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Jan 16, 2010 3:33 PM

Jan 2010
I really love this episode. Its a really great episode ^^
Jan 22, 2010 1:36 AM

Apr 2009
Good, but lacked the depth of character development from Clannad (although there was two series of that).

Makoto and Ayu, in my eyes, were quite annoying, and the climax left me in limbo. It happens, where you try to create your own reality because your scared of the real world, but Makoto being a fox, Mai fighting illusionary demons, and Shiori surviving a terminal disease, not to mention Ayu being in a coma for over 7 years? And even hints of insest (if you count counsins relationships as that)? It seems far too farfetched and unexplained, even if the supernatural elements were deliberate. Clannad explained its arcs far better, even if it was a bit cliche, and the comedy was better than just 'Insult -> "Auuuu"/"Uguuuu!"'.

It was not bad, but not great either.
Feb 11, 2010 12:22 PM

Aug 2009
Great anime, just... awesome. But the corny happy ending was just... bleh.
Feb 13, 2010 1:35 PM

Aug 2007
Well, I think I followed the ending a lot better my second time through the series, but it's still a bit confusing. I'm still not sure if the entire series was part of Ayu's dream or just the last episode. Obviously Shiori's recovery and Nayuki's mom getting better didn't really happen since that doesn't fit with what we know of reality at all, but I'm not sure if the last scene showing Ayu's recovery was real or not. It is implied that Ayu is dreaming all this as Yuuichi is by her bedside telling her about everything, so perhaps all the events are slightly based in reality but with the supernatural parts added in by Ayu's subconscious. This is all just speculation on my part though.
Feb 18, 2010 6:01 AM

Feb 2010
HAHA LOVED THIS! Though i still loved clannad more. haha any hope for Kanon After Story?

Do you like or wish for the Otonashi X Tachibana Kanade pairing from Angel Beats? Or just love both characters?
Then Join the club ^^:The Otonashi X Tachibana Kanade Club

Feb 25, 2010 4:02 AM
Jan 2009
Lol, I really enjoyed it too but I also agree Clannad to me was better imo. Though I watched Kanon 2006, an after story for it does seem possible if Ayu were to live with him still but who knows..^^ maybe miracles do happen.
Clannad AF>Clannad>Kanon (2006)>Air TV.
Mar 4, 2010 8:09 PM

Apr 2009
so Ayu woke up eh?

Is ayu's last wish is to forget her?
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Mar 9, 2010 12:29 PM

Jan 2010
wow what a great ending!!:D

and it's not that surrealistic either(in some parts)
Akiko go out of the hospital...possible
Mai and Sayuri also got well...posible
Shiori was cured...that's pretty hard to belive because her ilness really sounded bad but hey,so did for Stephen Hawking :)
and last but not least(actually the most important)...Yuiichi MISUNDERSTOOD,so Ayu wasn;t dead but in a can't imagine how happy i felt when i did found out this :D...

that's it,kanon goes up to #2 on my favorites list,after clannad :)

great show,i will happily rewatch it sometime this year


PS:Nayuki,Ayu,Yuiichi,Shiori and Makoto all have their chance to get on my top 10 characters xD
clannad4everMar 11, 2010 10:40 AM

"Just how a mirror reflects you,people will also reflect your heart."
~Athena Glory,Aria

"Whatever happens,happens"
~Spike Spiegel's thoughts on dying(Cowboy Bebop)
Mar 10, 2010 4:47 AM

Aug 2007
clannad4ever said:
wow what a great ending!!:D

and it's not that surrealistic either(in some parts)
Akiko go out of the hospital...possible
Mai and Sayuri also got well...posible
Shiori was cured...that's pretty hard to belive because her ilness really sounded bad but hey,so did for Stephen Hawking :)
and last but not least(actually the most important)...Yuiichi MISUNDERSTOOD,so Ayu wasn;t dead but in a can't imagine how happy i felt when i did found out this :D...

Interesting. That's the same reaction I had when I first watched the series, but (as I stated above) I'm not so sure anymore after re-watching it. I have 2 reasons for this:

1) Shiori pretty much states in the last episode that all the miracles are the results of a dream. Well, okay she is speculating but I think this is the writer's way of telegraphing their intentions to the audience without stating them outright.

2) Up to this point, the whole story has been building up to a wonderful, awful tragic ending. Giving it a happy ending at this point through a series of Deus Ex Machina ruins it (for me at least.) So it is possible I'm simply projecting my own opinions into the story, but the way I see it viewing the ending as realistic would be like having the title characters survive at the end of Romeo and Juliet.
Mar 22, 2010 11:54 AM
Feb 2010
the story of this is like in clannad.. but i like it
Mar 27, 2010 1:18 PM

Feb 2010
wait... so does he end up with Ayu?... because Ayu is in a coma, does she ever wake up?

Apr 8, 2010 12:49 PM

Aug 2009
I thought the main character was gonna commit suicide in the ending but the ending was disappointing in my opinion...
Miracles don't happen that way O_O
Apr 9, 2010 1:02 AM

Dec 2008
the scenes where everybody took care on Ayu were very heartwarming to me
too bad that they didn't show the moment as Ayu awoke of her coma
well the ending scene wth Ayu and Yuichi was very nice.

I think if they had shown her running around it would have been a bit unrealistic.

Till episode 13 I loved this show but,I didn't really liked the Mai and Shiori arc after that.
I also didn't liked that Yuichi showed love interest in so many girls.

At the end of this show the dream scenes, flashbacks and the present were mixed around like crazy,so it was hard to follow

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Apr 9, 2010 1:32 AM

Nov 2009
Fabienne said:
the scenes where everybody took care on Ayu were very heartwarming to me
too bad that they didn't show the moment as Ayu awoke of her coma
well the ending scene wth Ayu and Yuichi was very nice.


You should probably try watching the end of Kanon 2002 as the scene that I felt should have been there in this is definitely in that. =)
Apr 9, 2010 2:18 AM

Dec 2008
SuperKyou said:
Fabienne said:
the scenes where everybody took care on Ayu were very heartwarming to me
too bad that they didn't show the moment as Ayu awoke of her coma
well the ending scene wth Ayu and Yuichi was very nice.


You should probably try watching the end of Kanon 2002 as the scene that I felt should have been there in this is definitely in that. =)
thx for the hint
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Apr 10, 2010 3:51 PM

Feb 2010
I don't get the part where he said he was living an illusion or something after he finds the headband in the shrubs
But didn't he already gave it to her?
This the only thing that really confused me

overall I think the anime was pretty good
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Apr 18, 2010 4:25 PM

Mar 2010
Fabienne said:

I also didn't liked that Yuichi showed love interest in so many girls.

Haha I have to agree with this quote right here, throughout this whole thing I could no stop thinking that Yuichi was a player.

I thought Yuichi being with Ayu was an OK ending, it might have been more interesting for me if Yuichi and Nayuki somehow got together. But it seems the anime didn't go into how much she liked/loved him.
Apr 24, 2010 9:05 PM

Dec 2009
So I admit it takes a lot && I mean a LOT to make me cry. I never cried at any films such as the Notebook, and none of my friends have seen me cry. I think my family saw it once when my dog died when I was in second grade. Other than that I hardly cry.

But for some reason, during this show I found myself crying, and during this last episode I couldn't help but just burst out in tears. Everything that was going on with Ayu just got to me, && earlier on in the series with Makoto the story just pulled on my heart strings && it still makes me tear when I think about it...

This anime effected me so much, it's a true masterpiece, to me anyway. I could watch it again and again and again. Although I was not a big fan of Yuichi and Ayu at the beginning by the end of the series I was happy they got together (personally I would've liked him to be with Makoto though).
Apr 29, 2010 11:12 PM

Apr 2008
Finished watching for the second time.

blu ray this time.

Still as dramatic as the first time I saw it, but remembering what happens next really kills it a little.

P.S. I liked this better than Clannad. Maybe cause I'm old. Or cause the eyes in this are bigger. no idea.
May 7, 2010 12:35 AM

Mar 2010
Twas a good series.
Clannad is better though.
May 8, 2010 5:13 PM

Jun 2009
Great serie, but...
Clannad > Kanon
May 11, 2010 10:06 PM
Feb 2010
Do people really not realize why they all got better? Do you remember anything about that final wish, or that angel, or anything? Ayu's final wish for that angel doll was that Yuuichi could be happy. For that to happen, all the people would have to be healed and all good. Whether that's logical doesn't matter, it's a way to illustrate the bond between Ayu and Yuuichi. It makes perfect sense in the story for it to happen that way.
May 15, 2010 2:15 AM

Apr 2010
God!! Don't scare me Key!! I really thought this was going to be a sad ending.. >.<

Great ending!! All is well and alive!! What could be better.. ^_^

Likes from the episode:
1. Shiori is alive!! Yay!! That's all I've wished to happen ever since I finished watching her arc, I was literally jumping from joy when I heard Shiori's voice in the preview from ep23 and more so when she really appeared in ep 24, this really made my day.. ^_^
2. Finally learned all the mysteries behind Ayu! I really thought she would just turn out to be spirit that just came back to the real world to fulfill her promise to Yuuichi, it turns out that she's the original Fuuko!! XD
3. There are lots of hints of most of the people recovering fast from their injuries and always hinting of it as a miracle.. hmm.. I think Mai has been busy lately.. Also, Megane Mai!! WIN :)
4. Clannad trailer at the end of the episode!! Though I watched Clannad first before Kanon, I'm glad I learned that some elements shown in Clannad were reference from Kanon i.e anteater doll and akiko's jam!! Really glad I watched Kanon!! :))

Hmm.. for me Clannad = Kanon, both get equal <3 from me..
Jun 5, 2010 11:58 AM

Jul 2009
A bit late with watching this but better than never.

Kanon really was touching in a kind only Clannad could have gotten me before.
Key's Projects are Masterpieces most of the time and they always get me, with their

I think if i'd have watched Kanon earlier than Clannad, this would had a more emotional effect on me, because there were too many parallels with Clannad..

But nonetheless a great series and a happy ending =)

Jul 27, 2010 7:13 PM

Apr 2010
Loved this anime. Had a very nice happy ending <3

But geez, too much comparison with Clannad :P
Jul 28, 2010 1:55 PM

Mar 2009
I really liked this show and as again....I will never forget it as I won't Clannad and Air TV.

As for ending...I wouldn't have expected something like this.It leaves the same feeling as Clannad did.It means...That I totally loved it!

Thank you for such great series.
Apparantly Kimi to Boku will always be my last-anime-watched, until you check my profile :3~

Aug 11, 2010 11:45 AM

May 2010
For a while there, I thought it was going to have an ending that didn't make much sense, but the ending was great. I like it and it made sense.
Aug 11, 2010 8:17 PM

Aug 2010
maaaan, i wished i watched Kanon first before Clannad. it would be a better experience damn'it -,-

but overall, Kanon was a very great anime. at first i thought Ayu will never come back
(hmm, do u think Key is nice, NAWWT read "Tomoyo After" manga)

i would have given this anime a 10 but the ending couldve gotten more amazing, if they showed like Ayu can run again, they got married, or show every1's life, ryt? that would be better :D
so its a 9.7 for me, but theres no decimal here ryt, so ill drop it to a 9.0 =D
Sep 3, 2010 11:47 PM

Aug 2010
wow, kanon is well and truly a superb anime series and one of the best i've seen. i think i prefer kanon over clannad, although i have yet to see clannad after story. its soo good how they wrapped it all up and although it doesnt make total sense, there has been a supernatural element throughout the series. i had a feeling ayu might have been in a coma because back when ayu and yuuichi were in hospital and bumped into shiori, the doctor who looked at ayu looked a bit startled upon first glance of ayu.

but anyways. kanon = amazing <3
"Fun things...Happy things...They'll all...They'll all eventually change some day, you know? But can you still love this place?" - Nagisa
Sep 10, 2010 3:51 PM

Jul 2009
Guess I'm not the only one with that dissapoint for watching Clannad first, many places, I was telling myself "ClannadClannadClannadClannad" forever instead of enjoying it fulfully. Some soundtrack are also very similar, but oh well...

Gets an 8 from me, nice masterpiece with a cool ending I loved.
Sep 19, 2010 2:59 PM

Aug 2008
My ranking: Nayuki > Shiori > Mai > Ayu > Makoto

Aww I didn't cry at all throughout this series except during Sayuri's flashback with her brother. Which is strange since she isn't a main character.
Sep 30, 2010 6:09 PM
Apr 2010
Mmm Ayu's hair is just funny anyway his hat is just so cute ...

Well i totally became a cryng girl after watching this so yeah Kanon 2006 FTW!!
Oct 31, 2010 2:36 AM

Feb 2009
I thought this series was going to be touching like Clannad and make me tear up but not even close. It was nice at some points but I found it quite bland. I probably wont find anything as touching and amazing as Clannad and Clannad AS. Then again I did watch Clannad before this so that might be what it is.
animegurl09Oct 31, 2010 2:44 AM
Nov 18, 2010 3:53 PM
Jul 2018
Good ending, but I was having trouble following just what the heck was going on with all those dreams and flashbacks. To me, this series could have had alot more Ayu. Is it better than Clannad and AS? Nah, but it was a good little story.

I still don't understand Motoko, the real Motoko was in that car, but what was that other one that laid on Yuiichi, an illusion?
removed-userNov 18, 2010 4:01 PM
Nov 28, 2010 6:35 PM
May 2010
Was a great series but i think it was a little rushed at the end there could have been stretched to another episode or two. i was kinda hoping Ayu was gone and that Nayuki would finally be noticed...O well Mai was still my favorite 2nd only too Nayuki
Nov 28, 2010 8:32 PM

Sep 2010
I totally expected a miracle ending. I was also expecting everyone to magically come back, but... MAKOTO! At least we saw a fox at the end, whatever that can mean. ;)
Dec 10, 2010 10:54 AM

Jan 2009
ok that was not a bad serie.. but i really cant understand why people love crying, illnesses, dying so much?? :S
Dec 17, 2010 11:16 AM

May 2010
Kanon FTW!!!


I can't believe this was the last episode! T_T
Dec 17, 2010 11:31 AM

Jul 2010
Terrific show, wished there were more episodes. And if anything would've liked seeing Yuichi hook up with Mai (shes my fav^^). It was funny to see Ayu in boy form, and if I wanted anything, it would be a better reason other than a "miracle" to justify every character's magical recovery.... and maybe a last vision of Mikoto instead of a cameo type appearance by the real one. But she was nice too!
Jan 15, 2011 7:01 PM

Dec 2008
I'm a little confused. Is Ayu awake at series end? We never saw her wake up.

-We see Yuuichi with the headband. Mentions how he replaced reality with anillusion.

-We see a fantasy of child Yuuichi give the headband to child Ayu.

-Then we see present day Yuuichi with present day Ayu, indicating she awoke. Yet we never saw her wake up so how do we know thats not an illusion/dream of Yuuichi's either?

Otherwise, I'll accept that Ayu did wake. She was my favourite girl on the show and Yuuichi's was also a likable character.
Jan 25, 2011 4:07 PM

Dec 2010
Okaaaay, so Yuuichi finally gives the hairband to Ayu...while they are still ten years old. She dosnt have the hairband in the last scene. So...i guess she never got it then?!

I thought I'd be crying continuously throughout this series...but I didnt. Maybe I need a rewatch, un-marathoned next time, marathoning lessens impact for me for some reason :-/

Also, I was never a big fan of Yuuichi x Ayu, it was more of a brother & sister relationship until that random kiss :-/ Surely Yuuichi x Mai?!

Anyway, enough nitpicking. Fantastic series overall, and it seems to fit more into it's 24 episodes than the original Clannad did, which is really saying something. Still no match for After Story though :-D

I'ma give it 9/10
"Ah yes, the demon drink...'Nature's Alzheimer's' they call it"
Jan 29, 2011 12:33 PM

Aug 2010
This anime is one of favourite and I'm gonna miss Kanon for sure.
I'm happy to see everyone character in one episode :)
Espacially Shiori I like her very after Mai and her best Sayuri.
Nayuki is cute too ^_^ And her mother Akiko she's so simple I like her too :)
Mar 3, 2011 11:37 AM

Oct 2009
Great end, everyone is alive~~ Except for Makoto err maybe not sure...
I still prefer Nayuki ^^!
Overall liked this show a lot but love Clannad more.

FightO dayo~
Apr 1, 2011 12:31 PM
Oct 2009
Finally finished this series but I'm a bit disappointed. I felt the series could have been better if it's shorter. Maybe it's just me, I found that the only interesting parts were Makoto's (the fox) arc and Ayu's arc.

An alright series overall but I enjoy Air more.
The window, the window shopping! Hooo!
May 18, 2011 2:35 PM

Nov 2009
ITS A MIRACLE!!! EVERYONE'S ALIVE!!! awesome anime!!! i wish there were more X{ but they ended it great! YAY MIRACLES!
May 26, 2011 2:13 AM
Dec 2007
autisticanime said:
I'm a little confused. Is Ayu awake at series end? We never saw her wake up.

-We see Yuuichi with the headband. Mentions how he replaced reality with anillusion.

-We see a fantasy of child Yuuichi give the headband to child Ayu.

-Then we see present day Yuuichi with present day Ayu, indicating she awoke. Yet we never saw her wake up so how do we know thats not an illusion/dream of Yuuichi's either?

Otherwise, I'll accept that Ayu did wake. She was my favourite girl on the show and Yuuichi's was also a likable character.
There's an scene that they skipped where Yuuichi is informed that the"girl who fell from the tree" woke up from her coma. Ayu is hence not a ghost but rather what you'd call an astral projection (if you saw Clannad they re-use the same concept). What Yuuichi refers to when saying he made it up was not Ayu, but rather, his memories of 7 years ago.. He made himself believe he actually said his goodbyes to her and slowly erases his memories subconsciously as the years pass.

Jun 14, 2011 1:00 PM

Jul 2010
Oh god the nostalgia of the Clannad opening at the end D:!!!!

Was a good episode. His cousin is so cool. <3 her
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Jul 11, 2011 2:51 PM
May 2011
Just finished marathoning Kanon in two days. A true masterpiece T__T

Love the happy ending, there are no loose ends.

Actually Shiori's guess about the wish explains it all: "... 'I want my dearest person to always be smiling.' ... For that to happen, everyone around that person has to be having a happy life, too." This triggers all the miracles happening around Yuuichi and all the girls getting better - including of course Ayu as soon as he learns that she is still alive and Fox-Makoto as she surely has a special place in his heart.

I think - and I was expecting something like that from that point on - this is the amazing miracle Amano is speaking of at the end of the 10th episode: "But if all the foxes on that hill do have a mysterious power and lots of them worked together, then an amazing miracle would happen, wouldn't it?"

It's all about believing in miracles. Concerning this show - I'm a believer :)
Aug 29, 2011 6:56 AM

Apr 2010
it is satisfying..but i didn't expect to cry (i expected i would)--well,that only means clannad is still the best
Aug 30, 2011 4:41 PM

Nov 2009
Just finished this series recently, put it straight into my top 5 fave anime. An absolutely brilliant series and i think it was pretty obvious Ayu's 3rd wish was for a miracle for everyone to get better or something along those lines. I feel that i dont think the series would of worked as well in the end if Yuichi fell in love with somebody other than Ayu, so 10/10 from me and in my top 5.

Dont understand all the clamoring over Mai though seems shes got some fangirls and fanboys, if you wanna see Yuichi x Mai just go play the visual novel its pretty amazing, for an eroge.
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