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63 votes
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Apr 7, 2009 6:34 PM

Jan 2009
Good comedy and ecchi parts.
Liked this whole season.
Suggest to watch DVDs.
May 10, 2009 5:18 PM

May 2009
hated it, forced myself to watch the whole thing out of boredom.
there's not even a story, it's just random crap going on.

Latest Review
Kino's Journey
Jun 4, 2009 4:07 AM

May 2008
this show is ok, enjoyed the comedy, but thats pretty mch it

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Jun 4, 2009 4:09 AM

May 2008
this show is ok, enjoyed the comedy, but thats pretty mch it

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Jul 5, 2010 12:27 AM

Mar 2009
It was better than I expected. Funny and didn't have any characters which I found annoying.
Jul 29, 2010 5:50 AM

Feb 2010
AlexSadist-sama said:
It was better than I expected. Funny and didn't have any characters which I found annoying.
Serious? I found many characters annoying ;l BUTT I love " Girls Bravo " None the less(:
Aug 30, 2010 12:12 AM

Aug 2010
Only character I found annoying was Tomoka, I liked all the others.

And thankfully this episode didn't see much of her. xD
Sep 13, 2010 7:56 PM

Jun 2009
I don't hate it ep 1-7 watched it 447days ago.. now I'm back and now I don't appreciate it lol I just force myself to finish it too (It's like I'm cleaning my watchlist)

I'm thinking whether it's bad or average.. argh
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Dec 4, 2010 11:23 AM

May 2010
Well, kinda awkward last episode. If they were going for the ecchi-comedy, then they shouldn't have thrown in that "overcome your fears" bit. Especially when the fear is the perverted male (the target demographic, I might add). Why would the show sexualize her so much when her story is about defeating the enemy who sexualizes her? If this were some sort of satire that would make sense, but in this case the creators honestly didn't notice the contradiction.

Anyways, this show was exactly what I expected it to be. For the most part neither good nor bad, just some fun ecchi comedy for when you're in the mood.
“Money can't buy dere”
Apr 6, 2011 12:07 PM

Oct 2010
This really didn't felt like a last episode for a season.... now to season 2
Apr 20, 2012 4:00 PM

Nov 2011
just another pointless and stupid episode
Dec 27, 2012 6:08 PM

Dec 2007
Fukuyama getting out of the hot spring like predator. The series is okay. There's not a lot of ecchi comedy. If there is, it's mostly the same jokes every time. Such as Yukinari seeing a girl naked, and Kirie hitting him. I hope there is more comedy variety in the next season.
Dec 9, 2013 9:54 PM
Nov 2013
I just don't get does this mediocre at best anime get a 2nd season when I have seen a lot of really good ones not even given half a chance? The series had some amusing moments but a lot of the characters annoy the hell out of me.......

Yukinara - main male character....completely useless at start and never changes one iota throughout the progression of the first season. He spends the entire first season never conquering his fear of being with women....still breaks out in hives when they touch him and not once shows any indication of sticking up for himself or women even when they are being harassed or threatened.

Kirie - Yukinara's childhood friend and annoys me how she has feelings for him but refuses to admit them to even herself. Also, she flies off the handle kicking his butt any time an embarrassing situation with Yukinara happens even when clearly an accident. She is extremely attractive, but her attitude just annoys the heck out of me.

Kazuharu - male classmate and "friend" to the main characters. A pervert and not the adorable loveable kind. He is the creepy disgusting kind, and even seems that prepubescent girls are not beyond his pervertedness either when Ebi turns into a very young girl and he lusts over Absolutely not one redeeming quality and yet they try and force him down the audience's throat as a support character and friend to the rest when his actions are disgusting and at times disturbing.

Miharu - female main character......the only thing I find annoying about her is the fact that at the end of the first season she is just as air headed as at the start. I can forgive this as the character is at least cute.

Tomaku - I don't understand why they have her in this kind of anime? She is not really annoying in any particular way but doesn't fit in either. It just disturbs me having a young child (approx. 10 years of age) in an ecchi anime.

Those are the major things that annoy me about the the anime itself. Some of the scenes were quite amusing, but there is no real plot to the anime and it just seems aimless throughout the first season with no real rhyme or reason. I'll say again, I just don't understand how this got a second season being average. I'd give it a 5/10, and will watch season 2 based on the hope that I am hoping it gets better. Maybe have Yukinara grow a pair, have Kirie show a less abusive attitude towards Yukinara and Kazuharu fall off a cliff or something.
Dec 21, 2013 6:14 PM

Aug 2012
KintaroOe said:
I just don't get does this mediocre at best anime get a 2nd season when I have seen a lot of really good ones not even given half a chance? The series had some amusing moments but a lot of the characters annoy the hell out of me.......

Yukinara - main male character....completely useless at start and never changes one iota throughout the progression of the first season. He spends the entire first season never conquering his fear of being with women....still breaks out in hives when they touch him and not once shows any indication of sticking up for himself or women even when they are being harassed or threatened.

Kirie - Yukinara's childhood friend and annoys me how she has feelings for him but refuses to admit them to even herself. Also, she flies off the handle kicking his butt any time an embarrassing situation with Yukinara happens even when clearly an accident. She is extremely attractive, but her attitude just annoys the heck out of me.

Kazuharu - male classmate and "friend" to the main characters. A pervert and not the adorable loveable kind. He is the creepy disgusting kind, and even seems that prepubescent girls are not beyond his pervertedness either when Ebi turns into a very young girl and he lusts over Absolutely not one redeeming quality and yet they try and force him down the audience's throat as a support character and friend to the rest when his actions are disgusting and at times disturbing.

Miharu - female main character......the only thing I find annoying about her is the fact that at the end of the first season she is just as air headed as at the start. I can forgive this as the character is at least cute.

Tomaku - I don't understand why they have her in this kind of anime? She is not really annoying in any particular way but doesn't fit in either. It just disturbs me having a young child (approx. 10 years of age) in an ecchi anime.

Those are the major things that annoy me about the the anime itself. Some of the scenes were quite amusing, but there is no real plot to the anime and it just seems aimless throughout the first season with no real rhyme or reason. I'll say again, I just don't understand how this got a second season being average. I'd give it a 5/10, and will watch season 2 based on the hope that I am hoping it gets better. Maybe have Yukinara grow a pair, have Kirie show a less abusive attitude towards Yukinara and Kazuharu fall off a cliff or something.

My dear friend! Out of all reviews this was the most acurate! I couldn't agree more with you in every single detail what you pointed out about characters you mentioned! Every single episode I wanted to punch Kirie in the face for being the histeric and self centered bit**! Yukinara... ehhh I can't even say that he was the main character because he was totally pointless and he had no major role in this season (don't know how he will develop in 2nd season). I would say the main character deserves to be Kazuharu, why? Because he he played the major role almost in every single episode, he was the commotion for every action that took in episodes, even tho I hated him, he was god damn annoying as hell but... but yea sadly I would say he had more role in this season then that little twerp who stayed looser from the very first episode ofc named Yukinara...
Yea about Miharu... she is cute, thats true but still annoying for being airhead whole season.
Damn I am still mad for actually finishing this anime (1st season) and what makes me even more angry is that now I have to watch 2nd season!!!
In the end my score!
Story: 2/10
Character development: 0.5/10
Art: 3.5/10
Enjoyment: 2/10 (only because of nude scenes)
Mar 13, 2014 11:21 AM

May 2008
Season 1 was character introduction + alot of fanservice.
Let's hope there will be a plot in Season 2...
Jan 15, 2015 4:26 PM

Apr 2013
KintaroOe said:
I just don't get does this mediocre at best anime get a 2nd season when I have seen a lot of really good ones not even given half a chance? The series had some amusing moments but a lot of the characters annoy the hell out of me.......

Yukinara - main male character....completely useless at start and never changes one iota throughout the progression of the first season. He spends the entire first season never conquering his fear of being with women....still breaks out in hives when they touch him and not once shows any indication of sticking up for himself or women even when they are being harassed or threatened.

Kirie - Yukinara's childhood friend and annoys me how she has feelings for him but refuses to admit them to even herself. Also, she flies off the handle kicking his butt any time an embarrassing situation with Yukinara happens even when clearly an accident. She is extremely attractive, but her attitude just annoys the heck out of me.

Kazuharu - male classmate and "friend" to the main characters. A pervert and not the adorable loveable kind. He is the creepy disgusting kind, and even seems that prepubescent girls are not beyond his pervertedness either when Ebi turns into a very young girl and he lusts over Absolutely not one redeeming quality and yet they try and force him down the audience's throat as a support character and friend to the rest when his actions are disgusting and at times disturbing.

Miharu - female main character......the only thing I find annoying about her is the fact that at the end of the first season she is just as air headed as at the start. I can forgive this as the character is at least cute.

Tomaku - I don't understand why they have her in this kind of anime? She is not really annoying in any particular way but doesn't fit in either. It just disturbs me having a young child (approx. 10 years of age) in an ecchi anime.

Those are the major things that annoy me about the the anime itself. Some of the scenes were quite amusing, but there is no real plot to the anime and it just seems aimless throughout the first season with no real rhyme or reason. I'll say again, I just don't understand how this got a second season being average. I'd give it a 5/10, and will watch season 2 based on the hope that I am hoping it gets better. Maybe have Yukinara grow a pair, have Kirie show a less abusive attitude towards Yukinara and Kazuharu fall off a cliff or something.

Funny rant but yeah, I agree. Don't understand why this got a 2nd season as well T_T

2/10 the characters were pretty generic, the story was... not there and the ecchi was modest at best.
Dec 23, 2015 5:43 AM

Aug 2013
Kazuharu single-handedly ruined this show for me. I hated every scene he was in.

Apr 15, 2016 5:50 PM

Mar 2016
Wasn't that great. The characters feel way under developed (not talking sexually here) and there isn't too much of a consistent plot as far as I can tell.
Jun 5, 2016 11:22 PM

Dec 2014
Well that Fukuyama added twists to the show.....
Expecting a proper ending in Season 2
Jun 28, 2016 11:16 PM

Feb 2015
That was an odd episode as a season finale. Overall this show was as expected - shallow and ecchi-filled.

Oct 16, 2016 1:44 AM

Feb 2014
So Yukinari continued to be the most pathetic and useless harem MC I've ever seen, right until the end. And to make things worse, he wasn't even fucking conscious during most of the second half.

Kirie also remained the same by being the character who was most abusive towards Yukinari, even though she claims to care a lot about him. She is also probably the biggest reason why he was never able overcome his fear of girls. I think I now understand why a lot of people hated Tsubaki from Shigatsu so much.

garydai said:
Kazuharu single-handedly ruined this show for me. I hated every scene he was in.

And of course, there's this.

All in all, with this show, I think I've reached the bottom of the ecchi/harem barrel, and that's saying something. Haven't given a 1 to an anime in a long time.
Mar 11, 2017 6:24 AM

May 2012
Oh a continuation on the onsen episode, that's nice. In general it's good to know that this has two season because if this was the last episode it would've sucked.

But in general this anime sure finds a nice sweet spot between comedy and ecchiness!

Pretty solid first season in general, let's see what the second season has to offer and I do hope it is more story related!
Dec 28, 2017 9:48 PM

Sep 2017
what a horrible anime. can't wait to not watch season 2.
Apr 10, 2019 6:16 PM
Mar 2018
It was pretty good.
Fukuyama is still as pervy as ever. The eechi parts were really good and so was the comedy. I just hope season 2 doesn't have another fukuyama
Jul 16, 2022 4:09 AM

Sep 2018
Quite good overall, that classic early 00s ecchi vibe, never took itself that seriously. 7/10.
May 28, 2023 5:38 PM
Jul 2012
Thanks to Koyomi, and the support of her friends, she defeated the big pervert. And now they can relax.

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