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y u m e . k a i r i

y u m e . k a i r i

Hi guys, I'm yume. Nice to meet you!

I love reading and escaping into the world of fictions. I love a wide range of anime genre. From battle shonen, romance, and slice-of life.

I make youtube videos analyzing & talking about anime:

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Fumetsu no Anata e
Fumetsu no Anata e
Jul 3, 2023 9:42 AM
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Plastic Memories
Plastic Memories
Jun 10, 2023 10:09 PM
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Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai
Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai
Jun 10, 2023 10:07 PM
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Sousou no Frieren
Sousou no Frieren
Jun 10, 2023 10:12 PM
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Imawa no Kuni no Alice
Imawa no Kuni no Alice
Jun 10, 2023 10:12 PM
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Tongari Boushi no Atelier
Tongari Boushi no Atelier
Jun 10, 2023 10:11 PM
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PeripheralVision Jan 5, 2024 10:22 AM
Ah, just wanted to share a video with you I found interesting on Jujutsu Kaisen and strength. Why Jogo Was Never A True Curse. So the video goes over the characterization of Jogo from his initial meeting with Kenjaku to his eventual demise by Sukuna, and how his growth was ultimately stifled by him comparing himself to the pinnacle of the Jujutsu Kaisen world.

It’s kind of funny, how you can compare this to Ao No Hako and Taiki’s journey to the top or Haikyuu’s cast in general. To cut it short, as someone interested in psychology, have you heard of silver medalist syndrome? So basically, it has been observed that athletes who won bronze medals in the Olympics are more satisfied with their awards than those who won silver medals NPR has an article on this phenomenon, but the theory is that silver medalists are less satisfied because in their minds, they came so close to gold yet only got silver.

So overall I find Jogo relatable, and to an extent this mirrors what you said earlier in your video about Geto.
PeripheralVision Jan 3, 2024 9:45 AM
So I’ve been thinking about what Jujutsu Kaisen has been trying to say about strength abs your own thoughts about the characters of Gojo and Geto.

I still don’t think I really understand what the narrative says about strength, but after watching Baki and seeing what Sukuna has to say about his own existence (During his brief fight against Hajime), it made me want to ask you a question.

Yume, if you were so incredibly strong, intelligent, and overall so capable as to never really need to rely on anyone else, then would you or most anyone in that position really want anyone else? If you did not need anyone else, would you still want someone else, even if they could not really understand your position?

I mean, not to downplay Sukuna’s malevolence, but from the perspective of a seemingly immortal existence of unparalleled power, then I suppose it could be understood why he views most other people as resources for his own amusement and self gratification. His empathy, or rather his appreciation, are limited to those he finds exceptional.

I suppose this is a pretty cynical thought process, to suggest that most of our relationships are at least steeped in necessity, born of our own individual limitations and our limitations as individuals, but not one I can entirely dismiss, at least given my own experiences. We all place greater value on those that give greater fulfillment and comfort in our lives, and we all need someone to understand us. What happens them if no one can, and if that rift occurs as a result of exceptional ability and achievement?

(I actually had this epiphany walking in my university’s Barnes and Noble.)
Jeremk Jan 1, 2024 5:00 AM
As we enter a new year, I would like to take a moment to express my sincerest wishes for you and your loved ones.
May this year bring you an abundance of joy, health and prosperity.

Let's welcome all the anime that comes our way, and let's read lots of manga for our own personal enjoyment.

We look forward to a year full of new adventures, opportunities and unforgettable moments.

Happy new year 2024
PeripheralVision Dec 31, 2023 9:16 PM
Happy new years Yume! Here’s hoping for more thoughtful videos from one of my favorite creators! 😊
claramelos Dec 6, 2023 5:29 AM
no problem, nice to meet u!
i would definitely recommend it if u want something cute to watch, i really like the relationship between the main characters and it has some pretty funny moments.
is there anything you've watched recently you could recommend me? i'm open to any genre :)
Jeremk Nov 3, 2023 4:43 PM
Hello ! It's been a long time and hope everything going well :)
Kinda late with my reply although i read it a while and it was really interesting so thanks for that !!
I'm doing fine and currently on vacation, i'm just complaining about the bad weather i'm currently experiencing. How's the weather where you live ?

I'm really close to graduate, i just need to do an internship in a few month and then i will finish with school. That was a long way but finally i will be able to take some rest and travel. In fact, i'm studying mechanical engineering (basically i use software to design parts of an object) but i can works in automotive, aerospace, aeronautics sectors, so if one day i get bored in one field i can switch easily.
But i find it really cool that you get an interest in psychology although you don't work there, it allows you to get interest in other subject and not get bored by doing the same thing. What makes you interest in business marketing first ?
Ohh and yeah lately i have watched some of yours videos especially about Haikyuu, i find it amazing that you have been able to offer an interpretation which is revelant.
I always find a character interesting if he has a background, a personality and has a goal he wants to achieve.

Haikyuu is the anime that makes me want to play Volleyball because of Hinata about how determined and strong minded he is haha, do you plan to watch the two movies ?

About One Piece longevity, i agree with you as if gets better over time. Even until now, every time there is a new chapter i'm just excited to read the manga. For the anime, since the Wana country arc, i feel like the animation is reaching a new dimension that makes people more and more interested in the anime despite how long the anime is.
Do you prefer to read the One Piece manga or rather watch the episodes ?
Well in my opinion, i feel like One Piece is getting really interesting with the Summit war arc. I don't say that the other arcs were bad far from it, quite the contrary all the arcs had a connection between them and makes sense. But i feel like at the beginning, Oda haven't expected to be a success, because i don't see Crocodile being beaten by Luffy (who wasn't strong at that time) .
Do you have a favorite One Piece opening/ending ?

That's funny that you're talking about Kuma because at the moment in the manga, we have a focus on his past and it sounds super interesting; currently on my watch to rewatch all the specials episodes, movies of One Piece and i'm at Thriller Bark arc.
I can understand when you said that some anime have arcs that are not connected. I was wondering have you watched some Chinese anime ? If not, i feel like it would be a great experience for you. I mean the characters have a completely different personality compares to japanese characters. It's difficult to explain it but it's like they are expresionless (usually because they are overpowered and it's hard for them to have a goal).
I was reluctant to watch Chinese anime but the plot are just astonishing...

Hmm if you asked me who is the evilest villain in One Piece ? It's a difficult but at the same time an interesting question.
What you said about Akainu is really interesting but in my opinion even if all he does is to fight for justice, he is still for me a villain.
But i feel like it depends on people point of view no? Initially, it's not pirates who are considered villains ?
So yeah, for me Akainu is the evilest vilain because he is the man who took Ace's life and who makes suffers Luffy so much. For you, is there something that makes you like Akainu in a way?
About Blackbeard, i feel like we need to know his past and more of his ambition he is carrying. Even after being one of the main antagonist in One Piece, not a lot of things is know about him despite the fact he is manipulative.
To be honest with you, i tend to prefer Blackbeard than Akainu because he is an ambitious guy with a lot of mystery.
Do you have a favorite One Piece villain ?

Also i'm very curious about how Aokiji switch from Marines side to the pirates sides. It really surprised me because he is describes as someone who carry an honorable sense of justice, but according to him justice depends on the side you are.
What do you think about his character?

Keep posting and that's cool that you're audience is getting larger over the time. It means that your works pays off.
I feel like if you only focus on One Piece, you will just think a lot and a lot, there is no end to his mysteries.
I find really cool if you can do a video about "Frieren", i find her personnality very interesting to analyze. It's an anime/manga with the same name and if you look at it, i'm sure you will love it. It's about an elf who lives longer than human and who don't understand why they die so easily. For her, 50 years is nothing but for humans it's basically half of our life expectancy. If you go deeper into her character development, i'm sure you will learn a lot of things.

Yes i'm currently watching JJK Season 2 and i just love the animation. In fact, i feel like every characters in JJK has his moment to shine so there is a lot of analyze that can be done. About my favorite characters, i will not say Gojo ( it's too easy otherwise) but rather Toji Fushiguro ( Megumi Fushiguro); he is a strong character who has an interesting personality and who hates the 3 great families. But more than that, is he cares about his son.
What about your favorite characters in JJK ?

Lately i have been at a One Piece convention and i got some merch.

Do you go to some anime/manga convention ?

From the character anime that inspire you, i feel like you love the ones who always show off and who have a strong characters. Zoro and Bakugo are definitely too of them.

And yes i still follow MHA in manga but for the anime i stop at the season 4 of MHA ( which was the best MHA adaptation for me)
If i love MHA; at the beginning it was super cool maybe the hype has something to do with but over the time the story gets darker but i have the feeling, it's too long there is nothing that can keep in the mood to know what will happen next.
What about your opinion on MHA ?

And if i have character that inspires me, i would say "the one who always try his best despite the difficult, who never gives up and who does everything to achieve his goals", in that sense Hinata from Haikyuu, Luffy from One Piece and Naruto are my favorites.
I know it might be cliche but that's true.

Have you been able to find some interesting discoveries about anime or manga ? Or maybe you don't have time...

Currently, my little brother is in Japan and i asked him to buy a lot of merch. haha

Have a good day and hope to hear more from you :)

PeripheralVision Oct 30, 2023 5:58 PM
Hey Yumes, Happy Halloween! Are you dressing up for Halloween?

*Imagines you as a cute witch*

*If I had anyplace to be tomorrow, it would be me in a cat pajamas costume*
PeripheralVision Oct 28, 2023 12:35 PM
"He is not just a dreamer but a doer. He knows his limitation but is not defined by them"

"Ignorance is not bliss, it is a roadblock."

Seriously, you are a neverending supply of good lines Yumes.
PeripheralVision Oct 9, 2023 9:28 PM
I have been a bit busy Yume, but I have not forgotten you! Especially since you dropped a video on my favorite member of the strawhats, which has inspired me to actually pick up the series for realsies this time rather than picking and choosing arcs. Besides attending gradfairs and continuing my research, your video on Suguru Geto among others has inspired me, and I will go into more details in a PM hopefully by the weekend?

Suguru a weird villain to me, and my running train of thought is how his character arc is kind of a dark reflection of individuality, and in a bizarre way "redemption". I do not mean redemption in the "he changed his ways to become a better person", but rather that he turned his life around to pursue activities he found meaningful, ideals he can truly believe in after all the tragedy he has been through.

As you said before, the world of sorcery in Jujutsu Kaisen is undoubtly one of great darkness, demanding great personal sacrifice in what may seem to be an endless cycle of death and exorcism. Suguru felt trapped by the current status quo, exorcising and consuming cursed spirits while watching more and more of his peers and younger classmen die, all while thinking back to what may be perhaps his first real contact with the darkness of humanity when he was an adolescence.

If I wanted to make Suguru Geto seem like a heroic individual, I could say that he was someone who felt trapped in a meaningless cycle of day to day existence, until he decided to rebel against the values of the society dictating his actions and choose his own path. So, the thing I am thinking about is a bit strange, but in rejecting the perhaps what is ostensibly the stated values of modern sorcerer society to protect all of humanity from cursed spirits and trying to break this cycle for his fellow sorcerers. did Geto find some measure of meaningfulness in the end, even if in his own words, he could not be happy with the world?

Geto is so weird to me in that putting aside his hatred of non-sorcerers, his desire to no longer be a cog in the machine (To mirror Yuji's words to Mahito) is actually pretty relatable, and it just makes him entire life so tragic. I'll send a more indepth message later, but your video on Geto and his journey to the abyss was inspiring. I love him as a villain.
PeripheralVision Sep 14, 2023 6:41 AM
So I had a question. Have you ever watched the 1995 Studio Ghibli film Whisper of the Heart? Have you heard of it?
__Arkham__ Aug 20, 2023 3:51 AM
Thanks for giving me existential crises with the question Yume!
I'll break it down step by step.

First off, why do people emphasize the importance of time? Well, often we fail to grasp its true value until it's slipping away. Our tendency is to procrastinate, assuming we know what's coming down the road. This prevents us from relishing life's small pleasures, causing us to take things for granted. In regard to Kusunoki's story, finding more happiness in three days than in thirty years, although not universal, is telling. It reveals that everyone possesses distinct struggles and solutions.

Why do we often wish others a long life? I perceive it as a desire rooted in the hope that, in the course of living, good things will happen along the way, and a sense of purpose will be discovered.

Considering myself in Kusonoki's position for the last three months, I don't think my approach would differ much. Similar to him, I would prioritize reconnecting with my close ones. His actions felt authentic and relatable. If I were in his shoes, I'd embark on activities I've hesitated to try – perhaps surfing in the sea or embarking on a motorcycle road trip to new destinations. I'd also make time to appreciate the small wonders, like witnessing both sunrise and sunset, which I surprisingly haven't witnessed much in my 23 years of life. While three months might limit the scope of what I can achieve, fulfilling personal aspirations would undoubtedly be a priority. And if possible, much like Kusonoki, extending a helping hand to someone else might offer a path to fulfillment in my own journey.

Reflecting on this, it's clear that the value of time, the pursuit of meaningful experiences, and the inclination to positively impact others are integral parts of a life well-lived for me.

(By the way, I checked out your video – it was nicely put together! :))
__Arkham__ Aug 13, 2023 6:27 AM
So, I read "I sold my life for ten thousand yen per year".
You were absolutely right when you mentioned that the manga was thought-provoking; I found myself contemplating its themes all day after reading it. Regarding the main character, Kusunoki, I felt a strong connection to him in certain situations. Over time, he loses his passion for drawing, which was his goal when he was younger, and he also becomes disconnected from his friends. Similarly, during my high school and university days, I focused so much on academics that I ended up in a similar position, having lost many connections due to my pursuit of a "good job". I understand his desire to reconnect with people after trading his lifespan and attempting to change his path.

I appreciated the discussions in the novel about not judging people solely based on their personalities, as they can change according to circumstances. Additionally, I found the exploration of how the perspectives and suggestions of unsuccessful individuals are often limited by their own failures quite intriguing.

The growth of the main character throughout the short chapters, where he acknowledges his mistakes and contemplates what he could have done differently, resonated with me. To me, the story's message was about embracing the present and not being bound by our pasts or the uncertainty of the future. Striving for self-improvement and embracing change to unlock new paths should be our focus. The idea conveyed by the novel, that three days of happiness can outshine thirty years of emptiness, left a lasting impact.

In my opinion, the bond between Kusonoki and Miyagi was heartwarming. However, given the number of chapters, I think it was challenging for their relationship to develop fully. Personally, I would have appreciated it if they had dedicated more time to fleshing out their connection.

Now, I'm curious to know what message you took away from the story. And would you trade your time, health and lifespan for money? I appreciated how the manga effectively conveys the right perspective that most of us should adopt, using another character.

And thanks for recommending this; I truly enjoyed it! :)
PeripheralVision Aug 12, 2023 8:46 PM
I just wanted to let you know that I am cheering you on Yume! Remember to take care of yourself, and let us both work hard for our respective goals! I cannot wait for your I Sold My Life For Ten Thousand yen Per Year video essay, my beautiful, intelligent, and insightful Yume-imouto!
PeripheralVision Aug 6, 2023 4:53 PM
So I am past chapter 20 on Ao No Hako, and I am enjoying it very much! Thank you for bringing to my attention.

So far, I am beginning to find Chinatsu intriguing. I am not entirely sure if she has feelings for Taiki. However if she does, I think based on some key moments (Particularly in Chapter 11 where she thought she was being inconsiderate for Taiki for bringing up the number of years he had left unlike her) and her overall considerate personality, to the extent where she seems to think that Taiki and Hina would be a great match for one another and how she quietly apologize to Hina for being his housemate (Chapter 18), I suspect Chinatsu has some of those insecurities that come with whether or not she is "good enough", be it as the star member of the basketball team and perhaps as someone who could make Taiki happy.

Am I right on the money, or is there more nuance? I am really enjoying seeing how this plays love triangle plays out!
PeripheralVision Aug 2, 2023 3:19 PM
I will say though, Chinatsu is so wholesome and supportive, but Hina's cheekiness has got me acting unwise, if you know what I mean. I rreally like the fact that part of the motivation is of course each other, but also a passion for the sport.

The fact that they support each other only drives forward that passion...sort of like how Miyagi rekindled Kusonoki's passion for art, huh?
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