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Apr 15, 2023 10:23 AM

Sep 2012
teubert2 said:

"he didn't use it less violent way cause by then he was pissed "

And that's my problem with this episode. Judging from previous episodes, his personality isn't that of someone who easily gets pissed and who is incapapble of rational thought, yet he suddenly becomes like that for no understandable reason. Nothing has happened other than Amyu being arrested, so it just seems really... uncharacteristic. If you ask me, it goes against his entire personality as he has been established to be the type of character who is calm and rational, not someone who just destroys everything in his path like some low IQ shounen protagonist who doesn't care about the ramifications of their actions. I generally hate the latter type of character, which is why I hate this episode. It doesn't feel like I'm looking at Seika. I watched the anime because I like competent protagonists, not mindless ones.

"sure few days is not a issue but they were not just away few days they ran off out from their kingdom and school knew it by then so they had no choice but to expel them, being away few day and leaving the country/kingdom are 2different things"

Again, schools where I'm from don't expel students just because they are temporarily absent from school for any reason, including leaving the country. That holds even more true for students like Amyu and Seika as pretty much any decent school would not want to expel such talented students. Because of that, I find it quite unrealistic that they would be expelled from school for leaving the country for what is probably only a few days at most. They might be expelled for committing crimes of course, but not just for leaving the country (unless leaving is actually a crime like in North Korea).
schools here neither (about short absence, but that's not short when they may half to be on a road for months or years), but when they hear they ran off from home they will expel them (absence with no legit reason is not tolerated at least in privet schools as i hear) i heard schools awry where will expel runaway students, also in Toradora when the main couple planned to elope they said we will be expelled for that (but they weren't cause they were not away for that long they changed there minds and got back, but if some1 would have said what they did they would have been expelled), eloping is same as running away (when school finds out ur expelled) and at least starting from high school rule is that strict awry where as i hear, i hear they expel even for getting pregnant heard stories of girls getting expelled over that, only public school rules are lighter private schools are strict  

and also u don't know from what time period the voce was in what said we were expelled so they may not be expelled yet but bit later, but maybe they were cause principal knew they can't stay that they half to travel until main villain is beaten, they didn't stay cause they couldn't cause new the hero will be hunted even more then before + that the princess can't just clear her from the charges  

Sugram22Apr 15, 2023 12:57 PM
Apr 15, 2023 12:27 PM
Jul 2012
Sugram22 said:
teubert2 said:

"he didn't use it less violent way cause by then he was pissed "

And that's my problem with this episode. Judging from previous episodes, his personality isn't that of someone who easily gets pissed and who is incapapble of rational thought, yet he suddenly becomes like that for no understandable reason. Nothing has happened other than Amyu being arrested, so it just seems really... uncharacteristic. If you ask me, it goes against his entire personality as he has been established to be the type of character who is calm and rational, not someone who just destroys everything in his path like some low IQ shounen protagonist who doesn't care about the ramifications of their actions. I generally hate the latter type of character, which is why I hate this episode. It doesn't feel like I'm looking at Seika. I watched the anime because I like competent protagonists, not mindless ones.

"sure few days is not a issue but they were not just away few days they ran off out from their kingdom and school knew it by then so they had no choice but to expel them, being away few day and leaving the country/kingdom are 2different things"

Again, schools where I'm from don't expel students just because they are temporarily absent from school for any reason, including leaving the country. That holds even more true for students like Amyu and Seika as pretty much any decent school would not want to expel such talented students. Because of that, I find it quite unrealistic that they would be expelled from school for leaving the country for what is probably only a few days at most. They might be expelled for committing crimes of course, but not just for leaving the country (unless leaving is actually a crime like in North Korea).
schools here neither (about short absence, but that's not short when they may half to be on a road for months or years), but when they hear they ran off from home they will expel them (absence with no legit reason is not tolerated at least in privet schools as i hear) i heard schools awry where will expel runaway students, also in Toradora when the main couple planned to elope they said we will be expelled for that, eloping is same as running away (when school finds out ur expelled) and at least starting from high school rule is that strict awry where as i hear, i hear they expel even for getting pregnant heard stories of girls getting expelled over that, only public school rules are lighter private schools are strict  

and also u don't know from what time period the voce was in what said we were expelled so they may not be expelled yet but bit later, but maybe they were cause principal knew they can't stay that they half to travel until main villain is beaten, they didn't stay cause they couldn't cause new the hero will be hunted even more then before + that the princess can't just clear her from the charges  

I can't comment on Toradora as I haven't watched it, but I have to disagree with you; I already said it, but I really don't think someone will be expelled for a few days of absence, much less the best students the school has to offer. No elite school with a principal that has at least half a brain would ever expel their top students for being absent for a few days. Doing so could have a very negative influence on not just the principal's reputation but also the school's reputation. There's just nothing to be gained from it. There has to be a really good reason for the school to expel them, like if the students have committed one or more crimes.

I don't necessarily doubt they will be expelled, I'm agreeing with you on that. I'm just saying I believe it will be for reasons other than a few days of absence.
When people tell me to stream anime on CR instead of downloading from fansub sites.

Apr 15, 2023 3:00 PM

Feb 2020
 The summons and monster designs were pretty cool. The second last episode gave a bit of overlord vibe (but anyways wasted characters). The plot itself was not at that good, but had enjoyable elements. unfortunately it spends too much time in harem shit rather than lore or world building like for eg the prince and his harem was beyond cringe plotline.
It was kind of enjoyable, i guess. Much better than the previous one (iceblade), i watched.
Click for a anime mashup!
Still not gone bandwagon u, keep crying. Here u are welcome to CRINGE at my EXISTENCE

Apr 16, 2023 2:09 AM

Nov 2019
Pretty good overpowered protagonist show, but I think they made a mistake by not keeping the originally declared 'prop someone else up as the strongest' theme.

That's what made it stand out among the crowd... and now it looks like any continuation will have to rely solely on its character interactions.
Apr 16, 2023 9:24 PM
Feb 2023
Ending was a bit stale
Apr 17, 2023 4:23 AM

Oct 2020
The ending wasn't too bad, I think as usual they tried to cram too much in and some of it didn't make sense. Still, I think this is the best isekai of the season, while Eminence in Shadow started off strong, it became incoherent and boring around the middle. Plus Angela's OP is really good. 
Apr 17, 2023 10:42 PM
Sep 2016
Very mediocre. Pacing is awful.
Apr 17, 2023 10:50 PM
Sep 2016
phantomfandom said:
They should be more surprised by the ability to revive people, not every isekai protagonist has this power, in fact, it's very rare.
For real. This Anime is very mid. Not awful, but far from good. Everyone is resurrected and all we get it "OMG, you made this more difficult for me! . . .  ha ha ha. typical seika! You get going now!"

Dude is super OP/Powerful and barely anyone blinks an eyes. Only the demons that came to the school had a genuine reaction. I don't know if I want to continue watching this show. It's just not good... SO many typical cliches that arent done well. There is no clear plot/goal for the story. it's just hoping from one small problem to another. Problems that are all solved RIGHT AWAY by the all powerful main character. A story where the Main character has no struggles at all is so boring. Typical Mary Sue/Marty Stu. The only inkling of character flaw is Seika doing some dumb shit and being reckless in this last episode to say Amyu, but... HE'S ONLY REWARDED FOR HIS BAD BEHAVIOR. There is barely any pushback at all from the princess. 

"Sekai, wait and listen." No. "Please understand" No! "But but.... okay. here's a carriage, food, and money. have a good night!!!" 

Like.. ARE YOU FOR REAL. This shit sucks.  
Apr 18, 2023 2:48 AM

Nov 2019
DoopDude said:
A story where the Main character has no struggles at all is so boring.

If you really feel that way... why are you watching an overpowered protagonist show in the first place?

The entire point of such shows is to be escapism, to allow the viewer to escape from the very real problems/setbacks they face in their own life to spend some time in the shoes of someone who just obliterates everything in their way. To live vicariously through their domination.
Apr 19, 2023 9:39 PM

Feb 2014
Finally this is over xD

I was giving 7/10 up until the end of episode 7.

Then, episode 8 started and wow... that was a bad episode (I didn´t like what they decided to make Yifa go trough and MC was dumb again when it comes to Yifa´s feelings - all of that harem was bullshit). After that I was not in a good mood anymore and the upcoming episodes weren´t as enjoyable. 

Vi-Apr 19, 2023 9:53 PM
Apr 20, 2023 5:16 AM
Jun 2014
why didn't Seika and Amyu just fly back to the academy on Ryuu?

Apr 20, 2023 5:17 AM
Jun 2014
this anime was one of the best if not the best anime of the winter season

Apr 24, 2023 8:48 PM
Jan 2022
If given the chance I would murder the princess. I hate her so much.
tbh all the females in this suck, plots good, mains decent, but the supports are ALL girls and they ALL are pretty trash, only good one is the red head and even she isn't very good. tbh not worth 13 episodes, had to push myself to watch it
Apr 29, 2023 1:48 PM

Mar 2013
MC just lose it after humanity tried to kill the hero just like they did with him.
Actualy weird how he look so calm, considering she even look like his apprentice they forced to kill him in his previous life...
Apr 29, 2023 8:48 PM
Apr 2023
it was so good cant wait for a new season
May 3, 2023 3:05 AM

Mar 2016
Overall is kinda meh in my opinion, since the other character besides the princess are basically useless.
OP by angela literally carry this for me by a lot.


May 3, 2023 5:59 AM

Jul 2015
Although I didn't think it differed that much from your typical power-fantasy isekai, it was still interesting to see Onmyouji magic being used here alongside the more 'classic' type.

May 3, 2023 4:57 PM

May 2015
I love seeing evil Seika. Didnt expect him to go full evil and kill all of those people. I love it when MCs go rogue like that but since he just revived them after it doesnt have any consequence. 

That princess still ticks me off. Characters that know more than the MC/audience and dont speak about it are annoying af. I know its her ability but its still annoying. 

Interesting that they're actually refering to Sekai as this era's demon lord. I guess he is but didnt think they'd full on go with it literally. Like the last episode where he just did an Ainz and slaughtered that party. 

Overall a decent anime. Took me a while to finish as some of the drama earlier on put me off but it was decent. I could maybe see myself re-watching this if I go on an isekai re-watch spree. 
DarknessRealityMay 3, 2023 5:02 PM
Yuritopia FTW!!!!!!!!! BANZAI TO YURI !!!!!!!!!!!!
May 14, 2023 2:17 AM

Oct 2008
With how chill Seika was acting when he let them arrest the Hero I thought he had a plan to rescue her, but dude just went and burn the place down lol. Was a fun series, waiting for a season 2 that will never come.
May 15, 2023 7:40 AM
May 2023
I'm sheep for isekai trash. That's why I'm here. Out of all the isekai trash i've watched, the animation didn't meet my expectations, then again you can't have high hopes. The most dissapointing part was definitely the MC's VA, as they couldn't really bring in a sense of emotion. It just felt robotic/ 5/10
May 20, 2023 7:15 AM
May 2023
Jai bien aimer en attende d'une suite
Jun 11, 2023 2:37 PM
Apr 2022
I know there's a lot of the "wannabe cool" anime watchers that bash isekais to sound like they're smart but these are supposed to be fun animes try not to take yourself seriously
Jun 29, 2023 11:39 AM
Oct 2017
really good isekai series I'll hope for a s2 loved it
Jul 2, 2023 1:58 PM

Aug 2015
well it ended on a good note so i guess he'll be alright
So many boobs in fairy tail, it's crazy.
Jul 25, 2023 10:16 PM

May 2010
LOL, they seriously shot fire arrows at him? I mean, it's not like Seika is made of wood...

Weird finale. 
“Money can't buy dere”
Aug 4, 2023 11:09 PM

Mar 2012
Kinda fell off a cliff from the end of the tournament arc. Pacing felt very rushed; did they cover all 5 vol in existence at time of airing?
Made less and less sense towards the end. Gly is a good guy and stronger than Amyu now? WTF happened since he got his butt kicked and sent to military school? Zero character development and basically expects us to shut off brain.

Random mention of his wife from previous life in one episode but that didn't go anywhere. Could've been a good backstory but nah. It's like they trimmed all the good parts of a story and just made it solely point A to B without bothering with the journey. Literally too; some carriage journeys supposedly took 7 days and besides the bandit episode nothing of importance ever happened during these long journeys. Doesn't ever show them sleep outside, eating/talking around a bonfire, w/e, that'd make these events more substantive.
Oct 7, 2023 2:44 AM
Jul 2018
I never see anime like this. This is awesome
Oct 25, 2023 11:33 AM
Oct 2023
Intéressant hâte de voire la suite
Dec 17, 2023 5:23 AM
Nov 2016
Man, this was good. 2nd season when ? I wanna see the gang going on adventures.

Dec 23, 2023 2:14 AM

Dec 2010
Reply to BlueSnow93
Man, this was good. 2nd season when ? I wanna see the gang going on adventures.

@BlueSnow93 There is barely enought material for a season 2, light novel volume 7 will be release at the end of January 2024. 1 cour tv with 13 episodes can be fleasible in 2024 but it depend of the anime studio.

BUT you also have an alternative, the manga adaption, manga is not bad at all, moreover is more violent and edgy, it have more scenes not included in the anime, next chapter will reach the same point of the anime so you can continue to read the story until a season 2 is made, if will be ever be made.

Example of different scenes from the manga:
Fn76Dec 23, 2023 1:03 PM
Dec 24, 2023 3:17 PM
Nov 2016
Oof, that's more violent indeed. I already checked out the manga and was bummed it was at the same point as the end of the anime.
Dec 25, 2023 1:28 PM

Dec 2010
Reply to BlueSnow93
Oof, that's more violent indeed. I already checked out the manga and was bummed it was at the same point as the end of the anime.
@BlueSnow93 Yes, soem scenes are more short and vice versa, overall both follow close the original novels, anyway 1 more chapter and hopefully we can read new stuff. :)
Jan 9, 2024 2:03 PM

Nov 2014
That was pretty satisfying end, ngl. Tho I think it'd feel better without all four reuniting - having this few years break with just two of them would be a nice development imo.
This whole castle storming would be much better if we had production quality to back it up. As it is, it looked rather.. dry? Nonetheless angry Seika was rather entertaining and at least he had his priorities right there: can't trust that princess with his friend's life.
Shame it's LN adaptation, I'd be interested in following it if it was manga.
Jan 25, 2024 11:59 PM
Dec 2021
Refreshing way to do magic
Feb 15, 2024 6:11 AM

Nov 2019
What a wholesome way to end the series. I was fully expecting the cliche big bang event where the evil entity reveals itself and MC defeats it with the help of his friend and frees the hero from confinement. Little did I know they detained the hero because there was no need for her existence in the peaceful world. MC is still a mystery to me though, is he an exorcist still but with paranormal powers or does he inherit the devil king powers. Either way definitely not what I was expecting from a reincarnation/opmc
Feb 15, 2024 6:12 AM

Nov 2019
What a wholesome way to end the series. I was fully expecting the cliche big bang event where the evil entity reveals itself and MC defeats it with the help of his friend and frees the hero from confinement. Little did I know they detained the hero because there was no need for her existence in the peaceful world. MC is still a mystery to me though, is he an exorcist still but with paranormal powers or does he inherit the devil king powers. Either way definitely not what I was expecting from a reincarnation/opmc
Feb 27, 2024 2:07 PM
Nov 2018
Show was alright, mid isekai. It wasn't a masterpiece or amazing, but I'd definitely want to watch more, and see the party go on more adventures.
Mar 7, 2024 6:48 PM

Dec 2022
Found it decent enough. Seika was a respectable enough protagonist too, so long as you omit the episodes featuring prince Cecilio. Definitely felt like it would've benefitted from a plot that was less episodic in format though.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Apr 9, 2024 10:31 AM
Aug 2022
the ending is a little weird but overall not bad
Dec 13, 2024 5:35 AM
Feb 2014
Anime Saikyou Onmyouji no Isekai Tenseiki and it ended very well.

I can only say that this anime really surprised me with the ending chosen by Seika and his group, I can't say much about this anime, but I can say that this anime is really very good and surprised me for the ending chosen by Seika and his friends, if she had never been betrayed in her previous life, I'm sure she wouldn't have chosen this path, and chose a better path offered by Fiona. I hope she chooses the path proposed by Fiona, but it seems like the feeling of betrayal in her previous life really left a mark on her heart.

I hope this anime gets a new season, because the story really surprised me. Because an anime as good as this is a shame it doesn't get a new season, if possible.
Jan 22, 2:29 PM
Mar 2024
as lutas sao mt fodas, sinceramente fiquei pulando de alegria em cada vez que ele usava uma invocacao, simplesmente incrivel!
Feb 6, 5:48 AM

Jul 2012
The only selling point on this anime are onmyoji style fighting scene + maō N Yūsha as a nakama 😅
A little bit interesting..
If only there is more romance touch..

Well, it already good enough 8/10

Feb 23, 1:28 PM
Jun 2017
wtf happend with this story or plot or whatever you want to call it???

So let me see if I can make it clear to everyone: MC can revive people = there was no reason for him to hold back from killing his favorite studens <- talking about before reincarnation scene.

He also can revive himself.

On top he goes on a killing rampage but not against the imperial scumbags from his previous life? WTF.....

The Ryu is the prime proof that his new body is way weaker then his previous one. So everything he did before reincarnation is the freaking aboslut pooof that this story make absolut no sense.

He can use the monster to read minds to get the important information, resistant, no will? after being attacked to kill, of course he can say clearly he is only after the people who are plotting assasination, meaning anyone who isen't after his life have no reason to put up a fight and anyone who will will easily be defeated.

Also, hip hip huray! Monster and demon, we kill them, humans? let's revive them....

And in case someone stil don't freaking understand how much of a massive plot twist HOLES this anime has:

EVEN IF THE HERO GIRL GET KILLED, MC CAN LATER REVIVE HER. Meaning everything he did in ep 13 was NOT needed.

Where the actual F is the whole " I will be cunning"???????
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