Hello! Thanks for participating in our big graphic design event last year in the MAL Bunkasai :D
We are bringing back the custom signatures and wallpapers for the 2023 Bunkasai this weekend, we hope to see you there!
You can request a new or updated custom signature by posting a pic in the Image Swap, I hope to see yours there we have a lot of amazing shares there: https://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=2118354
(I will try to reply to my favorite posts there!)
You can request another custom wallpaper for your phone (the Colorful Card design) by voting in the custom CSS contest- please check out the layout designs, our members put a lot of effort into them as well and your feedback is welcome🙏 https://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=2118567
I will try to get them to become public designs we can all use later!
Hope to see you there on Sunday or Monday (we will close up requests on Monday). 🎉 Apologies if you already know or miss this event, but if you want to later you can always ask for the same graphics in my group anytime in the future!
Colorful Card Album Links
This is your parting gift from the MAL Bunkasai custom cards event- the huge Colorful Card! Thanks for participating, I hope the event was fun for you. I'm absolutey honored so many people requested and enjoyed my designs.
Hopefully we will all see each other again!!! 🥰️
All past signature and card deliveries from this event (including Ornate and Magical Autumn) will always be linked here if needed with backup albums. Your original request post was also updated with your ticket proof if ever needed.
If you liked our cards, tickets designs, and custom sigs, please join our group Shishio's Custom MyAnimeList for more cards and events in the future. We also have ways to customize your lists, profile, make original graphics, and add exclusive features to MAL! Cool new content and features are planned for 2023.
Many volunteers helped make the cards and picked amazing images! All listed below. Big thanks to them for their hard work!!!
We want you to be happy with your Colorful card - especially since it's the final graphic you can receive in this event! So if you want a remake of your Colorful card please visit this thread and ask for a fix or redo. https://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=2044873
Preferably, you should link us to a large character render you want us to use for the card. I highly suggest popular characters since they tend to have more quality work out there. If you're having trouble finding a render or good pic let me know in the thread- we can find something for you.
Ahh yeah, I don't watch Asian dramas so I never had a need to make an account there. Maybe one of these days, though. xD
I just find Letterboxd to be really convenient overall, and I just like the simplicity of the UI.
Oh, speaking of horror, I also made a list of my top 20 works of horror if you wanna check it out: https://letterboxd.com/greyleaf/list/good-horror-ranked/ I'm not exactly a huge horror buff, but these are just ones that I really enjoyed, or found to be a cut above the rest.
Hey dude! Sorry, I've been a bit inactive these past couple days. Really been trying to get back on my movie game, haha. Are you on Letterboxd?
I hope you enjoy Steins;Gate, man! It's one of the two series that got me interested in anime again as an adult, and the fact that I've now seen it three times and continue to consider it an all-time favorite of mine really testifies to its quality. Even as my taste within the medium has matured, it's always felt relevant. Anyway, I hope you end up liking as well! ^_^
Btw, you absolutely need to watch Mononoke. If you're enjoying Aku no Hana for the art style, I guarantee you'll love it. Frankly AnH didn't appeal very much to me, as I frankly found the manga to be much better and I'm not a fan of rotoscoping, but to each their own! Anyway, here's a short review I wrote on Mononoke: https://letterboxd.com/greyleaf/film/mononoke/
I also just watched the film The Witch a couple nights ago and loved it. Thought you might be interested in reading this as well (this one's extremely short): https://letterboxd.com/greyleaf/film/the-witch-2015/
Yeah man, I wanted to throw your name out because you're one of the first people I started talking to frequently on here earlier this year. You can check it out here when you get the chance (it's pretty lengthy though, you don't have to read the entire thing or anything haha): https://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=1787100
That's awesome you enjoyed Gantz so much. Idk, the premise never really appealed all to much to me, especially with the brutality of the manga (from what I had heard). Not sure if we had discussed this before, but the type of horror that appeals to me is the more atmospheric stuff like Itou, or in films such as The Shining.
Hey, what's up dude! Glad to see you back on here. I actually gave you a shoutout on my recent interview, haha. Hope you've been well man!
As for the blog, I had a few entries up, but removed the majority for now, as I'm in the process of moving them to an actual wordpress blog in the future. Idk when that'll be, but I'll let you know xD
Ahh I gotcha dude. I have those times as well. Anime is my main source of entertainment nowadays, but even I still take breaks from it when I'm feeling a bit burnt out. I haven't been watching anything today, focusing on my writing instead. If you're interested, I just finished my latest blog! Only if you have the time to spare, of course :)
For sure man, I do appreciate the consideration! :) I'm just all over the place with my viewing/reading habits. Sometimes I'm in the mood for horror, then I could go for 3 weeks without it, in favor of watching simple slice of life shows, etc. xD
Haha yeah, the only reason I tend to avoid challenges is that I feel like it inhibits what I could be watching/reading, or I just feel like I need to put my time into something for the sake of completion. I've never been a challenge-seeker or completionist for any medium, really. But if you enjoy doing them, awesome! :)
Hell yeah, dude! I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's amazing to see how he was able to take something as mundane as a shape and make it horrifying, huh?
Also, When They Cry is sooo disturbing lol. I'm 16 episodes in and I have no idea what the hell is going on, but in a good way. This might be the best mystery series I've seen in a long, long time. :O
Haha, if you say so dude! I'll definitely think about giving them a shot in the future :D
Yeah dude, just be prepared for a very slow, relaxing show. Archaeon's reviews were actually what first inspired me to take a look at the show to begin with: https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?id=1839 That dude is a tough critic, so to see how Aria the Origination was one of his only two "10"s out of over a thousand shows was what really got me interested, haha
Dude yes, you'll love Higurashi. Without a doubt. This show, so far, is a master of tone shifts, which is why it's so damn creepy. One minute all the girls will be happy together at school, and then the next thing you know they're all murdering each other (don't worry, that's not a spoiler, but actually a plot point. You'll understand after like 5 episodes). Shit's really disturbing xD
All Comments (56) Comments
We are bringing back the custom signatures and wallpapers for the 2023 Bunkasai this weekend, we hope to see you there!
You can request a new or updated custom signature by posting a pic in the Image Swap, I hope to see yours there we have a lot of amazing shares there: https://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=2118354
(I will try to reply to my favorite posts there!)
You can request another custom wallpaper for your phone (the Colorful Card design) by voting in the custom CSS contest- please check out the layout designs, our members put a lot of effort into them as well and your feedback is welcome🙏
I will try to get them to become public designs we can all use later!
Hope to see you there on Sunday or Monday (we will close up requests on Monday). 🎉 Apologies if you already know or miss this event, but if you want to later you can always ask for the same graphics in my group anytime in the future!
Colorful Card Album Links
This is your parting gift from the MAL Bunkasai custom cards event- the huge Colorful Card! Thanks for participating, I hope the event was fun for you. I'm absolutey honored so many people requested and enjoyed my designs.
Hopefully we will all see each other again!!! 🥰️
Your pool's card album
#91-#100 by Jery_js ✅ https://imgur.com/a/2h6VVka
All past signature and card deliveries from this event (including Ornate and Magical Autumn) will always be linked here if needed with backup albums. Your original request post was also updated with your ticket proof if ever needed.
If you liked our cards, tickets designs, and custom sigs, please join our group Shishio's Custom MyAnimeList for more cards and events in the future. We also have ways to customize your lists, profile, make original graphics, and add exclusive features to MAL! Cool new content and features are planned for 2023.
Many volunteers helped make the cards and picked amazing images! All listed below. Big thanks to them for their hard work!!!
Want a redo, or can't find yours?
so try it out on your phone >:D
I just find Letterboxd to be really convenient overall, and I just like the simplicity of the UI.
Oh, speaking of horror, I also made a list of my top 20 works of horror if you wanna check it out: https://letterboxd.com/greyleaf/list/good-horror-ranked/ I'm not exactly a huge horror buff, but these are just ones that I really enjoyed, or found to be a cut above the rest.
I hope you enjoy Steins;Gate, man! It's one of the two series that got me interested in anime again as an adult, and the fact that I've now seen it three times and continue to consider it an all-time favorite of mine really testifies to its quality. Even as my taste within the medium has matured, it's always felt relevant. Anyway, I hope you end up liking as well! ^_^
Btw, you absolutely need to watch Mononoke. If you're enjoying Aku no Hana for the art style, I guarantee you'll love it. Frankly AnH didn't appeal very much to me, as I frankly found the manga to be much better and I'm not a fan of rotoscoping, but to each their own! Anyway, here's a short review I wrote on Mononoke: https://letterboxd.com/greyleaf/film/mononoke/
I also just watched the film The Witch a couple nights ago and loved it. Thought you might be interested in reading this as well (this one's extremely short): https://letterboxd.com/greyleaf/film/the-witch-2015/
That's awesome you enjoyed Gantz so much. Idk, the premise never really appealed all to much to me, especially with the brutality of the manga (from what I had heard). Not sure if we had discussed this before, but the type of horror that appeals to me is the more atmospheric stuff like Itou, or in films such as The Shining.
As for the blog, I had a few entries up, but removed the majority for now, as I'm in the process of moving them to an actual wordpress blog in the future. Idk when that'll be, but I'll let you know xD
Also, When They Cry is sooo disturbing lol. I'm 16 episodes in and I have no idea what the hell is going on, but in a good way. This might be the best mystery series I've seen in a long, long time. :O
Yeah dude, just be prepared for a very slow, relaxing show. Archaeon's reviews were actually what first inspired me to take a look at the show to begin with: https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?id=1839 That dude is a tough critic, so to see how Aria the Origination was one of his only two "10"s out of over a thousand shows was what really got me interested, haha
Dude yes, you'll love Higurashi. Without a doubt. This show, so far, is a master of tone shifts, which is why it's so damn creepy. One minute all the girls will be happy together at school, and then the next thing you know they're all murdering each other (don't worry, that's not a spoiler, but actually a plot point. You'll understand after like 5 episodes). Shit's really disturbing xD