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Laid-Back Camp
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Mar 4, 2021 6:28 AM

Nov 2011
That iphone holder on the bike is pretty handy. I use one similar myself and it's helpful for navigation.

Episode is alright, not too much camping but still very relaxing and I loved some of the character reactions. Good to see the focus on Rin and the photorealistic visual quality is incredible this episode.
Mar 4, 2021 6:28 AM

Feb 2018
Well it starts with Nadeshiko and Aoi-chan, as usual they show off the interesting things that happened between them. But forget it because early minutes as always make me sleep.

"The end of winter and the departure of the Izu camp "

Camp Nokuru Izu seems interesting, have they ever been there before, I feel that they've been there but idc. So it was Heihachiro Oshio's birthday I don't even know who he is but I mean March 4 or am I misunderstanding, hhmm .. It's really beautiful to see Shizuoka prefecture on Izu Street, if I'm not mistaken. The moment Rin was driving alone, it was very good and evoked the atmosphere.

After all this time, seeing Nadeshika Daddy, I don't know if I ever saw her, lol. Raw wasabi cream is not very delicious, so you should eat wasabi normally thanks Otou-san. Hold on sec, is that Rin-Okaasan similar to Rui? Wtff...Even so, Rin's father also looks handsome than I thought. Inspection and maintenance motorcycle wash completed, all of that new xD.... Rich. So what's new is the cable andphone case? No comment about Oji-san.

Glad to be on tour with Oji-san and Fuji-san look so beautiful at night (idk how i called it on eng, xD). Next Izu camp, hhmm...

Mar 4, 2021 6:43 AM
Case is closed!

Jan 2019
Happy birthday Nadeshiko and Inuko <3

I love the scene that Shimarin and ojiichan rode a motorcycle :)
YumioSFMar 4, 2021 6:57 AM
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Mar 4, 2021 6:55 AM

Apr 2020
Today is March 4th! Happy birthday to Nadeshiko and Aoi!

It's really interesting how Shimarin's facial expression changes, also I love the kansai dialect!

~Spring is coming~
Mar 4, 2021 6:56 AM
Jul 2018
this episode was really great, all prepared for their next camping trip and it nice following rin around this time, nice stuff with her family and grandpa there. cgi looked a bit wonky this episode but it wasn't super bad. also, happy birthday to nadeshiko and aoi!
Mar 4, 2021 6:58 AM

Feb 2018
So it's Nadeshiko's birthday Wtf, looks like I'll have to rewatch it.
Mar 4, 2021 7:01 AM

Apr 2010
Well the girls preparing for a trip together is nice.
And Rin making some modifications to her scooter was also nice to see er family helping out like they did was also good to watch.
A shame we didn't get to see the pictures of her mother on a bike.
Personally i would have recommended another phone mount to her tho, some of the phone mounts you can get for a motorcycle are nice but most are crap.
Rin's scooter is most likely a 50cc or a 120cc and she probably won't be going that fast but you don't want your phone to drop while driving 100km (60Miles) an hour or faster.

Her grandfather's bike looks nice as well and judging by the sound it's most likely a parallel twin.
Mar 4, 2021 7:11 AM

Jun 2019
Happy birthday Aoi and Nadeshiko. Having the same birthday as Heihachirou Ooshio. And that face. LMAO
Rin getting embarrassed was so cute. Also, we got to see Oji-san.
Another comfy and relaxing episode. Nothing exceptional but still enjoyable.
Mar 4, 2021 7:29 AM

Apr 2014
otanjoubi omedetou!! Nadeshiko and Aoi. 🎉🎉🎉

YES!!! finally, the long-awaited Izu Peninsula trip is coming. I really looking forward to watching this trip. It will turn to be a great group camping assure.
Rin and her grandfather's night ride with the breathtaking Fujisan views are really impressive.
Mar 4, 2021 7:32 AM

Jun 2019
It's great that Toba-sensei and Rin's family had more screentime for this episode. I love this episode.
Mar 4, 2021 7:42 AM

Jun 2019
Aversa said:
Well the girls preparing for a trip together is nice.
And Rin making some modifications to her scooter was also nice to see er family helping out like they did was also good to watch.
A shame we didn't get to see the pictures of her mother on a bike.
Personally i would have recommended another phone mount to her tho, some of the phone mounts you can get for a motorcycle are nice but most are crap.
Rin's scooter is most likely a 50cc or a 120cc and she probably won't be going that fast but you don't want your phone to drop while driving 100km (60Miles) an hour or faster.

Her grandfather's bike looks nice as well and judging by the sound it's most likely a parallel twin.

There is a picture of her after credits.
Mar 4, 2021 8:17 AM

Mar 2019
Great episode and HAPPY BDAY to Nade and Aoi! Perfect timing.

Poor sensei. No beer for such a long time. Dis is da real pain.

The last scene with Nade mom and Ena was funny but true. Never share a secret with anyone if you really don't want someone know about it
Mar 4, 2021 8:28 AM

Feb 2019
Oh wow, Nadeshiko and Aoi have birthdays the day after my dad. Cool!

One of my favourite episodes so far. I loved seeing Rin and her grand dad have some nice bonding throughout and that ride at the end was the icing on the cake.

That post credits scene lol, she’s definitely not keeping that secret.
Mar 4, 2021 8:33 AM

Dec 2014
Happy Birthday to Nadeshiko and Aoi! Nice timing!

Great episode again, the second half was especially really heartwarming to watch.

Rin's grandad going out of his way to travel all the way just so he could see his granddaughter and get her the screen was great. Loved all the family bonding moments, especially when Rin's Mom got all embarrassed when Rin's Dad and Grandad mentioned she was better than both of them. xD
Mar 4, 2021 8:47 AM

Apr 2019
Double birthday and they even aired it on their real bdays, can't wait for their group camp again. Seeing rin's family reunion was so wholesome. The jazz near the end with Rin and her Grandpa was so reminiscent of Aria, peak episode.

Mar 4, 2021 9:01 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Happy birthday Aoi and Nadeshiko! ^^

Rin got some useful upgrades to her scooter.

SerafosJan 29, 2024 3:36 AM
Mar 4, 2021 9:24 AM

Jul 2017
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Nadeshiko and Aoi! Love these waifu-level girls, and even on the same day that this episode came out in Japan.

Solo-camping, DONE. Now it's group camping...and thinking about it, it's been awhile since the Outdoor Adventure Club had a group camp altogether (though it used to be just Nadeshiko, Aoi and Ena in Season 1).

This trip to Izu is a lot more ferocious, and more planning than usual is needed. One rare instance of Father Kagamihara helping out Nadeshiko, and both Father and Grandfather Shima helping Rin to install a phone rack upon the moped, YES to supporting dads. Even Matoba-sensei must withhold her alcohol intake till after the Izu trip.

The idea of Rin and her grandfather driving their motorcycles in the middle of the night, the symbolism of family is real: Treasure your grandparents well while they're still alive. They're such a blessing in everyone's lives.

Looking forward to the group trip next week!

Ena learning from Sakura about Rin checking up on Nadeshiko during her solo-camping trip, it's no wonder Ena knows the passing of secrets :)
Oh and also, Mama Shima is a CERTIFIED biker girl.
KANLen09Mar 4, 2021 9:29 AM
Mar 4, 2021 9:28 AM

Jul 2012
Happy birthday Nadeshiko and Inuko!!!

Grandpa surely loves Rin, so nice of him coming all the way to deliver the NEW windshield as well as to upgrade the scooter to the max. Rin's mom was really cool =/
Mar 4, 2021 9:46 AM

Sep 2009
I like how they incorporated the Tri-Bike ova into the series but why didn't they explain why rin had short hair in that?
Mar 4, 2021 9:50 AM

Oct 2017
Happy Birthday Nadeshiko Happy Birthday Aoi. Awww both of their birthday's at the same day and it's one day before mine. So close, we could have shared same birthday lol.

Finally time for the group camp. This time it's with sensei and Aoi's little imouto's also tagging along. This'll be such a fun camp.

Ena chan found out about Rin checking on Nadeshiko. Rin chan getting embarrassed and then sulking was cute. The ride part with grandpa at the end was sweet. Also so it was Sakura who told her mom and then she told Ena chan about Rin checking on Nadeshiko.
Mar 4, 2021 9:56 AM

Feb 2018
This episode is so sweet and wholesome made my black coffee tasted sweet :)))

Post credit scene:
why is Ena trying to keep her part-time job at the convenience store a secret?
Mar 4, 2021 9:57 AM

Apr 2017
Happy birthday to Aoi and Nadeshiko.

It's cool that their birthdays lined up to today's air date.
Mar 4, 2021 10:01 AM

Jan 2020
March 4th should be called The Day of Yuru Camp, it's Nadeshiko and Aoi's birthday, and it the release day of Yuru Camp Virtual!
Mar 4, 2021 10:21 AM

Jun 2015
Looks like Nadeshiko had fun with her first solo camp. The trip to Izu though looks to be fun. Even though its just a pair of items the two of them really serves to enhance the moped quite a bit. Rin's grandfather is like a whirlwind a man of few words but always has the right ideas and solutions. That view of Mt Fuji as Rin and her gran ride by it really was pretty. Overall a pretty calm ep that did an excellent job of prepping the cast for their next big trip while also expanding somewhat on Rin's family as well. Looking forward to seeing their trip to Izu next ep.
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Mar 4, 2021 11:00 AM

Sep 2020
Rin-chan's pretty cute as always. Love granpa's presence here,esp the riding with Rin. Relaxing episode, more on family interactions though. And that mods in Rin-chan's mope are quite cool.

Tanjoubi omedetou, Nadeshiko and Aoi.

Izu trip, iku yo!
it’s never too late for life ... to go horribly wrong. . . afff~
Mar 4, 2021 11:26 AM

Apr 2015
Another camping trip with the whole gang+extra coming up. Super stoked for that! Honestly would have been nice if Sakura was invited as well!

Happy Birthday to Nadeshiko and Aoi! How cool that the episode actually aired on their birthdays! So neat!

I have said it before, but Rin's grandpa is the best grandpa in Anime. Was really nice to see Rin be able to ride partially of the way to Izu with him, that was honestly special and this shot is just perfect!
Mar 4, 2021 11:45 AM

Apr 2020
Love how this episode came out the same day as it was in the anime, nice to see that an anime had done something like this to relate with the coming of spring. ( Us Australians have fall/autumn so its gonna be cold. ;_; )

More Rin in this episode was really relaxing at the end when they were on their moped at 3 in the morning.

Mar 4, 2021 11:55 AM
Apr 2020
Rin's grandpa is so cool... Happy Birthday nadeshiko and aoi chan...

Cant wait for upcoming best episodes
Mar 4, 2021 12:08 PM

Feb 2014
I didn't realise that today was both Nadeshiko and Aoi's birthday. At least I won't forget from here on out. Happy birthday you precious girls! ^_^

Everyone is looking forward to going camping in Izu in March, including Akari, so that makes it a group of 7. I do expect plenty of cute and funny moments when the camp gets underway.

Rin's grandpa came to visit the day before the trip started, but thanks to his eagle eye, he noticed that the electronic additions to Rin's moped was a potential disaster waiting to happen since the cable didn't have a relay to stop it charging when the moped is parked up. No one wants a flat battery now, do we? XD

Thanks to him, Rin got a new relay cable and also a small windscreen for her moped. On the day of the trip, Gramps asked Rin to join him for a small ride together part of the way towards Izu. It was really nice to see them travelling together, seeing how pretty the scenery is even in the middle of the night.

The bonus scene after the credits also revealed how Ena knew that Rin checked to see if Nadeshiko was fine in the previous episode and it was thanks to Nadeshiko's mother talking to her while Ena was working her shift at work. She can be such a tease when she wants to. =P
Mar 4, 2021 12:18 PM

Mar 2018
This anime is so good, the episode where the main cast are just preparing to go camping is one of the best episodes of the entire season

I love Rin's grandpa. Ootsuka Akio has an amazing low voice that is super cool, and it makes Rin's grandpa that much more enjoyable. I also love how Rin's grandpa goes out of his way to help her granddaughter, but it isn't made a big deal in the anime. It is shown without that much dialogue but it still says loads of things about the relationship between Rin's grandpa and Rin.

The comedic bits were great this episode too. Sensei really trying to not drink booze is just hilarious.

And lastly, the music continues to phenomenal. The montage in which showed what the main cast did during that month had one of the most jolly tracks I have ever heard and the quiet moments are made that more beautiful with the slow, almost disney like soundtrack. If this show didn't have such a fantastic OST I don't think I would have watched this much of the show.

I love Yuru Camp with all my soul and I genuinely starting to consider this as my AOTY.

ratman826 said:
Post credit scene:
why is Ena trying to keep her part-time job at the convenience store a secret?
I don't think Ena is hiding that she has a part-time job, she is hiding she heard the information from Rin's own mother.
Mar 4, 2021 12:47 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Lots of cute and wholesome moments, especially with Rin’s grandpa. However wants not so cute is waking up at the ungodly hour of 3 freakin AM.... bro two hours later and that’s when I went to SLEEP last night lol!

Love how the convenience store was called 8-12, haha, maybe because life in the yuru camp world is a little bit better. Ok maybe a LOT better xD

3 episodes left! This izu camping trip is definitely the big final boss finale that will span over probably all remaining episodes with just about every character finally going on a camping trip together like they did in Christmas in the last season.

whiskey tango foxtrot

Mar 4, 2021 2:16 PM

Jul 2014
Another great episode as the preparations for the big Izu trip get firmly underway. It was particularly nice to see Rin's grandfather get some more screentime, particularly as he gets to spend some time with Rin for the first time in the entire series.

Ena's smug face was another highlight as well, and I like that they kept in how she found out about Rin's concern for Nadeshiko.
Mar 4, 2021 2:43 PM

Dec 2020
Stealthily doting grandpa is adorable and the ride together put a smile on my face.

Ena with her insider information, lol.
Mar 4, 2021 3:07 PM
Jan 2021
This might be the best episode. They are just so cuuuuteee. I can'ttttttttt
Mar 4, 2021 3:16 PM

Feb 2019
The Shima family is only one member away of becoming the Shima Biker Gang.

Never trust your secrets to people that smug.
Mar 4, 2021 3:19 PM

May 2012
So the episode aired on the same day as Nadeshiko and Aoi's birthday :3 Nice timing.
Can't wait for their camping trip to Izu!
Nice moments between Rin and her grandfather, some good family scenes as well from Rin's parents.
Toba-sensei has to stop drinking for some time, good luck with that! xD
Nadeshiko's mom sure loves telling secrets, Rin must feel embarrassed after Ena told her that :P
Rin's mom looks so cool on the bike in the post-credit pic xD No wonder she doesn't want Rin to see it xD
One of the best non-camping focused episodes, many things happening in one episode despite it's only preparing for camping.

Mar 4, 2021 3:26 PM

Jun 2017
Pretty chill episode, Rin's moped got some nice upgrades.
Mar 4, 2021 7:57 PM

Jan 2011
can we talk about how well timed this season has been with everything from new years to almost spring now , i do love when animes end up having seasonal events that line up with the year but to tie up 2 characters birthdays to the same day and month wont have the same effect if you were watching it out of season .

was a nice more family oriented. episode surrounding Rin and her mopeding family mom was cute being too embarrassed talking about her riding days ,don't think i'll get used to such a cool Jiichan hes too cool but still very dotting their night riding looked so chill.

and the mopad got some upgrades neat
Mar 4, 2021 8:19 PM

Apr 2020
Looks like we're gonna get another big group camping between all the cast. It's funny that this episode premiered at almost the exact date of Nadeshiko and Aoi's birthday, it would've almost make it perfect. It's also nice to see Rin and her grandpa share a bike riding moment, never seen this two in a true scene before, and it's beautiful.
Mar 4, 2021 8:25 PM

Aug 2018
Very good chapter, let's see what will happen.
Pd: So that's how Saitou found out about it xD
Pd 2:
Happy Birthday Nadeshiko and Aoi-chan 🎉
Mar 4, 2021 9:08 PM
Mar 2015
The gang goes to Izu
Mar 4, 2021 9:14 PM

Mar 2019
Yurucamp episodes are always 10/10..

But this time, wasnt the case...

Clearly... a 100/10.

PS: Too many Great series in this season.. but this one in particular seems to be ending as the Top #1 of the Season....
Nyan-Pasu!... [ Ara Ara ] [ Waifus ]
Mar 4, 2021 9:30 PM

Jan 2016
Mama Rin's expression is kinda cute tho.

edit: oh it's 4th march! cheeky. happy birthday Nadeshiko and Inuko!
Mar 4, 2021 11:19 PM

Nov 2018
This ep about broke grandpa was the kinda guy that would drive way out of his way just to pick something up he thought I'd need, too. He's been gone for years, but this ep reminded me of him so much and made me miss him so bad.
Mar 4, 2021 11:44 PM

Apr 2012
Magnificent episode centered around family and friendships 100/10
Yuru Camp and Non Non Biyori AOTY hands down.

Is Rin's grandpa also the narrator?
Janethan23Mar 4, 2021 11:47 PM
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Mar 4, 2021 11:46 PM
Jul 2018
too fking wholesome, cant wait for next qp when they finally get the main event started
Mar 5, 2021 12:13 AM

Apr 2018
It's so great to see that they're all going to camp in Izu! And it's gonna be Nadeshiko birthday too, I guess that they'll finish the season as they did with the first one with camping all together
Mar 5, 2021 12:54 AM

Sep 2019
They'll finally camp together in the next episode. Happy birthday Nadeshiko and Aoi!

Mar 5, 2021 3:22 AM
Dec 2020
Its rly awesome with Funny and comedy
Mar 5, 2021 7:38 AM
Apr 2019
Happy birthday Nadeshiko and Aoi! Thanks for another wholesome again.
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