Yeah I figured as much; I'm only looking for possible places to work in but not going to actually do it unless I'm 80% done with my thesis. It will be too much stress and lack of time will only mess things up. That's great! It's important to work in something that is related to your field of study and to actually enjoy the job! I'm hoping to land a job relevant to my field but my *best* option conflicts with my social anxiety and makes it near impossible for me. Though, mom is totally encouraging me for this job especially that my (future) degree would enable me to do so. ;u;
I do want to move out of this country for good. But it'll be a while before I make to that point so I will not stress about it in the time being.
Dream job? Somewhere in the academic field. Teaching and doing research and attending conferences with many hotshot academic figures and getting published. That's my scene tbh. BUT social anxiety is a HUGE obstacle like I can't even do a presentation without having 59546 panic attacks. orz
Not to worry about it, you just have fun and we can always comment on each others walls when time permits. (plus, i miss miss miss our chats from the old days! glad we are communicating again :D)
Same, the past two years were very slow for me anime wise, barely watched 5 or 6 series. I can recommend stuff to you:
Jigoku Shoujo (amazing story about how vicious people can be and shows you how horrible humans are. Plus, great main characters ughhhh)
Chihayafuru (a girl with a passion for a japenese traditional card game, lots of passion and hard work and friendships)
Aku no Hana (amazing, period. I mean, read my review on it because I will end up writing an essay about it ;A;)
Anohana (a bittersweet story about friends growing apart after a childhood accident. keep a box of tissues nearby while you watch it)
Ano Natsu de Matteru (similar themes to Please Teacher. Love story with drama and heartache)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (like, not your typical mahou shoujo anime I swear! it's like mai hime with it's dark and tragic themes your heart will break 1000x as you watch it and episode 11 will shatter your heart and makes things 5000x more painful ughhhh)
Otona Joshi no anime Time (they're like 4-5 short films that are so amazing! like the characters are all women who come with different life obstacles and I related to every one of these stories because we do face these issues as we become adults)
Psycho Pass (crime drama in a future world. that was some amazing shit like holy shit just watch it okay!)
Steins; Gate (sci-fi about time travelling and mad scientists. one of the brst anime series that came out in recent years no joke)
Zetsuen no Tempest (okay, this one is action, drama, amazing shit and characters. I was hooked from the beginning like the story kept evolving and you just can't stop watch it because you want to see how it ends)
I think I better stop here? Like, I wrote a huge wall of text already poor senpai will have to read all of this plus look up these anime series. :D
That's great! You're almost done by now but yeah thesis writing is serious business, no joke.
I've been avoiding that, being all grown up and all. Like, I even declined a job offer because that's waaaaay too much responsibility at once (not really, I'm not cut for a job that deals with customers on the phone plus this is not a position for someone with my degree to be working in) I'm sorta kinda looking into other places but sadly all my options (places I REALLY want to work in) would require full attention because I'll be working until real late and that would not be possible with school and papers and all that crap.
I finished one year, hopefully this will be one more year of classes then THESIS. Granted it might take me longer but hopefully by not a lot, like maybe a semester or a year but this should be it. uwu
Oh stigni me Marija, dokazi mi se kao musko (secas li se ovoga?)
Naravno naravno, i da Gintama konacno dodje do 300!
Nije da ja imam neki mnogo interesantan zivot stoga nista novo posebno, klasicno preterano uzivljavanje u Game of Thrones i ostale serije. Ti imas necim da se pohvalis?
Hmm neka serija...cenim da oces i dalje shounen stoga Jojo? Ima vec neko vreme kako se zavrsila serija tako da mozes celo lepo da pogledas. Preporuka za Kuroko no Basuke i dalje stoji, osim toga ne znam sta vise jer stvarno nesto ne uzivam vise u shounen serijama. Mozda bi te interesovalo Shingeki no Kyojin al to se i dalje daje. Ako se ipak nateras da pogledas nesto sto nije shounen probaj Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita, ima da se osecas posle toga kao da imas type 2 dijabetes.
Najavili su cak 2 yuri serije, se radujes? Ona jedna sa ubicama deluje da ima potencijala.
Inace posto su ukinuli msn ja sad koristim skype tako da ako se pojavljujes tamo mozes me dodati.
Nije li to ona serija koja ima gomilu CG-a? Meni je delovalo kao da ima potencijala al CG na ljudima je poprilicno nope.
Si gledala i Yuru Yuri? Mada to mi lici vise na lazni yurilust, samo cute girls doing cute things uglavnom. Eh necemo doziveti neku yuri seriju da vidimo da se ribe ljudski dovate.
Ocekujem da ces odgledati, naduvana ili ne, kako vec preferiras~
All Comments (4216) Comments
Kaj menite o igri Gundam SEED Freedom v zadnjem času?
Zanima me, kako se bo njegova animacija primerjala s prihodnjimi filmi o Macrossu.
Medtem bom bral neodvisne stripe.
I do want to move out of this country for good. But it'll be a while before I make to that point so I will not stress about it in the time being.
Dream job? Somewhere in the academic field. Teaching and doing research and attending conferences with many hotshot academic figures and getting published. That's my scene tbh. BUT social anxiety is a HUGE obstacle like I can't even do a presentation without having 59546 panic attacks. orz
Not to worry about it, you just have fun and we can always comment on each others walls when time permits. (plus, i miss miss miss our chats from the old days! glad we are communicating again :D)
Same, the past two years were very slow for me anime wise, barely watched 5 or 6 series. I can recommend stuff to you:
Jigoku Shoujo (amazing story about how vicious people can be and shows you how horrible humans are. Plus, great main characters ughhhh)
Chihayafuru (a girl with a passion for a japenese traditional card game, lots of passion and hard work and friendships)
Aku no Hana (amazing, period. I mean, read my review on it because I will end up writing an essay about it ;A;)
Anohana (a bittersweet story about friends growing apart after a childhood accident. keep a box of tissues nearby while you watch it)
Ano Natsu de Matteru (similar themes to Please Teacher. Love story with drama and heartache)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (like, not your typical mahou shoujo anime I swear! it's like mai hime with it's dark and tragic themes your heart will break 1000x as you watch it and episode 11 will shatter your heart and makes things 5000x more painful ughhhh)
Otona Joshi no anime Time (they're like 4-5 short films that are so amazing! like the characters are all women who come with different life obstacles and I related to every one of these stories because we do face these issues as we become adults)
Psycho Pass (crime drama in a future world. that was some amazing shit like holy shit just watch it okay!)
Steins; Gate (sci-fi about time travelling and mad scientists. one of the brst anime series that came out in recent years no joke)
Zetsuen no Tempest (okay, this one is action, drama, amazing shit and characters. I was hooked from the beginning like the story kept evolving and you just can't stop watch it because you want to see how it ends)
I think I better stop here? Like, I wrote a huge wall of text already poor senpai will have to read all of this plus look up these anime series. :D
I've been avoiding that, being all grown up and all. Like, I even declined a job offer because that's waaaaay too much responsibility at once (not really, I'm not cut for a job that deals with customers on the phone plus this is not a position for someone with my degree to be working in) I'm sorta kinda looking into other places but sadly all my options (places I REALLY want to work in) would require full attention because I'll be working until real late and that would not be possible with school and papers and all that crap.
I finished one year, hopefully this will be one more year of classes then THESIS. Granted it might take me longer but hopefully by not a lot, like maybe a semester or a year but this should be it. uwu
I'm good, enjoying my summer break before school starts again.
How about you? You finished grad school by now, yes?
Naravno naravno, i da Gintama konacno dodje do 300!
Nije da ja imam neki mnogo interesantan zivot stoga nista novo posebno, klasicno preterano uzivljavanje u Game of Thrones i ostale serije. Ti imas necim da se pohvalis?
Hmm neka serija...cenim da oces i dalje shounen stoga Jojo? Ima vec neko vreme kako se zavrsila serija tako da mozes celo lepo da pogledas. Preporuka za Kuroko no Basuke i dalje stoji, osim toga ne znam sta vise jer stvarno nesto ne uzivam vise u shounen serijama. Mozda bi te interesovalo Shingeki no Kyojin al to se i dalje daje. Ako se ipak nateras da pogledas nesto sto nije shounen probaj Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita, ima da se osecas posle toga kao da imas type 2 dijabetes.
Najavili su cak 2 yuri serije, se radujes? Ona jedna sa ubicama deluje da ima potencijala.
Inace posto su ukinuli msn ja sad koristim skype tako da ako se pojavljujes tamo mozes me dodati.
Si gledala i Yuru Yuri? Mada to mi lici vise na lazni yurilust, samo cute girls doing cute things uglavnom. Eh necemo doziveti neku yuri seriju da vidimo da se ribe ljudski dovate.
Ocekujem da ces odgledati, naduvana ili ne, kako vec preferiras~