that Nevril and Aeru actually were dancing on that ship in the end, just that it's like a metaphor of their staying young forever....

I also think that the "other world" Nevril and Aeru, and before them Dominura and Limone, went to is actually past.
Dominura had some comment like "Everything began cause I started it"... which leads me to believe that she instructed people on how to use Simoun.
Also , there is one more theory. Dominura is actually Onashia xD
When Yun touched Onashia, she pronounced Dominura's name...
Dominura went to past and became Onashia at some point of time, until
Yun came along.
Also, when Dominura and Limone did that Emerald RihMajong thing, the same stardust that was seen like the one Onashia releases....
//“The third time is for what will be. The way back will come but once. Be steadfast.”
Sep 15, 2008 12:52 AM
May 2008
natsuki-chan, your comment is very sharp!! i like it. there are a lots questions for me. i'm surprising with your comment that Dominura is Onashia. yes, when they leave the village, then there are some "gold dust" releases... wow! finally i understand it!

and you said: Nevril and Aeru were not dancing on the ship and just metaphor... emmm... maybe you're right. yet, if like that do they will face Dominura's lot? i mean like Onashia(if Dominura is Onashia).

Sep 15, 2008 2:20 AM

Jun 2008
He he thanks xD
I developed this theory with a friend, just wanted to see what other people think of it :D

As for meeting up with Dominura (Onashia) and Limone, I'm guessing that they probably will meet up sometime. And maybe even meet with Amuria :D
But I'm not clear on one thing...
If Dominura became Onashia, what happens with Limone?
Did she die or something like that?
And how old is Dominura anyway? They say that she's the last survivor of that legendary chorus Dextra, in which was Aeru's grandfather!!!
//“The third time is for what will be. The way back will come but once. Be steadfast.”
Sep 16, 2008 9:40 PM
May 2008
yes, i'm cofusing with this question too. Onashia said she was the members of legendary chorus Dextra, and Dominura also from this special team. then, Aeru's grandfather too. but, her gandfather was a captain of the team. isn't Dominura also? but, i think she is not Aeru's granfather as they apear in the same time. and that time, Aeru's grandfather was died already. but, Dominura still live with her young looking and she also did't recognise Aeru too.
yup, where Limone if Dominura became Onashia? emm... do you think that Onashia haven't meet Limone, but after Yun hugs and she disapear, then she go to another space which Aeru they living time and with young looking. then, she meet Limone?
how about Aeru and Neviril? i mean Onashia said she became like that(white hands) is all due to she did't decide her gender. thus, how about they?

ah~~~ can't help!!! i love the anime without answer yet hate too...T.T
Sep 17, 2008 3:23 AM

Jun 2008
Well for the chorus, it's probably like this...
maybe Chorus Dextra has been formed in the time when Aeru's grandfather was young, and memberes changed during the years. Like they did in Aeru's chorus when the war began. Then Dominura could have been in that chorus without Aeru's grandfather :D
But doesn't she seem a bit older from the other Sybillas? They're like what, 15, maybe 16?
She seems like a grown up woman... especially compared to Limone xD

Dunno about Onashia.... perhaps she ascended into the next plain of existence
(omg, I can't believe that I just wrote that ahahahaha)....

And yes, Nevril and Aeru will probably end up like that as well. But who knows, I mean the ending is soooo unclear, and I love it and hate it at the same time ;DD
//“The third time is for what will be. The way back will come but once. Be steadfast.”
Sep 17, 2008 8:51 PM
May 2008
oh i see. well, i'm happy that discussing with you. yes, you're right. this anime end up with many unclear questions.
emm.. i think maybe i should re-watch whole ep. or find more detail from net.=.=(i'll tell u if i get new info)

ah~really can't help with this unclear ending anime.^^
Sep 18, 2008 10:21 AM

Jun 2008
Well that's the point in some anime, leaving things a bit unclear
so they can leave us to conclude what happened.
And you must love it and hate it at the same time xDD

But I wish that someone else was active here... to see what they think xD

And of course, if you rewatch the show, be sure to post something ;)
I'm also glad to have discussed this with you lol.
//“The third time is for what will be. The way back will come but once. Be steadfast.”
Sep 21, 2008 11:29 PM
May 2008
haha... me too. i wish too, ah~ someone who read my comment pls reply us...
i'm expecting your comments...
Oct 4, 2008 10:17 AM
Sep 2008
- Onashia became all glowy and glittery because she didn't choose a gender. But when Limone, Dominura, Aaeru and Nevril used the Emerald Ri Maajon, they went outside time, so they didn't age. Also, Onashia said that she wanted to become an "Immortal Maiden" by staying without gender, but L,D,A,N actually became Immortal Maidens by going outside time.

Did that make sense? @_@

Also, I don't think that Onashia is Dominura simply because their pasts are too different. They're very different people with very different personalities.
Oct 5, 2008 7:15 AM

Jun 2008
Uuuuu, nice, someone who doesn't agree :D

Ok then, but I think that they didn't went outside time,
just that they went to the distant past.
What do you think about that :D?
//“The third time is for what will be. The way back will come but once. Be steadfast.”
Oct 6, 2008 11:54 PM
May 2008
natsuki-chan, finally got new people reply here.T.T
ah~ welcome Liirin-san.
emm... you said Onashia and Dominura are different. emm.. but, both of them also from the special team. and their figuration are nearly same.
emm... thier age also is mysterious question too. since they can go to the others space by using Emerald Ri Maajon. but, when they stay at there, the also grew like Limone. does she grew in... ep.25(if i'm not mistaken). she is more taller than before. so, they may old too.

so, how do you think? ^^

ah~ really happy that discuss with you all. ^^
Oct 7, 2008 2:51 AM

Jun 2008
Heh, me too... especially cause someone doesn't agree :D
//“The third time is for what will be. The way back will come but once. Be steadfast.”
Feb 1, 2009 7:24 PM

Apr 2008
Sorry for reviving this post, but I finally went ahead and saw and finished Simoune. I have to admit, when I first started watching this I never would have thought this series would involve time travel. -_-;; Time travel as a plot device in series is fine and all, but they all eventually run into the problem of time paradox. (i.e. if they went and did this, then does that mean that happens?, etc). So we end up with open ended questions of if Dominura is Onashia and did Aaeru and Nevril go to the past or the future?

My biggest question was "What exactly was the taboo over Choir Dextra?" For the longest time due to the possibility of time travel, I thought perhaps Aaeru's grandfather was someone from a different time. :-) Maybe even a member of Choir Tempest.

Another question for me was, "What exactly is causing the 'glitter'? Not choosing a gender? Doing the Emerald Ri Maajon? And is it that bad?"

ugh... too many questions. lol Still I did enjoy it, questions and all.
Feb 2, 2009 3:50 AM

Jun 2008
Yeah, the show left too many questions... but that's why I like it so much,
gives us space to think a little.
As for Choir Dextra, weren't they a taboo topic cause they all died, except Dominura and Aeru's grandfather? I mean it is weird that they were in the same Choir and Dominura's still a young girl. Maybe there were more generations of that Choir...?
If that's the case, it should be taboo cause they all died...

As for not choosing gender, I dunno if that's bad or good... long-term probably is bad cause of that whole Onashia deal, not being able to be touched,
but short-term must be good cause you can drive a Simoun still ;)
//“The third time is for what will be. The way back will come but once. Be steadfast.”
Feb 2, 2009 6:30 PM

Apr 2008
I think I'll probably end up watching this again in the far future. I have to admit, I'm surprised to find myself going through Simoun withdrawal. :D I guess I got attached to the characters and the world they live in.

Regarding Choir Dextra, the problem as to whether or not they are taboo is the fact that nobody talks about them in the first place. Are they not talking because it's taboo or is it taboo because of the deaths? Plus the age difference between Aaeru's grandfather and Dominura, the implied implications of being his granddaughter, the implications of time travel, etc. I sometimes think the writers somehow wrote themselves into a corner with Choir Dextra with all these insinuations that doesn't quite add up.
I still think Aaeru's grandfather might have come from a different time. If the age difference was due to Dextra replenishing it's ranks after each casualty, then considering the age difference, we're talking about alot of people. Or if they're only talking about the last group (Dominia's) dying, then why extend the taboo to Aaeru's grandfather?

I have a feeling (after looking at all the other previous posts all asking about Dextra) that this is a question that most likely will not be answered. :)
May 12, 2009 3:48 PM

Nov 2008
Well I've just finished the show. I think Mamiina's death was "neccessary" even if the scene was awfully played.
The time travelling and Choir Dextra messed up somewhat the story, but i think it was enjoyable.

I think Domimura is Onashia. Choir dextra worked for decades probably and Limure probably died somehow. Proofs: similar look, both former Dextra member, Domimura leaves the same golden dust in the end.
The time jump probably don't take them out of the time, cause Domimura and Limone far from walking ghosts(being oout of time practiculary similar to being a ghost)...Domimura actually got sick later.
The dance scene i think actually happens somewhere in sometime. A story with time travelling contradicts with the need of chronological order.

P.S: I think Morinas the luckies too. And she was my favourite.
Jul 8, 2009 11:38 PM

Sep 2008
A little disappointed and confused about the ending...well it was anti-climactic to me at the least.

Since the Emerald Ri Maajon can warp space and time (I think), was the dance scene at the end depicting the future to be, as the war where the other girls would have already ended...
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Jul 30, 2009 5:01 PM
Aug 2007
It indeed was very confusing although I really liked the anime it leaves a nasty feeling. As I have to agree with everyone else here that there are too many questions left. Also what has been bothering me is what has happened to mamiina's body?
May 19, 2010 3:38 AM

May 2010
Wew, I just finish watching it.
Now i understand why Yun said, "Dominura" at the end. Perhaps why Onashia have been very kind all along coz she is Dominura. About Limone, I saw nothing, sadly~

umm, bout Neviril and Aaeru, they must be goin' to the future, probably, coz we can see that they are dancing in the ship and the ship have been destroyed (although we still don't know what happen, maybe a sudden war broke again). If they go to the past, the ship will not be in that condition.
And, seeing the drawing at the wall, make it clear that Aaeru and Neviril go to the future after Paraietta draw that.
So basically, they are travelling in the same world but different time. While Dominura and Limune went to the Past. Aaeru and Neviril go to the future.
For mamiina,
it's sad that the fact still buried down. That Aaeru and the others don't know that the simile that actually must bring Mamiina body safety to her birth place was not comming back.
And, before the girls went to the spring, Rodoreamon intend to go home and she intending to meet Mamiina's mother, so that it can relief her sadness, so-so ~
But it seems that she help Paraietta in the orphanage.
WAAHH.. There is still many mistery !!! WKWK.. I don't care lahhh, as far as I watch this anime, it is really exciting (in the middle) and I admit, the ending was really frustrating that Simoun was not like any other yuri, i mean, it's lacking of romance.. hahah..
"Life isn't complicated. We are far more complicated.
Life is simple, and it is correct to be simple."
-Oscar Wilde-
Jun 1, 2010 9:26 PM

Sep 2009
Other than the obvious curiosity about the where/when abouts of Aer and Neviril and what they went on to do. I am curious about Rimone (or Limone her name is spelled here). What happened to her that Dominura (Onasia) could not save her maiden? Was it mentioned in the show? If I missed an explanation someone please let me know.
Jul 8, 2010 7:39 AM
Jun 2010
From the moment I started watching this anime I was sucked in and could not stop watching until the end. I don't think I've ever seen such great character develop to the point where I was so attached to them that I was literally angry to see them go into the spring because I felt like they were gone. Unfortunately I don't know whether or not I'm happy or sad I made it to this episode.

For some reason the end is really bugging me. The "peace" treaty felt more like a surrender seeing as how Simulacrum pretty much had to give up its only defense(Tempest) while the other nation continued to have theirs and always had armed guards pointing guns at everyone -_-

Also the new members that I watched develop over 25 episodes and grew to like were going to be on OPPOSITE SIDES...that really bothered me.

Other than that I really enjoyed this anime and wish it didn't have such a bad rep because of being labeled as "yuri"...which seriously I don't think anything was done distastefully in this anime. Two thumbs up.
Nov 19, 2010 3:49 PM
Nov 2010
I did a little thinking and thought that i could share my ideas in the discussion:

Aaeru and Neviril in the past or in the future ?
I think they are in the future, because the Arcus Prima was pretty old when they danced on it. The pictures on the wall reselmbles the past.

Onashia = Dominura ?
No, I don't think so. Onashia said that she never got someone to hug her, which contradics Dominura. Dominura loved Limone and already hug her.

What happen to the body of Mamiina ?
I think either someone found her and gave her a funeral or she lies there on the beautiful flowers(Peace).

Who is Onashia then ?
I think someone from chor dextra, who did the Emerald Ri Mājon and has a similar situation to Yun.

Is Amuria dead ?
Nope, I don't think so. Wapourif mentioned that it is not possible to disappear in that position, as she/he investigate the simoun.

Who is Dominura ?
She is the one who started everything concerning the simoun. The melody of her is the original one, which was passed through time and finally got to Aaerus hand.

The most mysterious question is why Yun decided to take Onashias place.
The other one is what those stardust means. I still don't get these things.^^
Jan 19, 2011 7:27 AM
Oct 2008
I've rewatched the series multiple times (that's just how much I love it!), and I've just got a few ideas to share.

Firstly, I think Aaeru and Neviril dancing together in the last scene was merely metaphoric, symbolic or whatever word you guys want to use to describe it. They weren't ACTUALLY there. I think it just served as a reminder that the time Chor Tempest spent together will forever be engraved in the existence of these two members.

As for the Dominura is Onashia debate, I think Dominura IS Onashia. If you look closely at the ending, Dominura does not seem to age, even though Rimone(Limone) has apparently chosen her gender and matured quite a bit. This means that Dominura did not choose a sex, as proven by the gold dust and her trouble moving. As for the comment above about Onashia not being "embraced", I think this is simply a product of being without Rimone for such a long period of time. My guess is that Dominura became Onashia after Rimone's death (as sad as it is, I think it's inevitable, since Rimone chose a gender and will grow old).

And no, Amuria is definitely not dead. If she was, it would contradict the whole point of the series.

Why Yun took Onashia's place is also clearly stated in the ending: Yun wanted to do something meaningful with her life, and after being told by Rodoreamon that she has the ability to save at least one soul, she decided that the only person she COULD save was Onashia. Simple as that.

Last comment: This series really rocks. I initially watched it because I'm a yuri fangirl, but it ended up being so much more than I expected. Even though the last few episodes were slow, the ending was beautifully constructed. It left room for speculation, but also gave you enough information to formulate a solid conclusion. The last scene with Aaeru and Neviril dancing and the members doing voice overs was a nice way of depicting the "eternal now", and wrapped up the series fantastically.
OtaAggJan 19, 2011 8:36 AM
Feb 10, 2011 4:08 AM

Sep 2008
The last episode felt like a bad after-taste to a delicious meal. I loved the entirety of the series, but the way they ended it left me with far to many questions, and precious few answers.

I liked how they wrapped up most of the major characters', but the especially important characters seemed a bit unfinished at the end. I'd hoped for a bit more informative of an end, even if it were only the two of them somewhere unfamiliar for a minute and half.
Mar 2, 2011 6:57 AM
Aug 2010
just finished watching the series.
I was totally overwhelmed by it. very interesting story and the animation is great..
but toward the end..ugh! I didn't like the end much. it was kinda boring. ofcourse everything has to come to an end..but..ugh! I still have the bitter feeling that it ended that way..I'm totally confused. I was hoping for a happy ending. everyone getting what they wanted or at least an epilogue from neviril or aaeru..>.<"

something that doesn't leave the viewers hanging at least...yes we can imagine..but gah..i have a bitter afterTaste
May 7, 2011 8:07 AM

Apr 2008
OtaAgg said:
If you look closely at the ending, Dominura does not seem to age, even though Rimone(Limone) has apparently chosen her gender and matured quite a bit.

And no, Amuria is definitely not dead. If she was, it would contradict the whole point of the series.

Limone didn't choose her gender though, because if she did, she wouldn't be able to pilot the Simoun anymore. And as she is last seen heading off into the Simoun...Yeah.

And I also do think Amuria IS dead, because she didn't do the Emerald Ri Majon correctly. If it had worked right, she and Neviril both would have time traveled. But it failed, and her side of the Simoun was destroyed - implying that she was at least hurt. I guess she could have survived, but I think it's far more likely that the Emerald Ri Majon just completely obliterated her body.
Jul 11, 2011 11:48 PM
Jan 2009
i thinks its a real pitty that the big ship (sorry forgot the name) that they lived on for so long and that they all loved is sitting in the middle of a lake. although it is reasonable as most retired ships do get sunk to the bottom of the ocean now a days it just so sad to see all those memories may it be good or bad to be sunken. also it feels like such a waist to have it sit there. there could be valuable stuff in there. and its also sad how they all had to split up :(
I am Muggy, Misty is my partner in crime ;3

Dec 15, 2011 1:14 AM
Apr 2011
The ending was not as satisfying as it should have been. It got a little confusing for me with the different worlds, but what upsets me the most is that Aaeru and Neviril didn't kiss T-T

There were also a lot of cliffhangers, but I suppose most anime have them too. Like, what happened to Aaeru and Neviril after they danced? What ever happened to Mamiina's body? What become of The Holy Land?

Gah, so many questions. I wish there was a sequel or a movie or something to quell my need for more Simoun.
Apr 22, 2012 4:14 PM

Mar 2010
I loved this anime and the ending. People claim it was confusing but I don't see how. Whatever, it could be because I've seen way too many anime with supposedly confusing ending. XD

To my explanaton of stuff that happened:

About Onashia: She is clearly Dominura. HOWEVER, I'm pretty certain that she didn't have her memories from being Dominura. Something must have happened before Limone and Dominura went for the last flight and as a result, Limone died. Dominura couldn't bear her sadness and she somehow managed to seal some of her memories inside the helical motor(s) (she knew which one she would look into). That's why when she looked into it she later said she saw someone's memories and what was behind Emerald Ri-Maajon. This happened only to Dominura, so it could be they were her memories and reacted to her. It makes sense since Onashia doesn't speak much of her past. Possibly because she simply doesn't have many memories. The fact that they both belonged to Chor Dextra and Onashia is said to have lived for decades so unless she belonged there as speaker of the god/head of the government (what would be very weird), she must have been someone else.

About Dominura: I think they actually managed to pull off Emerald Ri-Maajon but misunderstood it as something that went wrong, tried to run away from it but a few of them got caught in it, including her. Maybe something went wrong with her partner adn she died. Why do I think this? Not only she is MUCH younger than someone who was her (technically) boss, but when she has her flashback time, she is flying down from sky in Simoun. ALONE. There are no other Simoun in the scene. Considering that they were using all 6 Simoun, it is highly unlikely that no one would be there. IMO she got transported to future. That would also explain why she got affected by it faster than Limone. Limone traveled only once, while Dominura twice. I think Onashia did something to cover it up (since they are the same person it just makes sense). Also it might have affected her aging, that's why she was younger while she traveled only a few minutes in time. But I'm pretty sure she DID travel in time.

About Aeru and Neviril: The last scene with them was just a metaphor. I think that was because in their case Emerald Ri-Majon worked completely (they were the only ones using it that wished to go the other world, all other either didn't care-Limone, Dominura or used it for some other purpose-everyone else) and they exist beyond time and space (they and their Simoun appears randomly). The other world could pretty much be a higher plane of existence or something like paradise (since they talked about Land of Hope). The last scene basically says that they are happy and together forever, "eternal maidens". As everything around them decays, they stay the same (that implies that time doesn't flow for them), dacing in embrace (implies happines and different form of existence since they ignore the world around as if it wasn't there to them).

About Yun: Notice that she was the one who stayed behind with Aeru after Limone's and Dominura's disappearance. She said she probably knew what was the reason. Aeru's reason was most likely her grandfather. But I don't remember Yun's ever being clearly said. She also lost her sagitta. The only one aside form her who lost her partner on screen was Neviril. Afterwards, Onashia went herself after her directly, while it was implied that calling Onashia for something stupid was improper. IMO that was the first time Onashia indirectly asked for her help by revealing her weakness to her (she was told she couldn't touch her). She approached close enough for physcial contact and didn't look upset when Yun tried to make it. It was her assitants that stopped her not Onashia. She clearly wanted to get closer to Yun. If she is Dominura, and Dominura did lose her partner while doing Emerald Ri-Maajon, then it's clear that she wanted to contact someone she felt close to (same loss) but Neviril already moved on at that point and possibly it was too long ago for her so the only option was Yun. Afterall why else would Onashia bother with bringing her a cut ponytail? Why would she say she secretly hoped she would save her? It makes sense when you think about it.

Ok, that's it. I'm done. No one will probably read this. XD
SuiNoByakkoApr 22, 2012 4:20 PM
Aug 7, 2012 1:42 PM

Aug 2012
I loved the anime, and I think the end was quite good,I really liked it! I just wished that Paraietta had ended up with Caimu, who loved her, but anyway...
Here is my POV :)

1- Dominura IS Onashia. Both said they were in Choir Dextra, and it is said that Dominura is the last survivor of that choir. Not only that, in the last episode Dominura loose the same sparkle as Onashia because they didn't went to the spring. Also they look like each other if you look carefully.
When dominura looked into the simoun she told Rimone that she saw "someone's memories" and after that she says "something's memories" I am pretty sure she was talking about Onashia'a memories, so she did know what she was going to become when she did the emerald rimaajon. And if you pay attention when she saw into the helical motors she made the same expression as Yun when she was going to take Onashia's place.
Onashia told Yun that they were the same, a her companions died and she wanted to be close to them but go away too (that happened when she was in choir dextra). Also in the last episode it is said that the helical motors hold secrets between time and space, so I believe that this is one of the secrets.
~so basically: dominura saw what she was going to become, and did the esmerald rimaajon with Rimone, they went to the PAST, in some point of their lifes something happened to Rimone, Dominura continued to live on and she ended up becoming Onashia.

2- Rimone and Dominura went to the PAST. When they arrive in that place Dominura and Limone start talking about the FIRST simoun and who was the two maidens who teached the people how to use it, so I think this is the way the director made to lead people to this conclusion.
Also when Rimone saw Aaeru's simoun she says "Aaeru" and teach a girl from the village its meaning, It can't be a coincidence that her name (which is pretty unusual) was a word in another dialect, so I believe that Rimone was the one who brought that word with its meaning and setted in that past dialect. And there were a lot of "ANCIENT Simouns" (the purple one) in that place, the same ones the people with that other dialect (with the Aaeru meaning love of god) drove.

3- Aaeru's Grandfather hasn't peformed the emerald rimaajon as he said in one episode to Aaeru, he wasn't able to travel to another world and that was why he wished for her to do it. About choir Dextra, he was a member but one day he decided to go to the spring and left the Choir. When it was said that Dominura was the last survivor or Choir Dextra, Aaeru's grandfather was already dead, it doesn't mean he died still a sybilla, it only means Dominura is the only member left.
Although, I think Dominura and Aaeru's grandfather were in the choir in the same time, because Dominura recognize the song played in Aaeru's music box (which her grandfather gave to her), so maybe Dominura was like Rimone, the youngest in her choir, that's why she liked and identified herself with Rimone so much.

4-Niviril and Aaeru: they did the emerald rimaajon and they went to another time and space. Nobody knows where. I just don't believe that they went to another plane, since it was said that the emerald rimaajon traveled just in time and space and this higher plane ideia was created based in other animes(?)
The last scene, with Aaeru and Niviril dancing, is just a representation, a metaphor of what the other sybillas are thinking: their "eternal maidens". I think it is a beautiful ending :)

PS: Sorry for writing so much >.< And forgive me for any mistakes, english is not my first language. :)
miyinAug 7, 2012 4:30 PM
Aug 10, 2012 4:57 AM

May 2008
So I'm pretty sure now that Dominura was Onashia since Dominura was shown to have the same sort of glowing flaky skin condition that Onashia had and it seemed that Dominura and Limune went to the past so why didn't she do something to prevent the war? Also what happened to Limune since she obviously didn't go to the spring (was there even a "spring" in that time?) because she was going to pilot a Simoun with Dominura again.

Yun replacing Onashia in the spring felt so random, it's like the creators just forgot to give her a role for the entire series then suddenly remembers she existed in the final 4 or so episodes.

Also it didn't make much sense for the opposition to ask for a treaty seeing as they were basically winning, if all they wanted was to get rid of their Simoun pilots then they could have easily done that seeing as they had found a lot of ancient Simouns for some reason.

I do have to say though the character development in the show was done brilliantly well aside for the actual two main characters, honestly I wish they didn't devout so much episodes to Neveril having an existential crisis and actually focused on having a coherent story line.
MagEarwhigAug 10, 2012 5:50 AM
Aug 21, 2012 4:28 PM
Aug 2012
Couldn't resist but throw my hat in to the Onashia=Dominura? debate :D

I strongly believe that Dominura does become/is/transforms into/is just as bangin' hot as Onashia. Even from the first few episodes I was struck by how similar they looked but at the time I was like "nahhhhh" because frankly we hadn't been given any indications of the possibility. But the indications came rolling in like a thunderstorm so I will briefly recap what so many before me have already eloquently put forth as ultimately very compelling evidence.

-Dominura tells us that she was the last surviving member of Chor Dextra. Well Onashia tells us that she was in Chor Dextra, as well. I don't feel like it would have strengthened the plot or added any umph to the series for Onashia to have casually "dropped" that she was a member of Chor Dextra. just sayin' ;)
-Onashia goes through the trouble of showing Yun the sparkling dust and describing it in great detail. Oh and in the last episode we see Dominura was very obviously trailing sparkling dust (back in time with Limone). And she has mysteriously fallen ill with some sort of ailment :( oh but could it be her descent/ascent into becoming Onashia?
-Yun, while meditating on her new role as keeper of the spring and all the stuff Onashia dumped onto her, says Dominura's name with a slight gasp of revelation and enlightenment. Onashia probably tipped her off that, you know, she used to be Dominura ;) It wouldn't have made sense for Yun to have gasped Dominura's name without such import.

And as for Dom and Onash having both 'existed' in the same time and space I really wouldn't worry about it. I mean, Onashia alerted us that she can be everywhere in any time/space/etc. and time travel/parallel universes/overlapping existences are a central theme of Simoun so..there you have it.

Last thoughts about the series? Well-it's awesome, horrifically underrated, and magnificently done.
Fave characters? Paraietta (hot, obviously a better choice for Neviril in my opinion), Mamiina (also pretty hot, sassy, and foxy), and Dominura (an ultra babe). Were my favorites chosen based on hotness? Maybe, maybe not.
Aug 29, 2012 4:58 AM

Apr 2012
I finally pulled myself together and finished watching this series. I think it took me, what, one-and-a-half year? Oh wow.

First things first. The ending was way to vague for my liking; Neviril and Aeru performs the Emerald Ri Maajon and travel to another world/time, Dominura agrees to fly with Limone again, and all the other Sibyllae grows up. But that's about as many answers as we get!

Did Neviril and Aeru ever make it to their destination? And what happened to Dominura and Limone? Does the Emerald Ri Maajon really send people back in time? I'm very confused about all this...

I have a theory though. I believe Dominura is Onashia, as many of the above comments also state. Like Onashia, she's a former member of Choir Dextra, and from what we've seen, she never chose her gender. In the last episode, she was shown feeling ill; maybe poor health is a side-effect of not choosing your gender? Onashia did look somewhat sick if you ask me. Also, they look pretty similar, and Yun did say Dominura's name after she replaced Onashia.

Agh, all this thinking and speculating is making my head hurt! I liked the opening because it was really serence and nostalgic done, but all the loose ends really get to me!
Aug 29, 2012 5:24 AM

Apr 2012
Okay, so after reading the Simoun article on Wikipedia for the past half our, I think I have some answers for you guys!

Dominura and Limone:
With the secret of the Emerald Ri Mājon revealed, we are finally shown what happened to Rimone and Dominūra. They landed in the far past, in the aftermath of a destructive war and a long period of lean economic times. Humanity had forgotten the secrets of the Simoun and the ways of their faith. The ancient Simoun found at the Ruins sit idle by the edge of the town where the two land, reduced to mere playthings for children. As the two are summoned to explain themselves to the townspeople, Dominūra explains to Rimone what she saw in the helical motors that upset her so much: she saw herself landing in this very town, explaining to the townspeople about the Emerald Ri Mājon, and thereby causing the entire war and all of the ensuing suffering. She asks Rimone for advice, and Rimone explains that if there had not been Simouns, she never would have met Chor Tempest or Dominūra. This admission overcomes Dominūra's reservations, and history unfolds exactly as Dominūra and Rimone remember it.

After reading all the stuff on Wikipedia, I understood so much more! So if you're confused about the ending, reading that will help clear up a few things. Also, it makes the ending seem even sadder :'(
Nov 10, 2012 8:11 PM
Jul 2011
kihari said:

2- Rimone and Dominura went to the PAST. When they arrive in that place Dominura and Limone start talking about the FIRST simoun and who was the two maidens who teached the people how to use it, so I think this is the way the director made to lead people to this conclusion.
Also when Rimone saw Aaeru's simoun she says "Aaeru" and teach a girl from the village its meaning, It can't be a coincidence that her name (which is pretty unusual) was a word in another dialect, so I believe that Rimone was the one who brought that word with its meaning and setted in that past dialect. And there were a lot of "ANCIENT Simouns" (the purple one) in that place, the same ones the people with that other dialect (with the Aaeru meaning love of god) drove.

Based on this, is there any possibility that Aaeru and Neviril arrived at the same past as Limone and Dominura?

Despite after all these happened in the end, the war between Plumbum and Argentum may break out, the simoun may used as tool of wars, the cycle of wars keep going....this is the only truth that made feel somewhat sad and unsatisfying for the ending.
Nov 24, 2012 4:47 AM
Jul 2009
Dominura is Onasia? lol I doubt it. The "sparkly" problem was a general side-effect of never going through The Spring proper. Chances are, it would happen to Limone, Yun, Aeru and Neviril as well (wherever they are). Besides Onashia said she ended that way because she was always trying to avoid taking decision (a bit like Aeru) while Dominura never seemed to be that sort of person. Dominura wasn't flying to avoid taking decisions and scape from reality; she had decided to fly for Limone's sake.

Dominura is also distinguished from Onashia in that
-Onashia said she had never gone to the different world (Dominura went)
-and that she had never embraced others (Dominura apparently did to Limone)
-Onashia is 178cm tall while Dominura is 168cm tall.
1idd0kunNov 24, 2012 10:57 AM
Mar 18, 2013 4:11 PM
Aug 2011
Just watched this series. It's a great story.
I agree on the Dominura=Onashia theory. Thanks for that.
As for the ending, yeah, they (Aaeru and Nevril) weren't "there". I don't think it's easy to dance on a tilted floor.
They are probably the only two that went "outside time".
Where you'll end up probably depends on how you love eachother.
I think the ending could be better. They were also a bit too care-free imho. And by the time you'll grasp the story, it's over already.
Jan 4, 2014 5:56 PM
Jun 2010
Honestly, this episode brought my rating down from a nine to an eight. I'm fine with that open ending stuff for the most part, but other things, like Mamiina's body should be concluded.

Another thing I didn't like was how they just show Wapoureif and Minoras with kids all of a sudden. I want to know how they got together. I'd been waiting for that shit for like, twenty-something episodes! Same goes for the two guys whose names I'm not going to bother trying to spell. Were they together? Because I shipped it.

I like how Rodore's hairstyle is like Mamiina's, I found that cute. I like'd seeing Erif, and I just found the whole need for Neviril and Aeru to go into the future to be completely unnecessary. The girls were pondering why they did it, and I still don't get why they did. Well, I suppose I do, but the reasoning is freakishly stupid, if you ask me.

A pretty disappointing ending to an overall wonderful series. I thought from the very beginning that I'd hate this series. The only reason I watched it was because I made a vow to watch every anime which Chiaki Ishikawa sings in, since I am obsessed with Chiaki Ishikawa. I was surprised when I ended up liking it, but I should have known better than to think it would be good the whole way through.
Jan 5, 2014 7:11 AM

May 2013
LookB4uJump said:
Honestly, this episode brought my rating down from a nine to an eight. I'm fine with that open ending stuff for the most part, but other things, like Mamiina's body should be concluded.

Another thing I didn't like was how they just show Wapoureif and Minoras with kids all of a sudden. I want to know how they got together. I'd been waiting for that shit for like, twenty-something episodes! Same goes for the two guys whose names I'm not going to bother trying to spell. Were they together? Because I shipped it.

I like how Rodore's hairstyle is like Mamiina's, I found that cute. I like'd seeing Erif, and I just found the whole need for Neviril and Aeru to go into the future to be completely unnecessary. The girls were pondering why they did it, and I still don't get why they did. Well, I suppose I do, but the reasoning is freakishly stupid, if you ask me.

A pretty disappointing ending to an overall wonderful series. I thought from the very beginning that I'd hate this series. The only reason I watched it was because I made a vow to watch every anime which Chiaki Ishikawa sings in, since I am obsessed with Chiaki Ishikawa. I was surprised when I ended up liking it, but I should have known better than to think it would be good the whole way through.
...Did you even watch the show?

Wapourif was in a gender-changing proccess since episode 1 and in the last episode he was already a full built man. Morinas and him were teasing each other from early episodes till the very last ones too, unless you're blind or skipping scenes. The two guys you were talking about were "together" when they were sibyllae, so I assume they stood together in the end as well.

They were young and naive, why not? They wanted to try something new without having anyone to boss them around. It wasn't the right choice, it was the choice they thought they would be happy with.

You didn't think it was going to be good from episode 1 considering you started complaining about trivial things from the fucking first episode, so quit being delusional.
Jan 11, 2014 5:58 PM
Sep 2011
I agree in these points with @Misuki. The relation between Wapourif and Morinas was developing since the first episodes. Also the relation between Anubituf and Guragief was promissing since the beggining and I think they end up together.

About Mamiinna's body, it wasn't a subject. It just remain there, in the place it had fallen - I don't think it's a bad thing about the serie.
Jan 15, 2014 1:39 AM
Jan 2012
This is truly an underrated gem. I'm ashamed to have put it off by so long. My feelings of how I felt after watching this is difficult to put into words. I liked how detailed the world was and how each character got character development. The story is compelling and it was honestly difficult to stop watching. Although, I felt the anime could have done better on several aspects, namely the relationships between characters, I thought it was a really fleshed out anime that deserves more recognition.

I can personally relate a lot with its coming of age theme and the ending. It was fitting. Everyone has to grow up eventually. There is no 'happy' ending to everything. Life just goes on and it will never go the way you want it to and you have to live with it. I thought this anime expressed this feeling perfectly.

Also, for those who questioned whether Aaeru and Neviril went to the future or past, when did they ever say they are restricted to just one timeline?
Jan 19, 2014 9:16 PM

Nov 2012
That was nice. My only complaint would be inappropriate music in some scenes of the first half (dance music in sad moments) and Neriviril's character design (she looks like a children doll).
That aside and I would probably give it a ten.
Jan 19, 2014 10:21 PM

Aug 2013
xxHxx said:
About Mamiinna's body, it wasn't a subject. It just remain there, in the place it had fallen - I don't think it's a bad thing about the serie.

Yeah that was sad but at the same time beautiful. I didn't get the impression of her (body) being abandoned though. She's resting in the field of flowers, certainly Mamiina would prefer that than be buried like a normal citizen. I'd like to think the enemy sibylla even gave her a proper funeral seeing how much they revere the sibyllas.

It's been months since I watched this but whenever I remember Mamiina's death I still get a little teary-eyed :(
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Jan 20, 2014 9:51 PM

May 2013
Xinisterad said:
That was nice. My only complaint would be inappropriate music in some scenes of the first half (dance music in sad moments) and Neriviril's character design (she looks like a children doll).
That aside and I would probably give it a ten.
Agreed. Especially in episode 4, when Aaeru had to cut that dead man's stiff hands to get in the simoun, this track was playing despite being completely unfitting.

I read somewhere that some critic compared Neviril's character design to a sex blow up doll, so yeah. I didn't like her that much anyway (I tend to get annoyed very easily by drama queens) so it didn't really bother me. Aaeru was the one who made Neviril bearable to me, so thank god to my favorite blonde mickey mouse girl.
Apr 28, 2014 5:52 PM

Mar 2014
just finished the series, and i am going to post some thoughts and questions here since it is the last episode thread.

sometimes i might refer to a male as a female simply because i didnt really see anyone as "male" in this series, at least in the traditional sense. and i dont think there were any male voice actors either.

the sisters (kaimu and alti i think?) were together at the end right? i always shipped them and i was really happy to see that they got to spend their lives together. both as females too! for me this was the happiest part of the ending

i am glad paraietta stayed female. i hated that the show made it out that if you loved someone or wanted to be strong you had to choose male. of course the show showed that this reasoning evolved over time, and wasnt really true, but in the first episodes i was a little put off by it

i had no idea that wapourif was in the gender changing process since the first episode! pretty stupid mistake on my part since the "f" was added to her name, but still that threw me for a huge loop.

and who makes a woman who is pregnant and in her third trimester do manual labor? isnt that a health risk? *edit: i came back because i reread this and thought "wow, that kind of sounds sexist". i wasnt trying to be, but i know that being pregnant stresses the spine and morinas was literally lifting heavy boxes. not being a sexist jerk, just incredulous and concerned :)

also totally shipped the captain and her second in command, they kissed and they were seen together in the last episode. dont care if they were both male, it was heartfelt for me

did yun say dominura's name when she embraced onashia? i dont really remember, but... if she did i will buy into the "dominura is onashia" thing... even if it does take a lot of convoluted theories to justify

dominura was showing signs of the dust thing at the end, because she didnt choose a gender? but if she completed the emerald with limone she shouldnt have to worry about that right? so do all people that complete the emerald have to suffer the same ill health dust symptoms as dominura? or was it because she hadnt chosen a gender for so long? and does doing the emerald again help her maintain her health?

and when limone and dominura do the emerald again, where do they go?

I also thought that because they did the emerald that they would stay "the same forever" as mentioned by the other girls, but limone is seen to be more mature (physically) than when she first did the emerald

and when a simoun comes out of an emerald in the sky where limone and dominura are (when limone explains the meaning of "aaeru" to the girl before dominura says she wants to fly again), who is it? aaeru and neviril? or just some random pair?

did paraietta just carve one character on the arcus prima? i think she did only do one... so that means someone came back and did the rest? this is just speculation on my part since we didnt see what para drew

how, of all people, did floe choose male?!

not even going to start on aaeru and neviril... that was way too open of an ending for them. though i get they they are supposed to be happy forever and that they will love each other and be immortal, but it was still a little open

ship dancing scene is definitely a metaphor *edit: ok, maybe not... I really don't know on this one, it is just so open for interpretation. I want to think that they traveled to the future, and therefore they were actually dancing on the ruined arcus prima, but everything anyone says (except if the writers were to come out and say anything) is purely speculation... though I do consider the metaphor thing to be more likely

overall it was great series and though i rated it pretty low (for lack of clarity involving the story and world setting, and the music which was absolutely terrible!) i still really enjoyed it. even though it felt really lacking in the way that character romance/pairings were resolved
MatsuokaKiranApr 29, 2014 7:48 AM
Jun 3, 2014 1:01 PM
Jun 2014
Th above is all good discussion, and answered many of my questions, but my concern is, weren't Dominura and Rimone sent back to prevent the war? Later, Aer and Neviril are given the same mission by a desperate High Priestess. From what I saw, especially at the end, neither team did anything at all about the war.

Excellent series, though!
Jun 8, 2014 5:17 PM

Nov 2011
Overall a decent series and I especially enjoyed some of the soundtrack and characters. Finally managed to finish this show after it being sitting in my backlog for ages.
Jun 26, 2014 10:43 PM
Apr 2012
Wow, I realized so many things reading all your opinions.
I agree that Dominura is Onashia, because of various reasons that have already been written everywhere in this discussion. :P
I have mixed feelings about the last scene with Aeru and Neviril, altough the one that I believe to be certain is that it really is a metaphor.
I still have a few questions left, though.
They are not supposed to age since they are in another time and space, but we see that Limone did age as we can see in the last episode. Now, if they do age, does that mean that Aeru and Neviril will age, too? Some may say that Limone chose to be a woman and that's why she ages and Dominura doesn't, but does a Spring even exist at that time? Because it is obvious that they travel back in time, so does it exist at that time? And lastly, why did Yun say Dominura's name in the Spring?
Overall, now that I understand almost everything, I think this anime was pretty well-thought and has a really interesting story!
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