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Eiyuu-ou, Bu wo Kiwameru Tame Tenseisu: Soshite, Sekai Saikyou no Minarai Kishi♀ Episode 12 Discussion

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Mar 27, 2023 10:12 AM

Nov 2011
So they pretty much threw in a climatic fight with one of the strongest monsters our cast has faced before. Pretty lazy writing but hey, it felt kinda dramatic for a finale.

On the plus side, they gave Inglis a pair of wings to fight! And most of the relevant cast got their share of screen time in action. One of the better batles in this show but the anime itself felt average to me. The happy ending though.
Mar 27, 2023 10:13 AM

Jul 2017
The final battle beckons against Ripple's last summoned comrade Prismer magicite beast, Lord Ivel and the Bloodchain Brigade's leader, and Inglis's worry: "Which one should I battle?" Classic Chris.

The Prismer King of Rainbows is no pushover, and though Leone's brother Leon comes back with a vengeance, defending together with Principal Miliera is a heavy task. Fortunately, the Bloodchain Brigade has done their part in killing off the Highlander emissary Ivel, so their job is done, and both Chris and Rani can get back to their side to finish off the Prismer. Ripple pushing herself to get rid of her comrade, and Silva tends to her aid...with the unconscious effort that she turns into the gun Artifact, and being entrusted with this much power...he almost did her dirty, with Inglis's timely save.

With the Prismer, Inglis finally met her match of a worthy opponent to save Yua, and she's not alone with Rafinha, Leone and Liselotte of assistance to finally make use of her Aether magic powers and defeat the King of Rainbows. Both Inglis and Rani can eat...once the buildings have been rebuilt, though. But they're in a hurry, so off to the royal court they go to get rewarded, though for Inglis crowned as the Head of the Royal Guard since her power rivals that of both a Hyral Menas and a Holy Knight, she would obviously refuse the offer and continue to be Rani's extraordinary squire...with food.

This anime is the definition of "style over substance". Kinda average to be honest...
KANLen09Mar 27, 2023 11:43 AM
Mar 27, 2023 10:53 AM

Dec 2022
it was a fine anime actually this is my first anime with a battle maniac protagonist so i find it quite interesting also inglis defeated a prismer almost all by herself i find that hilarious for some reason i also want to see a prequal with the story of the hero king
Mar 27, 2023 10:54 AM
Sep 2021
I didn't enjoy this season at all, the characters were a little interesting, animation was ok, the plot is somewhat little interesting but it fell off soon enough.
Mar 27, 2023 11:03 AM

May 2012
No 2nd season ??

Sad, because Inglis is best girl in this season
Mar 27, 2023 11:13 AM

Jul 2020
okay one of the worst anime of those I watched this season is over, not much to say really, it had zero substance and probably nobody will remember it by the next week
the music was kinda nice I guess
Mar 27, 2023 11:35 AM

Jul 2021
Well for the two good episodes it had it gets a 2/10
truly an appalling show all things considered
Inglis really had nothing going for her except that beta Goku personality

1/10 this finale is so garbage, actually the worst show I've ever watched
Cestlavie_Mar 27, 2023 12:02 PM
Mar 27, 2023 11:39 AM
May 2014
aquafresh-boy is dead
i hope the same applies to any sequel for this
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Mar 27, 2023 11:40 AM

Feb 2019
Idk how you could see hot girls kicking ass every week and not have this as Anime of the season. Ever since Tenten Kakumei started to fall off this had top spot locked up for me.

Finale was everything that I love about the show, inglis being a battle obsessed meathead, ridiculous battle maneuvers and cute Rani-Inglis moments. Only real issues I had with the episode were really issues I had all season. CGI and animation during the Prismer fight was shoddy and they set up so many questions about highland and the leader of the blood brigade that never got answered. I’ll be checking out the LN for sure to get more of this and I’m sad it’s over :(

I am so in love with this woman
Marinate1016Mar 27, 2023 11:50 AM
Mar 27, 2023 11:48 AM

Jun 2015
Being able to fight strong enemies such as that is what Chris loves after all. But now who to fight since there's three of them to choose from. Rare to see Yua show fear but considering how big the beast is not surprised. Though it would have given them a lot of firepower the cost to Silva would have been too great. But its nice to see that this time there was an enemy that even Chris can't solo by herself and thus giving the chance for her friends to actually assist. In the end though they lost the highlander at least the beast was dealt with before it could cause more damage. Only Chris can refuse the king like that though but at the same time im glad that she and Rani are remaining together.
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Mar 27, 2023 11:55 AM

Oct 2017
Inglis got to defeat a prismer, her dream finally came true. She even got promoted to commander but she declined, she wants to stay beside Rani. Delighted to see more of Inglis and Rani eating, can never get bored of that.

Pretty nice season overall. Start was really fun and never got bored of watching Inglis, she's amusing. Inglis best waifu this season and Yua was quite amusing too. Need more of Inglis so hoping for s2.
Mar 27, 2023 11:57 AM
Oct 2020
Did I miss something?  Were we supposed to understand what Inglis and Ripple were saying about the relationship between hyral menes and holy knight?
Mar 27, 2023 12:13 PM
Jun 2021
MizutaniShizuku1 said:
Did I miss something?  Were we supposed to understand what Inglis and Ripple were saying about the relationship between hyral menes and holy knight?
The relationtionship between Hieral Menace and Holy Knight is revealed later on, but you still can guess what happens if a Holy Knight uses a transformed Hieral Menace.
Mar 27, 2023 12:21 PM

Jan 2013
Now that this anime has concluded, I think I speak for everyone when I say... what fucking blade?
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Mar 27, 2023 12:28 PM
Mar 2019
i like a lot this anime its one of my favourites of the season.!!

Mar 27, 2023 12:32 PM
Jul 2018
anyone want to spoil anything to me I doubt this getting a season 2 and I rather not read the lighnovel or manga
spoil it in my comments section
removed-userMar 27, 2023 12:38 PM
Mar 27, 2023 12:36 PM
Mar 2023
groudonvert said:
MizutaniShizuku1 said:
Did I miss something?  Were we supposed to understand what Inglis and Ripple were saying about the relationship between hyral menes and holy knight?
The relationtionship between Hieral Menace and Holy Knight is revealed later on, but you still can guess what happens if a Holy Knight uses a transformed Hieral Menace.

Please can you spoil this to me I want to know.
Mar 27, 2023 12:43 PM
Nov 2022
achei um final normal,estava doido pra ver ela contra o capitao la, e quando achei que ia aparece outra coisa que nao chega nem perto da luta dos dois,pq era o bixo mais forte na categoria mas ele estava incompleto,ja aquele capitao era alguem que pode ser ate mais forte que ela alem de eles terem o mesmo controle de etér e pelo que vi ele tem tecnicas que nem ela conseguia igual aquela espada que ela ainda nao conseguia junto do escuto,entao achei meio chato nao ter a luta dos dois por isso daria uns 7
Mar 27, 2023 1:01 PM
Jul 2014
Clearner999 said:
groudonvert said:
The relationtionship between Hieral Menace and Holy Knight is revealed later on, but you still can guess what happens if a Holy Knight uses a transformed Hieral Menace.

Please can you spoil this to me I want to know.

Most likely, it kills them. Uses life force to power the shot or something like that. This is just a guess though.
Mar 27, 2023 1:11 PM
Jun 2021
I could spoil you if you really want, but it's not really hard to guess (i don't want to be cocky or anything, but I guessed it right during my first reading with as much informations as you have ^^' ).
Mar 27, 2023 1:32 PM

Oct 2019
I'm enjoy op protagonist, but overall this show lack.. Something. Inglis only seek strong enemies and that's that. Heck she's not even bother use her sword most of the time that "Master the Fist" seems more appropriate title compared to "Master the Blade".
Mar 27, 2023 1:36 PM
Jun 2021
Master the blade is a mistranslation. It's actually more like "master martial arts" or something like that, but I guess master the blade is cooler in English XD But the translation is misleading.
Mar 27, 2023 1:47 PM
Apr 2013
For the final episode, all things considered it was fine I guess.

So we begin with continuing the scene from last episode. Mask dude basically completely stomps mr highlander and then just leaves, quite scary actually. So that's yet another highlander gone.

Back to the prismer, we get a pretty long scene of everyone (aka not chris) struggling to deal with the prismer. For once yua isnt able to keep up, I guess a prismer is just a bit too much for her.

Ripple wakes up and we get some uh, scene, where I'm not entirely sure I get whats going on. But anyway chris comes back.

For once we get an(other) opponent where chris is unable to completely overpower by herself, though with some help from rani, leone, and liselotte she's able to defeat the prismer.
Does make you wonder exactly how the kingdom was able to deal with the prismers in the past, but I assume if they had like an actual full squad of holy knights they would be able to.
Speaking of, rafael and eris have barely shown up at all. I still dont get quite what they mean about what eris said way back in ep 2.

I cant tell if I just forgor or if the scenes at the end are reused scenes. Anyway, for better or worse we dont get some kind of sequel hook, so thats that.
Mar 27, 2023 2:15 PM

Jun 2016
Not as good as I thought at the beginning after I've watched the first 1-2 episodes, but I liked it anyway, not so fond of the fighting maniac trope but i liked Inglis, Rafi and the other girls (expecially Yua cos of Tomitan's voice), I liked the character design and - even with ups and downs - the animation, not so fond of the story though.
I rated it 8/10 anyway, likely more a 7, but in the end I will miss the characters and their funny moments.
Mar 27, 2023 2:20 PM
Mar 2023
groudonvert said:
I could spoil you if you really want, but it's not really hard to guess (i don't want to be cocky or anything, but I guessed it right during my first reading with as much informations as you have ^^' ).

Yes please spoil it to me also what weapon is Aeris when transform?
And what volume it was explained?
Mar 27, 2023 2:20 PM
Dec 2009
As it had promise it failed spectacular, it had all the possibilities to be good a funny anime with preety girls but become lackcluster. The main protagonist Ignis was just dumb and had no real power progress. Just when needed she had the power she needed. Just stupid. As someone mentioned, they tried to make Goku point 2.O I gues the manga is better then anime. Japanese when focusing to make somthing funny overdo it to point its annoying.
Mar 27, 2023 2:24 PM
May 2016
This story sure as hell wasn't a good fit for a 12 eps season, very little of the the storylines/plotlines that started got an ending, or an explanation. It's feels like this is an introduction to the story. Now that we have the most basic knowledge of the world, and characters, a 24 eps 2nd season would be welcome, but I don't foresee us getting a 2nd season of this, much less one with 24 eps.
Mar 27, 2023 2:28 PM

Jan 2012
And so Inglis and co. defeat the giant, ridiculous looking cgi wolf beast abomination as we end the series.

You know, all throughout this show's run I was prepared to give it a solid 7/10 level good score, but thinking about it now, at the end, it's really a 6 at best. First of all, Inglis' sole defining character trait of wanting to fight strong opponents doesn't even work very well for me personally on Goku, the main character of imo the greatest anime/manga franchise ever created, it sure as hell doesn't work well here. It isn't funny or endearing as they clearly want it to be, it's obnoxious. Secondly, what the hell even was the plot to this anyway? I realized by the end terms like "hyral menas" had lost any and all meaning to me so clearly I stopped caring somewhere along the way. It's kinda a shame too as I really enjoyed baby Inglis clapping that dragon in the first episode, and even younger Inglis humbling that one cheater douche at the wooden sword training, but it occurs to me only now that this got worse for me the more it went on. I'd say around the time that one woman turned into the imp obsessed with tits. Speaking of, even in terms of fanservice this wasn't that great. Even a 6 may be being generous, but I guess I'll keep it there.
Mar 27, 2023 2:30 PM

Dec 2013
So the show had a decently strong start but after that it felt quite basic, nothing groundbreaking but it was still an enjoyable show, tons of cute girls fighting, Rafinha was pretty cute but I did not like Inglis that much, she is female Goku but even Goku showed a bit more humanity with the innocents and cared about his friends.
Mar 27, 2023 2:47 PM

Mar 2012
well despite the show fucking with me by the OP making it seem like she was gonna go around challenging girls it was still decent, not QUITE as generic as other isekai and or reincarnation as least trope wise
though punching the shit out of monsters got reptitive pretty fast and she barely even fights ANYONE let alone any girls.. it was hard to even tell who was bad 

i honestly wish the "guy reincarnated as a girl" thing had been more of a factor/joke in the show, but its barely touched apon and they hadnt taken out the fanservice from the manga

but anyway, thank fuck Inglis is so god damn simp worthy and it had a good cast of girls cause that kept me entertained even during the many generic meh moments

and lastly

never forget, cause i can't be the only person who noticed: [font="\"Proxima Nova Regular\", \"Helvetica Neue\", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"][/font]

[font="\"Proxima Nova Regular\", \"Helvetica Neue\", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"][/font]

[font="\"Proxima Nova Regular\", \"Helvetica Neue\", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"] [/font]
Mar 27, 2023 2:52 PM

Jul 2014
Goofy situation of the episode:

Gundude: *Aims at the giant target*
Gundude: *Stops aiming*


Duuuude, you can aim at a dozen different places... If you're so worried that your shot might hit Ripple just don't aim at the hand and that's it.

Goofy situation 2: Teacher has a spell capable of stunning the prismer. Only uses it after one student has been absorbed and Ripple hurt like hell. Then the rest of them proceed to have a dialog sequence for 1 minute and 30 seconds, completely ignoring the prismer, kind of like they are sure the stun will last that long.

Then the prismer gets free, starts screaming "DON'T IGNORE ME" and they keep ignoring it. Then Inglis arrives, elbows the guy who was about to shoot the prismer like she was listening to everything. Dialogue continues while the prismer waits.


And nobody is like "how can a runeless fly?"

Then she fights the prismer hand to hand and AT LAST someone recognizes it should be strange, but she just jokes "Maybe she was just a hyral menas all along?".

Then everything goes kaboom and Yua's barrier protects her successfully from all the aether stuff and the prismer explosion. Then everyone praises Inglis and everybody has long come to terms with Inglis being Inglis.


I like this show, but sometimes the writing is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO goofy lol. I like when it wants to be goofy and funny, but then the moments when it tries to be serious but it still results in such goofy writing I am like WTF? It's still hilarious but my capabilities to take this show seriously have sunk to the bottom at this point.
LeviathanTheEspMar 27, 2023 3:15 PM
Mar 27, 2023 2:56 PM

Nov 2016

If it wasn't for the hot girl cast it would've been a 4-5/10

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Mar 27, 2023 3:13 PM

Jan 2008
Already knowing this was gonna be a story about an overpower lead just winning every fight by a landslide, the enjoyable aspect for me would come from how visually appealing the show looked as the show did start off strong with its attractive but sameface character design cast. Sadly, about half way through the show, the visual quality took a some kind of dip leading to some derpy, detail lacking and messed up proportions, like back when Inglis was dueling Ripple and the first time we got the cgi wolf mobs. With such a nice looking dragon in the first episode, you kind of have to wonder what happened to the production. The big wolf mob this final episode made it look like the cg model wasn't even completed as its huge size only made more notably worse how lacking in detail it was. At least we got some nice close up shots of Inglis this final episode.

I enjoy my overpowered isekai protagonists, especially if they're cute female leads, no matter how silly overpowered they are and one track minded they are, so I did find some enjoyment but I did not care at all for the entire Ripple plot. Dragged on half the show. Honestly would have enjoyed this more if Inglis just adventured around the world instead of this just becoming another magic school tensei.
Mar 27, 2023 3:55 PM

Nov 2007
Mirality said:
Clearner999 said:

Please can you spoil this to me I want to know.

Most likely, it kills them.  Uses life force to power the shot or something like that.  This is just a guess though.
If it just uses life force it probably would have been ok. If it would have killed Silva, then Ripples answer would have been understandable but I don't think that is it. I suspect that the effect is that the user, in this case Silva a special class rune holder, would have become a runeless. The masked rebel leader most probably is runeless like Inglis and is unaffected because he does not rely on runes to fight, he uses Aether like Inglis.

Mar 27, 2023 4:37 PM

Sep 2021
So it's over. Finally! The penultimate episode seemed like this show might at least finish decently, but unfortunatly, it just didnt. Why the hell was half the episode about characters, who obviously dont stand a chance against that enemy, losing against it? The directing was so terrible! 

Overall, his show had a pretty strong start and Inglis is a unique and decent character. That's it for the good points. 
The character writing for others was just terrible. Rani was ok, but the side characters are just so bland and boring. The idea of turning the only other well written character, Cyrene, into the boobie monster has to be in my top 10 of worst plot development. I wish she was granted the sweet embrace of death instead. 
The rest of the comedy was just as bad. Inglis personality was fun at first, but was ridden to death.
The three-way battle of the King's forces, the Highland and the Bloodchain Brigade did have potential, but wasn't executed very well. One reason was the terrible characters, the other was the awful directing. This anime managed to both show tons of unnecessary scenes and side plots, but at the same time missed many important or interesting ones. Such as only showing the aftermath of a fight or weirdly weaving in an interesting ability that is never properly explained. Instead there was stuff like Rani's out of the blue healing ability, which never contributed to the plot and only draggd it out. 

In the end, it was the worst show I've seen this season. 3/10. 
Mar 27, 2023 4:50 PM
Jun 2021
Clearner999 said:
groudonvert said:
I could spoil you if you really want, but it's not really hard to guess (i don't want to be cocky or anything, but I guessed it right during my first reading with as much informations as you have ^^' ).

Yes please spoil it to me also what weapon is Aeris when transform?
And what volume it was explained?

Hieral Menaces transform into the weapon they specialize in while in Human form (so in case of Eris in a blade).

It's revealed in volume 5 (the anime ends with volume 3 with a bit of volume 4 with the King scene).

And for what happens if a Holy Knight uses a transformed Hieral Menace:

And if you're desperate to know how it's revealed, here's spoilers from volume 5 :

Mar 27, 2023 7:43 PM

Nov 2011
LostSpectre said:
Now that this anime has concluded, I think I speak for everyone when I say... what fucking blade?
One of the best questions I have ever seen on this site.
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Mar 27, 2023 7:57 PM

May 2019
This was a mostly entertaining and fun watch. Inglis was overpowered but her character design was great. While it was fun watching her beat bad guys it got a little old since there was hardly a challenge for her. I did like her friendship with not only Rani but also with Leone who was initially outcast due to being the sister of a rebel.

The show did a good job in making the viewer dislike the Highlanders since most of them came across as arrogant people that thought they were better simply for residing in an elevated platform. I had no sympathy for Ivel after the masked guy obliterated him. Speaking of the masked guy, this show left many plot holes and unanswered questions and it did not imply that a 2nd season and/or OVAs are incoming. Overall I give this a 7/10 since it was still a fun watch despite its shortcomings.
Mar 27, 2023 8:03 PM

Dec 2022
that was so much fun that it becomes irresistible to rate it higher than it deserves to rightfully to rated ^_^
Mar 27, 2023 8:12 PM
Aug 2022
That was so fun Watching this.
inglis she or he? defeated a prismer a big time.
hope to see such adventure more & there are so many mysterious & unfinished business are there in anime so I hope there will be Season 2 Announcement ASAP.
Finished on 28th March 2023 at 08:35 Hrs IST (GMT +05:30).
Mar 27, 2023 8:14 PM

Feb 2016



Sorry if my english is bad (っ˘▽˘)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Mar 27, 2023 8:42 PM
Apr 2022
The title is Reborn the Master Blade but why Inglis use barehand and kick when she was in battle? Is there 2nd Season in the future?
Mar 27, 2023 9:21 PM

Feb 2019
that wasn't bad, i guess. inglis got to fight a prismer and saved yua lol
is there a second season coming or is this it?
Mar 27, 2023 9:26 PM
Jun 2021
Reborn to Master the Blade is a translation Error guys. It's more like Reborn to Master Martial Art than the Blade.

(and she has no blade currently that can wisthand her full power without breaking)
Mar 27, 2023 9:45 PM
Nov 2020
This was one of the best action anime I have seen since TenSura. A perfect blend of comedy, plot, and action, the animation was pretty good for a seasonal anime too. My only issue with it is that it was too short. I can excuse the part where she rarely actually uses weapons because it was enjoyable anyways, and if anything I really wish to see what she could do with a proper blade. Another great candidate for shows from this season that deserve a second season.
Mar 28, 2023 1:53 AM

Dec 2018
this was by no means whatsoever a good show, but it was entertaining enough. i cannot give it, with an honest appraisal, a good score but i can say that it was at some points slightly enjoyable and silly. if there were to be a season two i would watch it but i certainly wouldn't hold my breath.
Mar 28, 2023 2:34 AM
Oct 2022
i felt like wtf almost every episode but this is another level of wtf
Mar 28, 2023 3:18 AM
Isekai Trucker

Oct 2015
Master the Blade - is the english word for this anime though I might have forgotten what happened literally last episode but please someone tell me. When in the hell did Inglis last time use the blade?
Like in this episode, she used fists. This ain't boxing. Fists and magic is what the english name should've been.
"You only realize the real value of something you discarded when you get the chance to pick it up again." - Rudeus Greyrat

Mar 28, 2023 6:45 AM
Jan 2017
average Anime With annoying MC,,
nothing special,, battle is decent enought but i feel nothing,,
Mar 28, 2023 6:54 AM

Nov 2020
One of the worst anime I've seen this season. This episode was rushed, heavily cliched, and extremely cringy. Personally glad it's over, but I hope everyone who does like this anime enjoyed it. 
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