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Feb 28, 1:08 PM
Jul 2024
that was the worst ending i ever saw to any show

there was no conclusion whatsoever. you would expect to see all the people on earth grow up again. all they gave us are bunch of still pictures. lame.

and then they made that idiotic ending which we all know what for. because they gonna continue with the demon realm "arc" even more. they gonna squeeze the lemon of the timeline up until few days before beerus saga so they can make excuses to how the hell this is all canon. one clue for this is the fact that goku lost ssj4. and if daima will not continue and there is no explanation whatsoever then daima just become once again just like any other movie. no matter how much you guys cry about that because you claim this is toryama. remember, kibito and shin are unfused. how's that work for you all? they got unfused in super. so what, they fuse and then unfuse again? cant you tell this all show is a lame fan fiction already? this gomeh guy litterly stole life out of people and enslaved them. so what they do to him? lock him in a room with degusu and video games? huh? are you kidding me? just how much of this "siliy jabs" we can take? everything is goofy as hell in modern dragon ball.

how can you tell this show has poor writing? they tease you the fusion bug in episode 4 and how that is for 3 people. they tease you and everything. you think you are going to see something new, then they decide to just leave that and break the entire canon with this ssj4 ripoff just because they want make lame refrences and to ride on the nostalgia nimbus. lame.

like, they litterly had the chance to make a 3 people fusion with vegeta,goku,and piccolo, and they decided to make ripoff ssj4 instead
Feb 28, 1:12 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to Skuvan
A masterpiece of a conclusion to a masterpiece of a season. First of all, the fight between Goku & Gomah in the first half of the episode, couldn't be better animated, seriously. Secondly, Kuu ending things once & for all was the most hilarious things ever, can't get over how hilarious his character really is.

Last but not least, loved that cliffhanger at the end, with 2 more eyes that could be used at any time in the future. A hint of another masterpiece of a season like this one perhaps? Couldn't really tell, but even i am aware that such a thing is most unlikely.

That aside though, enjoyed the season to the max though, from start to end. I'm so glad that SSJ3 Vegeta & SSJ4 Goku got canonized as a last gift before the legendary author departs from us. We shall never forget thou, and thou shall forever & ever, live in our hearts.
@Skuvan they dident got cannonized zoomer, they are not cannon as they do not exist in battle of gods
Feb 28, 1:26 PM
Jan 2020
Diama was fine. But I kinda expected a Dragon Ball GT-type emotional ending. It was just a normal ending. The final scene was weird so that person sells these Tertian Oculus that are as powerful as SS4. see my tribute blog post to Toriyama.
Feb 28, 1:31 PM
Jul 2024
it has some great visuals an some good fight coreography, the story isnt particularly interesting but it is just good enough to keep one entertained, the villains dont feel like much a of a threat either, also i dont particularly like that the protagonists behave like their Super versions instead of their Z counterparts, it does go downhill towards its second half but it had some surprisingly good final episodes though

completelly missed the chance to include a remix of Dan Dan Kokoro as well, you know the famous GT opening song

Feb 28, 1:34 PM
Sep 2020
Pretty fun, liked the fight a lot, thought it was really fun and well animated (tho not as well animated as the ones from the last 3 episodes imo) and the way it ended was a bit anticlimactic but honestly i still enjoyed it.

I knew that as soon as

Also the final reveal/joke was honestly the best way they could've ended this series lmao

All in all, even if it was just a low stakes spin-off of sorts, it was really damn solid show, lots of fun, great action and animation, despite the somewhat "basic" finale
Feb 28, 1:35 PM

May 2015
I hadn't been too enthused with Daima as it went on, but in all honesty this is the best a Dragon Ball TV anime has been since January '96.

I appreciated the adventure atmosphere it tried to evoke, even if it felt painfully forced at times (notable instances being the detour Goku's group goes on to help Vegeta's group... by not doing anything at all), and a few episodes in particular were standout.

I found this final set of three episodes to drag horribly though. Dragon Ball is no stranger to unending fights, but when I saw the early Hulu episode lists saying Episode 20 would be the finale, I had hope that would mean the final fight would be as brief as the prior ones had been. Instead I was watching a back and forth go on for almost three full episodes, wondering when the anime would resume having fun character moments.

Overall, I had fun with it. I see a lot of disparaging over the 'continuity', which is incredibly funny since Toriyama prior to Daima had written three narratives set in continuity with Dragon Ball (Neko Majin, Online, and Super most recently), but all contradictory with each other as well as with prior anime continuity like Dragon Ball GT. I had expected there to be a lot of contradictions the moment it turned out this would be set immediately after the Boo arc, though I am pleasantly surprised Toriyama tried to work in his later lore from interviews and Q&A sections.

Honestly, with Dragon Ball, one needs to learn not to care about continuity that much lol. I'm sure many of you grew up watching the Dragon Ball Z movies, all of which contradicted each other as well as the actual show, all while being in continuity with Dragon Ball GT later on. It's not a serious work in that sense.
Feb 28, 1:39 PM
Oct 2020
Ok that's the end. Goku defeated Gomah. The Third eye destroyed but there's 2 more? So could Gomah put on 3 of them potentially? Also damn this lady really just casually selling these OP items that make you super fucking powerful basically invincible with no drawback it seems just keeps giving you power at discount too and then a variety of bugs that seem to do everything. About those Bugs they never used those Fusion bugs huh oh well. Also Kuu becoming King wow good for him.

Also confirmed SSJ4 I guess if that wasn't obvious before. Vegeta SSJ3 also now named Ultra Vegeta 1 lol.
Feb 28, 1:42 PM

Aug 2016
Reply to AppleDragon91
@Skuvan they dident got cannonized zoomer, they are not cannon as they do not exist in battle of gods
@AppleDragon91 They don't have to exist in battle of gods, or even super for that matter. That does not have anything to do with canonizing. Canonizing happens when the author draws or include something by himself in any season of his own franchise. And he did so, in Daima. Whether the forms were used in super, or if they're gonna be used in the future, doesn't matter.
Feb 28, 2:11 PM
Aug 2017
I guess I am now ready to say goodbye to Akira Toriyama. This felt like the old DB with humor and jokes being the main focus and fighting being just an added bonus. The final fight was nice, SSJ4 was a nice nod towards the community, but in the end all that matters is that after Akira Toriyamas death we got a whole season to grieve and get over his death. It was not perfect, but continuity errors, retcons and lore conflicts are a norm when it comes to every single DB show and every season. I enjoyed it as much as I hoped for and more. That's all I ever wanted from this show.
Feb 28, 2:14 PM

Apr 2014
More than enjoying the show as a whole, I guess Dragon Ball Daima was a beautiful celebration to Toriyama Sensei's work. (even Dr. Slump was referenced)
You could say since the beginning it was traveling subtly through every era of Dragon Ball and they were amazing at this.
I sincerely hope the series continues to be handled in a way that is respectful of Toriyama's memories and vision in the future.
One year after his passing, these are the only things I can express.
Feb 28, 2:18 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to AnimeFan500
Demon King Kuu 🀴

lol there were 2 more Third Eyes in her shopπŸ˜‚
@AnimeFan500 Damn, the looks on their faces! What a way to end this. LOL
Feb 28, 2:24 PM

Nov 2017
A generally enjoyable season that brought a dose of freshness to the Dragon Ball universe by focusing on adventure and exploration rather than overpowering.
Feb 28, 2:53 PM

May 2015
Finally it's over. Don't talk me about Dragon Ball until next century now.
Feb 28, 4:19 PM

Aug 2020
great ep

the dragon ball vibe until the end

Arigato Sensei

You did well, thanks for your work

Dragon ball is the Goat and you juste confirmed that the is no big 3 without the Number one...
otakuweek (100k Followers) on insta for News /best recom etc

just have a look, you won't regret it...

Link below:
Feb 28, 4:20 PM

Aug 2020
great ep

the dragon ball vibe until the end

Arigato Sensei

You did well, thanks for your work

Dragon ball is the Goat and you juste confirmed that the is no big 3 without the Number one...
otakuweek (100k Followers) on insta for News /best recom etc

just have a look, you won't regret it...

Link below:
Feb 28, 4:25 PM

Mar 2018
RIP Akira Toriyama-sensei
Majin Kuu the GOAT coming in in a CLUTCH you love to see it
I suspected it in ep 17-18, but didn't want to call it in case of being wrong - the fusion bug was just a red herring, wasnt it!?!

I do still think that an extra three to five-six episodes more might''ve helped the story a bit. I did start to take a liking to Majin Kuu and Arinsu and would've loved to see an episode or two entirely dedicated to just them. Fortunenately they had a happy ending!

I saw someone on twitter have a take of seeing this as a one-off alternative timeline post-Z and I think that's how I see this show. Just a small one-if to celebrate the franchise. GRANTED that upgrade in animation quality in the post-credits scene was a bit suspicious, but with Toriyama-sensei's death who know if they'll actually go forwad with it.

If anything this show proved how much I missed the DB gang. Maybe it's time to finally do the full OG DB rewatch I've been planning for a while :P
"Thus, my life needs no meaning. This body is made out of infinite swords"
"A name... Toru Rikiishi"
Feb 28, 4:43 PM

Apr 2020
You know, Dragon Ball was part of my childhood and probably my first anime. At some point, I read the news Daima was only 20 episodes. Since then, thinking of all the previous series that had a lot of episodes, I asked myself: is it possible to have a good Dragon Ball series with only 20 episodes? Answer: yes, it is. I don't give a damn about Super, now Daima is my cannon arc after Z.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to watch this, Akira Toriyama and Toei. I absolutely loved everything about Daima. The journey, action, art, animation and even the lightest episodes that "fans" judged as fillers when in fact were just a part of the adventure.
Imagine how boring this world would be without Japan - a comment at youtube
Feb 28, 5:24 PM
Mar 2019
Goodbye, Toriyama. It was a fun ride. That last part is truly in the spirit of what the series is about since time immemorial. Hilarious.
Feb 28, 5:24 PM

May 2020
Beautiful ending to the show with Super Saiyan 4 Goku vs. Gomah. But this show definitely has a lot of continuity issues with Super.

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama, thank you for one final gift.
Feb 28, 5:25 PM

Oct 2013
Epic, wholesome and simply beautiful ending. It featured all good elements of Daima. :)

I really enjoyed this anime, both as a show alone and as another Dragon Ball animated series.

RIP Akira Toriyama. It's been a year since he died. That makes this final episode even more special.
✨Saint Seiya Club🌠
Feb 28, 5:46 PM
Frieren <3

Jul 2024
The actual continuity makes no sense, but honestly I don't really care. Daima was fun and entertaining and that's really all that matters. Was it perfect? Absolutely not, but it still had fun and nice moments. Plus the animation was amazing. Toriyama was notorious for forgetting things and not remembering what happened at times, so this is right on cue with him. I think he only wanted to make something he thought was fun.

Feb 28, 5:47 PM

Apr 2022
such a mixed bag of a show and the ending not being standout also makes it difficult to score, can't tell if i wanna give this a 6 or 7. drgaon ball get that one piece level animation was good and being toriyama's last work definitely makes it sad.
Feb 28, 5:48 PM
Feb 2014
I enjoyed it but disappointed because no SSJ4 Vegeta, he’s always being left on the back burnerπŸ™„but at least Vegeta gets SSJ3. Still prefer DB and DBZ though. RIP Akira Toriyama, thanks for the final 🎁
Feb 28, 7:50 PM
Spiral Warrior

Jan 2017
I've had almost nothing but negative things to say about Daima but god damn did that ending (at the medi-bug store) get a deep laugh out of me. That was hilarious.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Feb 28, 8:12 PM
Aug 2017
My Review

In this new venture of the franchise, we see that it does not initially set out to be grand and exaggerated; in fact, it follows the path of unpretentious adventure and innocent exploration of the Makai Kingdom (Demon World). This is nothing new in the franchise, considering that the first volume (Dragon Ball) has a similar proposal. That said, the first eight episodes are great, as they present the problem competently, and the entire initial adventure is effective, mainly due to the way the script explores the interactions of the protagonists, especially the protagonist. However, starting with episode 10, we see a sudden drop in the narrative. What was initially proposed is completely broken and thrown away to make way for pointless and far-fetched solutions, explanations that do not explain, and empty fan service that adds little or nothing to the narrative. Characters make idiotic decisions, and what was supposed to be the big villain is actually just a terrible plot device. The ending is absurdly rushed, without impact and with a bad conclusion. Technically, the anime is very well done, with a great production that is consistent most of the time. In addition, the fights are very well animated and done. There are very few moments where they fail. The soundtrack is another highlight, the original songs are great and manage to accompany all scenes masterfully. The only technical negative point is the character design of both the characters and the Makai Kingdom, which is very generic. It's not something terrible that hurts. Dragon Ball: Daima' is not innovative, but the idea is interesting, the big problem is that they throw it in the trash and are proud of it. That was disappointing!
Feb 28, 9:11 PM

Mar 2019
Kuu getting the W against a major villain before Vegeta... Wow.

Some nice moments the final 3 episodes but sitting through 20 episodes of a bad show for a few cool moments wasn't what I wanted from this show. It's crazy how little was going on for 85% of the story. Didn't like any of the new characters other than Arinsu. I'm also over Dragon Ball's villains either being goofy (Buu and Gomah), wild (Broly), or just stoic (Jiren). The series could really use another Cell. And not a brainless copy of him.

I'll at least give the studio credit for bringing their A game in regards to the animation, whereas Super was really rough early on.

This story could have maybe worked as a movie. Daima should have been a movie, whereas Super Hero could have possibly worked as a series even without Goku and Vegeta around for most of it.
Feb 28, 10:49 PM

Feb 2021
Feb 28, 11:01 PM
Jul 2020
beautiful episode man...

Feb 28, 11:54 PM

Apr 2016
Great episode to closed the anime!!!
Hilarious after the ending when all them arrived to the shop and found "surprises"!
I want more!!!!
Mar 1, 1:36 AM
Dec 2010
So, no explanation of discarding SSJ 4 at the end of the series. I wonder what twisted logic can we expect now from all those who tried defending the claim, that daima is consistent with main storyline. Don't take me wrong, i really enjoyed daima. Perhaps more so than super. But the plain and obvious fact is - it cannot be considered cannon. Not with such big plotholes in between them. I just regret they never made GT canon. And pushed super timeline back a little bit. It would make so much more sense.
Mar 1, 4:07 AM

Nov 2023
I really enjoyed the fight with SSJ4, and the Kamehameha scene was insane. The ending, with those lighthearted gags in true Toriyama style, wrapped things up in a fun way. I found it a bit of a stretch that Goku says he can already transform into SSJ4 thanks to his training after Buu, when episode 18 suggests otherwise. Lastly, with Super, it's completely disconnected, and that's fine. We could consider it a sort of alternate midquel. Honestly, I would appreciate a proper continuity, but I doubt we'll ever see one, unfortunately.

Mar 1, 7:35 AM

Apr 2008
Was okay. I loved DBZ when I was little, and I knew full well it wasn't really my thing anymore, but those good memories made me want to tune in. I tried the same with Super and couldn't get past an hour of trading punches with Frieza, but this one kept me engaged enough. Did I enjoy it? Well... not especially, but it was harmless and colorful and not entirely boring.
Mar 1, 9:56 AM

May 2015
Reply to Novalogic
So, no explanation of discarding SSJ 4 at the end of the series. I wonder what twisted logic can we expect now from all those who tried defending the claim, that daima is consistent with main storyline. Don't take me wrong, i really enjoyed daima. Perhaps more so than super. But the plain and obvious fact is - it cannot be considered cannon. Not with such big plotholes in between them. I just regret they never made GT canon. And pushed super timeline back a little bit. It would make so much more sense.
Novalogic said:
I wonder what twisted logic can we expect now from all those who tried defending the claim, that daima is consistent with main storyline.

The only main storyline in Dragon Ball is the original 42 volumes.

Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Online, Dragon Ball Super (anime), Dragon Ball Super (manga), Dragon Ball Heroes, Neko Majin, and now Dragon Ball Daima are all follow-ups to that work that contradict each other. This is nothing new.
Mar 1, 10:30 AM
Aug 2019
best episode, ending was wonderfully animated, I love the fight scenes as well. Shida is love
Mar 1, 12:47 PM

Mar 2017
Dayum what an absolute cinema was this final episode considering that exactly last year the sensei of senseis passed away....Solid 8/10 overall should be quoted Db Daima!!
Feel pain, think about pain, accept pain, know pain... Shinra Tensei!
Mar 1, 3:12 PM

Dec 2018
I wish we could have seen them back at home, but the last bit was pretty good.
Mar 1, 3:39 PM

Jun 2020
God this was amazing the whole way through. Animation, story (except for repetitive ship stealing), characters like Kuu and Glorio, and fights were all great!! Canonically it is a bit iffy but as a stand alone, and especially as an extension to the Buu saga, this was amazing! I can't believe I hated Kuu so much when he came out lol he is the best. What a fun time, RIP Toriyama. He left us a great present behind.
Mar 1, 7:40 PM
Jun 2021
Lackluster and confusing to the whole franchise.
Mar 1, 7:47 PM
Jan 2025
i was expecting a vegito-esque stompfest but oh well

still waiting for super grand ma saiyan
Yesterday, 12:45 AM

May 2017
Haters gonna say inconsistant, not serious enough ad so on, but for me, I really enjoyed this short trip to the demon realm. The buildup was a bit lacking, as most of the time with Db, but the Atmosphere with OST and animation was easily one of the best in the whole franchise. It also had some amazing moments and lots of interesting lore. And I also like the quirkyness that at least fits the tone very well.

Sure many things felt left out, but I enjoyed almost every moment of the 20 episodes. At the end of the day we got a super epic final fight and a lot of cool characters and concepts, that future arcs will hopefully build upon!
Yesterday, 5:55 AM
May 2020
Bad episode, bad ending
Yesterday, 6:48 AM
Jul 2024
i would lie if i say i totaly dident enjoyed it.

but it had the pacing of a snail and had many pointless episodes that felt like filler

we could have gotten a longer fight between majin duu and the z fighters before gomeh and the third eye. but why we couldent get it? because they had to give the screen time to copycat ginyu force weaklings

like how they gave you a 8 minutes scene of them buying chockolate in the grocery store like someone actually gives a fuck

Yesterday, 6:55 AM
Jun 2019
Great show! paceing was great and characters were awesome. Great Great dragon ball show!!!! f1ighting was intense and awesoem
Yesterday, 8:25 AM

Oct 2010
Amazing finale for a rather good but not amazing show. I had fun. 8/10 for me but animation was definitely top tier. That last fight went beyond. Nice to see Goku really show himself on another level with that Kamehameha. For Toriyama's final project, I think it was great. And for me, this is the end of Dragon Ball.
Yesterday, 11:08 AM

Jan 2017
With that ending they have clearly planned at some point an S2 a longer base story but sadly I'm not expecting anything more for the Daima.

But nevertheless thank you Akira Toriyama for one more amazing Dragon Ball!
Yesterday, 2:39 PM
Jul 2017
I still don't get used to the Goku's Japanese VA. When she yells is the worst. Don't get me wrong I prefer original Japanese audio in the anime that I watch but in this case I like the Spanish Latam VA better, is not so annoying and sounds more hero like.
Yesterday, 4:28 PM

Nov 2012
nice wholesome ending, I will definitely miss Daima, and need to rewatch dubbed one day!
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers
7 hours ago

Mar 2007
That was a really fun fight with that Kamehameha, at least now I know what that means.

Majin Kuu literally THREW the book at King Gomah, bash bash bash! Out pops that eye because Knowledge is Power!

When Glorio stepped on it and it crumbled into purple dust I actually laughed out loud! That was an anti climax and yet it kind of fits with the theme of Daima.

Some folks end up in "bottle" jail.Then the inevitable question of who should succeed the Throne, Majin Kuu is the one who beats Gomah (technically), it seems it's him! He's doling out ministerships like they're going out of style. Until he gets to Goku who proclaims "We're going home."

Decent resolution, the after credits shop was very interesting and left plenty of things open. Btw, psst!! buy those special eye-tems to get them off the market.

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