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Yesterday, 7:07 AM

Nov 2011
The final fight of this season.

They had to go all out and deliver what looked like a cinematic thriller in the end. SSJ4 Goku delivered yet another fury of punches and attitude against his opponent. It fits the style of a season finale imo. He also delivered a spectacular kamehameha. The ending of the fight was kinda anticlimatic imo, and I have mixed thoughts on this season overall.

Stark700Yesterday, 9:18 AM
Yesterday, 7:08 AM

Dec 2021
They went above and beyond for the finale, like holy. I thought we couldn’t top that Kamemhamaha from last episode, BUT WHAT THE FUCKKKK WAS THAT??? LIKE HOLYY FUCKKKKKKK. The aftermath was beautiful as well, with all the remnants and particles of it…. It’s just so peak man. Seeing Gomah on the ground like that in his little ass form again put a genuine smile on my face. IMO though, they should’ve had him in that Yamcha pose lol.

Was a pretty anticlimactic end to the battle, but the animation was just was too fucking crazy, that I can forgive it a little. But yeah, and with that, that’s a wrap on DAIMA. For what it was, I enjoyed the hell out of it, and had so much fun with it week-by-week. I enjoyed OG DB, and this has those same feels, minus the tournaments lol. Most DB fans skipped OG, so it makes sense why most wouldn’t like this. Still though, there’s no doubt that this is is easily the best DB has and probably will ever look.

That little tease at the end with Goku telling Kuu to call him up if anything ever happens again leads me to believe that the gang will probably be back in Super for more.

One last RIP for Toriyama, as this aired on the anniversary of his death :(

Yesterday, 7:36 AM

Oct 2011
Demon King Kuu ๐Ÿคด

lol there were 2 more Third Eyes in her shop๐Ÿ˜‚
Yesterday, 7:52 AM

Feb 2019
Love how they ain’t even waste time with any dialogue for like the first 5 minutes of the episode just a pure sakuga fest and Goku and Gomah throwing hands lmao. This was fucking incredible thank you so much Toei. This series just knew fans wanted.

OH MY GOD THAT KAMEHAMEHA BEAM STRUGGLE WAS THE BEST EVER!! Holy shit breaking through all 3 demon realms!!?? But the fact Gomah somehow survived that, knocked Piccolo out and put himself back together is crazy. Just how powerful is that third eye?!

Lmao of course it’s Kuu that gets the W in the end. Very fitting. Weakest person that you wouldn’t expect at all, but who else. All things considered, 99 years in prison ain’t bad for Gomah when you remember the lifespan of demons. Should be thankful to be kept alive after what he pulled.

Demon King Kuu actually seems pretty competent lmao. Who would’ve expected it would be him of all people to bring democracy to the demon realm. Creating ministers from each world should make all demons feel seen and heard and prevent future strife. Hybis asking to me a minister and getting ignored fucking killed me bruh ๐Ÿ˜‚

I hope Neva ends up getting some company down there, he really surprised me and was a good old dude who was just lonely.

WAIT, the third eyes were a mass produced product?!! That’s a hell of a post credit scene lmao I hope the z fighters bought em all and took em to earth or something. Just like that we’re all done with Daima and on the anniversary of Toriyama’s death. Very fitting send off for the series and the GOAT. I enjoyed every moment of this.
Marinate1016Yesterday, 9:37 AM
Yesterday, 8:00 AM

Jan 2009
ye the last episode did not solve the continuity errors between daima and super

major continuity errors are
shin and kibito defusion method are different
ss3 vegeta not in super
ss4 goku not in super
rymus and the multiverse was never mention in super

i will treat daima as a spinoff or alternate timeline that will solve the continuity errors

or they can fix this continuity errors by adding worldlines besides timelines to the multiverse plot of a future dragon ball anime like how steins gate and edens zero does it so they can say daima and super histories are different worldlines and not just different timelines

anyway what a finale but no fusion though so whats the point of mentioning it in daima and the evil third eye is more common so we might see more users of it in the future

deg9 hours ago
Yesterday, 8:26 AM

Aug 2015
glad it ended this way, also gogeta ssj3 and vegito ssj3 are technically canon too now basically, vegeta should still learn ssj4 somehow, if not through training then bulma can help him with her device like in gt, goku said that he basically already had ssj4 (like every saiyan does) from training after buu arc but neva helped to push him to unlock it
ElfezenYesterday, 8:30 AM
Yesterday, 9:00 AM

Feb 2020

Yesterday, 9:12 AM
May 2021
RIP Akira Toriyama sensei forever the goat !! ๐Ÿ”ฅ thank you for making ssj 4 canon for Goku & ssj3 for Vegeta! That kamehameha was amazing this ep!!
Yesterday, 9:17 AM

Apr 2017
Incredible episode, that kamehameha part was absolutely mindblowing, they really were fighting for the best sakuga they could do.
Just a little disappointed by how they didn't mention the continuity errors with Super, and weird post-credits scene. I wonder if they're planning to use the third eye for more, was kinda expecting the last seconds to be linked to Super (like maybe showing Beerus or something like that).
But yeah, Daima was peak and I think even though it's criticized, I think it will go down in the future as one of the more underrated DB series.
Yesterday, 9:24 AM

Oct 2015
The fight itself looked great, but the wrap-up was very disappointing.

Goku says he trained hard to achive SSJ4, nothing prevents him from using it again. Same for Vegeta's SSJ3. So that's a huge continuity error, if this is still canon.
Yesterday, 9:26 AM
Nov 2017
What was the point of introducing the fusion bug? They already did major fan service with Vegeta SSJ3 and Goku SSJ4, I was sure they were gonna do a fusion between the two. Maybe Toriyama forgot?

I hope the Demon World and its characters introduced in Daima becomes relevant in the next Super Arc/Saga that focuses on Black Frieza as a main antagonist. It would be a waste if this is the last time we see them.

It was a fun show. Did what Dragon Ball does best. Good comedy, good fights and good transformations. Toriyama delivers like usual.
Yesterday, 9:35 AM

Jul 2011
Is wrong to say slander of Piccolo but, he put way too much flair on those attacks.

In end everything worked out for Arinsu. Good for her.

With that revelation about the Third Eye, that store lady is the most or at least one the most chill people of the Demon Real. I don't have a plane, but sure as hell I have nuke.
Yesterday, 9:38 AM

Nov 2016
In Super we find out that Bulma asked Shenron to make her look younger, here she discovers bugs that make her look 10 years younger. Unless she was scammed or wasn't able to take them with her it makes no sense for to look that old at the end of Z.

And after SSJ3 Vegeta this is the kind of explanation you'd expect for SSJ4.

Now I'm not saying Daima can't be considered canon, yet either you accept the retcons or think of it as a different timeline.

The fights were cool looking, yet lacked impact and the villains were underwhelming. Then again, seems about right for a 20 episode series that was pretty lighthearted.

Now that we're done with this mess it's time to get to the actual good stuff like the continuation to Super.
FMmatronYesterday, 1:42 PM

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Yesterday, 9:38 AM

May 2015
Lol Panzy waving Vegetas hand was hilarious xD
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Yesterday, 9:43 AM
Dec 2013
And that's it. Goku defeats Gomah in an epic fight with the help of Majin Kuu. And then they went home, and later on, Beerus arrives at Bulma's birthday party, and Goku goes Super Saiyan God and fights Beerus etc.

Thus the Akira Toriyama era of Dragon Ball (where Toriyama himself is directly involved with the plot lines that make it canon and official) comes to an end. And as a huge fan of the Dragon Ball franchise (as Dragon Ball Z was a part of my childhood), it makes me sad.

R.I.P. Akira Toriyama
And goodbye Akira Toriyama-era Dragon Ball

And no Dragon Ball Super sequel announcement, unfortunately. The latest of chapters of the Dragon Ball Super manga (before Akira Toriyama died) are all that's left of Akira Toriyama-related Dragon Ball to be animated, before there's nothing left, so the era of official Akira Toriyama Dragon Ball is technically not over yet anime-wise, but if we're talking about in general, it is over, especially for people who have read the Super manga. I really don't want to read the Super manga as I really just want to see the sequel to the Dragon Ball Super anime to happen.

So what next? A remake of the original Dragon Ball? Will Toei make more TV anime of Dragon Ball in the future, except it won't be canon like Dragon Ball GT? And maybe I should buy and play the Dragon Ball Z video games for the first time in my life?

But yeah, this was a good show, even if it was a bit short. A couple of shit episodes, but the rest of the show was good. I still prefer Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z. And I plan to rewatch Dragon Ball Daima in English dub, which should be a better experience (specifically in the parts of the show where Goku is an adult).

Toriyama's last gift for Dragon Ball fans before passing away.
wildhoodYesterday, 11:16 AM
Yesterday, 9:45 AM
Sep 2015
Glorio should be a new demon king as he stomp the eye, he's morally strong enough to resist the urge to use the eye for himself.

But my criticism doesn't deny the fact that this anime is great, and I've to clarified that Dragon Ball is not a part of my childhood (even if I wish to) yet I still admire the legacy that Daima demonstrate to me. The fact that Dragon Ball still has an impact on me despite I'm not the fan of this franchise should not be treated lightly. This is not just a "boomer nostalgia" anime. It's the anime that welcome everyone regardless of their exposure.

Whether the franchise will continue or not, we're now officially live in a post-Toriyama world. This time, the goodbye is a real goodbye.
Yesterday, 9:47 AM

Jan 2018
It's finally over. Man. I'm gonna miss this show.

Gomah vs SSJ4 Goku was great. That was one of the best Kamehameha of the entire Dragon Ball series. It was so good.

Ok. I definitely didn't see Majin Kuu becoming the Demon King coming. But then Arinsu becoming the Demon King wouldn't have fit either. But I'm glad pretty much everyone got what they wanted in a way. Even Gomah and Degesu got pretty light sentences considering what they did.

Overall this was a great series. But I do have some problems with it. Like what the heck did Goku mean near the end? Did he unlock SSJ4 on his own sometime after defeating Buu? I thought it was Neva who unlocked that potential. It doesn't make much sense. And there's the continuity error with Super. I thought they were gonna deal with it by giving the characters amnesia or something like some people were saying. But that would've been too convenient.

There's also the disappointment that they never used the fusion bugs. What was the point of introducing them then? I feel like in an earlier draft of the story, this was probably planned but they forgot to remove it from the first few episodes after the writers changed their minds. That's lame. There was also the missed opportunity that Goku and the others could've grown up throughout the course of Daima, as theorized by Totally Not Mark, that would've made Daima even more special. I wonder if that was ever considered. It was just a theory and it probably would've been way more complicated to make so I can let it go. Some middle episodes just felt like filler and maybe the show would've been better off if it only had 15-16 episodes instead of 20.

Anyway, I still enjoyed Daima. That ending caught me off-guard. I thought they might try to tease something new at the end but they didn't. Probably safer that way. I'm glad that Akira Toriyama was able to give us this as a final gift. Hopefully, we'll get more Dragon Ball anime in the near future.
Yesterday, 9:51 AM

Jan 2013
This was probably one of the emptiest anime I've ever seen, which is a shame because they had me at the beginning

Toei not even trying to justify new merchandising, they really destroyed everything on dragon ball
Yesterday, 9:57 AM
Feb 2013
When youre a kid, you dont think of inconsistencies or poor writing, you just watch for epic fights and stunning animation, and this show did make me feel like a kid again, way more than Super did. It's a shame this is reluctantly Toriyamas final piece because he probably had even better ideas and stories lined up, but all in all, I did enjoy the show
Yesterday, 10:00 AM

Apr 2020
Better than GT and that's it imo.
Cool animation and fights but very forgettable villains and plot.
Good fanservice with SSJ3 Vegeta and SSJ4 Goku.
Go watch Gintama boyo/grill
My discord server for gaming and anime/manga:
Yesterday, 10:00 AM

Aug 2014
I was team canon all the way until this episode. Goku training to obtain SSJ4 is complete bs. He doesn't even have a tail so why would it magically appear during the transformation? They didn't bother to explain a single thing and only piled onto the continuity errors. There's just absolutely no way this is canon in the same timeline as Super.

The episode itself was incredible. Beautiful fight scene and I loved how Kuu was the one to defeat Gomah and become the new demon king.

But yeah Daima is very much it's own thing. People rejoicing over SSJ4 being canon will have to think again because this isn't really any different than GT with the exception of Toriyama's involvement.

Edit: Oh yeah and the fusion bugs being teased early on only for them to never even be mentioned again is absoutely horrible writing. A Kuu/Duu fusion would've made so much sense too.
FlyingDunsparceYesterday, 10:06 AM
Yesterday, 10:00 AM

Jun 2019
What a cool fight that was. That Kamehameha was the coolest one out there and so powerful that it pierced all the three worlds and re-united them. It was a nice touch from Goku. Kuu was actually the one who defeated Gomah and is now the new Supreme King of that world. So cool.

And, our friends are going back to Earth. It looks like there are two other eyes left with the bug lady. LOL. Bulma also got her de-aging bugs. Good for her. Overall, an enjoyable watch with our heroes in their small forms. It was good for nostalgia and with the touch of new gen animation.

Once again, RIP Toriyama sensei. You were the greatest author ever. Your influence cannot be put into words. Thank you for giving such a beautiful world and these characters. I'll forever miss you and your works. And, will cherish this last work you created for us. Thank you.
Yesterday, 10:06 AM
Jun 2021
Well that ends Dragon Ball Daima. I really liked the it the og dragon ball vibes and then ep-19 with the crazy transformations. I kinda don't want Dragon Ball to ever end like Mario, i hope it exists but i will be happy with whatever happens. Thank you Akira Toriyama you made one of the most influentional media/character of all time.
Yesterday, 10:16 AM
Dec 2024
Reply to deg
ye the last episode did not solve the continuity errors between daima and super

major continuity errors are
shin and kibito defusion method are different
ss3 vegeta not in super
ss4 goku not in super
rymus and the multiverse was never mention in super

i will treat daima as a spinoff or alternate timeline that will solve the continuity errors

or they can fix this continuity errors by adding worldlines besides timelines to the multiverse plot of a future dragon ball anime like how steins gate and edens zero does it so they can say daima and super histories are different worldlines and not just different timelines

anyway what a finale but no fusion though so whats the point of mentioning it in daima and the evil third eye is more common so we might see more users of it in the future

@deg Again vegeta doesnt want to use ssj3 at all cuz it drains energy or ki thats why he doesnt care about using it like I said before (episode 19 explained it well already)

now about ssj4, there is a condition for goku to transform to this form he needs to be around Neva or he needs a tail more like he cant use the form if neva isnt in earth so its either 1 of these 2 conditions

and super happens a few years after daima so something happened that made shin and kibito fuse again before the wish to unfuse them
Yesterday, 10:16 AM
Mar 2021
That was really crazy. It's a shame we never got to see a fusion, but the ending is good tho despite not turning how I excepted. Thank you Toriyama for a good time o7
Yesterday, 10:21 AM
Dec 2024
Reply to HyperSonic1271
@deg Again vegeta doesnt want to use ssj3 at all cuz it drains energy or ki thats why he doesnt care about using it like I said before (episode 19 explained it well already)

now about ssj4, there is a condition for goku to transform to this form he needs to be around Neva or he needs a tail more like he cant use the form if neva isnt in earth so its either 1 of these 2 conditions

and super happens a few years after daima so something happened that made shin and kibito fuse again before the wish to unfuse them
In other words goku just needs Neva's magic to transform to super saiyan 4 as he cant use magic himself
Yesterday, 10:24 AM
May 2021
This Kamehameha was fucking PEAK! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ These last 3 episodes were 10/10 for me man, loved it and that post credit scene lmao they got third eye for sale in a shop ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿคฃ. For Ep 1 to 17 I would give 6 or 7 but for ep 18-20 it's 10/10 ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ“ˆ
Yesterday, 10:26 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to HyperSonic1271
@deg Again vegeta doesnt want to use ssj3 at all cuz it drains energy or ki thats why he doesnt care about using it like I said before (episode 19 explained it well already)

now about ssj4, there is a condition for goku to transform to this form he needs to be around Neva or he needs a tail more like he cant use the form if neva isnt in earth so its either 1 of these 2 conditions

and super happens a few years after daima so something happened that made shin and kibito fuse again before the wish to unfuse them
@HyperSonic1271 ss3 is still his best form at the moment so vegeta can just end the fight fast if he is worried about the stamina drain of ss3

goku said in this final episode that he was training after the buu saga to transform to ss4 and heck vegeta even calls it a super saiyan bargain sale so he knows how to use it even without nevas help it might be the case with ultra instinct sign vs mastered ultra instinct that goku only knows ss4 sign but with nevas help he did mastered ss4 in just 3 episodes

about shin and kibito lol im not sure about that

anyway toriyama is known to not plan things he just make up things along the way
Yesterday, 10:28 AM
Oct 2020
Hopefully they pick up that fusion thing in Super. Overall I loved the show, unlike most people, I just feel that the end was a little too rushed but it was still good. This episode in particular was good as an end to the fight.
Yesterday, 10:40 AM

Apr 2014
i really enjoyed Daima the final boss was a bit lame but the way it ended was very dragon ball way to go and i loved that to

though i will say since this is canon it makes Super a Very weird thing now......

with what goku even said he was already able to go ssj4 as he trained to get the form after Buu....

so the fact that ssj4 never came up in super is very weird to say the least


with ssj4 now a canon thing it does make the future of super interesting to see what they'll do for the future of Dragon ball as a whole

i feel like Daima was made to make the rest of the forms conan to Give the canon story more Options for a lot of things so am excited to see whats to come

with that said the final was great and i enjoyed it though it would have been nice if the ep was longer like an hr long ep would have been better but it is what it is

i Loved the use of SSJ3 as it was used more than Z and super combined and i loved that ssj4 is finally canon as a whole

But i will say one thing ill miss the most from Daima is Panzy She was amazing my fave and one of the best of the new characters of the whole series and it sucks cause if its one thing Dragon ball does is that characters are always forgotten and never somes back to the series unless by some chance... but yeah I will be missing Panzy

Lastly its crazy to think that they lined this series ending up with the death of Akira but it acutally gives the ending to Daima even more meaning so an over all nice send off

Great series and im looking forward to whats to come for the future of the series as a whole
"one step at a time"
Yesterday, 10:44 AM
Jan 2017
That fight between goku and gomah was awesome. I totally expected a ss4 vegeta fusion with goku to beat gomah and it ends just like that. The anime itself could have been much better, but at least now we know ss4 goku and ss3 vegeta are canon. Apparently goku just had ss4 in his pocket?????? Like how???? I know he said from training, but I still find it odd. May you rest in peace Akira Toriyama. Also very curious to see how are they going to include this in super or is it going to be only daima if they make a new season.
Yesterday, 10:44 AM

Apr 2019
So it is finally over, I can't wait to rewatch all of it in Dub.
I loved it as a whole ngl, I highly appreciate all the world building, the interactions between the gang, the jokes, and even at the end where it felt a bit rushed it still concluded it on a very very good note. Best of all it made me love Goku all over again, in DBS Goku is good but he is mischaracterized a lot but in here he is perfectly characterized and so are the rest of the cast.
Yesterday, 10:52 AM

Aug 2019
Such a beautiful ending ep , this series is truly a great love letter to Toriyama. SS4EVER !!!
Yesterday, 10:57 AM
Sep 2015
Such a shitty insincere filler arc with zero understanding of what made Dragon Ball great. If I paid for it I would want a refund :)
Yesterday, 10:58 AM
Dec 2024
Reply to deg
@HyperSonic1271 ss3 is still his best form at the moment so vegeta can just end the fight fast if he is worried about the stamina drain of ss3

goku said in this final episode that he was training after the buu saga to transform to ss4 and heck vegeta even calls it a super saiyan bargain sale so he knows how to use it even without nevas help it might be the case with ultra instinct sign vs mastered ultra instinct that goku only knows ss4 sign but with nevas help he did mastered ss4 in just 3 episodes

about shin and kibito lol im not sure about that

anyway toriyama is known to not plan things he just make up things along the way
@deg Yet vegeta doesnt care about ssj3 even if its his best form its battle iq (or battle experience) that he wont use super saiyan 3, if he couldve use it in dbs then lets see

vegeta's ssj2 already surpassed goku's ssj3 back then

and he doesnt hold back thats why he literally used ssb instead of ssj3 against cabba as he got more powerful forms

aand there are no signs in super saiyan forms as ultra instinct sign and ultra instinct arent ssj forms so again goku needs neva's help for super saiyan 4
Yesterday, 11:14 AM

Dec 2016
Fire episode until the ending,One of the worst endings i have ever seen

Kuu finished the job!!๐Ÿ˜‚
Yesterday, 11:28 AM
Jan 2022
Yesterday, 11:31 AM
Feb 2017
Was so much fun to fall in love with Goku and Dragon Ball again!

Thank you Toriyama Sensei. RIP.
Yesterday, 11:39 AM
May 2014
Very bad ending...0 rating!
Yesterday, 11:40 AM
Apr 2024
And just like that, Toriyama's legacy ends with amazing style over substance, putting on a visual spectacle but shitting all over the continuity of his previous works.

At least it had one of the best fights we've seen in a DB show.

Side note, I do love how they poked fun at how stupid it was that Goku went SSJ4, and Vegeta going SSJ3. "Bargain sale of Super Saiyans" LOL, best line from the show.

Now if only they could address the 20 other problems this show had. Oh well.

From a story perspective, this was somehow worse than DBGT, since at least DBGT gave enough of a shit to properly set up their new developments, and also have their ideas flow naturally from DBZ. Here, Goku just goes SSJ4 just because.
Average MAL user's media literacy:
Marinate1016 said:
Not reading allat cause I don’t care. Tensura peak. Have a good one tho
Yesterday, 11:41 AM

Apr 2015
This was such a good tribute to Akira Toriyama and a welcome addition to the franchise imo. The whole thing was really enjoyable but the SSJ4 stuff completely caught all of us off guard and dropped all of our jaws collectively lol.

Thank you Akira Toriyama, We would never have this without you. Rest in peace.

I hope they retcon SSJ4 into the main timeline now because it's a bit too sick to just be limited to this spinoff and Hopefully someday, SSJ4 Gogeta can be a canon thing too xD
Yesterday, 11:42 AM

Dec 2013
I can't believe how enjoyable was Daima, one would assume it was going to be an awful cash grab but you could really tell the passion the show had behind it, on one hand I kinda wish it would have been much longer but a project like this that just ends when it needs to is commendable. I loved every single one of the new characters introduced in this show, I hope we get to see more of them in the future, specially Panzy, Hybis and Arinsu.
Yesterday, 11:45 AM

Jun 2024
Did Vegeta really just say he went "Super Vegeta 1" ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Yesterday, 11:54 AM
Jul 2014
I really wanted to like this series, but damn, it have a lot of problems.
The first episodes where great with the worldbuilding, but then all started to fall. A lot of plot holes and incoherences with the rest of the series and a lot of characters that do absolutely nothing (and which the series intend to we care about). The animation it's superb for a tv series, but that's all.
Yesterday, 11:57 AM
Oct 2024
Making Kuu the demonking gives me "Game of Thrones" Ending Flashbacks, when Bran gets the crown all out of sudden.
Yesterday, 12:11 PM
May 2019
Wow what a final episode!
They really achieved to give us a super high quality ending with an amazing fight sequence and nice Toriyama typicals gags, that really made me laugh out loud multiple times.
It was bitter sweet and i really appreciated the happy ending, which gave it a real fullfilling feeling.
It only hurts to not see more, but i am very grateful that Akira Toriyama gave us this final adventure. Rest in Piece.
Yesterday, 12:18 PM
Nirai Kanai

Dec 2012
I'm a sucker for endings and enjoyed the OP so I enjoyed the ending when in comes to aesthetics. Especially with it being the last thing that we'll get from Toriyama. That said, it might also end my journey with DB. I found myself uninterested in the first six minutes of this episode lol Overall though, it was a cute little journey with weird pacing but I think that it did its job for the intended audience. Now, as we can see, there's going to be continuous talks of trying to pick apart canon and plot holes. I just hope that those that did it enjoy it, continue to do so. On a side note, the animation at the end was hefty lol Bulma and the gang had a lot of frames when they were in the shop. Anywho... onto something else.

The World Suffused with Sound.
Yesterday, 12:19 PM

Apr 2014
Not gonna lie. I was emotional and teary eyed this last episode. The ending felt anti climactic. Other than that. I had my fun. And it is super sad to see it end. I will forever be emotionally touched and sad. Thank you for everything Akira Toriyama! Until we meet again Everyone!
Yesterday, 12:27 PM

Jul 2022
Since there's still 2 eyes left.
Does this mean... (There's a change for a S2)??

And Arinsu is.... kawaii!!!!
Yesterday, 1:04 PM

Aug 2016
A masterpiece of a conclusion to a masterpiece of a season. First of all, the fight between Goku & Gomah in the first half of the episode, couldn't be better animated, seriously. Secondly, Kuu ending things once & for all was the most hilarious things ever, can't get over how hilarious his character really is.

Last but not least, loved that cliffhanger at the end, with 2 more eyes that could be used at any time in the future. A hint of another masterpiece of a season like this one perhaps? Couldn't really tell, but even i am aware that such a thing is most unlikely.

That aside though, enjoyed the season to the max though, from start to end. I'm so glad that SSJ3 Vegeta & SSJ4 Goku got canonized as a last gift before the legendary author departs from us. We shall never forget thou, and thou shall forever & ever, live in our hearts.
SkuvanYesterday, 1:45 PM
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