Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers (light novel)
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Sep 5, 2015 10:27 PM
When she: -is not battle tested (not much experience) -her ability need long startup time and not very practical (have to vomit) -is not physically gifted (muscula like Goldov/Maura, Agile like Hans, or even slender like Bunny) -presumably her ability of summoning low level fiend can be cancelled with wide Area attack like Nachetania's and Maura's I imagine her power as something like Naruto with Tajuu Kagebunshin (that need 20 second to summon) but not much else, and the best the clone can do are just punch and kick and then there is Sakura who can just go SHANAROO and deestroy all the clone in one fell swoop I mean how Flamie failed to kill her as a sniper?? she is not good enough to dodge Hans's attack but somehow managed to dodge stealth bullet in fact she should be the weakest |
Sep 6, 2015 12:36 AM
wilstreak said: I mean how Flamie failed to kill her as a sniper?? she is not good enough to dodge Hans's attack but somehow managed to dodge stealth bullet Because of plot. Just plug Chamots mouth and she's dead. |
Sep 6, 2015 2:09 AM
Chamo is by far stronger than anyone else. It required Hans (who is the second strongest in the group) AND another brave to barely reach her (and that kind of surprise work once, not twice) against a Chamo that wasn't even half serious. Her pets in the anime are shown to be identical to each other, but that's wrong. That's just the anime staff trying to avoid animating several types. Also, she has no long time animation. First of all some of them are always around. Second, if she need to add some they can come out before anything can reach her. the time for them to appear has been dragged out in the anime for dramatic value. They're fast. Her only weakness is if someone she trusts at that time betray her. IF someone she doesn't trust try to get close, this won't work (so currently in volume 1 the only one who could take out chamo without her having the time to fight is Mora) |
ZefyrisSep 6, 2015 2:15 AM
Sep 6, 2015 2:16 AM
Oxalias said: Little girls in anime are always the strongest period Except it 's a novel to start with. If anything, the anime made her look less strong than what she's supposed to be. |
Sep 6, 2015 4:35 AM
wilstreak said: When she: -is not battle tested (not much experience) -her ability need long startup time and not very practical (have to vomit) -is not physically gifted (muscula like Goldov/Maura, Agile like Hans, or even slender like Bunny) -presumably her ability of summoning low level fiend can be cancelled with wide Area attack like Nachetania's and Maura's I imagine her power as something like Naruto with Tajuu Kagebunshin (that need 20 second to summon) but not much else, and the best the clone can do are just punch and kick and then there is Sakura who can just go SHANAROO and deestroy all the clone in one fell swoop I mean how Flamie failed to kill her as a sniper?? she is not good enough to dodge Hans's attack but somehow managed to dodge stealth bullet in fact she should be the weakest Her power is the strongest but she herself isn't battle-ready. She's like a frail mage. Has amazing firepower but will go down in one hit if someone can get close to her. |
Sep 6, 2015 4:59 AM
I think having an invincible army that shields and attacks for her is what makes her the strongest. If anyone could get her though it's probably hans since he's trained for assassination. |
GD1551Sep 6, 2015 5:21 AM
Sep 6, 2015 6:05 AM
Zefyris said: Chamo is by far stronger than anyone else. It required Hans (who is the second strongest in the group) AND another brave to barely reach her (and that kind of surprise work once, not twice) against a Chamo that wasn't even half serious. Her pets in the anime are shown to be identical to each other, but that's wrong. That's just the anime staff trying to avoid animating several types. Also, she has no long time animation. First of all some of them are always around. Second, if she need to add some they can come out before anything can reach her. the time for them to appear has been dragged out in the anime for dramatic value. They're fast. Her only weakness is if someone she trusts at that time betray her. IF someone she doesn't trust try to get close, this won't work (so currently in volume 1 the only one who could take out chamo without her having the time to fight is Mora) Well I can understand if it is true that at least some of the fiend under her control are always around acting as bodyguard. Tbh though in realistic battle scenario is still believe she is the weakest of all. Even a measly 5 second lag to use her ability compared to other braves can be considered a huge setback, even more so when during that 5 second she doesn't have any method of evasion, and frail physical build. I mean, Adlet and Hans somehow believe it is good strategy to wait and let Chamot use her power when both of them possess excellent medium-to-long range attack and either one can finish her in one attack. Furthermore, she has to use her leaf/lollipop things to help her vomit which adds more impracticality. I prefer Nachetania's blade anytime of the day, practically limitless, agile and flexible, can be controlled which add even more flexible use scenario. It is like poor man's version of Gilgamesh Gate of Babylon. I still don't fully understand maura's power. Is it only about increasing her physical strength? (well at this point she practically like The Mountain in GoT, and Chamot is Joffrey). |
Sep 6, 2015 6:21 AM
In a realistic battle scenario, her juuma start at least 50% deployed and ready to intercept long-range attacks. In her fight Chamo put some juuma into an ambush before attacking. |
Sep 6, 2015 6:32 AM
wilstreak said: Zefyris said: Chamo is by far stronger than anyone else. It required Hans (who is the second strongest in the group) AND another brave to barely reach her (and that kind of surprise work once, not twice) against a Chamo that wasn't even half serious. Her pets in the anime are shown to be identical to each other, but that's wrong. That's just the anime staff trying to avoid animating several types. Also, she has no long time animation. First of all some of them are always around. Second, if she need to add some they can come out before anything can reach her. the time for them to appear has been dragged out in the anime for dramatic value. They're fast. Her only weakness is if someone she trusts at that time betray her. IF someone she doesn't trust try to get close, this won't work (so currently in volume 1 the only one who could take out chamo without her having the time to fight is Mora) Well I can understand if it is true that at least some of the fiend under her control are always around acting as bodyguard. Tbh though in realistic battle scenario is still believe she is the weakest of all. Even a measly 5 second lag to use her ability compared to other braves can be considered a huge setback, even more so when during that 5 second she doesn't have any method of evasion, and frail physical build. I mean, Adlet and Hans somehow believe it is good strategy to wait and let Chamot use her power when both of them possess excellent medium-to-long range attack and either one can finish her in one attack. Furthermore, she has to use her leaf/lollipop things to help her vomit which adds more impracticality. I prefer Nachetania's blade anytime of the day, practically limitless, agile and flexible, can be controlled which add even more flexible use scenario. It is like poor man's version of Gilgamesh Gate of Babylon. I still don't fully understand maura's power. Is it only about increasing her physical strength? (well at this point she practically like The Mountain in GoT, and Chamot is Joffrey). We know from pieces dialogue throughout the series that all saints have set limits to their powers. What makes a saint more powerful than another one in terms of combat skill, is where said limit is placed on their abilities. Nashetania is weaker than Chamo because the latter basically has no limit (other than the amount of fiends she has consumed which is basically the size of an army), whereas since episode 2 we have been given in-world evidence for the loopholes in Nash's ability. For one thing, the blades are quite easy to evade and can only work effectively if the blades are used in numbers. Also, from what I can gather from the anime, the blades can only go in simple trajectories (linear and circular movements). This could just be a case of poor animation though. In defense of Chamo, we have seen her ability to use her swamp fiends as a defensive mechanism, through the instantaneous summoning of one of them (episode 9 where Hans reaches Chamo's vicinity) in which case she didn't need to use her yellow foxtail (leaf/lollipop). The 5 second lag is only an issue if she's going to summon a number of her fiends. Your nitpick about Adlet and Hans just standing there would only make sense if they knew Chamo's ability beforehand, which they clearly didn't. For all they knew, the vomit could have been toxic/extremely acidic. |
FrrrostySep 6, 2015 12:17 PM
Sep 6, 2015 10:02 AM
As has been stated, Chamo doesn’t really need that much time to set up. She may appear a bit weaker in the anime, but she’s basically a one-man (child) army. There’s no other Brave who can keep up with her offense or defense in a 1vs1 fight. |
Sep 6, 2015 12:07 PM
She's a "self-proclaimed" strongest, like a certain MC. Kami-Koto said: As has been stated, Chamo doesn’t really need that much time to set up. She may appear a bit weaker in the anime, but she’s basically a one-man (child) army. There’s no other Brave who can keep up with her offense or defense in a 1vs1 fight. On a real battle field, whether it's in a fictional world, in a modern world, or in the past era in our world - the most important thing has always been intelligence, strategy, tactics and even luck above all else. Raw power, strength, numbers, etc doesn't mean much against an army/opponent who has superior intellect. And Chamot is an idiot. |
Sep 6, 2015 12:58 PM
HandsomeMan said: That's why it was stated that the power she has is the strongest, but the wielder still a brat and still need experience. Basically she has her own army, comparing all human even within the flowers, she actually the strongest individually, so 2 vs 1 like Hans (the second strongest within the group) and Adlet trick is an outlier, you can't judge her weaker than Hans or Adlet because of it.She's a "self-proclaimed" strongest, like a certain MC. Kami-Koto said: As has been stated, Chamo doesn’t really need that much time to set up. She may appear a bit weaker in the anime, but she’s basically a one-man (child) army. There’s no other Brave who can keep up with her offense or defense in a 1vs1 fight. On a real battle field, whether it's in a fictional world, in a modern world, or in the past era in our world - the most important thing has always been intelligence, strategy, tactics and even luck above all else. Raw power, strength, numbers, etc doesn't mean much against an army/opponent who has superior intellect. And Chamot is an idiot. |
Sep 6, 2015 1:01 PM
Flashoftheback said: HandsomeMan said: That's why it was stated that the power she has is the strongest, but the wielder still a brat and still need experience. Basically she has her own army, comparing all human even within the flowers, she actually the strongest individually, so 2 vs 1 like Hans (the second strongest within the group) and Adlet trick is an outlier, you can't judge her weaker than Hans or Adlet because of it.She's a "self-proclaimed" strongest, like a certain MC. Kami-Koto said: As has been stated, Chamo doesn’t really need that much time to set up. She may appear a bit weaker in the anime, but she’s basically a one-man (child) army. There’s no other Brave who can keep up with her offense or defense in a 1vs1 fight. On a real battle field, whether it's in a fictional world, in a modern world, or in the past era in our world - the most important thing has always been intelligence, strategy, tactics and even luck above all else. Raw power, strength, numbers, etc doesn't mean much against an army/opponent who has superior intellect. And Chamot is an idiot. Well then you're talking in raw power and strength. In a 1v1 Adlet and probably Hans can still best her, especially if they come in prepared (with their traps and such), because they're more experienced and smarter than her. Given the situation she can be the "strongest", but I don't see her being the strongest in actual fights between some of the braves. |
Sep 6, 2015 1:07 PM
HandsomeMan said: She's a "self-proclaimed" strongest, like a certain MC. She IS the strongest thought. |
Sep 6, 2015 1:28 PM
Mathias2001 said: HandsomeMan said: She's a "self-proclaimed" strongest, like a certain MC. She IS the strongest thought. In fact she certainly deserves to be dissolved in acid |
Sep 6, 2015 1:34 PM
Nashetania's ability would work good against chamo tbh. Her fiends didnt seem so resilient to me just few cuts and they go poof.They regenerate but still if Nashetania just showers them with blades along a few towards to chamo she can get her. In her fight with adlet and Hans it was shown that she not good with her surrounding she not so agile and physically she is like a normal girl. Nashetania was shown to summon blades even from the ground.No way Chamo can avoid that. Also Maura seemed stronger too.The thing she did was like earthquake sending all these trees to adlet and flamie.Chamo cant avoid it so easy.Even if her fiends protect her they still go splash for few seconds easy..... In general anyone with a wide area of attack that could damage Chamo too can prolly do it.... I think goldov for some reason is the strongest.The quiet ones usually have more strength.Wouldnt be surprised if Goldov could rush all chamo's fiends and punch her tho he would prolly die in the process. In the ln is her ability shown otherwise or sth because she does not seem so strong to me^^. Maybe the strongest in a large scale combat sure,because if they go for the demon king prolly the dude has like 100000 fiends to wait for the braves.At some point they would need to fight even when outnumbered greatly so chamo would prolly be the ''strongest'' or more like the most usefull one? Which also my biggest question.All the demon king has to do is just gather all the fiends from his land in front of him.6 people cant possibly kill few hundred thousand fiends? |
darbouxSep 6, 2015 1:43 PM
Sep 6, 2015 2:02 PM
HandsomeMan said: Nah, i doubt it. 1 out of 10 might be because of some lucky outlier like on the previous episode, Hans and Adlet lack the fire power even to get close to Chamot, agility wont help either since her ability protected her willingly, if you even want to make them have preparation, then be fair and make Chamot have preparation and blood-lusted also instead over-confidence like on the previous episode then both of them die, if we are talking about "actual fight". Flashoftheback said: HandsomeMan said: She's a "self-proclaimed" strongest, like a certain MC. Kami-Koto said: As has been stated, Chamo doesn’t really need that much time to set up. She may appear a bit weaker in the anime, but she’s basically a one-man (child) army. There’s no other Brave who can keep up with her offense or defense in a 1vs1 fight. On a real battle field, whether it's in a fictional world, in a modern world, or in the past era in our world - the most important thing has always been intelligence, strategy, tactics and even luck above all else. Raw power, strength, numbers, etc doesn't mean much against an army/opponent who has superior intellect. And Chamot is an idiot. Well then you're talking in raw power and strength. In a 1v1 Adlet and probably Hans can still best her, especially if they come in prepared (with their traps and such), because they're more experienced and smarter than her. Given the situation she can be the "strongest", but I don't see her being the strongest in actual fights between some of the braves. I think she just has soft spot of a brat that she often showing-off her ability like a retard rather than swiftly kill like Hans do, so her defeat most likely will be because of a trap or annoying trick rather than head-on like "actual fight" which is everybody would lose that way, and anyway the strongest is not mean can't be defeated after all. Nonetheless , she is still the main power house of the group, things that she lack of can be provided by the others, and unlike the others which looks like on their peaks, she and Nash seems still has much room to improve. But i suspect Nash as the seventh, so perhaps i should exclude her, eh. |
Sep 6, 2015 2:14 PM
Flashoftheback said: HandsomeMan said: Nah, i doubt it. 1 out of 10 might be because of some lucky outlier like on the previous episode, Hans and Adlet lack the fire power even to get close to Chamot, agility wont help either since her ability protected her willingly, if you even want to make them have preparation, then be fair and make Chamot have preparation and blood-lusted also instead over-confidence like on the previous episode then both of them die, if we are talking about "actual fight". Flashoftheback said: HandsomeMan said: That's why it was stated that the power she has is the strongest, but the wielder still a brat and still need experience. Basically she has her own army, comparing all human even within the flowers, she actually the strongest individually, so 2 vs 1 like Hans (the second strongest within the group) and Adlet trick is an outlier, you can't judge her weaker than Hans or Adlet because of it.She's a "self-proclaimed" strongest, like a certain MC. Kami-Koto said: As has been stated, Chamo doesn’t really need that much time to set up. She may appear a bit weaker in the anime, but she’s basically a one-man (child) army. There’s no other Brave who can keep up with her offense or defense in a 1vs1 fight. On a real battle field, whether it's in a fictional world, in a modern world, or in the past era in our world - the most important thing has always been intelligence, strategy, tactics and even luck above all else. Raw power, strength, numbers, etc doesn't mean much against an army/opponent who has superior intellect. And Chamot is an idiot. Well then you're talking in raw power and strength. In a 1v1 Adlet and probably Hans can still best her, especially if they come in prepared (with their traps and such), because they're more experienced and smarter than her. Given the situation she can be the "strongest", but I don't see her being the strongest in actual fights between some of the braves. I think she just has soft spot of a brat that she often showing-off her ability like a retard rather than swiftly kill like Hans do, so her defeat most likely will be because of a trap or annoying trick rather than head-on like "actual fight" which is everybody would lose that way, and anyway the strongest is not mean can't be defeated after all. Nonetheless , she is still the main power house of the group, things that she lack of can be provided by the others, and unlike the others which looks like on their peaks, she and Nash seems still has much room to improve. But i suspect Nash as the seventh, so perhaps i should exclude her, eh. Well I guess we're just looking at what "the strongest" means differently. Anyway for Hans, killing off Chamot in her sleep will be like taking candy from a baby, while I doubt Chamot would be able to get away with such an assassination on Hans. ;-) They all specialize in different things. I still think knowledge and intellect is more important in battle than raw firepower. |
Sep 6, 2015 2:46 PM
Also, I wanted to add that the term "strongest" is ambiguous. If I would take the term more literally then "strongest" would come down to physical strength, i.e. who can do more push-ups, lift more weights and win an arm-wrestling competition, which between the characters would be Goldov, considering his size, physic, muscles and the fact that he carries a huge weapon. Strongest means being able to win in a battle. As brought previously by arguments, even in a one-on-one situation she would not stand a chance given the circumstances. If your argument is "why should Adlet set traps", then my argument "why place Adlet in an open battlefield in the first place to give Chamot an advantage?". It makes no sense for Adlet to do so, since his style involves tricks and gimmicks in the first place. Why should't Hans assassinate Chamot in her sleep? What's the point of placing him in an open battlefield with her? He specializes in assassinations. I know Flamie lost to her, but why wouldn't she snipe clueless Chamot from afar right in the head? I mean give Chamot a gun as well, then it will be a battle between snipers. There is no reason to make an argument of Chamot being the strongest whilst giving her numerous advantages. That's not how battles work. I agree she would be the most deadly if someone smart was controlling her or guiding her behind the scenes, but that wouldn't make her "the strongest character", only the strongest tool. Whichever way you look at it, Chamot is "self-proclaimed" strongest, and she might be the strongest in an enclosed forest (even that is completely debatable considering Adlet outsmarted her more than once in such a condition), but not in a open world scenario. Hence, the strongest person is also be the smartest person. Hence, Chamot is not the strongest in many situations, even overall as a fighter. |
Sep 6, 2015 11:43 PM
Sep 7, 2015 12:58 AM
It has been stated multiple times in the LN that Chamo is the strongest. Of course it’s possible to outwit her or kill her off in her sleep, but what kind of definition of strength is that? Isn’t that pretty much admitting that Chamo can’t be overpowered? I’m not saying that it’s impossible for anyone else to beat her, but not with raw power. HandsomeMan said: Also, I wanted to add that the term "strongest" is ambiguous. If I would take the term more literally then "strongest" would come down to physical strength, i.e. who can do more push-ups, lift more weights and win an arm-wrestling competition, which between the characters would be Goldov, considering his size, physic, muscles and the fact that he carries a huge weapon. Strongest means being able to win in a battle. As brought previously by arguments, even in a one-on-one situation she would not stand a chance given the circumstances. If your argument is "why should Adlet set traps", then my argument "why place Adlet in an open battlefield in the first place to give Chamot an advantage?". It makes no sense for Adlet to do so, since his style involves tricks and gimmicks in the first place. Why should't Hans assassinate Chamot in her sleep? What's the point of placing him in an open battlefield with her? He specializes in assassinations. I know Flamie lost to her, but why wouldn't she snipe clueless Chamot from afar right in the head? I mean give Chamot a gun as well, then it will be a battle between snipers. There is no reason to make an argument of Chamot being the strongest whilst giving her numerous advantages. That's not how battles work. I agree she would be the most deadly if someone smart was controlling her or guiding her behind the scenes, but that wouldn't make her "the strongest character", only the strongest tool. Whichever way you look at it, Chamot is "self-proclaimed" strongest, and she might be the strongest in an enclosed forest (even that is completely debatable considering Adlet outsmarted her more than once in such a condition), but not in a open world scenario. Hence, the strongest person is also be the smartest person. Hence, Chamot is not the strongest in many situations, even overall as a fighter. 1. Chamo can use her Jyuma from a distance as well, making it possible to surround someone with an army while they’re asleep and not even being there. 2. Not only self-proclaimed, she is openly accepted as the strongest by everyone in the party. 3. You’re only talking about human opponents. Chamo is their greatest asset, as assassinating while asleep or sniping aren’t going to work on the more powerful Kyoma. By your definition any damn random sniper can defeat any character making them the strongest. |
Kami-KotoSep 7, 2015 1:13 AM
Sep 7, 2015 1:51 AM
Chamo is the strongest in a completely different meaning than Adlet. Chamo probably has the most raw power (but other saints would be able to outgun her if there are more than 1 of them), and her juuma are clever and versatile enough to give her advantage in a lot of things. She also has a basic grasp of things like tactics (but nowhere near the level of veteran warriors like Adlet or Hans). But the best part of Chamo's power is the ability to fight armies of lesser demons by countering them with her own army. Adlet would probably win most possible fights, even if he must re-define the terms of victory to favor himself. He's cunning, has a lot o tricks, and is reasonably good himself. Of course, most of his companions are unreasonably good. But the best part of Adlet's power is his extensive knowledge of demons, which few people in the setting can rival. It will surely be useful beyond fighting. |
Sep 7, 2015 3:56 AM
man like i said in above post Nashetania can kill her easily i think. Latest episode we saw her sending blades from the ground.If it was chamo and not adlet then she would be dead. Even if fiends protect her by instinct the blades would pierce her from below.Especially if chamo doesnt know Nashetania can do it. She couldnt even avoid 1 kick and you telling me if she gets surprised by few tens of blades coming from underground she gonna avoid them?cmon. |
Sep 7, 2015 5:01 AM
darboux said: Approve status +10 ;D .. so far Hime ability sems the most usable in diffrent kind of situations she can easly switch from defence to attack mode ( while running and here Fremy for example to be accurate need to aim;p).. while Chamot okay her ability is powerful as well but she has one defect( couldn't find better word ;p) its her she has body of 14 years old girl untrained because she is overconfident in her ability...At end i still saw to litle to tell who is the strongest among them but they will have best synergy as a team while covering weakspots of each member. Chamo would use her Pupets to distract enemy and make sure no Brave will get surrounded while ,Fremy would give backup for first line from distance and cover Chamo , Adlet and Goldov at frontline ( Adlet use tools to make more chaos among kyona and Goldov pure strenght=smash ;p) , Hans would as a support for everyone i mean he can act free ( best for him ) ;D .. And Mora will try to kill Adlet while no one watch them xD ...that way we could use everyone potential and tell that chamo is the strongest ( the most would depend on her).man like i said in above post Nashetania can kill her easily i think. Latest episode we saw her sending blades from the ground.If it was chamo and not adlet then she would be dead. Even if fiends protect her by instinct the blades would pierce her from below.Especially if chamo doesnt know Nashetania can do it. She couldnt even avoid 1 kick and you telling me if she gets surprised by few tens of blades coming from underground she gonna avoid them?cmon. I didn't add Hime because she's 7 in my opinion.. sry for bad eng. |
Sep 7, 2015 5:19 AM
HandsomeMan said: She's a "self-proclaimed" strongest, like a certain MC. She's not "self-proclaimed" though, this is what widely believe unlike Adlet. Chamo has never been once touched by anyone even when fighting in groups until Adlet and Hans. It took two of them to beat her and she wasn't even serious then. She can summon up to 70 Fiends ( with unique abilities) with almost near instantly if she wanted to and everyone would be fucked. |
Sep 7, 2015 5:30 AM
Extremely short excerpt from the LN stating Nashetanias opinion on Chamo: „Even if she teamed up with Goldof to fight Chamo, she was uncertain if she could defeat her. Let alone if she had to face Chamo one-on-one." |
Sep 7, 2015 5:55 AM
Kami-Koto said: Extremely short excerpt from the LN stating Nashetanias opinion on Chamo: „Even if she teamed up with Goldof to fight Chamo, she was uncertain if she could defeat her. Let alone if she had to face Chamo one-on-one." Hans and Adlet thought they were gonna die as well at start but they pulled through.And Adlet was heavily injured and he had already fought hans... Maura thought Chamo could have never loose but she did. Nashe's opinion could be this but you never know unless you try.....I not read the ln but in the anime her ability/physical abilities were not that great. She is the strongest/most usefull if they face an army of fiends but one on one she is not that strong imo.Her pets are not so resilient despite regenerating and she is like a little girl physically.She couldnt avoid 1 kick and she even got knocked out by.She didnt seem to have a good grasp of her surroundings as well. So unless her true ability was not shown or something i think nashetania could do it......especially if chamo does not know much of how her blades work. |
Sep 7, 2015 6:04 AM
darboux said: It Depends on enemy on one on one Fremy couldn't do anything as far as we know and ran .. Quickness + Mobility and some brain that what Adlet and Hans had xDKami-Koto said: Extremely short excerpt from the LN stating Nashetanias opinion on Chamo: „Even if she teamed up with Goldof to fight Chamo, she was uncertain if she could defeat her. Let alone if she had to face Chamo one-on-one." Hans and Adlet thought they were gonna die as well at start but they pulled through.And Adlet was heavily injured and he had already fought hans... Maura thought Chamo could have never loose but she did. Nashe's opinion could be this but you never know unless you try.....I not read the ln but in the anime her ability/physical abilities were not that great. She is the strongest/most usefull if they face an army of fiends but one on one she is not that strong imo.Her pets are not so resilient despite regenerating and she is like a little girl physically.She couldnt avoid 1 kick and she even got knocked out by.She didnt seem to have a good grasp of her surroundings as well. So unless her true ability was not shown or something i think nashetania could do it......especially if chamo does not know much of how her blades work. |
Sep 7, 2015 6:10 AM
darboux said: Hans and Adlet thought they were gonna die as well at start but they pulled through.And Adlet was heavily injured and he had already fought hans... Maura thought Chamo could have never loose but she did. Adlet and Hans only pulled off a win due Hans near superhuman agility and Adlet's quick thinking and Chamo not taking them seriously. Even with that Adlet and Hans almost lost since Chamo was able to shoot out a Jyuma matched Hans speed on reaction which almost destroyed the whole stratagy. And not like says Chamo can't be beat, it just that chances of defeating her are low. She is the strongest/most usefull if they face an army of fiends but one on one she is not that strong imo.Her pets are not so resilient despite regenerating and she is like a little girl physically. Jyuma regenerate near instantly, it's like fighting water that cannot be dissipated and they feel no pain, so if anything they extremely physically resistant. You need something can counter their unique form if you wnat to stand a chance. |
Sep 7, 2015 6:35 AM
Tsk tsk, arguments from the fanboys. Mere speculation means jack, even when the characters themselves are speculating. Adlet and Hans already outwitted her in the anime, and with more time to prepare anyone else can outwit and defeat her too. She is as dumb as a doorknob. No one here seems to understand that actual battles rely on wits, strategy and intellect and not "herp derp summon a thousand blobs" |
Sep 7, 2015 6:37 AM
The only reason she is the 'strongest' in this context is that Fremy's power over bullets seems to only extend to being able to craft them out of nothing. If she could control their trajectories mid-flight, Chamo would be dead already. The rest of it is just kinda hand-wavy. And seriously Zefyris, can you please stop spoiling future plot elements regarding this? |
Sep 7, 2015 7:06 AM
Jagd84 said: darboux said: Hans and Adlet thought they were gonna die as well at start but they pulled through.And Adlet was heavily injured and he had already fought hans... Maura thought Chamo could have never loose but she did. Adlet and Hans only pulled off a win due Hans near superhuman agility and Adlet's quick thinking and Chamo not taking them seriously. Even with that Adlet and Hans almost lost since Chamo was able to shoot out a Jyuma matched Hans speed on reaction which almost destroyed the whole stratagy. And not like says Chamo can't be beat, it just that chances of defeating her are low. She is the strongest/most usefull if they face an army of fiends but one on one she is not that strong imo.Her pets are not so resilient despite regenerating and she is like a little girl physically. Jyuma regenerate near instantly, it's like fighting water that cannot be dissipated and they feel no pain, so if anything they extremely physically resistant. You need something can counter their unique form if you wnat to stand a chance. I not read the ln so i not know if she can summon special monsters or sth. But i didnt see them being physically resistant.All it took was 1 cut in their main body from hans and they went splashing down.Did they regenerate ?yes ,did they regenerate fast?yes,did they regenerate instantly ?No,at least when their main body got cut.That is what it was shown in the anime. No matter how Hans and Adlet pulled it off the fact still remains they fought her after they fought between themselves and adlet was injured as well.The kid wasnt even able to avoid 1 kick,or even block it so she wouldnt get knocked out. Her reflexes seem low,agility ordinary,physical endurance piss low. If she didnt take seriously fighting 2 braves then she wouldnt take seriously a fight with just 1 brave. Lets say Chamo summon 50 fiends all Nashetania would have to do is shower them with blades and sneak up a few below chamo.There is no way in hell she could avoid them all.And i do not see how the fiends would protect her from below. I dont get why Maura was all like Chamo couldnt have lost etc , seems to me any 2 people team from braves could down her.She is not smart,does not take fights seriously and she is physically weak.1 punch would be enuf to bring her down.Unless she got hidden extra abilities or fiends with more special abilities but nothing like this was shown^^. |
Sep 7, 2015 8:27 AM
I still think Adlet is the strongest, he has the power of scheming, it is more dangerous than anything else. |
Sep 7, 2015 9:24 AM
I agree the anime doesn't make her pets to appear that strong. I think the portrayal is a bit worse for her in the anime. In the LN sections, her pets are described much more dangerously and much more difficult to deal with. Basically, she's got an army of demons inside her that are her slaves. |
Sep 7, 2015 9:55 AM
HandsomeMan said: Tsk tsk, arguments from the fanboys. Mere speculation means jack, even when the characters themselves are speculating. Adlet and Hans already outwitted her in the anime, and with more time to prepare anyone else can outwit and defeat her too. She is as dumb as a doorknob. No one here seems to understand that actual battles rely on wits, strategy and intellect and not "herp derp summon a thousand blobs" Once again. Nobody ever said Chamo is invincible, she strongest Saint and of the Braves because fighting against her ability is extremely difficult. Adlet and Hans beating her through luck is irrelevant. For example Saint of the Single Flower the strongest Saint in history can probably be killed by Adlet if he were lucky enough to catch her in her sleep. It would not change the fact she could wreck him and everyone head-on with complete awareness. This not a difficult logic to grasp. And if Chamo supposed to be dumb than Hans is even dumber for thinking she no defensive strategy if her summons were away and needing Adlet reorient him at the end of the fight. darboux said: I not read the ln so i not know if she can summon special monsters or sth. That's not an excuse. Those things happened LN versions of these anime scenes. If you want choose to argue in ignorance because you're stubborn and make erroneous conclusions than this discussion is pointless. They as much as fact as anything the anime display. But i didnt see them being physically resistant.All it took was 1 cut in their main body from hans and they went splashing down.Did they regenerate ?yes ,did they regenerate fast?yes,did they regenerate instantly ?No,at least when their main body got cut.That is what it was shown in the anime. I said near instantly, fast enough that Hans could not get through them and attack at the same time. Adlet had literally distract them. If Chamo had chosen command them herself at point Adlet's plan never have worked. Hell Hans did all he could just hold for 60 secs while Adlet came up with a plan and she wasn't even using her full might. Both stated in anime and LN: Vol 1 ch 4 “Hans! Cover me!” Adlet shouted. Cutting off the tongue of a frog Kyoma, Hans replied, “My hands are full. Don’t be lazy!” “I’ll think of something while you’re protecting me!” Hans then made a giant leap and landed beside Adlet. And just as Adlet had requested, Hans intercepted the attacking Kyoma coming his way. Without thinking of the consequences, his movements were reckless. But he couldn’t hold them for much longer. Lowering his voice, Adlet asked, “How long can you hold them?” “60 seconds,” Hans replied. “After 60 seconds, don’t think about it, just attack Chamo. I’ll cover you.” Adlet said, and then he redirected his focus onto Chamo. And Hans here has the fastest reaction time and speed of anyone in the group. No matter how Hans and Adlet pulled it off the fact still remains they fought her after they fought between themselves and adlet was injured as well.The kid wasnt even able to avoid 1 kick,or even block it so she wouldnt get knocked out. Her reflexes seem low,agility ordinary,physical endurance piss low. The fact you bring up her physical abilities easily shows why don't understand why Chamo's power OP. Why she need fast agility when she not a close ranged fighter? Why ever need get up close at all if she had near indestructible army that you cannot get through with conventional means but can attack you at the same time? No of her physical stats outside her summon speed matter at all for her power. If she didnt take seriously fighting 2 braves then she wouldnt take seriously a fight with just 1 brave. One Brave wouldn't able jack even if she wasn't serious. Chamo would just overwhelm them summons and it would be over. [quote[Lets say Chamo summon 50 fiends all Nashetania would have to do is shower them with blades and sneak up a few below chamo.There is no way in hell she could avoid them all.And i do not see how the fiends would protect her from below.[/quote] Chamo or Jyuma don't have avoid any blades, they never rare ever avoid attacks. All Nashetania's attacks would be stopped dead in their tracks and absorbed no matter where they came from. Her Jyuma can sense things humans can't so underground attacks won't work. Frankly this all just your assumptions and your basically don't want be to wrong that why your denying non LN spoilers. Chamo ain't even my favorite character, but I can recognized her strength which back up multiple who have seen her power in action. I dont get why Maura was all like Chamo couldnt have lost etc , seems to me any 2 people team from braves could down her.She is not smart,does not take fights seriously and she is physically weak.1 punch would be enuf to bring her down.Unless she got hidden extra abilities or fiends with more special abilities but nothing like this was shown^^. I don't get the idea you got that Chamo is dumb, but she reckless not stupid. And normally wouldn't even get near Chamo to punch her so point here is moot. |
Iron_MawSep 7, 2015 10:06 AM
Sep 7, 2015 10:47 AM
Jagd84 said: HandsomeMan said: Tsk tsk, arguments from the fanboys. Mere speculation means jack, even when the characters themselves are speculating. Adlet and Hans already outwitted her in the anime, and with more time to prepare anyone else can outwit and defeat her too. She is as dumb as a doorknob. No one here seems to understand that actual battles rely on wits, strategy and intellect and not "herp derp summon a thousand blobs" Once again. Nobody ever said Chamo is invincible, she strongest Saint and of the Braves because fighting against her ability is extremely difficult. Adlet and Hans beating her through luck is irrelevant. For example Saint of the Single Flower the strongest Saint in history can probably be killed by Adlet if he were lucky enough to catch her in her sleep. It would not change the fact she could wreck him and everyone head-on with complete awareness. This not a difficult logic to grasp. And if Chamo supposed to be dumb than Hans is even dumber for thinking she no defensive strategy if her summons were away and needing Adlet reorient him at the end of the fight. darboux said: I not read the ln so i not know if she can summon special monsters or sth. That's not an excuse. Those things happened LN versions of these anime scenes. If you want choose to argue in ignorance because you're stubborn and make erroneous conclusions than this discussion is pointless. They as much as fact as anything the anime display. But i didnt see them being physically resistant.All it took was 1 cut in their main body from hans and they went splashing down.Did they regenerate ?yes ,did they regenerate fast?yes,did they regenerate instantly ?No,at least when their main body got cut.That is what it was shown in the anime. I said near instantly, fast enough that Hans could not get through them and attack at the same time. Adlet had literally distract them. If Chamo had chosen command them herself at point Adlet's plan never have worked. Hell Hans did all he could just hold for 60 secs while Adlet came up with a plan and she wasn't even using her full might. Both stated in anime and LN: Vol 1 ch 4 “Hans! Cover me!” Adlet shouted. Cutting off the tongue of a frog Kyoma, Hans replied, “My hands are full. Don’t be lazy!” “I’ll think of something while you’re protecting me!” Hans then made a giant leap and landed beside Adlet. And just as Adlet had requested, Hans intercepted the attacking Kyoma coming his way. Without thinking of the consequences, his movements were reckless. But he couldn’t hold them for much longer. Lowering his voice, Adlet asked, “How long can you hold them?” “60 seconds,” Hans replied. “After 60 seconds, don’t think about it, just attack Chamo. I’ll cover you.” Adlet said, and then he redirected his focus onto Chamo. And Hans here has the fastest reaction time and speed of anyone in the group. No matter how Hans and Adlet pulled it off the fact still remains they fought her after they fought between themselves and adlet was injured as well.The kid wasnt even able to avoid 1 kick,or even block it so she wouldnt get knocked out. Her reflexes seem low,agility ordinary,physical endurance piss low. The fact you bring up her physical abilities easily shows why don't understand why Chamo's power OP. Why she need fast agility when she not a close ranged fighter? Why ever need get up close at all if she had near indestructible army that you cannot get through with conventional means but can attack you at the same time? No of her physical stats outside her summon speed matter at all for her power. If she didnt take seriously fighting 2 braves then she wouldnt take seriously a fight with just 1 brave. One Brave wouldn't able jack even if she wasn't serious. Chamo would just overwhelm them summons and it would be over. [quote[Lets say Chamo summon 50 fiends all Nashetania would have to do is shower them with blades and sneak up a few below chamo.There is no way in hell she could avoid them all.And i do not see how the fiends would protect her from below. Chamo or Jyuma don't have avoid any blades, they never rare ever avoid attacks. All Nashetania's attacks would be stopped dead in their tracks and absorbed no matter where they came from. Her Jyuma can sense things humans can't so underground attacks won't work. Frankly this all just your assumptions and your basically don't want be to wrong that why your denying non LN spoilers. Chamo ain't even my favorite character, but I can recognized her strength which back up multiple who have seen her power in action. I dont get why Maura was all like Chamo couldnt have lost etc , seems to me any 2 people team from braves could down her.She is not smart,does not take fights seriously and she is physically weak.1 punch would be enuf to bring her down.Unless she got hidden extra abilities or fiends with more special abilities but nothing like this was shown^^. I don't get the idea you got that Chamo is dumb, but she reckless not stupid. And normally wouldn't even get near Chamo to punch her so point here is moot.[/quote] 1) what is this argument? I am an anime viewer not an LN reader.So if the anime adaptation does not show her ability as OP as the ln does i am supposed to go spoil myself to the ln?this really an argument?cmon man lol. Not my fault that the anime didnt portray her ability as strong as the characters talked or thought about.....The anime really didnt make her look as OP as everyone talked about why is this so hard to grasp as you say? 2)Yes almost instantly and hans couldnt get through them.But nashetanias blades would splash them for few seconds,she could create a window and attack her from below or at least 1 blade make it through.Hans is just one person(he cannot attack multiple targets while Nashe can keep showering with blades(what is faster hans or tens of blades coming from above and below? ).Is it so farfetched to think this could be possible?Or if nashe had a partner for example Maura making that earthquake thing and having all these tree crushing the fiends along with her blades etc there are posibilities.....but all these are impossible because i need to go read the LN?ok... 3)''Chamo or Jyuma don't have avoid any blades, they never rare ever avoid attacks. All Nashetania's attacks would be stopped dead in their tracks and absorbed no matter where they came from. Her Jyuma can sense things humans can't so underground attacks won't work.'' But if their main body gets cut/pierced and dont avoid they go splash and need few secs to regenerate that gives a time window to target chamo.....Also they were shown to rush to chamo to defend in case she is in danger i dunno if they can sense underground attack that was not shown....Just 1 blade or 1 attack going through =chamo down.... 4) Her reflexes/agility/endurance ARE important its the reason she got Knocked out so easy.IF she had some reflex or sth he could have avoided the kick or even tanked it so she wouldnt go unconcious and her fiends would get hans after he kicked you mean is not relevant its one of the main reasons she got downed lol. 5)Ok sure she is not dumb,but what she did was dumb.Sorry i rephrased.Whether because she didnt take seriously the fight or not it was dumb of her.She should have kept 1 fiend from the ones she summoned staying all the time in front of her just in case.She didnt and i think this was dumb. Look i am not saying her ability is not strong or that she herself is not strong it just the anime didnt portray that all powerful.Everyone from earlier episodes especially Maura comented on how chamo was strong but i think from what i saw was abit dissapointed,and that prolly any 2 people team from the braves could take her down(hard but doable) and think nashe's ability could work.(FROM WHAT I HAVE SEEN) this so hard to grasp as i said above? ''And normally wouldn't get near Chamo to even punch her so point here is moot.'' Well a kick did and she down.My whole point is as above only thing her enemy would need to do is get just 1 punch (attack/hit) and chamo would be down.(hard to pull sure,impossible? no and it was shown unless there's more to her abilities) So in the end ''Chamo overall was not shown so OP as other chars always thought and does not seem so impossible to be defeated '' seems so farfetched to you because i need to read the LN....well ok sure i agree with you.Chamo can never be defeated she is the strongest and there's no weakness in her ability as shown in the anime (hans and adlet were just lucky and didnt simply outsmart her). sure. |
darbouxSep 7, 2015 10:56 AM
Sep 7, 2015 8:52 PM
darboux said: 1) what is this argument? I am an anime viewer not an LN reader.So if the anime adaptation does not show her ability as OP as the ln does i am supposed to go spoil myself to the ln?this really an argument?cmon man lol. Not my fault that the anime didnt portray her ability as strong as the characters talked or thought about.....The anime really didnt make her look as OP as everyone talked about why is this so hard to grasp as you say? 2)Yes almost instantly and hans couldnt get through them.But nashetanias blades would splash them for few seconds,she could create a window and attack her from below or at least 1 blade make it through.Hans is just one person(he cannot attack multiple targets while Nashe can keep showering with blades(what is faster hans or tens of blades coming from above and below? ).Is it so farfetched to think this could be possible?Or if nashe had a partner for example Maura making that earthquake thing and having all these tree crushing the fiends along with her blades etc there are posibilities.....but all these are impossible because i need to go read the LN?ok... 3)''Chamo or Jyuma don't have avoid any blades, they never rare ever avoid attacks. All Nashetania's attacks would be stopped dead in their tracks and absorbed no matter where they came from. Her Jyuma can sense things humans can't so underground attacks won't work.'' But if their main body gets cut/pierced and dont avoid they go splash and need few secs to regenerate that gives a time window to target chamo.....Also they were shown to rush to chamo to defend in case she is in danger i dunno if they can sense underground attack that was not shown....Just 1 blade or 1 attack going through =chamo down.... 4) Her reflexes/agility/endurance ARE important its the reason she got Knocked out so easy.IF she had some reflex or sth he could have avoided the kick or even tanked it so she wouldnt go unconcious and her fiends would get hans after he kicked you mean is not relevant its one of the main reasons she got downed lol. 5)Ok sure she is not dumb,but what she did was dumb.Sorry i rephrased.Whether because she didnt take seriously the fight or not it was dumb of her.She should have kept 1 fiend from the ones she summoned staying all the time in front of her just in case.She didnt and i think this was dumb. Look i am not saying her ability is not strong or that she herself is not strong it just the anime didnt portray that all powerful.Everyone from earlier episodes especially Maura comented on how chamo was strong but i think from what i saw was abit dissapointed,and that prolly any 2 people team from the braves could take her down(hard but doable) and think nashe's ability could work.(FROM WHAT I HAVE SEEN) this so hard to grasp as i said above? ''And normally wouldn't get near Chamo to even punch her so point here is moot.'' Well a kick did and she down.My whole point is as above only thing her enemy would need to do is get just 1 punch (attack/hit) and chamo would be down.(hard to pull sure,impossible? no and it was shown unless there's more to her abilities) So in the end ''Chamo overall was not shown so OP as other chars always thought and does not seem so impossible to be defeated '' seems so farfetched to you because i need to read the LN....well ok sure i agree with you.Chamo can never be defeated she is the strongest and there's no weakness in her ability as shown in the anime (hans and adlet were just lucky and didnt simply outsmart her). sure. 1.Because this thread asking LN readers to explain why she is the strongest despite fact we have already told you there difference in fight in the book and in the anime. You are still trying put push a foolhardy argument despite that. 2. Those are all pure assumptions you can't back up, but tell what is true. Adlet and Hans are generally faster then Nashetania's blades. Since her attack speed can't surpass they speed what your saying is unlikely to work. 3. As I said they don't work like that. While they liquid they also like have heavy mass wall that stop anything moving. If Nashetania is to win that fight won't be by herself. 4. If Chamo is hi she won't be able maintain her summons no matter how endurance she has. The whole point the makes her so powerful is that you can't attack her normally in the first place. 5. That's exactly what she did, wasn't able to react to Hans second strike because she wasn't expecting Adlet to recover Hans trajectory by kicking him. And again, nowhere did anyone say she was invincible, just the hardest to beat out of the 6 Braves. |
Sep 7, 2015 11:12 PM
GSupernova said: And seriously Zefyris, can you please stop spoiling future plot elements regarding this? I see no spoilers from Zefyris in this thread. Either they have been cleaned up or they weren't here from the start. For example, LN readers didn't tell why Nashetania would win in a fight with Chamo based on later volumes. |
Sep 8, 2015 4:54 AM
Jagd84 said: darboux said: 1) what is this argument? I am an anime viewer not an LN reader.So if the anime adaptation does not show her ability as OP as the ln does i am supposed to go spoil myself to the ln?this really an argument?cmon man lol. Not my fault that the anime didnt portray her ability as strong as the characters talked or thought about.....The anime really didnt make her look as OP as everyone talked about why is this so hard to grasp as you say? 2)Yes almost instantly and hans couldnt get through them.But nashetanias blades would splash them for few seconds,she could create a window and attack her from below or at least 1 blade make it through.Hans is just one person(he cannot attack multiple targets while Nashe can keep showering with blades(what is faster hans or tens of blades coming from above and below? ).Is it so farfetched to think this could be possible?Or if nashe had a partner for example Maura making that earthquake thing and having all these tree crushing the fiends along with her blades etc there are posibilities.....but all these are impossible because i need to go read the LN?ok... 3)''Chamo or Jyuma don't have avoid any blades, they never rare ever avoid attacks. All Nashetania's attacks would be stopped dead in their tracks and absorbed no matter where they came from. Her Jyuma can sense things humans can't so underground attacks won't work.'' But if their main body gets cut/pierced and dont avoid they go splash and need few secs to regenerate that gives a time window to target chamo.....Also they were shown to rush to chamo to defend in case she is in danger i dunno if they can sense underground attack that was not shown....Just 1 blade or 1 attack going through =chamo down.... 4) Her reflexes/agility/endurance ARE important its the reason she got Knocked out so easy.IF she had some reflex or sth he could have avoided the kick or even tanked it so she wouldnt go unconcious and her fiends would get hans after he kicked you mean is not relevant its one of the main reasons she got downed lol. 5)Ok sure she is not dumb,but what she did was dumb.Sorry i rephrased.Whether because she didnt take seriously the fight or not it was dumb of her.She should have kept 1 fiend from the ones she summoned staying all the time in front of her just in case.She didnt and i think this was dumb. Look i am not saying her ability is not strong or that she herself is not strong it just the anime didnt portray that all powerful.Everyone from earlier episodes especially Maura comented on how chamo was strong but i think from what i saw was abit dissapointed,and that prolly any 2 people team from the braves could take her down(hard but doable) and think nashe's ability could work.(FROM WHAT I HAVE SEEN) this so hard to grasp as i said above? ''And normally wouldn't get near Chamo to even punch her so point here is moot.'' Well a kick did and she down.My whole point is as above only thing her enemy would need to do is get just 1 punch (attack/hit) and chamo would be down.(hard to pull sure,impossible? no and it was shown unless there's more to her abilities) So in the end ''Chamo overall was not shown so OP as other chars always thought and does not seem so impossible to be defeated '' seems so farfetched to you because i need to read the LN....well ok sure i agree with you.Chamo can never be defeated she is the strongest and there's no weakness in her ability as shown in the anime (hans and adlet were just lucky and didnt simply outsmart her). sure. 1.Because this thread asking LN readers to explain why she is the strongest despite fact we have already told you there difference in fight in the book and in the anime. You are still trying put push a foolhardy argument despite that. 2. Those are all pure assumptions you can't back up, but tell what is true. Adlet and Hans are generally faster then Nashetania's blades. Since her attack speed can't surpass they speed what your saying is unlikely to work. 3. As I said they don't work like that. While they liquid they also like have heavy mass wall that stop anything moving. If Nashetania is to win that fight won't be by herself. 4. If Chamo is hi she won't be able maintain her summons no matter how endurance she has. The whole point the makes her so powerful is that you can't attack her normally in the first place. 5. That's exactly what she did, wasn't able to react to Hans second strike because she wasn't expecting Adlet to recover Hans trajectory by kicking him. And again, nowhere did anyone say she was invincible, just the hardest to beat out of the 6 Braves. 1)i did not see the guy that made the thread talking about the LN or asking about it.He just why she is the strongest by what we saw in the anime.Its a thread in the anime section. If he meant to ask stuff from the LN then sure i am sorry. 2)You still not get what i mean.The blades are a wide area of attack.We saw last episode her blades cutting the forest in a large circle in few seconds.Hans could be fast but he cant do that.Hans can attack 1 fiend at a time nashetania can attack all of them at the same time.How is that not faster? 3) Maybe it will work maybe it will not,but still they do liquid.If she can send more blades in than chamo's monsters or point directly above AND below chamo maybe 1 blade could pass.Wide area of attack can maybe get all her friends to splash so 1 blade could pull through either from above/in front/or below.All you need to down chamo is this.Hard to pull yes but why so impossible?Ofc we just speculate. But honest if nashetania had back up for example Maura/Goldov/Hans etc the chances of it happening arent that low. 4)Didnt know that is it mentioned or?Thought if she gets hit hard to the point of even temporarily loosing consious.Still not been able to dodge and only needing 1 hit to loose control is important.Basically its only her weakness.In 1 on 1 fight maybe its hard to get hit but if she ever finds herself in a battle with more this will be her disadvantage. 5)No she didnt she vomitted the fiend.I am talking why not always stay behind a fiend somewhere far away from the enemy.Maybe because she didnt take the fight seriously or w/e the reason i still find it dumb.Hans and Adlet both seems close range fighters more or less.You see the assasin rushing towards why not start running backwards or vomit more fiends to play it safe?.Maybe she thought she fooled and the fiend she vomited would surprise and kill them.But it didnt.So she got outsmarted and didnt play it safe. Look anyway i agree with you about being the harder to deal with.I just tried to point out that many times in the show (ANIME) chars talked alot about how strong she is etc....i just expected something more?it did not impress that much.That is all im saying.Yes i can think of why she is so hard to get,but still expected more. And especially last episode i always thought nashetania was weak as hell but her ability impressed me.For example cuting the forest so fast or using the blades to come from below etc...i not think nashetania stronger but still in a 1on1 fight with chamo especially if chamo does not take the fight seriously or like she did with hans and adlet think she got chances to surprise her and get at least 1 blade pull through.....i dont think its so impossible,and if she had 1 more brave as backup then chances are bigger....thats all im saying^^. |
darbouxSep 8, 2015 5:09 AM
Sep 8, 2015 8:05 AM
Here is why I can't take claim about Chamot seriously in MAL character biography "Chamo Rosso (チャモ・ロッソ) Age: 14 Chamo is the Saint of "Swamp," and is said to be be the most powerful person in history besides the Saint of one flower." when in fact on episode 5 or 6 Maura talking about the missing elder Saint of Sun, Leura who is able to summon heat rays from the sky to decimate entire enemy castle That's what I call the strongest in the world, not some inexperienced little girl vomiting random weak fiend and then there is "Since her pets are technically aquatic life forms, they are especially vulnerable to fire and extreme heat." and we knew that Saint of Fire, Lenelle is still alive and based on her title, possibly posses much more usable and more fiery power. Certainly it is an exaggeration to call Chamot the strongest when she is that much inexperienced and ignorant. |
wilstreakSep 8, 2015 8:12 AM
Sep 8, 2015 8:07 AM
wilstreak said: Here is why I can't take claim about Chamot seriously in MAL character biography "Chamo Rosso (チャモ・ロッソ) Age: 14 Chamo is the Saint of "Swamp," and is said to be be the most powerful person in history besides the Saint of one flower." when in fact on episode 5 or 6 Maura talking about the missing elder Saint of Sun, Leura who is able to summon heat rays from the sky to decimate entire enemy castle That's what I call the strongest in the world, not some inexperienced little girl vomiting random weak fiend Leura is old as fuck now. |
Sep 8, 2015 8:10 AM
wilstreak said: Here is why I can't take claim about Chamot seriously in MAL character biography "Chamo Rosso (チャモ・ロッソ) Age: 14 Chamo is the Saint of "Swamp," and is said to be be the most powerful person in history besides the Saint of one flower." when in fact on episode 5 or 6 Maura talking about the missing elder Saint of Sun, Leura who is able to summon heat rays from the sky to decimate entire enemy castle That's what I call the strongest in the world, not some inexperienced little girl vomiting random weak fiend Again, you're just presupposing things here and banking on personal opinion and theory, when we don't know the full range of abilities characters can do. It's like saying PC is better than Macintosh when you don't even know the specifications for each one, and you're just hoping onto the bandwagon. |
Sep 8, 2015 8:15 AM
Ugoki said: wilstreak said: Here is why I can't take claim about Chamot seriously in MAL character biography "Chamo Rosso (チャモ・ロッソ) Age: 14 Chamo is the Saint of "Swamp," and is said to be be the most powerful person in history besides the Saint of one flower." when in fact on episode 5 or 6 Maura talking about the missing elder Saint of Sun, Leura who is able to summon heat rays from the sky to decimate entire enemy castle That's what I call the strongest in the world, not some inexperienced little girl vomiting random weak fiend Leura is old as fuck now. surely it doesnt help to call Chamo the strongest in the history except the first saint of |
Sep 8, 2015 8:20 AM
Frrrosty said: wilstreak said: Here is why I can't take claim about Chamot seriously in MAL character biography "Chamo Rosso (チャモ・ロッソ) Age: 14 Chamo is the Saint of "Swamp," and is said to be be the most powerful person in history besides the Saint of one flower." when in fact on episode 5 or 6 Maura talking about the missing elder Saint of Sun, Leura who is able to summon heat rays from the sky to decimate entire enemy castle That's what I call the strongest in the world, not some inexperienced little girl vomiting random weak fiend Again, you're just presupposing things here and banking on personal opinion and theory, when we don't know the full range of abilities characters can do. It's like saying PC is better than Macintosh when you don't even know the specifications for each one, and you're just hoping onto the bandwagon. tbh though, her power is the most useless one against the demon lord Chamot rely purely on the great number of fiend inside her body, unfortunately it is a given that someone who is called a demon lord would be able to quadruple any number Chamot has easily. Her ability is null against the demon god. It is not like her fiend is more special than Demon Lord's Other saint or Braves though while their ability vary, it is one that will be superior than Demon Lord's (useless or not) and depending on how they use it, would be much more useful |
Sep 8, 2015 8:59 AM
wilstreak said: Frrrosty said: wilstreak said: Here is why I can't take claim about Chamot seriously in MAL character biography "Chamo Rosso (チャモ・ロッソ) Age: 14 Chamo is the Saint of "Swamp," and is said to be be the most powerful person in history besides the Saint of one flower." when in fact on episode 5 or 6 Maura talking about the missing elder Saint of Sun, Leura who is able to summon heat rays from the sky to decimate entire enemy castle That's what I call the strongest in the world, not some inexperienced little girl vomiting random weak fiend Again, you're just presupposing things here and banking on personal opinion and theory, when we don't know the full range of abilities characters can do. It's like saying PC is better than Macintosh when you don't even know the specifications for each one, and you're just hoping onto the bandwagon. tbh though, her power is the most useless one against the demon lord Chamot rely purely on the great number of fiend inside her body, unfortunately it is a given that someone who is called a demon lord would be able to quadruple any number Chamot has easily. Her ability is null against the demon god. It is not like her fiend is more special than Demon Lord's Other saint or Braves though while their ability vary, it is one that will be superior than Demon Lord's (useless or not) and depending on how they use it, would be much more useful Chamo’s power is more useful than any other in the group. The journey of the Braves basically consists of fighting against the Kyoma army to finally reach the Majin. Chamo being able to use more than 70 pets, that don’t even die, to shield herself and her group from any enemy as well as fight their way through them is extremely useful. Her pets can also be used for reconnaissance. Imagine having an undead army at your disposal. |
Sep 8, 2015 12:51 PM
Sep 8, 2015 1:28 PM
black1blade said: Thing is that "strength" isn't a linear scale. 1000 troops with the same amount of training can defeat 10000. Well if the 10.000 came back to life after few seconds hard to do now wouldnt it? Imagine Sparta movie but the persians regenerating every 3 secs^^ Even tho in the anime her ability did not impress and i do not think she is as strong as the everyone in the show talked about her ability(unless there is more to it) is by far the ''strongest''/useful in case the heroes ever find themselves outnumbered.And prolly against the demon god as well. Free shields for the braves/they can buy time/they can fight when the braves are tired/scout for enemies etc etc.... She is by far the most useful one in what they about to do. |
Sep 8, 2015 1:49 PM
Okay okay we get it... Hans > Chamot |
Sep 8, 2015 2:53 PM
She has the most raw power. Her monsters regenerate, are infinite (almost) and protect her automatically. In terms of actual battle, any demon commander would destroy her almost immediately. Her lack on experience and her arrogance would put her at a a major disadvantage against veteran demon commanders. She's the most powerful, but far from strongest. No human opponents can fight her 1 on 1, but as far as taking on all the demons herself, she is sadly mistaken. |
DmonHiroSep 8, 2015 2:57 PM
Sep 8, 2015 3:51 PM
Mathias2001 said: HandsomeMan said: She's a "self-proclaimed" strongest, like a certain MC. She IS the strongest thought. I don't know, it's impressive how Adlet has continued to survive up till this point despite all 6 being after him at one point. He's certainly proved himself in my books. |
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