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My Happy Marriage (light novel)
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Feb 10, 5:57 AM

Nov 2011
This event seems to be the same one Miyo has seen before. Barrier was also obviously tampered. Kaoruko was the one that caused part of this but Usui is to be really blamed for this.

Luckily, they managed to save Miyo so all was good. And no doubt, Miyo and Kaoruko still remain as friends. Good for them, I think their friendship is underrated in this show even if it's started recently.
Feb 10, 5:57 AM

May 2020
I’m not blaming Usui because for all we know he’s the big bad villain who’d and can deceive people in however many ways possible, but man, was it not lame knowing it was Kaoruko who let Usui in, just because he played his little trick on her? Moreover, that entire segment last episode where two broken hearts acknowledged their pain and deepened their friendship aged so poorly, that it’s actually kinda hilarious. Though what’s done is done, I mean we know Kaoruko would regret it, and Miyo will accept it, which in fact happened, but yeah, this could’ve been avoided.. maybe.

Action scenes were lit, but more than that, we know Usui is planning something very big. Pretty sure Arata would not join his ranks, but hey, he made sure he’d have to think twice before coming to a decision. Halfway into the season and yeah things can only go south from here on, though hey let them party for the time being xD
Feb 10, 5:58 AM

Apr 2016
Wait so the new girl was actually the rat ? Damn, i was really not expecting that.

I guess it kinda makes a half sense, i guess .. as to why she was so close to Miyo + she was just sent to the barracks recently too. But the way things ended up for her, at least for now, man, im actually sad for her. Anyway, the author really likes to tortue the poor women in her works, doesnt she xD

Now, to be fair to Jinnouchi, the new guy is quite a formidable opponent, one that we have not yet seen in this show, she really stood no chance ... except, when she did and Jinnouchi just went toe to toe with him in a single combat while all the orher soldiers there were just bags of potatoes, lmao.

But anyway, the husband saved the day ... and the bad guy is now trying his hands on Miyo's brother ?
Feb 10, 7:47 AM
Sep 2015
The sword fight is well done.
Feb 10, 7:51 AM

Jun 2015
As diversions go this one that Usui masterminded sure was a good one. If anything Usui's skill at creating illusions only serve to make his skill at blackmailimg others that more effective. Still kudos for him actually being able to fight against Kaoruko in a direct swordfight. After such a harrowing exp its nice that Miyo and co got the chance to chill with Hazuki and friends. While its good that Kaoruko wasn't jailed it still was sad to see her leave. Would had been nice if she had stayed in the unit as Miyo's guard and friend.
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Feb 10, 8:04 AM

Jan 2024
You shouldn't trust this losing heroines you never know what will happen. Lowering the barrier letting enemy in warrents heavy heavy punishment. Kiyoka came at the right time to save Miyo but otherwise they were done for. They let Karukou go far to easily imo.
Usui is more dangerous than imagined. Just not his ability, he easily took down Kaurukou in strength. Now he might have compromised Arata too. I am liking this antagonists far more than S1.
Feb 10, 8:45 AM
Apr 2024
Kiyoka came back in time to save Miyo... I hope they will never let their guard down.
Feb 10, 9:05 AM

Jul 2022
I figured Naoshi would be powerful because of his supernatural abilities, but he's also very skilled in hand-to-hand combat, the guy is not only crazy, he's also very strong. Luckily, Kiyoka arrives just in time to save Miyo and the others.

Unfortunately for Arata, he is the perfect target for Naoshi's manipulation because he is unhappy with his current life and the pressure of being the leader of his family. I wouldn't be surprised if he becomes a spy, although I hope he doesn't accept Naoshi's offer.

Kaoruko's punishment is definitely unfair. Just because she is a woman and their policies only allow men, they punish her. She acted that way only because she believed her father was tortured; to say it was a betrayal is an exaggeration; she was not the only one who fell for Naoshi's illusions. Luckily, Kiyoka intervened on her behalf.
Feb 10, 9:20 AM

Aug 2020
Another great ep

i was not expecting her to betray them even if we understand why she did it...
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Feb 10, 9:41 AM

Feb 2019
Amazing ep, I was so worried for Miyo after last week cliffhanger!

Kaoruko being the one to let Usui in had my jaw on the floor and I went thru an emotional roller coaster because I thought her dad really did get tortured. Turns out it was just Usui’s illusions. What a sick and twisted man to play with people’s minds like that and having the soldiers turn on each other!

He’s not just got a powerful ability, but also hand to hand combat. That fight with Kaoruko was dope but man I hate seeing Kaoruko thrown around like that! Really good thing the commander showed up when he did. Also we got confirmation that’s not Miyo’s real dad since he says you’re “basically” my daughter so he’s just trying to take her in since he loved the mom, likely to use in gifted communion.

speaking of which, WAIT NO WAY Arata would join that right? Like surely Usui isn’t able to tempt him?! I got a bad feeling about that meeting and Arata looked off when he came to the New Year’s party too. Kiyoka still really don’t like him so it would be a shame if he betrayed them.

Glad Kaoruko didn’t get too severe a punishment. Yea she dropped the barrier, but only because she was being manipulated.. she probably still should’ve told someone about her visions and they’d have told her that her dad was ok, but it all worked out in the end. She still has feelings for Kiyoka so leaving that unit is for the best so she can grow and heal.

“So, when I’m done, will you be my friend again?” “I hope I’m good enough for you” awww I fucking love them. So happy for Miyo making her first ever female friend. Wishing Kaoruko all the best
Marinate1016Feb 10, 10:52 AM
Feb 10, 10:16 AM
Jul 2024
Lord Raiden came to save the day!

I haven't seen a chapter where my eyebrows go as low as they did in this episode. I was seriously pissed, and I'm laughing about it while writing this (basically how everyone would feel about Miyo not being allowed to smile much, it's unfair).

That goes to show how good the story is. So, we have to wait and see
Feb 10, 10:56 AM

Feb 2014
Kaoruko meddling with the barrier was the main reason as to why Naoshi got into the building, although considering how her father was tortured, I can't really blame her for having no choice but to cooperate, although in the end, it was all down to Naoshi's illusion tricks which played havoc with her back then as well as with the rest of the soldiers in the present.

Despite that, she did do her best to fight back and she did hold her own really well. Sadly, this was another showcase to how strong Noashi is when he makes even someone as skilled as Kaoruko look rather weak in comparison.

Thankfully, Kiyoka's arrival was enough to have Naoshi fall back, but he was up to his tricks again later on by confronting Arata and offering him a chance to join the Gifted Communion. He's going to be conflicted about this and I sure do hope he resists Naoshi's offer.

As for Kaoruko, I enjoyed her talk with Miyo at the end and it does fully affirm their friendship as a genuine thing. I do hope we get to see her in action again after serving her punishment.
Feb 10, 11:15 AM

Aug 2022
Honestly Usui seems super overpowered but I mean his whole ability like once you understand it surely it wouldn't be too hard to avoid since a lot of its just illusions but I suppose if you don't initially see him you wouldn't assume what's happening is an illusion. So like as long as your aware what's happening surely he cant be that hard to beat at least when it comes to his ability. Idk about proper hand to hand combat since he seemed surprisingly good at it.
Feb 10, 5:09 PM

Dec 2013
karuoko came and now she is gone? What? I feel it could be so much more. But really did enjoy the episode. Love we didnt have Arata answer. And the new main villain is op.
ViriathusFeb 10, 5:13 PM
Feb 10, 5:19 PM
May 2017
Another excellent episode!

Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Feb 10, 5:25 PM
May 2017
Reply to Softhenic03
I’m not blaming Usui because for all we know he’s the big bad villain who’d and can deceive people in however many ways possible, but man, was it not lame knowing it was Kaoruko who let Usui in, just because he played his little trick on her? Moreover, that entire segment last episode where two broken hearts acknowledged their pain and deepened their friendship aged so poorly, that it’s actually kinda hilarious. Though what’s done is done, I mean we know Kaoruko would regret it, and Miyo will accept it, which in fact happened, but yeah, this could’ve been avoided.. maybe.

Action scenes were lit, but more than that, we know Usui is planning something very big. Pretty sure Arata would not join his ranks, but hey, he made sure he’d have to think twice before coming to a decision. Halfway into the season and yeah things can only go south from here on, though hey let them party for the time being xD
@Softhenic03 "A mente mente à mente."
"The mind lies to the mind."
leonardobarbaFeb 14, 7:50 AM
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Feb 10, 6:43 PM

Jun 2012
This Usui is insane, he’s literally an Aizen with these abilities. Kaoruko showed a lot of potential—I really liked her determination and Deia’s fight against Usui. Do you think Arata will accept Usui’s proposal? 🤔 I’m thinking he will, and then there would be another fight between him and Kiyoka, but this time for real, because that one in season 1 was just a duel.
Feb 10, 7:21 PM

Sep 2021
Reply to Marinate1016
Amazing ep, I was so worried for Miyo after last week cliffhanger!

Kaoruko being the one to let Usui in had my jaw on the floor and I went thru an emotional roller coaster because I thought her dad really did get tortured. Turns out it was just Usui’s illusions. What a sick and twisted man to play with people’s minds like that and having the soldiers turn on each other!

He’s not just got a powerful ability, but also hand to hand combat. That fight with Kaoruko was dope but man I hate seeing Kaoruko thrown around like that! Really good thing the commander showed up when he did. Also we got confirmation that’s not Miyo’s real dad since he says you’re “basically” my daughter so he’s just trying to take her in since he loved the mom, likely to use in gifted communion.

speaking of which, WAIT NO WAY Arata would join that right? Like surely Usui isn’t able to tempt him?! I got a bad feeling about that meeting and Arata looked off when he came to the New Year’s party too. Kiyoka still really don’t like him so it would be a shame if he betrayed them.

Glad Kaoruko didn’t get too severe a punishment. Yea she dropped the barrier, but only because she was being manipulated.. she probably still should’ve told someone about her visions and they’d have told her that her dad was ok, but it all worked out in the end. She still has feelings for Kiyoka so leaving that unit is for the best so she can grow and heal.

“So, when I’m done, will you be my friend again?” “I hope I’m good enough for you” awww I fucking love them. So happy for Miyo making her first ever female friend. Wishing Kaoruko all the best
Marinate1016 said:
“So, when I’m done, will you be my friend again?” “I hope I’m good enough for you” awww I fucking love them. So happy for Miyo making her first ever female friend. Wishing Kaoruko all the best

If you're talking about the ending scene, Miyo more said, 「私で良ければ」literally: "As long as you're okay with me (being your friend again)." A subtle difference, but that's how I would have translated it instead. The I hope I'm "good enough" - part of that kind of bugs me because the whole point of this arc between Kaoruko and Miyo was Miyo learning and accepting that she is more than worthy of being and having a friend - and Miyo's word choice is specifically what made me tear up in that scene.

It's also just a super common phrase in Japanese, and there are tons of ways to translate it depending on context; and I'm obviously not a professional translator. But the feeling I got from it was just a little different than what you quoted.

I'm honestly just being kind of nitpicky, though lol. I'm not sure if those were official subs you were quoting or not.

Anyway; that was a really sweet moment, and I'm really happy for Mio, too! Her friendship with Kaoruko is so wholesome.

I'm okay now... At least... I want to be able to say that.
profilewatchingreadingart credit

Feb 10, 7:22 PM

Feb 2019
smoltulip said:
Marinate1016 said:
“So, when I’m done, will you be my friend again?” “I hope I’m good enough for you” awww I fucking love them. So happy for Miyo making her first ever female friend. Wishing Kaoruko all the best

If you're talking about the ending scene, Miyo more said, 「私で良ければ」literally: "As long as you're okay with me (being your friend again)." A subtle difference, but that's how I would have translated it instead. The I hope I'm "good enough" - part of that kind of bugs me because the whole point of this arc between Kaoruko and Miyo was Miyo learning and accepting that she is more than worthy of being and having a friend - and Miyo's word choice is specifically what made me tear up in that scene.

It's also just a super common phrase in Japanese, and there are tons of ways to translate it depending on context; and I'm obviously not a professional translator. But the feeling I got from it was just a little different than what you quoted.

I'm honestly just being kind of nitpicky, though lol. I'm not sure if those were official subs you were quoting or not.

Anyway; that was a really sweet moment, and I'm really happy for Mio, too! Her friendship with Kaoruko is so wholesome.

You’re being nitpicky the translation you added doesn’t change anything I said so idk what the point was. People be wanting to argue over ANYTHING on here
Feb 10, 7:27 PM

Sep 2021
Reply to Marinate1016
smoltulip said:
Marinate1016 said:
“So, when I’m done, will you be my friend again?” “I hope I’m good enough for you” awww I fucking love them. So happy for Miyo making her first ever female friend. Wishing Kaoruko all the best

If you're talking about the ending scene, Miyo more said, 「私で良ければ」literally: "As long as you're okay with me (being your friend again)." A subtle difference, but that's how I would have translated it instead. The I hope I'm "good enough" - part of that kind of bugs me because the whole point of this arc between Kaoruko and Miyo was Miyo learning and accepting that she is more than worthy of being and having a friend - and Miyo's word choice is specifically what made me tear up in that scene.

It's also just a super common phrase in Japanese, and there are tons of ways to translate it depending on context; and I'm obviously not a professional translator. But the feeling I got from it was just a little different than what you quoted.

I'm honestly just being kind of nitpicky, though lol. I'm not sure if those were official subs you were quoting or not.

Anyway; that was a really sweet moment, and I'm really happy for Mio, too! Her friendship with Kaoruko is so wholesome.

You’re being nitpicky the translation you added doesn’t change anything I said so idk what the point was. People be wanting to argue over ANYTHING on here
Marinate1016 said:
You’re being nitpicky the translation you added doesn’t change anything I said so idk what the point was. People be wanting to argue over ANYTHING on here


I wasn't arguing with you or anything, I was just pointing out a subtle thing for those that might care about the difference in the original Japanese (more in general for anyone reading, and not just at you specifically), since I often used to appreciate when people did that, too. I find these kinds of things really interesting, personally.

I'm not saying it changed anything you said at all and I actually thought your post was really heartwarming... I'm not sure if my wording or tone made it seem like I was arguing with you? But anyway, I'll just leave it here, since you seem convinced that I'm arguing about something lol.

I'm okay now... At least... I want to be able to say that.
profilewatchingreadingart credit

Feb 10, 7:50 PM

Jan 2010
This season is a shell of season 1. It's going downhill and fast. Arata is going to be the next one to be used and discarded by Usui. Kaoruka’s betrayal deserved far harsher consequences. The abilities have not been fleshed out at all. the dialogue is disgustingly poor, and the character relationships are very barebones and surface level at best. This season is pretty bad to this point, and I do not see how it is going to get better.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Feb 10, 8:11 PM

Feb 2023
I keep waiting for Miyo to show some ability to oppose her cousin.
Feb 10, 11:38 PM
Aug 2011
logic340 said:
This season is a shell of season 1. It's going downhill and fast. Arata is going to be the next one to be used and discarded by Usui. Kaoruka’s betrayal deserved far harsher consequences. The abilities have not been fleshed out at all. the dialogue is disgustingly poor, and the character relationships are very barebones and surface level at best. This season is pretty bad to this point, and I do not see how it is going to get better.

I agree! I understand she's new to her power but she's not communicating at all which could've saved everyone and just shrugged off her abilities. She just stands there waiting to be saved every episode and I'm so tired of them barely having any time to bond. It's just been about her creepy distant relative trying to kidnap her. So boring.
Feb 11, 2:18 AM

Apr 2018
I can't blame Kaoruko I mean even though it was an illusion seeing your father in this situation would make you collaborate with the enemy sadly, and at least things ended well for her case.
Feb 11, 7:03 AM

Jul 2023
And this episode concludes LN 4. Originally, I thought that the finale will involve stuff from this episode, but Kinema Citrus had other plans.

Let me add some of the changes.

1. The prologue of LN 4 actually had

2. The anime improved the way in which Usui forced Kaoruko to betray them. In the LN,
In contrast, the anime tells us that Usui used his power to create an illusion that he is being tortured. This makes more sense.

3. Regarding his punishment, the anime cut off Miyo's agony that

4. I like the action sequences here, but the anime did not give me the same impact as what the LN did for Miyo standing up to Usui.

5. In contrast to Kaoruko, the anime shows that Usui meets with Arata, which should tell you something.
Feb 11, 10:15 AM

May 2010
I enjoyed seeing the extent of Kaoruko's powers even though it was sad she couldn't manage to get a hit in. I'm a little bummed she won't be in the next episode. I hope she does come back eventually.

I enjoyed learning a bit more about Arata and how the Usuba family related to the other abilities users. It explains that remark about why Miyo might be considered an enemy of some ability users.
Feb 11, 11:38 PM

Oct 2008
Don't get me wrong I like the show and I like the pacing of this episode but the issue I always have is the reason why everyone suddenly wants Miyo, while I know it's to provide a conflict in story, I think it's just more believable if they want her because of just greed. It's just hard to buy that they're trying take her away because they care or want to protect her in their own extreme way as freudian excuse when kudo save her already. They should've save her when she was still with Saimori. Arata's grandfather is also no better, he only wants miyo when she awakens her dream ability so he can't act like her grandfather now. So hypocritical.
jestynFeb 12, 1:25 AM
Feb 12, 2:53 PM
Mar 2015
Usui makes it hard to trust anyone when he messes with their minds
Feb 15, 6:53 PM

Jul 2016
Well, and there goes Kaoruko...

But seriously, what a troublesome ability this Usui creep has. And the mf even knows how to fight... man, give me a break.

So... am I the only one mad at Miyo for not telling anyone about her premonitory dreams?
Mar 1, 6:50 PM

Mar 2012
Reply to patkarunungan
And this episode concludes LN 4. Originally, I thought that the finale will involve stuff from this episode, but Kinema Citrus had other plans.

Let me add some of the changes.

1. The prologue of LN 4 actually had

2. The anime improved the way in which Usui forced Kaoruko to betray them. In the LN,
In contrast, the anime tells us that Usui used his power to create an illusion that he is being tortured. This makes more sense.

3. Regarding his punishment, the anime cut off Miyo's agony that

4. I like the action sequences here, but the anime did not give me the same impact as what the LN did for Miyo standing up to Usui.

5. In contrast to Kaoruko, the anime shows that Usui meets with Arata, which should tell you something.
@patkarunungan Hi, if I may ask some questions about #3. So in the LN:
Mar 1, 7:25 PM

Jul 2023
Reply to Otamegane0988
@patkarunungan Hi, if I may ask some questions about #3. So in the LN:

patkarununganMar 1, 7:32 PM
Mar 2, 9:56 PM
Dec 2022
Kiyoka was lured away from the base, leaving Miyo with the remainders of the military. Usui makes an appearance surpring Miyo and her guards at the dojo. There is a traitor in the midst it seems.

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