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Jul 14, 2015 8:35 PM
Aug 2013
That art improvement.

I fucking came. He was inside that coon all along.
Jul 14, 2015 8:55 PM

Nov 2011
It is out now. That cliffhanger though.
Jul 14, 2015 9:31 PM

Jun 2014
Is he Allen? Is he Nea? Or is he Mana? I didn't understand a shit.
Jul 14, 2015 9:47 PM

Nov 2014
Darn ive only found raws but damn what a pleasant surprise i was literally just sad because i caught up to the final chap of a manga i just started and didnt know what to read next then i saw D. gray man which i thought was long since buried but perhaps ill read it from scratch again its been so long.
Jul 14, 2015 11:58 PM

Dec 2012
I was so Glad its back that I shed tears exactly like the Millennium Earl and Allen or Nea or Mana or ...the guy who actually was there. I never lost hope to see it again but I would like to read it also. Oh well, I guess I will have to wait a little more for the translation of this chapter but it is nothing compared to the years and month we had to wait.
14noahJul 15, 2015 12:22 AM
I did not mean to harm anyone feeling or criticize the point of view of other. These are my point of views.
Jul 15, 2015 8:20 AM
Jan 2015
Jul 15, 2015 9:43 AM

Sep 2011
Stop asking where to read it
Jul 15, 2015 9:53 AM
Oct 2014
So know its once every three months, am I right?
Jul 15, 2015 10:56 AM

Jan 2015
Oh. My. God.

I usually can't read Japanese at all but this overflowing happiness suddenly made me capable of understanding it.
That art improvement. I still remember the horrid art of the last few chapters before the short hiatus.

Also Allen best boi is finally back <3
Jul 16, 2015 3:24 PM

Aug 2010
Dat art was insanely good *A* Can't wait to read!! Gotta reread the last 30 or so chaps and some wiki to remember some of the shit I forgot XD
Jul 17, 2015 3:36 AM
Nov 2009
That new chapter was interesting and very well drawn. A huge revelation after 2 years of hiatus is always welcome. And now we have to wait 3 months.
Jul 17, 2015 3:46 AM

Oct 2014
As always the art is amazing and the plot is confusng as hell But seriously i missed every bit of it

-- Btw how often does this release?
Jul 17, 2015 3:51 AM

Jun 2014
I don't understand anymore lol. The Earl is not the earl but mana. How? Wasn't Mana become an Akuma right before the Earl at the beginning? Is it a plot hole or will we get an explanation next chapter? Allen has Nea's memories. Nea and Mana are twins but when they were together they were known as the Earl... Damn it some twisted shit is going on o.o well the art style is really awesome!
Jul 17, 2015 3:53 AM

Jun 2014
malik7263 said:
As always the art is amazing and the plot is confusng as hell But seriously i missed every bit of it

-- Btw how often does this release?

4 times a year.
Jul 17, 2015 4:12 AM

May 2012
Barion-Zara said:
Dat art was insanely good *A* Can't wait to read!! Gotta reread the last 30 or so chaps and some wiki to remember some of the shit I forgot XD

Damn right it is x_x And same, I reread the chapter before and remembered as far as Kanda and everyone else chasing after Allen, but I can't remember much before that.

But yeah, things are becoming confusing with Allen now...

Welp, I expect it to be explained later

Jul 17, 2015 4:31 AM

Jan 2009
After the long wait, its finally back in action with epicness, awesomeness, and huge revelation.

I'm actually glad Road is still alive, although I think she still in recovering stage. Wisely conversation with Road is interesting and funny how Earl actually inside the car knitting before go see Allen/Nea. It seems Apo being captured by the Noahs successfully. Gonna be interesting if we got to see Noah interrogating with Apo. Also,the Noah interaction is fun as always.

The whole Earl/Mana & Allen/Nea scene was touching and shocking for me. Earl being Mana make things even more complicated. Like most people, getting confuse on how it relates to the backstory of Allen calling Mana as Akuma. The split most likely happen around 50-55 plus year(assuming they grow normally since 35 years ago they should be around 17 years old from their look). Can't think of another perfect timing for the split. Though the revelation makes me really interest in what happened 35 years ago.

Another 3 months to go for the next chapter. At least now we know when the chapter will come out. Wait is better than nothing even though I'm actually impatient. Hoshino sensei, fighto!!! xD
Jul 17, 2015 5:41 AM
Nov 2013
So is this back to being weekly now? The author health is much better now? This is awesome that we got a new chapter after so long with many pages and more mystery the earl split into two?! Which is mana and nea?
Jul 17, 2015 5:59 AM
Sep 2010
Awesome chapter, though just as confusing (if not more so) than I expected haha.

Every 3 months?! Ugh. I want to know what happened to Lavi. ):
Jul 17, 2015 6:08 AM

May 2014
Wtf just happened? I am totally lost. Can someone explain it to me?
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Jul 17, 2015 6:27 AM

Apr 2009
Exterria said:
I don't understand anymore lol. The Earl is not the earl but mana. How? Wasn't Mana become an Akuma right before the Earl at the beginning? Is it a plot hole or will we get an explanation next chapter? Allen has Nea's memories. Nea and Mana are twins but when they were together they were known as the Earl... Damn it some twisted shit is going on o.o well the art style is really awesome!
Maybe it wasn't Mana, but Nea implanting his own memories into Allen, and calling himself Mana for some reason? And considering the conversation between Nea and the Earl it seems like memories can be destroyed or manipulated in some way (which was hinted at earlier as well), so perhaps not all events we were shown in flashbacks were entirely accurate.

toutoune134 said:
That new chapter was interesting and very well drawn. A huge revelation after 2 years of hiatus is always welcome. And now we have to wait 3 months.
True, but after 2 years 3 months is nothing.

andrewsch5658 said:
Also,the Noah interaction is fun as always.
It's been so long, I'd forgotten how entertaining a bunch they are. Just like you'd expect from a big family.
Jul 17, 2015 6:31 AM

Jun 2013
Finally we have a new chapter !!!

I admit that I don't really understand what happened --> Gotta re-read the previous chapters.
The art is delightful with many double page.

The wait is long until the next chapter, but at least we know when we will read it :
D. Gray Man is serialized in the Jump SQ.Crown, a new trimestrial magazine.
Jul 17, 2015 6:39 AM

Jul 2012
I was waiting for the series to continue before I decided whether or not to pick up the manga and continue from where the anime ended.

THIS chapter convinced me. The artwork alone was exceedingly beautiful when you compare it to the previous chapters (which I have skimmed), and it was pretty intense plot wise. Definitely gonna pick up the manga and continue reading the updates
Jul 17, 2015 6:41 AM
Jun 2012
I KNEW IT. I KNEW MANA WAS THE EARL!! But why did earl became a baby? why did they separate ? Then who was the one who died and got revived as akuma by allen? Who is allen? why is the memories jumbled up? Urgh so much questions and only four times a year?
Jul 17, 2015 6:45 AM

Dec 2012
The Millennium Earl being Mana and Nea was very much surprising and confusing but it explains why the 14th is technically not supposed to exist. Their are 13 Noahs but the Millennium Earl got separated into 2 being. My theory is that the Millennium Earl had the mission to deliver 'God wrath' thus eradicate humanity however he felt lonely and end up felling in love with Katerina or something. As a result of being conflicted, he was separated thus 'Mana' took the role of the Millennium willing to destroy humanity and 'Nea' took another different path. The only thing that is odd is the akuma scene with Allen so maybe the 'Mana' that Allen always knew was in fact Nea or that scene was just a memory manipulation.
14noahJul 17, 2015 7:00 AM
I did not mean to harm anyone feeling or criticize the point of view of other. These are my point of views.
Jul 17, 2015 7:01 AM

Jun 2011
They've always been hinting that the Earl and Allen were two sides of one coin, and now that Mana=the Earl and Nea=Allen, it all makes a little more sense. As for the Mana Allen knew... well, all we know about Mana comes from Allen's memories and we know that memories (especially Allen's) are unreliable. But I think I need to reread everything from chapter 1 to understand what happened, even if only a little... That being said, the art totally blew me away. The art had improved greatly in the later chapters, but this one was just... wow.

Too bad that it's only going to update four times a year from now on. But hey, everything's better than a hiatus.

14noah said:
My theory is that the Millennium Earl had the mission to deliver 'God wrath' thus eradicate humanity however he felt lonely and end up felling in love with Katerina or something. As a result of being conflicted, he was separated thus 'Mana' took the role of the Millennium willing to destroy humanity and 'Nea' took another different path.

I thought the same thing. It actually sounds very plausible.
xpaulaJul 17, 2015 7:05 AM
Jul 17, 2015 7:03 AM

Jan 2010
Hoooooollly Shiiiiiito!! Dayum! Never taught dat they are twins from separated the real Millennium Earl. Dang! Hope we can get monthly update...pls!! >A<

Jul 17, 2015 7:04 AM

Jul 2013
OMG it's finally here. I could cry from happiness rnXD the artwork is sooooo good hngg... we got answers this chapter, but also a lot of new questions.
I can't wait for the new chapter! (but after two years these few months are nothing haha)
Shireiya said:

Every 3 months?! Ugh. I want to know what happened to Lavi. ):

sameeee I hope he's gonna be all right><
Jul 17, 2015 7:51 AM

Jul 2013
Wisely said that if the Millennium Earl is no more then the Noah will be destroyed by the heart... so possibly Allen is the accomodator of the heart, but now that Nea has taken over his body, killing Nea (the Earl) would also kill Allen. In other words, in order to kill the Earl, Allen would have to die as well.
Either that, or killing Nea that would also be killing Allen, and so the heart would be unable to destroy the rest of the Noah.

I may be forgetting something that could prove this theory wrong though, but it seems like it could be a likely plot twist that Hoshino would make to spice up the story
My family is a treasure, you need a map and shovel to find them.
Jul 17, 2015 8:12 AM

Jun 2013
Ladies and Gentleman please rise to Welcome Back D.Gray-Man!! IT HAS RETURNED!!!!! XD

Long Hiatus Break....and Art of this Story haven't decreased a bit...that Is Very Nice to see...i would say that it has maybe gotten somewhat better..

But Allen...!!! Was Consumed by Neah it seems!!! NOOO!!!! I hope he will regain control.

And More of the Mysterious Background of Earl and Neah and Mana...Enjoyed this chapter...fitting start after long hiatus.

....*Reads The Chapter* ....PZZZZZZT!!! *Voice of the Brain Short-circuiting* WHAT TF?!?!?!?!?! Mana Was EARL!?!?! Oh the poor Allen whose Body has gotten Middle of this Brother Fighting
JarjaxleJul 17, 2015 8:33 AM
Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.~Winston Churchill

"Fate of the universe will be Decided as it SHOULD be, in MORTAL KOMBAT!" ~Elder Gods

"Justice WILL Prevail?" "But OF COURSE IT WILL!! WHOEVER WINS, BECOMES THE JUSTICE!!!" ~Donquixote Doflamingo (King, Pirate, Shichibukai, Philosopher(?) (One Piece))
Jul 17, 2015 8:13 AM

Apr 2015
can't believe it ! finally its update !
so much questions in this chapter ! I want know what happened to Lavi and Road !
Allen's smiley face make me so happy, even it's not really Allen. I love this chapter. The smile and memory between twins <3 <3
Jul 17, 2015 8:24 AM

Jun 2015
HOLY SHIT! After 2 years and Hoshino comes back with a twist in the story OMG! Now I dont understand what is going on anymore, but the art is as beautiful as always I'm really happy it is back now :D Now lets wait more 3 months to know what Hoshino as planned. Also want to know what is going to happen to Allen now.
Jul 17, 2015 9:22 AM

Jul 2013





And holy shit, what a comeback. The wait was worth it, amazing really.
Jul 17, 2015 9:24 AM
Jul 2015
Try reversed ALLEN = NEA, I can't figure where LL comes from maybe bcos they are twins II or Lenalee lee? :)
Millennium Earl's noah name was ADAM in reversed something like MANA, Their names are MANA D CAMPBELL, have D on it.

lel just ignore me.
syvcJul 17, 2015 9:53 AM
Jul 17, 2015 9:26 AM

Apr 2014
Oh man that was such a good chapter. That is crazy to see that they were once one as the Millennium Earl. This 3 month cliffhanger will be the death of me..
Jul 17, 2015 9:35 AM
Jul 2018
idk453 said:
Wisely said that if the Millennium Earl is no more then the Noah will be destroyed by the heart... so possibly Allen is the accomodator of the heart, but now that Nea has taken over his body, killing Nea (the Earl) would also kill Allen. In other words, in order to kill the Earl, Allen would have to die as well.
Either that, or killing Nea that would also be killing Allen, and so the heart would be unable to destroy the rest of the Noah.

I may be forgetting something that could prove this theory wrong though, but it seems like it could be a likely plot twist that Hoshino would make to spice up the story

So in either case, RIP Allen :'(
Jul 17, 2015 10:14 AM

Apr 2014

On another note, what the actual fuck did I just read?
"I have to work harder than anyone else to make it! I'll never catch up otherwise...! I want to be like you...! Like you. The strongest hero.""
Jul 17, 2015 10:21 AM

Apr 2014
Lyren said:
That art improvement.

I fucking came. He was inside that coon all along.

For a second, I thought The Earl/Mana/whoever the fuck it is, was about to as well.
"I have to work harder than anyone else to make it! I'll never catch up otherwise...! I want to be like you...! Like you. The strongest hero.""
Jul 17, 2015 10:50 AM

Oct 2011
so if you notice katerina is dressed in two separate outfits from when she met the original earl and when he became mana and neah. so I'm assuming that the consecutively met each other over a period of time and I'm wondering if the original earl might have fallen in love wit her. that maybe he fell in love with a human, which is the very beings he was sent to judge and destroy. and each part of the original earl (mana and Neah) represent his conflicting feelings. on who wants to destroy and the other that wants to protect. if that's true then that would be very interesting!

also i want to know the other Noah's parts in this and who Road really is to them!
Jul 17, 2015 10:50 AM
Jun 2014
syvc said:
Try reversed ALLEN = NEA, I can't figure where LL comes from maybe bcos they are twins II or Lenalee lee? :)
Millennium Earl's noah name was ADAM in reversed something like MANA, Their names are MANA D CAMPBELL, have D on it.

lel just ignore me.

I always thought of it as ALLEN = NEA ll, as in Nea the second, myself. I have heard it mentioned that Allen was the name of Mana's dog before he met our Allen and he just started calling the kid by his dog's name. Great chapter though! So much going on. I really thought Nea was going to attack the Earl before they embraced each other. It does leave us a lot of questions though, particularly with how akuma Mana is going to be handled. Really looking forward to where this is going!

edit: This is a bit off-topic, but what is the general feel people have about Cross surviving or staying dead in future chapters? Personally, I kind of expect him to be alive but possessing Maria's body. We never hear what happened to the Grave of Maria and we know that Cross has access to some kind of special magic not tied to innocence. Also Allen's reaction to 'Cross Maria' would be hilarious. Just curious what other people expect in later chapters.
Temporal_EchoJul 17, 2015 11:03 AM
Jul 17, 2015 11:11 AM

Jan 2014
Wow, what a way to come back.

I really didn't expect that twist, nor that art improvement for that matter. Tho I might need to reread the whole thing from the start, cause it's been such a long time since I read the last chapter. I'm glad to see Allen again, but Nea seems to have taken over. I hope he's still in there, somewhere...
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Jul 17, 2015 11:19 AM
Jul 2015
This is overwhelming but I have a theory. Allen and The Earl are like opposite sides of a coin. So if Allen is an Noah cum Exorcist, the Earl may be a Noah cum Akuma. As evident by his clown suit that may be some level 10 akuma armour. It also explains how the Earl's looks has changed as mentioned by Neah and his lost memories as Mana. We have seen what happens when a Noah awakens in an exorcist's body in Allen's case. Let's think about what happens if a Noah awakens in an Akuma.
Jul 17, 2015 12:11 PM

Aug 2014
First off, i'm glad this is back :)

Anyways let me get this straight, Mana who took care of Allen/Nea when he was younger, who was later turned into an akuma and killed was actually the Millineum Earl he knew for the majority of the series ( The fat version) who turned out to be one of the other half of the original Millinueum Earl (the one we saw with the long hair in this chapter ) along with Nea??

I think i'm going to reread the whole manga in the near future because this is confusing as hell XD
Jul 17, 2015 12:48 PM

Apr 2013
Oh man my fucking brain exploded.

And good to see it is finally back. If they make a D Gray man season 2 for the anime as well, I would be so happy.
Jul 17, 2015 1:33 PM

Apr 2009
Temporal_Echo said:
edit: This is a bit off-topic, but what is the general feel people have about Cross surviving or staying dead in future chapters? Personally, I kind of expect him to be alive but possessing Maria's body. We never hear what happened to the Grave of Maria and we know that Cross has access to some kind of special magic not tied to innocence. Also Allen's reaction to 'Cross Maria' would be hilarious. Just curious what other people expect in later chapters.
I think Cross may be alive but not necessarily possessing Maria, since not only is Grave of Maria missing, but Cross's body was never found. But I'm not sure what to think of what Allen saw from Apo's memories of shooting Cross... can't remember if he was dead&gone or just disappeared from view. Like many people here, I'll be re-reading the series again to remind myself of the details.
Jul 17, 2015 1:54 PM

Dec 2010
It's finally back! And that art, D-gray-man is back for real!
Jul 17, 2015 3:36 PM

Jul 2007
Oh man, its great to have D.Gray-Man back. The characters, the plot twists, the utterly confusing mind fuck. The greatness.

That twist alone would be 10/10, but the overall art and everything makes this way above the maximum score.
Jul 17, 2015 4:08 PM

May 2014

Jul 17, 2015 4:10 PM

May 2013
wtf, i cant understand whats going on, my brains gonna explode XD but im sooo happy to read it again, its amazing, beautiful
but am i the only one who wants to know what happened with Cross? i hope hes alive, hes my favorit character ^^
Jul 17, 2015 5:50 PM

Jul 2013
haganedonciii said:
wtf, i cant understand whats going on, my brains gonna explode XD but im sooo happy to read it again, its amazing, beautiful
but am i the only one who wants to know what happened with Cross? i hope hes alive, hes my favorit character ^^

So far, its unknown really. The blood he lost, it would be impossible to survive and Hevlaska said his innocence no longer belongs to him.
On the other hand, there is no body, so nothing can be said for certain.
Jul 17, 2015 6:49 PM

Apr 2015
Looks like a dream for me ! But i'm quite lost aswell about Allen
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