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Oct 31, 2019 7:48 AM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- Nice, we got some good fashioned aerial combat and fighting this episode. I know not every ship girl got their spotlight but it does some screentime forth action. The naval battles also bought out some more exciting moments this episode. Personally, my favorite epsiode of this season so far. |
Oct 31, 2019 8:56 AM
Repulse makes the same annoying gestures as in the game. Luckily Atago appeared as well and her gestures made things well especially when she teased Takao, the way she helped Ayanami was also nice. San Diego showing what she is good at in game Anti Aircraft she worth having in your fleet despite how annoying she is. Helena appearing was nice as well. |
Oct 31, 2019 9:28 AM
I want Repuls-ive to go away. Sandy is numbah wan |
Oct 31, 2019 10:14 AM
whoa, plenty of action this episode. British bombardment as a decoy, so some of them can sneak in to rescue the maids. Akashi still very funny. Going to be turned into shamisen if captured. xD Laffy very brave to not dodge the sword... Against a fully repaired Enterprise, the germans can only retreat. Second time Prinz Eugen retreated, I guess she does not want to fight a battle where she does not have an advantage. |
Oct 31, 2019 10:32 AM
Damn, I knew about Enty being able to fire more than one arrow but aiming them in different directions was surprising to me. The way I see it, Enterprise got the upper hand because of her being an aircraft carrier. Basically, she can summon airplanes and nuke them from the air or shoot them down. While all the other Ironblood ships were crusiers and destroyers so they were stuck on the ground. Either way, I like the episode. Way better than last week's one, imo. If this is only a rescue mission then what would happen if it was an actual war. Hopefully we get to see that in the later episodes. |
Oct 31, 2019 10:52 AM
Kinda sad that every somewhat interesting fight ends just with enty showing up. I get it shes strong, but please. Ive been gettin all hyped up for Prinz vs Belfast and it ends as it always did so far, Reinforcements coming in (usually Enterprise) followed up by a retreat of the Sakura/Ironblod ppl.. I only want my Shipfus to beat the crap out of each other in a fair fight, is that too much to ask for? |
AtropaxOct 31, 2019 2:21 PM
Oct 31, 2019 11:06 AM
SpkPlasma said: Kinda sad that every somewhat interesting fight ends just with enty showing up. I get it shes strong but please I feel the same way too. Fight end just because Enty show up, come on. |
It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person. |
Oct 31, 2019 11:23 AM
Wow, okay, no offense, but the animation consistency continues to perplex me here. Now perhaps I'm looking in too much here, but many of the frames during the fight scenes felt too stiff or weird. Not exactly good when you're trying to convey a sense of high stakes and intensity in the episode itself. Ayanami, which side will you choose, though? |
Oct 31, 2019 11:38 AM
Edo_Light_16 said: The way I see it, Enterprise got the upper hand because of her being an aircraft carrier. Basically, she can summon airplanes and nuke them from the air or shoot them down. While all the other Ironblood ships were crusiers and destroyers so they were stuck on the ground. agreed on that. The germans don't have an aircraft carrier with them. Prinz Eugen probably know what's going to happen if the fight continue. cythraul said: Scared akashi is cute nyaa~ repairs easier now for Azur Lane. They got one more repair ship. :) |
Liddo-kunOct 31, 2019 11:42 AM
Oct 31, 2019 12:00 PM
This show is terrible, I guess only hardcore fans of the game are the only one that can enjoy it. This is deathly boring and characters are really bad The scenario too is uninteresting af |
Oct 31, 2019 12:01 PM
Very very boring episode again. I'm gonna be serious i'm struggling so much to not drop it, it is one the worst anime i've ever seen |
Oct 31, 2019 1:04 PM
Atago oneesan <3 nice bonding with Takao ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Ayanami also. Yamashiro cute dork <3 Just as things were getting interesting Enty showed up and party is over lol. |
Oct 31, 2019 1:22 PM
This was a pretty good episode with all the navy battles. |
Oct 31, 2019 1:32 PM
The result of the fight become too predictable. Its annoying. i want to see iron blood or sakura empire win the fight for once |
Oct 31, 2019 2:19 PM
NERATE <3 lol i see everyone complaining about "Repulse does the same stuff as in the game" ... that's actually what i want to see from an adaptation lmfao there has been quite a few already, and i wish all of them did it was funny to see Norfolk and Suffolk getting ignored, they really wouldn't stand a chance, lucky haha |
winddevil1Oct 31, 2019 2:29 PM
Oct 31, 2019 2:29 PM
so is Atago and Takao sisters too? seems like incest there the animation quality dropped so hard this episode though damn |
Oct 31, 2019 2:36 PM
Strong first 3 episode but right now it's a mess. I actually got excited with the first few shots because it's going to be a battle episode but it became a boring one and the battle starts halfway through. It's nice that they divide up the ships to have a lot of smaller conflict rather than just 30 characters just standing around talking. But the problem is that all of the conflict ended disappointingly. For example: Rescuee vs Iron Blood - Shef, Edin, Akashi tried to escape but pinned down by the Iron Blood ships, Bel arrives then Enterprise so the Iron Blood just says, nah we're going even though Enty didn't do anything yet. It would be great if enty fired a couple of arrow damaging Z1 and/or Z23 that would force them to retreat but nah, they spend so much time doing nothing in the first half and they only half 2 minutes left before the episode ends. Rescuer A vs Atago and Takao - Cleve and Bel got ambushed and Cleve held them off so that Bel could rescue Shef and Edin. There wasn't even a fight here, it's just them standing until Bel run away. We just saw Cleve firing and the fight has no conclusion. Rescuer B vs Ayanami - not really a fight Laffey and Javelin just running away. It's more of a character development scene for ayanami rather than a fight scene. Distraction Team vs Sakura's Main Fleet - It's just a bunch of BBs firing at each other nothing really happens. We do get Kako and Furutaka and Fusou? just standing around doing nothing while Yamashiro looks like she's the only one fighting. 5th carrier division hunting enty - They dropped from the sky while Helena and Sandy fired at them (we never see them again for the rest of the episode). They got passed Sufolk and Norfolk and chased Hornet thinking it was Enty. The fight was also never resolved, so what happens when Hornet revealed herself would Zui and Shou just leave or would they beat Hornet? Maybe if they cut some filler dialog/scene from the first half then they could execute this episode better but who knows. |
Oct 31, 2019 2:48 PM
All right, I liked this episode as I did all the others, but I am saying this from the biased perspective of someone who plays the game and mainly just wants to see a bunch of waifus animated. However, there are a couple serious flaws with this series: Firstly, the plot is kind of flat, and by that it means it doesn't leave much of an impact on the viewer. It's easy enough to follow, even for people who don't play the game, but what it fails to do is explain why we should care about it. The Sirens haven't been expounded upon and nothing has been shown to explain why they are so feared, so Akagi and the Sakura Empire working with them doesn't appear that sinister. The show also never explained what exactly those Wisdom Cubes are and what that tainted Wisdom Cube does or why it's so important. Second is the fights... While I think they have the right idea by involving a lot of different ships and making it ship girl vs ship girl instead of just mindless monster vs ship girl like Kancolle did, the fights themselves aren't that interesting. Like others mentioned, the fight always ends before anything real can actually happen, and on top of that, it seems like no ship girls can die, so some of the weight has been drained out of these fights. Furthermore, the animation on these fights seems rather lackluster. Third is that weird Laffey/Ayanami/Javelin subplot. It just doesn't make any sense. Ayanami says she doesn't want to fight Laffey and Javelin because she saw that Azur Lane has plenty of friendly ship girls just like the Sakura Empire does, but Ayanami was only undercover there for a day at most? And Laffey and Javelin wanting to be friends with Ayanami makes even less sense because they only knew her for a few minutes. Finally, I think they should show a couple of scenes where the leaders of Azur Lane are discussing their overall strategy and what exactly they are doing, and show the leaders of the Axis powers doing the same thing as well. This would do a lot to help those who are lost about where the plot is going... And it would give them a chance to show best girl Bismarck! Overall, I still like the show, but I can honestly understand why those who expected too much from this gacha adaptation are disappointed. |
What's the difference? |
Oct 31, 2019 3:08 PM
I can't have enough of Belfast.. her voice is just, wow! Quite the quality drop this episode. Prinz Eugen (also lover her voice) has to retreat again, she knew she was at a disadvantage when Enterprise showed up. |
Oct 31, 2019 4:38 PM
Great episode again. I'm really enjoying this, to think that two of the new shows I'm enjoying the most this season are from gacha games. How the times have changed. xD Atago finally making her appearance, loved all her 'Onee-san' scenes, the Takao scene was was juicy and the Ayanami one was sweet. The fight scenes are good as always but I think the sequences in this episode weren't as good as the previous ones. Looks like Azur Lane's plan was to lure Zuikaku and Shoukaku away so they could have Enterprise be the sole carrier in the actual fight zone. As many people above have mentioned, it sounds like the reason the Ironbloods didn't fight back was because they have nothing to combat Enterprise right there. If only they had Tirpitz or Bismarck. xD Didn't get to see much of Akagi or Kaga this episode. :( Though that also begs the question of where they were when this was going on, they could've easily fought back against Enterprise had they been there. Sandy actually fulfilling her role as an AA ship. XD I was happy to see Helena though. Wish Belfast had a little more action sequences. Belfast vs Prinz would've been awesome. Laffey and Ayanami, the heart. |
Oct 31, 2019 7:05 PM
The most important thing in this episode is that Atago nee-san made her appearance, what an affectionate older sister, Takao should feel blessed and that moment when she calmed Ayanami ... damn I also want a hug from Atago and I have my slight suspects that Ai Kayano makes her voice. Sheffield and Edinburgh along with little Akashi are hidden on an abandoned island surrounded by the Sakura empire's fleet and some Ship girls from Iron Blood commanded by Prinz Eugen I totally agree with Shoukaku, Akagi and Kaga are behind something dark and dangerous, they should investigate them before it's too late, Zuikaku should support her sister. As in other episodes Belfast is the perfect maid, the reflection she has makes a lot of sense to Enterprise, now I begin to understand the mission of Belfast. The battle in general was quite good, from different battle fronts and the best was undoubtedly how they cheated Zuikaku using Hornet as a decoy, Enterprise cornered Prinz Eugen and her fleet and she preferred to retire without having casualties. Cleveland also surprised me when she offered to distract Atago and Takao so Belfast was able go to rescue her fellow maids. Laffey has guts, the little lazy girl has my respects, but the most important thing is that she and Javelin finally said what they really want from Ayanami, that the three of them can be friends, in the surroundings where the three of them are, I find it very difficult this friendship flourish, but who knows maybe this will form the foundation for the union of these two factions. Apart from Atago, today I met new ship girls from the Sakura Empire, Iron Blood, Eagle Union and Royal Navy. Personally speaking, Suffolk and Repulse caught my attention, Suffolk is another clumsy Maid and i love her and Repulse at first I saw her as another ship girl, until Azur Lane started the distraction and she made that gesture to fire her cannons. Yamashiro made me laugh a lot with her clumsiness, she is like the clumsy younger sister and Fusou is the older sister who is polite and neat. Today's episode was pretty good, the ship girls as in previous episodes are adorable and some are waifu materials, but it did bother me that the quality of the animation and art went down at some moments of the episode. I guess the revenge of Iron Blood and the Sakura Empire will be close after that humiliating battle. |
salbery755Oct 31, 2019 7:13 PM
Oct 31, 2019 8:13 PM
If anyone plays AL here, you can get Enty's skin like in episode 5 if you purchase BD, which should be available in december |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Oct 31, 2019 8:13 PM
Lelouch0202 said: Wish Belfast had a little more action sequences. Belfast vs Prinz would've been awesome. that has been postponed twice now. Well, it's only episode 5. Maybe a 1 vs 1 between Prinz and Belfast would happen later. Laffey and Ayanami, the heart. Laffey brave girl. Not move even when someone wants to whack her with a sharp sword. /respect the sleepy |
Oct 31, 2019 8:33 PM
Ayanami can't seem to want to fight Laffey and Javelin too, I guess true friendship transcends beyond war and duty. But I still Would've loved to see them fight each other, but what can you say when a show contains lolis, they'll always preach friendship above anything. Nice save by Enterprise, always a sweetheart. |
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove |
Oct 31, 2019 8:43 PM
HAHAH wtf are people on about... Nothing about this DOESN'T make sense. I don't play the games, i'm not a major Azur Lane fan... Not only was this episode not bad or confusing, it was one of the best thus far. There were a number of really great emotional moments, that i didn't expect to be getting watery to at all... and i'm not exactly an easy one to move either. The battles put a lot of similarl strength opponents against eachother, which created a lot of stalemates, which allowed Enterprise to punch through. The battle ended very satisfyingly if you have a basic grasp of either warfare, or of cinematographic presentation. Enterprise asserted dominance with a superior play which defeated the enemy without needing to use any ordnance, which differs from all before where she had over-expended her resources and came out battered up, whereas this time she stood pristine and proud. Winning a battle without needing to fire a shot is much much harder than winning one guns blazing. Not to mention there was tons of awesome combat choreography! Sturmdere said: (I apologize ahead of time if this sounds arrogant or derogatory.) First of all do you have any clue what a tactical retreat is? You being someone who appears to be ignorant of military strategy, let me inform you a little:But the problem is that all of the conflict ended disappointingly. For example: Rescuee vs Iron Blood - Shef, Edin, Akashi tried to escape but pinned down by the Iron Blood ships, Bel arrives then Enterprise so the Iron Blood just says, nah we're going even though Enty didn't do anything yet. It would be great if enty fired a couple of arrow damaging Z1 and/or Z23 that would force them to retreat but nah, they spend so much time doing nothing in the first half and they only half 2 minutes left before the episode ends. Between intilligent command, when it is clear that the enemy has completely out-played your strategy, the idiot move is to thereby engage in a disastrous battle which will incur pricless losses. When you know the enemy has out-moved you, and they KNOW they have out-moved you, not a shot needs to be fired, as both sides know who won this round. basically what they said: Liddo-kun said: Edo_Light_16 said: The way I see it, Enterprise got the upper hand because of her being an aircraft carrier. Basically, she can summon airplanes and nuke them from the air or shoot them down. While all the other Ironblood ships were crusiers and destroyers so they were stuck on the ground. Prinz Eugen probably know what's going to happen if the fight continue. As far as the rest of what you said, there was a lot of stuff going on and only so much can be covered within the span of the episode. Clearly they wish to move on with the story and not spend too much time on this particular battle. salbery755 said: The real Laffey had guts, did her best to take down a full battleship on her own amidst a hopeless situation (which eventually ended in her sinking).Laffey has guts, the little lazy girl has my respects, but the most important thing is that she and Javelin finally said what they really want from Ayanami, that the three of them can be friends, in the surroundings where the three of them are, I find it very difficult this friendship flourish, but who knows maybe this will form the foundation for the union of these two factions. Daemon said: It makes total sense... I don't get what your problem here is. They were established as trying/wanting to be friends in the anime due to them all being starter ships. Their relationship becomes a non-romantic Romeo & Juliet situation, where they are forced to fight due to being opposing sides. They see the other in a more personal human sense, which in real battle makes it very hard. Most wars paint their enemies as thugs or monsters or sacrilegious or something to make it easier for them to fight them without hesitation... these girls don't have that, they already started to bond, they aren't even particularly fond of battle and are stuck with the struggle between fighting to protect their people, and hurting others they'd like to protect by doing so. It's a pretty ancient cliche in conflict, and rather common in anime.Third is that weird Laffey/Ayanami/Javelin subplot. It just doesn't make any sense. Ayanami says she doesn't want to fight Laffey and Javelin because she saw that Azur Lane has plenty of friendly ship girls just like the Sakura Empire does, but Ayanami was only undercover there for a day at most? And Laffey and Javelin wanting to be friends with Ayanami makes even less sense because they only knew her for a few minutes. Daemon said: Why would this make any difference? It's already not hard to tell what is going on and what the plans are if you think about it for 2 seconds. Presenting it without a pre-established battle plan allows the watcher to be in suspense as to what is going to happen next, as you will be ignorant to the opponent's move, just as Prinz Eugen was ignorant to Enterprise's movements, and caught 'trousers down' by being a move behind. As always, being wrong feels like being right; Sakura and Iron Blood thought they were right, when they were not, and don't realize this until they are already beaten.Finally, I think they should show a couple of scenes where the leaders of Azur Lane are discussing their overall strategy and what exactly they are doing, and show the leaders of the Axis powers doing the same thing as well. This would do a lot to help those who are lost about where the plot is going... If anything showing the battle plans ahead of time would not only be pander-wanking strategy nerds (including myself), it would also destroy any sense of suspense or amazement by surprise. It'd be completely pointless in this instance. |
GenesisAriaOct 31, 2019 8:57 PM
❀桜舞う空〜 Cute is Power. 🔗CosmoGenesis Project AraOto ep06 @ 11:59 “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” “A truth seeker has no patience for BS.” I seek only to improve myself and others. |
Oct 31, 2019 11:15 PM
Loved the action packed episode but kind of disappointing the Iron Blood girls ran without a fight upon seeing Enterprise. the AL girls were outnumbered there and has some injured and non-combatants (Akashi and Edinburgh is useless lol). But I guess Enterprise is just to OP not to even mention Belfast. :) |
Nov 1, 2019 1:29 AM
Thorckan said: This show is terrible, I guess only hardcore fans of the game are the only one that can enjoy it. This is deathly boring and characters are really bad The scenario too is uninteresting af True,as a fan of the game im happy to see all the shipgirls even though the anime is kinda boring to me too |
Nov 1, 2019 4:56 AM
DustyGirl said: Thorckan said: This show is terrible, I guess only hardcore fans of the game are the only one that can enjoy it. This is deathly boring and characters are really bad The scenario too is uninteresting af True,as a fan of the game im happy to see all the shipgirls even though the anime is kinda boring to me too I'd probably say the same if they did a Girls Frontline anime instead |
Nov 1, 2019 5:08 AM
Sherayuu said: Loved the action packed episode but kind of disappointing the Iron Blood girls ran without a fight upon seeing Enterprise. the AL girls were outnumbered there and has some injured and non-combatants (Akashi and Edinburgh is useless lol). But I guess Enterprise is just to OP not to even mention Belfast. :) I think it's more of the fact that Enty has the vantage point and is sniping the Ironblood ships from above rather than her being OP. Prinz thought that they'd gain nothing for losing ships since this mission is more about getting the Dark Wisdom Cube from Sakura Empire. |
Nov 1, 2019 6:16 AM
Wait Cleveland is actually 1v9 |
"Only one with the courage to shoulder the burden of their own fate can be called a hero.." |
Nov 1, 2019 7:01 AM
As much as I love fanservice as a player, I'm getting more and more annoyed with "story". Enterprise is like the most boring ship in game, incluidng personality. She is so bland and "look I'm such a tragic hero" character that I want to puke every time I hear her lines. Seeing her get all the glory over and over again is just so annoying. There are other super well known ships (Warspite anyone?) that deserve to have such scenes too. Laffey, Javelin and Ayanami plot is too balant "friendship power" cliche. I don't mind it going that way, but could've been done in much more subtle way. Anyway, I love how they gave Yamashiro and Atago the attention they needed. I hope Sakura ships get more screentime and SoL scenes later on, because there are tons of good waifus that even anime-only ppl should love. I love Shoukaku's VA. Her tone when speaking (trashing...) about Akagi and Kaga is always so great. Overall I still stand by what I've been saying since they announced anime: story sucks, it should've been episodic SoL and comedy. |
JustAnotherShiroNov 1, 2019 7:04 AM
Nov 1, 2019 7:18 AM
Well, we got some old fashioned naval and air battles this episode, I like this more. Honestly, I would like this more if they would do more traditional naval battle, like in Arpeggio, but this isn't that show. But I don't like the game type battles either, not that I've played the game before. |
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?” ― Lelouch Vi Britannia |
Nov 1, 2019 8:32 AM
Full respect for Laffey. Even though Ayanami was adamant that she would fight her and Javelin, Laffey didn't move an inch. She did have some of her hair slashed off, but that didn't faze her one bit as she really wanted to be friends with Ayanami and had no interest in fighting her at all. Never mess with the sleepy loli. =3 Even though the episode had plenty of action and face-offs, it was able to fit in a few funny moments, too. Edinburgh and Akashi's panicking and flailing was amusing, as was poor Norfolk and Suffolk getting completely ignored by the enemy. The only drawback of the episode was that the animation was lacking consistency again. Some scenes were pretty smooth and the integration of 2D movements and CGI quality was good, but other scenes, it felt like the characters were moving really stiff-like. Aside from that, Belfast and Enterprise made their move and turned the rescue mission into their favour by surprising the enemy. Even Prinz Eugen acknowledged the situation and made a tactical retreat. It did mean that a good fight between these three will have to wait again, but I'm sure that wait won't be a long one. |
Nov 1, 2019 11:42 AM
A horrible episode .The worst so far not even the Yuri could save it!! Only boring fighting .And no unicorn!! I wanted to see her panties!!! Anime!! All the girls belongs to me!! And are my precious lesbian waifus!! And you are not fucking allowed to mess around with them!! They can not fight like that! Its way way to much!! I cant enjoy myself! I want the fighting to be clean and not over the top!! They are my cute little princesses you asshole!!! Luckily Laffey was not hurt,, If that would have happened!! I will go fucking insane on every level!! None of my girls shall be hurt!!! For the next episode no fighting is allowed!! And I want my main loli Unicorn to be lewd multiple times!! So far I have a lot of fun watching this!! So for that you now have 9/10!! Next time this happens more points will be pulled,, Take it easy with my lesbians angels!!! |
Yuri-CrusaderNov 1, 2019 11:54 AM
Nov 1, 2019 11:53 AM
GenesisAria said: (I apologize ahead of time if this sounds arrogant or derogatory.) First of all do you have any clue what a tactical retreat is? You being someone who appears to be ignorant of military strategy, let me inform you a little: Between intilligent command, when it is clear that the enemy has completely out-played your strategy, the idiot move is to thereby engage in a disastrous battle which will incur pricless losses. When you know the enemy has out-moved you, and they KNOW they have out-moved you, not a shot needs to be fired, as both sides know who won this round. The problem is we didn't saw HOW they out maneuvered the enemy, and no i'm not talking about Hornet/5th carrier division, i'm talking about how putting enty there is a victory condition for them. So enty just sneak up and when she pop out the battle is already over? It's a rumor that Enty is OP but non of the iron blood ships have first hand experience of this, you'd think they would end the fight by testing how strong is Enty or maybe just make their exit more exciting like a REAL tactical retreat with them firing and COVERING THEIR RETREAT enemy while slowly moving. It's really hard to care for what is happening when fights end with one team retreating while the other team just watches them retreat. Do you have any clue what a tactical retreat is? You being someone who appears to be ignorant of military strategy, let me inform you a little: This is not a tactical retreat, it's a cop out from the director because he doesn't know how to end the fight scene. This is the 3rd time he did it in a span of 5 episodes. |
Nov 1, 2019 4:06 PM
I’m a simple man too. I see Atago nee-san, I like the episode. That being said, I understand how some may find the Enterprise focus as boring, but she is one of the fans’ favorites. I personally find her boring, and her dialogue in game is boring. Her only standing out point is that she’s a tragic heroine in a way because she lost her big sister in battle. |
Nov 1, 2019 4:13 PM
The 3 starters are easily the worst part of the anime. I can deal with Enty being OP because she's pretty much the best single use Unit in the game thats her gimmick but the Melodrama with Aya, Laffey and Jav is really annoying. All their lines and actions are "I don't want to fight my friends" Even worse that Nimi (Z23) isn't really getting screen time despite being being the 4th starter in the game. She should be getting the same attention as the other 3. |
Nov 1, 2019 6:05 PM
I did also find it funny how they mentioned how it was odd that they were acting like queen and maids when they are just ships. Nice bit of self-awareness. Sturmdere said: As someone else stated, they didn't really have sufficient carriers at the ready (Iron Blood had none), carriers ruled the seas. Nobody's AA is strong enough to handle an effective bomber strike, the losses would be enormous.GenesisAria said: The problem is we didn't saw HOW they out maneuvered the enemy, and no i'm not talking about Hornet/5th carrier division, i'm talking about how putting enty there is a victory condition for them. So enty just sneak up and when she pop out the battle is already over? It's a rumor that Enty is OP but non of the iron blood ships have first hand experience of this,(I apologize ahead of time if this sounds arrogant or derogatory.) First of all do you have any clue what a tactical retreat is? You being someone who appears to be ignorant of military strategy, let me inform you a little: Between intilligent command, when it is clear that the enemy has completely out-played your strategy, the idiot move is to thereby engage in a disastrous battle which will incur pricless losses. When you know the enemy has out-moved you, and they KNOW they have out-moved you, not a shot needs to be fired, as both sides know who won this round. Sturmdere said: You're debating with someone who's very well versed with strategy/tactics, is a strategy hobbyist, and tested and proven in many wargames as well as strategy games. A tactical retreat is simply a retreat that is issued for a tactical defeat. The tactical aspect of it is logistical benefit in doing so. Tactics is how you utilize your assets in an engagement, strategy is how you plan your assets and out-think the opponent in a war. The "nato" side in this case had the strategic and tactical advantage, so the best tactical response is a retreat to prevent an unnecessary bloodbath; Prinz Eugen made the best tactical decision given the circumstances, that is to fight another day. Iron blood retreats, Sakura has no choice but to also retreat due to unfavourable odds. Every battle is like a chess game, however if their plan was objectively better than yours, then the game is already decided from the start, the applied tactics in the fight are just to prove'd think they would end the fight by testing how strong is Enty or maybe just make their exit more exciting like a REAL tactical retreat with them firing and COVERING THEIR RETREAT enemy while slowly moving. It's really hard to care for what is happening when fights end with one team retreating while the other team just watches them retreat. Do you have any clue what a tactical retreat is? You being someone who appears to be ignorant of military strategy, let me inform you a little: This is not a tactical retreat, it's a cop out from the director because he doesn't know how to end the fight scene. This is the 3rd time he did it in a span of 5 episodes. There is nothing to say they have to be firing to cover their retreat if the enemy lets them go; which was kind of the point of this arc, again, it's Enterprise character building. The point is that Enterprise won the day without having to hurt anyone or get battered up. Real battles in REAL war ended this way all the time; humans rather let the enemy go than have to kill. Calling things "lazy writing" is the lazy person's go-to get-out-of-jail-free card... it's a cop-out and it's unintelligent and shallow. It is often not the case, and has become an obnoxious trend over the years of people just blaming everyone else's writing (when they are not writers themselves nor particularly understand what goes into it) instead of acknowledging their own shortsightedness. Yeah sure, it woulda been nice to see how Enty got her butt in there before anyone noticed, but that wasn't the point of the plot, so they didn't waste time on it. Again, it's not a strategy porn show, so don't expect it to be. It's also not perfect (nothing ever is), so don't expect it to be. The focus of this episode was on emotional character plots (especially big Ayanami moments & with Laffey as well as some Enty development), some brief face-to-face interactions as the sides are learning more about eachother, and getting the dunce trio out of there with the 'allspark'. ps: i don't think the rest of the Sakura/Iron fleet knows anything about the cube, they are just trying to capture some spy ships, and the following engagement was not worth the price. also, they already know how strong Enty is; even being a carrier is enough to keep out of their league. |
GenesisAriaNov 1, 2019 6:43 PM
❀桜舞う空〜 Cute is Power. 🔗CosmoGenesis Project AraOto ep06 @ 11:59 “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” “A truth seeker has no patience for BS.” I seek only to improve myself and others. |
Nov 1, 2019 8:26 PM
GenesisAria said: I did also find it funny how they mentioned how it was odd that they were acting like queen and maids nice bit for the writers to add that. The ships are aware that they are not human, but somehow acting like human. The problem is we didn't saw HOW they out maneuvered the enemy, and no i'm not talking about Hornet/5th carrier division, i'm talking about how putting enty there is a victory condition for them. So enty just sneak up and when she pop out the battle is already over? It's a rumor that Enty is OP but non of the iron blood ships have first hand experience of this, As someone else stated, they didn't really have sufficient carriers at the ready (Iron Blood had none), carriers ruled the seas. Nobody's AA is strong enough to handle an effective bomber strike, the losses would be'd think they would end the fight by testing how strong is Enty or maybe just make their exit more exciting like a REAL tactical retreat with them firing and COVERING THEIR RETREAT enemy while slowly moving. It's really hard to care for what is happening when fights end with one team retreating while the other team just watches them retreat. There is nothing to say they have to be firing to cover their retreat if the enemy lets them go; which was kind of the point of this arc, again, it's Enterprise character building. The point is that Enterprise won the day without having to hurt anyone or get battered up. Real battles in REAL war ended this way all the time; humans rather let the enemy go than have to kill. this reminds me of episode 1 when everyone is getting owned by Kaga and Akagi, the pressure was lifted a little when Unicorn launched some planes. And things finally equalized when Enterprise showed up to fight Kaga. This show seems to put a lot of importance on carrier strength. Now, here on episode 5 Iron Blood has no carrier of their own, so if even one of the german ships fired.. Enterprise would surely give them hell. Belfast is there too, so Enty is not really alone. |
Liddo-kunNov 1, 2019 8:33 PM
Nov 1, 2019 9:41 PM
C'mon Azur. You can do better than that. The entire Ironblood fleet retreated because Enterprise showed up? Really? She didn't even do anything except aiming her bow. I can kinda accept if she did some major damage but nope, she just 'appeared' so let's fucking run. If they're afraid of her that much, why even bother making an enemy out of Azur Lane faction? Eugen, you're the tankiest cruiser in the game afaik, smh And IF this is because of 'carrier advantage' like above users are discussing, there're many fucking CVs in Royal and Union who are nearly as strong as Enterprise (Illustrious, I'm talking about you) if not stronger. But the anime is showing them like they're only as worth as nutcrackers. They should've given them some spotlight instead of sucking Enterprise's dick 24/7. And what happened to Zuikaku who keeps shouting Grey Ghost this and Grey Ghost that? Did she also retreat saying "Okay" with Saitama's face? lol? I called choosing Enterprise as protagonist will be the downfall of Azur Lane anime similar to KanColle and it really happened. *Sigh* I don't even want to call her 'Enty' anymore tbh Worst episode. Continue this and I won't be able to defend the anime anymore. . . . Next episode: Enterprise farted and the entire Crimson Axis is destroyed. The End. |
RenkiniNov 1, 2019 9:49 PM
Nov 1, 2019 10:13 PM
Renkini said: And what happened to Zuikaku who keeps shouting Grey Ghost this and Grey Ghost that? Did she also retreat saying "Okay" with Saitama's face? lol? Zuikaku did not retreat. Did you skip the part of the episode where she's fighting the bombardment force and looking for Enterprise? |
Nov 1, 2019 11:02 PM
@Renkini I recommend reading my posts above, as i explain quite thoroughly why they retreated. |
❀桜舞う空〜 Cute is Power. 🔗CosmoGenesis Project AraOto ep06 @ 11:59 “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” “A truth seeker has no patience for BS.” I seek only to improve myself and others. |
Nov 1, 2019 11:12 PM
I have some questions for the people who play the game. 1. Is there any reason for the story to be focusing on Enterprise and Ayanami? 2. Is this an adaptation of the story of the game or is this an original story made for the anime? I decided to watch this anime purely because I like the concept and character design, just like I did with KanColle, but I gotta say this one is much more disappointing in many ways. |
removed-userNov 1, 2019 11:24 PM
Nov 1, 2019 11:19 PM
How to ruin a good show 101 Make Enterprise a protagonist |
Nov 1, 2019 11:57 PM
I honestly couldn't care less about Ayanami and Javelin/Laffey's drama. I mean, what "friendship"? They knew each other for only a few hours in Ep. 1 for God's sake! Just kill/sink the goddamn narcoleptic loli already! |
Nov 2, 2019 12:50 AM
SouthRzVa said: I honestly couldn't care less about Ayanami and Javelin/Laffey's drama. I mean, what "friendship"? They knew each other for only a few hours in Ep. 1 for God's sake! Just kill/sink the goddamn narcoleptic loli already! i think it less than 5minute lol |
Nov 2, 2019 1:36 AM
Cruelty against lolis, how horrible can you be? fyi, Laffey is in the top 3 most popular/beloved Azur Lane shipgirl worldwide... |
❀桜舞う空〜 Cute is Power. 🔗CosmoGenesis Project AraOto ep06 @ 11:59 “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” “A truth seeker has no patience for BS.” I seek only to improve myself and others. |
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