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Jun 6, 2024 5:06 AM
Jun 2019
sure he did buy a slave for his personal gain, but he treats her very nicely
Jun 6, 2024 6:18 AM

Mar 2021
I don't care if he's a piece of shit. I like characters written realistically BUT ONLY IF THEY FACE THE CONSEQUENCES. And did Rudeus do? Not really. And stop saying "this is fiction, it's not real." Whether you accept it or not, fictions have great effects on people. Yes, it's a thing. And it's clear that a fiction narrating crime without consequences will spread the wrong message and encourge it.
meyveJun 6, 2024 6:22 AM

Jun 6, 2024 4:25 PM

Jan 2018
Reply to meyve
I don't care if he's a piece of shit. I like characters written realistically BUT ONLY IF THEY FACE THE CONSEQUENCES. And did Rudeus do? Not really. And stop saying "this is fiction, it's not real." Whether you accept it or not, fictions have great effects on people. Yes, it's a thing. And it's clear that a fiction narrating crime without consequences will spread the wrong message and encourge it.
@meyve Is getting caught by your siblings with loli porn after his parents funeral beaten with baseball bats, thrown out on the street with nowhere to go and ultimately hit by a truck and dying while saving Nanahoshi not facing consequences..? That's odd, normally I'd consider literally dying to be consequential. To each their own I suppose..
Jun 6, 2024 5:08 PM
Jun 2019
Reply to Merve2Love
Cause he is a cartoon character that people find entertaining.

Stop beeing such a ninny.
Non of this is real. It doesn't matter who he assaults or how young the fictional girls are, that he has interactions with.
It's a silly cartoon.

Grow up.
@Merve2Love based
Jun 6, 2024 11:12 PM

Jul 2012
Reply to SleepingNinja15
@meyve Is getting caught by your siblings with loli porn after his parents funeral beaten with baseball bats, thrown out on the street with nowhere to go and ultimately hit by a truck and dying while saving Nanahoshi not facing consequences..? That's odd, normally I'd consider literally dying to be consequential. To each their own I suppose..
@SleepingNinja15 Ah yes, except you everso casually forgot that he proceeds to sexually molest and even have sex with underage girls while monologuing about still being a grown ass adult. And of course, how the story never makes him face any consequences for that (if anything rewarding him for those actions in the long run), go on to treat it as comic relief despite being a pivotal demonstration that he went to the deeper end in his previous life, with the WN going as far as to say the uncensored CP he was watching was a homemade secret filming by him of his niece while he was bathing her (changed only to "filmed/photographed with digital camera" CP in the LN, with the anime still implying the former anyway).

But hey, just minor details, right? It's not like the author will minimize his perversion as a silly little thing in both narrative and diary chapters in the LN from start to finish, nor go out of his way to make him ultimately
, he would never!!

It's not like expecting that such a major character flaw would be at least addressed in a redemption story such as this (as per synopsis, premise, themes and even title) is something people should do, why would they?! Him dying and reincarnating in a world that constantly rewards arguably this most negative trait of his was punishment enough, how very odd that people think otherwise lol
DanpmssJun 6, 2024 11:22 PM
Jun 7, 2024 3:55 AM

Mar 2021
Reply to SleepingNinja15
@meyve Is getting caught by your siblings with loli porn after his parents funeral beaten with baseball bats, thrown out on the street with nowhere to go and ultimately hit by a truck and dying while saving Nanahoshi not facing consequences..? That's odd, normally I'd consider literally dying to be consequential. To each their own I suppose..
@SleepingNinja15 Sure, that's the pre reencarnation life. What about the current one?

Jun 7, 2024 4:57 PM

Jan 2018
Reply to Danpmss
@SleepingNinja15 Ah yes, except you everso casually forgot that he proceeds to sexually molest and even have sex with underage girls while monologuing about still being a grown ass adult. And of course, how the story never makes him face any consequences for that (if anything rewarding him for those actions in the long run), go on to treat it as comic relief despite being a pivotal demonstration that he went to the deeper end in his previous life, with the WN going as far as to say the uncensored CP he was watching was a homemade secret filming by him of his niece while he was bathing her (changed only to "filmed/photographed with digital camera" CP in the LN, with the anime still implying the former anyway).

But hey, just minor details, right? It's not like the author will minimize his perversion as a silly little thing in both narrative and diary chapters in the LN from start to finish, nor go out of his way to make him ultimately
, he would never!!

It's not like expecting that such a major character flaw would be at least addressed in a redemption story such as this (as per synopsis, premise, themes and even title) is something people should do, why would they?! Him dying and reincarnating in a world that constantly rewards arguably this most negative trait of his was punishment enough, how very odd that people think otherwise lol
@Danpmss Who did he sexually molest in his new life? You talking about that anime-only scene with Eris? She woke up and beat the shit out of him for it too if I'm recalling the same thing as you are. Or are you referring to him stealing Roxy's panties when he was a newborn again? Yeah that was definitely weird we knew better as the viewer of course, nobody else did, not his parents, not Lilia, not Roxy. I recall Kazuma was sexually molesting Chris in an episode of Konosuba this season, but I guess that's okay since that anime is a comedy right? Like I dunno about you but I've seen this type of shit in many japanese anime mediums so excuse me if my senses of it have dulled to the point where I just ignore those things and pay more attention to the overall plot. I also never said Rudeus is a good person, far from it really but your absolutely blind if you don't consider dying consequetial, or getting caught by Eris and having the shit beat out of you consequences.

Oof, you really hate that this guy got together with Roxy, Eris and Sylphie that badly. Look I get that it bothers you but here's the deal bud, if you were to die and be reborn into a new body with your memories are you going to go around telling everyone about it so you can stand on your moral high ground? Actually think about it for a hot minute, he's in a medevil world- what happened in those centuries in our time when someone thought a woman or girl was using magic? Spoiler : witch hunts. You wanna risk getting burned at the stake or drowned in your second life so you can avoid marrying someone physically your new age? Good luck with that. I sure as hell would keep my head down if it were me. Of course that would include what he does with Eris the 1st time. Also gonna remind you that Eris initiated with him, not the other way around. Slyphie did too and so did Roxy. All of them made the first actual move. And he only molested one of them which I'll repeat for a third time he got caught and she beat the shit out of him and still ended up sleeping with him.

Again I'll make it clear as day, Rudy isn't the greatest person. He's not an upstanding beacon of justice and that's not the type of show this is. But at the same time your absolutely lying if you honestly believe there were no consequences to his actions - there were plenty of conseqeuences and a lot of those consequences absolutely sucked. It doesn't admonish him, but they are there. If your trying to make a point that Rudy was rewarded for his actions in his previous life you can go ahead and stop, there was no god that took pity on him and decided to give him another chance either. It was a complete accident that he was reincarnated.

As per the wiki and I'll spoiler tag this in case you don't want to know.

There comes a point where you need to ask yourself why your even involved in this show in the first place if you dispise the MC that badly. Personally when I dislike a show or character as much as you've went out of your way to post about here I'd simply drop the show, give it a low score and move on. Talking about it with people I don't care about would be the last thing I'd do so my advice to you would be either come to terms with it and enjoy the ride or move on to shows you know your going to enjoy and won't trigger you.
Jun 7, 2024 11:58 PM

Jul 2012
@SleepingNinja15 Well well, this will be a bit long.

SleepingNinja15 said:
Who did he sexually molest in his new life? You talking about that anime-only scene with Eris? She woke up and beat the shit out of him for it too if I'm recalling the same thing as you are.

There's no shot that you actually read the books and are also being serious right now lol
He literally mentioned that he habitually sexually molested her during his entire stay in his monologues, which, much like his more rapey ones while they are travelling together, the anime at least had the decency of either toning down or removing entirely (by all means the better product in this regard).

Not to mention that his scene molesting her in the barn when she was even younger than his aforementioned "strike zone near 12 years of age" from the link above, it was not an "anime-only scene" by any means.

Or are you referring to him stealing Roxy's panties when he was a newborn again? Yeah that was definitely weird we knew better as the viewer of course, nobody else did, not his parents, not Lilia, not Roxy.

By the time he was having lessons with Roxy he was no longer a newborn, and he was very consciously pretending to be a kid with a very adult mind in order to peek at her panties and other sexual harassments he subjected her to during her stay, while thinking she was a pre-teen starting to get interested in sex (we the audience know better about her actual age, but that only hammers down the point further about his preferences in both his previous life and this new one, as an adult in a kid's body, as he well say even in the anime).

I recall Kazuma was sexually molesting Chris in an episode of Konosuba this season, but I guess that's okay since that anime is a comedy right? Like I dunno about you but I've seen this type of shit in many japanese anime mediums so excuse me if my senses of it have dulled to the point where I just ignore those things and pay more attention to the overall plot.

Hardly relevant to the argument in hand. First because Konosuba is a dumb fun comedy anime, while this is a serious story trying to make us sympathize with a despicable character that will redeem himself in the narrative by developing as the story progresses and addresses his major flaws (or so it should have). Second because two wrongs doesn't make one right. If Konosuba were to be a serious story where this element is substantially important to what composes the main character and what's there to be studied and reflected about him, if it was to be treated as comic relief/rewarded, it would get about the same controversial reception Mushoku gained.

The main character's journey of redemption and the very themes biinded to that being completely screwed by the author's biases on what he cherrypicks to be non-issues to be handwaved in his development are about the worst problem in the entire story, and never once addressed in the book series. Even despite an upcoming plot point (Season 3 content, whenever that gets announced) pretty much being a perfect opportunity to do something about that... but no, the author preferred to just tease it, ignore that for the rest of the story, and then minimize it as always, with even a rather infamous

Hell, when a certain Redundancy chapter released in Japan and tried to repeat this very same element from his previous life that I talked about before, but with a different character in a similar context, even the most hardcore fans panned it to the point that the author had to say that he reflected on that decision, apologized, and deleted the chapter. I'd assume even they were sick and tired of it and thought it was unacceptable to do that lol

I also never said Rudeus is a good person, far from it really but your absolutely blind if you don't consider dying consequetial, or getting caught by Eris and having the shit beat out of you consequences.

Dying just turned his miserable life into a better one, and even with a nice touch of wish-fulfillment to his pedophilic preferences that ultimately nets him a harem with a lot of "baby making", in his own words.

So yeah, no, dying is basically portrayed as his salvation and second chance in a much better and significant life than his miserable, criminal (in a way he doesn't get away with it), previous one, it's by no means punishment. Unless you are saying he had it better or would have it better if death didn't come for him as his 34 yo pedophile NEET self, of course (I would love to see where that tangent would lead you to, so by all means demonstrate).

Not to mention being caught by Eris and getting kicked is NOTHING when it comes to in the context we know about, is no punishment for what we as the audience, himself, and Hitogami know about the actual creep in the body of a child is doing. He gets no comeuppance for what he never stops being, nor does the story does anything to address it, it rewards him instead.

Added to that since you didn't mention, Rudeus lusts (SALIVATES EVEN!) for Sylphie even when she was like 6-7 and entertains the idea of grooming her to be his love interest as time goes on (while playing the "oblivious protagonist") in the very first volume, you literally cannot make this up. Yet, the supposed redemption story goes on eventually get him to marry her and have a lot of sex, without ever thinking twice to make him think about his sexual advances in children. That's just a something Rudeus won't ever see as a major negative trait of his to be addressed (directly related to getting him killed after he gets thrown out in the streets in his first life), the author himself just seem not to consider it to be an issue, let's make the little girls (or that he thought, Roxy) his marriage harem lol

Oof, you really hate that this guy got together with Roxy, Eris and Sylphie that badly. Look I get that it bothers you but here's the deal bud, if you were to die and be reborn into a new body with your memories are you going to go around telling everyone about it so you can stand on your moral high ground?

I'll certainly not go lusting for kids for starters, especially if I were to be a pedophile trying to course-correct myself to live a more worthy second chance. And you don't necessarily need to tell everyone about it, what even is this point you are trying to make here? You can still be a non-Rudeus and still low profile your previous life identity just like he (barely) did. It's not even about "having the moral high ground", you can choose not to be a creep. Look if Tensura (the OG slime isekai) had Rimuru doing anything like that, despite him also being an otaku pervert with his final death bed wish of his friend destroying his computer for him. And that one isn't even about a bad person redeeming themselves (which again, is the reason why not addressing these flaws is far more deeming in Mushoku's case).

Actually think about it for a hot minute, he's in a medevil world- what happened in those centuries in our time when someone thought a woman or girl was using magic? Spoiler : witch hunts. You wanna risk getting burned at the stake or drowned in your second life so you can avoid marrying someone physically your new age? Good luck with that.

This whole bit is pointless, the medieval setting in Mushoku has little to do with our own (and you should know that, considering you also read the books). Not to mention going after kids his current body's age shouldn't be a dead set priority nor necessity, especially if he is trying to be better and that's the whole premise of the story. Not to mention his morality and most of his life experience and morals should be relatively still grounded in his previous life's reality (even Rudeus mentions this in volume 8, despite not following through with his own introspection), and not the world he is living his second life in (especially in a story where, REPEATING, addressing his shortcomings in the previous life is the whole point).

Of course that would include what he does with Eris the 1st time. Also gonna remind you that Eris initiated with him, not the other way around. Slyphie did too and so did Roxy. All of them made the first actual move. And he only molested one of them which I'll repeat for a third time he got caught and she beat the shit out of him and still ended up sleeping with him.

I already displayed above with a direct quote from the books that this wasn't the case, he molested her habitually during his entire stay, and her decision of offering him her virginity was entirely because Rudeus that was in his bigger interest (basically groomed her into considering it after a long time sexually advancing on her). as she felt like she indebted by his help with a lot of things (not to mention starting considering him romantically after he spent that much time helping and preying on her, classic Rudeus).

Again I'll make it clear as day, Rudy isn't the greatest person. He's not an upstanding beacon of justice and that's not the type of show this is. But at the same time your absolutely lying if you honestly believe there were no consequences to his actions - there were plenty of conseqeuences and a lot of those consequences absolutely sucked.

No, for this subject I'm talking about there weren't. He got rewarded by the narrative every time and never EVER addressed it as a thing to be considered a flaw of his (his pedophilia and overall perversion are completely glossed over as comic relief from start to finish, even while he was sexually assaulting the beast girls to see if they could cure his ED, which, speaking of which, is about the only temporary consequence he got in terms of sexual subjects, and even then they were completely unrelated to them, and moreso related to his insecurity and heart break caused by Eris leaving after they had sex).

Every single other consequence to anything that happens in the story are all about ANYTHING ELSE that isn't those fatal flaws being handwaved LMAO
It's almost a sick joke how the author writes those so goddamn well in comparison (and yeah, there are things I think are great in this story, that's what makes it all the worse imo).

It doesn't admonish him, but they are there. If your trying to make a point that Rudy was rewarded for his actions in his previous life you can go ahead and stop, there was no god that took pity on him and decided to give him another chance either. It was a complete accident that he was reincarnated.

As per the wiki and I'll spoiler tag this in case you don't want to know. *includes spoiler*

I read Mushoku twice, the WN and the LN (and revisit them to fetch arguments here and there for discussions here). None of the context go against the narrative flaws I mentioned up to this point. Because I'm talking about a specific subject that was rewarded and glossed over by the author, and not how there are other things that screw him over.

You want an example of what would it be for him to get punished for those negative traits he keeps gettting rewarded for instead of at least addressing, even as late game as it could get? For example, his love interests find out about who he truly was, are disgusted by the context of how he led his reincarnated life afterwards, and leave him.

He then finally reflects about what caused such a downfall, and grows as a character while getting served judgement for what he took advantaged of as a perverted grown man in a child body since his second birth. Eventually, after coming to terms with it, even if things will never be the same around them. He at least genuinely started to really change for the better, while finally addressing arguably his most fatal flaws, which were ever-present during the lowest of the low he ever reached in his previous life.

You know another NEET character, but one that had pedophilic and perverted issues AND actually got this sort of resolution as the story progressed without being rewarded by the narrative, and instead reaching so much of a rock bottom that you would think he would just kill himself? Try reading this manga and see how much more cohesive and satisfying his journey ultimately is in comparison with all this in mind . It pretty much is the sort of rock bottom NEET redemption story that actually works even through the very same extremely touchy subjects (and that's considering it also has a lot of black comedy, the humor in there works as a serious story since it doesn't trivilialize nor embelish any of the subjects).

That was the bare minimum I expected Mushoku to do, in hindsight. And if you read the books, again, you know exactly that they had the perfect opportunity to do something like that, and wasted it. This could have gone to be actually great if that happened, but alas, Mushoku remains in my eyes as a gigantic pile of wasted potential and broken bildungsroman/redemption story.

There comes a point where you need to ask yourself why your even involved in this show in the first place if you dispise the MC that badly. Personally when I dislike a show or character as much as you've went out of your way to post about here I'd simply drop the show, give it a low score and move on. Talking about it with people I don't care about would be the last thing I'd do so my advice to you would be either come to terms with it and enjoy the ride or move on to shows you know your going to enjoy and won't trigger you.

Concluding from what I just said, I'm waiting to see if the anime will address or change any of that. It's already the superior product for making Rudeus much less of a complete creep, even if it loses some of the lore building in the adaptation as well. It's less about me hating this series, and more about me hating with a passion what the author decided to go with, when it comes to Rudeus' character arc. It's a frustratingly fun thing to analyze, how much a great story can crumble down because of its main character, a cautionary tale for writers, in fact!

I read far more "triggering" stories than this, and that includes the very recommendation I just gave (as it's very grounded in reality). One of my favorites is Punpun, for another far better story with a deeply flawed outcast protagonist which also uses humor to great effect without glossing over anything (there's another recommendation).
DanpmssJun 8, 2024 12:08 AM
Jun 8, 2024 7:25 AM
Jan 2017
Reply to Danpmss
@SleepingNinja15 Ah yes, except you everso casually forgot that he proceeds to sexually molest and even have sex with underage girls while monologuing about still being a grown ass adult. And of course, how the story never makes him face any consequences for that (if anything rewarding him for those actions in the long run), go on to treat it as comic relief despite being a pivotal demonstration that he went to the deeper end in his previous life, with the WN going as far as to say the uncensored CP he was watching was a homemade secret filming by him of his niece while he was bathing her (changed only to "filmed/photographed with digital camera" CP in the LN, with the anime still implying the former anyway).

But hey, just minor details, right? It's not like the author will minimize his perversion as a silly little thing in both narrative and diary chapters in the LN from start to finish, nor go out of his way to make him ultimately
, he would never!!

It's not like expecting that such a major character flaw would be at least addressed in a redemption story such as this (as per synopsis, premise, themes and even title) is something people should do, why would they?! Him dying and reincarnating in a world that constantly rewards arguably this most negative trait of his was punishment enough, how very odd that people think otherwise lol
@Danpmss certified loverboy, certified pedophile, haha.
Jun 8, 2024 8:54 AM

Jan 2018
@Danpmss I did not read the LN or the WN. I've only watched the anime and got information from posters that come to the anime sections such as yourself and dropped major spoilers. I am not accusing you of this, just that in general other LN/WN readers did in the past so after finding out about Roxy/Eris/Sylphie my research started and ended with the wikipedia which doesn't include basically every detail you've mentioned. I did read about 4 or 5ish chapters recently starting from the point around Ep20 of this season and ending at the end of the Teleport dungeon when Rudy and the group return to his manor where Sylphie is, that's it. And it was because I thought Rudy finding Roxy like that felt rushed and I was looking for more info on her time in the dungeon. A quick look at my profile and you could have seen for yourself that I am anime only.

As for your links I'm not clicking on those, I have no way to know wether they're safe for me to check and last time you did it lead me to a website in another language which I cannot read. Every single point you've described has come exclusively from the LN/WN so there's no need to address a medium I didn't experience properly myself so I'll just concede that in those cases your probably right and leave it at that. As far as anime Rudy goes he's done none of those things, at least not repeatedly.

What I will say is regardless of the medium and it's presentation you shouldn't condemn one and dismiss the other- which is exactly what your doing with Konosuba and why the Japanese prepetulate on using tropes of sexual misconduct & continually push lolicon desires in almost every medium they present to audiences. I'm definitely on your side about Rudy's prefernces though. Big busty older ladies is definitely the go-to. This is as far as I'm going with my reply and it's out of respect for the effort you put into yours as like I said I am not going to argue on a medium I have no fully experienced and my information has all been second hand to what was available to me.

@Koloro122 Dude I'm not sure if your pointing a finger at me or at Dan but if your pointing it at Dan then kindly see yourself out, he's done nothing except debate about how he feels about a written character, as have I. Low effort trolling attempts just show how petty you are.
Jun 8, 2024 2:03 PM
Jan 2019
Keep this shit on Season one gang ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
Jun 9, 2024 10:31 PM
Jul 2018
Reply to OmegaMilo
According to woke logic, rudeus cant have romantic feelings for anyone because if its little girls thats considered pedo, and if its some mature women it would also be pedo, its very amusing, really
@OmegaMilo I don't know if you've ever read other stories about reincarnation, but one that I highly recommend reading is the beginning after the end, where the protagonist faces the same problem but because he is wise and knows he is an adult in a child's body he decides to wait until reaching adulthood to be able to start any love relationship. in comparison Rudeus is a sex maniac
Jun 10, 2024 1:38 AM

Jul 2012
@SleepingNinja15 Hm... Welp, how unfortunate for me then. So I was not talking with someone who also knew about the source material, that's what I assume whenever people bring spoilers into the discussion with wiki or not. ...Anyway!

SleepingNinja15 said:
I did not read the LN or the WN. I've only watched the anime and got information from posters that come to the anime sections such as yourself and dropped major spoilers. I am not accusing you of this, just that in general other LN/WN readers did in the past so after finding out about Roxy/Eris/Sylphie my research started and ended with the wikipedia which doesn't include basically every detail you've mentioned. I did read about 4 or 5ish chapters recently starting from the point around Ep20 of this season and ending at the end of the Teleport dungeon when Rudy and the group return to his manor where Sylphie is, that's it. And it was because I thought Rudy finding Roxy like that felt rushed and I was looking for more info on her time in the dungeon. A quick look at my profile and you could have seen for yourself that I am anime only.

As for your links I'm not clicking on those, I have no way to know wether they're safe for me to check and last time you did it lead me to a website in another language which I cannot read. Every single point you've described has come exclusively from the LN/WN so there's no need to address a medium I didn't experience properly myself so I'll just concede that in those cases your probably right and leave it at that.

Well yeah, if you are not interested/willing to read what was linked, then it really is pointless to even continue with a discussion in that regard (though it IS content for the most part the anime long covered).

However, about this bit:
SleepingNinja15 said:
As far as anime Rudy goes he's done none of those things, at least not repeatedly.

Well, he absolutely did, it was just toned down by removing Rudeus' monologuing from the WN/LN, but one of my links is about even the anime going in the same tangent as the LN when it comes to him explicitly showing himself to take advantage of his body to make sexual advances on Roxy and then realizing she is too smart to fall for that. Rudeus also does mention he is touchy with Eris' body in the anime, he just doesn't monologue about it being a thing of his quotidian with her quite as explicitly lol

The point stays the same, his characterization problems and the lack of tact of the redemption story with his fatal flaws remain undisputed in either medium even then.

SleepingNinja15 said:
What I will say is regardless of the medium and it's presentation you shouldn't condemn one and dismiss the other- which is exactly what your doing with Konosuba and why the Japanese prepetulate on using tropes of sexual misconduct & continually push lolicon desires in almost every medium they present to audiences.

Not what I said, actually far from it. But allow me to quote myself and elaborate by going through it again (just in case I explained myself poorly):

Danpmss said:
Konosuba is a dumb fun comedy anime, while this is a serious story trying to make us sympathize with a despicable character that will redeem himself in the narrative by developing as the story progresses and addresses his major flaws (or so it should have). Second because two wrongs doesn't make one right. If Konosuba were to be a serious story where this element is substantially important to what composes the main character and what's there to be studied and reflected about him, if it was to be treated as comic relief/rewarded, it would get about the same controversial reception Mushoku gained.

So, what I meant is:
1- Konosuba is without a doubt a black comedy with an otaku humor edge to it from start to finish. Black Comedy can take liberties with fucked up humor as long as it doesn't break what is being established (and even then, it can go all places, for better or for worse). Whether that humor is tasteful and/or funny or not is YMMV. Mushoku does have similar elements as comedy, but they directly go against what the story is primarily about (Rudeus' entire character arc, using his second chance in life to be better and redeem himself).

It's not a matter of "condemning one and dismissing the other".
It's about differentiating the types of story accordingly (and I'll even be hyperbolic, just to hammer this down, Konosuba isn't even near as bad) like, "South Park episode with children being molested by a sex cult played for laughs in season 3)" versus "Serious story about a penitent WW2 German Soldier reincarnated as baby in the some other world: Time to redeem myself, but while I keep my supremacist discourse intact and play it for laughs from start to finish, while the story let me get away with it and construct something rewarding for myself on top of it instead of ever addressing it as a problem".

Do you see the difference? One begs you to not take it seriously, it's all about humor, morality be damned. And you can feel free to dislike the comedy, humor wildly vary from person to person. The other begs you to take the story seriously and empathize with it, see the growth, feel the drama (...and also ignore the fact we are playing arguably the most fatal character flaw of his for laughs and completely ignoring without addressing it as such even once, from start to finish, and rewarding him for it in particular!).

Again, if Konosuba was such a story, you can bet your ass people would also complain about that, since it goes against what the entire story is all about in the first place, and THAT'S the real problem here, not the content on itself. The key word is "dismiss", there's nothing being dismissed when comparing the both of them (you are instead considering the context and genre fair and square, that's by no means being dismissive about the subject). Because:

2- Two wrongs doesn't make one right. The issue here is that one breaks the whole point of the story, and the other doesn't, even if both were in the same page in terms of writing and were indeed actually comparable in this regard with context being considered (we are not working with absolutes here, after all). You can make the killer crack a joke about his grisly murders in an R-rated buddy cop comedy film, but you surely wouldn't do the same in a story about a court drama judging said grisly murder (with intended comedy anyway, could be played for drama and upset, context is everything). It's more about common sense in writing than any sort of "dismissive bias", Konosuba would be criticized as well if it had the same issues.

And just to add further insult to injury, let's do the opposite and bring back aforementioned Punpun and NHK ni Youkoso. If you make the context perfectly justifiable and fit how they used black humor, it can come together to great effect even while being serious stories. Why did they work while Mushoku did not? The black humor does not contradict nor goes against the main point of the entire story for starters. Instead, even while playing for harsh laughs (dramedy), it's to bring a sense dread (laughable hopelessness for example) and was perfectly in line with what the narrative was going for in their own bildungsroman/redemption journeys (and both of them are about characters that went to a similar deeper end as Rudeus, at that).

In that hand, those two stories are making the protagonists miserable for drama, almost as if it was a mockery of their downfall, which you can't help at times to both laugh, shock yourself in dread, or even get depressive with how heavy the drama goes with that sort of comedy.

Once again: Mushoku uses it to terrible effect for unrepentant ecchi comedy and arguably wish-fullfilment romance (not exactly news when it comes to what I'll say under spoiler), while moving along the plot towards Rudeus

If you really think about it, it ultimately fails thematically, in spectacular fashion, and never looks back.
And again, that's my big problem with it, because Mushoku would otherwise have a stellar isekai fantasy story and premise, with quite amazing developments, if you take all that out.

SleepingNinja15 said:
This is as far as I'm going with my reply and it's out of respect for the effort you put into yours as like I said I am not going to argue on a medium I have no fully experienced and my information has all been second hand to what was available to me.

And honestly, that's fair enough, I can totally understand that, especially when the source material is whopping 26 books long.
DanpmssJun 10, 2024 3:47 PM
Jun 10, 2024 2:23 AM
Nov 2022
I despised the little fuck until around Episode 7 season 2. Don't know why people defend him, but I think we should not only the see the faults of the character, but also the growth. And Rudeus has grown a lot since early season one. I like him now, but I'm still on edge, everytime he goes near another woman, that's not his wife.
Jun 10, 2024 8:04 AM
Jan 2017
Reply to SleepingNinja15
@Danpmss I did not read the LN or the WN. I've only watched the anime and got information from posters that come to the anime sections such as yourself and dropped major spoilers. I am not accusing you of this, just that in general other LN/WN readers did in the past so after finding out about Roxy/Eris/Sylphie my research started and ended with the wikipedia which doesn't include basically every detail you've mentioned. I did read about 4 or 5ish chapters recently starting from the point around Ep20 of this season and ending at the end of the Teleport dungeon when Rudy and the group return to his manor where Sylphie is, that's it. And it was because I thought Rudy finding Roxy like that felt rushed and I was looking for more info on her time in the dungeon. A quick look at my profile and you could have seen for yourself that I am anime only.

As for your links I'm not clicking on those, I have no way to know wether they're safe for me to check and last time you did it lead me to a website in another language which I cannot read. Every single point you've described has come exclusively from the LN/WN so there's no need to address a medium I didn't experience properly myself so I'll just concede that in those cases your probably right and leave it at that. As far as anime Rudy goes he's done none of those things, at least not repeatedly.

What I will say is regardless of the medium and it's presentation you shouldn't condemn one and dismiss the other- which is exactly what your doing with Konosuba and why the Japanese prepetulate on using tropes of sexual misconduct & continually push lolicon desires in almost every medium they present to audiences. I'm definitely on your side about Rudy's prefernces though. Big busty older ladies is definitely the go-to. This is as far as I'm going with my reply and it's out of respect for the effort you put into yours as like I said I am not going to argue on a medium I have no fully experienced and my information has all been second hand to what was available to me.

@Koloro122 Dude I'm not sure if your pointing a finger at me or at Dan but if your pointing it at Dan then kindly see yourself out, he's done nothing except debate about how he feels about a written character, as have I. Low effort trolling attempts just show how petty you are.
@SleepingNinja15 you must be slow, I am pointing at pedo character in the show. Maybe you also, if you are so insistent to deny that he sexually assaulted 12 year old when she sleeping, sounds something like a pedophile would do.
Koloro122Jun 10, 2024 8:07 AM
Jun 10, 2024 4:14 PM

Jan 2018
Reply to Koloro122
@SleepingNinja15 you must be slow, I am pointing at pedo character in the show. Maybe you also, if you are so insistent to deny that he sexually assaulted 12 year old when she sleeping, sounds something like a pedophile would do.
@Koloro122 Is that so? You quoted Dan and said all of like 5 words, which doesn't indicate if you were talking to him or making a jab at myself either. My petty remark stands though given the way you responded.
Jun 15, 2024 8:03 AM

Apr 2010
Thank you all for the entertainment, enjoyed eating popcorn while reading this thread up to this point. Can't wait for similar post again after a few months.
Jul 9, 2024 8:13 AM
Sep 2022
Reply to Danpmss
@SleepingNinja15 Hm... Welp, how unfortunate for me then. So I was not talking with someone who also knew about the source material, that's what I assume whenever people bring spoilers into the discussion with wiki or not. ...Anyway!

SleepingNinja15 said:
I did not read the LN or the WN. I've only watched the anime and got information from posters that come to the anime sections such as yourself and dropped major spoilers. I am not accusing you of this, just that in general other LN/WN readers did in the past so after finding out about Roxy/Eris/Sylphie my research started and ended with the wikipedia which doesn't include basically every detail you've mentioned. I did read about 4 or 5ish chapters recently starting from the point around Ep20 of this season and ending at the end of the Teleport dungeon when Rudy and the group return to his manor where Sylphie is, that's it. And it was because I thought Rudy finding Roxy like that felt rushed and I was looking for more info on her time in the dungeon. A quick look at my profile and you could have seen for yourself that I am anime only.

As for your links I'm not clicking on those, I have no way to know wether they're safe for me to check and last time you did it lead me to a website in another language which I cannot read. Every single point you've described has come exclusively from the LN/WN so there's no need to address a medium I didn't experience properly myself so I'll just concede that in those cases your probably right and leave it at that.

Well yeah, if you are not interested/willing to read what was linked, then it really is pointless to even continue with a discussion in that regard (though it IS content for the most part the anime long covered).

However, about this bit:
SleepingNinja15 said:
As far as anime Rudy goes he's done none of those things, at least not repeatedly.

Well, he absolutely did, it was just toned down by removing Rudeus' monologuing from the WN/LN, but one of my links is about even the anime going in the same tangent as the LN when it comes to him explicitly showing himself to take advantage of his body to make sexual advances on Roxy and then realizing she is too smart to fall for that. Rudeus also does mention he is touchy with Eris' body in the anime, he just doesn't monologue about it being a thing of his quotidian with her quite as explicitly lol

The point stays the same, his characterization problems and the lack of tact of the redemption story with his fatal flaws remain undisputed in either medium even then.

SleepingNinja15 said:
What I will say is regardless of the medium and it's presentation you shouldn't condemn one and dismiss the other- which is exactly what your doing with Konosuba and why the Japanese prepetulate on using tropes of sexual misconduct & continually push lolicon desires in almost every medium they present to audiences.

Not what I said, actually far from it. But allow me to quote myself and elaborate by going through it again (just in case I explained myself poorly):

Danpmss said:
Konosuba is a dumb fun comedy anime, while this is a serious story trying to make us sympathize with a despicable character that will redeem himself in the narrative by developing as the story progresses and addresses his major flaws (or so it should have). Second because two wrongs doesn't make one right. If Konosuba were to be a serious story where this element is substantially important to what composes the main character and what's there to be studied and reflected about him, if it was to be treated as comic relief/rewarded, it would get about the same controversial reception Mushoku gained.

So, what I meant is:
1- Konosuba is without a doubt a black comedy with an otaku humor edge to it from start to finish. Black Comedy can take liberties with fucked up humor as long as it doesn't break what is being established (and even then, it can go all places, for better or for worse). Whether that humor is tasteful and/or funny or not is YMMV. Mushoku does have similar elements as comedy, but they directly go against what the story is primarily about (Rudeus' entire character arc, using his second chance in life to be better and redeem himself).

It's not a matter of "condemning one and dismissing the other".
It's about differentiating the types of story accordingly (and I'll even be hyperbolic, just to hammer this down, Konosuba isn't even near as bad) like, "South Park episode with children being molested by a sex cult played for laughs in season 3)" versus "Serious story about a penitent WW2 German Soldier reincarnated as baby in the some other world: Time to redeem myself, but while I keep my supremacist discourse intact and play it for laughs from start to finish, while the story let me get away with it and construct something rewarding for myself on top of it instead of ever addressing it as a problem".

Do you see the difference? One begs you to not take it seriously, it's all about humor, morality be damned. And you can feel free to dislike the comedy, humor wildly vary from person to person. The other begs you to take the story seriously and empathize with it, see the growth, feel the drama (...and also ignore the fact we are playing arguably the most fatal character flaw of his for laughs and completely ignoring without addressing it as such even once, from start to finish, and rewarding him for it in particular!).

Again, if Konosuba was such a story, you can bet your ass people would also complain about that, since it goes against what the entire story is all about in the first place, and THAT'S the real problem here, not the content on itself. The key word is "dismiss", there's nothing being dismissed when comparing the both of them (you are instead considering the context and genre fair and square, that's by no means being dismissive about the subject). Because:

2- Two wrongs doesn't make one right. The issue here is that one breaks the whole point of the story, and the other doesn't, even if both were in the same page in terms of writing and were indeed actually comparable in this regard with context being considered (we are not working with absolutes here, after all). You can make the killer crack a joke about his grisly murders in an R-rated buddy cop comedy film, but you surely wouldn't do the same in a story about a court drama judging said grisly murder (with intended comedy anyway, could be played for drama and upset, context is everything). It's more about common sense in writing than any sort of "dismissive bias", Konosuba would be criticized as well if it had the same issues.

And just to add further insult to injury, let's do the opposite and bring back aforementioned Punpun and NHK ni Youkoso. If you make the context perfectly justifiable and fit how they used black humor, it can come together to great effect even while being serious stories. Why did they work while Mushoku did not? The black humor does not contradict nor goes against the main point of the entire story for starters. Instead, even while playing for harsh laughs (dramedy), it's to bring a sense dread (laughable hopelessness for example) and was perfectly in line with what the narrative was going for in their own bildungsroman/redemption journeys (and both of them are about characters that went to a similar deeper end as Rudeus, at that).

In that hand, those two stories are making the protagonists miserable for drama, almost as if it was a mockery of their downfall, which you can't help at times to both laugh, shock yourself in dread, or even get depressive with how heavy the drama goes with that sort of comedy.

Once again: Mushoku uses it to terrible effect for unrepentant ecchi comedy and arguably wish-fullfilment romance (not exactly news when it comes to what I'll say under spoiler), while moving along the plot towards Rudeus

If you really think about it, it ultimately fails thematically, in spectacular fashion, and never looks back.
And again, that's my big problem with it, because Mushoku would otherwise have a stellar isekai fantasy story and premise, with quite amazing developments, if you take all that out.

SleepingNinja15 said:
This is as far as I'm going with my reply and it's out of respect for the effort you put into yours as like I said I am not going to argue on a medium I have no fully experienced and my information has all been second hand to what was available to me.

And honestly, that's fair enough, I can totally understand that, especially when the source material is whopping 26 books long.

Oof, here you again stating your biased opinions as "facts".

Well, here's a fact... Reincarnated Rudeus ≠ Past Life Rudeus.

Season 2 Part 2 Finale perfectly explains this ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘Œ
๐™Š๐™ฃ๐™š ๐™‹๐™ž๐™š๐™˜๐™š ๐™ฅ๐™–๐™˜๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™ž๐™จ ๐™ฅ๐™š๐™ง๐™›๐™š๐™˜๐™ฉ๐™ก๐™ฎ ๐™›๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™š. - ๐™•๐™–๐™˜๐™
Jul 9, 2024 8:20 AM
Sep 2022
Reply to Koloro122
@Danpmss certified loverboy, certified pedophile, haha.

Rudeus Greyrat is nothing like Drake.

๐™Š๐™ฃ๐™š ๐™‹๐™ž๐™š๐™˜๐™š ๐™ฅ๐™–๐™˜๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™ž๐™จ ๐™ฅ๐™š๐™ง๐™›๐™š๐™˜๐™ฉ๐™ก๐™ฎ ๐™›๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™š. - ๐™•๐™–๐™˜๐™
Jul 9, 2024 8:50 AM
Jan 2017
Reply to ZackLSD

Rudeus Greyrat is nothing like Drake.

@GoatPieceLuffy Lol, both the diddlers who diddies on kids.
Jul 9, 2024 12:47 PM
Sep 2022
Reply to Koloro122
@GoatPieceLuffy Lol, both the diddlers who diddies on kids.

Please show proof of reincarnated Rudeus doing that in the anime?

Also, there's a big difference between pedophiles and child predators.

Both are wrong and reincarnated Rudeus isn't either.
๐™Š๐™ฃ๐™š ๐™‹๐™ž๐™š๐™˜๐™š ๐™ฅ๐™–๐™˜๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™ž๐™จ ๐™ฅ๐™š๐™ง๐™›๐™š๐™˜๐™ฉ๐™ก๐™ฎ ๐™›๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™š. - ๐™•๐™–๐™˜๐™
Jul 10, 2024 3:28 AM
Jan 2017
Reply to ZackLSD

Please show proof of reincarnated Rudeus doing that in the anime?

Also, there's a big difference between pedophiles and child predators.

Both are wrong and reincarnated Rudeus isn't either.
@GoatPieceLuffy fucking idiot tries to forget about barn scene where he sexually assaults sleeping Eris, forget about kidnapping 2 minors and then groping/sexually assaulting them , making them piss, fucking forget about the camera scene that the author added back to the anime where MC films his niece. What a nonce.
Jul 10, 2024 12:07 PM
Sep 2022
Reply to Koloro122
@GoatPieceLuffy fucking idiot tries to forget about barn scene where he sexually assaults sleeping Eris, forget about kidnapping 2 minors and then groping/sexually assaulting them , making them piss, fucking forget about the camera scene that the author added back to the anime where MC films his niece. What a nonce.

Why are you so pressed?

As for the barn scene, that was S1 Rudeus who hasn't developed much as a character yet.

As for the "kidnapping 2 minors" part, I'm assuming you're talking about S2 Part 1.

That whole episode was legit there for comedic purposes, so I don't understand why you're making a big deal over it.

๐™Š๐™ฃ๐™š ๐™‹๐™ž๐™š๐™˜๐™š ๐™ฅ๐™–๐™˜๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™ž๐™จ ๐™ฅ๐™š๐™ง๐™›๐™š๐™˜๐™ฉ๐™ก๐™ฎ ๐™›๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™š. - ๐™•๐™–๐™˜๐™
Jul 10, 2024 2:46 PM
Jan 2017
Reply to ZackLSD

Why are you so pressed?

As for the barn scene, that was S1 Rudeus who hasn't developed much as a character yet.

As for the "kidnapping 2 minors" part, I'm assuming you're talking about S2 Part 1.

That whole episode was legit there for comedic purposes, so I don't understand why you're making a big deal over it.

@GoatPieceLuffy Look at you, fucking dumbass, so if Epstein said he kidnapped girls for comedy, you'll forgive him. Please grow some brain.
Jul 10, 2024 9:32 PM
Sep 2022
Reply to Koloro122
@GoatPieceLuffy Look at you, fucking dumbass, so if Epstein said he kidnapped girls for comedy, you'll forgive him. Please grow some brain.

What kind of comparison is that?

Rudeus is nothing like Epstein.

You need to relax.
๐™Š๐™ฃ๐™š ๐™‹๐™ž๐™š๐™˜๐™š ๐™ฅ๐™–๐™˜๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™ž๐™จ ๐™ฅ๐™š๐™ง๐™›๐™š๐™˜๐™ฉ๐™ก๐™ฎ ๐™›๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™š. - ๐™•๐™–๐™˜๐™
Jul 11, 2024 2:49 AM
Jun 2024
The show is all about Rudeus, his life, his friends, his thought, etc. Evenly, there is no specific antagonist at this point of anime, but purely slice of Rudeus's life.
If one hate him, they should stop watching, he is the main model of the show and there's no point watching it. They should stop following a quite popular show while unable to process it in mind, then pointlessly bring that unhinged moment to the media.

I find it interesting to watch some aspects of emotion in life such as angry, happy, confused,... of a fictional character. I can empathize their feeling, understand decisions they make. At the end, some of which thing he did was right, or wrong, but I still not hate him, given that he is just still just a man who want to protect his glimmer happiness in a brutal world. That's why I want to act like him, to live, to learn, to love, for a brighter tomorrow.

To conclude, MT is just a fiction, some can choose to be motivated from it, or some may feel disgusting and they should stay away from the community who love it
Jul 11, 2024 10:46 AM
Dec 2017
Reply to pvdzxc
The show is all about Rudeus, his life, his friends, his thought, etc. Evenly, there is no specific antagonist at this point of anime, but purely slice of Rudeus's life.
If one hate him, they should stop watching, he is the main model of the show and there's no point watching it. They should stop following a quite popular show while unable to process it in mind, then pointlessly bring that unhinged moment to the media.

I find it interesting to watch some aspects of emotion in life such as angry, happy, confused,... of a fictional character. I can empathize their feeling, understand decisions they make. At the end, some of which thing he did was right, or wrong, but I still not hate him, given that he is just still just a man who want to protect his glimmer happiness in a brutal world. That's why I want to act like him, to live, to learn, to love, for a brighter tomorrow.

To conclude, MT is just a fiction, some can choose to be motivated from it, or some may feel disgusting and they should stay away from the community who love it
@pvdzxc Brother you have problems if you really think like this, I advise you to get treated by a good one
Jul 11, 2024 5:26 PM
May 2016
paul is a cheating scumbag and a r*pist, roxy took advantage of a broken minor, eris is a violent girl who like to beat people up to near death door for trivial things, zanoba killed his brother and wife, lilia groom her own daughter to "serve" Her own half brother, ruijerd is cold blooded killer, pursena and linia are bullies and despite all of that, i cant bring mysely to hate any of those characters, matter of fact i love all of them. Same with rudy. I wont deny rudy and all his crimes because its part of his character. I dont need to justify myself loving an anime series or anime characters.
Jul 12, 2024 3:57 PM
Jul 2018
i actually enjoyed reading all this except the poem-messages see ya on the next posts
Jul 13, 2024 11:12 AM

Sep 2019
Because Rudeus is a great character and dude.
Would love to hang out with him, way more than with all the woketards sitting on their mile high moral horse.
Wouldn't stop to help you folks out, if you were lying in a ditch :)
I'm not reading any replies or comments directed at me at all. I know my truth and if you disagree: that's fine but i couldn't give a damn about :)

Jul 14, 2024 5:47 AM
Jan 2017
Reply to ZackLSD

What kind of comparison is that?

Rudeus is nothing like Epstein.

You need to relax.
@GoatPieceLuffy Lol, both kidnapped minors.
Jul 14, 2024 5:47 AM
Jan 2017
Reply to ZackLSD

What kind of comparison is that?

Rudeus is nothing like Epstein.

You need to relax.
@GoatPieceLuffy Maybe you need to relax with dickriding a pedophile and kidnapper.
Jul 14, 2024 5:56 AM
Oct 2019
Reply to Leon888
@pvdzxc Brother you have problems if you really think like this, I advise you to get treated by a good one
@Leon888 Other way around buddy also drop from your horse in this conversation you don't have the moral high ground.
Jul 14, 2024 1:58 PM
Sep 2022
Reply to Koloro122
@GoatPieceLuffy Maybe you need to relax with dickriding a pedophile and kidnapper.

1. He's not a pedophile.

& 2. That was literally a comedy gag episode ๐Ÿ˜ญ
๐™Š๐™ฃ๐™š ๐™‹๐™ž๐™š๐™˜๐™š ๐™ฅ๐™–๐™˜๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™ž๐™จ ๐™ฅ๐™š๐™ง๐™›๐™š๐™˜๐™ฉ๐™ก๐™ฎ ๐™›๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™š. - ๐™•๐™–๐™˜๐™
Jul 14, 2024 7:28 PM

Jul 2012
Reply to ZackLSD

Oof, here you again stating your biased opinions as "facts".

Well, here's a fact... Reincarnated Rudeus ≠ Past Life Rudeus.

Season 2 Part 2 Finale perfectly explains this ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘Œ
@GoatPieceLuffy For someone who couldn't counterargue a thing I'm displaying using both the source and the anime as evidence, you sure are still embarassing yourself and running your mouth a lot around these parts.

Reincarnated Rudeus and Past Life Rudeus are the same person, and he said it himself multiple times throughout the novel series, and even in the anime, and I already posted direct quotes from him showing as much (those aren't opinions, they are just the reality of facts from the canon). If you can't argue back to any point I just made in proving why is that the case, kindly don't bother tagging me just repeating your nonsense lol
Jul 15, 2024 5:33 AM
Jan 2017
Reply to ZackLSD

1. He's not a pedophile.

& 2. That was literally a comedy gag episode ๐Ÿ˜ญ
@GoatPieceLuffy Lol, someone's so desperate.
Nov 15, 2024 10:10 AM
Nov 2024
As a character, I think Rudeus is fantastic. To be honest, he isn't a good person, so I'm not trying to suggest that or anything. Although he is somewhat of a piece of shit, as you mentioned, his position at the end of the LN (or even the second season of the anime) is far superior to his initial state.

I believe the author did a fantastic job of illustrating Rudus' existence and development, which is the series' main goal. A well-written character does not necessarily have to be a good person.
nick533Nov 18, 2024 1:34 AM
Nov 17, 2024 8:24 AM
Nov 2024
As a character, I think Rudeus is fantastic. To be honest, he isn't a good person, so I'm not trying to suggest that or anything. like you said, he's kind of a piece of shit, but where he is at the end of the LN (or even s2 of the anime) is much, much better than when he started.

I believe the author did a fantastic job of illustrating Rudus' existence and development, which is the series' main goal. a character doesn't need to be a good person to be well written
Dec 6, 2024 12:01 AM
Nov 2024
Even if he is a piece of garbage, I don't care. Realistic characters appeal to me, but only if they deal with the fallout. What did Rudeus do? Not at all. Additionally, quit claiming that "this is fiction, it's not real." Fiction has a profound impact on individuals, whether you agree with that or not. It is a thing, indeed. Furthermore, it is obvious that a fictional story about a crime with no repercussions will encourage and propagate the incorrect message. Tiblor
tom533Dec 6, 2024 1:01 AM
Jan 3, 4:31 PM
Apr 2014
I defend Rudius because I understand him.
I've spent past 15 years almost entirely at home. It's not as bad as in Rudius case, I have a good job, I own a house and I am considered as a fully-fledged adult by others, but due to not having personal social interactions I'm mentally stuck as a school/university student.
That's why when I see Rudius I see just a traumatized teenager in him, not some "vile adult groomer" or something.
Jan 5, 4:52 PM
Dec 2017
Reply to nick533
As a character, I think Rudeus is fantastic. To be honest, he isn't a good person, so I'm not trying to suggest that or anything. Although he is somewhat of a piece of shit, as you mentioned, his position at the end of the LN (or even the second season of the anime) is far superior to his initial state.

I believe the author did a fantastic job of illustrating Rudus' existence and development, which is the series' main goal. A well-written character does not necessarily have to be a good person.
@nick533 Look, I would accept Rudeus in 2 cases: one is that he faces consequences for his actions, the second is that the series makes it clear right away that he is a bad guy (a la Light Yagami), but does he do either of those 2 things? No, the series just tends to reward Rudeus for his disgusting behaviors like molesting or abusing girls with no repercussions and he even gets a harem to top it off... what was the point of seeing this "garbage Rudeus" do such perverted and disgusting things if they have no bearing on the plot or character development? The only thing that comes from it is, as always, the objectification of women who just seem like a tool for fanservice rather than a real character with emotions: Sylphie is a great example of this, she has no personality, never shows emotions, never makes decisions, you could replace her with a blow-up doll and it wouldn't change anything, as well as the rest of the female cast who do nothing but praise Rudeus for no real reason (except Norn). How can he be a well-written character with well-developed character if the most controversial thing about him is never addressed in the entire series?
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