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Jan 31, 2009 7:15 PM

Jan 2008
So ends Outlaw Star. I liked this series, even through it's rougher parts. The final battle and the truth behind the galactic Leyline was pretty good scifi.
_Ghost_Jul 22, 2016 7:38 PM
May 3, 2010 6:07 PM

Feb 2010
Well, I really loved this series, especially towards the end. Every character was likeable, in a way and I really liked the semi-episodic style. Though very close to a 10, I'll give it 9/10, simply because it wasn't quite as good as Cowboy Bebop (which I gave a 10). Still gonna be one of my favourites from now on :)
I probably regret this post by now.
May 3, 2010 6:26 PM

Mar 2009
Every episode was awesome. At the end of the series, I wanted to see more; it was just so epic.
Jul 25, 2010 9:59 PM

Aug 2009
Kinda cheesy ending, but I liked the series. 8/10

A man of few words.
Nov 6, 2010 3:51 PM

Aug 2009
MasterWilliams said:
Gene never asked Melfina to sing that song, like Harry asked. >|
I doubt I missed it if he did

D= No he didn't! What a bastard!

Anyway great series... I wish they would make more.. Maybe even a movie or something *like Trigun* 9/10
Dec 9, 2010 7:35 AM

Aug 2009
I loved the ending. The series as a whole kind of reminds of Coyboy Bebop.
Feb 3, 2011 9:01 PM

Nov 2010
One of my fav series.
It was not written in the stars that we be together.
Feb 18, 2011 6:20 PM

Aug 2009
I was kinda disappointed by it TBH, I expected to like it way more than I did. I think that it just had so much potential that wasn't used.
Feb 20, 2011 4:13 PM

Dec 2010
While Cowboy Bebop was better (i know the shows are different but the similarities are fairly obvious) this show was still good and enjoyable, the ending was an enjoyable one as well, its not like the bittersweet endings bother me but its nice to change it up now and then 8/10.
Feb 20, 2011 4:13 PM

Dec 2010
While Cowboy Bebop was better (i know the shows are different but the similarities are fairly obvious) this show was still good and enjoyable, the ending was an enjoyable one as well, its not like the bittersweet endings bother me but its nice to change it up now and then 8/10
Mar 14, 2011 4:02 PM

Jul 2008
Awesome series, sort of filled the void of space bounty hunters after Cowboy Bebob. Not sure about the ending, was a bit over the top sci fi. I'm guessing another series was never made even though they hinted at it. Well I guess some one could remake it in the future. 8/10 for me.
Jul 17, 2012 5:17 PM

Feb 2009
Doesn't compare with Cowboy Bebop, by a long margin... But it was a very entertaining series, and omg these last episodes... I must admit it was the type of ending or "last mission" I really like in my sci-fi fantasies and space operas. A lot happened, another lot of questions were left open for interpretation, much symbolism and heart, and a satisfying conclusion without actually closing anything for the Outlaw Star at all.

In the end this episode was so cheesy, but oh so epic!!
Oct 28, 2012 1:56 PM

Jan 2012
i was really into it at first but I enjoed this serie
Dec 27, 2012 9:01 PM

May 2010
So truth be told, I have absolutely no idea what happened since the episode they went into the Leyline.

The show ended with more questions than answered. That last battle was just as ridiculous as the fights in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

The other episodes were very enjoyable, I didn't think I would like it so much. Hiru no Tsuki was the highlight of this show.

7/10 from me
Jan 11, 2013 3:42 PM

Jan 2012
And so it ends. Well I have to say I really enjoyed the ending as well as the whole series. It was a worthwhile watch. A real shame they didn't continue it.

Apr 26, 2013 7:28 PM

Oct 2008
This show is sort of a mixed bag for me. Some good stuff about it and some bad stuff. The ending was pretty cheesy of course..
But I really enjoyed the show so I'll give it a higher score than I normally would. 7/10
Aug 1, 2013 2:46 AM

Sep 2011
Same feel to Cowboy bebop, but cowboy bebop had a better end, and overall a lot more cleaner, though that doesn't mean it wasn't a good series.

Aug 8, 2013 3:34 PM

May 2012
I'm disappointed they didn't find any actual treasure. You know the old school pirate treasure with gold, jewels and silver in a wooden chest! No they only gained knowledge, which is cool too i guess. That makes it more like Indiana Jones than a pirate story... IN SPAAAAAAAAAACE

What a great show! Completely bonkers, but i loved it! I consider it the distant campy cousin of Cowboy Bebop! It was a lot of fun and had a sweet dub.

Aug 19, 2013 4:28 AM

Jul 2013
Great animation and i the setting is interesting but overall this show was pretty bland. Everything felt just so rushed and it didn't feel like anything ever payed off.

None of the fight's were interesting and everyone get's such a lousy ass deaths and there wasn't really any development for anyone of the villain's in the series.

The designs were unique but everyone just appeared briefly and got killed briefly.

Most of the episodes spent too much with the expositing thing's and not actually telling a stories.

I honestly got the impression that this was suppose to be like introduction to the universe and the second season would have delivered but there isn't second season.

Very disappointing.
Sep 1, 2013 9:13 PM
Jun 2013
I rewatched the series and it was pretty good. Left you wanting more but kind of disappointed because it aint never gonna come! lol. It left alot of unanswered questions and could have told the story better in some parts such as with the caster shells. I liked episode 23 but for such powerful magic to be made by those goofballs makes the caster weapon look a little stupid but its still alright I guess. I really didn't like how it felt so rushed though towards the end though, which is why it probably gave that feeling of unanswered questions due to them possibly having to cut stuff. Overall was a cool series; 7/10.
Sep 9, 2013 6:10 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Nice series. It started off really well but the middle chapters were so so. It got better at the end again but the final battle was a bit too cosmically over the top for my taste. And what happened to the Mac Dougal brothers?

Was there plans for a season 2? It sure feels like they wanted to continue this.

Hilda surviving would have made the story stronger I believe.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Sep 24, 2013 6:00 PM

Nov 2011
Overall a decent series. The ending was kinda funny though and I enjoyed the drama and action from this. Did Shizuka have feelings for Gene btw? Hmm....

7/10. Reminds me of Cowboy Bebop in a way.
Feb 2, 2014 6:10 AM
May 2013
An average ending for an average anime .
I don't understand why this anime is so overrated .
Apr 3, 2014 5:48 PM

Jun 2010
Not a very strong ending; to pull off an ending like this the show needs a strong emotional core, and this one just doesn't put the effort into building one. Being breezy is fine, but maybe this show should have put some effort into laying some groundwork for this finale. Melfina does next to nothing the whole series and a romance between her and Gene is supposed to be the closer? Hazanko isn't much of a villain because he's only in small parts of three episodes.

Heck, it could even have stood to have shown off the caster more often to make it seem like an important object. Given that the varieties of shells do different things, there was lots of room for creative and even comic use of it. How about a shell that explodes into a huge blob of jelly?
May 19, 2014 3:41 PM

Oct 2013
The ending was cheesy, but I liked it. After so many tragic or bittersweet endings, I'm happy with something much more uplifting. I'm also glad Suzuka and Aisha decided to come along afterall; the Outlaw Star crew didn't feel complete without them.

The battle with Hazanko was so surreal it felt like the final boss to a Japanese adventure game or RPG (particularly reminded me of Majora's Mask and Kingdom Hearts). This isn't necessarily bad, but it kind of felt out of place with the rest of the series. Also, I think it's dumb the MacDougals still haven't learned their lesson.

I guess I'll go with 7/10 as well. There's some things that worked excellently, but there's a fair amount of flaws too. The villains are lifeless nobodies for the most part, and I feel like the only character that got REAL development was Gene. I at least would have liked to know more about Suzuka's past, because she was the most interesting. In addition, a lot of the middle episodes felt like a sitcom, or maybe an episode of Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy. They amounted to little more than schemes from Gene or Jim to try to "make it big" that ended up failing in the end (and, in retrospect, the entire series was kind of like that considering they didn't even get any treasure from the Galactic Leyline). Although it was fun to watch, the lack of plot development hurts the overall story. Thankfully the last 6 or 7 episodes upped the drama and intensity enough to make up for the lack of plot development in the middle.

Still, it was very good - I liked it a lot despite everything. 7/10 indeed sounds fair. Shame there wasn't a second season; it could've helped the series overall a lot.
ZadionMay 19, 2014 4:19 PM

Dec 22, 2014 1:00 AM

Aug 2013
I feel like the ending of "Space☆Dandy" was inspired by this show.

However, I suppose this is a rather "common" type of conclusion in terms of themes.

Neither the journey nor the destination of this show was that special and the overall execution was quite average as well in my opinion. The rather bland cast did not help either.

This show must have had some of the most inconsistent character art I have seen from any series, and I have watched "Ping Pong The Animation". The animation is also visibly dated at this point. Though, despite all this, the thing that irked me the most throughout was how every single character was given unnecessary "blush" shadings on their faces.

The best thing to come out of this series is probably the beautiful "Hiru no Tsuki" (Daytime Moon) by Akino Arai - the very first ED. Those fantasy-esque sci-fi pictures used for both EDs were quite neat as well and really sparked my imagination.

Since there were a few decent episodes, the score of 5/10 seems appropriate.
Mar 13, 2015 7:58 AM

Dec 2013
The villains of the show were as flat as possible.
Literally just a 'i want power'-motivation from the main antagonist, if he can even be called that, considering he's not even present for most of the show.
Plus a 'power of friendship' upgrade to defeat him.

Still, i liked the main cast enough, the animation was fairly consistent and good for the time and it all had a nice sense of adventureeee.

7/10 overall.
Apr 26, 2015 3:03 PM

Jun 2014
i want more kiss to be honest
Jun 19, 2015 6:32 AM

Feb 2010
yeah the ending was pretty mediocre but overall enjoyed the series.
Jul 8, 2015 1:13 PM

Nov 2011
fuck i ended up in the cheese corner of the buffet
the food was also rather cheap

Outlaw Star would have been SO much fucking better had it been an RPG instead of an anime.
This shit was basically a really subpar Cowboy Bebop mashed with Grandia.

But if there's one truly redeeming factor, it would always be the spirit of adventure. They stuck to it until the end.

I fucking love that ending quote

Oh god it's fucking melancholic

Deep in my penis, I'm actually very fucking sad that Outlaw Star ended, despite its disappointing mediocrities which I blame almost all on the animation. But it was sentimentally good.

I'll never forget episodes 15 and 23. They are polar opposites, and they've shown me that this show had the potential (which they eventually did right in Cowboy Bebop).

fucking adventure mane
Sep 13, 2015 12:35 PM

Apr 2014
I enjoyed the sound effects and background music during this series.
---------My Profile------------
Nov 6, 2015 11:55 PM
Jun 2013
man this series felt so rushed these last episodes. The gene and melfina relationship felt so underdeveloped as they had like what two 5 second moments. The assassins for the most part were pretty weak and the mcdougle brothers were just tossed aside. The main cast itself still wasint bad though. Just wish they had more development. Overall the series was good,but does have some flaws to it. It also felt like a set up to a series more then a full complete one.
souledge94Nov 6, 2015 11:59 PM
Mar 19, 2016 8:57 AM
Feb 2013
Finished re-watching this series last night and still loved it. Definitely one of my favorite anime series, it's a shame that it never got a sequel.
May 9, 2016 2:50 AM

Apr 2016
Phew, this episode was a long ride of ups and downs all the way through. One moment they were going towards the leyline and the next their fighting a giant mass of flesh and boring antagonist. If there was only one word to describe this episode it would probably be...FAST. Seriously, it felt WAY too rushed towards the end and even in the previous two episodes.

I was about to give the series a 9 but I don't know if it quite deserves that... The rest of the show was really good though so maybe I'll let that whole pacing problem slide a bit. The ending was actually the most satisfying part, it couldn't have ended any better imo. It stuck to it's theme, "ADVENTURRRR!1!1" all the way through for sure. Gotta admire consistency.

Despite all that this was probably my least favorite space-western out of the notorious trio.
Towards the stars, outlaw.

"It chooses one who uses the power of God created by man, one who is able to arrive at one truth!"
Jul 28, 2016 12:47 PM

May 2008
This had a Digimon Adventure 02 vibe, in that there felt like two writers who wanted to take the show in different directions, and rather choosing just one writer they attempted to combine the two. On one hand is the space opera with its' cool plot and the other with its' space journey of a crazy crew who are trying to make it big.

In better hands and more episodes, these two ideas together would of been fine, but the way Outlaw Star handles it ends up being... well, rushed.

The show starts off pretty strong, but after Hilda died, it felt like the show became rebellious and lost it. It does a good job of combining the seemingly fillers episodes with the plot heavy ones, but there was way too much dicking around trying to make money (even if it made sense) and not enough attention focusing on what the beginning had set up. Leaving a very rushed feeling when all the players entered the story.

The character interaction had its' good moments, but considering the show was scared to focus on anyone other than Gene and Melfina, characters like Suzuka came off more as useful tool than a legit character.

The fights... total crap most of the time. Gene won most of his due to plot armor not because he has skills. Him fighting the Anten showed that very well.

6 or 7/10. Another case of a show trying to do too much in a short amount of time. Shame because it has potential to be better, but if it was hoping for a sequel it had to do better.
Jan 28, 2017 10:36 AM

Dec 2016
"For a new outlaw yet to earn a name for himself, his reputation precedes him." WTF?

I liked the characters, but the episodes didn't always grab me and by the end I didn't care.

Jul 3, 2017 6:42 PM

Feb 2012
So the Leyline

My theory as to how the three deadliest caster shells work: They generate black holes which suck the enemy. The evaporation afterwards sends Hawking radiation back at the wielder, which harms them (hence "draining their life force).

Onto the wishes:

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Sep 20, 2017 9:01 PM

Aug 2013
Man I though the final battle was really cool, the fact that it jumped to straight up cosmic level combat reminded me a lot of 90's JRPG's. Taking that aside, a lot of this series ended up feeling really hollow, a lot of wasted potential. Maybe a higher episode count could've elevated this, or maybe a tighter narrative since what was attempted didn't really hit the mark for me.
Nov 28, 2017 10:22 PM

May 2016
I really liked the show, but why were 26 episodes made and only 24 released?
Orlando_ArturDec 2, 2017 9:20 AM
Jan 1, 2018 9:13 PM

Nov 2010
Watched this when i was a child. Still enjoy it.

Good day lads.
It was not written in the stars that we be together.
Mar 17, 2018 11:41 PM
Dec 2017
When melfina and gene kissed that felt so out of place and in the last episode I bad no idea what was going on.
Mar 17, 2018 11:42 PM
Dec 2017
Sakarii said:
This had a Digimon Adventure 02 vibe, in that there felt like two writers who wanted to take the show in different directions, and rather choosing just one writer they attempted to combine the two. On one hand is the space opera with its' cool plot and the other with its' space journey of a crazy crew who are trying to make it big.

In better hands and more episodes, these two ideas together would of been fine, but the way Outlaw Star handles it ends up being... well, rushed.

The show starts off pretty strong, but after Hilda died, it felt like the show became rebellious and lost it. It does a good job of combining the seemingly fillers episodes with the plot heavy ones, but there was way too much dicking around trying to make money (even if it made sense) and not enough attention focusing on what the beginning had set up. Leaving a very rushed feeling when all the players entered the story.

The character interaction had its' good moments, but considering the show was scared to focus on anyone other than Gene and Melfina, characters like Suzuka came off more as useful tool than a legit character.

The fights... total crap most of the time. Gene won most of his due to plot armor not because he has skills. Him fighting the Anten showed that very well.

6 or 7/10. Another case of a show trying to do too much in a short amount of time. Shame because it has potential to be better, but if it was hoping for a sequel it had to do better.

Also I agree gene had plot armor out the ass
Mar 23, 2018 12:47 PM

Mar 2009
Gene's with Melfina yet you see him groping that girl's ass. Classic Gene!

Honestly expected more out of this show but it was still a fun watch. And I'm still pissed they killed off Hilda so early on lol.
Nov 6, 2019 11:47 AM

Oct 2015
I see they did "let's all combine our powers to defeat the bad guy" at the end. I guess the only guys to die at the end were Hazanko and the Anten seven. I was surprised Ron didn't die after he was the one that killed Hilda in the beginning, so I thought he would get punished. More or less I'm also glad Harry is alive, the guy just loved Melfina. It pained me in the last episode when he shed tears, as he was just an empty shell by then. While Khan on the other hand became data, that guy was really starving for knowledge, scientist to the end baby!

The kiss by Mel and Gene was also nice, but I hate it when a series doesn't show/tell us whether they're couple or not. Speaking of Mel, it's incredible that she was able to separate herself in two, the other self with the leyline and other with the outlaw star. I guess as a treasure, the leyline machine didn't disappoint, I think there is no better treasure than the one that will grant you any wish. I wonder if one piece will be able to top this.

Hair cut at the end looked good on Gene, and glad Suzuka and Aisha stuck around, even though it was predictable AF.

Overall I wouldn't say this won my heart, but it was a nice pass timer. I felt like they ditched many things, like what really happen in space between Gene and his dad, were the McDougalls involved, the fuck? Gene's lack of development made me not to love him or remember him in future. Even as a carefree playboy, he hardly delivered and lacked that lovable charm. As a romantic, he completely failed there, Jim was better than him. The animation was inconsistent, one minute Suzuka looks like a queen, and the next she looks like my granny ( she's 87 BTW). The plot was shaky, and somehow nothing new. We get they were trying to go to the galactic Leyline to find out Mel's past, but at the end all was mediocre for me and nothing that amazing.

5/10. And I doubt I will remember it.
lihle808Nov 6, 2019 11:51 AM
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Apr 3, 2020 1:11 AM

Jul 2009
Lots to unpack!

Here we go!

Finally the Animation sequences in the BD are more in-line with the first few episodes. Everything was remastered and none were left in DVD/TV footage like the last 3 episodes.

First off, the final battle was okay at first. I thought Hazanko got owned by that shell, but he was able to survive the last minute.

It seems Gwen Khan, Hazanko and Gene were able to fulfill their own wishes. Gwen wanted knowledge, Hazanko for Power and Gene for Melfina.

The space craft vs monster reminded me of Macross!! Also, Hazanko's form looks like from Gantz or Dragon Ball Freiza while her big form looked like something From Evangelion.

Of course they were no match. Love the animation sequence!!! Glad they put Hazanko to sleep forever.

So Melfina's pass was really that she was just a puppet created by Hazanko and Anten Seven, in order to just access Leylines which were a scientific invention from the machines of the past aka Machine Gods.

Seems we went all EVA at the end! Especially those tentacles. We even get to see a 2nd like Melfina who was the queen of Leyline. I guess Leyline is one of those "possibilities" that can change the fate of anyone.

In terms of ending. Gene finally confesses to Melfina. Even kissed her without hesitation! At least they are dating somewhat. Which is still funny how he still drools over that bar girl before leaving for

They really teased that Suzuka and Aisha will be staying behind, but in the end. They know it won't be fun without the crew.

Things I didn't like:

It seems they drop the whole subplot of the Mcdougall Brothers at the end. Despite looking like an important batch and a key to discovering what really happened to Gene's Father and why were they attacked in the first place at the beginning?

Gone. We don't even get to know what happened at the end. All we know is Harry's soul is now in the Insomnia Computer and Ronald is now connected to the Diabolos ship. As to how will they exact their revenge against Gene or maybe they would move on to have their own adventures.

While a part of me is sad that Hilda is truly dead. I'm glad they didn't pull a "resurrection" on her and how she was able to survived that fall in the sun and she was originally working with Hazanko or something to betray Gene.

I guess we do have Suzuka as her replacement, even though she's more Tsundere than she looks :P

Gene got a new haircut!! He looks more like his child self!! Even got a new get up, Same with Melfina!

"The Adventure never ends. We'll set off on a journey. Sometime somewhere to the stars again. And the new adventures will begin."

Shame we'll never get a 2nd season. Seems they opened a possible follow up, but doubt would be the same again. Especially how Suzuka's VA has passed away already, same with Hilda :\

Guess we can watch Angel Links which is somewhat related with Valeria and Duuz as the main cast!

I enjoyed Outlaw Star!! Definitely I prefer this than Cowboy Bebop. This is the real outlaw and an amazing space adventure that actually travels to different space planets, discovering treasure, fighting bad guys, getting the good girls. Ahh the classic life!!

After this, I already plan on continuing The Big O which is another Sunrise production from this era!


I would not be able to finish all these if I didn't watched them during my workout!!
Aug 14, 2020 4:04 AM

Jul 2017
I maybe could have done without that last big fight between Gene and the pirate leader. I really wish they had given the latter more backstory and shown what was behind his mask. The Galactic Leyline was basically the Akashic Record as Khan said. Cool stuff.
Mar 3, 2021 3:42 PM
Dec 2017
still waiting to this day for a new season.

Nov 13, 2021 2:55 PM
Jul 2014
Dunno why I am even writing this, but here we go.

This episode is particularly interesting to me for how much it is a summary of the series itself, starting from some serious but never "too much serious" lore and events, to dumb cool anime space magic stuff, pretty funny and well characterized characters (not *realistic*, but fun nonetheless, it's an adventure after all, not Eva!) and a surprising emotional intelligence.

Just like some other series I am fond of, I feel that Outlaw Star is heavily hurt by a 24/26 season and would have evolved waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better if it could air at least up to 35/36, thus giving more space to sidestories to develop the cast and or just allow the setting to be explored a bit more, but... eh, there is no point in speaking about this. If they had these episodes to work with, they can't be blamed.

If anything, I am surprised by how many episodes are spent before they actually start searching for the Leyline.
There is still variety in the series, but I can't shake off the feeling that if 2/3 more episodes were spent on new planets and settings they feeling of the plot would have been much more "Impressing".

Still, this series sums up what I still miss from many modern anime to this day, so I can't blame it to much.
Jan 19, 2022 11:46 AM

Apr 2017
wtf that's how it ends???
Jun 1, 2022 4:25 PM
Jan 2020
Overall, I was expecting a lot more out of this series that I fell like has gotten a lot of hype over the years. I saw a few people mentioning that they preferred this over Bebop, but for the same feelings I definitely enjoyed Trigun and Bebop more than this.

This entire series felt disconnected, in that nothing was really tied into a main storyline. Gene wasn't working toward anything in particular, and the stuff he was interested in, like finding out who killed his dad, was left at the wayside. Gene needed to be more heavily invested in what they were trying to build up, rather than just get sprinkled in when it was convenient.

The best thing about this series was the visuals.
"...Is your mother worried? Would you like us to assign someone to worry your mother?"
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