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Fullmetal Alchemist
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Jun 1, 2010 8:53 AM

Aug 2008
ArnoldK said:

Surprising or not, you don't think that a major character becoming permanently crippled and helpless is a stunning development?

To me, seeing Roy stumble around like that was the most emotionally devastating moment since the death of Hughes.

This is a show where Ed lacks an arm and a leg, Ran Fan loses an arm to save Ling, Izumi lost her insides after having a stillborn baby, Hoehenheim and Al loose their bodies, Hughes dies, and a little girl is experimented on. Roy losing his sight is nowhere near as devastating as everything that has previously gone on.

cnaw said:
I'm actually shocked to see so much hate against an episode which is one of the best in this series . This episode had everythin . . Action , drama , , thrill . Everythin . . . Its funny to see some reactions . Can't help but laugh at em . If roy going blind is not emotionally draining for you , then i wonder what is . I don't remember seeing any shounen anime/manga in which a main character is crippled like that. Crippling is worse than killing a character . I don't have to explain why . Great work arakawa and bones . Keep it going , have great expectations from the next episode as well .

And the complaint about the pacing is the most ill timed and random complaint . . . You mean
riza gettin saved
roy forced into breakin the taboo
al rejecting his body
wrath versus scar
father getting all the sacrifices on one spot
is slow pacing . . Ha ha . Lol . . . I wonder what kind of pacing you like .

I like the kind of pacing that happened around the time that Ed saw Al's body at the door. Those episodes knew how to keep the focus and go with momentum. Maybe it's not a matter of pace as much as it is direction. Writing it out like that, it does seem like a lot happened, but as I watched it, it felt like the episode was piddling along. For those soldiers to get their asses handed to them so quickly made me wonder why Ed, Mustang and Riza had such a hard time with them in the first place. The whole sequence with May chasing the philosopher's stone was dumb, and Al's scene with his body was excruciatingly long-winded and whiny. Riza getting saved took all of 10 seconds, and father getting everyone in place took one second. Not to mention that another inordinate amount of time was focused on the loldrama of Mustang's vision being taken away. Maybe it would have had more impact if it had just ended with him saying it's so dark, but to then see him stumble around and trip was melodramatic on the side of laughter inducing-and yes, I laughed.

And I didn't say I hated the episode. I said it was ok. Calling me a hater because I didn't love it is absurd, and exactly the kind of fanboy bullshit that led a lot of people to say that the show was sucking about 20 episodes ago. The way some people went from absolutely praising Brotherhood, to equally admonishing it, back to being in love is the most entertaining thing going on right now.
Jun 1, 2010 9:13 AM

Feb 2009
noteDhero said:
ArnoldK said:

Surprising or not, you don't think that a major character becoming permanently crippled and helpless is a stunning development?

To me, seeing Roy stumble around like that was the most emotionally devastating moment since the death of Hughes.

This is a show where Ed lacks an arm and a leg, Ran Fan loses an arm to save Ling, Izumi lost her insides after having a stillborn baby, Hoehenheim and Al loose their bodies, Hughes dies, and a little girl is experimented on. Roy losing his sight is nowhere near as devastating as everything that has previously gone on.

And with those you're given at best several episodes to identify with the character- sometimes even none, since you're introduced Ed and Al's situation from the get go.

Mustang is a MAJOR character (arguably the third main one after Ed and Al) who is dealt a crippling blow after -58- episodes to identify with him. It's worse than a lot of character deaths in anime, IMO.

Jun 1, 2010 9:20 AM

Aug 2008
Again, they built it up so much with the "I wonder what he'll loose" and sold it so hard with the stumbling and corny dialogue, that I just didn't respond to it except with, "Oh, that makes sense."

For me, this isn't any worse than anything else that has happened. They didn't treat it like a surprise. I'm sure had they not mentioned that Mustang was going to lose something, I wouldn't have even considered that he would because it was so long since a human transmutation has been done on the show. When you play the expectation game like that, you lower the depth of response.
Jun 1, 2010 9:37 AM

Feb 2009
noteDhero said:
The episode and the show is treading a little too close to the manga so those things may have been done to extend the happenings to fit in an episode. I find them to be somewhat stretching the limit of an event/scene but I think it's necessary. It's fairly common in manga adaptations and it might have been done differently if FMA wasn't on a tight schedule but it is so some things need to be stretched a bit to make things fit in an episode.

noteDhero said:
And I didn't say I hated the episode. I said it was ok. Calling me a hater because I didn't love it is absurd, and exactly the kind of fanboy bullshit that led a lot of people to say that the show was sucking about 20 episodes ago.
Well, some people get that a lot from your posts XD
Jun 1, 2010 9:42 AM

Dec 2008
I've been waiting for this episode to come out so I can ask about your opinion on Alphonse noteDhero :P!!

I completely agree with you on how the surprise factor was lacking, granted that I read the manga...but it really would've been better if they didn't mention the price of opening the gate. Although I have to admit that Mustang's horrified scream made up for it. I got chills when I heard it. Then again Mustang's reaction/realization about losing his vision was a little too forced and oddly displayed.

The other thing I had a problem with was the cheesy cuts between Scar and Wrath. That one moment where it was just a blast of consecutive flashes of Scar's and Wrath's face made me go D:

belatkuro said:

noteDhero said:
And I didn't say I hated the episode. I said it was ok. Calling me a hater because I didn't love it is absurd, and exactly the kind of fanboy bullshit that led a lot of people to say that the show was sucking about 20 episodes ago.
Well, some people get that a lot from your posts XD

That's just cuz not a lot people realize that noteDhero actually takes the time to really SEE what is good in an episode and what is not. It's absurd to really think a series is absolutely perfect and has no flaws.
robbydesuJun 1, 2010 9:50 AM
Jun 1, 2010 10:06 AM

Apr 2010
noteDhero said:
For those soldiers to get their asses handed to them so quickly made me wonder why Ed, Mustang and Riza had such a hard time with them in the first place.

This is something I've been seeing complained about on a lot of other forums... basically, in the manga, there was no fight against the Fuhrer candidates when they walked into the room. They subdued and captured Ed, Roy, Scar, and Riza almost immediately as soon as the Doctor called for them.

Basically, Brotherhood pumped up the strength of these guys way too much for the sake of a (crappy) action sequence. In the manga, if I'm reading things right, it didn't show what they were capable of, so when Mei and the chimeras showed up, it turned out the Fuhrer candidates were rejects for a very good reason... they weren't such great fighters and got owned pretty quickly.

Not to mention that another inordinate amount of time was focused on the loldrama of Mustang's vision being taken away. Maybe it would have had more impact if it had just ended with him saying it's so dark, but to then see him stumble around and trip was melodramatic on the side of laughter inducing-and yes, I laughed.

Haha, when I checked on chapter 102 to compare with this scene, as soon as Roy is dumped into Father's chamber, there's a panel where Ed is comically pulling on Roy's arms and legs saying, "HEY! YOU DIDN'T LOSE ANYTHING DID YOU? CAN YOU FEEL ALL YOUR LIMBS?!?" It was pretty hilarious.
Jun 1, 2010 10:08 AM

Aug 2008
Yeah, that's another reason why I just don't understand why the totally blazed through the first 20 or so episodes of the show. They could have built up Hughes more, and they just didn't. A lot of Mustang's character only exists because of his relationship with Maes, and I don't think the show did a good job of depicting that.

@robbydesu there anything in particular you want to know, or did I cover it? I'm just very disappointed at the lack of development in Al. But at least there's a bit of an excuse for the last 10 or whatever episodes--they just haven't used him. I guess the writer just liked the idea of a kid trapped in a suit of armor, and didn't really care much about Al after that. Hell, I don't even know how much she cares about Ed, because I think his development (and focus) has been lacking just as much. Mustang and Scar are the only ones with really good development. Hoenheim, Scar and Pride got good character studies, and for a second--with Wrath smiling when he said how humans can surprise him and Alex Louis demanding to stay and fight as opposed to running away--I saw a flicker of depth. With the children, I just don't get any of that. Nor do I really get it with Olivier, so I'm kind of cooling as far as my feelings for the show goes.

I think a little bit of comedy would have been better there. And seeing as how I'm not as much of a fan of the comedy in Brotherhood, that says a lot.
Jun 1, 2010 10:33 AM

Oct 2008
I'm not calling you a hater notedhero . . I would never do that . I know you look at things way more closely than most of us , but give it a break man . Its just a tv show . Has minor flaws , here and there , but brotherhood is way better than some of the other shounen series running right now .
This raises my first doubts i had about this show , a mediocre director . Fma 1 had a classy director (seiji mizushima) , whereas fmab has a good at freakin best director . He's just mediocre . Nothin more , nothin less .
Jun 1, 2010 10:52 AM

Aug 2008
Brotherhood is better than a lot of shows out right now, but that won't stop me from looking at each episode and saying how I felt about it. I don't have that kind of restraint. :)
Jun 1, 2010 11:13 AM

Jul 2007
cnaw said:
cnaw said:
I'm not calling you a hater notedhero . . I would never do that . I know you look at things way more closely than most of us , but give it a break man . Its just a tv show . Has minor flaws , here and there , but brotherhood is way better than some of the other shounen series running right now .
This raises my first doubts i had about this show , a mediocre director . Fma 1 had a classy director (seiji mizushima) , whereas fmab has a good at freakin best director . He's just mediocre . Nothin more , nothin less .

Imsorry but since when Mizushima was a GOOD director?

All he does in his shows is create over-importance of main character, destroy the females, and sideline everyone else.

After talking parrots, zeppelins and gangrapes of fma1 i never took the guy serious.

Yes the first season of g00 was quite brilliant but it suffered from the same flaws as his all shows do.

Yes FMA:B director is new/green but so far he did a lot better than Seiji "lets create Dante and shotacon wrath" Mizushima
Jun 1, 2010 11:14 AM

Feb 2009
robbydesu said:

That's just cuz not a lot people realize that noteDhero actually takes the time to really SEE what is good in an episode and what is not. It's absurd to really think a series is absolutely perfect and has no flaws.
I didn't say that I'm one of them. Personally, I also look forward to noteDhero's posts in every ongoing animes we have in common. His posts makes sense and sometimes points out things I missed. But in shows like this, we always get a lot of fanboys who praise the show as one of the most brilliant things ever made and anyone who says different is shit. They think that some negative criticisms=hate for the show. I myself find it impressive how he handles the people who read his posts as hate . It sounds like I'm a fanboy for him xD


I'm not experienced in these kind of talks so I'm tired now...But it's fun :)
belatkuroJun 1, 2010 11:18 AM
Jun 1, 2010 11:21 AM

Oct 2008
Fai . . I admit fma as a story wasn't as good as brotherhood . But the direction was better . . Seiji is a better director , he excelled for gundam00 . . . His direction was top stuff for that anime .
I know he has his own faults , (screwing up stories and stuff ) but i'm talkin about direction skills here . . Nothin else
Whereas the only anime yasuhiro irie has worked for as a main director is kurau phantom memory . . Compare the two , and see for yourself who's better .

Notedhero is a sensible critic , and i'm his fan too . Especially after reading his blog .
lafuria_suxJun 1, 2010 11:30 AM
Jun 1, 2010 11:35 AM

Feb 2010
This episode was so full of epicness :D
I probably regret this post by now.
Jun 1, 2010 12:14 PM

Jan 2009
Oh Roy~ Funny how there have been so many hints as to what Roy would lose~
Poor poor Roy ^^;
As previoulsy quite obvious, they've all gotten fair "punishment" for opening the Gate~ (Actually, if I'm not mistaken, we went through this same chain of thought in the discussion for the corresponding manga chapter xD)

Anyway, next episode now, kthnx.
Do want some smooth criminal~ >: D
Oh shi- ^^;
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Jun 1, 2010 1:03 PM

Jul 2009
Epic win once again.
Jun 1, 2010 1:36 PM

Jul 2007
cnaw said:
Fai . . I admit fma as a story wasn't as good as brotherhood . But the direction was better . . Seiji is a better director , he excelled for gundam00 . . . His direction was top stuff for that anime .
I know he has his own faults , (screwing up stories and stuff ) but i'm talkin about direction skills here . . Nothin else
Whereas the only anime yasuhiro irie has worked for as a main director is kurau phantom memory . . Compare the two , and see for yourself who's better .

Notedhero is a sensible critic , and i'm his fan too . Especially after reading his blog .

I don'tknow.

Mizushima excels in making everything overdramatic. Its like watching a huge bombastic flamboyant black comedy. He lacks the simple portrayal. Everything in his works gets built up with huge overdramatic orchestras, tons of blood, tears and screaming.

Mizushima goes overboard with trying to appeal to emotions.

FMA:B main flaws are cutting away important parts of story:
- Like how they sidelined Xing characters,removing their scenes.
- HOw character build up got removed from roy/riza.
- How Ishval flashback was shortened.
- How Greed Arc was shortened.

So far I do not feel real problems with overall directing of latter episodes (although there were a lot of problems with first ~20 episodes in that aspect). Surely there are things that cold have been handled way better, but overall it could be A LOT worse.

As for Mr.Note. I think he takes it all way too seriously. IF I expected every movie in cinema industry to be some sort of Woody Allen masterpiece, I doubt I would enjoy anything I watch. There's criticism from constructive opinions and there's criticism from constructive opinion influenced by expectations.

FMA is not ghibli, casshern sins or some sort of philosophical masterpiece. It still has its target audience and social category. And I am pretty convinced that FMA:B has the best that the shows of its genre can offer and a lot more.
Jun 1, 2010 3:56 PM

Apr 2009

Can't believe we're already this far in the story! We're going to be ending both the anime and the manga within weeks of each other. ;__________;
I will have to re-watch once it's over so I don't go through withdrawal. XD
Jun 1, 2010 4:03 PM
Jan 2010
Jun 1, 2010 5:10 PM

Aug 2008
belatkuro said:


I'm not experienced in these kind of talks so I'm tired now...But it's fun :)

Very true, manga and anime storytelling are very different, and I'm a fan of changing things that won't work in the anime that were in the manga, if it suits the anime. Of course, I don't read manga, so I also lack that emotional connection to the piece, but going outside of just this medium, I'm all for it regarding the adaptation of games, books, comics to tv/games/movies.

But I do think that some of the things that you noted were points in the show that I was confused about what was going on. I think there were two or three times in the past 30 episodes where I didn't get specific exchanges/plot movements, and it was clarified that something in the manga was taken out.

I just expect what I watch to be good. That's pretty much it...unless I'm watching some lame yaoi or bl, where I know my expectations should be low. But in the case of a major franchise like FMA, I don't think there is a reason to ask for quality storytelling. At this point, I don't have many issues with the story itself. Sure, I just complained about the lack of development for some characters, but I set that aside a long time ago as a conceit of the genre. Lately, it's just been my disappointment that these are the last 5 episodes and it feels more like the beginning. There's a surprising lack of urgency.

And in general, I do keep things in perspective. This being boring doesn't ruin my day, nor will you really see me carry this into other discussions. These are just my isolated thoughts about an episode, and I like discussion. I don't take any of this personally.
Jun 1, 2010 5:27 PM

May 2007
*cannot believe. is in denial*

Jun 1, 2010 6:33 PM

Sep 2008
I. Love. This.

It's indeed like a roller coaster ride. Seriously. (And I LOVE roller coasters...) So many unexpected turns, so thrilling, and so much fun. Well, fun to watch in this case. :D

I was really shocked when Mustang lost his eyesight though... Somehow I expected him to only lose one eye? -- Obviously influenced by the "other" FMA series. The part with Al and his body surprised me too... but not in the sense that I was surprised at his choice. That, at least, one could expect. Al is already really selfless. I still felt bad though. And his "container"/body is right... Now that the five sacrifices are together, what'll happen...? :\ Something terrible, of course, but argh... Suspense!

And I'm still hatin' on Pride. >| Loving the battle so far between Scar and Wrath though. <3
Jun 1, 2010 8:36 PM

Apr 2007
Ehhh this episode was okay. The only thing I didn't like is that a couple parts could have been paced better (mostly Selim reappearing, Scar & Bradley staring contest), but that's what happens when you cut it so close to the manga. Oh well.
Jun 1, 2010 10:33 PM
Jul 2008
Mustang losing his vision is the worst possible outcome for them, since he was the only one who can own up most homunculus.
Jun 2, 2010 12:33 AM

Jul 2009
This episode was trully awesome, like the other 5 before it. The amount of epicness in this show exceeds my limits so far, but I feel sorry for Mustang.
Jun 2, 2010 2:44 AM

Sep 2009
I felt this episode was lazy. But who cares, next episode is going to be EPIC. Chapter 104. CHAPTER 104.
Jun 2, 2010 2:46 AM

Jan 2009
^Will be epic, yeah : 3 I'm so looking forward to a certain thing~
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Jun 2, 2010 3:01 AM
Jul 2018
Of all things, why Roy's vision ;_; I hope that won't render him useless. I do feel sorry for the goldtoothed doctor. He may be a villain, but looking at him now turned to a ball of turd incurred pity. Even more pitiable than Al's body. Ugh.

Four more episodes to go...
Jun 2, 2010 3:47 AM

Oct 2008
Fai . The only reason why we feel that the first few episodes lacked proper direction , is because we have somethin to which we can compare that direction to . We compare the first 13 episodes of this series to the first series and we come to a conclusion that the direction of the first few episodes of this series sucked . . . Thats how good mizushima is . . . (and he also had yutaka nakamura working wit him ) irie has yoshimichi kameda working wit him , and luckily for him , kameda can match up to yutaka in terms of animation quality .
Jun 2, 2010 6:09 AM

Jun 2009
OMG only 5 episodes leftD:
Anyways, awesome as always. Bradley looks badass as always^^
Poor Mustang..I know, it's hard when you can't see.

Next episode looks really good. Really:D

Jun 2, 2010 6:12 AM
Jan 2008
This episode was really cool. I don't read the manga so everything was new for me.

Can't wait for the ending of this anime, just 4 more weeks. I hope everybody will get their body back like it was before.
Jun 2, 2010 8:11 AM

Jul 2007
cnaw said:
Fai . The only reason why we feel that the first few episodes lacked proper direction , is because we have somethin to which we can compare that direction to .

Nope. Thats because they lacked proper direction. With many important parts rushed and unimportant parts drawn out.

cnaw said:
We compare the first 13 episodes of this series to the first series and we come to a conclusion that the direction of the first few episodes of this series sucked . . . .

What? Well thts not the case for me.

FMA:B first episodes lacked direction for sure but were a lot better than over-drama of Mizushima, what's with spending ~5 episodes on someone as minor as Nina, stretching the plotline as much that it becomes painfully obvious that "omg something bad will happen". Whats with Liore being TWO episodes? The Walking statues capturing Ed/Al were the epitome of bad direction.

Then we had couple of totally nonsensical episodes like the one with Majihal or w/e that insane guy was named and the horrendously bad "Fake Elric Brothers" episode.

From the very first 13 episodes of Fma1 you could come to these conclusions:
1. World revolves around elric brothers and everyone wants to be them or kill them.
2. All the thieves in this universe wear catgirl suits.
3. World Sucks, there's no hope, if you are woman go shoot yourself.
4. Random guys like to make dolls and kill people.
5. If you are maid then you are alchemist.
6. Every death or more major event has to include full facial closeup of Edward Elric acompanied with facial distortions and overdramatic orchestra music.

And thats before the whole horrible concept of shotacon wrath, Easter-Bunny-Alchemist and incest-momy Sloth was introduced(none of whom fit their names). Oh and of course Dante, also known as the most ridiculous villain ever.

Not to mention that last 10 episodes felt like something jumbled together by a drunk man on the verge of suicide(Zombie-immortals, gangrape pregnancy, mother mary and zeppelin world war~).

Im sorry but there's a reason why I think of FMA1 as comical deconstruction parody of everything real fma stands for.

cnaw said:

Thats how good mizushima is . . . (and he also had yutaka nakamura working wit him ) irie has yoshimichi kameda working wit him , and luckily for him , kameda can match up to yutaka in terms of animation quality

I'm sorry but I can't get past the hilariously bad character designs of fma1, to actually comment on animation.
Jun 2, 2010 8:54 AM

Oct 2008
Agree with whatever you have to say , fma 1 is not as great as fma brotherhood . And the plot was extremely linear and had lots of drama . More than i could take
But i still don't agree wit the direction aspects . . There's a humongus difference between the two directors , and seiji better .

Fma 1 does have its reasons for being stretched out initially . It started off as canon version of the manga , but it didn't turn out that way .
Cmon man , nakamura is an ace animator . I'd do anythin to have him work for fma brotherhood , he's that good . . And fma 1's artwork wasn't as inconsistent as brotherhood's . You have to agree . .
Jun 2, 2010 12:04 PM
Jan 2010

is one badass motherfucker.
Jun 2, 2010 1:08 PM

Jul 2008
king bradley will just not die will he? first there was the bomb on his train, then he assaulted the briggs soldiers, then he took on greed, and now he is taking on the chimera, mustang's group and scar; he just won't die!
the only way to stop a gamer from playing is either: beat them, or wait until they get bored (though 2% percent suffer seizures
Jun 2, 2010 1:58 PM
Jan 2010
kage-bunshin said:
king bradley will just not die will he? first there was the bomb on his train, then he assaulted the briggs soldiers, then he took on greed, and now he is taking on the chimera, mustang's group and scar; he just won't die!

It's better that way.

Bradley's my favorite villain in this show, and that's saying something.
Jun 2, 2010 2:22 PM

Apr 2010
Especially, when they have those shots of him and his eye is glowing red.

He's like the freaking Terminator. The Arnold one in T1.

Now if Bradley could regenerate, then he'd be Robert Patrick's T-1000 in T2.
Jun 2, 2010 7:32 PM

Jan 2009
Fucking Epic episode.
Jun 2, 2010 8:42 PM

Feb 2009
Cenedess said:

I don't know if anybody else feels this way, but seeing Mustang tripping helplessly is just...heartbreaking.

It sure IS! :(
And now he can no longer pinpoint... but thanks god, he can still blast off ,,, right?
awww tsk tsk

At least, he didn't lose his eyeballs. That would be damn scary if he did.

And Al is just being too nice as always, but this time, I like it.
I'm sure no one would blame him if he chose to get back with his body, but still...
Jun 2, 2010 11:29 PM

Apr 2010
I don't think he'd be able to pinpoint anyway... the glove that got cut by the Fuhrer candidates was his pinpoint glove, I'm pretty sure. The two blasts he did in ep 59 were pretty big.
Jun 3, 2010 12:31 AM

Oct 2008
Divine_Judgement said:
kage-bunshin said:
king bradley will just not die will he? first there was the bomb on his train, then he assaulted the briggs soldiers, then he took on greed, and now he is taking on the chimera, mustang's group and scar; he just won't die!

It's better that way.

Bradley's my favorite villain in this show, and that's saying something.

that guy pwned the HERO oF iSHBAL in 6 seconds........and that says a lot too.....
can be viewed here...))))

lafuria_suxJun 3, 2010 2:11 AM
Jun 3, 2010 3:38 AM

Feb 2009
I know I'm repeating myself but... NEXT EPISODE NOW!
Jun 3, 2010 6:02 PM

Jul 2009
Well I for one like the 'Over 9000', as it's quite fitting for this series.
It's one of the few series' in which I read the manga, yet don't find the anime re-capping boring, I actually look forward to it.

Alphonse was right to refuse his anorexic body, he's in need of a few fast food sessions.
Still, for such a mal-nurished body, that was one healthy head of hair.

Bradley is still the best, though I like Scar and Bradley's death is impending, I still root for him (wrong, I know).
I like Wrath and Pride, they prove that they do work as a family unite, dispite supposidley being sociopaths.
I wanted to know Scars name.

Jun 3, 2010 9:19 PM

May 2008
Well son of a..

I love how this anime is turning out. It's so dramatic and action-packed, but did they really have to take away Roy's eyesight?! What is the Flame Alchemist going to do now? He can no longer use his alchemy properly, and more importantly, he can no longer see Riza's beautiful face :'[

Aside from that, I really enjoyed the episode.
Jun 3, 2010 9:54 PM

May 2009

Looks like shit is really, REALLY hitting the fan next ep... pity there's only 5 left!!!
Jun 3, 2010 11:45 PM

May 2009
This episode was pretty epic....i knew that Mustang wouldn't want to use human transmutation and that him and Hawkeye had a Bradley is now weaker? and go Scar! also Al still didn't get back his body and holy crap Mustang is blind! didn't see that coming....get it didn't see xD lol well this didn't happen in the other series so it was pretty unexpected and since they weren't showing his face when he got back from the gate i was like....does he have no face or something? xD anyway looking forward to the next episode!
Jun 4, 2010 6:45 AM

Jan 2008
SoulNinja said:
Fucking Epic episode.
Pretty much sums it up.
Jun 4, 2010 7:28 AM

Nov 2008
AikaHime said:

Looks like shit is really, REALLY hitting the fan next ep... pity there's only 4 left!!!

there's only 4 left lol
Jun 4, 2010 2:32 PM

May 2010
This was an epic episode. It is still unfair that Mustang had to lose his eye sight though. He did not even want to open the gate.
Jun 4, 2010 4:55 PM
May 2008
Just to put into perspective of how close to the end this is, the material that is covered in this episode is around two chapters from the end of the manga.

Sad that it's ending, but not as much when I already know what will happen next...

Dead Account
Please Delete
Jun 4, 2010 6:58 PM
Jun 2009
I was yelling at the screen "Alphonse you fucking idiot!". What if that's his last chance? "Waaah! My body's too skinny! Waah!". Well when you get back eat a fucking sandwich or something. Turns out it was a really bad idea afterall because now they've got all 5 human sacrifices present and accounted for. Cant wait to see what happens next.
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Yesterday, 9:37 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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