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Fullmetal Alchemist
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Jan 17, 2010 4:03 AM
Jul 2018
Waah, they rushed through it :(. Mustang finding out Selim was a homunculus was kept as short as possible and Hohenheim's story succeeded too quickly to the end of Xerxes. I possibly couldn't follow the story-telling if I hadn't read the manga.
Only the final part, after the Xerxes transmutation circle was activated was adequately paced.

Why did they have to make up for the waste of time last episode with this? :<
Jan 17, 2010 4:27 AM

Jan 2010
Just as usual, I dig the animation.
Hohenheim's story was pretty interesting, man I am looking forward to the next episode.

raw for those who know japanese:
Jan 17, 2010 5:26 AM

Jul 2007
And here i thought that they will atually spend entire episode on hohenheim stuff...

of couse not.

THis was almost as buthered as Ishval arc was.

Jan 17, 2010 5:47 AM

Jun 2008
I liked it, and didn't feel rushed to me. The story would lose track if they give too much time to flashbacks, though of course this flashback is very important as background.

Olivier and Mustang meeting was particularly nice dialogue. They really like each other..
Jan 17, 2010 8:24 AM

Jun 2009
I liked it! ^^ I can't wait next! :)
Don't belive in yourself! Belive in me who belives in you! (TTGL) XD ...LOVE and PEACE!! ^_^
Jan 17, 2010 6:18 PM

Jun 2009
I liked it as well, I think they are doing the right thing and not spending too much time on flashbacks as it detracts from the main plot.
Jan 17, 2010 6:59 PM
Jan 2008
ending of each episode hasn't disappointed me one bit.
Jan 17, 2010 7:00 PM

Dec 2009
i like it, but was a bit confuse before the 10 minutes...

Anyway, the Hohenheim story is very interesting.
Jan 17, 2010 8:07 PM

Apr 2008
I still love how Mustang found out about Bradley's kid. Loooveee it.

Okay episode. It was a tad boring for me, but the amazing ED song makes up for it. :P
Jan 17, 2010 8:07 PM

Jul 2008
I was disappointed that they didn't show Hohenheim interacting with the actual citizens of Xerxes, like when he taught the other slaves to read. It would have given the destruction scene more impact.

Jan 17, 2010 10:11 PM
Mar 2009
ah we're on about volume 18 or 19? they needed the part where hohenheim teaches to other xerxes citizens
they cut out many good parts of the manga
still good episode

True or False
Anime + Manga = Chuck Norris / Chuck Norris
Jan 17, 2010 10:44 PM

Jul 2007
Being a non-manga reader, I found this episode to be really informative, now I have an idea how all this homunculus stuff started and more information about Ed's dad.
Jan 17, 2010 10:58 PM

Nov 2008
neverless said:
Being a non-manga reader, I found this episode to be really informative, now I have an idea how all this homunculus stuff started and more information about Ed's dad.

me too and i read the manga lol but i can see why they cut riza's story was pretty long in the manga like 2-3 pages so it might have taken up like 5 minutes in the anime
Jan 17, 2010 11:00 PM
Nov 2008
kkmaster1337 said:
ah we're on about volume 18 or 19? they needed the part where hohenheim teaches to other xerxes citizens
they cut out many good parts of the manga
still good episode

That's about the only thing they cut out i think. This flashback wasn't much longer in the manga. Compared to the Ishbal flashback, they took their time with this one. Good stuff.

Oh and, of course, Riza's story was butchered a bit, but it felt natural this way. When i read the manga i was like "WTF?!" for four pages (didn't notice the signes when they started talking in codes).
Jan 17, 2010 11:00 PM

Apr 2009
Hohenheim.. I see.
Jan 17, 2010 11:37 PM

Oct 2009
I loved it! Most of the things i wanted to know was answered, it didn't feel rushed to me but kinda felt too short...
Jan 17, 2010 11:57 PM

Jan 2008
This is one of my favorite episodes when we get to see Number 23 and the homunculus interact. The part when Honhenhim wakes up and finds out what has happened was also pretty good. I liked the sound of his anguish. I would have liked more development on the parts where he is being taught how to read and write which then escalated him to being an assistant to his master and then him teaching the other slaves how to read and write. This isn't complaining, these are the minor details. At least the major ones were animated and that's what counts.

Awesome episode.
Jan 17, 2010 11:57 PM

Jan 2009
Great, finally the connection between Hohenheim and "father" is revealed.
I think the homunculus was very charitable lol
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Jan 18, 2010 12:39 AM

Jul 2006
I have to agree with the people that do not read the manga.

I thought the pacing was alright, and the content was very informative. They did switch gears rather abruptly, but that didn't hinder my viewing experience. And it's nice to finally understand the whole Hohenheim and father thing.

Jan 18, 2010 1:21 AM

Apr 2009
omgwtf o_O

so if Van hHhenheim is a stone and couldnt bring back that womans organs ( that represents her sin) that means that Ed and AL wont bring there body back ? :((((((((((
Jan 18, 2010 1:22 AM

Jul 2008
I actually enjoyed it was very informant to me cant wait till next ep^^

Jan 18, 2010 1:25 AM
Nov 2008
smokes said:
omgwtf o_O

so if Van hHhenheim is a stone and couldnt bring back that womans organs ( that represents her sin) that means that Ed and AL wont bring there body back ? :((((((((((

They traded their body(parts) to open the gate. Their body(parts?) are there but they have to give something to get them back. At least that's how i see things.
Jan 18, 2010 1:36 AM

Apr 2009
i love this ep.. very informative.. it doesn't seem too fast to me since by the end of the episode, all the facts that mattered were stated..
Jan 18, 2010 2:14 AM
Jul 2009
smokes said:
omgwtf o_O

so if Van hHhenheim is a stone and couldnt bring back that womans organs ( that represents her sin) that means that Ed and AL wont bring there body back ? :((((((((((

Good thing Ed and Al have already abandoned the idea of using the stone to get them back. Admit it though. No one really cares about Ed's Arm and Leg. He's better of this way. I'm sure Winry likes him better with automail as well. As for Al who could be rejected any minute, however....

Edit: fixed typos.
XerainJan 18, 2010 2:54 AM
Jan 18, 2010 2:22 AM

Apr 2009
^yeah about AL he must return his body, Ed promised that..

so how in your opinion will they return his body without the stone ?
Jan 18, 2010 2:55 AM

Sep 2006
I was just thinking, for Ed's case, maybe he can't attempt human transmutation, but what about human organ transmutation? Ideally he could probably transmute a ripped off leg, then ask someone to attach it real quickly =). Okay maybe not. But for Izumi's case that might still be possible.
Jan 18, 2010 3:02 AM
Jul 2009
smokes said:
^yeah about AL he must return his body, Ed promised that..

so how in your opinion will they return his body without the stone ?

Well, I'll start by saying I have NOT read the manga... and this is speculation. However it's also potentially huge spoilers, if I am right. When I speculate, I'm usually very well through out, so be warned.

Jan 18, 2010 3:44 AM

Apr 2008
cool!! awesome episode xD kinda understand the father's background now

Jan 18, 2010 3:46 AM

Jan 2009
Man I loved this episode. Didn't feel rushed and as said before, finally got to see the connection between Van Hoennheim and Father.

I'm just curious, the man who helped Izumi Curtis at the end was Hoennheim, right? I like him as a character, but not really as a villain.
Jan 18, 2010 4:08 AM

Jul 2009
Unusually good animation in the flashback, and we finally got to see the connection between Hohenheim and the Father homunculus :)
Really good episode imo though I would liked to have seen an even more detailed episodes about Hohenheim and his past.

Anyway one would think he should be more grateful towards the homunculus, considering his alchemical powers got increased beyond imagining and on top of that his body was made immortal and never ageing. The death of a few thousand insignificant humans is a cheap one for a reward like that if you ask me.
Jan 18, 2010 6:04 AM

Apr 2007
Not having read the manga, I didn't have any gripes with pacing at all.

I'm also not sure what exactly some people are having a hard time understanding in this episode, unless you watched it in a language other than your own O_o

Jan 18, 2010 7:28 AM
Oct 2009
I liked this ep, lots of stuff to learn. though reading the comments here, I agree that they needed to show Hohennheim interacting with the other people a bit more so that we could understand his anguish. The way it was presented, it didn't make much sense except from a humanitary point of view, the loss didn't seem all that personal.

Mustang and Hawkeye are awesome as always, and I liked the timing of Ed talking about the stone and Van saying he's a stone. Nice contrast there
Jan 18, 2010 7:34 AM

Jan 2010
In a Flashback, "Homunculus in a jar" gained the copy of Hohenheim's body.
But in present time, that same "Homunculus in a jar" is Selim Bradley.
So who is the Father then?
Jan 18, 2010 8:37 AM

May 2008
Now Mustang knows Selim is a homunculus I wonder what will happen.
So Hohenheim is a living Philosophers' stone...interesting but a little bit confusing too. But now they answered some of my questions, it was a pretty nice episode.
Jan 18, 2010 8:38 AM

Jul 2009
Starbrow said:
In a Flashback, "Homunculus in a jar" gained the copy of Hohenheim's body.
But in present time, that same "Homunculus in a jar" is Selim Bradley.
So who is the Father then?

To my knowledge Selim (aka Pride) is just the first homunculus that "Father" created, the one that was trapped in jar does still have the same appearance and as such there are presently two "Hohenheim's"

Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Jan 18, 2010 9:37 AM

Jun 2008
That was awesome.
Jan 18, 2010 10:07 AM

Feb 2009
I hate being in these guys shoes, I mean how do you fight such powerful enemy?!

The people of Xeres were blond with golden eyes; so if this the story being Ed and Al father being a philosopher stone, does that implied that Ed and Al aren't full fledge human?
So why the first homunculus is doing this all over again? What is he trying to create?
MaxCrazy7Jan 18, 2010 10:14 AM
Jan 18, 2010 10:12 AM

Apr 2009
Wow, I loved this episode ^^ Young Hohenheim was cool <3
Jan 18, 2010 10:29 AM

Apr 2009
Zomg nooo they cut the canteen scene to like three names only D: -sniff-

And now non-manga people know who was the dude in the first opening right here:

Hohenheim's backstory has always been, by far, the biggest surprise in FMA for me. Just imagine how he must feel like all the time...
- If you believe this place holds you, it is a prison.
If you do not wish to leave, it will become a fortress.

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Jan 18, 2010 10:33 AM

Sep 2008
I thought it was a good episode... I haven't read this part in the manga and I'm pretty sure I got everything. It was really awesome to finally see the connection between Hohenheim and "Father" fleshed out before our eyes and explained. The episode did feel a little short... though that could be attributed to the fact that the stream I watched had cut out the beginning and ending and preview...
Jan 18, 2010 10:45 AM

Apr 2009
I love the OSTs. Too bad the Hohenheim training montage wasn't any longer. His past was quite the surprise! And Xerxes, nice reference :) But wasn't Selim Bradley supposed to be the first homunculus?

Things were very random though, running into Hohenheim and all.
Jan 18, 2010 10:52 AM

Jun 2008
That was awesome. Finally we learned why "Father" has the same appearance as Hoheheim. Since father is a homunculus i wonder what is it that makes him greater than all the others? The number of people sacrificed?

Secret messages in central was fun. Hard to control humans completely,
Jan 18, 2010 10:57 AM

Oct 2008
Great episode, I loved it!
homunculus/"father" in the flask is a brilliant character, I wonder how he came to be

OST was epic!!!
[complicated pictogram] [complicated pictogram] [complicated pictogram] [urinating dog]
Jan 18, 2010 11:04 AM

Jul 2009
I loved this episode. Van Hohenheim is a very interesting character. Too bad it all went a bit fast tho. I understood everything but they shouldn't have rushed it. Anyhow, still an awesome episode!
Jan 18, 2010 11:28 AM

Oct 2007
It might seem kinda rush a bit but I don't feel like losing or lack of understand something at all. I don't how much they have skipped from the way the manga reader mentioned but this episode is pretty much acceptable for me.

It is interesting to see the beginning of everything at this point. Also what is the Father trying to create now if he has done once already in this episode? Maybe something even bigger than last time?

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Jan 18, 2010 11:49 AM

Apr 2008
Finally, everything I wanted to know was explained.

EDIT: Hmm, from the looks of next episode's preview, Al's seal gets broken.
_Vincent_Jan 18, 2010 11:55 AM
Jan 18, 2010 12:03 PM

Apr 2007
So far, Hohenheim's backstory is one of my most favorite parts in the series and I feel that it was adapted well. Hardly anything was cutout, the things that were aren't completely necessary, and it is still very possible to understand what happened if you don't read the manga.

I especially love how creepy Homunculus sounded when in the flask~
Jan 18, 2010 12:29 PM

Oct 2009
Amazing episode but what i want to know is who made 'the homonoculus in the jar who was the one dong tests' ???
Reccomend me an anime =P
Jan 18, 2010 12:34 PM

Mar 2008
Whaa cool EP a bit scary but cool at the same time. We must admit, Homunculus masterfully exploited them. I still wonder why he wants to do a replay.

Jan 18, 2010 1:12 PM

Sep 2008
the length was just right in my opinion. If 2-3 episodes would be wasted on this arc then it would have been a boring one

Looking forward to the next episode already.
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