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Manually brute force hacking a cell phone has to be the dumbest thing I have ever seen in anime

[Oshi No Ko]
Available on Manga Store
Apr 26, 2023 12:30 PM
Dec 2021
Even more if you consider this dude (Aqua) is a 30-something years old DOCTOR that reincarnated lmao 
He was close to 40 at the time...

Character is supposed to be "smart" too.

What do you think? 
What would you do?

AnimeIs4KidzApr 26, 2023 1:11 PM
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Apr 26, 2023 12:35 PM
puer aeternus

Sep 2021
Chill bro, what else did you expect him to do in order to crack the password? And what does he being a doctor has anything to do here?
Apr 26, 2023 12:38 PM

Feb 2021
If that's the dumbest you've seen in anime you need to see more anime
Apr 26, 2023 12:41 PM
Aug 2020
HatTrkPatrk said:
If that's the dumbest you've seen in anime you need to see more anime

I was thinking the exact same bro.
Apr 26, 2023 12:45 PM
Apr 2021
HatTrkPatrk said:
If that's the dumbest you've seen in anime you need to see more anime

couldn't agree more
Apr 26, 2023 12:49 PM

Feb 2023
I admire the patience and the hard-work.
Apr 26, 2023 12:51 PM

May 2021
How else do you expect him to break the password of a basic phone? You can't hack that dumb phone, it's too basic, brute force is the only way...But there are smart ways to brute force by using combinations in a particular order to not try the same code more than once. 4 years to break a damn password is a strench for sure, that's the worst case situation, a few weeks-months s should have been more than enough.

It probably had a 4 digit password, which has 10000 maximum combinations. Considering a failed try gives 30 minutes cooldown, he would need 5000 hours to cover all combinations in the worst case situation. So if tried passwords for 5 hours a day (10 tries per day) it would take maximum 1000 days to cover all combinations, which is almost 3 years.
luckyowl10Apr 29, 2023 6:13 AM
Apr 26, 2023 12:52 PM

Sep 2015
Reminded me of Senku when he kept counting for thousands of years. lol 

Though honestly that's admirable and I'm starting to like him better now
Apr 26, 2023 12:52 PM
May 2022
But that’s how u hack a flip phone tho? HUH? Plus u needa watch more anime if u think that’s the dumbest. Like RAG literally exists.
Apr 26, 2023 12:55 PM

Feb 2021
Bro didn't even have a notebook to write down all the combinations he already tried. 
Apr 26, 2023 12:56 PM
Nov 2021
He's a doctor not a hacker?????
Apr 26, 2023 12:57 PM
Apr 2023
do u know this old anime the three idiots (3 idiots) , or maybe aqua from konosuba there are kinda a number of real dumb anime characters who help the anime with their funny moments tho
Apr 26, 2023 1:01 PM
Apr 2021
luckyowl10 said:
How else do you expect him to break the password of a basic phone? You can't hack that dumb phone, it's too basic, brute force is the only way...But there are smart ways to brute force by using combinations in a particular order to not try the same code more than once. 3 years to break a damn password is a strench for sure, that's the worst case situation, a few weeks-months s should have been more than enough.

It probably had a 4 digit password, which has 10000 maximum combinations. Considering a failed try gives 30 minutes cooldown, he would need 5000 hours to cover all combinations in the worst case situation. So if tried passwords for 5 hours a day (10 tries per day) it would take maximum 1000 days to cover all combinations, which is almost 3 years.

mhm and it was a 5 digit passcode in the anime
so that just makes it worse, but he did get it in 4 years tho
Apr 26, 2023 1:03 PM
Feb 2023
I don’t know who is defending this. But yeah this is one of the very poorly written scenes.

Is it the stupidest thing in anime history? Nope. Is it one of the stupidest though? Yes.

Edit: As I saw some responses, which don’t make sense and I really want to respond to them.

E.g: It’s written this way to show how desperate he is.

Answer: Then the writer could have made him see a set of numbers not all numbers but let’s say 4 of them (and he doesn’t remember the order) and he just tries all combinations, that would have showed how observant and desperate at the same time he is.

Another e.g: He is just a doctor, he wouldn’t know how to hack.

Answer: He doesn’t need to hack, the scene itself makes zero sense. It has nothing to do with his profession either. He could have just searched for another way to do it better. It’s just a writing problem. There’s no other way to spin/defend it.
Confused_100Apr 26, 2023 2:56 PM
Apr 26, 2023 1:04 PM
Nov 2021
animeIs4Children said:
Even more if you consider this dude (Aqua) is a 30 something years old DOCTOR that reincarnated lmao 
he was close to 40 at the time...

Character is supposed to be "smart" too.
Yeah true. Its also the same when once a biologist couldn't find the problem with my computer. couldn't believe how stupid he is. Aren't they supposed to be smart?
Apr 26, 2023 1:06 PM

Aug 2021
I mean it’s an idol anime where a dead doctor and his dead patient get reincarnated as the children of an idol they were both fans of… I wouldn’t really say it’s a show that’s supposed to be logical
Apr 26, 2023 1:07 PM

Mar 2021
Dude doesn't even know gynaecology and Psychology are two entirely different fields😂😂😂

"AnD hEs SuPpOsEd To Be SmArT"
Apr 26, 2023 1:10 PM

Mar 2017
Aqua is actually not smart at all. He always uses bruteforce to achieve his goals. There'll be a smart character and he'll be using her so she figures stuff out instead of him
Apr 26, 2023 1:15 PM
May 2016
luckyowl10 said:
How else do you expect him to break the password of a basic phone? You can't hack that dumb phone, it's too basic, brute force is the only way...But there are smart ways to brute force by using combinations in a particular order to not try the same code more than once. 3 years to break a damn password is a strench for sure, that's the worst case situation, a few weeks-months s should have been more than enough.

It probably had a 4 digit password, which has 10000 maximum combinations. Considering a failed try gives 30 minutes cooldown, he would need 5000 hours to cover all combinations in the worst case situation. So if tried passwords for 5 hours a day (10 tries per day) it would take maximum 1000 days to cover all combinations, which is almost 3 years.
Can we stop assuming stupid things when we actually saw that it was 5 digit and the solution was 45510? And you even failed with the cd, because it was 30 secs and not mins.

If we go with his numbers. 100 half a day, 1000 a months. Assuming he had to go to school or whatever. Everyday doing this for half day, so trying out 100 would be good. It would take 455,1 day Which is a bit longer than a year.
But because you had 10 half a day time in a months (because he tried out 1000 a months), it means he did other stuff too. With that number it's 45.51 months. Which almost 4 years.

Realistically speaking the half a day number is pretty correct the cd would be 3000 sec, which is 500 mins, which is 8.333 hours. Typing it in, taking breaks etc is half a day. So I would say with a even a slow pacing, it could be done in 2 years.
Apr 26, 2023 1:27 PM

Sep 2014
Yes yes i agree, the correct move was obviously to remove the eprom memory chip, solder some wires in the correct spots, provide the correct voltage, connect said wires to his computer's serial port then dump the memory, opening it with a hex editor praying that the memory wasn't encrypted. That would make for a much more compelling story. /s
Apr 26, 2023 1:34 PM
Jan 2023
luckyowl10 said:
How else do you expect him to break the password of a basic phone? You can't hack that dumb phone, it's too basic, brute force is the only way...But there are smart ways to brute force by using combinations in a particular order to not try the same code more than once. 3 years to break a damn password is a strench for sure, that's the worst case situation, a few weeks-months s should have been more than enough.

It probably had a 4 digit password, which has 10000 maximum combinations. Considering a failed try gives 30 minutes cooldown, he would need 5000 hours to cover all combinations in the worst case situation. So if tried passwords for 5 hours a day (10 tries per day) it would take maximum 1000 days to cover all combinations, which is almost 3 years.

the code was 5 digit so there are significantly more codes. Still tho, 4 years is a stretch.
Apr 26, 2023 1:35 PM
Feb 2023
ktg said:
luckyowl10 said:
How else do you expect him to break the password of a basic phone? You can't hack that dumb phone, it's too basic, brute force is the only way...But there are smart ways to brute force by using combinations in a particular order to not try the same code more than once. 3 years to break a damn password is a strench for sure, that's the worst case situation, a few weeks-months s should have been more than enough.

It probably had a 4 digit password, which has 10000 maximum combinations. Considering a failed try gives 30 minutes cooldown, he would need 5000 hours to cover all combinations in the worst case situation. So if tried passwords for 5 hours a day (10 tries per day) it would take maximum 1000 days to cover all combinations, which is almost 3 years.
Can we stop assuming stupid things when we actually saw that it was 5 digit and the solution was 45510? And you even failed with the cd, because it was 30 secs and not mins.

If we go with his numbers. 100 half a day, 1000 a months. Assuming he had to go to school or whatever. Everyday doing this for half day, so trying out 100 would be good. It would take 455,1 day Which is a bit longer than a year.
But because you had 10 half a day time in a months (because he tried out 1000 a months), it means he did other stuff too. With that number it's 45.51 months. Which almost 4 years.

Realistically speaking the half a day number is pretty correct the cd would be 3000 sec, which is 500 mins, which is 8.333 hours. Typing it in, taking breaks etc is half a day. So I would say with a even a slow pacing, it could be done in 2 years.

It’s actually 100,000 because there are 10 possible numbers for each digit so 10^5. Also taking in logic that some phones actually lock themselves after a certain number of tries, this makes this nearly impossible to do. Also him just doing it with no notepad is concerning. As he would 100% not remember every combination.

Realistically, he would have already given up and tried something else but author didn’t know any other choices so he went lazy route. “He just kept trying”. But this is anime so I will let it slide.

However by this logic, 10 tries max per day. Let’s say he tried it every day, he would have tried only 3650 per year. So also by some calculations, this would take him around 27 years max, if he is super unlucky and it was in last combinations. The chances of him getting it in 3 years, is so low which makes zero sense.

Anyways I wanted to just show you real calculations here.
Apr 26, 2023 1:49 PM
Feb 2021
This is def Top 1000 dumbest things to happen in an Anime
Apr 26, 2023 2:00 PM
Jul 2020
Just want to point out he is a medical doctor so of course he would have no clue how to hack. So he did it one passcode at a time which is a lot of combinations considering it looked like a six digit code.
Apr 26, 2023 2:24 PM

Feb 2018
I feel like people are missing the point here. 

The reason why it was written like this is to convey to the audience just how decicated he really is about getting revenge and how far he is willing to go in order to achieve it. 

While it's true the author could've easily incorporated a "hacking" element here, it wouldn't have had the same impact nor conveyed the same message. 

As the whole point of this scene is to get the viewer/reader to react and realise just how mentally screwed up Aqua has become due to Ai's passing where he wouldn't mind "wasting" 4 years of his life just to break into a phone that may or may not contain useful information, this is messed up, it doesn't make any sense and that's the whole point. 
Apr 26, 2023 2:28 PM
May 2020
animeIs4Children said:
Even more if you consider this dude (Aqua) is a 30-something years old DOCTOR that reincarnated lmao 
He was close to 40 at the time...

Character is supposed to be "smart" too.

What do you think? 
What would you do?

He’s a doctor not a hacker. That is a flip phone it’s too simplistic to just hack. You haven’t watched much anime if you think this is dumb
Apr 26, 2023 2:33 PM

Sep 2018
Wow, this thread really attracted all the smart people...

Quantum ille canis est in fenestra
Apr 26, 2023 2:35 PM
Jul 2022
Bro he was a doctor not a engineer or hacker something
Apr 26, 2023 2:51 PM
Dec 2017
The obvious problem is that trying to enter passcodes continously would have worn out the flip phone's keypad sooner than 4 years, necessitating repairs on a really old device for which spare parts may well be unavailable.
(By the way, My Star's ED is sung by the same band who did Raven Consort anime's OP and the two tracks sound much similar.)
Apr 26, 2023 2:54 PM
Apr 2020
Damn, I want my 8 seconds back from reading this thread🫠
Apr 26, 2023 3:09 PM

Aug 2019
JuuluGaming said:
Damn, I want my 8 seconds back from reading this thread🫠
Bruh I got to the bottom and read this...  Most relatable statement I have read in a while.
Apr 26, 2023 3:15 PM

Apr 2022
i’m a doctor and i for sure don't know how to hack a phone
Apr 26, 2023 3:18 PM

Feb 2019
How else would you expect someone to guess the password to someone’s phone with no clues whatsoever?
Apr 26, 2023 3:33 PM
Feb 2013
It's so funny to me how people say "just hack it" when they themselves don't even know how hacking even works lmao. Yes if we was an expert he could've carefully removed the memory and try to do something in his computer but he's a fucking doctor, the chances of him fucking it up and bricking the memory because he was impatient are high as fuck...

Y'all don't know shit about computers and think hacking is clicking one button and kaboom it's done
Apr 26, 2023 3:44 PM
Oct 2018
HoesEatinDogFood said:
How else would you expect someone to guess the password to someone’s phone with no clues whatsoever?

As someone said, the wear on the keypad would have been a huge problem. So you would take off the keypad and build a circuitry that bruteforces for you using the pads directly. You could attach a camera and write for example a python script with OCR which detects the response of the phone.

There is also the more technical way: you can either solder the EPROM off that contains the data and hope it's not encrypted or you can see if the microcontroller that contains the authentication logic is protected. If it is, then you can look up on the internet whether there are any exploits to get rid of it. Once you have read and write access to the firmware, you can reverse engineer it and modify the call to the part of assembly code that checks the password to always return "valid password".
kabiskacApr 26, 2023 3:49 PM
Apr 26, 2023 3:50 PM
Oct 2018
pedronii said:
It's so funny to me how people say "just hack it" when they themselves don't even know how hacking even works lmao. Yes if we was an expert he could've carefully removed the memory and try to do something in his computer but he's a fucking doctor, the chances of him fucking it up and bricking the memory because he was impatient are high as fuck...

Y'all don't know shit about computers and think hacking is clicking one button and kaboom it's done

It doesn't take long to learn this stuff
Apr 26, 2023 3:52 PM
Apr 2022
luckyowl10 said:
How else do you expect him to break the password of a basic phone? You can't hack that dumb phone, it's too basic, brute force is the only way...But there are smart ways to brute force by using combinations in a particular order to not try the same code more than once. 3 years to break a damn password is a strench for sure, that's the worst case situation, a few weeks-months s should have been more than enough.

It probably had a 4 digit password, which has 10000 maximum combinations. Considering a failed try gives 30 minutes cooldown, he would need 5000 hours to cover all combinations in the worst case situation. So if tried passwords for 5 hours a day (10 tries per day) it would take maximum 1000 days to cover all combinations, which is almost 3 years.
Well it takes him longer then that because he didn’t know the passcode length(which ended up being 5)
Apr 26, 2023 3:56 PM

Sep 2011
kabiskac said:
HoesEatinDogFood said:
How else would you expect someone to guess the password to someone’s phone with no clues whatsoever?

As someone said, the wear on the keypad would have been a huge problem. So you would take off the keypad and build a circuitry that bruteforces for you using the pads directly. You could attach a camera and write for example a python script with OCR which detects the response of the phone.

There is also the more technical way: you can either solder the EPROM off that contains the data and hope it's not encrypted or you can see if the microcontroller that contains the authentication logic is protected. If it is, then you can look up on the internet whether there are any exploits to get rid of it. Once you have read and write access to the firmware, you can reverse engineer it and modify the call to the part of assembly code that checks the password to always return "valid password".
Assuming a normal person has a knowledge about that.

Apr 26, 2023 4:11 PM

Feb 2009
Imaging watching a show about walking talking babies and this is the scene you have a problem with
Apr 26, 2023 4:34 PM

Oct 2022
Confused_100 said:
I don’t know who is defending this. But yeah this is one of the very poorly written scenes.

Is it the stupidest thing in anime history? Nope. Is it one of the stupidest though? Yes.

Edit: As I saw some responses, which don’t make sense and I really want to respond to them.

E.g: It’s written this way to show how desperate he is.

Answer: Then the writer could have made him see a set of numbers not all numbers but let’s say 4 of them (and he doesn’t remember the order) and he just tries all combinations, that would have showed how observant and desperate at the same time he is.

Another e.g: He is just a doctor, he wouldn’t know how to hack.

Answer: He doesn’t need to hack, the scene itself makes zero sense. It has nothing to do with his profession either. He could have just searched for another way to do it better. It’s just a writing problem. There’s no other way to spin/defend it.

You know what? If Aqua just used the internet first before brute forcing the passcode, this shouldn't be an issue

Really, this is a writing issue

Apr 26, 2023 4:40 PM

Feb 2019
kabiskac said:
HoesEatinDogFood said:
How else would you expect someone to guess the password to someone’s phone with no clues whatsoever?

As someone said, the wear on the keypad would have been a huge problem. So you would take off the keypad and build a circuitry that bruteforces for you using the pads directly. You could attach a camera and write for example a python script with OCR which detects the response of the phone.

There is also the more technical way: you can either solder the EPROM off that contains the data and hope it's not encrypted or you can see if the microcontroller that contains the authentication logic is protected. If it is, then you can look up on the internet whether there are any exploits to get rid of it. Once you have read and write access to the firmware, you can reverse engineer it and modify the call to the part of assembly code that checks the password to always return "valid password".

Except aqua doesn’t know anything about this stuff.
Apr 26, 2023 4:49 PM
May 2022
It would be stupid if he cracked it randomly in just a few tries like a lot of other shows do but they made it a little more realistic by taking him over 45,000 tries to finally get it.
Apr 26, 2023 4:53 PM

Apr 2022
damn, the guy in the other thread in AD was right. leave it up to the normies to always decide what's the dumbest/best/worst/smartest. absolutely hilarious.
Apr 26, 2023 5:32 PM
Mar 2021
On this, a lot of people have the understand, Aqua was in preschool at this point. He doesn't really have any resources to utilize and he had trouble even getting the battery for the old phone. Not only that, he mentioned that Ai really was careful with regard to their secret, and as you can tell in ep1, Ai lies about EVERYTHING. There was nothing for Aqua to use as reference. He was also a doctor in his past life, which would not help in any capacity here. 
As for his method to cracking it, it was just the most straightforward and obvious way of doing it since he had nothing to go off of, not even the number of digits. All he had to do was keep track of the number of times he attempted it, from 1 all the way to 45,510. The code itself likely has some significance too which may be used later. The scene shows well the lengths Aqua was willing to go for this.

Apr 26, 2023 6:23 PM
Jan 2021
What else was h supposed to do. he was like 4 years old at the time. It's not like he could walk into a store and ask someone to crack the code for him, plus he kept that phone a secret from everyone.
Apr 26, 2023 6:34 PM
Aug 2022
animeIs4Children said:
Even more if you consider this dude (Aqua) is a 30-something years old DOCTOR that reincarnated lmao 
He was close to 40 at the time...

Character is supposed to be "smart" too.

What do you think? 
What would you do?

nah, you joking. its noy the dumbest, you better start watching more anime
Apr 26, 2023 6:34 PM
Jan 2015
SomeNewGuy said:
I feel like people are missing the point here. 
The reason why it was written like this is to convey to the audience just how decicated he really is about getting revenge and how far he is willing to go in order to achieve it. 
While it's true the author could've easily incorporated a "hacking" element here, it wouldn't have had the same impact nor conveyed the same message. 
As the whole point of this scene is to get the viewer/reader to react and realise just how mentally screwed up Aqua has become due to Ai's passing where he wouldn't mind "wasting" 4 years of his life just to break into a phone that may or may not contain useful information, this is messed up, it doesn't make any sense and that's the whole point. 
its not like he spent 10 hours a day entering passcodes, he didnt really waste much time doing this. It was a daily routine for him, like brushing your teeth or cleaning dishes every day.
HyroSan said:
Confused_100 said:
I don’t know who is defending this. But yeah this is one of the very poorly written scenes.

Is it the stupidest thing in anime history? Nope. Is it one of the stupidest though? Yes.

Edit: As I saw some responses, which don’t make sense and I really want to respond to them.

E.g: It’s written this way to show how desperate he is.

Answer: Then the writer could have made him see a set of numbers not all numbers but let’s say 4 of them (and he doesn’t remember the order) and he just tries all combinations, that would have showed how observant and desperate at the same time he is.

Another e.g: He is just a doctor, he wouldn’t know how to hack.

Answer: He doesn’t need to hack, the scene itself makes zero sense. It has nothing to do with his profession either. He could have just searched for another way to do it better. It’s just a writing problem. There’s no other way to spin/defend it.

You know what? If Aqua just used the internet first before brute forcing the passcode, this shouldn't be an issue

Really, this is a writing issue
HyroSan said:
Confused_100 said:
I don’t know who is defending this. But yeah this is one of the very poorly written scenes.

Is it the stupidest thing in anime history? Nope. Is it one of the stupidest though? Yes.

Edit: As I saw some responses, which don’t make sense and I really want to respond to them.

E.g: It’s written this way to show how desperate he is.

Answer: Then the writer could have made him see a set of numbers not all numbers but let’s say 4 of them (and he doesn’t remember the order) and he just tries all combinations, that would have showed how observant and desperate at the same time he is.

Another e.g: He is just a doctor, he wouldn’t know how to hack.

Answer: He doesn’t need to hack, the scene itself makes zero sense. It has nothing to do with his profession either. He could have just searched for another way to do it better. It’s just a writing problem. There’s no other way to spin/defend it.

You know what? If Aqua just used the internet first before brute forcing the passcode, this shouldn't be an issue

Really, this is a writing issue

its not like he spent 10 hours a day entering passcodes, he didnt really waste much time doing this. It was a daily routine for him, like brushing your teeth or cleaning dishes every day.
Apr 26, 2023 6:42 PM
Jan 2015
Confused_100 said:
stella555 said:

its not like he spent 10 hours a day entering passcodes, he didnt really waste much time doing this. It was a daily routine for him, like brushing your teeth or cleaning dishes every day.

You read my calculations, right? Because even then, he wouldn’t have finished it lol
im not sure if 4 years is right or not. You're probably right. The point is that people are acting like he wasted 4 years of his life, but thats not the case. Entering passcodes was a daily routine for him that didnt take up the entire day.
Apr 26, 2023 6:43 PM
Feb 2023
stella555 said:
SomeNewGuy said:
I feel like people are missing the point here. 
The reason why it was written like this is to convey to the audience just how decicated he really is about getting revenge and how far he is willing to go in order to achieve it. 
While it's true the author could've easily incorporated a "hacking" element here, it wouldn't have had the same impact nor conveyed the same message. 
As the whole point of this scene is to get the viewer/reader to react and realise just how mentally screwed up Aqua has become due to Ai's passing where he wouldn't mind "wasting" 4 years of his life just to break into a phone that may or may not contain useful information, this is messed up, it doesn't make any sense and that's the whole point. 
its not like he spent 10 hours a day entering passcodes, he didnt really waste much time doing this. It was a daily routine for him, like brushing your teeth or cleaning dishes every day.
HyroSan said:

You know what? If Aqua just used the internet first before brute forcing the passcode, this shouldn't be an issue

Really, this is a writing issue
HyroSan said:

You know what? If Aqua just used the internet first before brute forcing the passcode, this shouldn't be an issue

Really, this is a writing issue

its not like he spent 10 hours a day entering passcodes, he didnt really waste much time doing this. It was a daily routine for him, like brushing your teeth or cleaning dishes every day.

You did read my calculations right? Because even then he wouldn’t have even unlocked it. It just doesn’t make sense.

Edit: The other one was quoted wrongly so I deleted it and fixed it here
Confused_100Apr 26, 2023 6:46 PM
Apr 26, 2023 6:54 PM

Mar 2011
borderliner said:
Wow, this thread really attracted all the smart people...

And none of them explained a better way to hack the cellphone. I'm surprised.

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