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Feb 15, 2023 8:59 AM
Apr 2022
So, i hear many people say that Made in abyss is messed up, horrific and bloody, but it’s actually not that bad.
It’s true that the story is relatively dark, and you have some weird moments, but it’s nothing that makes you say WTF.
What are your thoughts on it?
I’m currently on episode 12.
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Feb 15, 2023 9:01 AM

Aug 2018
the weird factor that people like to complain about gets much more pronounced in season 2.
Feb 15, 2023 9:04 AM
Feb 2020
you haven’t seen the movie yet lol
Feb 15, 2023 9:08 AM
Apr 2022
just wait for the movie and s2
Feb 15, 2023 9:08 AM
Sep 2022
Yea.. just watch the movie and you will see how messed up is this series
Feb 15, 2023 9:11 AM
Oct 2020
monder_Killer17 said:
So, i hear many people say that Made in abyss is messed up, horrific and bloody, but it’s actually not that bad.
It’s true that the story is relatively dark, and you have some weird moments, but it’s nothing that makes you say WTF.
What are your thoughts on it?
I’m currently on episode 12.

The author and show runners try to unsettle the viewer.

The deeper the characters go down in the abyss, the more unsettling, uncomfortable, weird, and horrifying it gets.

It’s intentional, and once you realize that it’s not so bad. But yes, it does get a bit worse as you go.

Don’t forget once you finish Season 1 to watch the Dawn of the Deep Soul Movie before continuing to Season 2.
Feb 15, 2023 9:12 AM
Oct 2020
Watch the movie. At first, I too thought "damn! this shi ain't fucked up at all" until I finished the movie and I. don't recommend you speed watching the movie because it will ruin the fucked up shit for which will not be fucked up anymore
Feb 15, 2023 9:14 AM
Aug 2021
Felt the same way. I watched the Season 1, The movie and the season 2. I wasn't disgusted or horrified, instead i was fucking amazed with its beauty. This anime was the most unexpected thing I've seen, I watched this anime for the horrors but instead i got an anime with really amazing plot, writing and characters.
Feb 15, 2023 9:42 AM
Apr 2022
LIVI___ said:
Felt the same way. I watched the Season 1, The movie and the season 2. I wasn't disgusted or horrified, instead i was fucking amazed with its beauty. This anime was the most unexpected thing I've seen, I watched this anime for the horrors but instead i got an anime with really amazing plot, writing and characters.

Same here. The world building is truly amazing and the landscapes are just beautiful and colorful.
Feb 15, 2023 9:54 AM
Jan 2021
desensitised moment
Feb 15, 2023 10:19 AM
Aug 2022
I agree. And no one even dies in this show. It's so boring and stupid. A bunch of kids who get lost and face danger every minute of their journey smh miraculously survive for so long in arguably one of the deadliest environments I've seen in fiction...

If only the characterization was as good as the world building.
Feb 15, 2023 10:29 AM

Mar 2022
StaleNut said:
I agree. And no one even dies in this show. It's so boring and stupid. A bunch of kids who get lost and face danger every minute of their journey smh miraculously survive for so long in arguably one of the deadliest environments I've seen in fiction...

If only the characterization was as good as the world building.

Who exactly did you expect to die? You can’t kill off the main cast in the first season, and they’re the only ones who would be in danger of dying. I venture to say you haven’t watched season 2 tho cuz to say no one dies in this show is a lie. We’ll ignore the movie since it’s probably not enough death to tickle thy fancy.
Feb 15, 2023 10:33 AM

Jul 2015
We tend to associate children with innocence.
When child characters are subjected to those scenarios and this innocence is being stripped away, it feels more traumatic and hits us viewers much harder. It helps to convey, that the world this show takes place is very dark and cruel. That's the point.

Feb 15, 2023 10:36 AM
Dec 2021
just watch the S2 and movie and you will understand
Feb 15, 2023 10:48 AM
Apr 2022
monder_Killer17 said:
So, i hear many people say that Made in abyss is messed up, horrific and bloody, but it’s actually not that bad.
It’s true that the story is relatively dark, and you have some weird moments, but it’s nothing that makes you say WTF.
What are your thoughts on it?
I’m currently on episode 12.

I’d say overall the horrific parts are not that bad and add more intensity to the story as things unfold but without spoilers there is one part that almost made me vomit so it can get pretty gruesome but other than that it’s more disturbing seeing those things happen to children than the event itself.
Feb 15, 2023 10:56 AM

Feb 2017
The messed up stuff really only happens in the movie "Dawn of the Deep Soul".
Best ending line in anime history = "My name is Saiki Kusuo. I am a psychic."
Feb 15, 2023 11:00 AM
Mar 2021
you might change your mind after watching the movie and season 2
Feb 15, 2023 11:09 AM
Feb 2022
yea whit time pain Will ne your only buddy
Feb 15, 2023 11:10 AM
Aug 2022
MusashiKarlsefni said:
StaleNut said:
I agree. And no one even dies in this show. It's so boring and stupid. A bunch of kids who get lost and face danger every minute of their journey smh miraculously survive for so long in arguably one of the deadliest environments I've seen in fiction...

If only the characterization was as good as the world building.

Who exactly did you expect to die? You can’t kill off the main cast in the first season, and they’re the only ones who would be in danger of dying. I venture to say you haven’t watched season 2 tho cuz to say no one dies in this show is a lie. We’ll ignore the movie since it’s probably not enough death to tickle thy fancy.
The main cast in this show always survives for plot convenience. The characters and their survival instincts are not believable for the setting they're thrown in. 
Feb 15, 2023 11:28 AM

Mar 2022
StaleNut said:
MusashiKarlsefni said:

Who exactly did you expect to die? You can’t kill off the main cast in the first season, and they’re the only ones who would be in danger of dying. I venture to say you haven’t watched season 2 tho cuz to say no one dies in this show is a lie. We’ll ignore the movie since it’s probably not enough death to tickle thy fancy.
The main cast in this show always survives for plot convenience. The characters and their survival instincts are not believable for the setting they're thrown in. 

Anime in general suffers heavily from plot conveniences, so a bit strange of a criticism to have for this one specifically tbh, but fair enough. There are explanations for their survivability and instincts, but you don’t like this show and that’s fine, so there doesn’t seem to be a point to explain it all. Just didn’t agree with the “no one dies so it’s dumb” part. I hope you have a pleasant day my friend.
Feb 15, 2023 11:33 AM
May 2021
Watch the movie dawg, they turn that bitch into a briefcase ong. It's real 'I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream' shit. If it still doesnt do it for you, you dont need to continue. But watch the movie
Feb 15, 2023 12:37 PM
Dec 2021
Truth is that, even though messed up things happen sometimes (later down the line they happen more often), the atmosphere is always pretty chill.

That's probably what you mean. I also think that the show doen't live up to what the fans say about it, in terms of being extremely disturbing and/or traumatising.
Feb 15, 2023 1:56 PM
Jul 2021
StaleNut said:
MusashiKarlsefni said:

Who exactly did you expect to die? You can’t kill off the main cast in the first season, and they’re the only ones who would be in danger of dying. I venture to say you haven’t watched season 2 tho cuz to say no one dies in this show is a lie. We’ll ignore the movie since it’s probably not enough death to tickle thy fancy.
The main cast in this show always survives for plot convenience. The characters and their survival instincts are not believable for the setting they're thrown in. 

Did you complain when Rudy survived in turning point 2? Because that’s surviving for plot purposes.
Feb 15, 2023 2:05 PM
Aug 2022
swagxmagician said:
StaleNut said:
The main cast in this show always survives for plot convenience. The characters and their survival instincts are not believable for the setting they're thrown in. 

Did you complain when Rudy survived in turning point 2? Because that’s surviving for plot purposes.

That's not even remotely the same thing. We have been shown numerous times that Hitogami favors Rudeus. His survival in that point of the story is due to basic interest that a third party showed for him in a life or death situation.

In Made in Abyss, no godlike being has ever interfered with any of the characters. In a world where even intelligent adults can die at any moment you seriously expect me to believe a bunch of powerless dumb children are surviving for such a long time?
StaleNutFeb 15, 2023 2:08 PM
Feb 15, 2023 2:18 PM
Jul 2021
StaleNut said:
swagxmagician said:

Did you complain when Rudy survived in turning point 2? Because that’s surviving for plot purposes.

That's not even remotely the same thing. We have been shown numerous times that Hitogami favors Rudeus. His survival in that point of the story is due to basic interest that a third party showed for him in a life or death situation.

In Made in Abyss, no godlike being has ever interfered with any of the characters. In a world where even intelligent adults can die at any moment you seriously expect me to believe a bunch of powerless dumb children are surviving for such a long time?

Oh yeah an aubade is totally powerless. The canonical most powerful thing in the abyss made of special-grade relics. You thought that through so much.
Feb 15, 2023 2:22 PM
Aug 2022
swagxmagician said:
StaleNut said:

That's not even remotely the same thing. We have been shown numerous times that Hitogami favors Rudeus. His survival in that point of the story is due to basic interest that a third party showed for him in a life or death situation.

In Made in Abyss, no godlike being has ever interfered with any of the characters. In a world where even intelligent adults can die at any moment you seriously expect me to believe a bunch of powerless dumb children are surviving for such a long time?

Oh yeah an aubade is totally powerless. The canonical most powerful thing in the abyss made of special-grade relics. You thought that through so much.

Well excuse me for not having the patience to sit through some of the most bland character interactions and development to get to the point where they actually explain tf the agubadadu mf even is in the first place.
Feb 15, 2023 2:23 PM
Jul 2021
StaleNut said:
swagxmagician said:

Oh yeah an aubade is totally powerless. The canonical most powerful thing in the abyss made of special-grade relics. You thought that through so much.

Well excuse me for not having the patience to sit through some of the most bland character interactions and development to get to the point where they actually explain tf the agubadadu mf even is in the first place.

Oh you mean in the first 3 episodes? 💀
Feb 15, 2023 2:25 PM
Aug 2022
swagxmagician said:
StaleNut said:

Well excuse me for not having the patience to sit through some of the most bland character interactions and development to get to the point where they actually explain tf the agubadadu mf even is in the first place.

Oh you mean in the first 3 episodes? 💀

Yes. I was too focused on the bellybutton fanservice couldn't concentrate on much else.
Feb 15, 2023 2:26 PM
Jul 2021
StaleNut said:
swagxmagician said:

Oh you mean in the first 3 episodes? 💀

Yes. I was too focused on the bellybutton fanservice couldn't concentrate on much else.

Probably were too concentrated on the panty stealing in Mushoku Tensei to realize how boring it is too
Feb 15, 2023 2:34 PM
Aug 2022
swagxmagician said:
StaleNut said:

Yes. I was too focused on the bellybutton fanservice couldn't concentrate on much else.

Probably were too concentrated on the panty stealing in Mushoku Tensei to realize how boring it is too

Ain't no way that came from a narutard😭
Feb 15, 2023 2:36 PM
Jul 2021
StaleNut said:
swagxmagician said:

Probably were too concentrated on the panty stealing in Mushoku Tensei to realize how boring it is too

Ain't no way that came from a narutard😭

Better than Devilman Crybaby that shit was just an excuse to show porn with no plot and a terrible main character 💀
Feb 15, 2023 2:37 PM
Aug 2022
swagxmagician said:
StaleNut said:

Ain't no way that came from a narutard😭

Better than Devilman Crybaby that shit was just an excuse to show porn with no plot and a terrible main character 💀

Sure. If that makes you feel any better about being a narutard...
Feb 15, 2023 2:39 PM
Jul 2021
StaleNut said:
swagxmagician said:

Better than Devilman Crybaby that shit was just an excuse to show porn with no plot and a terrible main character 💀

Sure. If that makes you feel any better about being a narutard...

Naruto clears every anime in your favorites and it’s not close. It’s ok for you to have bad tastes. An English Major wouldn’t understand Japanese entertainment anyway.
Feb 15, 2023 2:42 PM
Aug 2022
swagxmagician said:
StaleNut said:

Sure. If that makes you feel any better about being a narutard...

Naruto clears every anime in your favorites and it’s not close. It’s ok for you to have bad tastes. An English Major wouldn’t understand Japanese entertainment anyway.

Says the normie. Thx for making me laugh kid.
Feb 15, 2023 2:43 PM
Jul 2021
StaleNut said:
swagxmagician said:

Naruto clears every anime in your favorites and it’s not close. It’s ok for you to have bad tastes. An English Major wouldn’t understand Japanese entertainment anyway.

Says the normie. Thx for making me laugh kid.

Says the JoJo’s fan. It’s ok to think a meme show is good though.
Feb 15, 2023 3:07 PM
Jul 2022
monder_Killer17 said:
So, i hear many people say that Made in abyss is messed up, horrific and bloody, but it’s actually not that bad.
It’s true that the story is relatively dark, and you have some weird moments, but it’s nothing that makes you say WTF.
What are your thoughts on it?
I’m currently on episode 12.

It’s my favorite anime/manga of all time. Before you all come after me for liking Made in Abyss a little bit more than Berserk… yeah there’s really no way out of this one. I like MiA more than Berserk. Cope.
Feb 15, 2023 3:09 PM
Jan 2022
StaleNut said:
I agree. And no one even dies in this show. It's so boring and stupid. A bunch of kids who get lost and face danger every minute of their journey smh miraculously survive for so long in arguably one of the deadliest environments I've seen in fiction...

If only the characterization was as good as the world building.

nice bait shitter
Feb 15, 2023 5:07 PM
Jul 2022
monder_Killer17 said:
So, i hear many people say that Made in abyss is messed up, horrific and bloody, but it’s actually not that bad.
It’s true that the story is relatively dark, and you have some weird moments, but it’s nothing that makes you say WTF.
What are your thoughts on it?
I’m currently on episode 12.

Its the fact that such occurrences are happening to children. It also isnt that bad... Sawn of the Deep is where it gets really messed up
Feb 15, 2023 5:07 PM
Jul 2022
WizardKing999 said:
monder_Killer17 said:
So, i hear many people say that Made in abyss is messed up, horrific and bloody, but it’s actually not that bad.
It’s true that the story is relatively dark, and you have some weird moments, but it’s nothing that makes you say WTF.
What are your thoughts on it?
I’m currently on episode 12.

It’s my favorite anime/manga of all time. Before you all come after me for liking Made in Abyss a little bit more than Berserk… yeah there’s really no way out of this one. I like MiA more than Berserk. Cope.

It's my favorite too 🤝
Feb 15, 2023 7:59 PM
Jan 2021
Well episode 13 probably has the darkest thing in S1. and then the movie is pretty fucked.
Feb 16, 2023 3:27 AM
Jul 2018
StaleNut said:
I agree. And no one even dies in this show. It's so boring and stupid. A bunch of kids who get lost and face danger every minute of their journey smh miraculously survive for so long in arguably one of the deadliest environments I've seen in fiction...

If only the characterization was as good as the world building.

Bondrewd is a amazing character.
Feb 16, 2023 3:37 AM
Aug 2022
4choices said:
StaleNut said:
I agree. And no one even dies in this show. It's so boring and stupid. A bunch of kids who get lost and face danger every minute of their journey smh miraculously survive for so long in arguably one of the deadliest environments I've seen in fiction...

If only the characterization was as good as the world building.

Bondrewd is a amazing character.

Ok that I definitely agree with.
Feb 16, 2023 3:46 AM
Jul 2018
StaleNut said:
4choices said:

Bondrewd is a amazing character.

Ok that I definitely agree with.

And later on we learn what you have to sacrifice to become a white whistle.So in the future we could see them expand on the depths of the characters
removed-userMar 6, 2023 2:01 PM
Feb 16, 2023 4:33 AM
Oct 2022
monder_Killer17 said:
So, i hear many people say that Made in abyss is messed up, horrific and bloody, but it’s actually not that bad.
It’s true that the story is relatively dark, and you have some weird moments, but it’s nothing that makes you say WTF.
What are your thoughts on it?
I’m currently on episode 12.

just watch season 2.........
Feb 16, 2023 8:44 PM
Dec 2019
the recurrent lolicon bullshit is the only disturbing part of the show (i haven’t seen s2 and am not planning on watching it fyi)
fronywrdFeb 16, 2023 8:48 PM
Feb 17, 2023 5:17 AM
Sep 2019
Idk man. Human experimentation for "science" is very fucked up and disturbing. I was horrified at the end of season 1.
Feb 21, 2023 12:59 PM
Nov 2022
ok i must be mentally fucked cause I watched the whole and sayed ok like nothing happened
Feb 21, 2023 1:04 PM

Apr 2020
Wait, so you watched Riko beeing tormented by that poisen Monster AND Mitty's backstroy and you thought it was just light hearted fun, till now?^^

No soul.
Mar 21, 2023 8:27 AM
Jun 2021
I adore this anime but I find it more unsettling than any other anime I’ve ever seen so idk wym.
There’s stuff that’s over the top gory, edgy, etc. in comparison, but nothing for me so far that is so genuinely disturbing.
Apr 7, 2023 4:03 AM

Oct 2012
monder_Killer17 said:
So, i hear many people say that Made in abyss is messed up, horrific and bloody, but it’s actually not that bad.
It’s true that the story is relatively dark, and you have some weird moments, but it’s nothing that makes you say WTF.
What are your thoughts on it?
I’m currently on episode 12.

Episode 12 was revolting. I don't think it has to be any more gory to send the message and inflict awful feelings. But what would you consider fucked up? Because, imo:
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