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Feb 3, 2023 5:36 AM
Finally, Rean makes an appearance even though he's not the main guy in this anime. Other noticable appearances include Altina and the badass Aurelia. This episode was also one of those times when Lavian needed help to survive and thankfully, she got some help. They even have fishing in this anime lol. Well played. |
Stark700Feb 3, 2023 7:17 AM
Feb 3, 2023 6:58 AM
Yeah that's Rean alright. Fresh from seeing one of his friends die and knowing the truth about his father. Also the Autistic Unclouded eye shows it's power of observation once more. Altina here is still cold and Rufus still has that complex here. Lavi=Fie |
Feb 3, 2023 7:20 AM
Its to finally meet general Aurelia and her right hand after all this time. Would have liked to seen them visit Laura's home though. That spoiled noble though is excellent comic relief. Nice to finally meet Rear and Altina in the flesh. Lavi's abilities in melee combat though is surprisingly good. I had the impression that Jaegers always fought with firearms. Still she's way too brash. The trio sampling the fish that they caught though was a nice moment of calmness. The battle against the monster horde though proved to be a perfect stage for Valimars entry into the narrative as well as the first real intel that Lavi's team needed. Overall a pretty good ep that had a nice balance of action and interactions between Lavi and Rean during their brief foray underground. I also really liked the contrast that the two had and the emotional shock that Lavi went through as she realized the kind of hero that Rean was. From this point on things are gonna be hectic. |
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Feb 3, 2023 9:07 AM
Finally female protagonist meets with male protagonist. I think there might be some misunderstanding between them, and I can see an attempt to either fix the misunderstanding or create more confusion. I hope everyone will realized the real enemy, the earlier the better. |
Feb 3, 2023 1:17 PM
This is honestly what I've been waiting for, Rean, Altina & Valimar |
Feb 3, 2023 2:54 PM
Feb 3, 2023 4:14 PM
Rean and Altina finally make their appearance~ I screamed as soon as I heard Uchiyama Kouki's voice; it's been so long since I've played the Erebonia arc + Hajimari no Kiseki, so I think it affected more than I thought it would lol. I also loved the whole 'offscreen voice before appearance' thing that the games do so often. Nice little callback. I actually really liked this episode a lot, obviously Rean and Lavi absolutely carried it for me. One of my favorite things about the series is getting a chance to see characters that we know so well from another perspective. So it was great getting to see Lavi interact with Rean as a 'normal person', before the reveal that he was the Empire's hero she was searching for all along. And I thought her reaction to the truth was just perfect, the way she was biting her lip and digging into her palms in anger. And knowing what will happen to North Ambria makes this all the more painful. Once again we got lots of little nods to the games; the Blade cards and Arianrhod figure, the fishing gear, Lavi's S-Craft (maybe? I think it was-), and a Rush attack between the two of them. And of course, Rufus, Aurelia, Bardias, and Lechter all showing up as well. Looking back on Rean's thoughts on what happened in North Ambria- and remembering the mental state that he's in at this point in the Erebonia arc- it's almost fitting that we're seeing Erebonia as a sort of looming, evil power, now. I remember being so incredibly frustrated at Osborne's actions throughout the majority of my time with the arc, and they've captured that really well here. Really touching that Rean passed on Crow's words to Lavi; and I'm super interested to see how she handles her conflict going forward. She's slowly becoming the compelling character I thought she would be. Finally feels like things are starting to ramp up! Looking forward to next week~ |
I'm me! The choices I've made are mine! I don't need your permission to be myself! ✧✧✧✧✧✧ profile ✧ watching ✧ reading ✧ art credit |
Feb 3, 2023 6:52 PM
Finally an episode that has actual plot relevance. At least Valimar looks good |
Feb 3, 2023 6:54 PM
kyaa finally rean appear as expected from the lady killer, he's really cool can't wait to see more of his appearance, rufus too! |
uwu uwu |
Feb 3, 2023 11:36 PM
some actual plot, hey it's him! i know that guy we know all about him! while i ant a big fan of Rean it's still fun seeing him from a POV of a not actual major character still mildly enjoying this even if it looks like cheapest darn thing made ever |
Feb 4, 2023 8:36 AM
the two might be a perfect match...only if they are not natural enemies...hmmmm 3/5. |
Feb 4, 2023 12:01 PM
Ok, I'd loved for the plot of this episode to be alittle bit longer. Have them spend more time together to make the reveal hit harder for the main cast, but I guess this works. We just skipped Ymir and Legram like that huh. I guess there's nothing to learn about Rean in his own hometown... sure. And this episode, more than any other, made me hate Lavi. Not even a little bit of thanks to the guy that saved you, and just act rude to him until he saves you again? And then at the end she's like "Is this the end of my journey?" Like, what? what journey? You came here to learn more about Rean so you could report back to your country. It has something to do with how she views "Heroes" but we don't know much yet. Alll I do know is that I never got the impression she was in Erebonia for any other reason than her mission, so I have no idea what she means by that line. And about the mission, are they done? They're just going to go home after learning his name and what he looks like? Can't you learn much more now that you know those? They have no reason to believe their cover was blown, so can't they just send a message home and keep investigating him now? They took a couple of photos of Valimar and mission accomplished? And I like how Lavi just wants to drag him out when she doesn't even know how he got in. And what's next after killing him? You still can't win against the Erebonian army and you'd only give them more reason to invade because you killed their hero. So yeah. Rude, stupid, reckless, and overall lacking any common sense. We're still not halfway through the show so obviously she has time to develop and grow. I just don't like her currently I thought Aurelia and the rest of the noble armies held out in Juno Naval Fortress for quite some time before the Imperial government offered them the option of annexing Norht Ambria as a deal. But in this episode we have Rufus, in crossbell, telling them about the reperations and the possibilty that they'd invade and use Rean? It feels like the timeline is a bit confused unless several months have passed between episode 1 and now. Lavi's group toured Erebonia, and supposedly they stayed at each city/town for several days at least gathering information (With unbelievibely zero results) so maybe so much time has passed? The dialogue at the beginnig felt disconnected at one point. Rufus starts telling them about the reperations, and that things are up to Glark, once a reknowned hero, now a mere puppet of the government. Then Aurelia tells him not to underestemate someone who went through so much, especialy the North Ambrian disaster, and all the riots that happened afterwards. In response to that, Rufus says: "History can't be rewritten. There will be no more nobles or commoners in the future. I hope you two dedicate yourselves to the future of the empire" Like, how does that connect to what came before it? That whole scene doesn't have the weight of the political conflicts we see in game, and serves only to confuse the timeline, as well as having weird dialogue. And Lechter is there just to tell us who these people are. And let's not forget that our party just happened to run into Rean, when they had no clues as to where he is, as he's doing a mission in this massive fucking empire. Talk about lucky. And of course the Noble on the train being cartoonishly obnoxious and doing an instant 180. It's funny that many people dislike Rean, yet he's the most sensible part of this show, because of how stupid evertything else is. |
Feb 4, 2023 12:23 PM
Feb 4, 2023 5:19 PM
Shingster said: Only two named Jaegers that I know of in the games can be considered even remotely close to ranged-combat specalists, and one of them's more about traps (though the other is an outright sniper). All others are either mixed attackers (and Lavi would fall into this category for me, as we saw in episode 1 that even though she prefers dual blades like some of the other speedsters of the series, she's able to use guns too) that are good in both ranged and melee, or outright melee specialists, with the latter being considered practically monsters in terms of combat ability, requiring an entire party to fight, which makes sense that they're melee specialists in an extremely dangerous line of work. And then there's the one that's pretty much a joke fight most of the time, but give him something to pilot and he's actually credible.Lavi's abilities in melee combat though is surprisingly good. I had the impression that Jaegers always fought with firearms. |
Feb 4, 2023 5:52 PM
This girl, feels like she overestimates her ability too much, needs to get reality check sometime soon or she won't grow. Also too bad for them, when it comes to the fall of NA they're worrying about the wrong person |
Feb 4, 2023 5:53 PM
katsu044 said: some actual plot, hey it's him! i know that guy we know all about him! while i ant a big fan of Rean it's still fun seeing him from a POV of a not actual major character still mildly enjoying this even if it looks like cheapest darn thing made ever well valimar looks good, although I don't know if it's expensive to make him like that |
Feb 5, 2023 7:48 AM
Secret333 said: Ok, I'd loved for the plot of this episode to be alittle bit longer. Have them spend more time together to make the reveal hit harder for the main cast, but I guess this works. We just skipped Ymir and Legram like that huh. I guess there's nothing to learn about Rean in his own hometown... sure. And this episode, more than any other, made me hate Lavi. Not even a little bit of thanks to the guy that saved you, and just act rude to him until he saves you again? And then at the end she's like "Is this the end of my journey?" Like, what? what journey? You came here to learn more about Rean so you could report back to your country. It has something to do with how she views "Heroes" but we don't know much yet. Alll I do know is that I never got the impression she was in Erebonia for any other reason than her mission, so I have no idea what she means by that line. And about the mission, are they done? They're just going to go home after learning his name and what he looks like? Can't you learn much more now that you know those? They have no reason to believe their cover was blown, so can't they just send a message home and keep investigating him now? They took a couple of photos of Valimar and mission accomplished? And I like how Lavi just wants to drag him out when she doesn't even know how he got in. And what's next after killing him? You still can't win against the Erebonian army and you'd only give them more reason to invade because you killed their hero. So yeah. Rude, stupid, reckless, and overall lacking any common sense. We're still not halfway through the show so obviously she has time to develop and grow. I just don't like her currently I thought Aurelia and the rest of the noble armies held out in Juno Naval Fortress for quite some time before the Imperial government offered them the option of annexing Norht Ambria as a deal. But in this episode we have Rufus, in crossbell, telling them about the reperations and the possibilty that they'd invade and use Rean? It feels like the timeline is a bit confused unless several months have passed between episode 1 and now. Lavi's group toured Erebonia, and supposedly they stayed at each city/town for several days at least gathering information (With unbelievibely zero results) so maybe so much time has passed? The dialogue at the beginnig felt disconnected at one point. Rufus starts telling them about the reperations, and that things are up to Glark, once a reknowned hero, now a mere puppet of the government. Then Aurelia tells him not to underestemate someone who went through so much, especialy the North Ambrian disaster, and all the riots that happened afterwards. In response to that, Rufus says: "History can't be rewritten. There will be no more nobles or commoners in the future. I hope you two dedicate yourselves to the future of the empire" Like, how does that connect to what came before it? That whole scene doesn't have the weight of the political conflicts we see in game, and serves only to confuse the timeline, as well as having weird dialogue. And Lechter is there just to tell us who these people are. And let's not forget that our party just happened to run into Rean, when they had no clues as to where he is, as he's doing a mission in this massive fucking empire. Talk about lucky. And of course the Noble on the train being cartoonishly obnoxious and doing an instant 180. It's funny that many people dislike Rean, yet he's the most sensible part of this show, because of how stupid evertything else is. Most of your complaints I can see stem mostly from the anime not really roghtout spilling the beans and spoon feed the underlying machinations of the infiltration aspect of this story. Its either they will fully show it later or we just need to read in between the lines. The Northern Jaeger gang as we can see is not really that outspoken to what they feel inside. In episode 4 we are given a taste of how world changing it is for Iseria to seeing things that are possible in Erebonia that is hardly imaginable for her to picture in their own hometown. Lavi is a much more not outspoken person and her saying is this a "journey" for her is enough to tell us she relates to how Iseria sees this Mission as a once in a life time travel experience. The Ed is pretty much a visual representation of this journey "the photos shot by Iseria and Lavi keeping them in her room" As for your complaints about the infiltration side. We have the character Rogan and his team being the legit "Recon" squad only being able to take home a shitty picture of Valimar as proof to the existence of the Hero is a proof of the difficulty of the mission. As seen in Lavi's team(which is definitely just a rag tag team unfit for such mission) getting the info is really possible but as we see in episode 3, Altina already is on to them just in day 1. So the problem here is more of "will the Erebonian Intelligence team let the Northern Jaeger take home the info". If they Let the Lavi gang go home untouched after this then, definitely the Erebonia side is also cooking something to now allow a "leak" of info or the Erebonia side is in cahoots with the ones who pull the strings to send Lavi team to Erebonia in the first place. Sending the Lavi team in the first place is already fishy. Also its like they all the political weight in the making of Class VII or its political significance is full on explained early on or even in the middle of cold steel 1. Since Cold steel has a habit of explaining things when the actual characters who are pulling the strings will show their hand themselves rather than a secondhand explaination. You complain about "Is that it from their few dialogues". Like don't just rely on what they blatantly say if you are that thirsty for a more deeper lore. Not everyone is not nice as Rean to let the Audience know "Yeah I knew she was a Jaeger or something),. Cause most of the characters you are eying to say somethinh important will probably keep it to themselves and will only make the reveal when the time is right. So we probably need to have the scene focus in characters like Lechter, Campanella, or Jadya? The North Ambrian white haired woman or Rogan or Glark to get a more wholer scope of things. |
Sonson7Feb 5, 2023 7:55 AM
Feb 5, 2023 7:51 AM
Arsteel16 said: This girl, feels like she overestimates her ability too much, needs to get reality check sometime soon or she won't grow. Also too bad for them, when it comes to the fall of NA they're worrying about the wrong person I mean she is like 15, and besides most In game North Jaeger acts much dumber than her. So there is that |
Feb 5, 2023 12:35 PM
Sonson7 said: Please don't reference Iseria's conversation from episode 4 as if it's a good thing. She's the exact same character since the beginning and being in the empire didn't change her in any meaningful way. And if you think Lavi relates to that and that's what that means by "her journey" then their journey is just being tourists. If you read my post I speculated on what Lavi means by that. It probably has something to do with her idea of "heroes" or "heroism". She was reminded of her grandfather when she listened to Rean, and every time she hears the word "hero" she repeats it, you can't get more overt. But we don't know anything beyond that and that's why the "My journey" line feels like it comes out of nowhere. Both her and Iseria in episode 4 are handeled like that. It's not subtlety, it's lack of any buildup.Secret333 said: Ok, I'd loved for the plot of this episode to be alittle bit longer. Have them spend more time together to make the reveal hit harder for the main cast, but I guess this works. We just skipped Ymir and Legram like that huh. I guess there's nothing to learn about Rean in his own hometown... sure. And this episode, more than any other, made me hate Lavi. Not even a little bit of thanks to the guy that saved you, and just act rude to him until he saves you again? And then at the end she's like "Is this the end of my journey?" Like, what? what journey? You came here to learn more about Rean so you could report back to your country. It has something to do with how she views "Heroes" but we don't know much yet. Alll I do know is that I never got the impression she was in Erebonia for any other reason than her mission, so I have no idea what she means by that line. And about the mission, are they done? They're just going to go home after learning his name and what he looks like? Can't you learn much more now that you know those? They have no reason to believe their cover was blown, so can't they just send a message home and keep investigating him now? They took a couple of photos of Valimar and mission accomplished? And I like how Lavi just wants to drag him out when she doesn't even know how he got in. And what's next after killing him? You still can't win against the Erebonian army and you'd only give them more reason to invade because you killed their hero. So yeah. Rude, stupid, reckless, and overall lacking any common sense. We're still not halfway through the show so obviously she has time to develop and grow. I just don't like her currently I thought Aurelia and the rest of the noble armies held out in Juno Naval Fortress for quite some time before the Imperial government offered them the option of annexing Norht Ambria as a deal. But in this episode we have Rufus, in crossbell, telling them about the reperations and the possibilty that they'd invade and use Rean? It feels like the timeline is a bit confused unless several months have passed between episode 1 and now. Lavi's group toured Erebonia, and supposedly they stayed at each city/town for several days at least gathering information (With unbelievibely zero results) so maybe so much time has passed? The dialogue at the beginnig felt disconnected at one point. Rufus starts telling them about the reperations, and that things are up to Glark, once a reknowned hero, now a mere puppet of the government. Then Aurelia tells him not to underestemate someone who went through so much, especialy the North Ambrian disaster, and all the riots that happened afterwards. In response to that, Rufus says: "History can't be rewritten. There will be no more nobles or commoners in the future. I hope you two dedicate yourselves to the future of the empire" Like, how does that connect to what came before it? That whole scene doesn't have the weight of the political conflicts we see in game, and serves only to confuse the timeline, as well as having weird dialogue. And Lechter is there just to tell us who these people are. And let's not forget that our party just happened to run into Rean, when they had no clues as to where he is, as he's doing a mission in this massive fucking empire. Talk about lucky. And of course the Noble on the train being cartoonishly obnoxious and doing an instant 180. It's funny that many people dislike Rean, yet he's the most sensible part of this show, because of how stupid evertything else is. Most of your complaints I can see stem mostly from the anime not really roghtout spilling the beans and spoon feed the underlying machinations of the infiltration aspect of this story. Its either they will fully show it later or we just need to read in between the lines. The Northern Jaeger gang as we can see is not really that outspoken to what they feel inside. In episode 4 we are given a taste of how world changing it is for Iseria to seeing things that are possible in Erebonia that is hardly imaginable for her to picture in their own hometown. Lavi is a much more not outspoken person and her saying is this a "journey" for her is enough to tell us she relates to how Iseria sees this Mission as a once in a life time travel experience. The Ed is pretty much a visual representation of this journey "the photos shot by Iseria and Lavi keeping them in her room" As for your complaints about the infiltration side. We have the character Rogan and his team being the legit "Recon" squad only being able to take home a shitty picture of Valimar as proof to the existence of the Hero is a proof of the difficulty of the mission. As seen in Lavi's team(which is definitely just a rag tag team unfit for such mission) getting the info is really possible but as we see in episode 3, Altina already is on to them just in day 1. So the problem here is more of "will the Erebonian Intelligence team let the Northern Jaeger take home the info". If they Let the Lavi gang go home untouched after this then, definitely the Erebonia side is also cooking something to now allow a "leak" of info or the Erebonia side is in cahoots with the ones who pull the strings to send Lavi team to Erebonia in the first place. Sending the Lavi team in the first place is already fishy. Also its like they all the political weight in the making of Class VII or its political significance is full on explained early on or even in the middle of cold steel 1. Since Cold steel has a habit of explaining things when the actual characters who are pulling the strings will show their hand themselves rather than a secondhand explaination. You complain about "Is that it from their few dialogues". Like don't just rely on what they blatantly say if you are that thirsty for a more deeper lore. Not everyone is not nice as Rean to let the Audience know "Yeah I knew she was a Jaeger or something),. Cause most of the characters you are eying to say somethinh important will probably keep it to themselves and will only make the reveal when the time is right. So we probably need to have the scene focus in characters like Lechter, Campanella, or Jadya? The North Ambrian white haired woman or Rogan or Glark to get a more wholer scope of things. And my complaint about "their mission" isn't about the Erebonian side, it's about them. They now know their target's name, how he looks like, and maybe a little bit about his fighting style. But that's not anything that you can't relay on phone or however they've been recieving their orders up until now. They don't know that their cover was blown, so you'd think they'd relay the information they have before recieving their next order, but they instantly say "Let's go home". And they didn't even get a picture of Rean, they took a couple of Valimar. They are closer than ever to being able to learn more yet now they'll pack up and go home? This anime has not been subtle about anything, and I'm not relying only on them telling me things or "spoon feeding". We know as much about the infiltration mission as Lavi and her team so my questions are about how they're behaving, not related to anything they don't know. And don't say "Most of your complaints" when you've barely answered 2 of my points when I had like 6 of them. One of them is your headconnon of how Lavi feels, and the other is not even answering my point about the mission. |
Feb 5, 2023 12:50 PM
@Secret333 How should they 'relay' information? They only have an Enigma and I'm pretty suee they are too far away for them to call, also the crossbell team had to use an orbal computer for any meaningful report between the SSS hq and the police hq. I am also sure that now the civil war is over there is no northern jaeger presence in the area aside from Lavi's team. They needed to get an intel. They got a name, I'm pretty sure Lavi saw how Rean fought, so they have the fighting stlye too, so now that they got the intel they needed their mission is over. Also there are other northern jaegers who have fought Rean before so there are probably other reports about him already, they just need to connect Rean's name with the Ashen Chevalier. They need to head back for further orders. |
Feb 5, 2023 1:29 PM
Secret333 said: Sonson7 said: Please don't reference Iseria's conversation from episode 4 as if it's a good thing. She's the exact same character since the beginning and being in the empire didn't change her in any meaningful way. And if you think Lavi relates to that and that's what that means by "her journey" then their journey is just being tourists. If you read my post I speculated on what Lavi means by that. It probably has something to do with her idea of "heroes" or "heroism". She was reminded of her grandfather when she listened to Rean, and every time she hears the word "hero" she repeats it, you can't get more overt. But we don't know anything beyond that and that's why the "My journey" line feels like it comes out of nowhere. Both her and Iseria in episode 4 are handeled like that. It's not subtlety, it's lack of any buildup.Secret333 said: Ok, I'd loved for the plot of this episode to be alittle bit longer. Have them spend more time together to make the reveal hit harder for the main cast, but I guess this works. We just skipped Ymir and Legram like that huh. I guess there's nothing to learn about Rean in his own hometown... sure. And this episode, more than any other, made me hate Lavi. Not even a little bit of thanks to the guy that saved you, and just act rude to him until he saves you again? And then at the end she's like "Is this the end of my journey?" Like, what? what journey? You came here to learn more about Rean so you could report back to your country. It has something to do with how she views "Heroes" but we don't know much yet. Alll I do know is that I never got the impression she was in Erebonia for any other reason than her mission, so I have no idea what she means by that line. And about the mission, are they done? They're just going to go home after learning his name and what he looks like? Can't you learn much more now that you know those? They have no reason to believe their cover was blown, so can't they just send a message home and keep investigating him now? They took a couple of photos of Valimar and mission accomplished? And I like how Lavi just wants to drag him out when she doesn't even know how he got in. And what's next after killing him? You still can't win against the Erebonian army and you'd only give them more reason to invade because you killed their hero. So yeah. Rude, stupid, reckless, and overall lacking any common sense. We're still not halfway through the show so obviously she has time to develop and grow. I just don't like her currently I thought Aurelia and the rest of the noble armies held out in Juno Naval Fortress for quite some time before the Imperial government offered them the option of annexing Norht Ambria as a deal. But in this episode we have Rufus, in crossbell, telling them about the reperations and the possibilty that they'd invade and use Rean? It feels like the timeline is a bit confused unless several months have passed between episode 1 and now. Lavi's group toured Erebonia, and supposedly they stayed at each city/town for several days at least gathering information (With unbelievibely zero results) so maybe so much time has passed? The dialogue at the beginnig felt disconnected at one point. Rufus starts telling them about the reperations, and that things are up to Glark, once a reknowned hero, now a mere puppet of the government. Then Aurelia tells him not to underestemate someone who went through so much, especialy the North Ambrian disaster, and all the riots that happened afterwards. In response to that, Rufus says: "History can't be rewritten. There will be no more nobles or commoners in the future. I hope you two dedicate yourselves to the future of the empire" Like, how does that connect to what came before it? That whole scene doesn't have the weight of the political conflicts we see in game, and serves only to confuse the timeline, as well as having weird dialogue. And Lechter is there just to tell us who these people are. And let's not forget that our party just happened to run into Rean, when they had no clues as to where he is, as he's doing a mission in this massive fucking empire. Talk about lucky. And of course the Noble on the train being cartoonishly obnoxious and doing an instant 180. It's funny that many people dislike Rean, yet he's the most sensible part of this show, because of how stupid evertything else is. Most of your complaints I can see stem mostly from the anime not really roghtout spilling the beans and spoon feed the underlying machinations of the infiltration aspect of this story. Its either they will fully show it later or we just need to read in between the lines. The Northern Jaeger gang as we can see is not really that outspoken to what they feel inside. In episode 4 we are given a taste of how world changing it is for Iseria to seeing things that are possible in Erebonia that is hardly imaginable for her to picture in their own hometown. Lavi is a much more not outspoken person and her saying is this a "journey" for her is enough to tell us she relates to how Iseria sees this Mission as a once in a life time travel experience. The Ed is pretty much a visual representation of this journey "the photos shot by Iseria and Lavi keeping them in her room" As for your complaints about the infiltration side. We have the character Rogan and his team being the legit "Recon" squad only being able to take home a shitty picture of Valimar as proof to the existence of the Hero is a proof of the difficulty of the mission. As seen in Lavi's team(which is definitely just a rag tag team unfit for such mission) getting the info is really possible but as we see in episode 3, Altina already is on to them just in day 1. So the problem here is more of "will the Erebonian Intelligence team let the Northern Jaeger take home the info". If they Let the Lavi gang go home untouched after this then, definitely the Erebonia side is also cooking something to now allow a "leak" of info or the Erebonia side is in cahoots with the ones who pull the strings to send Lavi team to Erebonia in the first place. Sending the Lavi team in the first place is already fishy. Also its like they all the political weight in the making of Class VII or its political significance is full on explained early on or even in the middle of cold steel 1. Since Cold steel has a habit of explaining things when the actual characters who are pulling the strings will show their hand themselves rather than a secondhand explaination. You complain about "Is that it from their few dialogues". Like don't just rely on what they blatantly say if you are that thirsty for a more deeper lore. Not everyone is not nice as Rean to let the Audience know "Yeah I knew she was a Jaeger or something),. Cause most of the characters you are eying to say somethinh important will probably keep it to themselves and will only make the reveal when the time is right. So we probably need to have the scene focus in characters like Lechter, Campanella, or Jadya? The North Ambrian white haired woman or Rogan or Glark to get a more wholer scope of things. And my complaint about "their mission" isn't about the Erebonian side, it's about them. They now know their target's name, how he looks like, and maybe a little bit about his fighting style. But that's not anything that you can't relay on phone or however they've been recieving their orders up until now. They don't know that their cover was blown, so you'd think they'd relay the information they have before recieving their next order, but they instantly say "Let's go home". And they didn't even get a picture of Rean, they took a couple of Valimar. They are closer than ever to being able to learn more yet now they'll pack up and go home? This anime has not been subtle about anything, and I'm not relying only on them telling me things or "spoon feeding". We know as much about the infiltration mission as Lavi and her team so my questions are about how they're behaving, not related to anything they don't know. And don't say "Most of your complaints" when you've barely answered 2 of my points when I had like 6 of them. One of them is your headconnon of how Lavi feels, and the other is not even answering my point about the mission. Not really headcanon, as I said it is reading between the lines, it may end up incorrect but I surmised the idea incontext to the ed, and Lavi actually getting ehat Iseria meant at episode four, regardless of whether she feels the same. We can say its probably a notion a common North Ambrian can get when they are shown normal necessities in Erebonia that are luxuries by North Ambrian standard. Its an easy to make sense social notion of people in 3rd world countries viewing what is common necessity in 1st world countries. If Erebonia has the Noble - Commoner thing going on, this is the stuff for North Ambria like of because many times they mention North Ambria is experiencing problematic levels of poverty. Like this stuff is about as easy to assume as how in North Ambria Northern Jaegers are seen like heroes or respected as a millitary band in Erebonia as seen in the games, they are more portrayed as hired goons who has no problem playing dirty as long as there is money in it (which is an aspect probably roited again to poverty) As per the Mission thing I guess the dude above answered it better than me so read that. |
Feb 5, 2023 8:00 PM
Sonson7 said: Oh, ok. It's your reading of what she means and it could be wrong. My reading is that it has something to do with her past and whatever she thinks of "Heroes". I guess we'll see whenever we get more information.Secret333 said: Sonson7 said: Secret333 said: Ok, I'd loved for the plot of this episode to be alittle bit longer. Have them spend more time together to make the reveal hit harder for the main cast, but I guess this works. We just skipped Ymir and Legram like that huh. I guess there's nothing to learn about Rean in his own hometown... sure. And this episode, more than any other, made me hate Lavi. Not even a little bit of thanks to the guy that saved you, and just act rude to him until he saves you again? And then at the end she's like "Is this the end of my journey?" Like, what? what journey? You came here to learn more about Rean so you could report back to your country. It has something to do with how she views "Heroes" but we don't know much yet. Alll I do know is that I never got the impression she was in Erebonia for any other reason than her mission, so I have no idea what she means by that line. And about the mission, are they done? They're just going to go home after learning his name and what he looks like? Can't you learn much more now that you know those? They have no reason to believe their cover was blown, so can't they just send a message home and keep investigating him now? They took a couple of photos of Valimar and mission accomplished? And I like how Lavi just wants to drag him out when she doesn't even know how he got in. And what's next after killing him? You still can't win against the Erebonian army and you'd only give them more reason to invade because you killed their hero. So yeah. Rude, stupid, reckless, and overall lacking any common sense. We're still not halfway through the show so obviously she has time to develop and grow. I just don't like her currently I thought Aurelia and the rest of the noble armies held out in Juno Naval Fortress for quite some time before the Imperial government offered them the option of annexing Norht Ambria as a deal. But in this episode we have Rufus, in crossbell, telling them about the reperations and the possibilty that they'd invade and use Rean? It feels like the timeline is a bit confused unless several months have passed between episode 1 and now. Lavi's group toured Erebonia, and supposedly they stayed at each city/town for several days at least gathering information (With unbelievibely zero results) so maybe so much time has passed? The dialogue at the beginnig felt disconnected at one point. Rufus starts telling them about the reperations, and that things are up to Glark, once a reknowned hero, now a mere puppet of the government. Then Aurelia tells him not to underestemate someone who went through so much, especialy the North Ambrian disaster, and all the riots that happened afterwards. In response to that, Rufus says: "History can't be rewritten. There will be no more nobles or commoners in the future. I hope you two dedicate yourselves to the future of the empire" Like, how does that connect to what came before it? That whole scene doesn't have the weight of the political conflicts we see in game, and serves only to confuse the timeline, as well as having weird dialogue. And Lechter is there just to tell us who these people are. And let's not forget that our party just happened to run into Rean, when they had no clues as to where he is, as he's doing a mission in this massive fucking empire. Talk about lucky. And of course the Noble on the train being cartoonishly obnoxious and doing an instant 180. It's funny that many people dislike Rean, yet he's the most sensible part of this show, because of how stupid evertything else is. Most of your complaints I can see stem mostly from the anime not really roghtout spilling the beans and spoon feed the underlying machinations of the infiltration aspect of this story. Its either they will fully show it later or we just need to read in between the lines. The Northern Jaeger gang as we can see is not really that outspoken to what they feel inside. In episode 4 we are given a taste of how world changing it is for Iseria to seeing things that are possible in Erebonia that is hardly imaginable for her to picture in their own hometown. Lavi is a much more not outspoken person and her saying is this a "journey" for her is enough to tell us she relates to how Iseria sees this Mission as a once in a life time travel experience. The Ed is pretty much a visual representation of this journey "the photos shot by Iseria and Lavi keeping them in her room" As for your complaints about the infiltration side. We have the character Rogan and his team being the legit "Recon" squad only being able to take home a shitty picture of Valimar as proof to the existence of the Hero is a proof of the difficulty of the mission. As seen in Lavi's team(which is definitely just a rag tag team unfit for such mission) getting the info is really possible but as we see in episode 3, Altina already is on to them just in day 1. So the problem here is more of "will the Erebonian Intelligence team let the Northern Jaeger take home the info". If they Let the Lavi gang go home untouched after this then, definitely the Erebonia side is also cooking something to now allow a "leak" of info or the Erebonia side is in cahoots with the ones who pull the strings to send Lavi team to Erebonia in the first place. Sending the Lavi team in the first place is already fishy. Also its like they all the political weight in the making of Class VII or its political significance is full on explained early on or even in the middle of cold steel 1. Since Cold steel has a habit of explaining things when the actual characters who are pulling the strings will show their hand themselves rather than a secondhand explaination. You complain about "Is that it from their few dialogues". Like don't just rely on what they blatantly say if you are that thirsty for a more deeper lore. Not everyone is not nice as Rean to let the Audience know "Yeah I knew she was a Jaeger or something),. Cause most of the characters you are eying to say somethinh important will probably keep it to themselves and will only make the reveal when the time is right. So we probably need to have the scene focus in characters like Lechter, Campanella, or Jadya? The North Ambrian white haired woman or Rogan or Glark to get a more wholer scope of things. And my complaint about "their mission" isn't about the Erebonian side, it's about them. They now know their target's name, how he looks like, and maybe a little bit about his fighting style. But that's not anything that you can't relay on phone or however they've been recieving their orders up until now. They don't know that their cover was blown, so you'd think they'd relay the information they have before recieving their next order, but they instantly say "Let's go home". And they didn't even get a picture of Rean, they took a couple of Valimar. They are closer than ever to being able to learn more yet now they'll pack up and go home? This anime has not been subtle about anything, and I'm not relying only on them telling me things or "spoon feeding". We know as much about the infiltration mission as Lavi and her team so my questions are about how they're behaving, not related to anything they don't know. And don't say "Most of your complaints" when you've barely answered 2 of my points when I had like 6 of them. One of them is your headconnon of how Lavi feels, and the other is not even answering my point about the mission. Not really headcanon, as I said it is reading between the lines, it may end up incorrect but I surmised the idea incontext to the ed, and Lavi actually getting ehat Iseria meant at episode four, regardless of whether she feels the same. We can say its probably a notion a common North Ambrian can get when they are shown normal necessities in Erebonia that are luxuries by North Ambrian standard. Its an easy to make sense social notion of people in 3rd world countries viewing what is common necessity in 1st world countries. If Erebonia has the Noble - Commoner thing going on, this is the stuff for North Ambria like of because many times they mention North Ambria is experiencing problematic levels of poverty. Like this stuff is about as easy to assume as how in North Ambria Northern Jaegers are seen like heroes or respected as a millitary band in Erebonia as seen in the games, they are more portrayed as hired goons who has no problem playing dirty as long as there is money in it (which is an aspect probably roited again to poverty) As per the Mission thing I guess the dude above answered it better than me so read that. @UTMAN As for how they relay information, Jayna says in the last episode that she'll have Martin's team (Which is our main cast) head to Legram. Now, this could mean that she steered them into going to Legram without them knowing that as an order, but I doubt that. One would think they'd have channels and liasons to relay information across to their superiors. Remember that their first mission in the empire was to attend a party in episode 3. Whatever happened there would've been reported to Jayna, as she seems like she knows what they've been up to. Again, I could be wrong and she actually just has people spying on them and sending them on goose chases across the empire, but I think having channels for your spys to relay information is a better assumption. |
Feb 5, 2023 9:56 PM
Sonson7 said: You're right, she should be measured by that standard lol Arsteel16 said: This girl, feels like she overestimates her ability too much, needs to get reality check sometime soon or she won't grow. Also too bad for them, when it comes to the fall of NA they're worrying about the wrong person I mean she is like 15, and besides most In game North Jaeger acts much dumber than her. So there is that the jaegers are supposed to be battle hardened war veteran but at some point the game got confused on where to place them on the enemy's hierarchy and settle for just medium random field boss. I mean they battled against a bunch of military school students without even managed to harm or kill any of them |
Feb 6, 2023 12:33 AM
Arsteel16 said: Sonson7 said: You're right, she should be measured by that standard lol Arsteel16 said: This girl, feels like she overestimates her ability too much, needs to get reality check sometime soon or she won't grow. Also too bad for them, when it comes to the fall of NA they're worrying about the wrong person I mean she is like 15, and besides most In game North Jaeger acts much dumber than her. So there is that the jaegers are supposed to be battle hardened war veteran but at some point the game got confused on where to place them on the enemy's hierarchy and settle for just medium random field boss. I mean they battled against a bunch of military school students without even managed to harm or kill any of them The northern Jaegers can be lethal but they won't go out their way to kill people just cause, if its what they are hired for they will kill and burn towns. But if its not part of their job they will not do beyond anything of what they had been paid for. I mean their ate Casualties at Celdic in CS 2, but the surprise attack was made by a mix bag of provincial army and northern jaegers combined. |
Feb 6, 2023 12:41 AM
Secret333 said: Sonson7 said: Oh, ok. It's your reading of what she means and it could be wrong. My reading is that it has something to do with her past and whatever she thinks of "Heroes". I guess we'll see whenever we get more information.Secret333 said: Sonson7 said: Please don't reference Iseria's conversation from episode 4 as if it's a good thing. She's the exact same character since the beginning and being in the empire didn't change her in any meaningful way. And if you think Lavi relates to that and that's what that means by "her journey" then their journey is just being tourists. If you read my post I speculated on what Lavi means by that. It probably has something to do with her idea of "heroes" or "heroism". She was reminded of her grandfather when she listened to Rean, and every time she hears the word "hero" she repeats it, you can't get more overt. But we don't know anything beyond that and that's why the "My journey" line feels like it comes out of nowhere. Both her and Iseria in episode 4 are handeled like that. It's not subtlety, it's lack of any buildup.Secret333 said: Ok, I'd loved for the plot of this episode to be alittle bit longer. Have them spend more time together to make the reveal hit harder for the main cast, but I guess this works. We just skipped Ymir and Legram like that huh. I guess there's nothing to learn about Rean in his own hometown... sure. And this episode, more than any other, made me hate Lavi. Not even a little bit of thanks to the guy that saved you, and just act rude to him until he saves you again? And then at the end she's like "Is this the end of my journey?" Like, what? what journey? You came here to learn more about Rean so you could report back to your country. It has something to do with how she views "Heroes" but we don't know much yet. Alll I do know is that I never got the impression she was in Erebonia for any other reason than her mission, so I have no idea what she means by that line. And about the mission, are they done? They're just going to go home after learning his name and what he looks like? Can't you learn much more now that you know those? They have no reason to believe their cover was blown, so can't they just send a message home and keep investigating him now? They took a couple of photos of Valimar and mission accomplished? And I like how Lavi just wants to drag him out when she doesn't even know how he got in. And what's next after killing him? You still can't win against the Erebonian army and you'd only give them more reason to invade because you killed their hero. So yeah. Rude, stupid, reckless, and overall lacking any common sense. We're still not halfway through the show so obviously she has time to develop and grow. I just don't like her currently I thought Aurelia and the rest of the noble armies held out in Juno Naval Fortress for quite some time before the Imperial government offered them the option of annexing Norht Ambria as a deal. But in this episode we have Rufus, in crossbell, telling them about the reperations and the possibilty that they'd invade and use Rean? It feels like the timeline is a bit confused unless several months have passed between episode 1 and now. Lavi's group toured Erebonia, and supposedly they stayed at each city/town for several days at least gathering information (With unbelievibely zero results) so maybe so much time has passed? The dialogue at the beginnig felt disconnected at one point. Rufus starts telling them about the reperations, and that things are up to Glark, once a reknowned hero, now a mere puppet of the government. Then Aurelia tells him not to underestemate someone who went through so much, especialy the North Ambrian disaster, and all the riots that happened afterwards. In response to that, Rufus says: "History can't be rewritten. There will be no more nobles or commoners in the future. I hope you two dedicate yourselves to the future of the empire" Like, how does that connect to what came before it? That whole scene doesn't have the weight of the political conflicts we see in game, and serves only to confuse the timeline, as well as having weird dialogue. And Lechter is there just to tell us who these people are. And let's not forget that our party just happened to run into Rean, when they had no clues as to where he is, as he's doing a mission in this massive fucking empire. Talk about lucky. And of course the Noble on the train being cartoonishly obnoxious and doing an instant 180. It's funny that many people dislike Rean, yet he's the most sensible part of this show, because of how stupid evertything else is. Most of your complaints I can see stem mostly from the anime not really roghtout spilling the beans and spoon feed the underlying machinations of the infiltration aspect of this story. Its either they will fully show it later or we just need to read in between the lines. The Northern Jaeger gang as we can see is not really that outspoken to what they feel inside. In episode 4 we are given a taste of how world changing it is for Iseria to seeing things that are possible in Erebonia that is hardly imaginable for her to picture in their own hometown. Lavi is a much more not outspoken person and her saying is this a "journey" for her is enough to tell us she relates to how Iseria sees this Mission as a once in a life time travel experience. The Ed is pretty much a visual representation of this journey "the photos shot by Iseria and Lavi keeping them in her room" As for your complaints about the infiltration side. We have the character Rogan and his team being the legit "Recon" squad only being able to take home a shitty picture of Valimar as proof to the existence of the Hero is a proof of the difficulty of the mission. As seen in Lavi's team(which is definitely just a rag tag team unfit for such mission) getting the info is really possible but as we see in episode 3, Altina already is on to them just in day 1. So the problem here is more of "will the Erebonian Intelligence team let the Northern Jaeger take home the info". If they Let the Lavi gang go home untouched after this then, definitely the Erebonia side is also cooking something to now allow a "leak" of info or the Erebonia side is in cahoots with the ones who pull the strings to send Lavi team to Erebonia in the first place. Sending the Lavi team in the first place is already fishy. Also its like they all the political weight in the making of Class VII or its political significance is full on explained early on or even in the middle of cold steel 1. Since Cold steel has a habit of explaining things when the actual characters who are pulling the strings will show their hand themselves rather than a secondhand explaination. You complain about "Is that it from their few dialogues". Like don't just rely on what they blatantly say if you are that thirsty for a more deeper lore. Not everyone is not nice as Rean to let the Audience know "Yeah I knew she was a Jaeger or something),. Cause most of the characters you are eying to say somethinh important will probably keep it to themselves and will only make the reveal when the time is right. So we probably need to have the scene focus in characters like Lechter, Campanella, or Jadya? The North Ambrian white haired woman or Rogan or Glark to get a more wholer scope of things. And my complaint about "their mission" isn't about the Erebonian side, it's about them. They now know their target's name, how he looks like, and maybe a little bit about his fighting style. But that's not anything that you can't relay on phone or however they've been recieving their orders up until now. They don't know that their cover was blown, so you'd think they'd relay the information they have before recieving their next order, but they instantly say "Let's go home". And they didn't even get a picture of Rean, they took a couple of Valimar. They are closer than ever to being able to learn more yet now they'll pack up and go home? This anime has not been subtle about anything, and I'm not relying only on them telling me things or "spoon feeding". We know as much about the infiltration mission as Lavi and her team so my questions are about how they're behaving, not related to anything they don't know. And don't say "Most of your complaints" when you've barely answered 2 of my points when I had like 6 of them. One of them is your headconnon of how Lavi feels, and the other is not even answering my point about the mission. Not really headcanon, as I said it is reading between the lines, it may end up incorrect but I surmised the idea incontext to the ed, and Lavi actually getting ehat Iseria meant at episode four, regardless of whether she feels the same. We can say its probably a notion a common North Ambrian can get when they are shown normal necessities in Erebonia that are luxuries by North Ambrian standard. Its an easy to make sense social notion of people in 3rd world countries viewing what is common necessity in 1st world countries. If Erebonia has the Noble - Commoner thing going on, this is the stuff for North Ambria like of because many times they mention North Ambria is experiencing problematic levels of poverty. Like this stuff is about as easy to assume as how in North Ambria Northern Jaegers are seen like heroes or respected as a millitary band in Erebonia as seen in the games, they are more portrayed as hired goons who has no problem playing dirty as long as there is money in it (which is an aspect probably roited again to poverty) As per the Mission thing I guess the dude above answered it better than me so read that. @UTMAN As for how they relay information, Jayna says in the last episode that she'll have Martin's team (Which is our main cast) head to Legram. Now, this could mean that she steered them into going to Legram without them knowing that as an order, but I doubt that. One would think they'd have channels and liasons to relay information across to their superiors. Remember that their first mission in the empire was to attend a party in episode 3. Whatever happened there would've been reported to Jayna, as she seems like she knows what they've been up to. Again, I could be wrong and she actually just has people spying on them and sending them on goose chases across the empire, but I think having channels for your spys to relay information is a better assumption. You're probably right about Lavi's struggle with the concept heroes which is making her apprehensive to the idea of Ashen chevalier due her ambigous relationship with her grandfather kinda allude to that. But my reading on Lavi's feeling is not about that. It is directed to her "saying is this the end of my Journey" line. Which implies she do think this mission in Erebonia made an emotional impact to herin a sense that she acknowledges this a a kind of journey and if she is expecting more from it but thinks she should be able to go on for more thus she questions "is this the end?" |
Feb 6, 2023 2:21 AM
@Secret333 Well it could be already provided set of orders, which lists which cities to visit if the previous one fails. Ah now saw one of the dudes claiming that he is the one making scheduled calls, so they can reach back North Ambria. Still, that doesn't negate my previous point that to convey data, etc they need an orbal computer. They took a lot of pictures about Rean and Valimar, so they need to relay that back to the commanders which cannot be done solely by the enigma. Only the Arcus II-s had those functions and that's one year later. I mean their job was to find out who is the Ashen Chevalier, and they found out that it was Rean Schwarzer. Their mission is complete. |
Feb 6, 2023 2:46 AM
@UTMAN "A lot of pictures" isn't what I'd call a couple of pictures of Valimar's backside, which is what we see them take. I should also consider that maybe "Going back home" is Martin's idea of what they'll do once they relay the information (if they do that before going back) and they'll recieve orders to stay in the empire. Because I somehow doubt we're done with the empire, so now I'm just wondering what reason they'll have to stay there/return there after they're done reporting the information they gathered, however they decide to do that. And while their mission was to know who the Ashen chevalier is, you still need other information. I expected them to try and find out more about his background, his family, at least where he lives so you could send assassins his way. Maybe other teams from NA will do that, maybe our main characters will be given that mission next. Either way I don't think NA has enough information about him yet. His name is just the start. Sonson7 said: Yeah, maybe she does have more expectations of her trip in Erebonia. I don't see that conveyed much from her, but the show could still go that route. Fingers crossed we get more on that next episode.Secret333 said: Sonson7 said: Secret333 said: Sonson7 said: Please don't reference Iseria's conversation from episode 4 as if it's a good thing. She's the exact same character since the beginning and being in the empire didn't change her in any meaningful way. And if you think Lavi relates to that and that's what that means by "her journey" then their journey is just being tourists. If you read my post I speculated on what Lavi means by that. It probably has something to do with her idea of "heroes" or "heroism". She was reminded of her grandfather when she listened to Rean, and every time she hears the word "hero" she repeats it, you can't get more overt. But we don't know anything beyond that and that's why the "My journey" line feels like it comes out of nowhere. Both her and Iseria in episode 4 are handeled like that. It's not subtlety, it's lack of any buildup.Secret333 said: Ok, I'd loved for the plot of this episode to be alittle bit longer. Have them spend more time together to make the reveal hit harder for the main cast, but I guess this works. We just skipped Ymir and Legram like that huh. I guess there's nothing to learn about Rean in his own hometown... sure. And this episode, more than any other, made me hate Lavi. Not even a little bit of thanks to the guy that saved you, and just act rude to him until he saves you again? And then at the end she's like "Is this the end of my journey?" Like, what? what journey? You came here to learn more about Rean so you could report back to your country. It has something to do with how she views "Heroes" but we don't know much yet. Alll I do know is that I never got the impression she was in Erebonia for any other reason than her mission, so I have no idea what she means by that line. And about the mission, are they done? They're just going to go home after learning his name and what he looks like? Can't you learn much more now that you know those? They have no reason to believe their cover was blown, so can't they just send a message home and keep investigating him now? They took a couple of photos of Valimar and mission accomplished? And I like how Lavi just wants to drag him out when she doesn't even know how he got in. And what's next after killing him? You still can't win against the Erebonian army and you'd only give them more reason to invade because you killed their hero. So yeah. Rude, stupid, reckless, and overall lacking any common sense. We're still not halfway through the show so obviously she has time to develop and grow. I just don't like her currently I thought Aurelia and the rest of the noble armies held out in Juno Naval Fortress for quite some time before the Imperial government offered them the option of annexing Norht Ambria as a deal. But in this episode we have Rufus, in crossbell, telling them about the reperations and the possibilty that they'd invade and use Rean? It feels like the timeline is a bit confused unless several months have passed between episode 1 and now. Lavi's group toured Erebonia, and supposedly they stayed at each city/town for several days at least gathering information (With unbelievibely zero results) so maybe so much time has passed? The dialogue at the beginnig felt disconnected at one point. Rufus starts telling them about the reperations, and that things are up to Glark, once a reknowned hero, now a mere puppet of the government. Then Aurelia tells him not to underestemate someone who went through so much, especialy the North Ambrian disaster, and all the riots that happened afterwards. In response to that, Rufus says: "History can't be rewritten. There will be no more nobles or commoners in the future. I hope you two dedicate yourselves to the future of the empire" Like, how does that connect to what came before it? That whole scene doesn't have the weight of the political conflicts we see in game, and serves only to confuse the timeline, as well as having weird dialogue. And Lechter is there just to tell us who these people are. And let's not forget that our party just happened to run into Rean, when they had no clues as to where he is, as he's doing a mission in this massive fucking empire. Talk about lucky. And of course the Noble on the train being cartoonishly obnoxious and doing an instant 180. It's funny that many people dislike Rean, yet he's the most sensible part of this show, because of how stupid evertything else is. Most of your complaints I can see stem mostly from the anime not really roghtout spilling the beans and spoon feed the underlying machinations of the infiltration aspect of this story. Its either they will fully show it later or we just need to read in between the lines. The Northern Jaeger gang as we can see is not really that outspoken to what they feel inside. In episode 4 we are given a taste of how world changing it is for Iseria to seeing things that are possible in Erebonia that is hardly imaginable for her to picture in their own hometown. Lavi is a much more not outspoken person and her saying is this a "journey" for her is enough to tell us she relates to how Iseria sees this Mission as a once in a life time travel experience. The Ed is pretty much a visual representation of this journey "the photos shot by Iseria and Lavi keeping them in her room" As for your complaints about the infiltration side. We have the character Rogan and his team being the legit "Recon" squad only being able to take home a shitty picture of Valimar as proof to the existence of the Hero is a proof of the difficulty of the mission. As seen in Lavi's team(which is definitely just a rag tag team unfit for such mission) getting the info is really possible but as we see in episode 3, Altina already is on to them just in day 1. So the problem here is more of "will the Erebonian Intelligence team let the Northern Jaeger take home the info". If they Let the Lavi gang go home untouched after this then, definitely the Erebonia side is also cooking something to now allow a "leak" of info or the Erebonia side is in cahoots with the ones who pull the strings to send Lavi team to Erebonia in the first place. Sending the Lavi team in the first place is already fishy. Also its like they all the political weight in the making of Class VII or its political significance is full on explained early on or even in the middle of cold steel 1. Since Cold steel has a habit of explaining things when the actual characters who are pulling the strings will show their hand themselves rather than a secondhand explaination. You complain about "Is that it from their few dialogues". Like don't just rely on what they blatantly say if you are that thirsty for a more deeper lore. Not everyone is not nice as Rean to let the Audience know "Yeah I knew she was a Jaeger or something),. Cause most of the characters you are eying to say somethinh important will probably keep it to themselves and will only make the reveal when the time is right. So we probably need to have the scene focus in characters like Lechter, Campanella, or Jadya? The North Ambrian white haired woman or Rogan or Glark to get a more wholer scope of things. And my complaint about "their mission" isn't about the Erebonian side, it's about them. They now know their target's name, how he looks like, and maybe a little bit about his fighting style. But that's not anything that you can't relay on phone or however they've been recieving their orders up until now. They don't know that their cover was blown, so you'd think they'd relay the information they have before recieving their next order, but they instantly say "Let's go home". And they didn't even get a picture of Rean, they took a couple of Valimar. They are closer than ever to being able to learn more yet now they'll pack up and go home? This anime has not been subtle about anything, and I'm not relying only on them telling me things or "spoon feeding". We know as much about the infiltration mission as Lavi and her team so my questions are about how they're behaving, not related to anything they don't know. And don't say "Most of your complaints" when you've barely answered 2 of my points when I had like 6 of them. One of them is your headconnon of how Lavi feels, and the other is not even answering my point about the mission. Not really headcanon, as I said it is reading between the lines, it may end up incorrect but I surmised the idea incontext to the ed, and Lavi actually getting ehat Iseria meant at episode four, regardless of whether she feels the same. We can say its probably a notion a common North Ambrian can get when they are shown normal necessities in Erebonia that are luxuries by North Ambrian standard. Its an easy to make sense social notion of people in 3rd world countries viewing what is common necessity in 1st world countries. If Erebonia has the Noble - Commoner thing going on, this is the stuff for North Ambria like of because many times they mention North Ambria is experiencing problematic levels of poverty. Like this stuff is about as easy to assume as how in North Ambria Northern Jaegers are seen like heroes or respected as a millitary band in Erebonia as seen in the games, they are more portrayed as hired goons who has no problem playing dirty as long as there is money in it (which is an aspect probably roited again to poverty) As per the Mission thing I guess the dude above answered it better than me so read that. @UTMAN As for how they relay information, Jayna says in the last episode that she'll have Martin's team (Which is our main cast) head to Legram. Now, this could mean that she steered them into going to Legram without them knowing that as an order, but I doubt that. One would think they'd have channels and liasons to relay information across to their superiors. Remember that their first mission in the empire was to attend a party in episode 3. Whatever happened there would've been reported to Jayna, as she seems like she knows what they've been up to. Again, I could be wrong and she actually just has people spying on them and sending them on goose chases across the empire, but I think having channels for your spys to relay information is a better assumption. You're probably right about Lavi's struggle with the concept heroes which is making her apprehensive to the idea of Ashen chevalier due her ambigous relationship with her grandfather kinda allude to that. But my reading on Lavi's feeling is not about that. It is directed to her "saying is this the end of my Journey" line. Which implies she do think this mission in Erebonia made an emotional impact to herin a sense that she acknowledges this a a kind of journey and if she is expecting more from it but thinks she should be able to go on for more thus she questions "is this the end?" |
Feb 6, 2023 2:58 AM
Secret333 said: @UTMAN "A lot of pictures" isn't what I'd call a couple of pictures of Valimar's backside, which is what we see them take. I should also consider that maybe "Going back home" is Martin's idea of what they'll do once they relay the information (if they do that before going back) and they'll recieve orders to stay in the empire. Because I somehow doubt we're done with the empire, so now I'm just wondering what reason they'll have to stay there/return there after they're done reporting the information they gathered, however they decide to do that. And while their mission was to know who the Ashen chevalier is, you still need other information. I expected them to try and find out more about his background, his family, at least where he lives so you could send assassins his way. Maybe other teams from NA will do that, maybe our main characters will be given that mission next. Either way I don't think NA has enough information about him yet. His name is just the start. Sonson7 said: Yeah, maybe she does have more expectations of her trip in Erebonia. I don't see that conveyed much from her, but the show could still go that route. Fingers crossed we get more on that next episode.Secret333 said: Sonson7 said: Oh, ok. It's your reading of what she means and it could be wrong. My reading is that it has something to do with her past and whatever she thinks of "Heroes". I guess we'll see whenever we get more information.Secret333 said: Sonson7 said: Please don't reference Iseria's conversation from episode 4 as if it's a good thing. She's the exact same character since the beginning and being in the empire didn't change her in any meaningful way. And if you think Lavi relates to that and that's what that means by "her journey" then their journey is just being tourists. If you read my post I speculated on what Lavi means by that. It probably has something to do with her idea of "heroes" or "heroism". She was reminded of her grandfather when she listened to Rean, and every time she hears the word "hero" she repeats it, you can't get more overt. But we don't know anything beyond that and that's why the "My journey" line feels like it comes out of nowhere. Both her and Iseria in episode 4 are handeled like that. It's not subtlety, it's lack of any buildup.Secret333 said: Ok, I'd loved for the plot of this episode to be alittle bit longer. Have them spend more time together to make the reveal hit harder for the main cast, but I guess this works. We just skipped Ymir and Legram like that huh. I guess there's nothing to learn about Rean in his own hometown... sure. And this episode, more than any other, made me hate Lavi. Not even a little bit of thanks to the guy that saved you, and just act rude to him until he saves you again? And then at the end she's like "Is this the end of my journey?" Like, what? what journey? You came here to learn more about Rean so you could report back to your country. It has something to do with how she views "Heroes" but we don't know much yet. Alll I do know is that I never got the impression she was in Erebonia for any other reason than her mission, so I have no idea what she means by that line. And about the mission, are they done? They're just going to go home after learning his name and what he looks like? Can't you learn much more now that you know those? They have no reason to believe their cover was blown, so can't they just send a message home and keep investigating him now? They took a couple of photos of Valimar and mission accomplished? And I like how Lavi just wants to drag him out when she doesn't even know how he got in. And what's next after killing him? You still can't win against the Erebonian army and you'd only give them more reason to invade because you killed their hero. So yeah. Rude, stupid, reckless, and overall lacking any common sense. We're still not halfway through the show so obviously she has time to develop and grow. I just don't like her currently I thought Aurelia and the rest of the noble armies held out in Juno Naval Fortress for quite some time before the Imperial government offered them the option of annexing Norht Ambria as a deal. But in this episode we have Rufus, in crossbell, telling them about the reperations and the possibilty that they'd invade and use Rean? It feels like the timeline is a bit confused unless several months have passed between episode 1 and now. Lavi's group toured Erebonia, and supposedly they stayed at each city/town for several days at least gathering information (With unbelievibely zero results) so maybe so much time has passed? The dialogue at the beginnig felt disconnected at one point. Rufus starts telling them about the reperations, and that things are up to Glark, once a reknowned hero, now a mere puppet of the government. Then Aurelia tells him not to underestemate someone who went through so much, especialy the North Ambrian disaster, and all the riots that happened afterwards. In response to that, Rufus says: "History can't be rewritten. There will be no more nobles or commoners in the future. I hope you two dedicate yourselves to the future of the empire" Like, how does that connect to what came before it? That whole scene doesn't have the weight of the political conflicts we see in game, and serves only to confuse the timeline, as well as having weird dialogue. And Lechter is there just to tell us who these people are. And let's not forget that our party just happened to run into Rean, when they had no clues as to where he is, as he's doing a mission in this massive fucking empire. Talk about lucky. And of course the Noble on the train being cartoonishly obnoxious and doing an instant 180. It's funny that many people dislike Rean, yet he's the most sensible part of this show, because of how stupid evertything else is. Most of your complaints I can see stem mostly from the anime not really roghtout spilling the beans and spoon feed the underlying machinations of the infiltration aspect of this story. Its either they will fully show it later or we just need to read in between the lines. The Northern Jaeger gang as we can see is not really that outspoken to what they feel inside. In episode 4 we are given a taste of how world changing it is for Iseria to seeing things that are possible in Erebonia that is hardly imaginable for her to picture in their own hometown. Lavi is a much more not outspoken person and her saying is this a "journey" for her is enough to tell us she relates to how Iseria sees this Mission as a once in a life time travel experience. The Ed is pretty much a visual representation of this journey "the photos shot by Iseria and Lavi keeping them in her room" As for your complaints about the infiltration side. We have the character Rogan and his team being the legit "Recon" squad only being able to take home a shitty picture of Valimar as proof to the existence of the Hero is a proof of the difficulty of the mission. As seen in Lavi's team(which is definitely just a rag tag team unfit for such mission) getting the info is really possible but as we see in episode 3, Altina already is on to them just in day 1. So the problem here is more of "will the Erebonian Intelligence team let the Northern Jaeger take home the info". If they Let the Lavi gang go home untouched after this then, definitely the Erebonia side is also cooking something to now allow a "leak" of info or the Erebonia side is in cahoots with the ones who pull the strings to send Lavi team to Erebonia in the first place. Sending the Lavi team in the first place is already fishy. Also its like they all the political weight in the making of Class VII or its political significance is full on explained early on or even in the middle of cold steel 1. Since Cold steel has a habit of explaining things when the actual characters who are pulling the strings will show their hand themselves rather than a secondhand explaination. You complain about "Is that it from their few dialogues". Like don't just rely on what they blatantly say if you are that thirsty for a more deeper lore. Not everyone is not nice as Rean to let the Audience know "Yeah I knew she was a Jaeger or something),. Cause most of the characters you are eying to say somethinh important will probably keep it to themselves and will only make the reveal when the time is right. So we probably need to have the scene focus in characters like Lechter, Campanella, or Jadya? The North Ambrian white haired woman or Rogan or Glark to get a more wholer scope of things. And my complaint about "their mission" isn't about the Erebonian side, it's about them. They now know their target's name, how he looks like, and maybe a little bit about his fighting style. But that's not anything that you can't relay on phone or however they've been recieving their orders up until now. They don't know that their cover was blown, so you'd think they'd relay the information they have before recieving their next order, but they instantly say "Let's go home". And they didn't even get a picture of Rean, they took a couple of Valimar. They are closer than ever to being able to learn more yet now they'll pack up and go home? This anime has not been subtle about anything, and I'm not relying only on them telling me things or "spoon feeding". We know as much about the infiltration mission as Lavi and her team so my questions are about how they're behaving, not related to anything they don't know. And don't say "Most of your complaints" when you've barely answered 2 of my points when I had like 6 of them. One of them is your headconnon of how Lavi feels, and the other is not even answering my point about the mission. Not really headcanon, as I said it is reading between the lines, it may end up incorrect but I surmised the idea incontext to the ed, and Lavi actually getting ehat Iseria meant at episode four, regardless of whether she feels the same. We can say its probably a notion a common North Ambrian can get when they are shown normal necessities in Erebonia that are luxuries by North Ambrian standard. Its an easy to make sense social notion of people in 3rd world countries viewing what is common necessity in 1st world countries. If Erebonia has the Noble - Commoner thing going on, this is the stuff for North Ambria like of because many times they mention North Ambria is experiencing problematic levels of poverty. Like this stuff is about as easy to assume as how in North Ambria Northern Jaegers are seen like heroes or respected as a millitary band in Erebonia as seen in the games, they are more portrayed as hired goons who has no problem playing dirty as long as there is money in it (which is an aspect probably roited again to poverty) As per the Mission thing I guess the dude above answered it better than me so read that. @UTMAN As for how they relay information, Jayna says in the last episode that she'll have Martin's team (Which is our main cast) head to Legram. Now, this could mean that she steered them into going to Legram without them knowing that as an order, but I doubt that. One would think they'd have channels and liasons to relay information across to their superiors. Remember that their first mission in the empire was to attend a party in episode 3. Whatever happened there would've been reported to Jayna, as she seems like she knows what they've been up to. Again, I could be wrong and she actually just has people spying on them and sending them on goose chases across the empire, but I think having channels for your spys to relay information is a better assumption. You're probably right about Lavi's struggle with the concept heroes which is making her apprehensive to the idea of Ashen chevalier due her ambigous relationship with her grandfather kinda allude to that. But my reading on Lavi's feeling is not about that. It is directed to her "saying is this the end of my Journey" line. Which implies she do think this mission in Erebonia made an emotional impact to herin a sense that she acknowledges this a a kind of journey and if she is expecting more from it but thinks she should be able to go on for more thus she questions "is this the end?" About the mission thing (its not directed to me but if I gavr my 2 cents about it, my expeculation as written in my first reply is that even if they do get more info about Rean, the problem is more of "will Lechter and his team would let the info leak in the first place", I mean they are already on to the Lavi gang since day1. ROGAN'S recon team probably face the same problem thus they are only been able to took home just a blurry image of Valimar and not even getting Rean's name to boot. Any person who got good info got silenced by Lechter's team. If Lavi team gets to relay the info back home, then the big difference now is more of Lechter's team letting Lavi go home with those info deliberately as a part of Osbourne's scheme to annex the North Ambria or that they are in cahoots with Jayna who send the ragtag Lavi team to Erebonia in the first place, which is why Altina is not taking action against Lavi team |
Feb 6, 2023 4:07 AM
Animation and editing is so bad not even Rean could save the episode |
Feb 7, 2023 5:03 AM
Sonson7 said: nah Lechter for sure he knows that Team Lavi is just a diversion since dude North Ambria is in league with the "Snakes". They were just sent to buy time since the Archaisms is not yet ready. Lechter said already in the episode that the north annexation is inevitable.Secret333 said: @UTMAN "A lot of pictures" isn't what I'd call a couple of pictures of Valimar's backside, which is what we see them take. I should also consider that maybe "Going back home" is Martin's idea of what they'll do once they relay the information (if they do that before going back) and they'll recieve orders to stay in the empire. Because I somehow doubt we're done with the empire, so now I'm just wondering what reason they'll have to stay there/return there after they're done reporting the information they gathered, however they decide to do that. And while their mission was to know who the Ashen chevalier is, you still need other information. I expected them to try and find out more about his background, his family, at least where he lives so you could send assassins his way. Maybe other teams from NA will do that, maybe our main characters will be given that mission next. Either way I don't think NA has enough information about him yet. His name is just the start. Sonson7 said: Secret333 said: Sonson7 said: Oh, ok. It's your reading of what she means and it could be wrong. My reading is that it has something to do with her past and whatever she thinks of "Heroes". I guess we'll see whenever we get more information.Secret333 said: Sonson7 said: Please don't reference Iseria's conversation from episode 4 as if it's a good thing. She's the exact same character since the beginning and being in the empire didn't change her in any meaningful way. And if you think Lavi relates to that and that's what that means by "her journey" then their journey is just being tourists. If you read my post I speculated on what Lavi means by that. It probably has something to do with her idea of "heroes" or "heroism". She was reminded of her grandfather when she listened to Rean, and every time she hears the word "hero" she repeats it, you can't get more overt. But we don't know anything beyond that and that's why the "My journey" line feels like it comes out of nowhere. Both her and Iseria in episode 4 are handeled like that. It's not subtlety, it's lack of any buildup.Secret333 said: Ok, I'd loved for the plot of this episode to be alittle bit longer. Have them spend more time together to make the reveal hit harder for the main cast, but I guess this works. We just skipped Ymir and Legram like that huh. I guess there's nothing to learn about Rean in his own hometown... sure. And this episode, more than any other, made me hate Lavi. Not even a little bit of thanks to the guy that saved you, and just act rude to him until he saves you again? And then at the end she's like "Is this the end of my journey?" Like, what? what journey? You came here to learn more about Rean so you could report back to your country. It has something to do with how she views "Heroes" but we don't know much yet. Alll I do know is that I never got the impression she was in Erebonia for any other reason than her mission, so I have no idea what she means by that line. And about the mission, are they done? They're just going to go home after learning his name and what he looks like? Can't you learn much more now that you know those? They have no reason to believe their cover was blown, so can't they just send a message home and keep investigating him now? They took a couple of photos of Valimar and mission accomplished? And I like how Lavi just wants to drag him out when she doesn't even know how he got in. And what's next after killing him? You still can't win against the Erebonian army and you'd only give them more reason to invade because you killed their hero. So yeah. Rude, stupid, reckless, and overall lacking any common sense. We're still not halfway through the show so obviously she has time to develop and grow. I just don't like her currently I thought Aurelia and the rest of the noble armies held out in Juno Naval Fortress for quite some time before the Imperial government offered them the option of annexing Norht Ambria as a deal. But in this episode we have Rufus, in crossbell, telling them about the reperations and the possibilty that they'd invade and use Rean? It feels like the timeline is a bit confused unless several months have passed between episode 1 and now. Lavi's group toured Erebonia, and supposedly they stayed at each city/town for several days at least gathering information (With unbelievibely zero results) so maybe so much time has passed? The dialogue at the beginnig felt disconnected at one point. Rufus starts telling them about the reperations, and that things are up to Glark, once a reknowned hero, now a mere puppet of the government. Then Aurelia tells him not to underestemate someone who went through so much, especialy the North Ambrian disaster, and all the riots that happened afterwards. In response to that, Rufus says: "History can't be rewritten. There will be no more nobles or commoners in the future. I hope you two dedicate yourselves to the future of the empire" Like, how does that connect to what came before it? That whole scene doesn't have the weight of the political conflicts we see in game, and serves only to confuse the timeline, as well as having weird dialogue. And Lechter is there just to tell us who these people are. And let's not forget that our party just happened to run into Rean, when they had no clues as to where he is, as he's doing a mission in this massive fucking empire. Talk about lucky. And of course the Noble on the train being cartoonishly obnoxious and doing an instant 180. It's funny that many people dislike Rean, yet he's the most sensible part of this show, because of how stupid evertything else is. Most of your complaints I can see stem mostly from the anime not really roghtout spilling the beans and spoon feed the underlying machinations of the infiltration aspect of this story. Its either they will fully show it later or we just need to read in between the lines. The Northern Jaeger gang as we can see is not really that outspoken to what they feel inside. In episode 4 we are given a taste of how world changing it is for Iseria to seeing things that are possible in Erebonia that is hardly imaginable for her to picture in their own hometown. Lavi is a much more not outspoken person and her saying is this a "journey" for her is enough to tell us she relates to how Iseria sees this Mission as a once in a life time travel experience. The Ed is pretty much a visual representation of this journey "the photos shot by Iseria and Lavi keeping them in her room" As for your complaints about the infiltration side. We have the character Rogan and his team being the legit "Recon" squad only being able to take home a shitty picture of Valimar as proof to the existence of the Hero is a proof of the difficulty of the mission. As seen in Lavi's team(which is definitely just a rag tag team unfit for such mission) getting the info is really possible but as we see in episode 3, Altina already is on to them just in day 1. So the problem here is more of "will the Erebonian Intelligence team let the Northern Jaeger take home the info". If they Let the Lavi gang go home untouched after this then, definitely the Erebonia side is also cooking something to now allow a "leak" of info or the Erebonia side is in cahoots with the ones who pull the strings to send Lavi team to Erebonia in the first place. Sending the Lavi team in the first place is already fishy. Also its like they all the political weight in the making of Class VII or its political significance is full on explained early on or even in the middle of cold steel 1. Since Cold steel has a habit of explaining things when the actual characters who are pulling the strings will show their hand themselves rather than a secondhand explaination. You complain about "Is that it from their few dialogues". Like don't just rely on what they blatantly say if you are that thirsty for a more deeper lore. Not everyone is not nice as Rean to let the Audience know "Yeah I knew she was a Jaeger or something),. Cause most of the characters you are eying to say somethinh important will probably keep it to themselves and will only make the reveal when the time is right. So we probably need to have the scene focus in characters like Lechter, Campanella, or Jadya? The North Ambrian white haired woman or Rogan or Glark to get a more wholer scope of things. And my complaint about "their mission" isn't about the Erebonian side, it's about them. They now know their target's name, how he looks like, and maybe a little bit about his fighting style. But that's not anything that you can't relay on phone or however they've been recieving their orders up until now. They don't know that their cover was blown, so you'd think they'd relay the information they have before recieving their next order, but they instantly say "Let's go home". And they didn't even get a picture of Rean, they took a couple of Valimar. They are closer than ever to being able to learn more yet now they'll pack up and go home? This anime has not been subtle about anything, and I'm not relying only on them telling me things or "spoon feeding". We know as much about the infiltration mission as Lavi and her team so my questions are about how they're behaving, not related to anything they don't know. And don't say "Most of your complaints" when you've barely answered 2 of my points when I had like 6 of them. One of them is your headconnon of how Lavi feels, and the other is not even answering my point about the mission. Not really headcanon, as I said it is reading between the lines, it may end up incorrect but I surmised the idea incontext to the ed, and Lavi actually getting ehat Iseria meant at episode four, regardless of whether she feels the same. We can say its probably a notion a common North Ambrian can get when they are shown normal necessities in Erebonia that are luxuries by North Ambrian standard. Its an easy to make sense social notion of people in 3rd world countries viewing what is common necessity in 1st world countries. If Erebonia has the Noble - Commoner thing going on, this is the stuff for North Ambria like of because many times they mention North Ambria is experiencing problematic levels of poverty. Like this stuff is about as easy to assume as how in North Ambria Northern Jaegers are seen like heroes or respected as a millitary band in Erebonia as seen in the games, they are more portrayed as hired goons who has no problem playing dirty as long as there is money in it (which is an aspect probably roited again to poverty) As per the Mission thing I guess the dude above answered it better than me so read that. @UTMAN As for how they relay information, Jayna says in the last episode that she'll have Martin's team (Which is our main cast) head to Legram. Now, this could mean that she steered them into going to Legram without them knowing that as an order, but I doubt that. One would think they'd have channels and liasons to relay information across to their superiors. Remember that their first mission in the empire was to attend a party in episode 3. Whatever happened there would've been reported to Jayna, as she seems like she knows what they've been up to. Again, I could be wrong and she actually just has people spying on them and sending them on goose chases across the empire, but I think having channels for your spys to relay information is a better assumption. You're probably right about Lavi's struggle with the concept heroes which is making her apprehensive to the idea of Ashen chevalier due her ambigous relationship with her grandfather kinda allude to that. But my reading on Lavi's feeling is not about that. It is directed to her "saying is this the end of my Journey" line. Which implies she do think this mission in Erebonia made an emotional impact to herin a sense that she acknowledges this a a kind of journey and if she is expecting more from it but thinks she should be able to go on for more thus she questions "is this the end?" About the mission thing (its not directed to me but if I gavr my 2 cents about it, my expeculation as written in my first reply is that even if they do get more info about Rean, the problem is more of "will Lechter and his team would let the info leak in the first place", I mean they are already on to the Lavi gang since day1. ROGAN'S recon team probably face the same problem thus they are only been able to took home just a blurry image of Valimar and not even getting Rean's name to boot. Any person who got good info got silenced by Lechter's team. If Lavi team gets to relay the info back home, then the big difference now is more of Lechter's team letting Lavi go home with those info deliberately as a part of Osbourne's scheme to annex the North Ambria or that they are in cahoots with Jayna who send the ragtag Lavi team to Erebonia in the first place, which is why Altina is not taking action against Lavi team |
Feb 7, 2023 9:43 AM
The Legend of Imbeciles: The Crap War what a regrettable bad anime, if this is the story of the game, I don't know how it has so many sequels |
Feb 7, 2023 10:57 AM
Kakeru_00115 said: Sonson7 said: nah Lechter for sure he knows that Team Lavi is just a diversion since dude North Ambria is in league with the "Snakes". They were just sent to buy time since the Archaisms is not yet ready. Lechter said already in the episode that the north annexation is inevitable.Secret333 said: @UTMAN "A lot of pictures" isn't what I'd call a couple of pictures of Valimar's backside, which is what we see them take. I should also consider that maybe "Going back home" is Martin's idea of what they'll do once they relay the information (if they do that before going back) and they'll recieve orders to stay in the empire. Because I somehow doubt we're done with the empire, so now I'm just wondering what reason they'll have to stay there/return there after they're done reporting the information they gathered, however they decide to do that. And while their mission was to know who the Ashen chevalier is, you still need other information. I expected them to try and find out more about his background, his family, at least where he lives so you could send assassins his way. Maybe other teams from NA will do that, maybe our main characters will be given that mission next. Either way I don't think NA has enough information about him yet. His name is just the start. Sonson7 said: Yeah, maybe she does have more expectations of her trip in Erebonia. I don't see that conveyed much from her, but the show could still go that route. Fingers crossed we get more on that next episode.Secret333 said: Sonson7 said: Oh, ok. It's your reading of what she means and it could be wrong. My reading is that it has something to do with her past and whatever she thinks of "Heroes". I guess we'll see whenever we get more information.Secret333 said: Sonson7 said: Please don't reference Iseria's conversation from episode 4 as if it's a good thing. She's the exact same character since the beginning and being in the empire didn't change her in any meaningful way. And if you think Lavi relates to that and that's what that means by "her journey" then their journey is just being tourists. If you read my post I speculated on what Lavi means by that. It probably has something to do with her idea of "heroes" or "heroism". She was reminded of her grandfather when she listened to Rean, and every time she hears the word "hero" she repeats it, you can't get more overt. But we don't know anything beyond that and that's why the "My journey" line feels like it comes out of nowhere. Both her and Iseria in episode 4 are handeled like that. It's not subtlety, it's lack of any buildup.Secret333 said: Ok, I'd loved for the plot of this episode to be alittle bit longer. Have them spend more time together to make the reveal hit harder for the main cast, but I guess this works. We just skipped Ymir and Legram like that huh. I guess there's nothing to learn about Rean in his own hometown... sure. And this episode, more than any other, made me hate Lavi. Not even a little bit of thanks to the guy that saved you, and just act rude to him until he saves you again? And then at the end she's like "Is this the end of my journey?" Like, what? what journey? You came here to learn more about Rean so you could report back to your country. It has something to do with how she views "Heroes" but we don't know much yet. Alll I do know is that I never got the impression she was in Erebonia for any other reason than her mission, so I have no idea what she means by that line. And about the mission, are they done? They're just going to go home after learning his name and what he looks like? Can't you learn much more now that you know those? They have no reason to believe their cover was blown, so can't they just send a message home and keep investigating him now? They took a couple of photos of Valimar and mission accomplished? And I like how Lavi just wants to drag him out when she doesn't even know how he got in. And what's next after killing him? You still can't win against the Erebonian army and you'd only give them more reason to invade because you killed their hero. So yeah. Rude, stupid, reckless, and overall lacking any common sense. We're still not halfway through the show so obviously she has time to develop and grow. I just don't like her currently I thought Aurelia and the rest of the noble armies held out in Juno Naval Fortress for quite some time before the Imperial government offered them the option of annexing Norht Ambria as a deal. But in this episode we have Rufus, in crossbell, telling them about the reperations and the possibilty that they'd invade and use Rean? It feels like the timeline is a bit confused unless several months have passed between episode 1 and now. Lavi's group toured Erebonia, and supposedly they stayed at each city/town for several days at least gathering information (With unbelievibely zero results) so maybe so much time has passed? The dialogue at the beginnig felt disconnected at one point. Rufus starts telling them about the reperations, and that things are up to Glark, once a reknowned hero, now a mere puppet of the government. Then Aurelia tells him not to underestemate someone who went through so much, especialy the North Ambrian disaster, and all the riots that happened afterwards. In response to that, Rufus says: "History can't be rewritten. There will be no more nobles or commoners in the future. I hope you two dedicate yourselves to the future of the empire" Like, how does that connect to what came before it? That whole scene doesn't have the weight of the political conflicts we see in game, and serves only to confuse the timeline, as well as having weird dialogue. And Lechter is there just to tell us who these people are. And let's not forget that our party just happened to run into Rean, when they had no clues as to where he is, as he's doing a mission in this massive fucking empire. Talk about lucky. And of course the Noble on the train being cartoonishly obnoxious and doing an instant 180. It's funny that many people dislike Rean, yet he's the most sensible part of this show, because of how stupid evertything else is. Most of your complaints I can see stem mostly from the anime not really roghtout spilling the beans and spoon feed the underlying machinations of the infiltration aspect of this story. Its either they will fully show it later or we just need to read in between the lines. The Northern Jaeger gang as we can see is not really that outspoken to what they feel inside. In episode 4 we are given a taste of how world changing it is for Iseria to seeing things that are possible in Erebonia that is hardly imaginable for her to picture in their own hometown. Lavi is a much more not outspoken person and her saying is this a "journey" for her is enough to tell us she relates to how Iseria sees this Mission as a once in a life time travel experience. The Ed is pretty much a visual representation of this journey "the photos shot by Iseria and Lavi keeping them in her room" As for your complaints about the infiltration side. We have the character Rogan and his team being the legit "Recon" squad only being able to take home a shitty picture of Valimar as proof to the existence of the Hero is a proof of the difficulty of the mission. As seen in Lavi's team(which is definitely just a rag tag team unfit for such mission) getting the info is really possible but as we see in episode 3, Altina already is on to them just in day 1. So the problem here is more of "will the Erebonian Intelligence team let the Northern Jaeger take home the info". If they Let the Lavi gang go home untouched after this then, definitely the Erebonia side is also cooking something to now allow a "leak" of info or the Erebonia side is in cahoots with the ones who pull the strings to send Lavi team to Erebonia in the first place. Sending the Lavi team in the first place is already fishy. Also its like they all the political weight in the making of Class VII or its political significance is full on explained early on or even in the middle of cold steel 1. Since Cold steel has a habit of explaining things when the actual characters who are pulling the strings will show their hand themselves rather than a secondhand explaination. You complain about "Is that it from their few dialogues". Like don't just rely on what they blatantly say if you are that thirsty for a more deeper lore. Not everyone is not nice as Rean to let the Audience know "Yeah I knew she was a Jaeger or something),. Cause most of the characters you are eying to say somethinh important will probably keep it to themselves and will only make the reveal when the time is right. So we probably need to have the scene focus in characters like Lechter, Campanella, or Jadya? The North Ambrian white haired woman or Rogan or Glark to get a more wholer scope of things. And my complaint about "their mission" isn't about the Erebonian side, it's about them. They now know their target's name, how he looks like, and maybe a little bit about his fighting style. But that's not anything that you can't relay on phone or however they've been recieving their orders up until now. They don't know that their cover was blown, so you'd think they'd relay the information they have before recieving their next order, but they instantly say "Let's go home". And they didn't even get a picture of Rean, they took a couple of Valimar. They are closer than ever to being able to learn more yet now they'll pack up and go home? This anime has not been subtle about anything, and I'm not relying only on them telling me things or "spoon feeding". We know as much about the infiltration mission as Lavi and her team so my questions are about how they're behaving, not related to anything they don't know. And don't say "Most of your complaints" when you've barely answered 2 of my points when I had like 6 of them. One of them is your headconnon of how Lavi feels, and the other is not even answering my point about the mission. Not really headcanon, as I said it is reading between the lines, it may end up incorrect but I surmised the idea incontext to the ed, and Lavi actually getting ehat Iseria meant at episode four, regardless of whether she feels the same. We can say its probably a notion a common North Ambrian can get when they are shown normal necessities in Erebonia that are luxuries by North Ambrian standard. Its an easy to make sense social notion of people in 3rd world countries viewing what is common necessity in 1st world countries. If Erebonia has the Noble - Commoner thing going on, this is the stuff for North Ambria like of because many times they mention North Ambria is experiencing problematic levels of poverty. Like this stuff is about as easy to assume as how in North Ambria Northern Jaegers are seen like heroes or respected as a millitary band in Erebonia as seen in the games, they are more portrayed as hired goons who has no problem playing dirty as long as there is money in it (which is an aspect probably roited again to poverty) As per the Mission thing I guess the dude above answered it better than me so read that. @UTMAN As for how they relay information, Jayna says in the last episode that she'll have Martin's team (Which is our main cast) head to Legram. Now, this could mean that she steered them into going to Legram without them knowing that as an order, but I doubt that. One would think they'd have channels and liasons to relay information across to their superiors. Remember that their first mission in the empire was to attend a party in episode 3. Whatever happened there would've been reported to Jayna, as she seems like she knows what they've been up to. Again, I could be wrong and she actually just has people spying on them and sending them on goose chases across the empire, but I think having channels for your spys to relay information is a better assumption. You're probably right about Lavi's struggle with the concept heroes which is making her apprehensive to the idea of Ashen chevalier due her ambigous relationship with her grandfather kinda allude to that. But my reading on Lavi's feeling is not about that. It is directed to her "saying is this the end of my Journey" line. Which implies she do think this mission in Erebonia made an emotional impact to herin a sense that she acknowledges this a a kind of journey and if she is expecting more from it but thinks she should be able to go on for more thus she questions "is this the end?" About the mission thing (its not directed to me but if I gavr my 2 cents about it, my expeculation as written in my first reply is that even if they do get more info about Rean, the problem is more of "will Lechter and his team would let the info leak in the first place", I mean they are already on to the Lavi gang since day1. ROGAN'S recon team probably face the same problem thus they are only been able to took home just a blurry image of Valimar and not even getting Rean's name to boot. Any person who got good info got silenced by Lechter's team. If Lavi team gets to relay the info back home, then the big difference now is more of Lechter's team letting Lavi go home with those info deliberately as a part of Osbourne's scheme to annex the North Ambria or that they are in cahoots with Jayna who send the ragtag Lavi team to Erebonia in the first place, which is why Altina is not taking action against Lavi team Welp the preview images for episode 6 shows ||Lechter|| with the rabbit duo intervening Lavi team. So.. Even They are probably aware Lavi team are diversions but since the war is inivetable the info about Erebonia are still of strategic war imporatance, The intelligence bureau can't just suddenly let it leak now. That is unless if letting it leak has a plus side for Erebonia |
Feb 8, 2023 4:53 PM
(let's see if Lavi does enough to make me enjoy this episode lols) some random political meetings at the start, how interesting, not :v some random rich guy pretending he is so cool for riding a train with commoners, a train that doesn't sell caviar, how can commoners survive? LOL the train had to do a forced stop and the results were hillarious, the way Talion saved the waitress, how the rich guy fell down his seat, and ofc how the 2 girls were trying to keep their items safe the reason, a bunch of rocks fell to the road, will the 2 main guys clear them? the rich guy is thirsty, give him some champagne LOL Lavi getting tired of his shit a random fissure came out of nowhere, and Lavi decided to save the rich guy's ass (just let him fall, damn it lols), making her fall down there and almost get buried by the rocks but her reflexes saved her after a loud phone call, Lavi had to start fighting the cause of the heartquack, a big centipede (probably summoned by the exorcist guy from the other seasonal lol) ... i bet Pochita could take care of the centipede tho luckily for her, some guy called her and grabbed her after her jump oh there is the girl with the big ears (or hood, whatever) from the op on the surface, the other3 arekinda worried but they will just wait for the lost puppy to come back, meanwhile they help with fixing the rails Iseria wanted to walk the rest of the way, but the tickets are already paid wtf, Talion dropped that big stone on his foot, what is that idiot doing, holy LOL Lavi talked with the 2 people she found, they are from the empire, so she better not tell them who she is she will findthe exiton her own way, but the other 2 might just happen to go in the same direction lol the usual the 2 little kids doing their best to help, while the rich guy just takes some sun bath, yep he should be the one falling to the hole, nothing would be lost Lavi got annoyed of wasting time and went to kill some monsters, but the big one came out of nowhere, but thanfully she was saved by the guy again still annoyed, shedecided to put some holes on the wall, just to gethit by the water that came from there LOL look at her go with the water good on the other girl for having a flying robot, must be nice not having to walk or swim time for a break, and what better than fishing for food underground? Lavi trying to not be too friendly (or maybe that's just how she is anyway), but she can see that empire soldiers can be nice people, she even told them her name back to the centipede, and Lavi asking them, why would they get hurt to save others? i don't think she can say that after saving the rich guy earlier lol LAvi left them to fight the monster, saying how she shouldn't careabout imperial citizens, but enemies or not, they are people too, just like others she helpedin the last episodes, so she decided to go back and help wow, the kid actually managed to make the noble help him, i didn't see that coming, not bad the other 2 werehaving an hard time, but as soon as Lavi came, they defeated it pretty fast and went back to the surface just in time for the repairs to be done rich guy gave money to Lavi but she didn't want it LOL oh no, when we thought everything was over, many more centipedes appeared, holy shit, scary oh the imperial guy called the big robot, so he is the guythey have been looking for, the imperial hero and wow, he one shot all of them, interesting Lavi remembering what the robot did to her people, she can't forgive him... how annoying that it had to be the one guy that she was starting to respect he knows she must be jaegar by the way she handles things, but decided to not confront her well, i wonder how this will go, will Lavi try to find him again? or will they just go home and risk being attacked by him in the future? well, now i'm kinda curious how this will end |
Feb 8, 2023 10:50 PM
The robot did not do anything towards her people, its more of Lavi imagining how destructive it would be if Valimar is gonna be sent to attack North Ambria. |
Feb 20, 2023 10:43 PM
Ryo_Yagyu said: The Legend of Imbeciles: The Crap War what a regrettable bad anime, if this is the story of the game, I don't know how it has so many sequels Guy starts watching One Piece in the middle of Dressrosa arc and the episode be like entirely Zoro getting lost for few chunk of episodes. Guy says: I wonder how everybody says One Piece Story is great if a few episodes is just about a guy getting lost for episodes?? I wonder why it was known for Great world building?I wonder how this produced sequel seasons? (Bruh, you started in the "middle" of the story so of course you a lot of things will go pass by your head and won't get most of it. And since it is a story within an arc in the middle of the franchise, you can say this story is more of a side story sequel rather than it "spawning sequels". |
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