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Jul 8, 2022 1:58 AM

Apr 2014
The broadcasting of EP. 2 on 9 July was canceled. The third episode will normally be broadcast on 16 July.

The reason behind is because the second episode got the plot about the president's assassination. And it is related to what happened to Shinzo Abe, Japan's former PM, today.

AkeZZZJul 8, 2022 2:19 AM
Jul 8, 2022 2:09 AM
Jun 2022
AkeZZZ said:
The broadcasting of EP. 2 on 9 July was canceled. The third episode will normally be broadcast on 16 July.

Why was it cancelled?
Jul 8, 2022 2:10 AM

Sep 2020
So are they airing airing episode 2 with 3 next week? The way they phrased it is very weird

Edit: After reading the comments it seems it has something to do with the former PM being shot today. Perhaps they mentioned him or something on episode 2
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Jul 8, 2022 2:13 AM

Sep 2020
Pinapple- said:
AkeZZZ said:
The broadcasting of EP. 2 on 9 July was canceled. The third episode will normally be broadcast on 16 July.

Why was it cancelled?

It has something to do with the former PM being shot today
Yuri_NijiJul 8, 2022 2:17 AM
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Jul 8, 2022 2:15 AM
Nov 2021
Notice of change in broadcast content]
Regarding the second episode of the TV anime "Teppen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" broadcast from 7/9 (Sat.), the broadcast was canceled due to various circumstances and the first episode was rebroadcast. increase.

The third episode will be broadcast sequentially from Saturday, July 16th.

Thank you for your understanding.
Jul 8, 2022 2:16 AM
Dec 2017
Yuri_Niji said:
So are they airing airing episode 2 with 3 next week? The way they phrased it is very weird

Edit: After reading the comments it seems it has something to do with the former PM being shot today. Perhaps they mentioned him or something on episode 2

Base on the synopsis, episode 2 has a story about stopping the plan to assassinate the president.

No words about whether the episode will be included in the bluray.
Jul 8, 2022 2:36 AM

Jul 2015
It is understandable. Hits way too close to home.

Jul 8, 2022 3:23 AM
Oct 2017
i hope EP2 will stream on crunchyroll soon
Jul 8, 2022 3:38 AM
Jul 2018
i hope EP2 will stream on crunchyroll soon

most likely it won't because of the premise of the episode with what has happened
Jul 8, 2022 4:25 AM

Dec 2010
Welp, guess that's the final nail in the coffin for this show. It already wasn't very popular to begin with, but now there'll even be a bunch of people who won't bother continuing to watch it because of episode skipping. This was a rare Manzai show that was actually funny, so it's a real shame this had to happen...
I just hope the Studio won't get hit too hard by this loss in viewers, especially since it's a newly established one.
Gotta say though, I'm not a fan of outright cancelling entertainment because of some recent events, even when they hit very close to home. I wonder if they will at least release the episode on Blu-ray later. I could see them just completely removing the episode altogether and never releasing it, or releasing a heavily altered version.
Jul 8, 2022 4:53 AM

Dec 2021
so 2nd and 3rd eps will be aired today
Jul 8, 2022 5:19 AM

Sep 2020
xotourlife said:
so 2nd and 3rd eps will be aired today

Nope, the 2nd episode just won’t air today or never will. The next episode will be episode 3 that will be out next week. Today is a rebroadcast of the first episode
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Jul 8, 2022 5:23 AM

Sep 2020
DarkDooM2 said:
Welp, guess that's the final nail in the coffin for this show. It already wasn't very popular to begin with, but now there'll even be a bunch of people who won't bother continuing to watch it because of episode skipping. This was a rare Manzai show that was actually funny, so it's a real shame this had to happen...
I just hope the Studio won't get hit too hard by this loss in viewers, especially since it's a newly established one.
Gotta say though, I'm not a fan of outright cancelling entertainment because of some recent events, even when they hit very close to home. I wonder if they will at least release the episode on Blu-ray later. I could see them just completely removing the episode altogether and never releasing it, or releasing a heavily altered version.

I really hope they do release it in some way but I don’t think anything major plot wise will happen in the 2nd episode so it should be all good. I really enjoy this anime so it’s sad to see we will be losing an episode
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Jul 8, 2022 5:24 AM

Dec 2021
Yuri_Niji said:
xotourlife said:
so 2nd and 3rd eps will be aired today

Nope, the 2nd episode just won’t air today or never will. The next episode will be episode 3 that will be out next week. Today is a rebroadcast of the first episode

bruh, the hell? thts so dumb yk
Jul 8, 2022 7:26 AM

Feb 2020
unfortunate. Though im still mildly interested in whatever Ep. 2 has to offer, so i might just check it out in the manga or something
Jul 8, 2022 8:02 AM
Jul 2018
xotourlife said:
Yuri_Niji said:

Nope, the 2nd episode just won’t air today or never will. The next episode will be episode 3 that will be out next week. Today is a rebroadcast of the first episode

bruh, the hell? thts so dumb yk

it's because of what has happened and what episode was about is the reason why the episode won't air
Jul 8, 2022 8:35 AM

Dec 2021
Otaku_Campers_ said:
xotourlife said:

bruh, the hell? thts so dumb yk

it's because of what has happened and what episode was about is the reason why the episode won't air

oh, i see. oh, its comedy anime afterall
Jul 8, 2022 9:30 AM

Jul 2017
Undoubtedly, with the sudden assassination of former PM Shinzo Abe, it's inevitable that Episode 2's content will receive massive backlash if it aired, so it made sense to cancel the episode from TV broadcast.

Though I'm gonna hold the possibility that it'll most defo be released on Blu-Ray and DVD.
Jul 8, 2022 10:09 AM
Jun 2020
Amazing how so many anime get easily deleted over this it may never air at all. It is a good thing Japan is such a stable country otherwise most anime would have episodes randomly gone from tangential relations to current events at any given time.
Jul 8, 2022 10:30 AM

May 2012
So there is no chance that we will ever see it ?? I hope it come out in BD at least !!
thepathJul 8, 2022 10:34 AM
Jul 8, 2022 10:37 AM
Vanship Pilot

Aug 2018
Seems weird that this would happen before we hear anything about Lycoris Recoil.
Jul 8, 2022 10:54 AM

Oct 2011
RIP Abe Shinzo 😭
Jul 8, 2022 1:47 PM
Jan 2022
Yeah, with what the plot that was going to be now is not a good time, especially with it being so recent. I totally understand the episode being cancelled it'd be in bath faith to air this.
Jul 8, 2022 2:31 PM
Apr 2019
In the meantime of the late night of the incident day, the repeat of «ALDNOAH/ZERO» has begun on schedule, despite its episode #1 describes the SEVERE ASSASSINATION of one of the protagonists V.I.P.

«Teppen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!» is distributed through a variety of channels including some local conventional stations, while «A/Z» is being brought back on the air by BS11, an independent satellite broadcasting entertainment channel this time.
Tokyo MX had carried the premiere «A/Z» show together with other channels, which is the leading broadcaster of «Teppen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!» as well now.
Jul 8, 2022 3:04 PM

Nov 2021
Wow, that's some really bad timing. What a shame, hopefully there isn't too much of a continuity gap between episodes
Jul 8, 2022 5:01 PM

May 2021
Does this mean it won't be released in the Blu-ray version either?

Jul 8, 2022 5:43 PM
Sep 2012
RioFS said:
Does this mean it won't be released in the Blu-ray version either?

Uncertain as of this moment. I think it'll be on the Blu-Ray (in one form or another) but it could possibly be dropped.
Jul 9, 2022 7:24 AM

Nov 2010
This incident suggests that episode 3 hasn't been delivered to the broadcaster yet. I wonder how much buffer time they have between deliverty and airing in general. It seems the schedule is very tight.
Jul 9, 2022 1:12 PM

Jan 2012
It's interesting that this was cancelled when Lycoris Recoil, which has gun violence, was not. I get it though, the assassination nature of the episode plot and whatnot. I'm not saying they shouldn't have cancelled, just unfortunate circumstances of the world in which we live. I'm a bit conflicted on what to do with this show personally now though. It would be one thing if they simply waited a week and aired episode 2 next week, but to jump straight to 3 and presumably never air 2 until maybe after a blu-ray release if even then? It leaves a bad taste in my mouth purely from a viewership perspective. I suppose a comedy series which ostensibly has at best a very loose over-arching plot could get away with it better than a more serious, story-driven series. But personally I've no desire to skip episodes of any show much less one I just started watching. What I'll probably end up doing is swapping this out of my Summer 2022 watch lineup and replacing it with one of my "stand-bys"(shows I planned to watch that were airing this season eventually, but not weekly) and hope episode 2 comes someday, even if only after a blu-ray release. Not a perfect solution, but when real life events intercede there rarely if ever is one I suppose.
Jul 10, 2022 12:40 AM
Neet Specter

Mar 2022
I'm sad to hear the episode is cancelled because of a maniac.. it's strange this incident happened in Japan of all place.. they've such strict gun laws...but it was a homemade gun so the police didn't do their jobs in protecting Abe as he was prime minister any more they slacked off .

But good thing the anime isn't cancelled because of it . which would have been a strange reason

Jul 10, 2022 2:14 AM
Vanship Pilot

Aug 2018
RiverSorcerer said:
RioFS said:
Does this mean it won't be released in the Blu-ray version either?

Uncertain as of this moment. I think it'll be on the Blu-Ray (in one form or another) but it could possibly be dropped.

I would like to say it's an unreasonably stupid thing to do to force an episode that was already completed into the realm of lost media, but we know it's not entirely out of the question (see Pastel Memories). Hopefully they'll release it when the dust has settled
Jul 10, 2022 7:47 AM
Jul 2008
animefan8800 said:
It's interesting that this was cancelled when Lycoris Recoil, which has gun violence, was not. I get it though, the assassination nature of the episode plot and whatnot.

If anything, Engage Kiss hits closer home than LicoReco this week - they have
And it wasn't cancelled. But maybe the difference is that probably Teppen can live with that gap, while the story of Kiss might make no sense later.
Jul 12, 2022 2:10 PM

May 2016
Has this even happened before ever where they cancel an episode because backlash?
Jul 12, 2022 2:57 PM

Nov 2011
in case it's of interest, although at this point someone else probably already made a translation but anyway.
translation of episode 2 description, with some leeway. Note that i changed the order of the 1st sentence to sound more natural in English.
【translator notes】 (omitted words)

Episode 2
When returning from (her) morning jog, young and boisterous Takahashi Yomogi, picked up an ema 【note: 絵馬(ema) is a wooden tablet where people write their wishes and can be found in shrines】 in the vicinity of Takako Inn. (Yomogi) returned to (her) dorm and told 【lit: reported】about it to Yayoi and Yuzu, but on the back side of the ema there was a writing 『tonight at 8 (the plans for) President assassination (will be) carried out』.

The young and boisterous trio reason on which fellow from the Takako Inn is scheming to commit the crime and decide to uncover the true criminal and persuade (them) (not to proceed with their plans). Can (the trio) find the criminal before 20h00 and prevent the plan of President assassination (from being carried out)!?

it makes sense that they would skip episode 2 in light of what happened. truly a sad and unfortunate situation.
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Jul 13, 2022 9:51 AM
Dec 2019
this is really weird, Understandable, but never seen this coming
Jul 13, 2022 12:40 PM

Oct 2013
I always thought it was stupid to censor stuff like this just because of random real world events.
This episode and anime had nothing to do with what happened, it wasn't the inspiration behind the attack, hell Shinzo Abe isn't even prime minister anymore So why should it even matter!

Japan just seems like an oversensitive country to me. What's next if a boyfriend gets stabbed when in a love triangle no more rom-coms with harems, If someone gets hit by a truck tomorrow will any Isekai anime not get to be aired, some kid gets kidnapped no more shadow house.......just give me a break!

Would you not release a movie or how about not publish a book. Should they cancel concerts or any comedy shows laughing cause Abe died!
Jul 13, 2022 12:55 PM

Jul 2019
ayo wth. hearing this made me more intrigued to watch this now, bruh.

Kayle_x_Morgana said:
Has this even happened before ever where they cancel an episode because backlash?
idk about cancelled, but a similar case (and prolly the most famous) was School Days last ep getting postponed because of the content relating to something similar happening irl.
Jul 16, 2022 11:52 AM

Jul 2008
NextUniverse said:
ayo wth. hearing this made me more intrigued to watch this now, bruh.

Kayle_x_Morgana said:
Has this even happened before ever where they cancel an episode because backlash?
idk about cancelled, but a similar case (and prolly the most famous) was School Days last ep getting postponed because of the content relating to something similar happening irl.

Nice boat 👍 🛥️
Jul 16, 2022 5:51 PM
Oct 2020
Wait so they just aren't gonna air the second ep ever wtf.
Jul 16, 2022 6:04 PM
Playing Uranium!

Jun 2017
I'll be honest, I think this is the first time since the OG pokémon that a show I've watched had an episode straight up cancelled instead of just post-poned or delayed, a little bummed about it but their timing with that joke was indeed terrible so not much they could do there but cancel it..=.='>3
Jul 17, 2022 1:23 AM

Nov 2012
DreamingBeats said:
in case it's of interest, although at this point someone else probably already made a translation but anyway.
translation of episode 2 description, with some leeway. Note that i changed the order of the 1st sentence to sound more natural in English.
【translator notes】 (omitted words)

Episode 2
When returning from (her) morning jog, young and boisterous Takahashi Yomogi, picked up an ema 【note: 絵馬(ema) is a wooden tablet where people write their wishes and can be found in shrines】 in the vicinity of Takako Inn. (Yomogi) returned to (her) dorm and told 【lit: reported】about it to Yayoi and Yuzu, but on the back side of the ema there was a writing 『tonight at 8 (the plans for) President assassination (will be) carried out』.

The young and boisterous trio reason on which fellow from the Takako Inn is scheming to commit the crime and decide to uncover the true criminal and persuade (them) (not to proceed with their plans). Can (the trio) find the criminal before 20h00 and prevent the plan of President assassination (from being carried out)!?

it makes sense that they would skip episode 2 in light of what happened. truly a sad and unfortunate situation.

Thanks for the translation!

My Candies 2024

My Old Candies:
Jul 23, 2022 4:53 AM

Aug 2017
baulaergrungim said:
animefan8800 said:
It's interesting that this was cancelled when Lycoris Recoil, which has gun violence, was not. I get it though, the assassination nature of the episode plot and whatnot.

If anything, Engage Kiss hits closer home than LicoReco this week - they have
And it wasn't cancelled. But maybe the difference is that probably Teppen can live with that gap, while the story of Kiss might make no sense later.

I think part of the issue isn't just the content in the show, it's the fact that Engage Kiss and LycoReco are both rather serious stories where people are already expecting violence while Teppen is a comedy. so the episode was probably making a fair amount of assassination jokes that would be seen as being in poor taste considering what happened irl.
Jul 23, 2022 11:47 AM
Jul 2008
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
Has this even happened before ever where they cancel an episode because backlash?

Yeah, School Days, mentioned before, there was a case of an actual murder with an axe or something like that; and Enen no Shouboutai (this one was simply because of the theme of the show, I think) after the arson of an anime studio. In Softeni they censored scenes with a flood, because it aired soon after the famous huge quake and tsunami a few years back.
Jul 23, 2022 1:34 PM

May 2016
baulaergrungim said:
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
Has this even happened before ever where they cancel an episode because backlash?

Yeah, School Days, mentioned before, there was a case of an actual murder with an axe or something like that; and Enen no Shouboutai (this one was simply because of the theme of the show, I think) after the arson of an anime studio. In Softeni they censored scenes with a flood, because it aired soon after the famous huge quake and tsunami a few years back.

The world would be a better place if they canceled that abomination school days.
Aug 21, 2022 1:00 AM

Apr 2014

TEPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ep.2 will be broadcast on September 10.

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