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Tokyo Mew Mew
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Aug 16, 2022 8:29 AM

Nov 2011
Ichigo is so in love with Aoyoma lol

It's great to see Zakuro getting a job and working at the cafe especially in her maid outfit. Mint's reaction was priceless. Kinda feel bad that she and Aoyoma can't have a proper date wihout ever getting interrupted.
Aug 16, 2022 9:25 AM

Jul 2017
Kish getting replaced by Tart and Pie, say bye-bye to playing with your favourite toy Ichigo.

That said, the Tokyo Mew Mew girls are getting all the attention, while Ichigo continues to be swoon by Aoyama. Despite the busyness of both of them, even managing to promise to go out together again is a luxury.

Zakuro in the classic maid outfit and acting like how she's always been, she's the new role model for the café. But it soon comes apparent that the main plot has to kick in, and right at the start of the 2nd half is where it all begins to save the world of its environment (which was the main issue at the time of the manga's release). The new enemy's smarter, and as easy as the battles go now, it'll become harder as time passes on.

This, to Ichigo, means that her secret as the alien-fighting Mew Mew, as much as she wants to hide from Aoyama, it's gonna be revealed eventually which will incur the hatred of the love interest. Too bad that their small meeting has to be interrupted by Chimera Animas (in this case, bees infesting sakura blossom trees), and all of Ichigo's logic is thrown out the window whether Aoyama knows it or not to save his life is more important.

Above all, Ichigo's secret is safe as long as Aoyama didn't know that it's her being Mew Ichigo. At least for now, Ichigo's sanity still stays.
Aug 16, 2022 9:40 AM
Sep 2015
Alien really underestimate human's ability to pollute the Earth.

Anyway, there's no way Aoyama doesn't know Mew Ichigo is Ichigo right? I mean, Mew Ichigo even reveal her stage name, which is Mew Ichigo, while her real name is Ichigo.
Aug 16, 2022 9:56 AM
Dragon Idol

May 2017
Pretty traditional mahou shoujo episode.
Seems the next step is collecting data on each of the girls and how to best make it so they cannot fight back or only to a certain limit. Kish might throw them off their groove out of pettiness though.
Aug 16, 2022 2:45 PM

Nov 2019
Time to finally meet Tart and Pie in the reboot yay~

Ichigo and her constant dilemmas about Aoyama. Its nice to see that Aoyama hasn't figured out that Ichigi is Mew Ichigo, she sure has to be careful
Aug 16, 2022 3:23 PM

Dec 2013
It was super brave from Aoyama to stand his ground and not hesitate for a second, regular asss wasp are already a calamity and he was ready to give everything to protect Ichigo.
Aug 16, 2022 4:41 PM

Dec 2012
Yuuki's voice acting is really getting better! She isn't straining her voice nearly as much now as she used to ^o^

This was a slower episode which is good. After the first 4 episodes being so packed and fast paced getting a couple of slower ones to focus on the characters is nice~

It definitely wasn't my favourite, but this was also a part of the manga that I always skipped because I didn't care much about Ichigo's and Masaya's relationship ^^'
I like them better here though! They feel more natural as a couple than in the original!
The 2002 Tokyo Mew Mew adaptation is not as great as you remember it being.
Aug 16, 2022 7:25 PM

Apr 2011

Aug 16, 2022 10:04 PM

Jan 2011
The writing is really getting poor. You really said, "Mew Ichigo" when Ichigo is your real name? I know it's for kids and it is a very girly show but this is getting annoying. I feel it insults the viewer's intellect. Like this show has some good to it but I feel this writing holds it back. This is the proper adaption I was waiting for? I am massively let down by this show. I'm happy to be caught up at least.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Aug 16, 2022 10:25 PM

Jun 2021
Kish, Pi, and Tart. I sense a theme here lol.

The best part about Ichigo’s dream was all the girls chanting “Reward her! Reward her!” Haha. But man, how do people not know that’s Ichigo in the Mew Mew video? Not even Aoyama knew and he was right there! It’s literally her in a frilly outfit lol. Must be some kind of Clark Kent glasses situation going on haha.

The only thing cuter than Ichigo and her Aoyama crush is Mint’s Zakuro crush lol. Zakuro has a very cool attitude and all but she’s a terrible waitress.

I actually forgot the girls were basically the Planeteers because they didn’t really mention their mission after like the first episode. I liked that when they were having cake, each of them were eating their “designated” slice haha.

Damn, I was not expecting giant ass bugs in this episode. Creepy. I guess this was just recon for Pie and Tart for their next encounter.
Aug 16, 2022 11:16 PM
Aug 2019
Ooh, so Zakuro is the cool but adorable airhead type, I love that! Besides that, Aoyama or rather people in general is really super blind lmao better for Ichigo I guess, though i do think that she is way too dramatic lol
Aug 17, 2022 10:51 PM
Nov 2013
It was a nice episode I just don’t get why Ichigo would have to say goodbye to Aoyama if he finds out she’s a mew mew
Aug 18, 2022 5:40 AM
Mar 2022
We have no idea why:
1. They have to hide that they're Mew Mews
2. Ichigo didn't just say they're performers or something
3. People don't recognise any of them, Aoyama is Ichigo's boyfriend and Ichigo's best friends don't notice her. The customers at Cafe Mew somehow don't recognise the uber popular idol Zakuro? How?
4. Why Ichigo would have to leave Aoyama if he found out.

I know it's a show for kids but come on.
Aug 18, 2022 5:19 PM
Oct 2020
MasterHavik said:
The writing is really getting poor. You really said, "Mew Ichigo" when Ichigo is your real name? I know it's for kids and it is a very girly show but this is getting annoying. I feel it insults the viewer's intellect. Like this show has some good to it but I feel this writing holds it back. This is the proper adaption I was waiting for? I am massively let down by this show. I'm happy to be caught up at least.
as someone who watched many magical girls show i have to say it realy common thing in this genre it happend in lot of magical girl shows where people are blind to it
Aug 18, 2022 6:55 PM
Feb 2020
That was a particularly bad handling of him finding out the 'secret' identity
They don't even try to hide (a couple of episodes ago Ichigo transformed right in front of Kish) and what makes her think all those bad things will happen if she gets found out?
Aug 18, 2022 7:56 PM

Apr 2020
Alright first of all...did I just see Sakuta and Kaede (from Bunny Girl Senpai) in this episode. Damn my boy Sakuta sounds so different but I'm pretty sure my eyes are not fooling me on that cameo reference. Well I'm glad they're here although Zakuro really acts feisty when serving customers...we can make a guilty pleasure out of this.

Well if Aoyama wasn't a dense fuck, Ichigo would have been exposed. But I also don't get why Ichigo will not come clean and face Aoyama, because if my memory serves me right, Aoyama got you my girl. The secret lingers somehow, and yeah MAL went in maintenance when I watched the first half of this episode, so nothing much to talk about. But I did see Zakuro enjoy that cake, aww look at the face of her while eating it.
Aug 18, 2022 8:13 PM

Jan 2011
Elior21 said:
MasterHavik said:
The writing is really getting poor. You really said, "Mew Ichigo" when Ichigo is your real name? I know it's for kids and it is a very girly show but this is getting annoying. I feel it insults the viewer's intellect. Like this show has some good to it but I feel this writing holds it back. This is the proper adaption I was waiting for? I am massively let down by this show. I'm happy to be caught up at least.
as someone who watched many magical girls show i have to say it realy common thing in this genre it happend in lot of magical girl shows where people are blind to it
I mean Sailor Moon and Pretty cure are better about this. I have watched my fair share of magical girl. The girls AT LEASt try and hide it from people they know.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Aug 20, 2022 4:05 AM
Mar 2022
Now that I think about it Aoyama has seen a lot of the Anima monsters... So what's up with that? I know he's passed out before but in this episode he literally fought the big wasps, but he's just brushing it off? I thought he liked animals so wouldn't he of all people know wasps don't grow that big? And that sakura doesn't bloom in summer (he even said that)? Just make him one of the team already if he can fight.
Aug 20, 2022 9:47 AM

Jun 2010
Have you ever watched Miraculous? Catnoir is in love with Ladybug and neither of them realizes the other is Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrian Agreste. We just kind of accept how it is, end of story.
There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't
Real men don't use Task Manager: they sudo kill -9
Computers are like air-conditioning: pretty much useless if you open Windows
"I cannot refute you, Socrates." - said Agathon
"Rather, dear Agathon, what you can't refute is the truth; for Socrates is easily refuted."
Symposium - Plato
Aug 20, 2022 11:43 AM

May 2018
Ichigo is now a stalker lol
Aug 21, 2022 4:30 AM

Apr 2018
Hmm, some new enemies are coming and it doesn't sound good at all... how it is possible that Aoyama hasn't figured Ichigo's true identity, is he faking it for her not to be worried?
Aug 21, 2022 7:06 PM
Jan 2017
You know, the thing about superheroes with secret identities is that they often have to struggle between keeping their identities, well, secret from the people they care about for fear that their enemies might use their loved ones to attack the superheroes and telling the truth because they just can't bear living with a lie any longer.

While I enjoyed the conflict Ichigo faced in this episode, I felt that it didn't really amount to anything. No, really, it turns out that Masaya didn't recognize her when he literally saw her fight in this episode. What am I supposed to take away from this? Did he really not recognize her or perhaps he did recognize her? He simply chose not to tell her because, deep down, he knew how important this secret was for her and hoped for Ichigo to come clean in her own terms.

Ichigo's superhero name is literally "Mew Mew Ichigo" and she doesn't even wear a mask! I'm not even sure how Ichigo is gonna keep her secret in future episodes when anyone with a smartphone or a camera could recognize her. Whatever, all that matters is that Ichigo doesn't have to worry about Masaya suspecting about her secret identity.
Aug 22, 2022 7:31 AM

Jun 2010

Come on, now, let's not make a fuss about it...
There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't
Real men don't use Task Manager: they sudo kill -9
Computers are like air-conditioning: pretty much useless if you open Windows
"I cannot refute you, Socrates." - said Agathon
"Rather, dear Agathon, what you can't refute is the truth; for Socrates is easily refuted."
Symposium - Plato
Aug 22, 2022 11:05 AM
Jan 2022
Even though this episode wasn't the best, especially after the banger that was episode 6, I will be sad when this show is over. It's been average to meh in my opinion, but it's also somehow cozy in it's simplicity.
Aug 22, 2022 2:35 PM

Jun 2020
very bland episode bc aoyama is very boring </3 every other boy (we have like 4 or 5 for now ig lol) on the anime shows way more personality than him awkeamkfekafajdbgsjkdfdsjgjkgsj
Aug 30, 2022 2:41 PM
Apr 2015
Liked the idea they were going for, but the twist in the end was a little dumb.
Aug 31, 2022 2:41 AM

Jan 2012
Zakuro-neesan, the soviet waitress! =)
Aug 31, 2022 1:47 PM
Oct 2021
The point of the episode is that people won't think that Zakuro the waitress is Zakuro the singer and that Ichigo the student is Mew Ichigo. They won't belive that even if they notice that they look alike because they don't expect Ichigo to act like an heroine and it doesn't make sense that a famous girl works in a random maid cafe. I get that, but the writing around it wasn't good enough.

This episode only made the plot move forwad by introducing a new enemy. Pie is supposed to be stronger than Kish, to bring higher stakes, but then Ichigo is able to win by herself.

It wasn't boring, but it could have been better.
Sep 17, 2022 10:54 AM
Jun 2017
Oh I just love how naive the characters in such animes are portrayed...

"Ichigo!" ... "Goodbye.".... "I'm sorry you look so much like a girl I know, can you tell me your name" ... "Mew Ichigo"

Nov 6, 2022 7:03 AM
Aug 2013
I don't get it. Why would it be bad for Aoyama to know? Wouldn't it even be better? He doesn't seem like he's a judgemental guy... And it's only been 6 eps, she can't have been "lying about it" for that long? I just don't get why it would even matter at this point, lol.
Dec 27, 2022 11:26 AM
Oct 2018
It took me this long to figure out that one of my fav composers made the OST for this.

Also, Aoyama pretending he doesn't know (as he did in the original) is still funny to see because of the setting this time.
Jul 3, 2023 4:36 PM
Nov 2015
We meet Pie and Tart and Ichigo and Aoyama become closer

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