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Yozakura Quartet
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Dec 22, 2008 10:08 AM

Jun 2007
ah, well its over now! I really don't know what to make of this, it wasn't THAT bad but it really should have been so much better.
Nice final battles from everyone. Really liked Kyousuke, Kotoha and Touka's combo, it was awesome!
Judging from how Enjin was actually defeated, there won't be a sequel I guess. Too bad there'll be no Koihime or more action from Juli & Yae.
I got really confused why they decided to rename Hime's Ryuusou Sakanade to Ryuusou Gekirin, wth's the point?
To all the people who liked the characters but didn't like the story much, read the manga, seriously its way better.
Dec 22, 2008 2:19 PM

Jul 2008
Liked the 2 last episode, else than that the serie was meh.

It's rare that the ending is actually better than the serie itself but it's this case this time.
Dec 22, 2008 4:29 PM

Jul 2007
i liked the animation (from time to time there simply was not enough detail to the pictures though) and the characters a lot.

the story was so so. not really good.imho a lot of unused potential. it's a nice setting and idea though.

well... as mentioned above ill try the manga. all the manga drawings used in the anime looked fantastic. the characters look much cooler.
Dec 22, 2008 6:58 PM

Feb 2008
this is the first time that i've finished an anime, and didn't really care about any of the characters. i had high hopes for this one because the art was the same as kamisama kazoku, but in the end it ended up a 6.5/7 out of 10
Dec 22, 2008 7:39 PM
Jun 2008
My final score is 7/10. I was really itching to give it a 6 one or two episodes ago, but this one kind of elevated it again. I don't know what the reason was...probably the final battles? Yae was unused potential. Oh well, I was just glad to see Toka throw a car at Eiji. Overall, it was good, but could've been better. I'll read the Manga sometime.
Dec 22, 2008 10:45 PM

Jun 2007
meh... i liked the characters but the story was kinda... not so great.
magentaanbuDec 22, 2008 10:56 PM

Dec 23, 2008 12:31 AM

May 2008
I decided to watch this anime for the character designs and the interesting setup. Unfortunately, the show disappointed me. The episodes ranged from OK to bad. Also, none of the secondary characters were developed sufficiently. And the art/animation wasn't bad, but I'd expect better from such a short show.

Akina was extremely annoying at times, acting completely the opposite of how a normal person would act. When you would expect him to be upset by something, he was instead smiling dumbly. And when his friends were upset and needed him...he was smiling dumbly. Wow, what a GREAT FRIEND.

Parts of the plot made little sense. Why couldn't Yae help fight Enjin? Why wasn't Hime given the powerful spear earlier? If there were valid reasons, they weren't addressed sufficiently in the show.

Overall, it's not the worst anime I've seen this year, but it's pretty close.
Dec 23, 2008 1:28 AM

Jan 2008
I liked the character design and music but it was the story that really let this Anime down for me.
Anyway, at least the last two episodes were decent.
Dec 23, 2008 4:15 AM

Jun 2008
That's it, I expected more from the anime in all, Kotoha was awesome, Hime and Akina were weak.

7/10 final.
Dec 23, 2008 4:27 AM

Nov 2007
It was an awesome last episode, and I'm glad they didn't choose to save Gin(by some deus ex machina tune just the Enjin).
The battles rocked.
Dec 23, 2008 5:41 AM

Aug 2008
This show was a hot mess. A cast of characters fignting evil. We weren't ever given any context or backrouind on anyone until 2/3 of the way into it, after they had introduced more characters. No explaination of powers or why people are they way they are, and not a solid story at all. Very worthless show, and one of the worst and most derivative I have ever seen. 3/ may drop to a 2.
Dec 23, 2008 11:02 AM

Jun 2008
I, on the other hand, don't see it as a necessity to explain why people are the way they are in detail, and I also don't think it's a do-or-fail necessity to add background stories for everyone. I think it works fine just letting us get to know the characters from scratch, which in my eyes was accimplished. We know that there is another world that the youkai come from, and that's really all we need to know, because it wouldn't affect the plot anyway.

I thought the series really picked up towards the end, and left a great impression. Enjin was an excellent villain. The music was awesome, as were the fight scenes. A generally well executed series, with likable characters and a flawed, but nonetheless compelling story.
Dec 23, 2008 11:38 AM

Aug 2008
I wasn't really asking for long explainations, or detail, just context. Why does Enjin hold such a grudge? How did he escape the tuning in the first place? How did Gin die? These are all important things that weren't even brought up. Gin, Akina, and Hime are close friends...that's all I need to know. But I would like to know why Akina all of a sudden was able to tune Enjin after choking the scene previous. Context and development go a long way.
Dec 23, 2008 12:41 PM

Nov 2007
sligthly mediocre but I liked the supporting characters...

6.5/10 (round up to 7)
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Dec 23, 2008 3:39 PM

Aug 2008
MaiZorbescu said:
It was an awesome last episode, and I'm glad they didn't choose to save Gin(by some deus ex machina tune just the Enjin).
The battles rocked.

lol except that the way the town was saved was deux ex anyways. "Oh, look! When my dragon lance glows extra bright, it saves the town and tears up Enjin in one stroke! How convenient! I should have just waited for that in the first place!"

This anime was just FAIL. The music was fantastic and the animation was good, but the story sucked balls and made no sense. I would have given this series a max score of 7 if they had developed a romance (preferably between Hime and Akina) but they never did. So my score is a 6.5

I'm glad this is over. What a disappointment.
Romance comedy anime - Japan's gift to America
Dec 23, 2008 6:12 PM
Oct 2007
The last 3 eps managed to bump my score from a 5 to a 7 but the story still sucked. I still don't know how Gin died or how Enjin managed to come back to the human world after he was tuned by Hiizumi. The only characters I found enough heart to care about were Hime and Kotoha. Akina is just a failure as the protagonist. And Ao's story had so much more potential. *sigh* Whatever, it's over, good riddance.

Almost forgot to add, animation was top notch in the last episode. LOVE all the sakura petals, absolutely stunning.
Dec 23, 2008 6:27 PM

Oct 2007
Wow this was atrocious. Who ever was the director should be dragged out and shot along with the guy who thought a white blob for a monster was a good idea. I have never seen an anime that has made me LESS eager to read the manga version but this easily pulled it off. Last episode was better until the last 10 minutes. A little deus ex machina with a bit of FAIL anyone? Then that blond hair guy is resolved to die and through some miracle is alive and happy ?!?!?!?!? Akina just fails on so many levels. Enjin was a pretty bad villian too, he had so many chances to kill Akina yet passed up on all of them. Why didn't Enjin just take Akina's body in the first place and start pwning everybody from the get go? This anime was horrible and one of the worst of the season(I'm debating whether that goes to Saka or Rosario but this makes a good run of it). It just seems the anime staff didn't care and knew it was trash but said screw it anyway. Overall 6/10 because I'm generous.

"I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees." By Emiliano Zapata
Dec 23, 2008 9:10 PM

Jun 2008
noteDhero said:
I wasn't really asking for long explainations, or detail, just context. Why does Enjin hold such a grudge? How did he escape the tuning in the first place? How did Gin die? These are all important things that weren't even brought up. Gin, Akina, and Hime are close friends...that's all I need to know. But I would like to know why Akina all of a sudden was able to tune Enjin after choking the scene previous. Context and development go a long way.

That's a good point. I just went with the assumption that Akina had built up the strength to tune Enjin/Gin, whereas he hadn't before, but you're right that it was completely not obvious. Enjin held such a grudge because it was Akina's family that tuned him before, and he targeted them because he knew he could use the Gin factor to screw with them. This is all just stuff that came to me right away, although my assumptions could very well be wrong. Whenever I watch stuff, I usually just fill in a lot of holes like that, which leads me to like stuff that I probably shouldn't a lot of the time. XD
Dec 23, 2008 10:59 PM

Sep 2008
'sigh' had high hopes for this and it turned out below average. It was way to corny and clique and the characters personalities were horrid. The only things i liked about this series is that i thought the character designs and were great aswell as the art and there was some cool music. But really it's plot was unique but didn't develop much and turned out clique and corny. The only praise i can give for it's plot is that the series does have a plot, getting sick of all the damn series out there with either no plot or a plot they just ignore and decide to make the whole series retarded comedy.

well my verdict is 6/10.
Dec 24, 2008 8:14 AM

Jun 2008
it gets a 5.5(rounded up to 6) it was pretty boring to me but there were a few parts that I liked and I liked the OST
Dec 24, 2008 9:54 AM

Jul 2007
hirahira said:
it gets a 5.5(rounded up to 6) it was pretty boring to me but there were a few parts that I liked and I liked the OST

I agree. I enjoyed listening to the OST in this series too, especially the ending theme.
avatar credits to: unkown

Dec 24, 2008 10:59 AM
Mar 2008
Another series would be fine for me, cuz they could of easily defeated Enjin if they were serious. Anyways, it was good and fun while it lasted.
Dec 24, 2008 12:30 PM

Jul 2008
Liked the ending, i really enjoyed the character designs but aside from that it was a little bland..i guess ill check out the manga eventually.

Dec 24, 2008 11:00 PM

Jun 2007
Grmo said:
noteDhero said:
I wasn't really asking for long explainations, or detail, just context. Why does Enjin hold such a grudge? How did he escape the tuning in the first place? How did Gin die? These are all important things that weren't even brought up. Gin, Akina, and Hime are close friends...that's all I need to know. But I would like to know why Akina all of a sudden was able to tune Enjin after choking the scene previous. Context and development go a long way.

That's a good point. I just went with the assumption that Akina had built up the strength to tune Enjin/Gin, whereas he hadn't before, but you're right that it was completely not obvious. Enjin held such a grudge because it was Akina's family that tuned him before, and he targeted them because he knew he could use the Gin factor to screw with them. This is all just stuff that came to me right away, although my assumptions could very well be wrong. Whenever I watch stuff, I usually just fill in a lot of holes like that, which leads me to like stuff that I probably shouldn't a lot of the time. XD

But that doesn't explain how Enjin came back to the human realm or how Gin got possessed by him. I agree with noteDhero on this, there was no context at all. The show was lacking a lot that I assume was probably answered in the manga.

It would have been a decent show if they added more detail and answered things in-staid of adding more to the list of "wtf is going ons". As it is, it seemed way to rushed and mediocre to me. The whole aspect of two land gods was a bit confusing as well. Normally in Japanese culture there's only one land god "deity" so it's a bit weird seeing the young boy and his sister ruling over the same plot of land. Theres also the elders. What was their role in the show other then to give out orders? Where they attached to the tree's somehow? I mean once the trees started to blossom the elders did start to get sick and some even died it looks would have been nice to know what was going on at that point.

I gave the show a 7 since it had decent art and music. I probably would have given it an 8 if there was more detail and a better story. Over all I guess it was a good time waster series. I might pick up the manga just to find out what the hell I just watched.
Dec 25, 2008 4:48 PM

Dec 2007
in my opinion this series was nothing special, i dont mean it was that bad but i think it let me down a little bit towards the end.

my final rating for this series is a 6/10 and i might be a bit overrating it.
Dec 27, 2008 2:27 AM

Jan 2008
Decent. Story is just so so (with some lame looking youkais) and quite boring if not for other factors. What I like here is character designs, not your average design - quite unique actually. And what pull me up for this show is the OST. So, it's 7/10 for me.
Dec 27, 2008 5:06 PM

Aug 2008
lack of character development, many plot holes... i'll give it a 6 as the final episode was enjoyable at least
Dec 28, 2008 1:11 PM
Apr 2008
it gets a 6/10 from me
I enjoyed this show but the story was really disappointing.
Dec 31, 2008 4:46 PM

Dec 2008
I gave it an 8 o.o I quite liked it, but the story wasn't that good indeed. Hm, maybe I'm just easy to please.
Jan 13, 2009 4:49 PM

Jun 2008
i loved the last episode.. and i have to say this: I'M SO HAPPY SHINOZUKA IS OKAY <3

and i love Kyosuke ^_^

Jan 18, 2009 12:59 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Nice finale. I didn't like this anime at first but it grew on me. I really liked the easygoing conversations and gags when they weren't fighting. 8/10




[H+] ³  
Jan 18, 2009 1:30 PM

Feb 2008
Great ending. I liked this anime. It was everytime nice to watch.
Jan 27, 2009 7:04 AM

May 2007
I enjoyed this, probably more than I should have. But you know, it was not much better than average. It lacked...something. Oh well, wasn't a bad way to spend my time. 7/10.
Feb 1, 2009 5:16 PM

Oct 2008
*sigh* I finally caught up and finished Yozakura Quartet which I should had done 5 weeks ago. Honestly, this anime is under expectations. Hopefully, Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor which had the same character designer will do a better job. I am not really disappointed but neither did I find the anime to be overall interesting.

Apr 7, 2009 2:44 PM

Nov 2007
I didn't enjoy this at all.

#Feitoism @ - the official IRC channel for Fate Testarossa.
Jun 1, 2009 5:03 PM

Jan 2008
Finally an ending that wasn't to bad. The ending in my opinion was better then many key points in the series.

However I do say this why in the world did the creators make Hime weak until the end.

I give an 8 only because of the ending.
Dec 31, 2009 9:23 AM

Aug 2009
I can't believe this anime has no romance despite having 3 girls like a harem. Disappointing! T^T
Jun 23, 2010 8:11 AM

Aug 2009
cant say much cuz everybody already explained why the story wasnt that great I would have given the story a 5 or 6 but gave it a 7 cuz of the great fight scenes.
i liked Akina cuz of his cool demeanor, he never went crazy over da top or wasnt a bad boy willing to show off his power at any chance he got. he did come useless in a lot of episodes wen it came to Gin.
i loved Kotoha, and Ao was great at her own lil times. Kyouske always had me laughing while his sister seemed kinda useless to me until near the ending, the only thing she wuz realli there for cuz she had a crush on Akna.
I have nothing to say about Hime cuz she was jus a weak character and never realy amounted up to anything until the last episode and only becuz she got help with a glowing stick.
Wrapping this up i give the story a 7, the animatiion was great but the story culd have been waay better.
Jul 26, 2010 12:28 AM

Sep 2008
It was sorta boring for me overall. The op and ed songs were nice though. :D
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Aug 17, 2010 10:20 PM
Apr 2010
Of all the anime in my external HD i decide this to be watched 1st because it has a nice OP and nice art..

but everything seems to be unclear, and they dun even bother to further explain.
The setting of the scenes, the abilities of kotoha and Ao have quite amazed me.
Other than that, they did not explain why does akina's family has the power to send those monsters or what to the other world.

Gin came back and they did not explain anything about him, except he's their friend, Ao brother. Why was he sent to the other world and how he got possessed by that bad guy? Who's that bad guy anyway?
I thought that the way towards that world is closed? How the bad guys manage to come back? Everything is a question mark.

It will be better if the anime is longer and they are explaining more about the details of the story. Wasted with such nice OP and ED.
Jan 27, 2011 10:52 PM
Feb 2008
This show had like no budget at all it seems. Animation was worst than the average anime. The characters were interesting (well the female ones anyway. Played off each other well) but holy crap everything else was just ho hum.5 out of 10
Sep 14, 2012 2:06 PM

Apr 2010
That was one of the most horrible series I have ever watched. I only completed it because I hate dropping shows.

I'm not going to go into detail about why it sucks so bad since I don't want to waste any more time on this dull piece of work.

2/10 (that's being generous)
Oct 17, 2013 6:17 AM

May 2013
i want to give this a 7 or a 8 because im watching "yozakura quartet hana no uta" and they made it so well. but this serie DOESN'T deserve any score higher than a 6 or 6.5

animation vice is ok as it was in 2008, but the filler, the talking, the bad guys laugh... this is a bit time wasting, and a bit of half-ass action(indicisive)

i think it is in ep7 or 8 when Yae throw sword at that Gin and then what? just let him walk away IOI WTF indicisive, no clear action, unreasonable

+1 for a happy ending therefore overall ***** 6/10 ******
Jan 13, 2014 4:37 PM

Nov 2008
kotoha kotodama is damn irritating in this episode lol
sticking out her tongue like an idiot just like miley cyrus
Feb 20, 2014 8:58 PM

May 2012
Pretty nice ending for this series I must say it had quite lovely action, some nice character development and an overall good ending! I wonder what the new version and the ova's have to offer from this series though!
Apr 6, 2014 5:44 AM

Jun 2008
YagokoroEirin said:
kotoha kotodama is damn irritating in this episode lol
sticking out her tongue like an idiot just like miley cyrus

XD this made me laugh to hard. But I thought the same all along.
Apr 15, 2014 11:41 AM
Aug 2012
not sure how they made such intrestingly designed characters so boring this series was littrely children having a hissy fit and other people paying for there childish hissy fit im prtty sure the sakura had bloomed and it did nothing other than make the town pink there team work was usless until the last 2 minutes every problem which came up through the show never became anything or where explained like her neck injury the powers going out of control and then to kick it while its down the power to ungrow a tree how the heck does tht even make sense
Feb 11, 2015 9:16 AM

Nov 2011
Episode that ends well enough the plot shown, although compared to remake you are dealt a few elements of the story, practically a single arc and even exhaustively.
Basically you start to facts already occurred without showing the necessary background and ending the facts without giving then a sequel.
Narration much more serious than the remake, but even so it was good its exposure.
Drawings which I enjoyed because of Chara Design, opening and ending very beautiful, I love the voice of Nino.
Final rating of 6.5 / 10!
Apr 15, 2015 12:26 AM

Sep 2013
Well it had potential but in the end its mediocre at best. I really wished they used a different plot device because that Gin crap is boring and uninteresting. I probably enjoyed this show more if there were more enemies, the pacing is good, it had good character development, and if they give better explanations. Well pretty forgettable overall but it wasnt bad. It was interesting enough to keep me watching and the ed by Round table feat Nino is great.
"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
May 7, 2015 12:03 AM

Feb 2013

They finally defeat Enjin. Took them long enough.

Wow, Hime looks really different without her scarf. I sometimes can even recognize her.

It ended okay.

Time to watch Yozakura Quartet: Hoshi no Umi since that's the next thing to be released of this series.
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