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Not much of Suo x Tokiwa even at the end but hey I'll take whatever little we get.
Fairly disappointed but the lack of focus on the main couple. Feel like I got baited into watching this by them but hey I still enjoyed this for it's worth and hoping we get s2 and finally more focus on the main couple. Will miss Suo san. Final score Suo san/10.
MegamiRem said: Not much of Suo x Tokiwa even at the end but hey I'll take whatever little we get.
Fairly disappointed but the lack of focus on the main couple. Feel like I got baited into watching this by them but hey I still enjoyed this for it's worth and hoping we get s2 and finally more focus on the main couple. Will miss Suo san. Final score Suo san/10.
huh? isnt the last episode supposed to air next week? are you a time-traveller?
So, after 3 hours of searching the internet, finally came across the Japanese RAWs.
Was there an original anime episode? At least I can't remember the corresponding manga chapter right now. The beginning is chapter 34, but the rest?
Well, a pretty "okay"-ish finale for a pretty "okay"-ish show.
I found the basic idea quite refreshing. I like crossdressing animes like "Maria†Holic", for example, and since I really liked "Senpai wa otokonoko" last season, why not go in the other direction again.
After a few episodes, the element of surprise gradually faded away. All the arcs became pretty generic and the whole "Oh, I love her. But she looks like a man? Am I gay now? No? Or am I? Come on, pull yourself together" trope was played out a bit too often for me.
I did like the fact that crossdressing was generally perceived very positively here. Unlike "Senpai wa otokonoko" or other crossdressing anime, the crossdressers were never described as "weird" or "inappropriate" by the characters. The real world could learn a thing or two from that.
Personally, I don't really need a second season - in my opinion, there are other titles this season that would have deserved it more, like "Raise wa tanin ga li" or "Rekishi ni nokoru akujo ni naru zu" - but the show was definitely a nice change for the fall season, even if it couldn't maintain the initial level in my opinion.
And the ending by Asobi Doumei was really great! One of my favorite songs this season.
I was having fun in the beginning, but toward the end of few eps, they focused wayyy too much on Hagi's inner "conflict" if he actually like female or male version of Kohaku, and it really put me off big time.
I was more into Suo and Tokiwa but we barely got any interaction between the two, even the last ep, nobody really get together with anybody... not sure if there will a season 2 or if I even want to watch it lol.
last two eps were such a disappointment. all that teasing and not a SINGLE confession? without a second season, this is just hanging in the air. i enjoyed the show itself a lot, the comedy was on point, honestly haven't been laughing this much in a while. but the romance tag makes absolutely no sense imho.
n here i was rooting for Kohaku-chan like crazy for nothing :(
agregaron algo distinto a como era en el manga para poder como darle cierto cierre, y me da mucha tristeza saber que es el capítulo final. la animación medio decayó a lo que fue el primer capítulo, pero ellas siempre hermosas y ellos, bueno, la dan toda y son re tiernos. fue de los primeros animes que vi apenas arranqué de nuevo con el anime y nada estoy triste x2. espero que la autora siga sacando capítulos en el manga xq seguro que no va a haber segunda temporada (f). muchas gracias ah a quien le decía no <3
Note: I don’t lazily watch 3-5 episodes, biasedly compare to other anime, or unfairly judge by surface level similarities. With every anime I start, I watch the entire series, both Japanese Sub & English Dub, then judge each anime based on what they present, to give an honest and fair rating.
eh it was alright but I was a bit disappointed tbh. a bit too much time on "omg they're crossdressing let's freak the heck out", and not much in the way of a satisfying conclusion in the end, friendships were made but that's really it.
This was pretty bad, it got annoying at the point they would still cross-dress despite it not being because of their job. And there was no conclusive ending, not even a single pair ended up being a couple.
Always the same… Every age, every generation.
Human beings are infinitely more cruel and selfish than any demon in hell ~Dantalion (Makai Ouji)
I watched this purely because of the synopsis and title and it would suffice to say that it definitely lived up to them, xD. Some of the romances got a little dragged out but in general, I wouldn’t mind seeing more of this!
I wonder what Suou-san’s wish is, lol. Kohaku-chan seemed to have caught onto something but of course we’re not getting to the end of that here sadly. As for the third couple, it really does feel like there wasn’t much development but they probably had the best vibe so there’s that, ig.
What an absolutely pure and wholesome hidden gem this series is. Was not expecting this kind of a series when I gave this a try. Really enjoyable to watch and I loved Hagi's small panics when he talks to Kohaku or thinks about her. A major plus that this wasn't a BL as well. But cute girls dressing up as males and Hagi getting weird feelings. A blast watching this and I hope there's a second season soon. 9/10.
"You only realize the real value of something you discarded when you get the chance to pick it up again." - Rudeus Greyrat
Pretty good college-age romcom, an interesting exercise in featuring different levels and flavors of attraction and tension in new relationships. One cour's enough for me, tbh.
Tokiwa should get a clue already! Bitch Suo loves you man!!
Hagi should confess already, Kohaku a dumdum tho sigh
Fuji x Asagi for lyfe (yes top Fuji!!!)
Okay well that was a ride. I wasn't sure how I was going to like it based off of the first episode. I was glad they got away from this kinda "ick" factor that episode one seemed to have. Pretty soon after, the idea of them crossdressing wasn't really weird to them and it became more about exploring their feelings despite what they consider to be an obstacle in their own heads. Asagi got over it pretty quick, which helped to give the audience an idea of how each pair could be. I didn't care much for Fuji and Asagi at first, but I started to appreciate the assurance that their dynamic brought. I didn't mind the dynamic between Kohaku and Tokiwa, but it's more that they took Hagi himself to these really weird extremes. Like, this man was always screaming, like holy heck. I don't mind him wrestling with his feelings and thoughts, but honestly, it was hard not to think, "What's Kohaku thinking as he's doing all this head and hands stuff??" Perhaps it's supposed to be a visual exaggeration, but like legitimately if I was seeing all of that, I'd be so concerned and honestly kinda weirded out. Like damn, is this man okay? Like, is he sound? His face is always in his hands or his hands are clutching his head. I know some of it has to be exaggerated because this is animation, but looking at it realistically, I'm not surprised that I would see comments with people asking what Kohaku sees in Hagi. Nonetheless, I couldn't help but root for them. It was a lot of learning for Hagi-- I even liked how they were okay with Hagi even considering for a moment that he could have been bisexual. Like a lot of what Hagi was wondering about was interesting growth for him and all... it's just that they tackled it in the most obnoxious ways.
And then Tokiwa is at least chill and all about the thing, but it's just that it's hard for him to get on board romantically. I thought that was an okay path to explore too.
Typically, I do become a little annoyed with romance anime because so-called obstacle doesn't always seem like an obstacle to me-- if there even is an obstacle. Like, it seems like the usual is that character A thinks something is an obstacle or the creators present something as an obstacle. Character B doesn't see it too much as an obstacle, because the barrier between character A and B seems to close pretty darn quick anyway-- so is there really a challenge or is it just a fake gimmick of a challenge? OR the character has a personal obstacle, but the obstacle just... it's not even really an obstacle for anyone else it seems and they more or less need to just get over it or at least just give things a try. Or there just isn't an obstacle at all and it's just some random ACTUAL gimmick that gets old really quick, and so some forced drama needs to be added to keep it fresh and people wonder why it all just feels bad. Such are the romance I've grown to dislike... but so many romance are just... those.
Goukon actually did present the whole crossdressing thing as an actual obstacle, but I think the strength comes in the different approaches each character seems to take. These girls like crossdressing just to crossdress, to be honest. They used work as an excuse, but the truth is, it's probably just fun to them. They are relatively confident about it too, so it comes off as something they ought to be proud of as opposed to something weird. This is also how they make their money. Overall, the anime introduced the crossdressing as an "odd" thing at first, but soon I think it made it clear that it's the world around them that needed to get on their level because they're living their best lives and having a good time. All in all, the crossdressing is not something that will be going away any time soon if at all, so it becomes something that the guys in our story actually do need to come to terms with in their own ways. So genuinely it ends up being a story about learning to love someone for who they are-- not just a story about someone who falls in love with someone who happens to [insert gimmick here]. So not "even [gimmick] can find love", but "how does [gimmick] manage to find love?" which is a lot more interesting to me. So the meal was fine, it's just that certain parts of it I would have rather had with a different sauce or something.
For example, I don't think it would have been that hard to have Hagi just not be a screaming mess. I know it's comedy, but I know dang well that there's got to be another way they could have handled all of that while still getting the same message across-- and maybe even giving Kohaku a more active role than just watching Hagi fold into himself and snivel while she looked on with a subtle anime sweat drop.
Anyway, I enjoyed some of it and what it brought to the table. Could have just worked on a few things. Had fun though.
guys, just start dating already 😭
the fact that no one has actually declared any love for each other yet, hoping this gives them reason to make a season 2 😂
Yeah this show needed more episodes. This doesnt feel like a season finale in the slightest. It just stops.
Cute show, hagi dragged it kinda down for me.
As someone who also tends to catastrophize I get what the author tried to convey but holy shit man ...
Overall I felt like a solid 8 or 9 when the other two pairs were on screen, but hagi made it into a 7. Enjoyable but not the best.
Would have liked more time to get what the girls were thinking too. Considering they flirt for a living I would have liked more insight in how they actually reacted behind those well maintained masks they put on (esp sou and fuji). The tiny glipses were very nice to see tho.
Edit also calling it now - kohaku did not get who he was talking about at all. She probably thinks he was talking about one of the other two.
Would fit for those knuckleheads
Maou_heika said: This was pretty bad, it got annoying at the point they would still cross-dress despite it not being because of their job. And there was no conclusive ending, not even a single pair ended up being a couple.
100% ditto! I'm cool with the crossdressing and even sometimes outside the job but it was like all the fucking time even during events it's just weird to crossdress.
Also that Hagi character is one of the most annoying as fuck characters I've seen in multiple seasons!
The way they did this made me want to drop it half way through but finished it on the off chance it got better and then even checked the manga and it's just more of the same and zero progress up to the current chapters.
It bothered me how Hagi story arc gradually took over in second half of the season and devolved the whole show into your standard good old "japanese protagonist who can't communicate basic concepts to save his life" show.
Probably I guess, because, of course, this kind of character is so ingrained into the culture that stereotypical story points are just ... lying around waiting to be used. This makes what is an interesting premise of showing how 3 different couples get to be, into your run of the mill "option C.) can't tell if she's into me" show that you get to see at least once a year, if not season, coupled with the apparently the greatest horror for a japanese person, being honest with themselves and speaking their mind.
I think this whole debacle stems from the fact that mangakas have very little experience not only in their own relationships, but in observing the relationships of others. There is nothing to observe tho, because their society is fucked, backwards, closed on itself and above all, dishonest with their feelings.
How people who write such stories get laid is a mystery to me, but it's crystal clear that that trope of learning about love from manga/LN is, for sure, alive and well in reality, because such stories rarely if at all explore interesting concepts and paths that exist outside of the tropes of comedy romance manga. Which is a shame, because there are plenty of such left unexplored in this show.
There was very little development in the last few episodes, even if it was pleasant to watch Tokiwa and Suou just being comfortable with each other. Asagi and Fuji mostly could not escape comic relief status. Hagi continued to be insufferable and failed to articulate anything; this guy single-handedly docked 1-2 points from the show. I still feel bad for Kohaku, she deserves better.
It had some fun flirty moments, but overall the story, characters and visuals were all so basic and forgettable throughout. Half amused, half annoyed.
Damn I hate Hagi's character, he's a wuss and a goddamn coward, can't even talk straight and is always flustered by the silliest shit reason that doesn't make any sense. They literally wasted 4 eps solely because of his bs personality.