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Sep 16, 2015 2:19 PM

Oct 2013
You people discussing about Checkov's Gun and Foreshadow are a little confused.

Checkov's Gun is a principle, Foreshadow is a device. What does this mean? Checkov's Gun is a guideline that is followed, or at least tentatively followed, throughout the narrative, while Foreshadow is a characteristic used in some instances of the narrative.

Checkov's Gun is the guideline that everything that appears, that is referred in the story has to be important and used, otherwise it shouldn't even be there.
Seeing the style of the author we can see if he is one that follow the Checkov's Gun principle or not, and by that we can assume that even if something is referred lightly in a given time it will get relevance later.

Foreshadowing is the device of hinting about a later event or property. Is really that simple. The major objective of it is, to interest/warn the reader with antecedence.
Some people confuse using something of the past as foreshadowing, but that isn't what foreshadowing is.

The end of the chapter narration is obviously foreshadowing! It doesn't matter if we already new that something big would happen in the world(specially when that info wasn't even given in world by through Oda's interviews). What matters is that here Oda's is totally hinting for a future event.
We can say that this narration follows(will follow) the principle of Checkov's Gun, because is not just there to be forgotten later. No, later it will jump to relevancy! Note though, that any good foreshadowing follows the principle of Checkov's Gun.
bigivelfhqSep 16, 2015 2:42 PM
Sep 16, 2015 2:40 PM

Sep 2011
Well I'm definitely glad that this turned out the way it did, would have been hugely disappointed and unlike Oda for Luffy to all of a sudden have an army at his disposal at all times. Part of what is great about the series is Luffy's underdog small crew. Pretty epic for the 800th chapter.

After so many years of reading One Piece I still get chills when I read chapters like this. The manga is still as good as ever. All of Dressrosa was just buildup for this chapter. This is obvious foreshadowing for that big final battle once Luffy becomes Pirate King. Oda mentioned it years ago, he's got a battle planned out that will make Marineford look like child's play for the end of the series.

I hope the next arc is Wano Kuni, instead of going straight to Kaido. Hoping for Ninjas and Samurai. Been hyped for a Tokogowa Japan style arc for a long time now. I'm sure Oda will deliver.
Sep 16, 2015 4:31 PM
Nov 2013
Nice.. it's not Luffy's style to be traveling around with huge a fleet like that.

New arc soon hopefully.
Sep 16, 2015 5:52 PM

Sep 2011
I hope those 7 get thur own cover stories next.
Sep 16, 2015 6:03 PM

Jul 2007
Drake1000 said:
A bit dissapointed with the big 800, it was a just follow up to 799 with nothing special. I thought he'd show us what other characters are doing.
Good job polluting the sea with your rubble, Fujitora.

Disappointing?? He only acquired his first ever Grand Fleet of ships. I would say thats probably one of the largest developments in the history of the series for his character.

Also you should know this is not an ideal permanent thing for luffy's crew. His crew is and always will be his original crew, this is probably more like a temporary alliance for the upcoming large war. But either way, its pretty awesome to see how far he's come.

He's going to be up to WB status much quicker then we thought.

Sep 16, 2015 6:04 PM

May 2015
Raven-kun said:
That foreshadowing: "All this will lead to a very big incident... But for now... It's still an untold story." where the 7 underlings will play a huge role and "leave a mark in history".

I kinda have mixed feelings with this, but it is the most understandable and typical of Luffy.

Now the important question is, Luffy is $500 million bounty? WOT, it felt so out of place, and did they updated his bounty immediately after Doflamingo lost? I kind want a more hyped up process towards it.

It was in like one panel and it was marines talking about him, it's reasonable, if a little unusual.

If the narration blatanly says "a big event is happening in the future involving these people" and a big event happens in the future involving these people, I don't think that technically counts as foreshadowing lol.

Fullmetal89 said:
Well I'm definitely glad that this turned out the way it did, would have been hugely disappointed and unlike Oda for Luffy to all of a sudden have an army at his disposal at all times. Part of what is great about the series is Luffy's underdog small crew. Pretty epic for the 800th chapter.

But, uh , they pledged their allegiance to him anyway? lol

Unless you mean them being called upon by him, but even if Luffy accepted completely them being "under" him, it could've still turned out this way completely fine.

Isterio said:

We've been told that bounty doesn't raise so easily after a certain point if I remember correctly, so 100 mil raise after the 'certain point' is a big deal, Luffy now holds the highest bounty among the supernovas of that we know, if that is indeed a bounty raise and not a mistranslation / mistake by Oda.

Second point, why should Luffy get an increase in bounty for taking down DD, especially after Fujitora made the public announcement that Doflamingo was behind the destruction of Dressrosa. Is it just because Doflamingo is a celestial dragon (well ex-CD) and a shichibukai? Yes, he has become quite a notorious pirate, but even if that did increase his bounty, I don't think it deserves more.

Yes, he is a Warlord. Dolfamingo is corrupt, but the government is too, apparently.

Why I consider this 100m bounty raise not planned if not being raised since the Strawhats return.

1.The bounty of Luffy rose to 100 million for seemingly no apparent reason after Alabasta, a 70 million increase, just for getting blamed to have caused havoc on the country,While they gave smoker the praise for saving it.

That's an apparent reason.

2. The second increase followed after declaring war to the world government.
200 million tripling the bounty.

3. The third increase were another 100 million for ringing the bell of justice to give his crew the message, but not fightning in Marineford, as he was just one of many.

4.The last increase is undefined, however many factors changed, Akainu is fleet admiral now and he hates Luffy with a passion, they took down Doflamingo and Fuji openly declared to the "Dressrosa people" that the Srawhats safed them, there was no public announcement.

Given the position the Tenryubito and Akainu are in currently, it would make perfect sense to blame anything that happened on Dressrosa on the Strawhats to the outside world.

It would make perfect sense, think the increase is bollocks? Why? You gave reasons yourself for why it wouldn't be, am I misinterpreting what you've said? This is literally the exact same as the crocodile increase, by defeating Crocodile, openly corrupt guy who was going to destroy his country, he still got a bounty increase by the world government because he's a pirate and he's clearly dangerous. It's not like the government are entirely good guys here.
edit: Oh, right, you completely skipped over Fugitora bowing down on the den den mushi vid cam and apologizing to the straw-hats.

Also, the ringing of the bell was taken as a declaration of war, not as the message to his crew members. No one BUT the aforementioned crew members(except Zoro lol) really knew what it meant.

Furthermore a 100 million increase are peanuts considering how dangerous they have to deem him towards the world Government at this point, especially when middle timeskip Law reached a bounty of 440 million during the timeskip.Luffy declared war to the wolrd government and escaped them and only hit 300million with that.What did Law do to them to make them deem him more dangerous than Strawhat.

Luffy had the highest bounty pre timeskip with 400 million, alone the fact that he was inactive and returns now is enough to push him over the edge.If he actuallly made another controlled country fall (as they would want the public to believe),they should deem him more dangerous than sloppy 100m.

Dragon is freeing countries left and right adding them to his army,
he and his people are considered more dangerous than "all the pirates combined".
Which is understandable, his bounty is indefinite.

However, it makes no logical sense to keep downplaying the Strawhats at this point anymore with their accomplishments, except Oda tries to go for the shounen cliche of the villain that loses to his arrogance.

But who's to say a 100 mil increase is small? We don't really have many other bounties for perspective to compare here yo. It's higher than Law's bounty and almost as high as the second in command of Whitebeard and son of pirate king, 500 mil isn't low from what we know in comparison. It's the second highest in the series IIRC. Why do you think they're being downplayed?

Edit: Dragon bounty has never been even mentioned ever so it being indefinite should imply absolutely nothing except that it's unknown to us readers.
ashfrliebertSep 17, 2015 3:07 PM
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Sep 16, 2015 8:39 PM

Dec 2013
Did anyone else notice that Fujitora threw the bottom half of Pica's body at the enemy ships?

The chapter was good. I was hoping for some crazy revelations about the rest of the world but I knew this chapter had to happen. They had to wrap up the arc and party. Hopefully we get some crazy info next chapter though. Hasn't it been three days since the Kid and Kaido confrontation? Hopefully we hear what happened.

And about Luffy's bounty. I also think that it should be a little higher. I mean Chinjao has a higher bounty. I find it hard to believe he was more threatening than Luffy in his prime. I kinda thought he would catch up to Ace. And I know 100 mil is a lot but that 400 mil he had was from two years ago.

Edit: I saw people comment that Zoro was pulling Law in to party in the second last panel so I checked it out. It looks like Chinjao is taking off his shirt in that same one. He goes hard
WillOfDeezNutsSep 16, 2015 8:44 PM
Sep 16, 2015 10:09 PM

May 2015
WillOfDeezNuts said:
Did anyone else notice that Fujitora threw the bottom half of Pica's body at the enemy ships?

The chapter was good. I was hoping for some crazy revelations about the rest of the world but I knew this chapter had to happen. They had to wrap up the arc and party. Hopefully we get some crazy info next chapter though. Hasn't it been three days since the Kid and Kaido confrontation? Hopefully we hear what happened.

And about Luffy's bounty. I also think that it should be a little higher. I mean Chinjao has a higher bounty. I find it hard to believe he was more threatening than Luffy in his prime. I kinda thought he would catch up to Ace. And I know 100 mil is a lot but that 400 mil he had was from two years ago.

Edit: I saw people comment that Zoro was pulling Law in to party in the second last panel so I checked it out. It looks like Chinjao is taking off his shirt in that same one. He goes hard

Ahh, right, it's the third highest in the series(or least equally high to Chingao) this is still a big increase, especially for a rookie pirate. Chingao was noted to be weaker with age than his prime too though. Yeah the 100 mil he had was from two years ago, but he also disappeared for two years. I mean, Chingao is a legendary pirate!

He has the highest known bounty out of the Supernovas too, it's higher than Kidd's. Like before, Ace is a really big deal and he's 'only' 50 million less.
ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ
Sep 16, 2015 10:15 PM

Sep 2012
M0nkeyD_Luffy said:
This is one of the most important chapters of One Piece regarding Luffy's characterization.

We've always known how he views the Pirate King title but never has it been so emphasised and accentuated. It was a perfect chapter for characterizing Luffy's views of his goal/ambition and the world because it realistically shows not only how passionate he is about his idealisation, but the ways in which that drives his motivation. The rejection was handled brilliantly as well; showcased the Grand Fleet's tenacity effectively.


It was the best speech I'd heard from Luffy in a while. I thought he explained himself pretty well considering he smelled food at the time ;)
Sep 16, 2015 10:50 PM

Dec 2013
Ha Ha!! I had a feeling the agreement to for the formation of the Strawhat fleet would go down like that!!! The fleet has been formed not in a conventional way, but Luffy's way.
Love and Peace!!!
Sep 16, 2015 11:11 PM

Nov 2011
Wait till Sanji's team find out they got an army backing them now.

Sep 16, 2015 11:15 PM

Apr 2008
7 Captains x 800 Chapters = 5600 Members.... Oda plz.
Sep 17, 2015 12:25 AM
Jan 2014
Kurdy said:
7 Captains x 800 Chapters = 5600 Members.... Oda plz.

Coincidence or not, it's not that great since this was easy to do. Something like 783 (Gear)/387(Gear) is more impressive.
Sep 17, 2015 8:32 AM

May 2014
However much I wanna say that this chapter lacked something, this chapter was way too epic chapter 800 yet again a masterpiece.
Sep 17, 2015 12:05 PM

Oct 2007
KaiserNazrin said:
Wait till Sanji's team find out they got an army backing them now.

Where the hell is Sanji and the rest?

I kinda have the feeling that they not being shown this chapter might mean that they are in trouble or wandered off somewhere and this will be that start for the next arc.
"Finding Sanji" :D
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 17, 2015 1:22 PM

May 2015
tr1ckst3r said:
The way it is now, it is called Chekov Gun where he called out something that gonna happen later in the series, the same way Shanks called out the turning point of the era (Marineford) when he met Whiteberad.
But depend on what's gonna happen next, it could become a foreshadowing.
If one of those seven were to die in the near future.
Ace dead

and this

Basically same style of narration and information, might be called repetitive but still a foreshadowing nonetheless.

They basically have the same narration though, both of them are like "THIS WILL LEAD TO A BIG EVENT IN THE FUTURE"-and lo and behold Ace's defeat lead to a big event in the future.

The big event wasn't particularly Ace's death though, it was the war-Ace's death was just an effect(and the planning of his death the cause) of the war. Whitebeard's death and dying words is what caused the spark of a second era in the first place, also an effect of the war.

If this doesn't count as foreshadowing, this is still completely fine-if it truly counts as foreshadowing, because a big event WILL happen in the future, it's not very impressive anyway. I don't know if it's worth praising Oda for, but it's still pretty interesting. A big event is told to happen and happens, not bad and is very interesting-not really crazy though lol.
ashfrliebertSep 17, 2015 1:36 PM
ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ
Sep 17, 2015 1:29 PM

Aug 2014
Good and Great and Amazing and Wonderful chapter!
Ready for the next chapter~
Sep 17, 2015 2:30 PM

Jun 2012
Isterio said:
Why I consider this 100m bounty raise not planned if not being raised since the Strawhats return.

1.The bounty of Luffy rose to 100 million for seemingly no apparent reason after Alabasta, a 70 million increase, just for getting blamed to have caused havoc on the country,While they gave smoker the praise for saving it.

2. The second increase followed after declaring war to the world government.
200 million tripling the bounty.

3. The third increase were another 100 million for ringing the bell of justice to give his crew the message, but not fightning in Marineford, as he was just one of many.

4.The last increase is undefined, however many factors changed, Akainu is fleet admiral now and he hates Luffy with a passion, they took down Doflamingo and Fuji openly declared to the "Dressrosa people" that the Srawhats safed them, there was no public announcement.

Given the position the Tenryubito and Akainu are in currently, it would make perfect sense to blame anything that happened on Dressrosa on the Strawhats to the outside world.

Furthermore a 100 million increase are peanuts considering how dangerous they have to deem him towards the world Government at this point, especially when middle timeskip Law reached a bounty of 440 million during the timeskip.Luffy declared war to the wolrd government and escaped them and only hit 300million with that.What did Law do to them to make them deem him more dangerous than Strawhat.

Luffy had the highest bounty pre timeskip with 400 million, alone the fact that he was inactive and returns now is enough to push him over the edge.If he actuallly made another controlled country fall (as they would want the public to believe),they should deem him more dangerous than sloppy 100m.

Dragon is freeing countries left and right adding them to his army,
he and his people are considered more dangerous than "all the pirates combined".
Which is understandable, his bounty is indefinite.

However, it makes no logical sense to keep downplaying the Strawhats at this point anymore with their accomplishments, except Oda tries to go for the shounen cliche of the villain that loses to his arrogance.
I am still always baffled that everything has to be something negative with you. Every single thing that happens in the series is cliche or predictable, and every positive thing someone says on here is blatant fetishism of the author or blind love for the series to you. You don't even get on here to discuss the chapters, only to tell people how wrong they are for liking it... if it's your favorite series why not share in some positive discussion for once?

It's not criticism for generalizing and calling people out on things you didn't like... criticism is "I think so and so should have done this rather than this." not "What the fuck is wrong with you? How could you possibly like that? That was so obvious and terrible." Whether you're intending proper discussion or not... it all comes across as unneeded spite and ill-will. It's up to you if you want to take my response as animosity towards you or whatever... but I really do just not want to see trash-talking. As I've said many times I don't care that you may dislike something, but when you aren't even talking about the chapter in the chapter discussion it just becomes spamming in the forum.

Anyway, to your point... bounties aren't necessarily given with just one sole reason. It's not like the public is privy to the reasons why his bounty is raised... so when they raise his bounty it's not like their true reasons for raising his bounty have to be something the public is aware of. Luffy just caused a stir in their schemes and made trouble for everyone with not just defeating Doflamingo, but inadvertently causing Fujitora to prostrate himself without consent. And I'm sure that with all the recent events and Luffy's sudden return to the spotlight, they can easily see the huge increase in his threat-level since 2 years ago.

As to Law's bounty, like ToG25thBaam pointed out, we'll likely never see exactly what caused his raise. If every little detail that happened then had to be covered, there would be no point in the time-skip in the first place. But I mean, it's been 2 years... I'd be more inclined to wonder how it didn't get any higher than that. While I'm sure since Law isn't as bold as Luffy is so his bounty undoubtedly increases much slower... but you also have to think... Law was also at Marineford. He came in and stole Luffy right out of their clutches, so I'm sure he had a huge raise right there too.
Sep 18, 2015 6:04 AM

Mar 2015
Hooray for the 800th chapter!! Wooohhh!!!
I hope this will be the end of Arc and what will happen to the next arc??
Sep 18, 2015 1:17 PM

Aug 2014
That Fujitora fail xD

Happy 800th Chapter!!
Sep 18, 2015 4:32 PM

Jan 2011
This is super exciting! Big step for Luffy here!!
Sep 18, 2015 11:01 PM

Feb 2008
So Luffy turned into a 5000 man commander in just a single battle. Shin will be pissed =P
Sep 19, 2015 5:09 AM

Jan 2013
And now it's officially over.
Well, he refused but they didn't gave up, thank god for that.
Sep 19, 2015 2:23 PM
Jun 2015
Loved this chapter. I expect big things to go down in the next arc.
Sep 19, 2015 4:09 PM

Aug 2010
I knew it! He was going to refuse it either way! At least they still pledge their allegiance to him.
Sep 20, 2015 12:22 PM

Jan 2014
Good thing Luffy was forced to accept their proposal, it would have been really stupid if he had refused and things go the way they were, I mean it's impossible to become the pirate king if you don't have at least this much men under your fleet

goodbye Dressrosa, overall it was a great arc, and now I don't think we should wait very much longer for the strawhats reunion
Sep 21, 2015 2:11 AM

Sep 2015
Can't wait for the next arc !!
Oct 18, 2015 7:28 PM

May 2013
Wow, this was a great chapter! Dressrosa is done with over 100 chapters! I loved this chapter from top to bottom, beginning to end. I knew Luffy would try to refuse the offer to be the big boss daddy, but his reasoning for it was shocking. He wants everybody to do what they want and he wants to become pirate king not for the fame but for the freedom - it really made me happy. Luffy is such a simple and great character, he's really grown and developed since the
timeskip but especially since the last few chapters with him Luffy not being scared of the Admirals. The scene with Luffy's 7 generals drinking to promise their loyalties to him was iconic. The chapter was great, happiness and positivity all around with the celebration and what not. And the ending was very interesting with it saying that all of those guys will have a place in history. Great chapter, 5/5.

Mar 9, 2016 9:44 AM

Nov 2012
800th chapter!

This Grand Fleet part was the only good part of the Dressrosa arc imo.
Mar 23, 2016 1:10 AM

Oct 2014
GOD DAMNIT I love this manga way too much *cries*
Aug 17, 2017 7:12 AM

Aug 2014
That goddamn foreshadowing at the end is way to to wait probably 200+ chapters for it to take effect D:
May 16, 2018 12:30 PM

Feb 2013
The great Mugiwara fleet is awesome!
I hope they will get stronger and stronger.
Sep 18, 2018 1:57 PM

Dec 2015
Those seven are awesome, Luffy now has his own fleet xDD
Damn you Oda for teasing us with that "a story no one knows yet about"!!
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Oct 26, 2019 4:27 AM
Mar 2019
That ends Dressrosa. 10/10 arc imo, some parts were really shaky plot-wise, but the themes (particularly Freedom and Humanity) were handled brilliantly
Jun 10, 2020 12:39 AM

Jan 2011
Smiling so much with this chapter and the previous one. When I was a kid and watched the 4Kids dub with my brother we joked that to be a real pirate Luffy needed a bunch of fodder to up his crew count.
Jun 28, 2022 6:01 AM
Apr 2016
Finally done with Dressrosa! This took a while lol. I heard a lot of bad things about it but honestly it wasn’t nearly as bad as Fishman Island. I’m one of the few that thought Punk Hazard was good and I think Dressrosa is right behind it. The Dressrosa saga definitely wasn’t amazing but it’s still good and overall I liked it. Now onto the penultimate saga.
Jul 29, 2022 4:56 AM

Nov 2020
what a heart-warming chapter
Oct 5, 2022 7:59 AM

Mar 2021
So Luffy denied the cup lol, classic Luffy, it'll CRAMP HIS STYLE

In the end, they all drank the Son's Cups without Luffy's approval, that's how devoted they are :D

Bartolomeo is one of the rare people who understands Luffy, being the Pirate King for Luffy doesn't mean being big, but FREE :')))))


Feast chapter = PEAK

It's finally the end of the Dressrosa arc. Overall, I loved it. So many amazing moments, so many impactful sideplots. Doffy is such an interesting villain. Off to the next arc!!!
JedanKomadOct 5, 2022 8:07 AM

Nov 3, 2022 2:30 PM

May 2021
Easily one of the best developments in this manga so far.

Dec 18, 2022 1:28 PM

Aug 2021
fantastic ending to the arc. really wasn't expecting luffy to gain an entire fleet of warriors but it does make a lot of sense considering all the big names introduced in this arc and based on everything that happened it's no wonder all those big leaders would pledge their loyalty to luffy and create the straw hat fleet. it's classic luffy to not even care about it and just wanting to have fun on his adventure so i think the way they handled it really nailed the best of both worlds.
Apr 17, 2023 1:21 AM

Apr 2021
What a fantastic way to end to one of the best One Piece arcs so far in post time skip!!! I loved this arc so much!!! And I know better ones will come after this. 

I wonder what kinda event awaits them in the future. That ending got me all hyped up!!! 
May 27, 2023 10:43 PM

Dec 2022
haha Zoro drank up the ritualistic alcohol, literally me
Aug 4, 2023 9:58 AM
Sep 2020
Amazing ending to an arc. Luffy suddenly getting a grand fleet behind him, he's well on his way to being the great pirate he vowed to be to Shanks
Jun 5, 2024 7:28 PM

Jun 2009
Monumental chapter. Not just for the number but the events of it. I personally am waiting with bated breath for these characters to come back probably way down the line. Maybe the final arc/saga? I love that they forced Luffy to take them in, which is kind of how Luffy himself recruited various members of the Straw Hats way back when.
Ston3_FreeN7Jun 5, 2024 10:31 PM
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Sep 18, 2024 1:48 AM

Apr 2016
Great Chapter!!

Luffy has evolved, he is no longer alone, he now has pirates who support him, they are not his crew, but they have sworn loyalty to him... seems like one more step towards a great final battle!
Dec 14, 2024 7:56 AM

Jun 2017
That was a great end for Dressrosa Arc and it ended on the 800th episode too! Just brilliant! I was almost disappointed when Luffy refused the offer but I'm glad they all forced themselves to join him anyway. I think it was a clever idea for Oda to have Luffy build a grand fleet. It probably had been his plan all along!

She got him back. If you understand the characters well enough, you'd know she did!
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