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Whisper Me a Love Song
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Jun 22, 2024 9:58 AM

Dec 2021
Annnnd we're back.

After hearing from Shiho about her motivation to go pro, Himari becomes convinced that if they had a proper opportunity to talk, Laureley and the SSGIRLS could become friends. She decides to hold a tasting event in the cooking club, where both groups can gather. However, contrary to Himari's hopes, the event quickly becomes tense. Furthermore, Shiho, visibly irritated upon learning that Himari and Yori are a couple, stipulates that for the band showdown to take place, Himari must become the manager of Laureley.

Oh sweet Himari... you tried... that's all that matters... I guess lol. Don't know what is up with these CGDCT anime this season, with basically all of them being not only about them in a band of some sorts, but also deciding to have drama in them AT THE SAME TIME. Though this is pretty tame compared to the others this season. Also I guess dudes just don't exist in this anime because somehow, someway two girls like the same girl... okay lol. I do like Shiho, so as long as she continues to be a part of the show I'm happy.

At least the production looks better than it did a couple of weeks, so that's a sign...

Jun 22, 2024 10:05 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Our dramatic cutie pies are finally back! As expected, the show looks a bit better this time.

Shiho continues to make this very interesting to watch. And yeah, she's clearly into Himari.

Will Himari become Lauraley's manager? I can't wait to see the competition.

SerafosJun 22, 2024 11:28 AM
Jun 22, 2024 11:06 AM
Mar 2021
I wonder how the next meeting with Hima is gonna go next week👀
Jun 22, 2024 11:13 AM

Jul 2017
After 2 weeks, SasaKoi is back, and at least it looks better visually now.

Shiho's plan to go pro is only shared to Himari, though it's just like the melodramas of the past being in conflict with bandmates and the like.

Himari wanting to have a taste-testing party to gather all of the SSGIRLS and the Cooking Club girls altogether, it's rather awkward in the pursuit to become friends, much less overstepping boundaries of Shiho's endless continuing conflict with Aki. What's shocking for Shiho of her best friend being a couple with Yori, that was the literate kicker that the former could not stand for, wanting to challenge SSGIRLS with Himari being the bet to be Laureley's manager if they won. And instead, Himari just went with the flow being the naive girl she is, surprising the Laureley girls, but still being willing to be their manager for the cultural festival. Whatever it is now, the inevitable conflict between SSGIRLS and Laureley has been fated, and Aki feels that she's responsible for getting Himari involved in their matter, that Yori immediately dismisses her worries in her facade. Deep down, Yori realizing that Himari has been stolen from her, she really wants to win this badly.

The summer vacation benigns its arrival, and as much as both Himari and Yori only could have love at school and focus a lot on their song repertoire for the cultural festival, things are heating up, though the disses between Shiho and Haji rack up when the former actually tries, knowing their history will bring the depth of the Laureley girls as a whole, and why they do, what they do.

It's a scary conflict incoming of music and feelings, that's for sure.
Jun 22, 2024 11:16 AM

May 2015
The animation has become barely more than mouth movement and occasional arm movements a few times sprinkled with panning shots over minimalistic still pictures. I don't know how this production could got delayed when it couldn't be too much work to deliver that that we saw in this episode.
IshitatesoJun 22, 2024 3:33 PM
夏草や 兵どもが 夢の跡
Jun 22, 2024 11:32 AM

Mar 2021
So great to see the girls again, Shiho one again being toxic and causing more drama just to feed her ego that girl just can't chill, I so hope Yuri and the SSGIRLS defeat her comprehensively at the summer festival.
Reecey91Jun 22, 2024 11:36 AM
Jun 22, 2024 12:34 PM

Feb 2019
It’s usually kind of deflating coming to this series after Yorukura episodes, but fairs this was a really good episode. 2 weeks off and the animation quality is still .. well, yea. Probably gonna be subpar throughout but when you hear the working conditions, it is what it is.

Shiho continues to be the best part of the show adding just the perfect amount of spice and drama we need. Fair play to Hima for trying to bring everyone together with a meal party after school, if there’s anyone cute enough to stop the beef it’s her, but it didn’t go the way she expected at all..

I honestly thought Aki’s feelings for Yori were gonna get exposed by Shiho, but fairs she kept it a secret. But making Hima be their manager is actually diabolical 💀 she knows just how to wage psychological warfare.

This actually might have been a blessing in disguise for Yori though because now she has even more motivation to win, and show up Shiho in particular. It’s so cute how jealous she gets over Hima being around anyone else

“I was just thinking about how much less I’ll get to see you over break” 😭 ok man I know the relationship pretty shallow, but damn they have so many cute moments. Looking forward to seeing their break dates.

I wonder what’s gonna end up being the reason Shiho and the girls got together.. got an ominous vibe from what Shiho was saying there.
Marinate1016Jun 22, 2024 1:05 PM
Jun 22, 2024 1:17 PM

Aug 2022
Pleasant surprise seeing this on the website I use to watch anime, I wasn't sure how long the delay was but I'm happy its back, Another great episode and where getting closer to seeing the real reason behind Shiho's band joining together i love both bands but Ill always be rooting for Shiho's band more.

Still cutting out bits and pieces here and there but nothing bad enough to really affect the shows story. I really doubt this will end at the end of volume 6 anymore it seems like they want to adapt the whole story of Shiho's band.

Excited for the next episode as usual
Jun 22, 2024 1:19 PM

Aug 2022
Reply to IzanaSolos
Annnnd we're back.

After hearing from Shiho about her motivation to go pro, Himari becomes convinced that if they had a proper opportunity to talk, Laureley and the SSGIRLS could become friends. She decides to hold a tasting event in the cooking club, where both groups can gather. However, contrary to Himari's hopes, the event quickly becomes tense. Furthermore, Shiho, visibly irritated upon learning that Himari and Yori are a couple, stipulates that for the band showdown to take place, Himari must become the manager of Laureley.

Oh sweet Himari... you tried... that's all that matters... I guess lol. Don't know what is up with these CGDCT anime this season, with basically all of them being not only about them in a band of some sorts, but also deciding to have drama in them AT THE SAME TIME. Though this is pretty tame compared to the others this season. Also I guess dudes just don't exist in this anime because somehow, someway two girls like the same girl... okay lol. I do like Shiho, so as long as she continues to be a part of the show I'm happy.

At least the production looks better than it did a couple of weeks, so that's a sign...
@IzanaSolos That's a trend with most gl shows not having boys. One of the few shows which didn't follow that trend was bloom into you.
Jun 22, 2024 2:24 PM

Dec 2015
Have to give it to Himari trying to be the mediator. She brings up some good questions but keeps stepping on so many land mines though.

On another note, I'm glad the show is back. Hopefully the creators are doing better now and send this show off on a good note.
Notice: I read most manga in Japanese now so I'm not sure where you can read in English. Sorry in advance.
Jun 22, 2024 3:31 PM

Jun 2023
Weekly yuri’s back
Jun 22, 2024 3:34 PM
Jan 2024
Things seem to be heating up as per usual! Wonder how things will go now..
Jun 22, 2024 3:35 PM
Mar 2020
Reply to hai_X_is
Have to give it to Himari trying to be the mediator. She brings up some good questions but keeps stepping on so many land mines though.

On another note, I'm glad the show is back. Hopefully the creators are doing better now and send this show off on a good note.
@hai_X_is I’m glad someone is actually stepping on the land mines, they have to be resolved and Shiho in particular seems to not be interested in mending anything
Jun 22, 2024 3:39 PM

Jul 2022
Finally, it returned. Although the episode was good, the two-week break was noticeable. It felt a bit more fluid and without so many transitions. I still don't like Shiho very much, especially for involving Himari in the band conflict. But I think Laureley is going to win, and Himari will ask Shiho as a favor to tell Aki why she left the band.

Jun 22, 2024 4:46 PM

Dec 2018
Nice to finally have this back, I definitely felt the absence of this one the last two weeks, my Saturdays don’t feel right without ending it with some yuri and rock music lol. And this was a great episode to come back to, the art looked great so that’s promising so far, of course there wasn’t a lot of animation but this episode didn’t really call for it, I’m just hoping when the battle of the bands comes they really deliver. And when it comes to the content itself, the spice just got turned up to 11 when Shiho decided to make Kino her band’s manager when she found out that Kino is Yori’s girlfriend, I wonder what that could possibly mean lol.

And poor Kino just wanted to have the girls settle things peacefully but we all knew that wasn’t gonna happen, she’s lucky it ended with Shiho simply walking away lol, but with her as Lorelei’s manager now perhaps she can defuse things from the inside, I’m hoping the story of how Lorelei got together will give us some answers, they got me really curious now with how they reacted to Kino’s question. And on the SSGIRLS side of things, they now have to come up with a way to fight back against Lorelei, and they ended up coming to writing a new song, but if you ask me, stretching Sunny Spot into a 10 minute jam vehicle is the way, faces will be melted lol. Maybe they could still do that but have an uninterrupted segue into the new song, I can dream.

And looks like they’re still using the Lorelei ED, I’m definitely a fan of that, but I did love the more chill first ED so hopefully it returns eventually.
Jun 22, 2024 5:57 PM

Aug 2022
All the talk about "SS members" out of context might be misunderstood as some reference to Nazi Germany. 🙃

Kidding aside, I appreciate that Himari tried to reconcile the two groups. Though Himari's naivete blew up in her face, ultimately resulting in her being dragged directly into the competition by Shiho's demand for a band manager.

Shiho's cageyness with why she left the band gives me the impression that she did have romantic feelings for Aki that weren't reciprocated.

Shiho's reaction to finding out that Himari and Yori are in a relationship is very interesting. Her immediate physical reaction, and the line where she says "I've had enough of getting everything stolen from me" is rather suspect.... Woah girl, didn't know that you were already possessive of Himari despite not being in a romantic relationship with her.

Wonder how the backstory will be in the next episode....
Jun 22, 2024 6:20 PM

Dec 2015
Reply to IJsland174829
@hai_X_is I’m glad someone is actually stepping on the land mines, they have to be resolved and Shiho in particular seems to not be interested in mending anything

Have to agree with you there. She's the mediator they need. Just hope it doesn't end up taking a toll on her later on.
Notice: I read most manga in Japanese now so I'm not sure where you can read in English. Sorry in advance.
Jun 22, 2024 8:09 PM
Sep 2020
So glad it's back :)
Jun 22, 2024 8:44 PM
John Titor

Jul 2017
It's a shame that production is a mess since this anime is becoming pretty interesting. I was really missing it. Himari was so fun trying to fix things just to make them worse. The ending song by Laurelay (I hope I'm writing the name correctly) was very good.
TitanOfPlasmaJun 23, 2024 12:47 PM
Mi música chiptune (auténtica, no fakebit) / My chiptune music (real, no fakebit)
Battle of the Bits
Jun 22, 2024 10:40 PM

Mar 2008
Hima-chan is just so sweet how she tries to do things for others.

Shiho I still cant quite get a read on but i get an impression of romantic feelings, cant say for sure.

Ahhh this episode felt too short. Hurry up and get the next ep coming
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Jun 23, 2024 12:04 AM
Jul 2014
Yeah, it's pretty obvious that Shiho has feelings for Aki, and left the band because she couldn't stand watching her pine for Yori any longer.

And then of course Yori actually joined the band, so she must have assumed that they were a couple now, hence her reaction on finding out that Yori and Hima were the couple instead. She almost blurted out about Aki's feelings for Yori but saved herself -- I don't think Aki would have forgiven that.

And now, tsun that she is, she's doubled down on the psychological warfare by pulling Hima away from Yori. I guess she's trying to make Yori feel what she was feeling, but I'm not really clear on what she thinks that'll actually accomplish (shouldn't she be wanting to do that to Aki instead?).

I'm certain this won't actually happen, but if her plan backfired Yori might actually get together with Aki after all. Not sure she really thought this one through. But then that's typical tsun behaviour.

I guess one other factor from the violin story is that we know she can't stand being second best, to the point that she was willing to give up the violin she loved entirely in order to show up her rival with a different instrument. There's probably a parallel there with not wanting to be second choice for Aki behind Yori, so she wants to beat Yori in another way, even if that means alienating Aki.
MiralityJun 23, 2024 12:10 AM
Jun 23, 2024 12:05 AM

Jan 2024
The story is still peak but the animation is still mediocre at best. But it's actually better that they are trying to finish this decently.

Good on Himrai for trying her best to makeup but that was doomed from start. Shiho making moves on Himrai just to get under Yori is actually smart
Shiho is really catching the spotlight now, last episodes back story and now this DRAMA. I didn't liked her at first but now she is the most interesting person and I am actually rooting for Laurelly members more. Although still want Shiho and Aki to make up by the end of the season.
Also the cliffhanger can't wait for next episode.

Glad they continued this ED so so much better than the last one and the OP too
Jun 23, 2024 1:52 AM
Dec 2022
Reply to TitanOfPlasma
It's a shame that production is a mess since this anime is becoming pretty interesting. I was really missing it. Himari was so fun trying to fix things just to make them worse. The ending song by Laurelay (I hope I'm writing the name correctly) was very good.
@TitanOfPlasma Yea it’s a shame the anime suffered so much from the production mess. I can only recommend you the manga…the art in the manga is way more beautiful then in the anime. There’s about 8 volumes out currently…the anime will probably go until 6th volume
Spiele_maus - Vocaloid, Anime & Manga Otaku

Hatsune Miku is my life! <3

Jun 23, 2024 1:56 AM
Dec 2022
The quality went up a bit again, so the 2 week break was worth it…still it’s sad to see how much the animation (as well as the people drawing it) suffer from the messy schedule behind stage….
Hopefully they will fix up a few scenes for the Blu-Ray release afterwards.

But storyline it was very good episode with good phasing
Spiele_maus - Vocaloid, Anime & Manga Otaku

Hatsune Miku is my life! <3

Jun 23, 2024 3:38 AM
Mar 2018
It was pretty fun to watch both groups interact, although I was expecting something more intense.

Himari becoming Loreley's manager is a good idea, I enjoy the time they spend together.
Jun 23, 2024 5:09 AM
Sep 2021
Himari is now the manager of Shiho's team & slowly she is learning about their team's past.
Jun 23, 2024 9:25 AM

Aug 2019
pushing the obvious aside: i gotta say i absolutely despise shiho and her character. wouldnt it be easier for everyone, including her if she just said why she quit the SS band? she could then just ignore their existence for the rest of her life is she so wished. she is the one keeping the two groups in a limbo.
also what was with that ending? did they kill someone and bury the body somewhere closeby? i cant wait to learn the reason why shiho is being dumb, because i know her reason will be just as if not more dumb than she is.
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Jun 23, 2024 9:27 AM

Aug 2019
Reply to Mirality
Yeah, it's pretty obvious that Shiho has feelings for Aki, and left the band because she couldn't stand watching her pine for Yori any longer.

And then of course Yori actually joined the band, so she must have assumed that they were a couple now, hence her reaction on finding out that Yori and Hima were the couple instead. She almost blurted out about Aki's feelings for Yori but saved herself -- I don't think Aki would have forgiven that.

And now, tsun that she is, she's doubled down on the psychological warfare by pulling Hima away from Yori. I guess she's trying to make Yori feel what she was feeling, but I'm not really clear on what she thinks that'll actually accomplish (shouldn't she be wanting to do that to Aki instead?).

I'm certain this won't actually happen, but if her plan backfired Yori might actually get together with Aki after all. Not sure she really thought this one through. But then that's typical tsun behaviour.

I guess one other factor from the violin story is that we know she can't stand being second best, to the point that she was willing to give up the violin she loved entirely in order to show up her rival with a different instrument. There's probably a parallel there with not wanting to be second choice for Aki behind Yori, so she wants to beat Yori in another way, even if that means alienating Aki.
Mirality said:
And now, tsun that she is, she's doubled down on the psychological warfare by pulling Hima away from Yori. I guess she's trying to make Yori feel what she was feeling, but I'm not really clear on what she thinks that'll actually accomplish (shouldn't she be wanting to do that to Aki instead?).

yeah no shihos character makes no sense to me and i hate her from the bottom of my heart
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Jun 23, 2024 9:49 AM

Aug 2008
So Shiho likes Aki I guess... soap opera plot demands it.

Animation has never been good but I am curious if the story is following the manga? Because I am finding most of this to be pretty distasteful tbh. Thought about switching to the source material but if the plot is faithful I won't bother.
Jun 23, 2024 1:42 PM
Sep 2020
@gswelcome - it's pretty much straight following the manga with this plot. Shiho is absolutely insufferable at the beginning, but (along with the rest of Laureley) gets clearer motives, backstory, development, etc as the arc goes on. I still have mixed feelings on her personally (she's a good flawed character), but she's definitely more enjoyable/less grating by the end of the arc.
Jun 23, 2024 1:50 PM

Feb 2010
We were on a break and now I'm having trouble getting back into it, but that's not a deal breaker. Hopefully ep 10 will be out next week
Jun 23, 2024 5:41 PM

Oct 2022
Shiho took Himari to make Yori suffer so that Aki can suffer by watching Yori suffer? Is that what just happened? My head hurts from trying to think at Shiho levels of petty

Can't we just have Himari & Yori fluff instead?
Jun 23, 2024 7:57 PM

Nov 2022
Shiho's story becomes even more interesting now that the new manager joined! I really have to know now what happened between these 2 bands!
Jun 24, 2024 3:22 AM
Mar 2018
My struggle to remember what was happening before the hiatus reminded me why I usually just binge shows when they're done. Fortunately, there wasn't much to remember.

I wasn't bothered by the animation issues before and this episode looked perfectly adequate to me, at least on a phone screen.

I hope the story behind Shiho is a bit deeper than it seems. I genuinely just remembered the part of it they previously covered while writing that sentence...

If people are expecting them to cover 6 manga volumes this season, is that a normal rate? It sounds pretty fast to me, but I'm more familiar with 4-koma density.
Jun 24, 2024 4:28 AM
Apr 2024
It was worth the wait, another spectacular episode that leaves with an incredible hook for the future of why she left SS Girl and how she formed her new band, it was worth the wait now the protagonist couple is so cute even though they are separated they are cute
Jun 24, 2024 10:19 AM

Oct 2022
Very tense atmosphere that you could cut it with a knife. At the same time also so pleasant to make you smile with the feeling of having a heartwarming embrace. Always enjoy how they balance each other out on the scale without hindering one another. As if it just all blends together with a harmonizing musical melody that is love.

Jun 24, 2024 10:50 AM

Aug 2022
Suddenly Hima has agreed to become Laureley's manager.

And now Yori certainly feels anxious seeing Hima who is in someone else's band. Despite this, I hope their relationship will still be fine and SS will win against Laureley.

Jun 24, 2024 2:47 PM

Jul 2016
What's with the sudden somber vibe at the end? Did someone die? Are we gonna visit the cemetery next episode?
Jun 26, 2024 11:13 PM

Oct 2022
The shift in the show's direction with the introduction of Shiho and Laureley has made this such an exciting watch which makes it truly a shame what happened to this anime.

If I had to guess based on the scene at the end, and Shiho's thoughts on her band at the start, I think each member of Laureley has went through similar setbacks to Shiho in their musical careers which is the cause of their ambitions, the aggressiveness in their lyrics, and the unease of sharing how they met. The imagery in the ED song with the band playing in the ruins of a city match the vibe that they perceive themselves as 'failures' that have come together to put up one more fight.
Jun 28, 2024 12:35 PM

Dec 2023
This is getting really interesting. Himari becoming Laureleys manager is the kick in the butt SSGIRLS needed. Especially Yori. She seems very fired up now.

Himari’s naivety is going to get her into all sorts of trouble with other girls if she’s not careful. I can already tell Shiho is falling big time and Himari isn’t even trying.

I like that Himari has turned out to be a really good character. She doesn’t let everyone run over her. I was worried she was gonna be another “super cute but kinda dumb and spineless” character. It’s been cool to see her get after it.

Overall a great episode. Can’t wait for the next one!
Jun 29, 2024 10:13 PM
Nov 2018
I like how this show set up the mc's relationship right off the bat instead of dragging it out, and gave it time to build the world. Might start the manga after the season because i dont think we'll get many more seasons.
Jul 8, 2024 3:41 PM
Jan 2023
And after the delay, we're back. They definitely didn't fix the visuals sadly, but oh well.

The conflict continues, and is quite interesting to be honest. We got that culture festival, which if I had to guess, we'll be seeing on the 12th episode. Seems that way given the current pacing anyways.

Honestly, I'm curious what that question Himari asked to Shiho was, I guess we'll find out very soon.
Jul 19, 2024 7:52 AM
Apr 2017
This is a very informative text.

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