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Mar 30, 2024 7:02 AM
Reply to Takata
winddevil1 said:
think i read someone talking about the 1 star being too much for Sora before (probably they read the novel, no idea), which meant Ivy can be the only one with a slime like this one, interesting tbh ... but does this confirm she is indeed starless? i still have a hope that she has like 10 stars but couldn't be measured
that last moment with Ciel appearing and everyone seeing it, impressive tbh
If she had a high star level, it would undermine the recurring idea that the star level and skill one is born with correlate poorly to their worth as a person.think i read someone talking about the 1 star being too much for Sora before (probably they read the novel, no idea), which meant Ivy can be the only one with a slime like this one, interesting tbh ... but does this confirm she is indeed starless? i still have a hope that she has like 10 stars but couldn't be measured
that last moment with Ciel appearing and everyone seeing it, impressive tbh
Aside, it feels kind of like the opposite to one thing in Kinsou no Vermeil, where the main character's inherent magic is too powerful, leading him to repeatedly fail at summoning a familiar because none would dare approach him, until he gets lucky with a powerful demon.
HornyMushroom said:
First 6 or 7 episodes was lovely. The latter half was still good but the kidnapping plot dragged on too long and got a bit out hand. I think most people like this story for Ivy's slice of life adventures with her cute af slime buddy, not this high stakes gang busting plot. The way it played out wasn't that interesting either since it was just Ivy masterminding everything and Sora basically just functioned as a lie detector.
Honestly the few flaws with this story all stem from the isekai aspect. From episode 1 I felt it was completely unnecessary, and by the end it was actively making the story less enjoyable. It feels like the author wanted to write a main character who is smarter and more knowledgeable than every other character in the story despite being a kid, but they couldn't think of a way make it seem believable so they resorted to this body sharing setup with an isekai'd person.
Ivy being a child who is wise beyond her years and mature for her age makes sense given her back story but making her always be the smartest person in the room is silly.
Maybe the organization-busting plot could have been interesting, but I'll agree the way they use Sora as an allegiance-detector is kind of boring, as is the way almost everything just went according to Ivy's plan. I recall hearing that missions in games are some combination of planning and improvisation, and I don't think there's enough improvisation here. Most of it's between Lattrua and Green Gale.First 6 or 7 episodes was lovely. The latter half was still good but the kidnapping plot dragged on too long and got a bit out hand. I think most people like this story for Ivy's slice of life adventures with her cute af slime buddy, not this high stakes gang busting plot. The way it played out wasn't that interesting either since it was just Ivy masterminding everything and Sora basically just functioned as a lie detector.
Honestly the few flaws with this story all stem from the isekai aspect. From episode 1 I felt it was completely unnecessary, and by the end it was actively making the story less enjoyable. It feels like the author wanted to write a main character who is smarter and more knowledgeable than every other character in the story despite being a kid, but they couldn't think of a way make it seem believable so they resorted to this body sharing setup with an isekai'd person.
Ivy being a child who is wise beyond her years and mature for her age makes sense given her back story but making her always be the smartest person in the room is silly.
I'm also slightly reminded of the time Suzumiya Haruhi's SOS brigade plays against the computer club in a computer game, and the computer club is cheating by playing with fog of war off.
That is one minor thing I would have liked to have seen more in the anime. A few of the plan changes were actually made in the heat of the moment, causing supreme confusion among both the organization and allies. We saw a bit of that with the captain of the guard not knowing what the hell was going on in Episode 10 at the end but, in the LN, it was even more pronounced. They had to simplify it a bit to meet the 12-episode budget. Just having one more episode would have ideal. That way they could flesh out the plan a little more and show a bit more of the cleanup/aftermath before Ivy left. But such are budgets and life. Ivy literally hopped into town, threw a confusion bomb at everyone without meaning to, and was surprised it worked as well as it did. All while expecting people to tell her the plan was too reckless the whole time/an adult to step in and tell her the plan wasn't feasible. The only reason it worked is because of the mass confusion it caused. Nothing more dangerous that fighting an amateur in a duel. You never know what they might do. In a normal duel, you have a general idea of tactics an opponent might use. Ivy was the unwitting wild card that came out of nowhere and just smashed all the rules of engagement. |
Mar 30, 2024 7:29 AM
It was the small story section of sora before meeting ivy that made me give this episode a 5*... That little snippet was so emotional with so many emotions expressed in that few seconds long clip.... It was exceptional.... |
Mar 30, 2024 7:41 AM
Reply to Callidin
Then be spoiled!
She gets three more pets. One red slime, who can make red potions (heals sickness) and can revive magic stones. One black slime, who can eat magic from degraded magical items and, important, eat magic circles. She also gets a tree monster that can drain life from plants and can also take in magic circles into itself at the cost of its life/health.
Heavy agree on a wonderful show. It doesn't have the production values of, say, Frieren or Apothecary Diaries but it's still way above average and hits the right spots.
I also highly recommend the LNs. There are small details the anime summarized or had to cut to get everything to fit into 12 episodes. Things like what exactly happened in Ivy's village after it started to collapse are present in the LN.
And yes, that is a heavy confirm that she is starless under the Skill System. Too weak to tame most things with her mana but weak enough to tame the fragile lifeform that is a kuzure slime. ...Luba did say something interesting in Ep3 though that may hint at something.
She gets three more pets. One red slime, who can make red potions (heals sickness) and can revive magic stones. One black slime, who can eat magic from degraded magical items and, important, eat magic circles. She also gets a tree monster that can drain life from plants and can also take in magic circles into itself at the cost of its life/health.
Heavy agree on a wonderful show. It doesn't have the production values of, say, Frieren or Apothecary Diaries but it's still way above average and hits the right spots.
I also highly recommend the LNs. There are small details the anime summarized or had to cut to get everything to fit into 12 episodes. Things like what exactly happened in Ivy's village after it started to collapse are present in the LN.
And yes, that is a heavy confirm that she is starless under the Skill System. Too weak to tame most things with her mana but weak enough to tame the fragile lifeform that is a kuzure slime. ...Luba did say something interesting in Ep3 though that may hint at something.
@Callidin thanks for the spoiler didn't expect those 3 tho, i guess she likes slimes lol but the tree monster sure is a random one, did she stop it from killing a forest or something? yeah, i have a small list of novels that i might check one day (namely Mushoku Tensei, rezero, Elaina, neighbor angel and Sasaki pii-chan (mostly for the neighbor girl, i like that the novel has her pov too lols), i probably forgot something... anyway, this one is a good add to that about skipping details, every anime has to do it unfortunately Luba saying that with allies and knowledge anyone can be happy? that's true, they said it at the end of this episode, how Ivy is doing better than some people with higher stars, since she managed to tame the big cat and the rare slime and they are amazing to her wth their skills |
Mar 30, 2024 7:50 AM
Next Journey await Ivy |
Mar 30, 2024 7:59 AM
The first half was a pretty easy 7/10 for me. I was especially impressed by the first episode and how it seemed content and in no rush just to let Femicia/Ivy wander around by herself in the woods and rural countryside, slowly talk to herself and with her split consciousness/past life, and slowly become acquainted with Sora, as well as hunt and forage for used goods from trash dump sites. The art and animation of the forest and general natural environment was gorgeous. I get that often the first episode is the most technically visually impressive of many series as that is where the budget is allocated to create the best first impression, and I'm not a big nag or stickler for visual quality anyway compared to a lot of people, but that contributed to its quality and entrancement for sure. I was also impressed with how dark and how much of an emotional assault they were willing to allow the third episode to become, and somewhat understand why they opted not to go with a strict chronological ordering and show that as the third episode rather than the first. The first and third episodes were the best and most impressive of the entire series. But the second and fourth or fourth and fifth were also quite good. The latter half of the show was such a step down and letdown compared to that and was more like a 5/10 or lower in my eyes, because it just became another generic power fantasy about "The isekai'd main character is an unlucky, poor, downtrodden, outcast loser with no family or friends, no belongings, and no power or authority, but now suddenly nearly everyone they encounter is super nice to them, worships them for existing and kisses the ground they walk on, and praises them in every other line of conversation. So you thought they were weak and powerless, but actually they are the chosen child and more akin to a superhero who have now gained all magic, supporters, and good fortune in the span of like a few episodes!" I find that storytelling so repetitive in the negative sense and dull as dishwater, truthfully. It's been done so often and is rarely ever done in an interesting manner in these isekai seasonals. The second half isn't "bad". It's just painfully average and like 10,000 other series just like that. The first half I thought really showed the potential to be something special, how it could oscillate between between both lighthearted, cute, and cozy as well as thematically intense, dark, and dramatic, and seemed almost something approaching the spirit of a Kino no Tabi, or, more likely/realistically, Majo no Tabitabi. But then it squandered that. The first half is the kind of show I could watch easily dozens, even hundreds or more episodes of gladly and enthusiastically, whereas the second, and if the rest of the series is going to be like the second, I won't watch another season. |
WatchTillTandavaMar 30, 2024 8:05 AM
Mar 30, 2024 10:54 AM
Such a nice group of people, this became really a good homelike place for Ivy to return to. Hope she gets to see them again one day. I especially liked Lattrua, he seems very kind and reliable. Great anime overall, 8/10. The organization eradication surprised me, but it was an interesting turn of events and a change of pace, and showed how Ivy can be a useful member of society despite lacking any stars. And it actually makes her the only one capable to tame fragile beings, neat! As I understand she didn't tame Ciel though, I wonder if this will happen in the future, or maybe it isn't really needed since Ciel already loyally follows her. The last sequence after credits was very beautiful. |
Mar 30, 2024 1:40 PM
I love this series, i'm way too soft for these type of shows. Such a good way to end the season + the post credit is chef kiss. See you Femicia, Sora, and Ciel. |
Why do we have to live in such a cruel world? |
Mar 30, 2024 4:19 PM
This was great anime, a true hidden gem. Hopefully we will get season 2 eventually, I would love to see what kind of situations Ivy finds herself into later on. And I wish this studio all the best, for their first anime series they have done good. |
Mar 30, 2024 7:17 PM
What a wonderful finale episode, it felt bitter sweet while also hopeful, heartwarming and inspiring. The presentation in this anime was really wonderful despite the relatively lower budget. The first episode really showed off it's presentation, as did the post credits scene in this finale. The caught noble blabbing during his interrogation, the fate of Meela, the tallying of reward money in field mice meat, and everybody startled a moment at Ciel running out of nowhere to Ivy; this anime seems to be able to present a whole assortment of even brief scenes very well from comedy, serious, and heartwarming tones very well. I quite enjoyed this anime, it felt really unique also. @Callidin Hey thanks for putting in LN comparisons for every episode, I read every one while I binged through this anime since starting yesterday. I found them all interesting and insightful. I don't suppose I can trouble you for a spoiler? (thanks in advance if so). I want to know what's up with Ivy's past "memories". Her past memories don't exactly seem to act strictly like "memories", it's more like a separate consciousness she either talks to, or it observes and tells her things. I suspect it was more than mere memories when it reminded Ivy that she had reward money to fall back on which she got for reporting the ogre attack, that's a specific thing in this isekai world, and a specific situation to Ivy. Nothing to do with memories, more like a consciousness computing her present situation for her. It actually doesn't seem to have the same personality as her, is it actually her? And do they eventually merge or something? I suspect it eventually ties in with the story about the outworlder saving the world with mysterious powers, and her no stars. Go ahead and spoil it all if you'd like, if I do decide to read the LN, it's going to be at the end of a long line of other LNs, and I would have forgotten much by then. |
Mar 31, 2024 2:59 AM
Reply to Garrett_Dark
What a wonderful finale episode, it felt bitter sweet while also hopeful, heartwarming and inspiring. The presentation in this anime was really wonderful despite the relatively lower budget. The first episode really showed off it's presentation, as did the post credits scene in this finale. The caught noble blabbing during his interrogation, the fate of Meela, the tallying of reward money in field mice meat, and everybody startled a moment at Ciel running out of nowhere to Ivy; this anime seems to be able to present a whole assortment of even brief scenes very well from comedy, serious, and heartwarming tones very well. I quite enjoyed this anime, it felt really unique also.
Hey thanks for putting in LN comparisons for every episode, I read every one while I binged through this anime since starting yesterday. I found them all interesting and insightful.
I don't suppose I can trouble you for a spoiler? (thanks in advance if so). I want to know what's up with Ivy's past "memories". Her past memories don't exactly seem to act strictly like "memories", it's more like a separate consciousness she either talks to, or it observes and tells her things. I suspect it was more than mere memories when it reminded Ivy that she had reward money to fall back on which she got for reporting the ogre attack, that's a specific thing in this isekai world, and a specific situation to Ivy. Nothing to do with memories, more like a consciousness computing her present situation for her. It actually doesn't seem to have the same personality as her, is it actually her? And do they eventually merge or something? I suspect it eventually ties in with the story about the outworlder saving the world with mysterious powers, and her no stars. Go ahead and spoil it all if you'd like, if I do decide to read the LN, it's going to be at the end of a long line of other LNs, and I would have forgotten much by then.
Hey thanks for putting in LN comparisons for every episode, I read every one while I binged through this anime since starting yesterday. I found them all interesting and insightful.
I don't suppose I can trouble you for a spoiler? (thanks in advance if so). I want to know what's up with Ivy's past "memories". Her past memories don't exactly seem to act strictly like "memories", it's more like a separate consciousness she either talks to, or it observes and tells her things. I suspect it was more than mere memories when it reminded Ivy that she had reward money to fall back on which she got for reporting the ogre attack, that's a specific thing in this isekai world, and a specific situation to Ivy. Nothing to do with memories, more like a consciousness computing her present situation for her. It actually doesn't seem to have the same personality as her, is it actually her? And do they eventually merge or something? I suspect it eventually ties in with the story about the outworlder saving the world with mysterious powers, and her no stars. Go ahead and spoil it all if you'd like, if I do decide to read the LN, it's going to be at the end of a long line of other LNs, and I would have forgotten much by then.
@Garrett_Dark Hmm. The memory part is a little different in the LN compared to the anime. The random thoughts coming up here and there is the same. I had a good laugh when she remembered zombies from zombie films and thought they were real, wondering what kind of dangerous world she used live in. In the LN, while there were some hints at her memories being "alive", it is mostly just that, memories. There are a lot of passive memories that show with things like food/cooking, knowing standard story plots (ex. where people might hide things in a mansion), etc. It's to the point where she has to ask a later companion to help her with common knowledge as Ivy's world and our world don't work the same and some ideas aren't very common in the region Ivy is in. A simple example would be eggs and rice. In Ivy's world, the egg equivalent is called roku fruit because they grow on plants. Rice in our world is "hard" to grow as it requires specific setup, such as partially flooding the rice field. In Ivy's world, rice is more like weeds and can basically grow anywhere. There are a lot of these little differences that pop up here and there. Some are noticed by Ivy while others are used to show the reader that the world truly is different, if you pay attention that is. As such, we don't get the same level of identity in the LN and the influence of the memories is more directly ingrained in Ivy compared to the anime. Her memories are related to the anime-only story about the outworlder though. Outworlders are a very important plot point in this story. We learn roughly in the early middle of the series that they are called Keys and there is something...ancient trying to gather and use enough Keys to unlock something dangerous. The one result of a Key being used that we learn about doesn't kill the child, but it did wipe their memory and drain them somehow. We also get a similar, but different from the story Ivy told, view of the past in an ancient church about how Ivy's world was once connected to another world. For the 0 stars, there is something there, but it hasn't been fully revealed yet. Interestingly, a recent reveal from the WN, a specific species of tree monsters seems to be linked to the starless tamers. This is a good point to go back to what Ruba said in Ep 3, the skill system was not always in place. Ivy is also easily liked by certain types of monsters, some of which are categorized as "guardians" of some sort. Adandala's and Giant Serpents being examples. So, I don't have an answer to the mystery of the 0 stars but it may be related to older ways, from before the old war and before the skill system came about. Altogether, her memories and status as a Key is a very important part of the overall, background story arc. As is her state as a starless tamer. The WN appears to be winding up for some big reveals and the end of the journey so we shall see. |
Mar 31, 2024 7:24 PM
What unexpected gem this series was! I also liked how everyone jumped as soon as ciel came out. Like those videos where they release little animals out in the wild and immediately a hawk snatches it lol |
Apr 3, 2024 8:31 AM
Still hate the stupid anime-only Meela betrayal. P.S.: I think it's weird she keeps using the "boy voice" when she's alone. |
HyperlinkBlockedApr 3, 2024 8:43 AM
Apr 3, 2024 9:54 AM
Reply to HyperlinkBlocked
Still hate the stupid anime-only Meela betrayal.
P.S.: I think it's weird she keeps using the "boy voice" when she's alone.
P.S.: I think it's weird she keeps using the "boy voice" when she's alone.
HyperlinkBlocked said: I think it's weird she keeps using the "boy voice" when she's alone. Oh, I didn't notice until you mentioned it. Interesting. I think it could be interpreted as her embracing her new identity (not in a gender way, but as a person; she's now a traveling adventurer who wants to help others). She even states "My name is Ivy" in her final lines; it's not an alias anymore. I even forgot what Ivy's real name was. It was endearing to watch Ivy discover the world and find a place for herself. I'd be happy to see her journey continue, now with newfound purpose. |
Apr 3, 2024 10:13 AM
I wanted to binge-watch this, but I've been learning to pace myself. However, this show seemed so fast. It's sad to see another good anime end. I really hope there's going to be a season 2. |
Apr 3, 2024 2:18 PM
Before post-credit I was feeling normal, but I break after the post-credit scene since it reminded me of the first 2 episodes. You know, I was thinking of not watching this anime after the 1st episode because I thought it would be very heartbreaking and depressing anime but all in all it's just a story about having the will to live. Certified 10/10, especially for a debut anime of a studio (This studio made the Let You Down MV and looking back at it, the animation indeed feels exactly the same. If Cyberpunk were to make a new anime, I don't mind if this studio is the one that's making it) |
Apr 3, 2024 11:48 PM
from the weakest tamer to the most rich child, this was fresh air to the isekai genre top tier shit right here |
Apr 5, 2024 8:06 PM
Apr 10, 2024 7:06 AM
Cute story, about girl finding new friends and encountering good people. |
Apr 19, 2024 11:43 AM
Reply to Vi-
I was not expecting that. This anime truly caught me off guard. The epilogue (post-credits) alone is a 10/10.
Simple yet greatly executed.
Easy 8/10 but my heart is ready to rate 9/10.
Simple yet greatly executed.
Easy 8/10 but my heart is ready to rate 9/10.
@TechOtaku i hope they make season 2 and soon it feels its getting more interesting |
Apr 23, 2024 8:12 AM
Wasn't a fan of this last arc but it seems it was what made Ivy overcome the mental trauma. Was a nice wrap up for the series. |
Apr 24, 2024 8:25 AM
May 16, 2024 11:09 PM
Man! What a nice anime! A simple premise and nice moral story Like I'm so glad they stuck with the fact she's weak and stays weak So many bad isekai are like 'oh I'm so weak, hah jk, I'm actually a god' Even with her Power Cat they only used it defensively and even then didn't excessively abuse it I'll admit it probably went too far with the Lie Detector slime, but I'ma mostly let it slide. Very nice anime. |
May 17, 2024 12:27 PM
Reply to Talamare
What a nice anime!
A simple premise and nice moral story
Like I'm so glad they stuck with the fact she's weak and stays weak
So many bad isekai are like 'oh I'm so weak, hah jk, I'm actually a god'
Even with her Power Cat they only used it defensively and even then didn't excessively abuse it
I'll admit it probably went too far with the Lie Detector slime, but I'ma mostly let it slide. Very nice anime.
What a nice anime!
A simple premise and nice moral story
Like I'm so glad they stuck with the fact she's weak and stays weak
So many bad isekai are like 'oh I'm so weak, hah jk, I'm actually a god'
Even with her Power Cat they only used it defensively and even then didn't excessively abuse it
I'll admit it probably went too far with the Lie Detector slime, but I'ma mostly let it slide. Very nice anime.
You know... I slept on it... and I think this anime is just really shallow... I still think its a nice anime, I still like the premise, and like the overall moral story... But... She doesn't actually do much... The entire summary of the anime is that she collects trash, hunts and barters small game, reports a monster attack, then becomes a lie detector... I think what I'm saying is that it would be nice if she did random acts of kindness across the show. She has plenty of acts of kindness done towards her, and I think that those inclusions are great... but she never really does any back to anyone... The closest 2 examples I can think of are when she cooked/cleaned and when she said nice things about the slime lady I really believe that if the anime had a few extremely minor scenes with her... idk... giving her bread away to a hungry kid or giving some of the excessive amounts of money she earned to a poor family... that it would have gave the show quite a bit more depth. |
TalamareMay 18, 2024 7:37 PM
May 23, 2024 12:39 AM
I'll miss Ivy, Sora, and Ciel a lot. They are so precious, especially Ivy and Sora. I enjoyed the anime so much and finished the whole thing in one go lol. There wasn't a single moment that I found boring or uninterested in. Some of the scenes related to Ivy broke my heart into pieces, and some, like her interaction with Sora and other good people, healed my broken heart. The animation was so beautiful, and I also loved the OP and ED. Thank you author for making this masterpiece, and thanks to the studio for beautifully animating it. It's their first anime project too, so they did a really great job. I hope they announce season 2 soon because I can hardly wait >_< |
May 31, 2024 7:23 AM
What an emotional ending, and goodbye, as Ivy goes off on another journey. Must have been bloody terrifying for everyone else when the big cat showed up. Studio Massket did an excellent job with this show, especially considering this is the first one they've done solo. Just everything down to even the tiny details was just excellent, you really don't see attention to detail like this in most shows. The visuals here were just stunning. This show is very much deserving of a season 2, for sure. I give this show a 10/10. |
Jun 1, 2024 4:02 AM
It felt good that they didn't get too involved in the political drama with the evil faction and Adventurer's guild. The first scenes before the OP served as the conclusive milestone that the enemies were finally dealt with for good and this episode more or less glossed over the celebration of everyone's merits and involvement in the covert operations. We find that the evil faction included high profile figures including the royal family so it was interesting to hear the conclusion to the operation from the Captain. We also see that Ivy's adventure doesn't end here because we learn that Sora can't be tamed by a single star or more tamer because the power is too strong. As a starless tamer Ivy is the only one who can tame Sora so in a sense she and Sora are a unique combination. Ivy bids the suppression squad and Guild members farewell as she continues her journey in the world. As we begun with fawna and flora of the world, we end with it - The colorful and detailed landscapes with incredibly detailed organisms, this time it ends with Ivy in the final scene. It was a decent watch, but it definitely lacked some substance to the plot and overarching narrative goals. |
Jun 14, 2024 8:25 PM
I may have took a bit longer than I meant to with this show, but damn it hurts that it’s already over, this was so wonderful, kinda ashamed of myself for not hitting this one during Winter 2024, but dammit I can’t watch everything lol, time is a bitch. But yeah, this show was a delight, not only because of the very good production from Studio Massket, but because of the content too, really enjoyed following Ivy’s journey as far as the show went, yeah there were intense moments as well as sad ones, but it was also so damn wholesome thanks to all the great folks (dads) Ivy met along the way. And most important of all was Sora, definitely among the cutest anime slimes I’ve seen, I’m pretty much the purple haired guy with how much I love him lol. And this final episode itself was a great ending for this season, I’m glad we got a satisfying follow-up to the case with the organization, damn that shit ran deep lol, and seeing Ivy hang with the men one last time before leaving again was really sweet, yeah it’s a shame she decided not to stick around at least for a little bit but I get why it’s like this, she at least got to finally get out that she’s starless and realized that it was only her crazy village that thought it was the sign of the antichrist, definitely a very big step for her. And I lost it when Ciel came out after Ivy walked away from the guys, you know these dudes were shitting bricks that Ivy was about to get mauled lol, thankfully this big cat is a good cat. And lastly I really liked the post credits scene showing the origin of Sora beyond what we already know, poor guy saw his kind dying before him but managed to survive long enough to meet the one who would save him, great place to end on. I’m definitely gonna miss this one big time, hopefully a season 2 is a possibility in the future, I’d love to see it one day. And the last thing I want to mention is what a great OP and ED this one had, really liked them both from the start but they grew on me beyond that as I watched, such good songs, would have easily been favorites of mine for Winter 2024. |
TheColonel76Jun 14, 2024 8:28 PM
Jul 2, 2024 4:10 AM
Cute MC and really colorful world. Nice feel-good show. 7/10. |
Go watch Gintama boyo/grill My discord server for gaming and anime/manga: |
Jul 15, 2024 4:46 PM
Fairly boring happy feels wrap-up episode but the final post-credit scene was super delightful. |
Jul 28, 2024 10:03 PM
Ivy and her monster companions were quite cute and there are many mysteries that are unsolved (what is she hearing, is she just a 0 star or is there something more to her, the history of the town she was in, will she do something with all her money?). There was a pretty good balance in the show between cute moments, funny moments, and serious moments too. I'm glad Ivy was able to open up to her friends in the last episode, I was a bit surprised she left though.. However, if this gets a second season, I hope they don't give us side characters to like that then are left behind again. I don't personally care for shows that build things up then drop them, then, rinse and repeat (reminds me of the first season of To Your Eternity but that had other qualities I didn't like either). Still, while there's likely more story to show, this season wrapped up rather nicely. I had fun! |
iwubanimeJul 28, 2024 10:13 PM
Sep 29, 2024 6:44 AM
love the music... |
Oct 3, 2024 6:08 AM
Fine show overall with a banger Op and ED that honestly was top tier. First half of the show was more interesting but I found the second half to be kind of dull. Still, I would be curious to check out more if a S2 is ever announced. 6/10 from here. |
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni |
Oct 16, 2024 2:07 PM
The absence of stars is probably the absence of a limiter. There's no limit to perfecting a skill. But that's just a guess. |
Oct 30, 2024 8:01 AM
Dec 29, 2024 6:09 AM
I really enjoy this show |
Feb 20, 4:05 PM
looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee |
Mar 4, 12:04 AM
Personally, I really like this anime, especially the story of the girl's upbringing and her journey to achieve her goal. |
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Poll: » Saijaku Tamer wa Gomi Hiroi no Tabi wo Hajimemashita. Episode 11 DiscussionStark700 - Mar 22, 2024 |
45 |
by Matheus050
Oct 19, 2024 2:48 PM |