Wielder of the Beast Spear
Yo! Welcome, ladies, gentleman and Yokai to my page.
Please note that I dislike recieving friend requests from random people I don't know. This doesn't mean I'll deny them but I want to know the person I'm befriending first.
My favorite genres as Action, Adventure, Psychological and Romance. I love shows that have depth and complexity but I can enjoy all kinds of anime as long as they're good. In my opinion the golden era of Anime was 1985-2006, as such I mostly watch shows from those years. I have fallen off modern anime due to the saturation of horrible Isekais and other derivative slop.
Fuck elitists and gatekeepers though, just let people enjoy things.
I love Japanese culture beyond Anime, Manga and Videogames. It might not be a perfect country, but their Folklore, History, Religions and People fascinate me to no end. Besides Werewolves and Gryphons, Yokai are my favorite mythological creatures of all time, especially Kitsune, though Tengu and Kamaitachi are close. And you definitely guessed it, my favorite time of the year just happens to be Halloween.
Favorite Videogame genres are platformers and J-RPG's. I generally lean to hyper stylized games that are accessible but have a decent amount of challenge. I also think that a game's story and presentation is of equal importance to the gameplay, I'll definitely enjoy a good Mario game, but I'll appreciate something that makes me invested in it's world and characters much, MUCH more. My favorite franchise is Sonic the Hedgehog and I'm willing to defend the "Adventure" approach no matter what.
I'm an aspiring artist who loved drawing since I could remember and constantly trying to improve. Sadly I never had the chance to upload my art anywhere yet. I'm also an aspiring writer who enjoys disecting, sometimes appreciating, sometimes tearing apart whatever Media I'm currently engaging with. So expect to see reviews from me every now and then.
I enjoy western animation as much as I love Anime. My favorites are Gravity Falls, Regular Show and Sonic SatAM for shows, Meet the Robinsons, Nightmare Before Christmas and Coraline for movies. I still watch more Anime than western animation though.
Yes, I'm a furry, anthro animals always had an magical appeal to me. I'm not denying that said fandom can be weird, but we're all Anime fans, we're not any better than them, really. Also, my favorite animals are Crows, they're not just cute but really smart, don't fuck with them because they'll remember you!
I'm an atheist but I'm willing to respect religious people if and only if they respect me and other people for who they are. Don't bother pushing your religion on me or others, it will never work.
Mi idioma nativo es el español. Soy un Mexicano que ama a su pais apesar de todo.
Favorite Anisongs:
10 - Lullaby from Key the Metal Idol
9 - Daydream Generation from YuYu Hakusho
8 - Ohayou from Hunter x Hunter (1999)
7 - WARRIORS from Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters
6 - Smile Bomb from YuYu Hakusho
5 - Galaxy in Your Hands from Key the Metal Idol
4 - Kemono no Yari from Ushio to Tora (1992)
3 - In the Night from Key the Metal Idol
2 - Homework Never Ends from YuYu Hakusho
1 - Soul's Refrain from End of Evangelion
All Comments (29) Comments
This made me scratch my head, and I don't know if you're a US citizen or if you were born in the USA AzafuseKingTora. For someone who hate the west and I assume the USA, I would assume he wouldn't have made such a comment about someone's political affiliation. Now, I don't know what country this rodmanii is from, but the way he talked to me seems to indicate he could be American (but then again, a foreigner can be fluent in American English and is able to be familiar with US political party), but the guy said he hated when the west get involved with anime and that include hating on OEL manga and anime-influenced western animation and also hating on Japanese mangaka (even famous one) that worked on OEL and western comic/graphic novels.
I have no idea what to make of this guy, but it's possible he might not be American (again, I've seen foreigners studied American English and know about American culture without living in the US), or the real owner of the rodmanii account/profile might have passed away or never went back to MAL, and that account/profile is subjected to hack and hijacking (it has happened before), and that troll could be the one using that account posing as that user. Anything's possible, but I found that guy's behavior contradictory and just doesn't make a lot of sense.
remember to skip school and do drugs!