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Jul 11, 2024 9:28 AM
Ryuuji's opened up now at least.... Makoto, Saki, and their childhood friend and Makoto's good confidant, Ryuuji, have made it a routine to eat lunch together. As summer vacation approaches, Saki becomes sad at the thought of not seeing Makoto for a while. To cheer her up, Ryuuji gives her a notebook he borrowed from Makoto. Using the notebook as an excuse, Saki eagerly visits the Hanaoka household, only to find Makoto dressed as a boy. Cat's out the bag... what's Makoto to tell his parents...? |
Jul 11, 2024 10:14 AM
Mom having trouble with her son liking girly stuff, they both have some things to work out together. Still at least Makoto tries to put up with it. As for the handkerchief well Makoto can just say it belongs to Aoi but my guess is he doesn't. Guess we have to wait for next week. |
Jul 11, 2024 10:27 AM
Judging by the description of the episode they really speedrun through the manga don’t they? Opening also suggests we will reach around 2/3 of the manga, hopefully they won’t adapt the whole thing in just this seasonal anime, because it would be a shame to waste such a gem of a manga. |
mlem Also read Ookami Shounen wa Kyou mo Uso wo Kasaneru (Bless Botan) |
Jul 11, 2024 12:07 PM
Reply to ShinoAlter
Judging by the description of the episode they really speedrun through the manga don’t they?
Opening also suggests we will reach around 2/3 of the manga, hopefully they won’t adapt the whole thing in just this seasonal anime, because it would be a shame to waste such a gem of a manga.
Opening also suggests we will reach around 2/3 of the manga, hopefully they won’t adapt the whole thing in just this seasonal anime, because it would be a shame to waste such a gem of a manga.
@ShinoAlter Yes, they speedrun this, I cannot even acknowledge the anime as same as the webtoon that changed my life before. I will argue my reasons: 1. The slice-of-life parts in the webtoon are read more "serious" and dramatic than what I have seen in the anime (it's comparable to Idoly Pride anime Episode 7, when basically everything is dramatic and "normal"). What I have watched in the anime, it's not a normal. 2. There are new contents which are not existed in the webtoon before. |
Jul 11, 2024 12:27 PM
they're really rushing through this aren't they? episode 2 and we're at chapter 11 out of 100 already... ik it's to save budget but they're really using these chibi shots a lot. they're a big part of the manga art too but used way too often in the anime compared to the manga well, it's only 2 episodes so i can't judge. we'll just have to wait and see from here. by the looks of it (from the OP) it might even get to the end of the manga by the final episode, which is 100 chapters.... i'm sorry but in no world is that gonna feel well paced lol |
Jul 11, 2024 12:27 PM
MY HEART!!! I don't think I've ever reacted to an episode of anything this emotionally (bar Death Note). I love the inserts from the manga! They add so much. Also, I don't mind if they cover everything from the manga in this season. If it's short and sweet, I can certainly vibe with that and that way I can also recommend it to my friends who don't like longer shows, too. |
Hello from whatever year I left this comment in! It's funny, we're separated by so many years, and yet we're both enjoying the same media... Enjoy the present :) |
Jul 11, 2024 12:29 PM
ShinoAlter said: Judging by the description of the episode they really speedrun through the manga don’t they? Opening also suggests we will reach around 2/3 of the manga, hopefully they won’t adapt the whole thing in just this seasonal anime, because it would be a shame to waste such a gem of a manga. After seeing the actual episode: - it isn’t a total trainwreck, but they are making those slice of life scenes far too light-hearted - I hope we will quickly get to the point where the doodles fade away and the serious tone will actually be serious (the last scenes makes me hopeful) - with the speed they are going with, they are either planning on adapting it with split cours, or cutting a very large part of the manga (and judging by the opening I sadly know which it might be) - if they cut Aoi dedicated arcs, I will give this anime a 1/10 and just focus myself on supporting the manga and Pomu, it will end up being a worse disappointment than ReLIFE |
mlem Also read Ookami Shounen wa Kyou mo Uso wo Kasaneru (Bless Botan) |
Jul 11, 2024 12:31 PM
Reply to eleven_exists
they're really rushing through this aren't they? episode 2 and we're at chapter 11 out of 100 already...
ik it's to save budget but they're really using these chibi shots a lot. they're a big part of the manga art too but used way too often in the anime compared to the manga
well, it's only 2 episodes so i can't judge. we'll just have to wait and see from here. by the looks of it (from the OP) it might even get to the end of the manga by the final episode, which is 100 chapters.... i'm sorry but in no world is that gonna feel well paced lol
ik it's to save budget but they're really using these chibi shots a lot. they're a big part of the manga art too but used way too often in the anime compared to the manga
well, it's only 2 episodes so i can't judge. we'll just have to wait and see from here. by the looks of it (from the OP) it might even get to the end of the manga by the final episode, which is 100 chapters.... i'm sorry but in no world is that gonna feel well paced lol
@eleven_exists See the credits regarding the genga and douga, ... It's already nearly the same disaster MAPPA has in Zombieland Saga series. I have never seen those credits as lot as what I know from Project No. 9 (especially when they was working with Pony Canyon). |
Jul 11, 2024 12:34 PM
honestly i was gonna drop it after the first episode just based off the premise but this episode crushed my expectations an it was perfectly paced although a shot or 2 of them taking pictures would of been great but this episode just hit all the cute and comedy notes perfectly |
Jul 11, 2024 12:43 PM
The handkerchief shouldn't be hard to explain, just tell the mother it was a keepsake from Saki. It'd make her happy, and it's even the truth. This does make me wonder how they manage parent/teacher days, though. |
Jul 11, 2024 12:57 PM
Just say it's Aoi's lol not that hard. She might think you're a bit of a perv but that's fine. Just don't panic and say it's Aoi's handkerchief. Still kinda funny the serious dark mood over a handkerchief |
Jul 11, 2024 1:03 PM
“All the cute things in this world are meant for girls.” It really sucks that society pushes these gender and sexual norms on people instead of encouraging people to pursue what makes them happy. It’s not hurting anyone to dress how you want. Makoto having to hide who he really is from his mom was really sad to see. Even though they have it a comedic spin, I was heartbroken that he felt like that even around the woman that brought him into this world. Changing the way he was sitting, the way he talks and carries himself.. that has to be so miserable to live in a cage like that. His only respite really is the time he spends with Aoi and Ryuji. The summer fireworks and water park segments were so good and I love how protective Aoi and Ryuji are of him, making sure he zipped his hoodie up so as to not show too much skin 😂 Being only able to dress as a girl at school sucks so much, I loved seeing Makoto go out with his friends and go dress and heel shopping, it was so damn sweet. Now one thing that confused me here was that I was under the impression that he still wants to identify as a boy, but wants to dress as a girl, or what society usually defines girls as dressing, and do “feminine” things. But he was happy that the guy thought he was a girl, so does he want to fully be a girl and is therefore trans? I’m not an expert on it so don’t be offended please! I do know that it’s a wide spectrum of gender and sexuality and that people shouldn’t feel confined to one. Whatever his choice, he deserves to be free and happy and at the least I’m glad he has friends who love him for him. “Thank you for staying my friend even though I’m like this” this brought some tears to my eyes because Makoto, don’t be silly. You being you is WHY people love you! Uh oh, that cliffhanger with his mom.. I need next ep. |
Marinate1016Jul 11, 2024 1:41 PM
Jul 11, 2024 1:24 PM
Makoto's situation sucks but Ryuji would have a much harder time coming out (if he ever decide to do that) because the better you hide the shocker your familiy's reaction. |
Jul 11, 2024 1:37 PM
Jul 11, 2024 2:45 PM
Jul 11, 2024 2:51 PM
Not even much of a cliffhanger. He can always say Aoi left it there from the last time she visited. He's going to give it back after summer break, and school starts again. He hid the handkerchief because of the reason that his mom would get the wrong idea. That's all he needs to tell her. |
MoppitJul 11, 2024 3:03 PM
Jul 11, 2024 3:02 PM
On a side note, is Makoto the only one that ever uses the school shed? I know anime has to anime. No clubs or maintenance people really care about school uniform or dress hanging up by the garden tools or whatever else on there? |
Jul 11, 2024 3:30 PM
The excessive chibi scenes are fine for now, compliments the more comedic nature of the show well, especially with how that girl acts. Be interesting to see how much they use it when the show takes a more serious turn every now and then. A bit too in my face with the Mother's obvious dislike of her Son harvesting feelings for anything girly, that dialogue while they in the kitchen, "I guess it's fine. It's something Boys do" and "It's fine. This isn't a job for boys". lol, I get it, you don't have to hit me over the head with it. I'm a bit ambivalent about this sort of thing though, like even the final scene in the "dimly lit room with the pink handkerchief (lol)", it may be excessive and over the top, but I can understand where a "concerned parent" is coming from, the Mother obviously thought it was all behind in the past, refuses/unable to understand her son. The "random guy tries to hit on somebody" trope was lame as usual, thankfully that shit only lasted about 20 seconds. But again, these tropes are used to make statements instead of just comedic effect, this one to signify that he does, in fact, "pass the eye test". |
GakutoDeathGlareJul 11, 2024 3:49 PM
Jul 11, 2024 3:51 PM
Jul 11, 2024 4:10 PM
Jul 11, 2024 4:13 PM
I want to give this anime a chance but, I just don't sit well with the whole concept of a boy crossdressing as a girl because of the complexity of his looks. Also, I find the supporting characters not all that fun to watch. Guess to avoid more controversies from my comment I just gonna drop it. |
Jul 11, 2024 4:18 PM
Ok nice episode, the start kind of stayed on my mind for quite a lot of the episode. So basically, he finds girly stuff cute, I keep thinking what I've said on the last episode, about how I think just cause he crossdresses, it doesn't mean he wants to be a woman, but I get that if you want to look pretty on the dresses, your body might give you a hard time (and the gender dysphoria and etc but that hasn't pop up yet), well it doesn't matter so far I guess, if he is trans or not, what matters is how people can emphasize with this, how they can relate to his experience. Even I kind of did, and I'm just a straight guy, like how you cross your legs, sometimes you feel the pressure of having to act like a guy, cause you don't want to be mocked or whatever reason, then you realize this is all silly of course but I sort of vibed with how Makoto behave at home a little. Now about the story, this episode I'm starting to think that Aoi feels like a pet/daughter and that Ryuji and Makoto are the actual couple lol. It was nice of her to invite him and crossdress outside obviously, and surprisingly not blowing up his cover when she went to his house (I thought he was done for). As for the mom, well yeah, from the first flashback I thought she was chill and just suggested the blue one instead, but now with that last scene we can tell she's just ill lol. Some are saying "say it's Aoi's" I thought the same, but as some have pointed out: 1. why was it hidden and 2. it doesn't matter if she actually gave it to him, the mom is ill enough to convince herself that it's a lie, she's too obsessed oof. Kind of wild that we are getting this confrontation so soon (but after reading the complains about the manga adaptation i'm guessing it's not soon lol). I didn't expect him to fit the dress that smoothly, I thought he would choose a different design but I guess it all looks cool in anime anyway. The fucking scenes of Ryuuji blushing at Makoto's chest bro...xd. |
Jul 11, 2024 4:24 PM
The constant use of chibi is making it hard to get immersed in the story for me. Its just visually....jarring. With 20+ on my watchlist this season, some need to be dropped for now so this just isn't going to make the cut. |
Jul 11, 2024 4:24 PM
Reply to MadLadOfCulture
I want to give this anime a chance but, I just don't sit well with the whole concept of a boy crossdressing as a girl because of the complexity of his looks. Also, I find the supporting characters not all that fun to watch. Guess to avoid more controversies from my comment I just gonna drop it.
@MadLadOfCulture I mean, yes you are right, this isn't just a boy crossdressing, it's clearly pointing towards sending a certain message, I honestly believe that if one is respectful, there shouldn't be a problem voicing one's opinion, but I get it, I've also had trouble with misunderstandings when sharing my opinion about these complex topics like you say, so I get when you prefer to avoid commenting all together T_T. But you are right, the supporting characters aren't all that special so I get if you aren't feeling it, I think Hourou Musuko is way more interesting, now that's a show that I'd watch regardless of the topic it presents, it's just that enjoyable for me, the story and characters are really interesting. |
Jul 11, 2024 4:26 PM
Reply to maraviax
The constant use of chibi is making it hard to get immersed in the story for me. Its just visually....jarring. With 20+ on my watchlist this season, some need to be dropped for now so this just isn't going to make the cut.
@maraviax Man I could name like 10 reasons to drop this, but I can't believe people are so annoyed at the chibi stuff, when I watched Hanako-kun, that shit annoyed me so much but I kept going and no one bat an eye, but I've read this in the other episode thread, here, and they even make a different thread about the topic. Like I get it, that shit annoyed me a lot in Bookworm too, but I wouldn't say it's so frequent for a person to drop the show because of it |
Jul 11, 2024 4:43 PM
Reply to Greek12
@maraviax Man I could name like 10 reasons to drop this, but I can't believe people are so annoyed at the chibi stuff, when I watched Hanako-kun, that shit annoyed me so much but I kept going and no one bat an eye, but I've read this in the other episode thread, here, and they even make a different thread about the topic. Like I get it, that shit annoyed me a lot in Bookworm too, but I wouldn't say it's so frequent for a person to drop the show because of it
@Kismet69 I'm ok with chibi when used in moderation. I watched Hanako too, but think the difference was I watched it all in one go, verses weekly installments. Its only the last year or so I started watching series as they are released vs after completion. I think I could probably watch this show in one go, and might give it a try at some point in the future if time allows. But with limited time spread between a ton of releases, even the smallest of reasons can move a series to "on hold" for me. Besides, some just work better in a binge situation. DanMachi S4 comes to mind. I was absolutely hating it because of the pacing. After the season ended, I binged it all and it was great. |
Jul 11, 2024 5:14 PM
I’m going to give Makoto pass, I don’t blame him for dressing up as a girl. The guy looks like the third triplet of Naori and Rumi |
Jul 11, 2024 5:18 PM
I think it would be pretty cool to push Makoto's mom into traffic |
Jul 11, 2024 6:11 PM
BLUD a firework episode this early? WTF GEH HARD GEH cimeatic perfection tho 5/5 |
ScootboiJul 11, 2024 6:27 PM
Jul 11, 2024 7:20 PM
Reply to Marinate1016
“All the cute things in this world are meant for girls.” It really sucks that society pushes these gender and sexual norms on people instead of encouraging people to pursue what makes them happy. It’s not hurting anyone to dress how you want.
Makoto having to hide who he really is from his mom was really sad to see. Even though they have it a comedic spin, I was heartbroken that he felt like that even around the woman that brought him into this world. Changing the way he was sitting, the way he talks and carries himself.. that has to be so miserable to live in a cage like that. His only respite really is the time he spends with Aoi and Ryuji.
The summer fireworks and water park segments were so good and I love how protective Aoi and Ryuji are of him, making sure he zipped his hoodie up so as to not show too much skin 😂
Being only able to dress as a girl at school sucks so much, I loved seeing Makoto go out with his friends and go dress and heel shopping, it was so damn sweet. Now one thing that confused me here was that I was under the impression that he still wants to identify as a boy, but wants to dress as a girl, or what society usually defines girls as dressing, and do “feminine” things. But he was happy that the guy thought he was a girl, so does he want to fully be a girl and is therefore trans? I’m not an expert on it so don’t be offended please!
I do know that it’s a wide spectrum of gender and sexuality and that people shouldn’t feel confined to one. Whatever his choice, he deserves to be free and happy and at the least I’m glad he has friends who love him for him.
“Thank you for staying my friend even though I’m like this” this brought some tears to my eyes because Makoto, don’t be silly. You being you is WHY people love you!
Uh oh, that cliffhanger with his mom.. I need next ep.
Makoto having to hide who he really is from his mom was really sad to see. Even though they have it a comedic spin, I was heartbroken that he felt like that even around the woman that brought him into this world. Changing the way he was sitting, the way he talks and carries himself.. that has to be so miserable to live in a cage like that. His only respite really is the time he spends with Aoi and Ryuji.
The summer fireworks and water park segments were so good and I love how protective Aoi and Ryuji are of him, making sure he zipped his hoodie up so as to not show too much skin 😂
Being only able to dress as a girl at school sucks so much, I loved seeing Makoto go out with his friends and go dress and heel shopping, it was so damn sweet. Now one thing that confused me here was that I was under the impression that he still wants to identify as a boy, but wants to dress as a girl, or what society usually defines girls as dressing, and do “feminine” things. But he was happy that the guy thought he was a girl, so does he want to fully be a girl and is therefore trans? I’m not an expert on it so don’t be offended please!
I do know that it’s a wide spectrum of gender and sexuality and that people shouldn’t feel confined to one. Whatever his choice, he deserves to be free and happy and at the least I’m glad he has friends who love him for him.
“Thank you for staying my friend even though I’m like this” this brought some tears to my eyes because Makoto, don’t be silly. You being you is WHY people love you!
Uh oh, that cliffhanger with his mom.. I need next ep.
Marinate1016 said: Being only able to dress as a girl at school sucks so much, I loved seeing Makoto go out with his friends and go dress and heel shopping, it was so damn sweet. Now one thing that confused me here was that I was under the impression that he still wants to identify as a boy, but wants to dress as a girl, or what society usually defines girls as dressing, and do “feminine” things. But he was happy that the guy thought he was a girl, so does he want to fully be a girl and is therefore trans? I’m not an expert on it so don’t be offended please! I do know that it’s a wide spectrum of gender and sexuality and that people shouldn’t feel confined to one. Whatever his choice, he deserves to be free and happy and at the least I’m glad he has friends who love him for him. This is exactly what I was thinking watching this episode. Both are equally reasonable and I'm curious to see which direction they go with it. Whichever it is, hopefully both (or more) are given equal support, and totally agree on the last point there! |
Censorship is vandalism. |
Jul 11, 2024 8:15 PM
When I have a brand new hairdo With my eyelashes all in curls I float as the clouds on air do I enjoy being a girl |
Jul 11, 2024 8:26 PM
probably the most relatable anime I've seen in a really long time. I remember my parents not letting me have any amount of self-expression because they said it would embarrass them, and it felt like I could never be myself anywhere. at least Makoto can dress how they want at school, and have a couple of supportive friends. |
Jul 11, 2024 8:47 PM
Taiga Ryuji is the most blatant Toradora reference lmao. And when he actually saw Makoto in a dress, he’s like “daga, otoko da” |
Jul 11, 2024 9:10 PM
Reply to Marinate1016
“All the cute things in this world are meant for girls.” It really sucks that society pushes these gender and sexual norms on people instead of encouraging people to pursue what makes them happy. It’s not hurting anyone to dress how you want.
Makoto having to hide who he really is from his mom was really sad to see. Even though they have it a comedic spin, I was heartbroken that he felt like that even around the woman that brought him into this world. Changing the way he was sitting, the way he talks and carries himself.. that has to be so miserable to live in a cage like that. His only respite really is the time he spends with Aoi and Ryuji.
The summer fireworks and water park segments were so good and I love how protective Aoi and Ryuji are of him, making sure he zipped his hoodie up so as to not show too much skin 😂
Being only able to dress as a girl at school sucks so much, I loved seeing Makoto go out with his friends and go dress and heel shopping, it was so damn sweet. Now one thing that confused me here was that I was under the impression that he still wants to identify as a boy, but wants to dress as a girl, or what society usually defines girls as dressing, and do “feminine” things. But he was happy that the guy thought he was a girl, so does he want to fully be a girl and is therefore trans? I’m not an expert on it so don’t be offended please!
I do know that it’s a wide spectrum of gender and sexuality and that people shouldn’t feel confined to one. Whatever his choice, he deserves to be free and happy and at the least I’m glad he has friends who love him for him.
“Thank you for staying my friend even though I’m like this” this brought some tears to my eyes because Makoto, don’t be silly. You being you is WHY people love you!
Uh oh, that cliffhanger with his mom.. I need next ep.
Makoto having to hide who he really is from his mom was really sad to see. Even though they have it a comedic spin, I was heartbroken that he felt like that even around the woman that brought him into this world. Changing the way he was sitting, the way he talks and carries himself.. that has to be so miserable to live in a cage like that. His only respite really is the time he spends with Aoi and Ryuji.
The summer fireworks and water park segments were so good and I love how protective Aoi and Ryuji are of him, making sure he zipped his hoodie up so as to not show too much skin 😂
Being only able to dress as a girl at school sucks so much, I loved seeing Makoto go out with his friends and go dress and heel shopping, it was so damn sweet. Now one thing that confused me here was that I was under the impression that he still wants to identify as a boy, but wants to dress as a girl, or what society usually defines girls as dressing, and do “feminine” things. But he was happy that the guy thought he was a girl, so does he want to fully be a girl and is therefore trans? I’m not an expert on it so don’t be offended please!
I do know that it’s a wide spectrum of gender and sexuality and that people shouldn’t feel confined to one. Whatever his choice, he deserves to be free and happy and at the least I’m glad he has friends who love him for him.
“Thank you for staying my friend even though I’m like this” this brought some tears to my eyes because Makoto, don’t be silly. You being you is WHY people love you!
Uh oh, that cliffhanger with his mom.. I need next ep.
@Marinate1016 I think it's certainly leaning towards him being trans, but whether or not that subject gets tackled in any "legitimate" sense remains to be seen, but the series is clearly trans coded, if nothing else. Now, don't get confused that he refers to himself as a boy, because he's a male, that's just how society views him by default. We don't know how he truly wishes to identify, whether or not he's aware of what it means to be "trans" or whether that's even a real concept in the story itself. I would be surprised if the series didn't keep thinks more ambiguous, so to speak. |
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that. |
Jul 11, 2024 10:14 PM
Damn that cliffhanger.. I'm scared for Makoto |
Jul 11, 2024 11:00 PM
it was a nice episode but the ending? wth? whose parents would react like that because of a freaking handkerchief?? this is absolutely senseless... |
Jul 11, 2024 11:08 PM
「つーか、俺の好きはお前が思うような好きとは違うんだよ」 "Anyway, the way I like him is not the way you think I like him." ![]() Well done, Crunchyroll, for completely changing the context of what was said. 👏 |
PiromyslJul 11, 2024 11:58 PM
Jul 11, 2024 11:17 PM
Kismet69 said: @maraviax Man I could name like 10 reasons to drop this, but I can't believe people are so annoyed at the chibi stuff, when I watched Hanako-kun, that shit annoyed me so much but I kept going and no one bat an eye, but I've read this in the other episode thread, here, and they even make a different thread about the topic. Like I get it, that shit annoyed me a lot in Bookworm too, but I wouldn't say it's so frequent for a person to drop the show because of it The difference is that in Hanako and Bookworm, it actually looked cute. This, however, looks a bit cheap and grotesque. |
Jul 11, 2024 11:25 PM
Makoto's starting to give me the creeps. I've got an interest in crossdressing, myself, but there's wearing dresses and then there's straight-up feminine vanity. Even back when I was straight, I thought high heels were ugly and makeup was a form of catfishing, and I know plenty of actual straight guys who agree. And what got me even more was how he acts. The way he overcompensates for his (allegedly) feminine mannerisms around his mom definitely rubbed me the wrong way, and wearing a shirt in a pool just sounds like torture. But what got me the most was a one-second scene where he's sitting on a couch, realizes his legs are too close together, and then panics. Maybe Asians are built different from Whites, seeing as how Light Yagami crossed his legs that one time, but there is no way that he didn't feel extremely uncomfortable in that position. The male pelvis is designed so that our legs are naturally spread further apart, and while I don't remember what position his legs were in, however it was, it would have either been very hard to hold (pushed together) or downright impossible to pull off (crossed). This goes beyond the realm of being a femboy and breaches into biological deformity. |
Jul 12, 2024 12:55 AM
I don’t know whether I should feel sorry for the guy Makoto blew off or relieved for him. I guess he would’ve had his heart broken either way. And I think Makoto's going to play this off somehow. Lie and say the hanky was for Saki or something. And if not I only hope she's understanding. |
. |
Jul 12, 2024 1:50 AM
Jul 12, 2024 1:54 AM
Makoto is always interested in feminine things, such as cute things, even though he is a male from birth. Not that it's not allowed, but generally isn't that strange? He's more interested in feminine stuffs than boy stuffs. In fact, looks like he himself doesn't seem to like boy things. Makoto can be said to be: "A female soul, trapped in a male body". Every time before Makoto goes home, he always takes the time to change from his "girl" school clothes into "boy" school clothes. Why does he always do this? This was all because his mother hated him if he behaved and dressed like a woman. His mother even forbade Makoto from keeping and owning things that were considered cute. However, Makoto has two friends who are relatively close to him, namely Ryuuji and Aoi. They are both very supportive of what Makoto likes. One proof of this is, next Aoi asked him to go shopping for women's clothes, more precisely dresses, and Ryuuji accompanied them. |
Jul 12, 2024 2:37 AM
why is his mom so freaked out about a little piece of cloth...I feel so sorry for Makoto but I'm glad he has friends who's always by his side no matter what |
Jul 12, 2024 4:32 AM
Reply to 0k_Cxz
Makoto’s mom is so dramatic, it’s just a piece of fabric. Don’t get depressed over that -_-
I don’t see the matter that a boy likes cute things, they are made for everyone like them (even if they don’t admit it). Also, is not a “girl’s thing” doing chores… what an old fashioned thought, Miss.
I don’t see the matter that a boy likes cute things, they are made for everyone like them (even if they don’t admit it). Also, is not a “girl’s thing” doing chores… what an old fashioned thought, Miss.
Isn't that the usual fear about what others will talk about their family and the rejection of stuff that differs from what's considered to be normal? |
Jul 12, 2024 4:49 AM
mom will really start an interrogation over a pink handkerchief ^^' saying is Aoi's is such an obvious solution... the fact that he kept hidden even suggest that was doing some perv stuff with it, what his mother probably would like... a very "boy thing" |
Jul 12, 2024 4:55 AM
again too many gags.. yet quite a soothing ep |
ℓαυgнтєя мαкєѕ тнє ωσяℓ∂ ѕραякℓє! » Yoko Honna - Country Road « 0:01 ─〇────── 4:25 ↺ |◁ II ▷| ♡ |
Jul 12, 2024 6:19 AM
Damn Makoto's mom is intense. Not sure if she is overprotective in general worried he will be bullied or if she is afraid he is gay and wont give her grandkids in the future or what . Though why wasn't Makoto worried aver the pink notebook? Bad colour choice for the anime or does the manga show it is pink? Marinate1016 said: “All the cute things in this world are meant for girls.” It really sucks that society pushes these gender and sexual norms on people instead of encouraging people to pursue what makes them happy. It’s not hurting anyone to dress how you want. Makoto having to hide who he really is from his mom was really sad to see. Even though they have it a comedic spin, I was heartbroken that he felt like that even around the woman that brought him into this world. Changing the way he was sitting, the way he talks and carries himself.. that has to be so miserable to live in a cage like that. His only respite really is the time he spends with Aoi and Ryuji. The summer fireworks and water park segments were so good and I love how protective Aoi and Ryuji are of him, making sure he zipped his hoodie up so as to not show too much skin 😂 Being only able to dress as a girl at school sucks so much, I loved seeing Makoto go out with his friends and go dress and heel shopping, it was so damn sweet. Now one thing that confused me here was that I was under the impression that he still wants to identify as a boy, but wants to dress as a girl, or what society usually defines girls as dressing, and do “feminine” things. But he was happy that the guy thought he was a girl, so does he want to fully be a girl and is therefore trans? I’m not an expert on it so don’t be offended please! I do know that it’s a wide spectrum of gender and sexuality and that people shouldn’t feel confined to one. Whatever his choice, he deserves to be free and happy and at the least I’m glad he has friends who love him for him. “Thank you for staying my friend even though I’m like this” this brought some tears to my eyes because Makoto, don’t be silly. You being you is WHY people love you! Uh oh, that cliffhanger with his mom.. I need next ep. Unless I read wrong no one in Japan identifies as an "otokonoko" except cosplayers probably because it is a pun that doesnt work as good spoken, so if Makoto is meant to be trans it would be poor representation of that and I don't think someone would make that mistake from seeing how things are presented in a pretty empathetic way. The term otokonoko is specifically an animanga and cosplayer thing. So it makes it difficult to interpret. The way I see it is Matoko just likes cute things thus likes to be seen as cute himself so being happy a guy thought he was a cute girl I dont think is inherently a transgirl thing. Closest term to describe Makoto in English I think might be "gender queer" because he doesnt seem uncomfortable with his body and does not self identify as anything but a boy and there is a view he seems to have that things shouldnt be gendered. However supposedly according to one site I saw Japanese did import the term as jendaakia ジェンダークィア but ive never heard it once yet and I assume it is not a common term at all so most likely never heard it even if that were correct Fishb0i said: Makoto's starting to give me the creeps. I've got an interest in crossdressing, myself, but there's wearing dresses and then there's straight-up feminine vanity. Even back when I was straight, I thought high heels were ugly and makeup was a form of catfishing, and I know plenty of actual straight guys who agree. And what got me even more was how he acts. The way he overcompensates for his (allegedly) feminine mannerisms around his mom definitely rubbed me the wrong way, and wearing a shirt in a pool just sounds like torture. But what got me the most was a one-second scene where he's sitting on a couch, realizes his legs are too close together, and then panics. Maybe Asians are built different from Whites, seeing as how Light Yagami crossed his legs that one time, but there is no way that he didn't feel extremely uncomfortable in that position. The male pelvis is designed so that our legs are naturally spread further apart, and while I don't remember what position his legs were in, however it was, it would have either been very hard to hold (pushed together) or downright impossible to pull off (crossed). This goes beyond the realm of being a femboy and breaches into biological deformity. I think he just fawns over "cute" things in general which is very Japanese as is so it is cultural difference influencing you. It isn't necessarily that he is trying to be feminine, it was already said before cute things are considered to be for girls. I dont like how heels look either. I have no problem comfortably sitting with my legs together sitting down or crossing at the ankle or at the knee, though i also tent to slouch and lounge around in comfy clothes which might be part of it. Only rarely need readjusting. Not sure why you say that since in females their hip bone connects literally further apart at the pelvis due to wider pelvis, they just have more fat on their thighs and a steeper femur angle due to the wider hips but many have a thigh gap rather than thighs touching in fact a thigh gap is only a thing when someone's hips are wide enough unless someone is very underweight so a guy's thighs often would touch if knees together. TheSuave said: I don’t know whether I should feel sorry for the guy Makoto blew off or relieved for him. I guess he would’ve had his heart broken either way. And I think Makoto's going to play this off somehow. Lie and say the hanky was for Saki or something. And if not I only hope she's understanding. Id think he could have just said she gave hers to him too and he had held off returning it. She seemed pretty excited at the prospect he is into girls. Ecarteo said: it was a nice episode but the ending? wth? whose parents would react like that because of a freaking handkerchief?? this is absolutely senseless... I wouldnt put it above my mom to do the same if it was same situation. |
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Jul 12, 2024 6:42 AM
Is "otokonoko" a "ladyboy"? This episode was better than the first but I still hope the anime takes itself more seriously with its subject matter. |
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