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Apr 22, 2023 1:34 AM
Boring as all hell. |
Yu-Gi-Oh! YouTube Channel - |
Apr 22, 2023 6:53 AM
Enjoyed the film a lot but unfortunately the person sitting next to me in the theater smelled horrible. When will weebs learn to take care of their personal hygiene? |
shqdyApr 22, 2023 7:48 AM
Apr 22, 2023 7:14 AM
I saw this movie in the cinema yesterday and well... I'm a bit disappointed. Despite being an absolute eye candy, the movie didn't feel like it has much to offer. I really liked the slice of life bits, but the main storyline was pretty weak... |
Apr 22, 2023 10:36 AM
the cat was cuter than the boy :) |
Apr 22, 2023 11:30 AM
Well that was nice. A lot of similar things to the other works although I haven't watched them, but I enjoyed it a lot. There's no point to talk about the animation because it was good, just as expected. The views in some moments made me feel want to be there. The characters were great, Souta was very nice and so was his friend, Suzume wasn't annoying and I do like that the movie was more serious than what I expected. There were some things that felt a bit odd but it didn't matter that much in the end. However the whole part with her backstory felt too sudden and at the end it felt like they put a lot of importance on that scene when I wasn't really thinking about it throughout the movie. Overall it was very nice and I do feel bad for Daijin, it makes sense why he did that. |
Alex_TheForestApr 22, 2023 11:34 AM
Apr 22, 2023 9:20 PM
i am a certified Makoto Shinkai hater, i've watched all his movies and dislike most of them. i think Shinkai is not anywhere near as competent a director as the greats he looks up to and i'm quite sure he knows it, he's just making the sort of stuff that feel fun and important to him. so to turn this backhanding into a compliment i was mildly impressed with Suzume seeing it in a theatre. i think this is the absolute most competent movie Shinkai has managed to put together in his entire career and his trademark arbitrary bombastic emotional moments hit pretty hard in the sound surrounding environment. it's a fun movie that surprised me by breaking drastically from his cloyingly angsty plots revolving around how a girl suffering and being apart from a boy makes him sad. i love a good angsty story but my man just doesn't have the talent or curiousity to make it work for me. i'm glad he cut out a lot of his brand of anti romance for this movie and focused on Suzume's loosely allegorical journey to deal with her vague trauma. my one major complaint is that Souta is the prettiest boy in any of shinkai's movies and his human form is barely in the movie at all. sure the chair stuff is amusing but if Shinkai wanted to do his own take on the great body horror of Howl's Moving Castle he did not do it justice. all movie directors are perverts and Shinkai has almost always been a boring pervert, but this time he's shown that he's got the willingness to branch out and play to the few strengths he does have to make something that i did not entirely hate sitting in a chair for 2 hours to experience |
Apr 23, 2023 12:58 AM
its obviously a masterpiece coming from Makoto senkai |
Apr 23, 2023 6:26 AM
First time watched makoto shinkai movie in theatres and wow nice experience. Visuals and soundtracks were stunning 🔥 |
Apr 23, 2023 7:31 AM
The best movie <3<3<3 |
Apr 23, 2023 8:23 AM
Another Masterpiece, the visuals, detailings best. korewa saikiyo daze! |
Apr 23, 2023 10:54 AM
Great fucking movie! I was a bit afraid because of the "oh the same old formula again" comments but I'm glad they were wrong. That's like saying "all of the shounen series are the same as it's a about a weak boy who never gives up and turns out to be special in some way" or "romcoms are all about social outcasts falling in love". It's a formula yes but the important thing is how it's executed and Shinkai does that wonderfully. Fresh of the cinema my mind is telling me that this might just be his strongest movie yet but it might just change after a while because right now I'm still hyped. Anyways the strongest thing about the movie is Suzume herself. Shinkai finally decides to focus on 1 character as opposed to 2 and it paid off superbly as Suzume, in my opinion, is his strongest main character so far. She's amazing and I love the whole journey that she and Souta went on. Obviously, Souta didn't get fleshed out as much as maybe Taki and Hodaka but it was enough for this movie and I frankly like him more than Hodoka. The plot itself was really interesting as it didn't throw "this is what natural disasters do to people" in our faces as much as it tried to clue us in instead by the visuals and the voices that were heard every time the doors were closed. The side characters are all loveable, except maybe for the guy who's after Suzumes aunt. Shinkai really improved his side characters after Your Name and I'm glad that he's continued on this positive trend. All in all, 8.8 is probably where I'd put this right now. Can't wait to rewatch it as I really liked Suzume. She's a great character and the whole journey was just so fun and we saw so many different sides of her as opposed to just being a shy girl who just blushes, which she is not. The only thing I wish we got more of is probably her hometown and classmates, who all were just there for the beginning, unfortunately. Also, something people have to have in mind is that a lot of things in the movie will hit the Japanese audience more, namely the natural disaster themes because a lot of people are still feeling the effect of disasters such as the 2011 earthquake. Each abandoned location is really cleverly thought out and how those specific areas affected Japan and its population socially and how they should move on from those events. |
FireFistYKApr 23, 2023 11:02 AM
Apr 23, 2023 3:33 PM
This was... so lame. Visuals, soundtrack and voice acting are top notch perfection. But what the f is this story even supposed to be? The whole conflict is built upon Daijin being an a*s then te little sh*t has the audacity to get offended and act all sad. The other cat is even worse, he just literally spawned next to the main group. Also what was up with the aunt saying the most horrid things imaginable to Suzume then we act like nothing happened? And what is the conclusion? That a 16yo girl falling in love with a 24yo dude because he looks pretty is the true love? The characters are literally cardboard cutouts and story feels like it was written by a 14yo child who was raised on disney. |
Apr 23, 2023 5:07 PM
Solid 8/10. Glad I saw this in theaters. |
Apr 24, 2023 3:20 AM
I just wna say, Souta is so hot omg. Serizawa too. Bye…… Okok I also liked the memories that all the abandoned and lost places hold. Those moments were emotional. |
ꕤ but i’ll probably remember over and over again you were there and everyone else was there — the day we all searched for just one thing ꕤ |
Apr 24, 2023 1:30 PM
good animation very dramatic chair prince and dramatic traumatized mc |
Apr 24, 2023 6:24 PM
Great movie. Really sad. I imagine the reference to the tsunami is especially powerful for Japanese folks. I really liked the protag. The scene at the end where her young self was looking for her dead mom had me tearing up. "She's a great nurse, she's good at woodworking, she can do anything! I know she's worried about me, and since our house is gone, she just doesn't know where to find me!" Like damn. I definitely echo others in regards to the relationship feeling very rushed. Some of it can be explained by the age difference and how he's a pretty boy, but still. It doesn't feel quite natural. Easy 9/10. I would have made some different song choices here and there, but I would highly recommend it. |
Apr 25, 2023 6:33 AM
It was my first anime movie in theatre in 4DX. What a blast it was!! 2 hrs passed by in seconds. The visuals were eyegasmic as expected from Shinkai's masterclass and those door closing scenes were just treat to eyes. Watching movie in 4DX was next level experience, the water sprinklers in theatre, smoke, lightening effect and movements of chair just elevated the experience. Now on movie,imo the movie has 2nd best story in all Shinkai's movie after your name but everything else from visuals, osts, voice acting, emotions were on par with others, not to mention the comedic scenes surprised me they were super smooth and well written that I had good laugh multiple times. Just a little complain,why didn't they used main theme more T T,it was so good anyways loved the movie and the last scene with suzume meeting with her younger self was damn touching. Overall one of the greatest experience for lifetime as a weeb,thank you to everyone behind the movie to make it such a banger watch. Hoping to see another banger from Shinkai sir in next three year. |
yameteKudasaiKunApr 25, 2023 8:20 AM
Apr 25, 2023 5:58 PM
Apr 26, 2023 12:52 AM
Great film. First time seeing a Shinkai Makoto film in theatres. Getting the obvious out of the way, animation, music, and sound design were as usual stellar in this film. It’s to be expected from the studio. Always love how Shinkai Makoto explores many regions and places across Japan on top of the common areas like Tokyo. This wasn’t his best film but maybe #2 or #3. As for the story it was good. It felt slightly rushed toward the final quarter of the film with the scenes moving a lot quicker compared to the first 3/4 of the film. They could’ve given more time to flesh some scenes out but the runtime was already long enough so I see why. Didn’t ruin the film or anything but it could’ve elevated it to a higher status. This film really tackles the effects of natural disasters on the people of Japan. All of the abandoned doors the MCs come across tell a story through the memories of each location. I honestly loved that. Deserted areas always have a history behind them. The morning, kids going to school, people heading to work, friends and family having dinner. Honestly teared up when the film displayed this. Because sometimes you just won’t know how much a place and its people mean to you. Characters were honestly great. I don’t know if there was truly romance in this though. It was kind of discreet and unclear but at times when it did feel like maybe there’s romance I just kept saying to myself it’s so unnecessary for this story. And honestly weird with the significant age gap between Suzume and Souta. I absolutely loved Suzume’s journey across Japan and meeting various people along the way. Every scene felt heartwarming. Overall great film. I’m glad I went late night to see it in theatres despite how burnt out I was. The movie was going to leave my theatres in 2 days as of writing this. I didn’t want to miss out on watching a Shinkai Makoto film on the big screen. Glad I did. |
LeoDragoApr 26, 2023 1:02 AM
Apr 26, 2023 5:34 AM
I just saw the movie!! The ending credits along with the theme song are playing right now and here I am ready to post an fp about how great this movie was!! The story was great!!! And of course the animation was peak!!! Loved every bit of the movie!!! Especially that 'Kimi no na wa' like ending!!! 9/10 movie for me!!!! |
Apr 27, 2023 3:33 PM
Just a Masterpiece of work. Everything was so good: Music, Visual and even story-telling was perfectly designed and well executed. Its one of those film you must watch in cinemas. |
Apr 29, 2023 10:09 AM
seen it in the movies, honestly one of the best |
Apr 29, 2023 5:44 PM
Didnt know this movie existed until a few days ago when I was planning to see a bunch of movies on the cinema, then realized this was airing on my country and was shocked, positively so, until then I really did not know that the next Shinkai's movie was already releasing. Came to the movie almost blind, without high expectations, which was good because for the most part, while brilliantly directed, it was just a fun movie, following the all to familiar formula by now for his movies (shame cuz I also like some of his more bitter earlier works). There was just something missing to break the gap where I really get sucked and completely invested in the movie, but I was definitely having fun, the visuals were great and loving that OST and cinema experience. Then the later parts of the movie came, and I got way more invested because it almost felt like the movie was gonna end at a part, and then it just keeps going and going, I would compare it to getting an extremely LONG epilogue that thankfully delivers that extra needed development to the characters and plot, some will still say it was following the old formula from his other movies, but to me it was when I could finally really connect with the characters and be eager to see what was going to happen next. I value that greatly and feel the ending was fitting and conclusive enough, more so that I was not really feeling the romance too much, so I m glad it was not in the viewers face all the time, this movie did not need it! Everything together had me bumping the score a bit, it is not Shinkai's best work, but it was a very worthy experience on the cinema and left me more satisfied than I expected. 8.6/10 = 9 |
Apr 29, 2023 10:11 PM
I love Shinkai's movies. Suzeme had the same fantastic quality of animation, but I found the story a bit hard to appreciate, compared to his other movies. |
Apr 30, 2023 7:37 PM
May 1, 2023 1:03 AM
I went to cinema expecting a lot but it completely blew away my expectations, I did not like it, I loved it! One of the best anime movies of the last ten years, in my opinion only koe no katachi, eva 3+1 and violet evergarden the movie can stand the confrontation. And I am saying it as a shinkai enjoyer |
Alessio_BollichMay 1, 2023 1:07 AM
May 1, 2023 3:34 PM
Was one of the songs, while they where in the car, "Yume no naka e" from Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou OST? :D I heard right, right? |
May 1, 2023 4:47 PM
Finally with the release in my country, I have been able to fully experience for the first time a Makoto Shinkai movie in theathre, even in o.v. which is not granted here. I haven't seen all of his major works, but many of them. In my personal ranking Kimi no Na wa keeps the top spot, but this can easily get the second. Overall production, direction, aesthetic is still on the top, even if animation felt a bit inferior compared to Kimi no na wa, especially in contrast with the environment/lighting which is god tier. The VA did a great job, so did the sound effects and music. Storywise, I expected a bit more romance development, considering Souta spent most of the time in the chair form, and she fell in love during that time. But this isnt't a fully romance oriented story and includes themes like overcoming personal traumas, parent-child relationship, love towards life and awareness about what makes it worth to live. There is depth and chatarsis, which gives the story a more emotional impact, along with humourous and funny times. As usual, a linear and simple narrative improved by a deep storytelling and eye-candy visuals, plus a great entertainment value. I am really satistied, for what is worth, I consider this an 8.5/10. |
Thrasher96May 1, 2023 4:51 PM
May 4, 2023 2:42 AM
Suzume no tojimari is a real step down from "Weathering with you" which was a step down from "Your Name". Too many plots and not enough time is given to resolve any of them while also boring the hell out of the audience. Characters and settings were good but they were not combined in the best way to create a movie that would entertain the audience. |
May 5, 2023 7:40 AM
Just saw this movie in theaters and I loved it, made me emotional too as it really connected with me. Visuals were so damn good as is to be expected from a Shinkai Makoto movie by now, camera work, audio / soundtracks, and all the small scenes like the key locking / unlocking scenes added so much. So many funny moments too like the kids playing with the chair or all the scenes of people being confused by a chair chasing a cat . In a lot of ways this movie reminded me a lot of "Everything, Everywhere, All at once" Appreciating what you've got. Not forgetting the positive feelings despite the negative feelings, shown by all these locations being abandoned despite having been places where a lot of people had great memories. - Most notably the location where Suzume's mother died because of the tsunami. A great scene was one where Suzume ran up a hill trying to find the worm and then Serizawa mentioning that the abandoned place looked beautiful and Suzume never having looked at it like that. It's about about having hope, being optimistic and overcoming trauma, Suzume closing doors and also being able to open new doors is a clear representation of that. Despite the trauma of losing her mother she would eventually find other things to look forward to, people to cherish and love. - Beautifully shown by her adventure through Japan and the lovely people she managed to meet and learn about. Even if it seems there's no hope right now, remember better times will come. |
PrOxAntoMay 5, 2023 1:45 PM
May 5, 2023 10:12 AM
I just saw the movie at the cinema and it's a excellent movie! The animation is top notch as are the OSTs! Without forgetting the seiyū and the emotion that goes with it! What a treat! |
ElyshionApr 21, 2024 12:37 PM
May 5, 2023 4:29 PM
May 5, 2023 7:24 PM
I sobbed so hard....I think I left a part of my soul in that movie theater. The animation was GORGEOUS and the music was an insane masterpiece. I am forever changed by this story and this goddamn chair. |
May 6, 2023 9:58 AM
Beautiful animation and great music as always, but there's a lot of things that went unexplained and the ending did not show what happened to the other characters. What's up with Daijin wanting to be Suzume's cat? What's the relation between Souta's grandpa and Sadaijin? Is Suzume still in contact with Chika and the woman that brought her to Kobe? What happened to Serizawa, is he asking Souta for that 20k yen back? I thought that one guy was going to follow Suzume's aunt to Tokyo, but they didn't show any of that afterwards. How has this journey impacted Suzume's outlook in life? There's so many things that's not wrapped up properly, which is disappointing to me. |
May 6, 2023 12:40 PM
I think I set my expectations too high. Nonetheless, some of the scenes were amusing. |
May 7, 2023 9:51 AM
Very good movie, got to watch it two times in the cinema. Watching it a second time really helped connecting the plot points and it definitely made the movie that much better. Unfortunately the German subs were very bad, I had moments where I had to roll my eyes (even with my very, very limited japanese). It felt like they put the english subs through a machine translator, there even was a line that wasn't even translated (Near the beginning "Excuse me" was in english). |
May 8, 2023 11:56 AM
Got a chance to see this in the cinema and it was an absolute visual spectacle. Gorgeous animation and the usual sweet Shinkai visuals. The rest was just ok. Most characters were the stock Shinkai formula except the Serizawa dude. He was a breath of fresh air . |
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov |
May 13, 2023 3:41 AM
thepandaboi said: You should put this up as a review as it echoed my thoughts to the tee. It’s hard to write one without spoilers but the others look like unsubstantiated hate. I guess I’m used to expecting a good romance and character development in his movies. The plot was fine but it left me asking for more. Especially in the first half the constant panicc moments left me a bit overwhelmed. Overall a solid 8.5/10 in terms of how much I enjoyed it but people should temper their expectations before going to the cinemas. This was the first Shinkai movie I saw on the big screen and it definitely elevates the enjoyment factor especially with all the action and smooth animation in this one. Haha, I appreciate the compliment! Yeah just like you Suzume is the first Makoto Shinkai movie I've watched In the Cinema, and as you said, I agree, people should temper their expectations before watching this, who knows if someday Makoto Shinkai will make a movie that goes against his usual supernatural romance movie? That being said, expectations will always be in the minds of eager audiences, especially due to Kimi no na Wa's masterpiece storytelling and character chemistry. What's left beyond expectations is whether a person could enjoy what they watch because they should. |
May 13, 2023 4:16 AM
it was a wholesome movie, i really loved the music |
May 14, 2023 9:12 AM
I absolutely loved this movie. I watched it in the cinema - and wow, the animation & colors are absolutely stunning. But what I really love are the little subtle details in the movie, that often carry hidden messages - and making the story all the more meaningful. There are so many of them that I actually decided to make a whole vid on it lol XD |
Anime analysis & fun chats :) Visit my Youtube @yume.kairi |
May 15, 2023 3:30 PM
Very nice *thumbs up* |
May 16, 2023 7:30 AM
Disappointing film really. Just the same Makoto-esque narrative, he’s clearly mastering the formula. It’s basically the same thing as Your Name/Weathering with You but more emphasis on supernatural elements. Also the main dude is a chair. |
May 18, 2023 12:43 PM
May 20, 2023 10:24 AM
Absolute masterpiece , great in every single aspect. |
May 24, 2023 9:12 AM
15 minutes in and ... I ended up with lots of questions. Long story short, dropped it. |
May 31, 2023 2:07 PM
"Where I throw random thoughts and say its a review its not" Overall rating 5/10 This is the first Shinkai work I've seen and I was reeled in by the song that went viral. Watched it at my local cinema with my girlfriends...missed the 1st 15-ish minutes which might have affected my understanding and enjoyment of the movie and I ended up missing the song which defeated the whole purpose of my initial desire to watch it.
There are some meaningful themes in the movie, such as Suzume accepting her mother's death and such but nothing that I felt was super impactful to the point where I left the cinema going 'wow that was deep' This movie genre isn't usually my preference hence my never having watched Shinkai's previous works and tbh I don't plan on watching any of his old ones. My friends loved it tho! which is nice cause it was their first time watching an anime movie and one in cinema too |
ZeytemisMay 31, 2023 2:49 PM
My Candies: |
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