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Dec 14, 2014 3:13 AM

Nov 2013
Wow Yuzuki's past was beyond depressing. I starting crying a bit when the mother and Yuzuki started embracing each other in that shrine before they died.

What I learned from this episode is that we live in a rotten world.

I wonder why everyone but Wanyuudo left Yuzuki?

So I'm assuming next episode is just going to be like all other Jigoku Shoujo episodes except Yuzuki is Jigoku Shoujo? This should be interesting...


Sep 13, 2015 4:34 AM

Mar 2015
Thanks for making me cry, Hell Girl. This is one of the best episodes of this season, if not THE best.
Oct 20, 2015 2:11 AM

Aug 2014
What is wrong with people? You can't just deny medical care to others, And of course corporations are bad and people are fucking retards. Can't wait to finish the series before it makes me hate humanity permanently.

Oh, pitiful shadow cloaked in darkness.
Thy actions cause men pain and suffering.
Thy hollow soul drowns in thy sins.
How would you like to see what death is like?
-Enma Ai
May 12, 2016 1:12 PM

Feb 2015
The feels train is too strong in this episode, WAAY too strong... heck, the strongest in the 3 seasons of Jigoku Shoujo... for me at least.
Jul 16, 2016 6:18 AM
Aug 2012
I miss Ai-chan....already((
Oct 8, 2016 10:36 AM

May 2016
So now it's finally official! Every single village and town in jigoku shoujo-verse, should burn in Hell!

Seriously, I'm no humanitarian by any means, and I don't even believe in Hell, but damn... now I wish I did! What the hell is wrong with these villages, and the people in them?! Is japanese community really like this?! One false accusation, and immediately you're worst than a Satan if he was a pedophile?! Jesus! Even the hospitals turned her down?! First that Devil's child- dilemma in the prequel, and now this?! This... this really makes me sick!!

I don't want to be a human anymore... :(
"Watching a bad anime, is like watching your cat die - it's sad, it's painful, and it's never over too quickly." - Pahatar
Oct 21, 2016 1:51 PM

Apr 2009
after the revelation of that last episode; the former "cute and cuddly" beginning of the opening with MC and teddybear suddenly turned incredibly fucking sad _xD

....i've really learned a lot about people's mentality here, don't know if it's a japanese thing though, but 'position' is enough to make people do the most despicable things -w-

like; for how long can they hold a grudge against a person? and if it was not even that person's fault? if they just happen to be related to someone who's at fault?
-seriously... not a single person they know or who knows about them who'll do anything but bully them, not a single person trying to help-.... _|D

mh.... i wonder if Yamawaro just ended up there after wandering around for a while, before joining up with Ai ._. ..... could have ended there, but there's one more episode -w-...
I like to comment Episodes as i Watch them.
Oct 22, 2016 11:47 AM

Jun 2015
Yuzuki's story was so painful it's on bar with Ai's. I can't believe people can be this cruel.
Niveen_SleemJun 17, 2019 11:09 AM
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
May 16, 2017 4:15 AM

May 2015
Aww at Yamawaro wanting to stay, so adorable. He deserves better than being ordered around by that shitty brat!
May 16, 2017 10:12 AM

Apr 2009
Did I just watched Air or Clannad?

So all of Yuzuki's life from episode 1 to 24 are just illusions?
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Jul 5, 2017 11:27 AM

Nov 2012

These people in this show sicken me & help me lose hope for humanity. I don't get out much, so I couldn't believe there are people like this in real life who act this despicable if someone told me...\(`皿´)╯

Dammit, I had plans today. But now i'm forced to spend the rest of the day alone in a dark room decompressing.(╥﹏╥)

Jul 14, 2017 10:49 PM
Mar 2016
how are people that fucked up that they wouldnt even help a CHILD??? are there really towns like this? where they treat one family like shit even though it wasnt their fault? ive never seen anything like it in person. anyway, yuzuki had a change of heart so fast. and its sad that the mom was really about to choke her own daughter.
Aug 21, 2017 2:41 AM
Aug 2017
groovykirito said:
how are people that fucked up that they wouldnt even help a CHILD??? are there really towns like this? where they treat one family like shit even though it wasnt their fault? ive never seen anything like it in person. anyway, yuzuki had a change of heart so fast. and its sad that the mom was really about to choke her own daughter.

A few years ago, I read that a child got hit by a car in China and lay there dying while multiple people walked right by without helping. I don't think Jigoku Shoujo's portrayal of our society is all that unrealistic.
Aug 21, 2017 2:46 AM
Aug 2017
Pahatar said:
So now it's finally official! Every single village and town in jigoku shoujo-verse, should burn in Hell!

Seriously, I'm no humanitarian by any means, and I don't even believe in Hell, but damn... now I wish I did! What the hell is wrong with these villages, and the people in them?! Is japanese community really like this?! One false accusation, and immediately you're worst than a Satan if he was a pedophile?! Jesus! Even the hospitals turned her down?! First that Devil's child- dilemma in the prequel, and now this?! This... this really makes me sick!!

I don't want to be a human anymore... :(

You're guilty until proven innocent in these situations. This isn't a Japanese problem, really. Enough people speculating can make life miserable for all but the most thick skinned people.
Nov 4, 2017 5:35 AM

Sep 2012
NostalgiaDrive94 said:
Well, this is cruel.
Condemn an entire family without even know the true facts. They're blaming a family for murder and then let them meet their deaths neglecting every help? You're not one to judge, because you're staining yourself with the same guilt you're blaming others for.
Now it all makes sense. She became Hell Girl because she died with hatred in her heart just like Enma did.
Animefreak17a said:
Fucking humans they blame the father that didn't do anything wrong and they hate the mom and daughter for what the father did who didn't do anything.

Ok o know this is fictional but is Japanese society like this when one does wrong they blame the rest of the family........just judge them all when one does wrong and not listen to the rest of the story.

The whole town should go to hell fucking bastards

this how it made me feel, to bad she didn't do what Ai did after waking up from death cause this piece of SH society in this down deserves it

groovykirito said:
how are people that fucked up that they wouldnt even help a CHILD??? are there really towns like this? where they treat one family like shit even though it wasnt their fault? ive never seen anything like it in person. anyway, yuzuki had a change of heart so fast. and its sad that the mom was really about to choke her own daughter.

she didn't want her daughter to suffer, she thought that she will suffer if she doesn't do it, mercy killing, but in the end she couldn't, about her fast change of heart, no surprise there after she remembers all her past + what i said above

Pahatar said:
So now it's finally official! Every single village and town in jigoku shoujo-verse, should burn in Hell!

Seriously, I'm no humanitarian by any means, and I don't even believe in Hell, but damn... now I wish I did! What the hell is wrong with these villages, and the people in them?! Is japanese community really like this?! One false accusation, and immediately you're worst than a Satan if he was a pedophile?! Jesus! Even the hospitals turned her down?! First that Devil's child- dilemma in the prequel, and now this?! This... this really makes me sick!!

I don't want to be a human anymore... :(

not full JAP, but i heard that its quite common if some1 in family is example murderer then awry1 in family is called murderer cause they have been taught this way of life sins they still fought with swords, it is slowly dying out in but in 80s & 90s it was quite common i heard, no idea about new

ezaya said:
Did I just watched Air or Clannad?

So all of Yuzuki's life from episode 1 to 24 are just illusions?

no this things really happened, but her awry day life was illusion partly like in s1 the possesed doll whrn ai saved both sibata's
Sugram22Jun 17, 2019 9:30 AM
Nov 4, 2017 8:17 AM

May 2015
WTF is wrong with this society? They all should go straight to hell.

Not big fan of new Hell girl. Bring Ai back.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Feb 22, 2018 4:00 AM

Oct 2015
What nonsense is this lol!!! No way in hell would anyone be abandoned to this point over something so ridiculous! Is this Japan or some shit hole from the dark middle ages? xD Random people in this series are either incredibly dumb or unrealistically demonized, considerably dragging the overall quality down. A shame really.
Jan 3, 2019 6:52 PM

Jul 2014
While it's unsurprising considering previous episodes (particularly the ending of season 2), this show really makes the Japanese out to be assholes. It's nearly at Elfen Lied levels.
Jun 12, 2019 8:43 AM

Jun 2017
Holy hell, so she finally accepted her fate of becoming a Hell Girl, but I still think that no one will be better than Ai, hopefully there's still the last episode and everything will be wrapped up there.

But damn, poor Yuzuki and her family, damn it. Damn those cruel bastards.
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
― Lelouch Vi Britannia
Jun 17, 2019 9:25 AM

Sep 2012
Niveen_Sleem said:
Yuzuki's story was so painful it's on bar with Ai's. I can't believe people can't be this cruel.

dunno about new but in som coutries bit older times it was common to blame one person deeds on hole family specially in jap and it mite be true for jap even in modern day
Dec 9, 2020 7:48 AM
Nov 2020
Guess I'll go with Yuzuki since no one wants to join her, what a drag..
Dec 19, 2020 2:06 PM

Mar 2019
Most beautiful thing.... Yuzuki covering her mother with flowers
Would have been better if they had put season first’s ending song
If there was no one else within a 5-kilometer radius from Shimamura, and she was in a deep sleep and an all-knowing deity just happened to reassure me that she wasn’t going to wake up the next 24 hours, maybe I’d get bored after 23 hours and I might kiss her once to relieve some boredom...
Feb 1, 2021 12:56 PM

Mar 2019
So Yuzuki became hell girl but different? I don't understand though, thinking about season 1 and this, it just doesn't feel right plot-wise. Also why did everyone but Wanyuudou left Yuzuki? Can't say I like this ending, I'll just have to see how the last episode is.
Come on man,where is that Noragami season 3 masterpiece.We want it, Bones!

Sep 12, 2022 6:10 AM

Jan 2020
This episode is beyond stupid, even if we ignore the fact that every single person ignores the possibility of the bus company lying (which is stupid in its own right, there should be skeptics) and that they believe the father did it on purpose, then something like this would still never happen.

You cannot tell me that every single person in this city would hold a grudge over a bus incident, the mother and child weren't even responsible for. Yes, people suck, many of them hate others for petty reason, which the show has often demonstrated. In fact many people were sent to hell for stupid reasons. Now while, that's the case and humanity has caused its fair share of tragedies, it's just as naive to think that every single person is evil, as it is that everyone is good.

Sure, the theme of the episode is something along the lines, of that grieving people will always go for the easiest scapegoat to muster their frustration about and that you should look deeper than what propaganda tells you. However, it falls flat at narrative level, since so much plot induced stupidity is required to make it work.

See in earlier cases like with Ai or with the Demon Child, it made sense for the general public to hate them. Ai's backstory happened 400 years ago when people were much more religious, not to mention that years of bad harvests followed her betrayal, which caused the entire community of the village to suffer. It made sense for them to believe that killing her would calm the Mountain God, even if it didn't exist, because they have no reason to believe it doesn't.

When it comes to the boy, then firstly, the family already had bad stigma, due to the neighbor acting as if everyone thought they didn't belong, which likely gaslighted at least a few others. Secondly, it was also very suspicious, that everyone around him began to die or disappear. Again, believable, fear and paranoia makes people stupid.

But when it comes to this case that makes no sense. A bus accident may be tragic, but is nowhere large enough a disaster to cause distain from everyone in the city.

At most about 20 people died or were injured, even if the close relatives and friends hold a grudge, then there are still thousands of people left, who have nothing to do with the accident. There would even be those, who would be unaware of the accident. Not to mention that many, would not be aware of the driver's identity, let alone his family's.

Then there is the fact that hospitals, just refuse the mother? You are telling me that not a single doctor or nurse in this hospital would help them? Or in any other hospital in the city? Even if that's the case there is also the possibility of just going to another city for a check-up.

There is also the convenient conicidence, that neihter parent had any good-hearted friends or familiy members, that would consider the possibility of the media lying or just helping their them anyways. You may argue that they would sully their reputation by taking them in, but asssuming they aren't living in the same city, who would care? You cannot try to make beleive that the entirety of Japan knows about a bus incident and who the family members were.

The fact that they ever consider leaving town by themselves, sure they are poor, but Japan has shelters for homeless people and cares for its unemployed.

So, honestly could something like this happen? Yes, sure, literally anything can happen in theory, but the odds of something like this happening are way below 0.0001%, which makes it basically impossible and hard to take the story at face value.

And yes, this happening is far more unlikely than the supernatural, since that is at least consistent with the established world of Hell Girl.

The point I'm trying to get across with this rant, is that the incident that caused their exlusion from society was far to minor for them to receive that kind of treatment and that the writer should have given a better justification. Something much more severe that would affect the entire population of the town, be it a tragedy or just fear, anything really.
No Blood. No Bone. No Ash.
Nov 12, 2022 7:42 PM
Dec 2017
Shocked said:
Death Note vibes.

How 'bout that.

death parade and yu gi oh season 0 vibes as well too

Aug 13, 2023 3:47 PM

Sep 2017
We often think that a world without hatred would be paradise, but I disagree. There are certain things in out world that give meaning to humans some of which include emotions and feelings; no hatred would mean no action taken, which inherently is impossible.
If we say that our world would be better if people didn't hate each other for irrational reasons, that'd be true. But a world without hatred and dislikes isn't a world at all, but only a certain scenario present in utopian and imaginary books.
Even the greatest societies need hatred in them to make sense, whether it's for a football team, a joke among cultures or just hatred for their weather and landscapes.
People will always continue to hate something; even those who claim otherwise have simply buried it within their heart. I cannot blame them for this, for this is what makes them "people" in the first place.
هیچوقت بهتر نمیشه
Nov 10, 2024 10:36 PM
Mar 2015
Japanese society eats ppl alive... what an utter living hell

unpopular opinion but Yuzuki's Jigoku Shoujo form is beautiful

saw some comments above saying Akie was the candy girl. wow didn't notice that

sometimes I wonder how much of S3 actually happened
GavrocheN7Nov 10, 2024 10:50 PM
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