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Jan 17, 2008 6:58 PM
Jan 2008
Finally, after an onslaught of insultingly bad filler episodes, "Nadia" returns to its roots wherein lies its appeal. The artwork resumes the rich, crisp quality of the first twenty-two episodes, and the characters return to what they all had developed toward in those same episodes. One assumes Gainax had these final five episodes -- in addition to the first twenty-two -- in mind all along when they began production on this show. The only catch is that it happens only for five episodes. This can be seen as good and bad. It's wonderful that the show manages to finish off even more strongly than it began, but at the same time, it does feel somewhat disappointing that it comes after such unbearable filler material. On the flip side, if one ignores the filler episodes -- pretending that they never happened -- then it becomes easier to appreciate the final five episodes... especially since it does provide, to its credit, a very powerful, emotionally charged, and intelligent conclusion that ties up all the loose ends.

This episode in particular is amazing. After our heroes disappear into some sort of whirlpool and descend into Nadia's long forgotten homeland of Tartessos, the artwork becomes black & white for about 75% of the episode. Only the blue light of Nadia's shimmering jewel, occasional red wavelengths, and a painting of Noah's Ark are in color in contrast to the darker images. This style continues as Jean and company explore the ruins of the kingdom and Nadia confesses her darkest secrets -- her homeland, identity, burden, responsibility, destiny... and ultimately, her self-loathing.

The combination of an interesting artistic style, poignant scripting, and tugging at all the right heart strings, make this episode rank as arguably one of the very best of the show. Any issues one may have with this episode are probably going to come off as excessive nitpicking. Some of the "secrets" Nadia reveals about her homeland feel somewhat rushed (the writers could have used the filler episodes as an opportunity to hint at them), yes, but are still engrossing to hear. Also, this isn't really a flaw by any means, when Jean and company sing "Happy birthday" to Nadia on the Japanese language track, the song is song in ENGLISH("Engrish"?)! On the dub, Jean and his friends instead sing something along the lines of, "It's your birthday today, may all your wishes come true." One gets the impression that the dubbing team couldn't get the rights to use the song.
Oct 28, 2009 2:49 AM
Nov 2007
Thank god for this episode. I think Stockholm Syndrome was what allowed me to get here. Or maybe insane masochism.

This episode reminded me of the things I like best from Gainax. Looking forward to the rest.
Oct 28, 2009 4:22 PM
Jan 2008
It only gets better from here. Too bad Anno is so invested in remaking EVANGELION into a series of movies. He really could've afforded to do the same to NADIA; especially since this is a story that ended up being too long to its detriment. (The closest he got was the "Nautilus Story" compilation; too bad that version isn't more widely known.)
JTurnerDec 13, 2009 12:48 PM
Nov 14, 2012 6:44 PM

Mar 2010
This episode was such a long awaited treat!

I started watching this show around 2 years ago and took a pretty long hiatus between the last of Anno's work from the first part and the stuff worked on by Higuchi. I only now started getting back into it and finally after all that filler (admittedly though I loved 29 and 34) I'm reminded of why I had originally decided to watch this show.

It's so exciting to see all the little pieces that went into making Evangelion such a extraordinary series. A couple of things really stood out to me:

The episode title (and by this I mean the actual frame of animation that has written on it the title of the episode, not the actual name of the episode) had the same distinct style that each episode of Evangelion also bears. Each title is very minimal. They contain only simple white font on black background. They are very short. And, also they are complemented only by silence instead of some kind of short theme. I'm not sure if this is the first episode to feature this style of opening, but it in my opinion it really sets the stage for the dramatic tone that this episode has.

Then of course there's Nadia's self-loathing scene. Not only are the pace and cadence of her dialog almost exactly like Shinji's more publicly infamous scenes, but both share the same brutal expression of the characters greatest short comings and personal failures. It's not necessarily a realistic way to convey character thoughts, but it's definitely one of the defining elements of Anno's style.

Finally we have the fall scene, I'll just say the man knows how to use contrast very effectively.
Dec 28, 2013 9:08 AM

Jun 2010
Not really thrilled about this episode. Like the scenes in the Atlantean ship in episodes 30 and 31, it's a lot of pretty boring monologue. I thought Nadia's meltdown and aftermath were kind of on-the-nose, too. Maybe it was something new and unusual for the time (I don't know, though; for example, Zeta Gundam (1985) and Double Zeta Gundam (1986) are full of character angsting) but I didn't like it much.
Apr 11, 2014 2:16 AM

Apr 2012
Definitely a refreshing episode after everything that came before. I'm glad to be reminded what had me watching to begin with.
Nov 15, 2014 2:41 AM

Mar 2013
JTurner said:
It only gets better from here. Too bad Anno is so invested in remaking EVANGELION into a series of movies. He really could've afforded to do the same to NADIA; especially since this is a story that ended up being too long to its detriment. (The closest he got was the "Nautilus Story" compilation; too bad that version isn't more widely known.)

Doesn't NHK own the rights to it though?
added the fourth most popular anime onto this site
Nov 15, 2014 8:24 AM
Jan 2008
EvenJellyOn said:
JTurner said:
It only gets better from here. Too bad Anno is so invested in remaking EVANGELION into a series of movies. He really could've afforded to do the same to NADIA; especially since this is a story that ended up being too long to its detriment. (The closest he got was the "Nautilus Story" compilation; too bad that version isn't more widely known.)

Doesn't NHK own the rights to it though?

They do. The reason why Anno did that was because he was still working for NHK at the time.
Jun 21, 2015 9:13 PM

Dec 2014
Aug 23, 2016 10:13 PM

Jun 2016
That poor animation, despite that it was a very solid episode though. Glad I skipped all the filler.
Aug 23, 2016 10:44 PM
Jan 2008
hentaimoney said:
That poor animation, despite that it was a very solid episode though. Glad I skipped all the filler.

You did the right thing. Now you'll enjoy the show a whole lot more and not have the regrets of sitting through its worst points.
Sep 10, 2017 7:44 AM

Dec 2015
Black & white, a character breaking down and confessing its lack of assurance about itself (quite rapidly also), sudden "omedeto" / "happy birthday" à la Eva/Ideon (though the meaning is largely different). And the lack of a chorus for the eyecatch was the cherry on top of it. This was a great return to top form.

Only one person mnetioning the animation? During the great pre-suicide dialogue, I was wondering what was happening to the characters head movements and forms.


@Vivir That's what you got by listening to Internet rumours spreaded over here. ^^" A few informations/events used later were sprinkled here and there even if the majority of each episode and some full episodes were useless. Not sure why you were expecting them to "fix things" by taking into ocnsideration the fact people would order others to skip those episodes more than ten years later.
The guy is the man that was onboard the american military expedition (sent to kill the "sea monster") in episode 3 or 4... He was seen later falling in the ocean if I remember right. Thus, he drifted away to a weird island the heroes visited while you were watching away.
Rei_IIIOct 1, 2017 5:31 AM
Sep 26, 2017 12:39 AM
Aug 2017
It was a great episode but unfortunately I am left feeling confused because it's obvious I missed a whole lot of something. I skipped the filler thinking that the show would ignore it and continue from where it left off (stuck in the captains sub). That's not what I got. Beginning of the episode, we are updated on a grand adventure that Nadia and Co had off-screen and that they finally made it to Nadia's Homeland (what?). Then Grandis ship crashes on land with a patched up balloon (huh?), and out comes the Grandis crew with Nadia, Jean, Marie, King (how?) and Mr. Whothe-F-areyou?! Seriously, who the hell IS that guy? Nadia leaves the ship and is suddenly hypnotized by the Blue Water and reveals an underwater entrance that leads to a lost city (Electra's home? Nautilus' home? Forgot name). Now suddenly Nadia, all the way up to the suicide scene, knows everything about the Blue Water and more.
She was acting like an expert and I'm sitting here feeling completely lost. I'm disappointed that they didn't do a better job at fixing the filler mess by making the beginning of this episode make more sense with episode 22's ending. At least create a "recap" with original content that quickly explains what happened between 22 and now. I'm talking the original intent. What was supposed to happen between 22 and 35 when it would have originally been ep22 & 23. They could even keep Mr. Random (if they wanted) just give him context.

Sigh, I wish they would fix it. It messes up the whole flow of the story and confuses people. Bleh

Oh and Happy Birthday Nadia, you are officially an angst (for good reason) ridden teen. So how old is Jean? If they said it, then I forgot.
Dec 16, 2017 3:02 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Finally we get through the Dark Valley and into the meats and potatoes of the story. Nadia gets some much needed closure on her origins and life and can began to drop the self loathing.

I wish Anno had remade Nadia instead of Evangelion. i'd love to see this in a compact form with modern animation.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

May 23, 2018 3:15 PM

May 2012
Damn what is it with Gainax and telling an amazing story in black and white? Pretty damn impressive episode if you ask me and now they all know it, I'm actually amazed that one random dude isn't amazed by it... I mean shit went ape shit and he didn't move one bit? While the others were amazed? Is he some kind of inside man or something?

Well I do wonder what's next, great episode and very lovely cliffhanger!
Dec 13, 2018 10:26 AM

Mar 2014
Ah, good, we're back to the main story.
I didn't care for how much of an infodump this episode was, but... it did give us some good insight into things, and it's still much better than the filler episodes, of course.
::End of Transmission::

May 2, 2020 11:25 PM

Jan 2014
Well I could already feel the difference in this episode compared to the filler ones it had mystery, insight and an atmosphere that just hooks you in seems we are back on track :D and the episode pretty much seems to discard the existence of the filler episodes (save for several bits from the only good episodes of filler) an excellent tactic ^-^ I intend to do the same going forward!

Seems that the information Red Noah imparted on Nadia is still fully a part of her as she guides our heroes forward through Blue Noah seems the Blue Water grows more powerful with more of a will of its own with the passing of time. I liked Nadia confiding in everyone about having this great power that could be used for great good or great evil and how that it is in her hands scares her greatly. Seeing this more vulnerable side of Nadia where she talks about her inhibitions, regrets, doubts and faults while being surrounded by the people who care about her was very refreshing and a particularly well done scene as well especially with Jean telling her he loves her!

Also, we get verbal confirmation that Gargoyle and Neo Atlantis are in fact Nadia's people and not outsiders (I assumed that was the case since we got flashbacks in the episode of the destruction of their new homeland and Gargoyle uprising killing the Queen) a pattern that echoes the fate of their ancestors when they first arrived on Earth. I felt like this was a great narrative choice as it does not paint Atlantis as perfect despite their advancements and reflects the theme of good and evil existing everywhere no matter where you are from. Plus we learn the Tower of Babel was meant for communication with their home planet light years away; interesting piece of information.

The scene of Nadia trying to kill herself and how she awakens and the anime returns to color and everyone's reaction to her attempt was particularly an excellent scene transition as well and Nadia says it best that her Blue Water will not let her escape her fate and thus prevented her suicide. Then we learn it is Nadia's Birthday and everyone sings to her it resonated a bittersweet feeling in me it was a nice detail! And that abrupt cut made for an excellent cliffhanger as well looking forward to what comes next :D

Feb 3, 2021 3:36 PM

Feb 2012
The show's back to having good episodes at last?

Nadia finally admits her flaws but goes into depression out of self-hatred, fearing that she might not be able to control the Blue Water's power because she thinks of herself as a bad person. A lot of this episode was black & white except for the glowing Blue water, reminds me a lot of Gunbuster. Nadia is no doubt another prototype for Shinji here.

Ok, so the place the Nautilus visited to bury their dead was actually Atlantis (really an ark-spaceship then a city), but Nemo's home kingdom is Tartessos (a different Atlantean ark-spaceship originally called Blue Noah).

Atlantis is the truth behind the Greek myth of the same name whereas Blue Noah is the truth behind the ship described in the Biblical flood, and millennia later, Blue Noah flourished as Tartessos up until the 1870s. Of the inhabitants of Tartessos, only the royal family were true Atlanteans.

All of these ships have their own Tower of Babel which were interstellar communication devices (fittingly became involved in a Biblical myth about miscommunication) but Gargoyle turned Blue Noah's one into a weapon so King Nemo had to destroy it.

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Jul 31, 2021 6:23 AM

Jul 2014
Ah yes, now I can tell for sure this is an Anno show, cos Nadia's whole "woe is me" moment gave me big flashbacks to some of Shinji's big self-loathing moments in Evangelion. I also feel like I would have enjoyed this episode way more if I didn't hate Nadia as a character: it's not like I wanted her to die or anything, but I didn't feel sorry for her like was very clearly the intent.
Sep 21, 2021 5:07 AM
Sep 2015
Nadia trying to escape her fate reminds me of Christ's prayer: "If possible, take this cup away from me."

Most of the episode was in black & white, and the animation wasn't the best (the lip movements were out of sync sometimes) but I appreciate the Gnostic elements. Anno really loves including occult elements like this & I'm here for it.
Jun 22, 2022 10:50 AM

Feb 2021
At least episode was a lot more substantial compared to the ones before. I still think the art looks ugly with color though
Mar 13, 2024 10:59 PM

Jul 2021
Enjoyed this a lot more because of how bad the filler was tbh.
Feb 14, 12:31 PM

May 2021
Oh wow what did I just watched?
Lmao is this episode why people say Secret of Blue Water is a prototype to Evangelion? I mean, tsuntsun Nadia, all in red, who hates and tries to kill herself in a fucked up disturbing sequence, I get it

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