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Aug 27, 2022 3:52 PM
Oct 2017
i enjoyed it quite a bit! So far so good!
Aug 27, 2022 4:45 PM
Mar 2021
Great to see some action for the first time in the series Farma is really getting the hang of his powers.
Aug 27, 2022 4:55 PM

Nov 2009
Major plot armor at the beginning, then they went and completely forgot the timeline towards the middle. Apologizing for what happened "the other day" when the scene change starts with "Six months later".
Aug 27, 2022 8:09 PM
May 2021
Thus far pretty good and enjoyable. Keeping with the science primarily makes it really satisfying to watch when u also knwo the answer xD
Aug 28, 2022 10:53 PM
Oct 2019
As expected from the protaginist.
Aug 29, 2022 6:00 AM
Mar 2012
Temple power there even controls all kingdoms. Them evil religion trope strikes again, only Farma's too op that it forced their hand. Moses last ep, god this time, well that's progression.
Cool godly gift kinda jingu bang staff and wizard broomstick combo.
Aug 29, 2022 4:51 PM

Oct 2012
I'm prob the only one here amazed at him performing spinal anesthesia LMAO Since I recently did a rotation observing anesthesiology residents, you really do check for seeing the spinal fluid leak out to know if you're in the right space (different than an epidural btw, you don't want it in the CSF)
Aug 29, 2022 11:02 PM
Jun 2013
Tamer2002 said:
Farma was in front of the inquisitors and they attacked him, but Farma defended himself with his powers. And they recognized him as "Panactheos".
He saved the commander from his fracture and saved himself from the situation.
The commander ascended in order to be of help to Farma to erase traces of the "shadowless boy". And he also gave him an appropriate staff for him, as well as a talisman so that he can have a shadow xd
Farma wants to hire more people, but they distrust him because he is the son of the royal pharmacist, and the guild doesn't accept him. So he decided to create his own guild.
Good chapter, let's see what happens.

Compared to Arslan Senki's Bodin or Isekai Maou to Shoukan's Saddler, both are too extremely delusional in justifying that their act of mindless violence are "approved by god," it seems rather surprising to see a true religious devotee that does positive work for the sake of the protagonist.
In our world, in the Dark Ages setting, we know that it is a common theme for Church to always hate medical advancements due to how medicine often undermines the Church's religious authority as religious leaders put heavy emphasis on "faith healing" while labeling scientific healing treatment as a "heretical act of the devil."
So it is good the protagonist was sent to a world where the concept of the "god of medicine" exist, along with how "magic" isn't labeled as "powers of the devil."

As for the guild, I honestly think the guild is just too greedy. The guild doesn't like how Falma is selling "medicine at a cheap price," and that is not something other medical shops want to copy. This is a world where the concept of "healthcare" doesn't exist. And sadly, in the real world, with old age comes stubbornness; old businessmen always HATE when a new "young challenger" steals the competition.
Aug 30, 2022 12:33 AM
Apr 2021
This episode truly delves into the conflict and the specific aspects and problems that was hinted at before, but not completely fleshed out. The chemicals that are given are (from my understanding) actually-used compounds, so there's an educational element as well. Overall, a great wholesome piece of entertainment media. Is it earth-shattering or completely domineering as other isekai anime? I don't think so. You come for a simple story of a person wanting to do good in the world that they've been given. You leave feeling satisfied that the anime hasn't overstepped it's boundaries.
Aug 31, 2022 4:20 AM

Dec 2015
hmmm... he's got a bishop in his pocket now? ;) well not exactly but... that 'heretical' statement by the commoner pharmacy's employee to the lady in their doorway COULD be... let's just call it... ENCOURAGED WITH A GREAT DEAL OF INTIMIDATING INFLUENCE to NEVER be said again. i bet that bishop and his 'retinue' (as well as the Empress) would be quite interested to hear that a commoner is throwing the word 'heretical' around concerning a noble AND a Royally Approved AND Church Approved (quietly of course ;) ) person and his business.

ok so... a divine rod. (no erect penis jokes here, nope not a single one! hahaha!) how did they get it in the box to begin with if humans can't touch it? i get that it is a special box. it's got all those scribbles on the insides, a special cushion, and a pair of rings attached to chains to keep the rod in the box. but who put the rod in the box? is there a special holy handkerchief of holding that lets you handle the rod for the few minutes it takes to get the rod into the box?
just an ol school American otaku enjoyin the life. don't sass me kiddies, i've been otaku probably since before you were born. leave me in peace and i won't bother you either.

Aug 31, 2022 4:41 AM

Dec 2015
Silent_Shadow05 said:
So the Temple holds near absolute authority huh? Sounds a bit like our world in the past. Oh and they’ve got their own inquisitors in this world too. Lovely.

I knew these fools wouldn’t be able to take on Farma. Bro… he’s not an evil spirit. He’s closer to a god! Well, I guess to them he IS a god, the Guardian Diety Panactheos to be exact. Bend the knee, scrubs! Lol. Salomon about to commit suicide to atone, wow dude. Bone fractures must be more serious in their world due to the primitive state of medicine and surgery. Even though Farma’s only ever practiced on animals, I guess the surgery went well after all.

I guess Farma’s made a very powerful new ally in the newly appointed bishop. Salomon is a little scary though. At least Farma has a new wand. The Panac-rhabdos is dope! The medallion is handy too. Looks like I was wrong about the carriage being the work of the Temple. Probably the guild then? I don’t think this Compounders’ Guild is gonna help win over any friends at the guild though.

Blanche is so adorable! Always nice to see her again. I liked seeing her, Farma, and Lotte all hanging out together. Adorable!

Is that dude at the end Pierre? Seems like he might have to go against guild rules and seek out Farma’s help.

before sulfa (the first antibiotic created) as Pharma said, amputation for open fractures was the norm. think US Civil War era medicine and earlier. LESS THAN 1/3 of compound fracture and amputation patients survived the procedures used in the US Civil War's battlefield medicine. bone infections are the worst kinds outside of sepsis or leaking bowels from wounds. Pharma stated reduction, but the problem is he can't do that solo. you've got to have a minimum of two people, three to four is better. you have to totally isolate the (in this case thighbone), bind the knee exactly right to keep the leg flat, hold the patient down hard! to the table, or bind him to the table... but since it's a rock slab Pharma might have 'poked' holes in the slab to attach ropes to tie the patient down. then you tie a rope or cloth around the ankle and slowly PULL ON THE FOOT TILL THE SHINBONE goes BACK INSIDE the leg! once the bone is inside you have to KEEP PULLING ON IT till the broken ends of the bones are nearly aligned and relax the tension slowly on the rope and foot till the bones meet. as Pharma stated once the bones are aligned properly, he has to clean the wound. probably violently with a great deal of scrubbing and rinsing with grain alcohol. also picking out shards of bone and other larger foreign objects with tweezers and forceps. then you slather the insides of the wound with antibiotics, give oral antibiotics in LARGE doses, sew up the wound, bind the wound, and splint the leg from the upper thigh all the way down to the ankle. THEN the patient can NOT have that leg jostled etc. for a minimum of 1 month. once more, massive doses of antibiotics, pushing fluids, lots of food, checking the patient hourly for infections, and loss of blood circulation to that foot. luckily enough the blood loss was veinous not arterial (no spurting blood from the heart pumping), or the churchy dude probably would have died of blood loss/shock on the spot.
just an ol school American otaku enjoyin the life. don't sass me kiddies, i've been otaku probably since before you were born. leave me in peace and i won't bother you either.

Sep 4, 2022 11:48 AM

Mar 2020
It was a fine ep though it went by quick.

- May God Be With You -

Sep 7, 2022 2:00 AM

Apr 2018
That was tense for him against the inquisitors but that's a miracle he could fix the situation and even do surgery on that priest who ended up being loyal to him and the same for the other, he even got the scepter as a gift :o
Sep 11, 2022 2:15 PM

Feb 2019
I started off really unsure about this (3 stars), to really enjoying it (4 stars) and now I'm back down to torn between 2 and 3 stars. Something about this story/plot just doesn't seem to fit properly. A lot of the plots are feeling rushed and just being shoved in to be true to the source material but without the source's full input/etc.

Going to end up reading the manga to see what on earth is going on with this anime plot.

Sep 14, 2022 1:15 AM

Nov 2009
So apparently the Church easily gave up as soon as the top guy notice Farma's a (mistaken) "deity", LOL

Not only that, but the dude gave Farma a divine wand (more like a staff TBH)

Also, the world still thinks the Medicine God is a Heretic, as to why the top guy said he'll dealt with anyone making reports of "shadowless" (cause shadowless is viewed as "evil spirit" and the reason why the Church tried to get rid of Farma in the first place)

And now we're going into the Pharmacist Guild thingy.
Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing*
Oct 17, 2022 12:59 PM

Sep 2012
going from being heretic to god lol

i get him, cause normal person would feel awkward when ppl start to worship him or her as a god
Sugram22Feb 6, 2023 11:17 AM
Oct 23, 2022 11:08 PM

Feb 2021
That staff must be helped him in the future.
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Feb 12, 2023 9:52 PM
Jan 2023
No real call to action or direction for plot. Main character doesn't really have any goals or pursuits, success falls into his lap with no real conflict/inconveniences that aren't immediately resolved.
Apr 6, 2023 11:34 AM

Jan 2021
Well that was remarkably simple...
Apr 21, 2023 10:02 AM
May 2020
Everybody bows to rational explanations!
Apr 26, 2023 7:39 PM

Oct 2022
The discovery of a god-like being surely would be international news. No way they would keep him a secret. Upon discovering he could wield that holy wand I wouldn't put aside the idea of him getting revered.
Aug 8, 2023 1:36 AM

Jul 2012
This is a typical "all ends well" anime..

I am guessing that there will be only 2 major drama,
The other one left is with pharmacy guild . .

Basically he can even create a gold (on ep1)..
So.. He could rich as f as he want..
The whole show is just too naive lol

Aug 19, 2023 2:13 AM
Nov 2022
Ahora Salomon y sus Sacerdotes creen que Farma es la Reencarnacion de Panacteos, y crei que él y sus Sacerdotes eran los culpables del Carruaje con Fango, pero seguro fue el Gordito del Gremio Farmaceutico.

Now Solomon and his Priests believe that Farma is the Reincarnation of Panacteos, and I thought that he and his Priests were the culprits of the Mud Carriage, but surely it was Fatty from the Pharmaceutical Guild.
Nov 30, 2023 1:23 AM

Apr 2009
Where are we now, orthopedic surgery? LOL Maybe he'll do our current "run-of-the-mill" general surgery or heck even neurosurgery next. Kidding aside, he's really stepping way out of his last field of specialty.

He doesn't do anything in halves but the consequences are ten fold, he turned the Inquisition and made them into an ally, healed the chief Inquisitor after him who became a Bishop in the country later who's out to protect him and his secrets now, also gave him a unique out-of-this-world-wand, and a power limiter so he can have a normal shadow like a normie.
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Feb 9, 2024 5:12 PM

Jul 2016
The tend to prefer when isekai use the skills the characters had in the real world to make them OP when they reincarnate, but if they exaggerate it just becomes dumb.

He knows the structures of every component under the sun, he can perform surgery with makeshift equipment, I mean you may as well just say he gain that knowledge when he reincarnated cause there's no way those are skills of a pharmacist/researcher.
Jun 17, 2024 5:48 PM

Nov 2019
Decent episode I’m glad this religious faction drama was solved simply by Falma showing his deity crest. Falma gets a new wand that only suits him from the former commander. He goes shopping with Lotte and sister but find out that there are stores that are sanctioned from selling medicine similar to his by the guild. His next steps are to make a faction that allows reselling. It hits two birds with one stone now that his flagship store is getting too busy.
Jan 11, 5:32 PM

Apr 2015
So do doctors do anything? lol
will he fix a tooth next
Assassin2112Jan 11, 5:39 PM
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