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Kusuriya no Hitorigoto
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto
Mar 23, 2024 12:41 PM
Completed 24/24 · Scored 10
Shin Tennis no Oujisama: U-17 World Cup
Shin Tennis no Oujisama: U-17 World Cup
Jul 13, 2022 2:42 PM
Watching 2/13 · Scored -
Jujutsu Kaisen
Jujutsu Kaisen
Apr 2, 2022 2:29 PM
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Kusuriya no Hitorigoto
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto
Mar 23, 2024 12:42 PM
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Jujutsu Kaisen
Jujutsu Kaisen
Mar 7, 2021 3:44 PM
Reading 141/272 · Scored 9
Umibe no Étranger
Umibe no Étranger
Mar 1, 2021 10:04 AM
Completed 4/4 · Scored 8

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AllenVonStein Dec 25, 2016 4:54 AM
Happy holidays

AllenVonStein Aug 20, 2016 10:56 AM
xd this what orhime have done in whole show
AllenVonStein Aug 20, 2016 10:54 AM
have u read latest chapter 686 , i haven't but i have heard ichigo son is stronger.
also there's no IchiRuki

what kind of wallpaper u are using ? link?

there aren't many good wallpapers for IchiRuki

lol even changing phone home screen.
AllenVonStein Aug 19, 2016 4:25 PM
Sup! lol dat dp , sadly it won't happen as u know
like i said in that thread : i would rather see ichigo x rukia or nothing .
rinkaisha Jun 3, 2016 7:57 PM

Heyya! A once again quite late reply. I've been on an internet-less week unexpectedly. We were just supposed to go visit our grandma in the province for fiesta, but suddenly it turned into a one-week stay... glad I brought some extra clothes with me. ;u; I managed to write about 2k words on a Steve/Tony fanfic I had an idea on though! But yeah, now I'm on a writer's block again...

Hahaha I remember back in HS, my life had really been all about manga and anime. It was on my last year that I enjoyed going out and stuff, also the year where I kinda took a hiatus in it. I do the same! With Kuroshitsuji and Haikyuu, just finished where they left off. Until I re-read Kuroshitsuji from the beginning anyway. And I'm planning to do so with Haikyuu, but this time, read it until where the anime stop off before I watch S2 so my mind gets refreshed. I forgot most of their names already. Lmao Detective Conan is seriously terrible to start tbh. But I have a friend who managed to do so... after some months... so I'm not losing hope. Doraemon used to be on that terrible place, too.

I managed to sleep normally during that 1 week no internet thing, but now it's back to being messed up again, lmao. When does uni start there again? My classes starts this June 13th... so soon... *weeps* I've read a little bit of Love Stage, never watched the anime yet. But ah, that must've been quite traumatic for him. I don't even know what would I do if someone finds out I'm so much into BL. ;;;;;

Tell me when you do so! Honestly, Tanaka-kun's the anime that makes my week brighter every time. :') After I watched HQ, I immediately went to the manga and I managed to read it so hella fast for the very first time because I was so pumped up! It was amazing to see it as a still image, you get to see their forms more clearly, but definitely the action is really much better so anime > manga all the way for me when it comes to sports. Awww, don't be so mean to Alois! Hahaha jkjk, I totally understand. I don't really even get why I liked him, but maybe that's me and my fascination to sometimes really problematic charas...

AoKuro, eh? I'm more of an AkaKuro fan myself, but when I read fics of KnB, I just usually read reunited!GoM ones. Because I really love GoM sfm. We are both huge, sad fujoshis. ;;

Oh yeah! A friend of mine who has the same taste as me ended up liking that Akagami one. She kept on telling me to watch it since it's good even though we both really dislike romance, so I might try that someday, too. Ooooh, so you watch series as well? I just really watch the netflix superhero ones, and sherlock. I stopped how to get away with murder and have yet to pick it up again... Oh! Well, if you watch a full-girls cast anime, then you'll surely find that fav female chara /winkwink. I used to really dislike Lenalee when I was younger. ;_; I didn't like how she was so much of a damsel-turned-mary-sue and all that jazz. But well, we mature, and now I really find her very pretty and great. LMAO KEEP THE BS COMING!!
rinkaisha May 16, 2016 9:19 AM

Oh wow, this is a late reply, too! Sorry about that. That's amazing holy hell, I wonder if I'll be able to catch up with some manga I've been planning to for ages (e.g. Detective Conan) but I can't even read my comics properly so meh. Me, on the other hand, was watching some other non-anime stuff so I've been away ~ ;;

I still have my needed amount of sleep, or if I don't, I can easily sleep in the afternoon. Good for vacation, bad for school. I'll need to start sleeping normal soon or my body clock's gonna be hella messed up. Oh, quite some bus ride. Mine is about... 30-45 minutes, two jeepney away ~ I'm not comfortable with reading on laptop since it's not on my room, and I feel like parents can easily check in to see what I'm reading. Sorry! I haven't read any of them yet, I haven't read manga in a while ;u; Being a weekly manga is good when you've caught up to it, but really terrible when you're a slow reader like me and have to start from the beginning... the amount of chapters just piles up ;_;

I definitely will, someday, someday. I actually think I managed to watch Magi during its ongoing days, but maybe only for the first 2 episodes or something? I think I remember reading the manga, too, but lmao. Since I don't even remember it... anyway. Tanaka-kun is something I watch out of a whim and it became like, my favorite anime this season. Ah, yes, hello my fellow-NBSB (No Boyfriend Since Birth). Ah, right. Those kind of arcs. With sports anime, it's just simply the end of a match for me, and with Kuroshitsuji, the arcs are very much clear. But yeah, there are some that are very connected to each other and all. I can't really think of a favorite character... Well, Ciel, maybe? Undertaker's special, too. And maybe Alois in a strange way.

Aw yeah, Cedric x Harry is one of my favorites as well! But I'm just really so much into fanfics and well, I'm currently in my Steve/Tony mood so I've been reading tons of those recently. But before this, I was on a Drarry roll. :') Thank you. It means something like voyager/traveler and giver of joy or something. OuO

Yeah! It's in that "you will never know until you see it for yourself" kind of stuff. I tried watching a full-blown romance anime just recently, and I'm just not really into it? I mean, when the whole story actually revolves around the romance, I find it dull. But for example, let's say Jessica Jones (one of the series I've watched recently). It's bloody amazing yet it has a female lead (surprise, surprise!) but who is of strong character. And it has this side thing about romance that really got me going "OH MY GOD PLEASE JUST END UP ALREADY HOLY HELL YOU TWO ARE PEFECT NGHJAHKDHAK PLS PLSPSL" I feel like I'm a changed person orz. I have some fav female charas! One is in AKB0048, and then Fuwa Aika is my wife. Road, too! Lmao HOW CAN OP STILL BE IN THE MIDDLE how can they think of a story that long enough tbh ;;
Isolatedpsycho Apr 29, 2016 11:35 PM
episode 12 i think
anyways im watching that and hunterxhunter
right now m in the middle of the chimera ant arc
Isolatedpsycho Apr 29, 2016 9:31 AM
its preety ok since its just the beginning
rinkaisha Apr 29, 2016 9:07 AM

I sleep at around 3 or 4, depending on when my pocket wifi or tab turns off, and then wake up just before lunch. Like I said, vacation, so yeah! But man, 2 and a half hour of sleep is bad. I do sometimes have those moments last school year when I still had my 7AM classes. After that, I really vowed to make sure that the schedules I pick will never have those ridiculously early classes... I'm mainly using my tab to read manga using mangarock and, so when it's a manga not on batoto, it's hard for me to read it... T^T Thanks for the recommendation! Yeah man, publishing ones just really breaks my heart. I remember reading one that says it's completed but it turned out to be not AND I'M SO FRUSTRATED!!! Yeah, it's way better than nothing. ;_; I have a timehop which lets me see my tweets from years ago, and around this days, I was tweeting 2 years ago how I wish DGM returns... and now I got my wish so better be grateful instead ;u;

Ah, Magi. One of the 8273897349782 anime that I still have yet to start watching as well. I've recently picked up Tanaka-kun from this season, and it's just so laid back and chill and it's full of bromance and it's just so relaxing. ;_; Aw, you have brothers, too? Older ones or younger? Looks like it's quite a family! We're only three here at home.. :< But man, that must be so fun. I've always wanted to have an older brother, who can be really hot and protective, like in the manga. Pffft. Well sometimes, when an arc ends, there's a finality feel to it? No cliffy feels. Hahaha I totally forgot their names, but man, I love Charles Grey ~

My mom's name is Bella, though! Hehehe. Ohh, are you also a HP fan? I'm a big sucker for Drarry actually, tbh. OTL Well, those that I got quite close to! But for those professors who are like, so strictly teachers, then it's either my last name or my full first name. Some people call me "Bea" but I honestly don't respond to them. I don't mean like I don/t respond, but it's more like... for example, if someone starts calling out "Sasha! Sasha!", you won't really respond because you're sure it's not your name? Man I suck at explaining. OHHHHHH TWINS!! Your family is getting more and more cooler! Gemea, huh? Cute!

It's cute how you guys are twins, but you're like, on different ends of the genre strings. I honestly love those anime despite not being into romance, because it's what started me with anime in general. AKB0048 is about these girls who wants to become idols despite the world being in a full-entertainment ban and stuff. It's really great imo, I felt touched by the characters a lot, and I actually had a hetero pairing there that I absolutely love. I know what you mean, I'm just really so into shounen more. YAY MALE CHARACTERS! That's why I think that when I like a female character, it's so much of a big deal. Hahahaha someday we'll manage to finish it... or something. I remember I used to watch OP but I stopped at 100-something. So ridiculously long *sniffs*
Isolatedpsycho Apr 29, 2016 8:14 AM
im already watching it:)
Isolatedpsycho Apr 28, 2016 9:13 PM
yes please that would help a lot also sorry for long response
As you can see i love fighting anime like ft,nleach,one piece and attack on titan
anything that is similar to those 2 as well as having a good story is welocme:)
Isolatedpsycho Apr 27, 2016 9:40 PM
oh i forgot to update it thanks im at the part where marshall yaegar is defeated and goes mad
rinkaisha Apr 26, 2016 7:29 AM

I haven't read other stuff yet, although I have them downloaded on my tab by now. Maybe I'll be reading later when I'm lying down on the bed and read until 4AM... like I always do so far recently... ;_; I'll tell you about it when I do! I haven't read Super Lovers, I wonder up to what extent could you read? I'm not really sure. But if you have ever read anything that has a "Soft Yaoi" tag on my mangalist, then I guess I'll be getting an idea. Maybe like, scenes that aren't really graphic, but just making a point or something? OHH, I see, I see. Doesn't matter though, just tell me your favs and I'll tell you about it when I read it! Well, you're into reading manga now based on what I see in your manga history? Like, the really long or publishing ones. I just can't really start reading publishing manga now... ;_; And yes DGM.... *sniffs*

Sure sure, I'll do! Yeah! My close friend that I only meet, like, once a year came to our house earlier! Reunited at last. And we marathon'ed Danshi! It's such a fun Anime, so refreshing, totally a good choice for a bonding session. I don't have any siblings :< But aw, is she not into Anime in general or just Danshi? It is fun since you get to laugh with them together.. I've only experienced watching with others about... twice or thrice? I'm not so sure, but I do know I watched Free with a friend once. The only thing that is quite a hassle for me is when you watch anything (movie, series, etc) with a lot of people and they get so loud that you can't hear what the characters just said, and it's embarrassing to replay or pause (which I actutally do usually) what you're watching since it's gonna be troublesome for everyone else :< Yeah! Maybe you should ~ It definitely saves you the pain from them cliffy. OH P4 YAY!! Although I already literally forgot what their names are again but yeah I remember liking the long haired one :')

Hello then, Daniela! It's nice to meet you :3 It's a nickname that everyone calls me in real life, but my real name's Beatrix! I'm so used to "Bear" though, even my professors, that it's quite weird for me now to see my name as Beatrix... lmao.

That sucks. :< I just really hope you find whatever it is that you're looking for soon! Everything shall be okay. :') Lmao, that's a fun way of enjoying a series. I tried an episode of Amnesia and I just really couldn't stand it. The last time I've watched a full romance anime was... 2012 or something I guess, with my Gakuen Alice, Shugo Chara, Special A days. The most recent one that I've finished that are mainly composed of female characters is AKB0048 though! It's amazing, I didn't expect to like it very much ;_; Yeah, that's another of my ptw forever... just... so many episodes.... ;_;
rinkaisha Apr 22, 2016 9:29 PM

I've been completing Kakine's completed manga recently. I started with Kuchizuke wa Niji no Ue de, and just finished Ai no Binzoko recently. You might want to check out the first one! The second one has yaoi, but it isn't really much. I'm not sure at to what extent can you read yaoi so yeah... ;u; We should just keep on recommending stuff to read to each other! It's hard to find ones that are decent and stuff TuT. Although I'm really more into completed ones than publishing. It's such a pain to wait for updates when it comes to manga :<

I'll try to download it as soon as I can ~ Although I'm downloading Danshi first (marathon-ing it with a friend) and Toaru Majutsu (currently watching) first. Ah, yes!! Undertaker *A* I'm neutral about Lizzy, I find her art pretty but I thought she was too much of a nuisance. Turns out, bamf! She's amazing. I think they will, but perhaps not now? Actually, I'm starting to read manga now based on arcs. Like, instead of catching up to the latest chapter and then stopping to read for a while because updates are slow and then when I decide to pick it up again, I don't remember anything so I'll reread, what I do is: read the latest completed arc, then wait until the current arc is finished before picking it up again. So yeah, I stopped reading at the start of the Green Witch arc. I think it's already finished by this time, no? So I guess I'll have to continue reading... TuT Ok, sorry for the random share..

Oh, hey, wait. What's your name? OuO

I see, I see! I hope it will all go well as well! I'm taking up Communication Arts and it's doing great so far. I don't really have any particular dream job or anything, but my subjects are interesting to me at least. Yeah, so far it's really great! I'm the serious shows kind of person, so watching an easygoing anime is really refreshing for me. But oh Danshi! Yeah, gonna watch that soon, as I mentioned ~ ;)
rinkaisha Apr 22, 2016 1:18 AM

I know that feeling, man! Now I really quite miss feeling the same. I should go hunt more cuties to read... ;_; Altho I've been reading some, it's mostly just... Yaoi... and yeah they're not really cutey-dovey feels...

I haven't seen Book of Murder yet, now that you mention it... lmao, I totally forgot about it. But omg, it's gonna be a movie?! I'm not really updated in anything... Aw man, that's great! Yeah, it's one of my favorites, too. I'm just so excited to see Lizzy! My favorite has to be the school arc tho, aside from circus, because fags.... pffft.
Oh, why did you dropped out? But of course, no need to explain if it's anything more personal! I'm not going to watch Bungou, Joker Game, and maybe Re:Zero as well while it's ongoing... I'll just wait for it to finish then I'll binge watch ;_; Kiznaiver is okay so far, and Sakamoto is just very refreshing to watch ~
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