FlyingDunsparce's Profile
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- Last OnlineMar 24, 5:47 PM
- GenderMale
- BirthdayAug 30, 1998
- JoinedAug 25, 2014
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Anime Stats
Days: 126.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries1,007
- Rewatched13
- Episodes8,105
Manga Stats
Days: 18.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries61
- Reread1
- Chapters2,446
- Volumes234
Anime (20)
Manga (14)
Character (20)
Lawliet, L
Death Note
Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball GT
Urameshi, Yuusuke
Lee, Rock
Hatake, Kakashi
Lamperouge, Lelouch
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
Kirigaya, Suguha
Sword Art Online
Gremory, Rias
High School DxD
B-gata H-kei
Dekomori, Sanae
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
Schlierenzauer, Kazumi
Gokukoku no Brynhildr
Tokou, Nanami
Gokukoku no Brynhildr
Tachibana, Hina
Domestic na Kanojo
Tokisaki, Kurumi
Date A Live
Shinomiya, Kaguya
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
Inaba, Himeko
Kokoro Connect
Makise, Kurisu
All Comments (25) Comments
Do you download most of the anime you watch?
You don't by any chance remember where you saw the Akito Picture dramas 3-5 do you? As they're the last ones I need to find, dw it you can't haha.
I think we're on exactly the same wave haha, I'm often watching old OVAs/Movies or older series I've always wanted to watch & catch up on. Then a new season of something I like will drop and it will take me forever to get to it. Yeah I know the movie canon is technically separate, I've finally watched everything else (I can find anyway) so will be starting the new movie soon!
While I completely agree with you, there's not a major difference between Crystal and GS, there's still enough to make it the definitive version imo. Gen 2 was my first and still to this day favourite gen, and while I did play Silver first, if I was to go back and revisit it as I often do...I always find Crystal the best Gen 2 experience. That's what makes it for me; my all time favourite game! But your criticism is totally right and you can still get a great gen 2 experience from GS, there isn't much to it. I guess I do need to stick at Scarlet a bit more and see if my experience improves! There are some new mons I like the look of that I still haven't caught and added to my team yet!
That's cool about the Breakers, I didn't buy it because I was convinced they'd struggle to keep an online active playerbase, and that it would be free on PS plus within a few months. It surprised in that way in that it's done really well to keep and maintain active players! Ahh yes the DB collab for Fort Nite was defo the best collab they've ever done, defo had a lot of fun with my friends and bros riding round on nimbus' and shooting kamehameha's! The MHA stuff, AoT stuff and Star Wars stuff was all super well implemented as well! It makes me want them to bring the Naruto collab back maybe with some new skins, since the original collab got kinda outdone by how well the following ones were implented into the game. Give us Rasengan and Rasen Shuriken mythics or something like the others is what I mean, could be cool!
Great to catch up with u anyway FlyingDunsparce! I will send u requests on those two! :)
Happy for you with the gf, hope you do get to go out there to Thailand to see her soon! How did you guys meet? & how is the long distance, I know it can be tough? My brother actually met his long term gf long distance (over habbo hotel i think lmao) she was in Chicago and him back in London, since she visited us in london once and he went over to the U.S. 3 times. They've been together years now, I think initially she wanted to come to London to live/study but they had some immigration BS and now I think he's planning to eventually move out there for a bit!
Shame about the anime, I'm probably still watching more than I should whilst procrastinating lol, but I always feel like I'm super behind. I met someone here in tokyo and even through a heavy language barrier managed to communicate we both liked Code Geass, JJK & Demon Slayer. Then they started asking me how I liked the new CG movie, new KnY and JJK seasons, and was honestly embarrassed to be like, I still haven't seen them lol. What spurred me trying to catch up with CG!
How did you like Crystal? Possibly my fav game ever! haha. I did like lets go, I've struggled with getting into Scarlet tho, it's first mainline Pokemon game I've ever had this with! :O I'm kinda boring with games atm and mostly just play fall guys, fortnite type social games with my friends back home and my brothers. I have been trying out some Super Robot Taisen games tho! I actually have one of the ones that has Code Geass characters in it lol, trying to unlock them!
Did we exchange Switch codes? I can't remember. I'm also on PS & Steam if you have either of those :))
nice, yeah I guess I kind of am unintentionally lmao, I just wanted to catch up to watch the new movie (I hadn't seen the three movie retellings either) but I did stumble across an interest stack of everything and noticed there wasn't loads I was missing so tried to watch a few more of the remaining specials/picture dramas also. The picture dramas can defo be a bit of a drag haha, and yeah I couldn't find some of the Akito ones either.
I'm not bad! I actually recently moved to Tokyo and it is quite tough (not sure how long I will realistically last here loool) but I'm here for at least 4 months or so! How about you? Hope things are going well in your life!
Yeah I've played both Shield and Sword a fair amount, a lot more of Sword. I actually really enjoyed the games, love the new region, pokemon & characters. Despite the heavy criticism the games attracted I thought they were decent entries. That said not sure I will get the DLC straight away as I'm currently not sure when I will have the time again to sink into SW/SH as I'm currently playing FF7R and about to start Animal Crossing soon which just arrived for me the other day lol.
Crystal is possibly my fav Pokemon game of all and I replayed all the VC titles to death on the 3DS, I had some great fun with VC Crystal! I'd definitely recommend you start it! :))
I do like Garaga as his summon, but tbh I hadn't even realised, it is weird that he can talk to him like a biju. Although there are parts I enjoy, I do often feel like I'm slugging through the series.
I guess it is but my luck has just been so bad, I've been playing on the VC like crazy and so far only got shiny Dratini which I had to hatch over 80 eggs to get even thought the odds are 1/64, I'm hunting Squirtle now and have even passed the 64 egg mark with him. Gonna go for Eeevee next as with the cloning glitch I can get every eeveelution shiny form. I don't even have bank atm but have been considering it so I could transfer any shinies I get over to S/M/US/UM
Was a pain hatching those 80+ Dratini eggs as he's also the largest egg group taking over 10k steps, one that really could've helped to get early. Still really excited and happy to finally have one, it's a shiny I've always wanted :)
What you're thinking of is still the classic "Mew glitch" just a extended version using wild Ditto's to manipulate the glitch to encounter any pokemon, as the Mew glitch makes you encounter a Pokemon relative to the special stat of the last Pokemon you battled, you can look up what stat is needed for each pokemon, if you train/catch a pokemon with the desired stat and then play out the glitch but after the trainer battle fight a ditto and defeat it after it transforms into your pokemon with the desired stat, you will battle your desired Pokemon where you would normally encounter Mew.
The Ditto glitch I was refering to is something I've only recently heard of, it was a lesser known glitch that has become more popular since the release of gen 2 on the VC. You can use any shiny Pokemon to catch an unlimited amount of ditto's in Gen 1 that when transferred to Gen 2 will be shiny. It's relatively easy to perform as you can use the shiny Gyarados that the game gives you & ditto is one of the most useful shinies to have as breeding with it will give you 1/64 chance that the egg will be a shiny. I'm gonna try and use it to start breeding for some shinies I've always wanted like Charizard, Dragonite & Blastoise.
I've also completed the pokedex on my Sun but I had previously done it on my childhood Crystal & Diamond cartridges! Congrats on your first dex completion! I'm still far from completing Ultra Sun but look forward to seeing this difficulty spike, tbh I felt Sun had a bit too much hand holding in it for newer/younger players which I am fine with but good to see they're adding more challenging content for the older fanbase.
You've never played Crystal? I would definitely recommend getting it then even if you have already played Gold recently, it is similar but at the same time it's probably the definitive gen 2 game so the best representation of the series. There's simple things that make the gameplay more fluid like being able to obtain evolution stones easier/earlier in the game and being able to give Kurt more than one Apricorn at a time. I feel like the game also gives you a few small rewards for replaying with Crystal e.g. the Odd egg (another easy shiny), Extreme speed dratini, Move Tutor, Battle Tower, the option to soft reset for a shiny Suicune. I don't know what they intend to do with the mobile system which used to let players trade & battle anyone wirelessly over a network (that was cut for the american and european releases) but if that is functional in the game I'd be amazed. But personally I love all those old Pokemon games and a lot of other games on the VC so I just like to support them in the hopes that when these games sell well it will push them to port more. We already have ports of some 64 games like Zelda & Starfox, so I'd love to see Stadium, Stadium 2, Snap, Super Smash Bros. & Super Smash bros Melee also ported to the 3DS & Switch.
I've replayed Crystal hundreds of times already but it's possibly my all time favourite game and would gladly play through again :) The Mew glitch is great, did you know you can use it to encounter any pokemon in the game? Even the glitch pokemon! Have you heard of what's been dubbed the "Ditto glitch" for the VC titles?