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86--EIGHTY-SIX (light novel)
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Apr 5, 2022 6:57 PM
Mar 2022
DGemu said:
Accelise_ said:

I see, why she didn't realize anything. No wonder people are confused, I think A-1 performed poorly in that interaction. Because the voice that was spread was exactly the voice of Shin. And I thought Lena would recognize he is Shin instantly, but that was wrong. That's why I thought this is so dumb. Why would she forget the voice of someone important? I was so confused.

Yea, I kinda questioned it too. I just chalked it up to because she has been through a long period of hellish war where she connected to like hundreds of soldiers on the para-raid and she doesnt really remember the voices to the T.
I think they done it well enough, if you hear the first few lines, the voice is kinda bit choppy. Also, don't forget to put yourself on your perspective. We, the viewers always hear Shin, but Lena? Don't forget the survival rate of them pushing to the legion is minimal to zero, so she will never put a thought in her head that they are alive for a reason.
Apr 6, 2022 8:31 PM

Nov 2014
ShineiNouzen1 said:
Masterpiece, it’s all I can say man, episode was just perfect, I cried so much man😭🥲, forever my favorite Anime and Light Novel of all time.
Shin and Lena❤️💙.

Yesssh this long-awaited reunion :')

Yeahhh let's go into 2 final episode....

Those deep imaginery in Shin head as He realized he doesn't want to be left alone... and he wake up from his slumber.. thanks god he seems to be alive as his Reignleif seems be bounced off by the self-destruct explosion. Still.. he's barely can move as he trying so hard even scream in agony to reach his brother "juggernaut remaining".

Just when he already helpless, one Ameise coming into him... in his despair, tiring for his life just shouted the legion just to killl him.

As the legion....almost stabbed it's arm in to the cockpit suddenly......
.. a step in lycoris field... and bam ... the legion got shot and destroyed.....
.. in the distance someone walking toward him.. slowly Edelfalter that covered the field fly away and reveal a vast beautiful Lycoris field.

And we know already who's this person right ofc... XD She was Lena !!!! (noted that both of them never saw each other faces)
as She move closer and waving hand toward Shin reignleif. Seeing no response she turned back. As she tried to turned away Shin activated the external communication
and started talking to her.

She asking if why he's alone, the he answered that his main unit are comin and asked her if she want to join later as his unit strong enough to protect her if her team size isn't that big. Lena replied that nope, she won't abandon her fight and kept fighting. Despaired Shin just replying that why, does she just want to die, if it so it's better not to fight.

Lena move closer to him and tried to answer his question... because they used some technology for the communicator primarily Para-RAID, Shin suddenly be able to heard her voice and Shiden talking. and... "Voice of Chord" is ticking in and She started to answered Shin question...
I am lost of words here .... staring at the screen screaming "finally" !!
Shin just stunned right there hearing the familiar voice and her resolve in this war, unconsciously said "Major" as that he usually called Lena before he immediately turn off his Para-RAID and turn into external comm again. continued asking about her resolve again. Lena replied that "they" told her not to ever forget them and she had a resolved to kept chasing them to fight with them... and bring them outside this war. Shin just kept stunned and smiled with tears hearing Lena's resolve. She even told him that he must be proud that he fight and he survived and finally Shin burst into smiling tears.

Just when Shin tried to open his cockpit hatched, he sensed another group of legions running toward them and closed it as he tried to protect Lena. Fortunately the federation had arrived and told him to leave it to them. Shiden also approaced Lena to asked her to back out as the federation reinforcement arrive. She noticed Shin reignleif mark, but Lena didn't , thinking that she talked about Giad symbol. As federation connected to the comms, Raiden, Kurena, Theo, and Anju also conneced too . Shin crying happily as he realized everybody on the operation including Grethe and Nordlicht squad were alright, including Fido and Frederica. Ernst giving his congratulate words and glad that everybody alive. In the same time Frederica silently walk beside Shin cockpit and got scolded by Ernst.

Lena and the rest of her squad was escorted to Gran Mur by federation. Shin and Frederica had a small talks. She said that Kiriya was saving her from the explosion and felt sorry of destroying his pistol. Well she teased Shin about his reunion with Lena as she used her power to looking through their reunion. With how Shin react toward Lena She kept teasing him about how their relationship (that'll be a lot in future i guaranted XD ShinLena !!!) She also glad finally Lena could reach Him and coming this far to respect him. Still ..she still wondering why Shin didn't tell his name. He insisted that not now not in this condition. She only could sighing haha reaction to Shin stubborness.
and.. as Frederica said Shin should already know the answer of his "whole life question" now....

Credits rolling along with aftermath and Shin reporting his report just for him getting teased again haha... Grethe show those 5 voice recording when "Reunion" occurs and moved toward outside while had a teasing grin looking at Shin XD and they just had a small talk about Lena appearance and voice with joy in their face.

Phew... i am still lost at word... i am in tears seeing Lycoris Reunion got adapted beautifully, the feels, emotion, words & dialog. it just so beautiful really thankful for everyone worked in this. Prop also to Toshimasa Ishii on directing this beautifully and gracefully.

Just another peak episode before another final peak,,, can't wait to final finish this beautiful journey.
r16fourarmApr 6, 2022 10:47 PM
Apr 10, 2022 7:52 AM

Sep 2017
Stupid as fuck romcom cliche of Lena not realizing it was Shin. She doesn't recognize his voice. Ok he only said a few words over comms so fine. She doesn't see the the insignia on the mech. Ok also believable except that they made of a point of cyclops noticing it which just makes it fucking annoying. But really all of that can be excused. What can't be excused is the bullshit writing of slow ass dramatic reveal followed by pointless interruption and then Shin's bullshit excuse of "oh no I'm not at the right place for her to catch up to me now." Fuck off with this cheap ass drama.
Apr 12, 2022 7:17 AM
Oct 2019
Amazing Visual Storytelling!!!

Oh YES, Lena is back!!!

just like Shin, i tear up when the OST "Voices of the Chord" hits.
Hiroyuki Sawano the GOAT.
Apr 17, 2022 6:17 AM

Jul 2015
Phenominal episode with not only Shin and Lena meet in real life for the first time and the rest being still alive (especially Raiden who I expected to be death after last ep) but also seeing how Shin finally found his destination in life.

Apr 18, 2022 5:18 AM

Jan 2009
ProofByColor said:
Stupid as fuck romcom cliche of Lena not realizing it was Shin. She doesn't recognize his voice. Ok he only said a few words over comms so fine. She doesn't see the the insignia on the mech. Ok also believable except that they made of a point of cyclops noticing it which just makes it fucking annoying. But really all of that can be excused. What can't be excused is the bullshit writing of slow ass dramatic reveal followed by pointless interruption and then Shin's bullshit excuse of "oh no I'm not at the right place for her to catch up to me now." Fuck off with this cheap ass drama.

cyclops recognizes undertaker's mark (dunno why she knows this, maybe 86s know each others codenames and marks) but she clearly states something like "oh right, I guess you couldn't ever saw this mark before". This is why lena doesn't know what that mark represents I guess (someone corrects me if I'm wrong).

Shin during that scene talks mostly through the Juggernauts' audio channel (which is damaged, so its ok if she doesn't recognize him) but it is indeed strange when he accidentally says "major" with his pararaid active. Lena should have understood there that it was Shin inside the mech.
Apr 21, 2022 1:15 AM
Community Mod
Crazy Cat Lady

Apr 2019
The thread has been cleaned
Jun 18, 2022 9:40 PM

Jul 2013
If meeting Lena and finding a new purpose in his life would mean Shin would at least be little less weird then I'm all for it.
Jun 26, 2022 11:58 AM
Sep 2020
So glad i waited this long to binge watch this season...for this episode alone this show is a ten for me...I replayed so many scenes so many times coz they were just so good...Shin tearing up was very powerful....What a great chemistry between the leads....Beautiful stuff....Makes me want to read the ln now
Jun 28, 2022 3:52 AM

Nov 2021
Outstanding visuals. The colors and composition are movie quality
Aug 7, 2022 6:49 AM

Jan 2018
This particular episode sealed the deal for me. The cinematography was aboslutely stunning.

Ahh, I'm at loss for words. It was just that good.
Aug 9, 2022 3:24 AM
Oct 2020
So much emotions, liked itt
Aug 12, 2022 5:36 PM

Apr 2010
MASTERCLASS episode. The most flawless episode of the season so far and one of the most flawless episodes I've ever seen.
I know I'm late to this, but no one's talking about the part where Lena went something along the lines of "You fought til the end. You survived until now. That's why you're here now. I think that's something you should be more proud of." Like finally someone told Shin NOT to think about the future, because all that matters in now. Someone took that intense pressure of "know what you want to do in life NOW" and just removed it entirely. The poor guy was days away from ending himself. That acceptance of just BEING, of just EXISTING was so important for Shin to understand, and that was so well said T^T
Aug 18, 2022 11:19 AM
Jan 2021
Grethe wenzel, anju, frederica and lena best girls

Gerthe best character
Aug 25, 2022 3:23 AM
Jun 2021
One of the best episodes ever
Aug 28, 2022 3:55 AM

Dec 2012
Omg why that hatch opening so slowly

Aug 30, 2022 1:30 PM
Jun 2021
EsQueue said:
After watching this series for so long, I finally dropped it three minutes into this episode. I never loved the anime, but I found it watchable. I slowly started hating it during part 2. I disliked the main protagonist and despised whatever his brother was supposed to be. I even found the "evil" voices madly annoying. I figure that if I am no longer being entertained, I'll just stop wasting time with it. I am fortunate that I don't care what happens or how the anime ended. This makes the 3rd anime that I've dropped on the last two episodes. Evangellion, Heroic Age and 86.

You’re saying you dropped this, but haven’t dropped MHA? That pretty much shows your taste in anime if you’re still watching that shit
Sep 8, 2022 10:40 PM

Jan 2011
yeah i guessed she d be the one to save him, mostly because we werent being shown what was happening at the Republic... gotta say Legion arent interesting as an enemy an id ve liked to see what happened at the Republic, hopefully i see some of that on the final ep
Sep 15, 2022 10:01 AM

Dec 2018
first part of the episode was garbage. zero emotional impact, felt like fluff.
lena's running animation was SUPER janky.
idk if they know this but drama works less the more you drag it the hell out.
Sep 22, 2022 8:02 AM

Aug 2019
^ disagree yet again did we watch the same episode...

I haven't been a fan of this show whatsoever, in fact I was gonna rate it a 5/10 but this episode is worth +1:
This episode was BEAUTIFUL. With no doubt and by far, the best of this show with part 1 included.
Those first 3 minutes representing his negative thoughts were so good, seriously. I didn't care about Shin whatsoever, I thought he was so bland but these last 3 episodes have been giving him way more complexity, especially this one and I'm glad, I def think he's the best character now. It has made me like him a lot.
And the scene of him realizing it's Lena in front of him is even more beautiful. Easily best scene in the series.
For those that are saying it's dumb that Lena doesn't recognise his voice, I thought so a bit too at first, but you need to realise this-Lena had already assumed that Shin and his crew are dead. In her mind there is no possibility of them being alive. Which is why that probably didn't even cross her mind. Plus she's supposed to be kinda naive... and hasn't it been over 1 year?? It's not impossible for her to not recognise his (altered) voice.

Oct 11, 2022 1:59 PM
Oct 2017
Episode 11 .and the last 2-3 episodes were beautiful
Oct 31, 2022 2:18 PM

Feb 2018
This episode felt like it lasted 5 mins lol. We almost got them meeting each other damn >_<
Dec 8, 2022 7:08 AM
Jan 2020
This anime took the number 1 spot on my list
Dec 13, 2022 3:47 AM

Dec 2021
The landscape and art is SOO PRETTY TOO!! The red and blue field of flowers are absolutely gorgeous.
Dec 22, 2022 5:52 AM
Jan 2021
Wow I cried, the OST and the staging was the greater I have ever seen in my life
Jan 1, 2023 3:27 AM

Sep 2021
sooo closeeeeeee!!!! I hope they will meet again in the future.
Jan 22, 2023 10:31 AM
Jul 2019
This ep was brilliantly breathtaking!!! The cinematography, the characters, the emotions. Ahhh. Brilliant indeed
Feb 7, 2023 7:54 AM
Jul 2022
Peak fiction this is
Feb 23, 2023 7:48 PM
Jun 2021
Best anime episode I’ve ever seen
Mar 20, 2023 5:53 PM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
It has been too long since I read the LN by this point, so either my memory fails me, or I believe that beginning was kinda expanded from the source, with his dead comrades thanking him, his suffering is truly on display here, some of the music reminds me of NGE too, what a trip to his psych, and STIL ALIVE, after all of that, how disappointing that much has been for himself.

He did not care about living, he looked forward to death, to join all of those that have left him... Life has tons yet to give you my man, just YOU wait!!

During this operation to destroy the Morph they have gone soo behind enemy lines they arrive near the Republic, and who was there to shake up Shin GOOD if not Lena?!
When he was able to learn Lena's voice, my heart was rocked hard and the lovely Voices of the Chord playing was just too powerful, wow... In the end, only she can save him, and she is doing that finally, genuine pure love for this scene and how the director chose to portray it, it was the very best one of volume 3, and WOW.

Frederica was soo funny showing up like that, her reactions are just great, and due to her powers, she could see what was going on with Shin so her smug face was the BEST!

Shin lies to them at the end, saying he could not see Lena's face. ADORABLE!
Apr 9, 2023 6:03 AM

Jul 2011
I quite disliked this episode.
For almost all of it, I was sure the meeting with Lena was still within a dream because of how contrived the entire thing was (he wake up, a single random Legion appears to attack him while talking to him with the same voice, then it gets blown up, then a random Lena who was here by herself arrives then a swarm arrives but reinforcements arrives right after).
There was also that scene where the butterflies fly up and turn the blue flower field into a red one that felt like a dream llike scene. And those white bars on the top and bottom seemed to confirm it was a dream of a sort.

So when in the end they revealed they actually did met and all of that actually happened, I found it pretty disappointing/confusing.
EythApr 9, 2023 6:30 AM
Apr 9, 2023 11:19 PM

Aug 2014
Lena: Hey, let me just walk out in the open where there could be Legions, and start telling this random guy who I can't see my entire life story. Oh. right, let me also take out the drawing and a picture that this random guy should have no knowledge or understanding about and explain to him the meaning behind it...

Jesus Christ, the person above me said it the best. That entire interaction between Lena and Shin was so contrived it bordered on ridiculous. Why even go through all of that contrived BS if you're not even going to let them meet? Unfortunately, contrived BS is the norm for this story. I can't even imagine how much contrived BS is in the LN. Highly rated award winning story LMAO

Apr 13, 2023 10:10 AM

Mar 2015
Ah wow Shin almost finally met Lena but it wasn't to be.. hopefully they will in the finale tho!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Apr 16, 2023 8:55 AM
Nov 2022
The show was beautifully crafted and creatively captivated what I call the "subliminal racism conflict" that most great animes highlight underneath their main plots.
May 31, 2023 6:21 PM
Nov 2022
Pop the fucking hatch
Jun 6, 2023 4:57 PM
Jul 2016
Just... wow. The Cinematography, the Voice Acting, the Music it just all makes this episode stand out in a lot of ways. 10/10
Jun 28, 2023 3:28 PM
Oct 2020
Jul 16, 2023 7:07 AM
Jul 2023
You should be proud of yourself, after all
Aug 6, 2023 5:37 PM

Mar 2014
This was the first episode I REALLY liked and felt. With so much emotion, I almost cried. I Hope they will meet in the last episode. Also yay she survived \o/ But what about the cat? Pls tell me the cat is alive >_<

Aug 17, 2023 2:26 AM

Jul 2012
Oh boy, what a special moment that was. The setup in Part 1 for this payoff in Part 2 was worth it. Sawano Hiroyuki killing it with the music as always.
Aug 29, 2023 8:17 AM
Aug 2023
Sound,animation,every scenes are perfect, especially the red flower field scene
Sep 16, 2023 6:10 AM
Jul 2018
I guess what he really wanted to hear is someone assuring him that what he did was good and he should be proud of it. Instead of feeling like he is just a killing machine, someone actually showed him that it had a meaning and most importantly, that they won't leave him alone.
Sep 17, 2023 3:12 AM

Oct 2013
In most of cases, I'd complain to see such miraculous outcome of a battle that was meant to end in a dramatic way. But not in this case. I'm really glad that everyone, no matter in which situation they had found themselves in, managed to survive. :)

This episode had really impressive direction, audiovisuals and storytelling. When Vladilena appeared with her waifubait attitude and formal uniform, rushing in it to the battle (perfect combat gear, eh?), I was worried that this episode's quality would decrease, but nope. It was too high to be affected in any significant way, even by Vladilena, haha.

I ain't saying she is a bad character in general. I just didn't like her in the first season and I was glad that to find out her screentime was reduced in the second one, so we could focus on other, more interesting characters, instead of listening to her whines and cries.
Oct 11, 2023 7:23 AM

Dec 2022
Vladilena returns, finally, but it's a very strange reintroduction. She was just wandering the land with the rest of the new Spearhead squad not even covering her until she happened to conveniently run into Shin? Not only that, but Vladilena didn't recognise Shin's voice somehow, despite being the Spearhead member she talked the most with.

The direction was of high quality though, I'll give it that.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Nov 6, 2023 3:35 AM

Aug 2014
oh come on!
how they survived again? at least Raiden and Kurena were hit with this blast that destroyed whole army and they survived?... also Shinei.. how did he suvive this self destruction of Pale Rider

and most of all that was ultra stupid to not show himself to Lena! why even make them all survive if wasting the moment to meet? last episode and I wanna see they meet and talk!
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ちゅっ ちゅっ キス (´。✪ω✪。`)

I hate it when anime/manga that I enjoyed ends, especially when there could be much longer plot and when I love main heroine :P

I wish I had magic glasses that let me see real world in anime colors ;)
Nov 27, 2023 8:43 PM

Jul 2016
Seeing someone like Shin let his emotions pour out for once was such a human moment.

That reunion was nothing short of magical, but I won't be satisfied until we get Lena's reaction to learning who the Federacy soldier she was talking to really was.
Jan 19, 2024 2:01 AM

Mar 2017
I'm more of the opinion that the story should've ended at S1, but the reunion was honestly peak.
An admin's dickhead Soul banned me from MAL t('v't)
Feb 6, 2024 11:24 PM
Oct 2017
I was waiting for this face reveal since the first episode, I feel it is the only one we will get since now the test of the group have seen Lena has grown as a person and a major, once they see her face it won't be as dramatic. I have just been completely disconnected from Shin this past season, I just couldn't connect with him at all and that knight thing, I found Frederica really unnecessary and annoying.

so, anyway, credit where credit is due, this scene was beautiful, the landscape was beautiful, the colors, the timing and shins realization when recognizing her voice were fantastic, if there is something I can rescue of this season, is this episode alone.
Feb 6, 2024 11:25 PM
Oct 2017
Shin: oh no she's hot!
Jun 25, 2024 6:19 AM
Feb 2024
wow. amazing emotions
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